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Effective Ways to Increase Female Fertility –

Combat Infertility with These Natural Methods

Infertility is a serious issue that confronts couples and

women who have been trying for a long time to get
pregnant. Fortunately, there are scientific
breakthroughs that make it possible for most couples
to become pregnant, even if they are older than forty
years or have some unfortunate fertility issues. These
breakthroughs include in-vitro fertilization, artificial
insemination, and the use of fertility pills.
But these measures tend to be very expensive and
carry certain risks and disadvantages, and many
women would prefer to use natural but effective ways
to increase female fertility, which hopefully will lead
to the much sought-after pregnant state.

Below are some of the most effective ways to increase

female fertility, according to fertility experts and
women who have used them successfully to become

• Get in shape for pregnancy. Readying the body

physically for pregnancy is an important step in
increasing female fertility. It means exercising regularly
to maintain a good weight, eating a balanced and
fertility-friendly diet, and adopting healthy lifestyle
habits such as not smoking, not drinking, and—an
unfortunately for coffee lovers—not drinking coffee
anymore. Getting in shape also means getting enough
sleep and relaxation.

• De-stress. Too much stress, including that which

results from trying too hard to get pregnant, gets in the
way of conceiving.

• Eat food items that boost fertility. These are foods

rich in vitamins B, C, D and E, zinc, folic acid, selenium,
antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. Examples are
fresh fruits and vegetables, fish such as tuna and
salmon, whole grain breads, and beans.

• Have sexual intercourse during fertile periods within

the woman’s menstrual cycle. It is ideal to have sex just
hours prior to ovulation, and on the day of ovulation.
Some believe that abstaining from sex for two to three
days just before ovulation helps.

Do you want to naturally and safely get pregnant

within four weeks from now? If yes, then I I advise that
you use the techniques recommended in this infertility
cure guide: Pregnancy Miracle Program, to significantly
boost your odds of quickly conceiving and giving birth
to a healthy baby.

Click here ==> Lisa Olson's pregnancy miracle guide, to

read more about this Natural Infertility Treatment
System, and see how it has helped tens of thousands of
women allover the world with infertility related

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