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By Sasha

In the land of the of the long white clouds there lived a boy called Maui Tiki Tiki Ataranga
and his 4 brothers who loved to play.. They spent almost half the day playing high spiritedly
outside. One morning Maui and his brothers went to play outside as they do every day.
After only 5 minutes of playing, suddenly the sun went down and they had to go back

This 5 of playtime continued on and on each and every day. Maui and his brothers got so
tired and annoyed and they questioned their father,” What can we do? We want more time
outside to play said Maui and his brothers. Maui’s father replied, “You can go and slow
down the sun”, The 4 brothers proudly jogged into the forest leaving Maui Tiki behind at
home, Back at home Maui asked his father “ Can I please join my brothers on their journey
to the sun gods house? His father stated “Of course go ahead”.

Maui sprinted into the forest to catch up with his brothers. Once Maui caught up with his
brothers, they exclaimed furiously “WHAT Are YOU doing here” Maui replied calmly “Father
gave me permission to join you”. The 4 brothers looked very disappointed but they knew
they had to carry on. The brothers traveled day and night. Maui and his brothers came up
with a strategy to sleep in that 5 min of day light and travel at night.

Once they approached the sun gods house Maui had created a plan, when the sun god was
sleeping Maui planned to put a broad net which they had made on their way here. Maui
explained to his brothers “Ok so the plan is, once we see him sneak up quietly then put the
net over him silently and PULL as hard as you can!” Maui and his brothers reached the sun
god then Maui whispered quietly “ready, 1….2…3..! And they put the net over him. Maui
shouted “PULL!!!!” and the sun god woke up and yelled” What are you doing! Let me go
now” “No Maui replied we’ll let you go after you agree to slow yourself down” The sun god
agreed. “Promise?” yes”.

In 1 day Maui and his brothers got 24 hours in total.

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