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PE Years 5 and 6 General Aims:

Dance: The Enormous Crocodile Roald Dahl Weeks 5 ,(10 lessons)

Weeks Activity Resources Learning Objectives Evaluation/Assessment

1. The jungle (1) the Slow low level movement., wood block beater tambourine to move at different speeds,
river,crocodile and hippo flowing movement of slow river and low drum- stationary and non-stationary
Slow use of hands and feet River Symphony No 5 to produce a creative response
movement and stationary.- - Adagietto to the range of stimuli
tension for croc, ever watchful Croc Edgar's concerto for cello to show body movements with
Slow lumbering movement for and orchestra in E minor different degees of tension
hippo Hippo Canon in D by Pachelbel
(The Nation's Favoutite
Classical Music)
2. The jungle (2) Monkey lively movement cymbal rattle to make smooth, quick
swinging change of direction Monkey Jupiter Holst movements and change of level
Roly-poly bird change of level Bird W/N/nimrod Elgar
swooping movement,
3. The playground Excitement, inquisitive. Moving to show emotions of
at different levels , moving excitement and inquisitiveness
through crowds and imaginary through movement
playground equipment - change
of direction Show feelings
through movement
4. The fairground Fairground rides. Small groups. to move at different levels
Show different rides high low and medium
to work in small groups
5. Croc in space Twisting and turning very fast to work co-operatively with a
movement as the croc is partner
launched into space. One
elephant one croc

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