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Empty Set

Facebook is but a digitized graveyard of bloodless simulations,

networking pale shadows amongst fickle breezes,
hollow, empty, emphemeral, less than unreal.
One click, and then you're in;
one click, and you like it, you join;
one click, you're a big part of it all.
One click, and you've helped "the cause";
one click, and you've done "something";
one click, and you've contributed and done your part;
(Good job. Why DO anymore, anyway? It's all so easy this way -
acting without trying, fighting without dying,
taking a stand while you're sitting down.)
One click, and you're this;
one click, and you're that;
one click, and you're the "other";
one click, and you're the same;
one click, and you're not;
one click, and you're gone.
One click, and I'm gone too...
or better still,
no more clicks,
nothing new.


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