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Mesopotamian Architecture
->is an evident in its palaces
and temple. The distinguishing
characteristic is the ziggurat.
->tower built at successive
levels, with ramps leading from
one platform to the next. In many
respects, the Ziggurat is like the
modern building with setbacks.
Because of the use of brick,
however, the Assyrians developed
the arch and its multiple, the
canopy. Shaped value was
destined to be among the most
important and influential devices
in the history of architecture.
->high overarching covering,
such as the sky.
->The uppermost layer in a
forest, formed by the crowns of
the trees.
->A protective rooflike
covering, often of canvas, mounted
on a frame over a walkway or door.
In Mesopotamia, the corners
of the Ziggurat pointed north,
south, east and west. The vertical
walls of each story of the Ziggurat
were closed, in the temple of
Babylon, built by Nebuchadnezzar
in 6 century B.C.
The stones were colored
ite, black, blue, yellow, silver
d gold from bottom to top.
e effect may have been Garish
t at the base, it was striking.

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