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Name: ______________________________________________

CISC265 Network Architectures Processes and Protocols Final Exam 12.2010

From the list of topics below please choose four (4) to write about. On your date for the final I will do an interview
with you on one (1) of the topics you have written about of your choice. Please give diagrams or sample problem
solutions where necessary. I would think a page for each solution will suffice but the length to explain the detail of
your knowledge is up to you! If you use a source extensively … CITE IT!

I also ask that you choose topics to your individual liking. You may seek others guidance on what might be good
to include in your write-ups but please be sure your answers are unique and unplagiarized please! I will be doing
comparisons to be certain!

What are RFC’s and how do they help us?

TCP/IP IPv4 and IPv6 basics

Subnetting (Explanation & Problem example please)

VLSM (Explanation & Problem example please)

Supernetting (Explanation & Problem example please)

Using Windows2008 Server for RRAS

Implementation of DHCP on Server 2008 (Screen shots would be excellent)

A new client on the network receiving DHCP (Diagram and/or Sniffing would be excellent)

Implementation of DNS on Server 2008 (Screen shots would be excellent)

A client PC asking DNS for a web host resolution (Diagram and/or Sniffing would be excellent)

The Transport Layer … Examine important Ports

The Transport Layer … the 3-way handshake and it’s importance

Infrastructure Command Line Tools … ipconfig (and it’s switches), tracert, ping, and pathping (including the
“special” uses will score big here!)

Certificate Authorities and their uses

Explaining PKI (Diagram the uses)

Setting up Network to Network Security using IPSec

Why a Network Sniffer makes a great Infrastructure tool?

What are the MS Performance monitoring tools and why are they important?

Explain how doing VoIP changes your use of Network Infrastructure

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