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Hello!! All good examples so far!!

The way I usually go about giving a good report/systems approach


History: Any pertinant history: CVA 2004, no residual effects. MI 2001- stent to LAD. Hypertension.
Peripheral vascular disease. Diabetic- oral coverage.
Allergies: PCN/Sulfa.

I then start at the top and go down:

Neuro: Pt awakens to verbal stimulation. Oriented to person. Needs frequent reorientation to place
and time/date. PERL. Follows direction appropriately. MAEs within normal limits/to command. Stregnth
equal bilaterally. Temp WNL.

Cardiac: Friction rub noted upon auscultation. Rhythm regualr. (tele: NSR without ectopy). DP/DT
pulses 1+. Radial pulses 2+. Cap Refill 2-3 sec. Extremeties cool to touch. No edema or cyanosis

Respiratory: Wheezing noted throughout on auscultation. 3L NC for O2 sats 90-93%. Med nebs
administered prn. Pursed lip breathing noted at rest. SOB with minimal exertion.

GU: BS present x4. Abd. soft and nontender. PEG tube in place. TF: Glucerna at 90 cc/hr. <10 cc
residual. Tolerated feeding well. BM x1 QD.

GI: Foley catheter in place. QS. Draining clear amber urine.

PICC line noted LUE. Patent. Dressing CDI.

As for forms, I made up my own. Just keep it basic and get a system down. You can do a pretty
through assessment in a couple of minutes- it starts the minute you walk into the room- What does
the patient look like. Are they working hard to breathe? Are they cool to the touch, lethargic and pasty
in color? Or- are they warm to the touch, alert approprite with no obvious difficulties? Start your
assessment before you even talk to the patient and learn a systems approach that makes sense to
you. It may take you a couple of tries to find out an order that you like. the more you practice, the
easier and faster (and more accurate) you will be..

A. Head (Skull, Scalp, Hair)

B. Face
C. Eyebrows, Eyes and Eyelashes
D. Eye lids and Lacrimal Apparatus
E. Conjuctivae
F. Sclerae
G. Cornea
H. Anterior Chamber and Iris
I. Pupils
J. Cranial Nerve II (optic nerve)
K. Cranial Nerve III, IV & VI (Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens)
L. Ears
M. Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
N. Cranial Nerve I (olfactory Nerve)
O. Neck
P. Thorax ( Cardiovascular System)
Q. Breast
R. Abdomen
S. Extremities

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