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EXACT – Minutes meeting Mönchengladbach Germany March 18 –

March 20 2010

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
[communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

a. Partner presentations
b. Meeting presentations and hand-out
EXACT – Minutes meeting Mönchengladbach Germany March 18 –
March 20 2010


EXACT Kick-off Meeting - 18/19/20 March 2010 - Monchengladbach

The purpose of the meeting is to:

Make acquaintance
Develop a common understanding of the project objectives, tasks and expected results.
Clarify project management and administrative procedures.
Develop a timetable for the upcoming period.

Day 1: Thursday, 18 March

09:00 Opening – Word of welcome by Reinhold Schiffers, Head of School Monchengladbach

09:20 Word of welcome by Jacques Jansen, Arcus College, applicant of EXACT

09:45 Making acquaintance:

Individual presentation of participants
Presentation of partner institutions  PowerPoint presentation of 5 minutes max.

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Presentation of the KA-4 project EXACT:

Objectives: Centre of Expertise / Centre of Excellence
Transversal Programme: referring to previous European projects
Work Packages and WP-leaders
Outcomes and deliverables
Composition of this partnership / consortium

15:00 Group session 1: objectives, goals, envisaged outcomes, ways of cooperating, individual
roles of partners, roles of WP-leaders, collective ownership of the project, ….

16:30 Plenary session: agreement on the main proposals developed in the group work sessions

Day 2: Friday, 19 March

09:00 Presentation of Quality Assurance in the EXACT project and the implications for the
pedagogical-didactic products we want to disseminate, by Barbara Brodigan, leading role in
WP 7 Quality Assurance and standard setting
Submission number: 505609-LLP-1-2009-1-NL-KA4-KA4MP
09:45 Group session 2: discussion on the basic principles presented by Barbara Brodigan and the
consequences for cooperation in the EXACT project

11:30 Plenary session: conclusions

12:30 Lunch

14:00 2 Development WP’s:

WP 2 Learning for Life, WP leader  CE.S.I.E
WP 3 Learning for a Job, WP leader  E2C Châlons-en-Champagne
Brief introduction

14:30 Group session 3:

A. General debate on cooperation, choice of previous projects to base our work on,
how to proceed as a group, etc.
B. Role of partners and WP leaders

16:00 Plenary session: conclusions

16:45 Group session 4:

A. Dissemination and Networking, WP leader  die Berater
B. Dissemination towards teachers, WP leader  WBK
C. Exploitation and Incorporation, WP leader  Ingrado

Day 3: Saturday, 20 March

09:00 Plenary session: conclusion on Dissemination strategy, dissemination actions and


10:00 Internal communication: e-mail, online meetings, Skype, newsletters, face-to-face

transnational meetings, online workspace, etc.

External communication: website, dissemination aspects during transnational meetings

11.15 Project Management: contractual and financial issues

Staff costs: time sheets
Travel and subsistence costs
Other costs

12:30 External evaluation by Open University NL

12:45 Time table, planning, recapitulation of main decisions

Submission number: 505609-LLP-1-2009-1-NL-KA4-KA4MP
EXACT – Minutes meeting Mönchengladbach Germany March 18 –
March 20 2010


EXACT – Minutes meeting Mönchengladbach Germany March 18 –
March 20 2010


EXACT – Minutes meeting Mönchengladbach
Germany March 18 – March 20 2010

"This project has been funded with support from the European
Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views
only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained

EXACT – Minutes meeting Mönchengladbach Germany March 18 –
March 20 2010 .................................................................................... 1
Day 1 – March 18 2010 ................................................................... 3
Welcome Reinhold Schiffers ....................................................... 3
Welcome Jacques Jansen ............................................................ 3
Institutional presentations.......................................................... 4
Presentation of EXACT ................................................................ 5
Group session Project EXACT ...................................................... 7
Cultural event Abteiberg Museum ............................................. 8
Day 2 – March 19 2010 ................................................................... 9
Presentation about quality assurance by Barbara Brodigan ...... 9
Group session on quality aspects and position of CoE ............... 9
The development work packages ............................................. 14
The dissemination work packages ............................................ 20
Project management ................................................................ 22
Next EXACT-meeting ................................................................. 22
Day 3 – March 20 2010 ................................................................. 23
Minutes meeting EXACT Mönchengladbach
March 18 – March 20 2010
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Introduction Youth Summit Nörrkoping ................................... 23
Internal and external communication ...................................... 24
External evaluation ................................................................... 25
List of decisions ......................................................................... 25

Minutes meeting EXACT Mönchengladbach

March 18 – March 20 2010
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Day 1 – March 18 2010
Franz Sarah Cecilia Barbara Daniel Ilias Lieke Helene
Emmanuel Dirk
- Peter
Fia Herwig
Kjell Peter
Raymond Zsuzsanna
Bert Reinhold
Chris Jacques

Welcome Reinhold Schiffers

Reinhold Schiffers welcomes the participants in Mönchengladbach.
The meeting is held in Weiterbildungskolleg. Each participant found
a small information package in the hotel. As an introduction game
each participant receives four questions to be asked to four other

Welcome Jacques Jansen

On behalf of the project management and the applicant Jacques
Jansen welcomes everyone to the kick-off meeting of EXACT.
Jacques remembers the proximity of Belgium and The Netherlands
in respect to the location the meeting is held. It feels like a home

First the relation between GR1 (Devoted) and KA4 (Exact) is

highlighted; CESO is coordinator as a separate partner in DEVOTED,
Jacques Jansen and Chris Janssen are responsible for the project
management. In Exact Jacques Jansen and Chris Janssen coordinate
on behalf of Arcus College. Arcus College is represented by four
participants and the Belgian trainee Hélène Monsieur.

The project EXACT suffered from a delay in administrative problems.

Between Arcus College and EACEA were some questions concerning
VAT and the status of Arcus College (public or private). Finally, the
problems are cleared with the consequence that the project should
be speeded up a little.

There is a strong need to keep Exact and Devoted separate; the

Commission (EACEA) already recognized the possibility of overlap in
the two project; risk of double funding, lack of efficiency. There is
therefore a collective responsibility for the partnership to keep both
projects separate.

The composition of the consortium is done with care; regarding the

geographic spreading, specific contributions to different contents of
Minutes meeting EXACT Mönchengladbach
March 18 – March 20 2010
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the project, expertise in supportive services and network
possibilities; EXACT has a clear strong hold. Thereby, there is a
relation with E2C-Europe, but certainly not exclusively as more
networks are available.

Language problems are recognized to be possibly slowing down the

project. This means that we cope with them just by taking time and
“trial and error”.

Institutional presentations
All the presentations are attached in the annexes.

1. E2CNörrkopping
2. Arcus College
3. Ingrado
4. OFI
5. Doncaster College
6. Ass. Art. 27
8. Die Berater
9. E2C Gijon E2C Champagne Ardenne
11. WBK

Rich partnership: skills, expertise, networks, geographic spreading

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Presentation of EXACT
The full presentation of Jacques Jansen is enclosed in the annexes.

Two years ago Arcus College organized a preparatory meeting to

prepare the COEXIST-proposal. Unfortunately this proposal did not
make it. This time Arcus College won two projects: EXACT
(transversal programme, Key Activities 4) and DEVOTED (Grundtvig).

In Grundtvig it is possible to develop, within the consortium,

products in the area of (adult) education. DEVOTED therefore
focuses on three main themes: 1) Key, social and citizenship
competences; 2) Interculturality, gender and diversity; 3) creative
skills and ICT competencies. Accent is on development, although
dissemination and exploitation are obligatory.

In EXACT the accent is more on dissemination and exploitation. Still

there is a need to develop (finalize) products that can be
disseminated and exploited. Although, there is no chronological
order or dependency in reaching the goals and/or deliverables for
both projects. In other words, both projects can be carried out
separate from each other.

Final objective for both projects is however the same: to build a

sustainable European infrastructure for dissemination and
exploitation of good practices in the field of adult education. This
infrastructure is both physical as digital available and can possibly
act as further training centre for professionals working with the

Minutes meeting EXACT Mönchengladbach

March 18 – March 20 2010
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DEVOTED and EXACT can be divided as follows (analogue to the
discussion held in DEVOTED kick-off-meeting in Doncaster):

Centre of Excellence


Good Practices Train the Organizational Pool of

trainers development experts

Adult education Transversal: focus on life skills and on

(Grundtvig)(focus employability (e.g. Grundtig, Leonardo
on life skills) da Vinci

Figure 1: towards CoE, the relation and difference between DEVOTED and EXACT

Merely DEVOTED aims at collecting, selecting, testing, finalizing,

exploiting and disseminating good practices in the field of adult
education. The EXACT-project focuses upon implementing,
finalizing, exploiting and disseminating good practices in all domains
of lifelong learning (=transversality: learning for life and learning for
the world of work). Thereby, EXACT is a first step for the
organizational development of the future centre of excellence. The
centre of excellence acts, as final objective, as a kind of warehouse
were all the materials are stored and ready to used/picked by
professionals working with the disadvantaged.

Clearly, the transversal programme is built upon results of former

projects. Thereby several European sub programmes have to be
connected; e.g. Grundtvig, Leonardo, Youth in action. EXACT merely
focuses upon former projects in Grundtvig and Leonardo. Partners
in EXACT have taken part in these projects; although, it is recognized
that copyright issues might be relevant. Projects that were not
included in the EXACT-application, can still be taken aboard;
important however is to keep in mind that the products of EXACT
have to be based upon former projects. Also the balance between
products from Grundtvig and from Leonardo is important. Direct
target group of EXACT are teachers, trainers and coaches; the final
beneficiaries, the disadvantaged target group is reached via these
direct target group. The consortium contains key-partners en
dissemination partners. Explicitly this does not mean that one
category is more important than the other. Although partners are
selected and “used” according to their expertise.

Minutes meeting EXACT Mönchengladbach

March 18 – March 20 2010
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Group session Project EXACT
In four diverse groups is discussed upon the following items of
EXACT: objectives, goals, envisaged outcomes, ways of cooperating,
individual roles of partners, roles of WP-leaders, collective
ownership of the project. The following questions were asked:

- Do you have a clear idea of the scope of this project?

What is still unclear?
- In how far you or your institution is interested in a
(European) Centre of Expertise? With other words:
what about your ambition being part of a consortium on
the long run?
- Do you have concrete expectations with regard to the
envisaged outcomes of EXACT?
- Do you have a clear view / idea of your role and of the
role of the WP leaders?

Group 1
1. Scope of project
Project management and quality for whole project life cycle
Development in two work packages
Dissemination and exploitation in remaining (three) work
2. In how far is your institution interested in the CoE?
Empower teachers
Using methods developed in previous projects
More inventive in tackling the target group (of youngsters)
3. Do you have concrete expectations/what is your own role?

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Collaboration as WP leader, WP participant, WP monitor
(critical friend)

Group 2
1. Scope of project
Physical or digital?
One or more centres?
How broad is target group?
• What determines what is a good practice? (validation)
2. In how far is your institution interested in the CoE?
• interested yes, but group can be broadened
3. Do you have concrete expectations/what is your own role?
• everyone has to contribute in diss., dev. and expl.
Problem of translation; online in English or in each language;
various languages are a necessity
Regular contact between partners
Group 3
1. Scope of project
Ware house idea
Experienced and start up schools
Platform for teachers to enhance training for new and “old”
Content is unclear (rules of resources?)
2. In how far is your institution interested in the CoE?
• Finances are a question
Linked to existing structures
Relation between providers
3. Do you have concrete expectations/what is your own role?
Language is debatable.
It should contribute to motivating teachers
Cooperation between partners.

Cultural event Abteiberg Museum

In the afternoon the EXACT-partners are welcomed by the vice-
major of Mönchengladbach, Klaus Schäfer, in the Abteiberg
Museum. The vice-major introduces the city and the museum. The
Abteiberg Museum is a municipal museum for contemporary art in
Mönchengladbach. More information via

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March 18 – March 20 2010
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Day 2 – March 19 2010
Presentation about quality assurance by Barbara Brodigan
The presentation by Barbara Brodigan is added as an annex.

Group session on quality aspects and position of CoE

The following questions are the input for the group discussions on
quality aspects and the position of the Centre of Excellence:

1. Is the CoE an organisation or a warehouse of products?

2. What competencies do the mobile teams need to
disseminate? Can you add or detract from the matrix? What
methods can be used to determine quality?
3. How can the quality of the CoE be guaranteed? Are the CoE-
indicators sufficient?
4. How can the matrixes be used? What problems/issues are
5. Cycle of quality assurance? Timescales? How?, Who?
6. Which methods of measuring quality should we use?

Within four groups (G1 t/m G4) these questions are discussed and, if
possible, answered;


1. CoE is a warehouse; it has to be sustainable, organization is

difficult to keep alive. Several departments in the
warehouse (job, life) related to European competence
2. Global quality check; 1) relevance for the warehouse, 2)
intrinsic value of the project (inter user evaluation and peer
report; user friendly, direct usable, attractiveness (language,
form, original), adaptability)
3. Goals warehouse; attractive in its surrounding for direct
users and interested persons ???
4. Quality of dissemination; practical grounds (costs,
translation), quality assurance (critical friend)

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Figure 2: Summary G1 quality aspects and position CoE


a. Production phase (validated by users and trainers;
products in standardized template for accessibility
and usability; what are the indicators for the quality
of a product)
b. Testing
c. Using
2. Template
3. Action research

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Figure 3: Summary G2 quality aspects and position CoE


1. Warehouse is important; less formalized, less managed.

Virtual organization is possibility, but with management
2. User friendly is important
3. Quality of products
4. Quality of services
5. Teacher competencies need to be present in the train-the-
trainer concept (competencies need to be standardized)
6. How is mobile team organized; language, geographic
7. Test piloting is important of good practices (self reflection
within consortium and peer review)

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8. Indicators for quality assurance (bench marking, self-
assessment; quality measurement after project?)
9. Quality assurance revampted in May 2010; in October
finalizing the cycle.
10. Attention for the beneficiaries of the project: Professionals!!
11. Warehouse; browse, being informed!

Figure 4: Summary G3 quality aspects and position CoE


1. Organization; efficient and effective, preferable non-

governmental, run like company with financial support of

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for example government, content management, quality
2. What is quality: input, process, output.
3. Be aware of expectations; match expectations of trainer and
final beneficiary.
4. Train the trainer ánd train the management (capacity

Figure 5: Summary G4 quality aspects and position CoE

Out of the discussion in Group 4, the business model of the Centre

of Excellence can look like the following image:

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Figure 6: Business model CoE

In general three remarks are made concerning the quality aspects

and the future Centre of Excellence:

1. Feedback on quality documents will be provided by the

partners to Doncaster College within two weeks.
2. The follow-up of EXACT should be discussed and is a
responsibility of the whole consortium: additional financing
is possible out of several sources. Also the establishment of
a network can be taken in consideration.
3. Although the application concentrates sometimes on
teachers as target group, it is widely recognized that the
target group for the CoE is broader; All professionals
working with so called disadvantaged target groups are a
target in itself for the CoE. More specific coaches, trainers,
counsellors are regarded as target group.

The development work packages

A general introduction is done by Jacques Jansen. The exemplary
projects, on which the project application was based, are shown on
the pictures.

1. Learning for Life

The following partners take part in this work package: CESIE (WP
Leader), OFI, Art. 27, E2C Gijon, Ingrado, Arcus College,
Weiterbildungskolleg. In accordance with the application the

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objectives and products of this work package are identified as

• Identify min. 5 EU projects that facilitate the acquisition of
learning for life competences
• Identify min. 6 local preventative actions that facilitate the
acquisition of learning for life competences
• Develop Handbook and Inventory of preventative actions


1 Teacher handbook – manual for teachers

• Must allow the professional to use the practices directly
• Presentation of min. 5 finalized practices in the field of key-,
social, creative and/or citizenship competencies/tools
Inclusion of relevant reference literature and didactic
The booklet runs to 25 pages and will be translated in three

2 Inventory of preventative actions – overview of preventative

• Description of the organizational implications of local events
• Description of at least 6 examples of successful local actions.

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Figure 7: Exemplary projects LfL

The time schedule for WP 2 is developed as follows based on the

brainstorm in the work group. Later on a script for the
establishment of a focus group will be sent by CESIE.

Deadline Task WP leader role Partner role -

– CE.S.I.E
11/4/2010 Understanding of Learning For Life Send guidelines
- use tools developed by Barbara to partners
(template + competences)
Understanding description of
focus group method
15/4/2010– Research – min 1 EU project + local Research and find min. 1 EU
30/5/2010 preventative action finalized practice + local actions
Send to CE.S.I.E by 30/5/2010 Plus complete template for
NB: following projects (as suggested in
“local” action can be a application, division is suggested
preventative action developed at by CE.S.I.E so can be changed!):
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local, regional or national level SOCCER - ARCUS
Consider issue of copyright ACT - OFI
1/6/2010- Selection of EU + local actions in Grading + send
30/6/2010 “basket” (min. 6 EU projects / min. to partners
5 local actions)
Development of testing questions To be Feedback to CE.S.I.E
(to be used with Focus Group
Guidelines) + testing method
details to be confirmed (how many
sent to
per partner? Etc) partners for
feedback and
then finalized
by CE.S.I.E
1-14/7/2010 Discussion and agreement on All partners feedback
31/7/2010 Final decision on min. 5 EU
practices + min. 6 localised actions
1/8/2010 Testing – focus group method All wp partners develop focus
using indicators group
Focus group meeting
Write up of results to be
presented at
transnational meeting in
20-23/10/2010 Transnational Meeting: All wp partners participate
Presentation of test results
Evaluation + final selection
Planning of next steps
(development of products)
Meeting with Spanish focus group
– link with dissemination

Figure 8: time schedule WP 2

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Figure 9: Result work group LfL

2. Learning for a Job

The following partners take part in this work package: E2C Châlons
(WP Leader), Arcus College, Die Berater, ADREP, E2C Nörrkoping.

The timetable of this Development work package is agreed as


1. End of June 2010 the partners Nörrkoping, Arcus college (J.

Jansen) and die Berater will have evaluated the three exemplary
2. End of June 2010 the remaining will have researched other
3. End of September 2010 the WP Leader selects the best

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Figure 10: Exemplary projects LfJ

The dissemination work packages

WP 5
Within WP 5 five steps are identified to reach the objectives. First
step is a reader to be made by the WP Leader
(Weiterbildungskolleg); two weeks to make the reader, than two
weeks to react. The reader goes into detail concerning the way of
approaching the professionals. Second step is to form national
expert groups by the end of April 2010, so that they can apply for
the teacher training conference in Mönchengladbach in October
2010, in relation to the second teachers meeting of the European
second chance schools (step 3). This meeting is seen as a first
dissemination spot. In any case double funding should be avoided
concerning this meeting! Fourth step is to qualify the national
expert groups in training. Last step is to deliver the blue print for the
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conference model. The following shows the step up to the next
meeting within this work package:

Figure 11: Steps WP 5 up to next meeting

WP 6
Within WP 6 the more general marketing and dissemination strategy
of EXACT and the later CoE are discussed. The discussion within the
work package took place alongside the deliverables:

1. Marketing plan; the marketing plan includes a dissemination

strategy for the public and private sector in order to raise
awareness and to foster the sustainability of the EXACT/CoE.
2. Network analysis; the network analysis is prior to the other
deliverables in the work package. Three phases in the
analysis are identified; a tool for the analysis is necessary
and will be distributed by the work package leader (Die
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Berater). The dissemination platform will integrate all the
project documents. Form the meeting till June all the
necessary (preliminary) conditions will ready. From June till
September the analysis itself will be done by the partners.
Afterwards the link with exploitation will be made by
connecting to policy makers.
3. Dissemination material and news letter will be of later
concern as first products need to be available to be
4. Public parts of meetings will be connected to focus groups in
respective countries; in that way the focus group is the first
level of dissemination.

By Die Berater a preparatory paper will be developed and discussed

within the work package.

Project management
By the project management a presentation is held regarding the
management of the project. The enclosed presentation (annex)
gives an overview of the items handled. The project management
will provide the time sheet and the declaration form at short notice
accompanied with guidelines to use them. Thereby two proposals
will be made regarding the financial management.

Next EXACT-meeting
Depending on the budget, the proposal is to have five instead of
four transnational meetings. The planning of the next meeting is
important, because of a) the remaining project time and b) the
upcoming interim report. The next meeting will be held from
October 20 – October 23 2010; first option is Gijon (ES), second
option is Doncaster (UK). During the second meeting will be decided
whether EXACT will have four or five meetings.

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Day 3 – March 20 2010
Introduction Youth Summit Nörrkoping
Introduction of the Youth Summit in Nörrkoping as been organised
in the framework of E2C-Europe. The event will be held from April
18 till April 22 2010. The Youth Summit consists of a student
meeting and a teacher meeting. The EXACT-consortium will take
part in the Summit via the partners Weiterbildungskolleg, E2C
Champagne, Doncaster College and E2C Nörrkoping. Two hours are
calculated for introduction and dissemination of EXACT during this
Youth Summit; also there is an opportunity to collect good practices
from the field. As all the participants are expected to bring practices
“how to motivate the unmotivated”, the link between the Youth
Summit and EXACT is evident. The programme of the Youth Summit
is shown below in the image.

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Figure 12: Programme Youth Summit Nörrkoping 2010

Internal and external communication

List of contact details is important; official name of the institution
and the contact person (with e-mail address) are the minimum
requirements in this list. Online meetings are regarded as important;
a suggestion is to contact “Zuidplein” (of the Higher Education
Institute ZUYD in Maastricht-Heerlen) for the technical facilities..

Newsletters are planned as part of the dissemination work

packages; 4 newsletters are planned to send to a large scale public.
Important is however that there is enough content/news to spread.
Lay-out should be structured, also the referring point (website) is a
point of interest.

Regarding the website the structure and the use of it need to be

clarified, before the construction works start. The website needs to
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be easy-to-use and attractive. Art. 27 will provide as soon as
possible an example. A close cooperation is necessary between Die
Berater and Art. 27. First the website will be developed as an
internal working place. Later on in the project the website will be
elaborated as a good-looking dissemination tool. First of all, the logo
proposals will be presented to the partners. After the information
of Die Berater, Art. 27 can deliver the website within a month.
Development of the logo will be done as soon as possible by Art. 27.

External evaluation
External evaluation will be done by the Open University. The Open
University will be invited to attend at least two transnational
meetings. After the contract is signed between Open University and
the project coordinator, an evaluation plan will be developed by
Open University.

List of decisions
WP Topics Deadline
1 Minutes and timetable 27-3-2010 draft - PM
11-4-2010 reply - partners
18-4-2010 final - PM
1 Timesheets and declaration form plus instruction 4-4-2010
2 Explanation of “work to be done” to be integrated 27-3-2010 – CESIE
in minutes (incl. timetable)
3 According to picture --
4 Stakeholder analysis 20-4-2010 Instrument - Die Berater
Decision makers analysis
5 According to picture --
6 Cooperation with WP 4 – Die Berater
7 Appointment of critical friends (monitoring)
7 Review of documents 27-3-2010 draft – Doncaster
4-4-2010 reply – partners
11-4-2010 final – partners
7 Logo ASAP – Art. 27
7 Website Structure

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