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Education broadens the horizon for thinking, reflecting, dealing, planning.

implementing, evaluating, follow up and rectification or a person must be God Gifted like
Muhammad (PBUH). Since our politicians are neither God gifted like Muhammad
(PBUH) nor do they carry a tinge of real education, nor do they hold a good conduct
(generally ... See Morespeaking), nor do they have any sense of responsibility, nor do
they know how to work for collective justice, nor do they know a workable mechanism
for social uplift, nor do they know how to build a sense of nationality among the common
miserable citizens of Pak, nor they follow any code of morality or code of ethics, nor do
they know how to make domestic and foreign policies which do not result is disasters
sooner or later, nor do they know how to integrate people in to the fabric of the nation
and the list is too long.
I neither trust, nor adore, nor like, nor support, nor represent, nor respect, nor vote for,
nor cherish, nor admire, nor follow, nor get inspiration etc etc from any of the
contemporary politicians.
Why, reasons are very obvious to speak of.
Fake degree is a problem. Why? because by doing so, our politicians had committed the
following immoral acts:
1. they lied
2. they committed an illicit act.
3. they committed an immoral act.
4. they betrayed the trust of those who support them....
5. they stigmatized not only them selves but Pakistan.
6. they made ridicule at our educational system which is already under immense pressure.
7. they betrayed the hopes of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands.
8. they made false clams.
9. they got benefits based on those false claims.
10. they were non-serious about the role of education and representation of the general
Paki masses.
11. their interest was not to serve the masses.
12. their interest was circling around self interest.
13. they did not act according to the teachings of Islam.
and the list is too lone.
If some one disapproves of this statement altogether and claims that fake degrees is not
an issue, then please try to understand that the Earth is not flat.
The only reason for taking the support of a FAKE degree was to sum up as much black
money as possible.
Well, I do not say that I can change this miserable country but I do proclaim that I can
serve it better by not voting for any one of the contemporary politicians who can not be
characterized by a single word of reverence.

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