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To the Point
by Stephen Kosslyn.
Three (3) Goals
Kosslyn says that presentation success can
be virtually defined by meeting these :

(1) Connect with your audience

(2) Direct and hold their attention

(3) Promote understanding & memory

Goal 1:
Connect with your audience
the principle of Relevance

Do not include too much nor

too little information.

the principle of Appropriate Knowledge.

select information and use language
appropriate for your particular audience.
Goal 2:
Direct and hold attention.

the principles of Salience, Discriminability,

and Perceptual Organization.

Attention is drawn to areas that are

perceptibly different, so leverage design
principles such as contrast and make
differences big and obvious.
Goal 3:
Promote understanding and memory.
the principle of Compatibility, Informative
Changes, and Capacity Limitations.

Messages are easier to remember when

they are compatible with meaning.
the word Red presented in green text

A visual change in slide color or an animation, etc.

— to have meaning,
or this becomes noise and hurts effectiveness.

choose carefully and do not try to stuff people's

brains with more and more information. It won't work.
Backgrounds: salience and compatibility
Backgrounds: salience and compatibility
Backgrounds: salience and compatibility

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