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(j{evolt of the 'Jlesh




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Aulhon.~ Ste ... c: Brown. Phil Bruc;)oto. JQhn Seott BcrTO'Ll'!;. jackie C~;). Jim Comer, Lucien D.a1~. Bed .. Fts.eM. Chri~tl)phl:r Howard. II!ru'L Llnd~rg, Jl.m Mool1:!. N i,d:;~ Rc3, Ri,,,t.:ud W:ans

DevtlOpe'r~ Bill BrLdBI2;§. Edilorl 'E.!:Mn Sbmp

Art Director- Ric.h.flro ThOOtM Comic book art: SU!:VI! Prescott

Interior art: Mike Ch:.mC')', Anson Maddocks. Matt MiUJoCrger, &. SCAR studies

F tOi" ;uw b;icio. cover d~s.ig.n! Ail~f'I E~ Mtles T ypeselting &. La,,·DU.t: Mfm Milberger

135 P~RK NDm BUD. SUITE 128

CW~ON, GA 30021 USl

C 1995. 1999 While Wolf Publi~hjl1:C. LOCi, All rights reserved, R~pr04l1cti()l'1 wiwlJI [he wriuen pe:rmis..s:ioi'l (If 'hc: publisher is expressly foroidOl!.fI, cA(;ept (or the pIII'P0!jC:; cf reviews. and for bt.m:k charoct!!:r siees. whicb rna)' be reprodu~ for personal usc OtlJy. white Wolf. VamP'll'(:. the

M~[JI!:~, ViUTJpire tile- OMk Ages, M~c "l~ Ascension and World of D:lItJ.:OO$$ 3~ registered lr.iLdcmlJ.l1;;~ of 'Ih'h~tG WolfPUblis.bll'ig, lnG. A.ll r~lns reserved, W,=r<:woIflhc Apoc.aJypse, Wraitn (hoe Ob'i ... i(ll), Cb;;togc:lil1g .he ()re-runin.!!:. Wo!:~wO"]f lhe WIt(! WCM. TriIJit)'. BI:ac.k Dog G3ft'1C F'''c"(Qry and Freak ug,ion are lrodcmarks of Whit!!- Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved, All ohilliK;lc:rs,

narnt:~. pl~~s tiil!lJ teJlI berein arc copyri.ghtod by While W{lltPublish~ns, Inc.

The: menriol'J of (If reference to :!IIIY oompany Of plod1lC1 in these p~:'i. ts nC)'l a ebaUC-llge to the [r.Ellkmatk or oop)<rlgliL cCtnl:ern(:d.

Thi~ book uses me supemnturet fms-eulllgs. thilJ1H:tc=r.;; slid thol!lI1(:).. A.]ll'l'l~f.!.icLll and supematui":Il clcmems are fiction end intended fOt' entertainnsent PU~!; only. Re.a(lct disere.tiOn is advi.sed. Check (Ill! Wb.~l(:' Wolf hnp;J/ and rec:,g;uiles..frp.stOl)'tellcr






'1-o.a f.r
I 69
Chapter 'lour: (i{ eauitmen: 79
Chapter 'live: £.(11) 89
Chapter Six: Storytelling 99
Appen~irl[1u ~M Within 105
l ~

1 Conttnt< 11

._,..)Ji.---.. ... --- ........ -==..:.--------"'I111'!:.,.----

,our p is dead aM no 0fIc' c;GrfJ if .nm:'J -II hdJ' i wiU see ~ Ma--' - Nine inch NaLt.,.. ·Herel)'''


(j{ eaber Abo; sory

Nnw, ~hu; jj. net n.eceuatily Ell virnse. Scmenmes. lea ... • i_t'l~ ~ I:ot up to rhc im.:ilE:~ruadon is 8-QOd_ &! (1\1.1 book',

I, is f':llr to wam jou that this book 1$ p»:5_]J ~'OO abour \"l1rUC!; fr's ~Ix;....! tJ,~ li!;;;k 01 them. No table man-

do not hke i:'OSS things. such as polson rum(m: ~xploding nl!:rS here. No su.btlety, either. If you \II'3.fIt ~bdel'y, ~

on. someone' body IIInd 5pnying oPPQf'M!1'Il:$ with iK:idi.c;. elsewhere. Fomori 811: not sebde.

pus, Of som~oM's skin stldin_g 0« to run aW'aV down an Got 31 problem With ~hi~!TiJO bad, The Wyrmdld r'iOf

aney. then don't ccmebere. Put this boolu:iQll,'n. YOl,Il\llv(: :u.k_ )'OUr pennwion bI . -fore making tomorl. In (a(:I, thiit··,

been lI. ... reed. cneot the boebeecme anddl.s.lurblfi..@:lli.i.11G$ilboutfomori:

e~lt i( tit" lIOUndS ••• inrt:f~ling._ .r'hen ~d (In. To be ,'t:ry(e.wo( them<lskcd for what tbey gO[. M05[ efehem jl,JH

fmnk. [.,;s is a 81adk t:lo(!book. That rn~ansforadulrsQnty. gO[ if, And th:t.t'ucary. The tde3that tile lRo'Orld mi,g}1( nor

Andlh.-'t1 iile:;\n:J" e dtdn'cbold becken Ihof:1.i.lbieet renner run (he \Va)' 1Ro'e ;11""<lYS want it (0. Thar all rhe happ'f",

~hili." mILKing ,hi!, book, ~n writing i.ntilmudl' ebocr rain.bcw.· c::r),stalliRnt ..... c rn:l1 vtsualtse ~[III 'A'Qn'( pre"ent

W'/ti'fl Crdtur'l,'S, there are some lhl~ nOt"rntlUy l-cft Joe- fmm .:etdng possessed by a Bane: and rnclnng 3IW:9.y

unsaid, NO( here. We lolJid <u:ry!.hing W(: kl, like sayin.Il.:as into III ni.m::i:ng pool of QQ:~_ Som-~imes.. bed things bap-

,./ ~ IiI.ll it bed :5OIM"thing: (Q.dQ \\!"lth foroo.-i. pen. (0 good people.

r-..... Al'ld now'"s- ~"Qur chaoce to pis,.. one 01 m~:wc~

l~ ~-77 .. ~ .. ~ ... ~ ........ ~zws~ .. ~ .... su~ .. ~~,. .... ~ ...




Whafs a 'Jomor?

A fQm01 (pll,ll'\lll f(ll'l.'u:;lIi) ;$ 3. ~n (or IOmctimCili1n '_.nimal) which ha:!; been possessed by ::I Bane (3 Wyrm spirid. Once t:IK: tfaN(ormatlofi imo31 (omor ISiXli'iJplr:tc, mal pet'$()!'l i., no lO""l(!f hum .. n. He is Klrtlething eLK e:ntirdy. The Bent ispc:rm3.ncml~' wedded (0 his body and iOu!. -1'1''1) being$ become coe Jymbioti4; 'A'hole. But this tsn'r e love (('-st, It's a. horrible vlolartcn a rape may vile, The !ht\f: bUJrQII,'5 In{o the de-epest ~ees.sesof the vicnm's soul, becoming privy to all the person's memoetes. hope$. dt-eam~ all'! fears. And lh.c! vl!;r"im {-:el:$ th.: r,)'w cmotiom of the Bane - pcecnoue, black thoughts of murdc:r and destn . .lctlo:n. 'few +01,,115 can :w«~FlJlly Ri'l' humane, moral ~i'l'l~s O:I1.CI! fused whh [low! Wytm_

So bdl'l&50 31:io.U 5U1!n. a ~I.QfI! M;jIily {~ewi'S ern l-ead 00 it. For OOt, the person must somehow artrace c Bane. Man~ modem people do this without knowing it. Their hntfttb I)n.d fe;l~ ft:).rut;).lly dT',.IW the W~'rro'UPLril mal mlnlcns (0 them, lik~ sharks (0 blood spilli!<l in the "' a.

WhLle many,j. can po:5SCS&- someone (hrougt. sht"Cr force .o( wtll, mmt requlre a ~lrlrua.1 hole in rhe vklh,"'~ soul that th~y can era w t 111l,Q o'illd $n~'e- ~IP in, $1.gwly melding with t.h~ vicfim, hJdde-Jl by the: vietim'$ Own d<il~,;. emooons, Oreal anger hi.d~ them bess. but siimmt:ring. tense hatred, fou, envy 3oomh!!:1 ":i~M" al:so6el'v~ IQdt,ilai: [be spiritual eeetdeer. in Qlhl!'t w(lrd~, ~he \'i~tim. fir$t in ... i~cith-t&ncin.illth~.sheisoft(':nignoffimtnal:!ih~ does so.

Once alloll.'ed entry inro a 50\11. li~ Bane ~i~ I~ pl'QC.e~ {j,( ~LQn (b.y wi_ng the Cbarm of d"c ~rru:: name). This takes a while, An~'[i.Tni:"dulin,g rhis period, (he Bane eea be driven OIJ,I[. either Il:trough the willful reputaiort by the victim (ram in thi:Hpiri [UslI" i)ero!fl ;,"jill!'} or by [ne: asseulr of an eno!ITIf such ::t!J ;a O;)rQl).

O;)rou Cl)__11 en~e'" ~he' Umb~ iiind ph-y-SioC:IIllf .aU'lid'; Benes in dte proceeecf pcsseeetcn.ff rhev ktll the ~n.c or run It 0.«, 1~h.tVrQ«!S$ i!5 c .... ~.!h~ pcssessjon uruu~L But if it wins if!. ",,'ay tbl1J~ ro the center of the ~l,I! bd'ort someone can step Lt. and completes the process 01 pcssesstoe, then ehe resuh i:s. lrrevoeable: ml! ",li=lim beE:0f'Ii.t~ .. (ornor.

These wretched mcnals recetvegreer sepematcral powers {10M mt: Wyrm, bur [hey al.5owA"er h(Jnibt~dctQrmlti~ I() rt\l,Im. They .. re t<'I_nted wuh I;;omlption.:and will smell of me Wyrm (0 any GaIQu miffing [hem 00(, Whjlt:.sornot (omori may still resemble d'teir ioM'ler .seh'e5. M(!l:U gre ...... ugl~" and abommeble in appearance, as thick carapaces grow to cover tn-{dr mUSC:OLll:i.ruh! (II lcmll' ~ha!'J;l b;ir~ .$li~le fromthclr(oreann:s.FolJ\Ori:arc.nothing~thilI1mon~en.

cPla!lin~ a 'hmor

WhLlt fom.ooi ilJepO'P'ffiu~, tMf are else ~[y insane ('!ruiny \'I1II!1'e so even before their t!';llnsfom1;l1!iOf.l). (I~ !t.e'!J' qu~~'¥ ~-I'I,oe :10 ..... 'hei;\ !hey .d1~l)\oer bo-w ~hOf! lheir live5. ba ... e rudden.''F become, Pla},ing'lL f{lmDf shoold be an imCTISl!: nplor:uicn of !ill:lf-;nclu~d! bcecr, 'nOt 01'1.1 ... in terms of wha! rbe fomor discovers iL ran and ...... ems to dc,. but 11100 in terms .of how Ir! I itl! has: been made :tJ hl,linU 1~~'0i'l. f(!(f!lOtI {ee:.l ... iol;).,ted, <Q, if t~'d been rapedend munlared bur left B.1.i,,~. A[ rhe same [ime. lh_o!jI' lul d_o!:gr::Jded and ebbce !;h.ero:5lel~'~. I1.<iving allowed and even fnvned rhI: if own min.

MI)J"Ii:(;I"I!::~, th-c craosfonnenon fi1Jl11 hcmen to fomor doesn't nccI!;5S3iri1v cause the f4ID_or rc to'l'!!l:i![ wh~_( umeans ro be human. The- Teal iaarion that j( is less ["':,!ID human, Lh... n t l! i* ru:)""· ... ~h¢!1;·1 lved mOnst~~ty. ebocld bQ;u;py th;(:: fcmor'e mind :and will. E ..... en ir ir crtcs [CI 00 good' (Huly.a rarity among these -klf"III'b:50r'bcd creenrres). :J fomcr can do 0(11), evll, it is a being with EiI human conscaence trapped widlin :il1'I ~ v il will.

'Whi]1C fotnOfi m9lyrnink of themselves as .bdng pdnciplcd, [ ... ~ carrot ofa C.lU"1! thm Pc:n'~li: d::Lf'!:gll!..S. bdou- !.hdr I'IQS1!..S: I..s usu~n" e~ w shaW::r the few ethi~ that


eemefn. ImFig.lne (I~5CQ""l!rll'!g rha( fQl,!r [(iL)t=h eedccee enemies to puddles of bubbling acjd, and then tbat ~""CI1Ji 0\llI'I bod., is elc ..... lr i!::uJI'IS ils.l!U "lL'lhr.iy. WL!t. the choice between Ern ugl)'. jgncblc death or the hope of ill redeemed Iif~, \'00 may ea.!iilV rebnquuh the 'r"C;!i[~-5 of your humanily I" I!,"X(:h~.f'!.ge ~ j II~d'$ prorol~~ ofnceee. Ai(l!!ro'lU, oaee ~'(HJ'rc ~l,Iftd, "you'll bave plienff of litru:: to tum rOOi li'~ around and pc-riorm geed .d1!00s:. ••••

HoJO to Use 'Chis t1Jook

'While- [his book is in rhe form of 91 'Pta¥l!~ guide-, !:livin!: ..lithe i I"lfOtm~d(Jil "etdcd roer~;j.te a (OO"LOr ~h.;)t;)C:'!;er, il i:s also im:t:nd"t:di for S[orr['t=l_l~~. The tofoenanon !:li ... en h~i"Cjp ':mn be wed: '~:nen rul\i\itl~' (OinOtL games Of ro~.d:d exrra deeatl to th~ OpponcTl_u, enccumeeed !r!:::i. Wi!'pe"'oU gBloU:.

One other tMI'I!:: Do not take this roosertceslv, w~ had 11m making tbts book, and hope ~""OU have (un tml'lg it. But I,~ b j\l$l. "<ilj!i-lme. And lf j"QY a£.I),I;)Uy ~g~!\ ~:.;;~rll!l\C:l1'!1!! anf of the s:ymptolm descnbed in rhta book, 80 to III doctor immc:dill.rd~.




YOI:IkncwMwroma:.L:.eme. , /mow how ,. m<>kl .,.... W"".,...>q>ilim

- PIMmatk.s. YSquirm:&o

This chapter inclu.;ks deratb em (;r<a~ln.g;) t(JfiU)~ char- teeeance, IJJ]I~ the fcmor h_iQ. ~I lM- Pcwen R~gcn~

'3C:l(:1. [l l.:s assumed that rhe pl3lrc'u and Storyk.ller h;;'R ~!.ion., :M heels as a l'Iomulil human _ wh_i,~h could be

access to the chaf1l.(.ter crea.!lon rules !:ivt=n in tbe ~1iitfll when he l'ighu: QuQtI.

Wel'ewolf: The Apot'alyp,s;eSemnd Ed,iMn rulcb:xlk (or AlthOUgh mortal. (omor! may OO( pur-chase Namtna,

et Il;::il$t th~ V .. mpirl: or ~K~ Tutebooks). The Banes now r~idem in their $C)!,!" prevent me ~ of

Fomori were. bern morral humans (il:xcc:pt fur super- S'lJch powers, There are, howC"v~,1I.fcwe;ll;.;;e:pliO[1,U(tlhl:!

natural femon • .&Uc.h M ..... "tJe:wo-lvts sod V<ii)'l,plrc:s who rule Ieee True Faith, below, and i3m.iPl £; 'in a,lI~fi

ha .... e beecme 11"ftvoeablv ~~ bY' III BaM:": see Chapter T'I,\o"O). Nrthe:rex'«l>ti(lol'l$ should occur :al the Sro[fteller's.

AI" Three) M such. the)' have: no special or supcma.tur",l dbcreuon on}o;'.

r... <Lb l C!$ bc:yond the PQWI!"r$ and ialms [b(:y ~-S.1. For


~-"".-- • =.l ... _ .. _- .... __ ... _ .. "'.,!P;I ... --_ ....


Charader Creation Chart

... -------..."...../~---

.. Step Ooe Cb;otlt;ll(:'~T CQnt;cpt

Choose wncq,~, bree:1 (ir ;'!ny). Narcee and Demeanor

• Step T~'o: Select Aurlbutt:5

PrioI'i.ritt )'OW!' ~ caregorit!; Phys,ical. Socilll, Menml


ChooW' Ph)lskoJTraits:: Strength. De:}I;f(:tit),. St;)min3 C~ S<x:W T P\li~; Chari$mill, M~[1,ip"l"tk;ril. A.i)pcaf';'lAl!t: cr.oost Mrnt4l T mit'.!; PCKcpticm, fntelllgeeee, Wiu

.. Step Th_r«-t Sc-I«t AMliti~ r:\ioriti'~lhr:d1r"~C"$:T a li:nu,S'k!II:J.,'K:n(iI,l,'~S C""",, Talents, Skills, Koowl~ (11fl/4)

,.. Sup Four: Seleer Ad .... antages

Cilwo;s~, &c~grounm (:5 i Penrex-emplcsed fomcrt recejve Reeoerces ]}'.' PO .... 'ers 'IU'Id Taints (Cheractess receive one Power point for ev~ry T Blint ~nl they ~hi see p~ and j .:linlj" below)

• Slep Fiv\,;: Finbbing Toucha Rec.orrJ Willpo.wer (J)

Spend "'reeble polnl$" (21) (Characu:rs may purchase Merit.$ with Ireeble poinu.. 11~)' may sain Ci~rra freebie points by tak~ng Flaws)


\lI.,g we~)'o-,I Wo~ ,'OU beearee a (omori Usually, a eh,ii:r;_,eter'.j c:onoept ls a eeo- (Jd' (.bree·word summation, such ae "'Unwitting Nerd" or "V~,ng:cful So-ldi~_"

Foroori come in two t~'~5: breeds and unique: fomori_ erccds !!lrt;{l:r'OU:p$ of (omo-ri ..... ho shoee ~imi!;)r PQII.'C;!"!i and chemcestsucs (lCiKh group' i.J ~u[lily ~'(I by !ht eame '[yPE: or Ikme), Un Iql)e fomo-ri are mere ccmmoru tt.eir PO'lIfe.., :are;s.cerninll~'y random. Pcntex has few proven precesses whld1 will create l!:II:~edr rhe {QmMi they \1,'1lI[1.[ 100% of me rime, Details on breeds em be (oond in Chapter T \110- Unique lOll)Of1 are j~t t.h"lIli mete deratls CM'I hot created b}o the: pb~'C!r,

nature tI/I~ (])emeanor


These T mi" n:p'~nt the (ouMarl(JI'l.!l of a ehaeaerer's behevtor, from her inner Nature to her OIJrw;;;n;:1 ~.~ ii'lc,lOOt, Marl! detaiu. can be found in The Wucwolf Pbycr.j Guide, or ttK V",_l;npl_re or ~b:g!! ndeboeks.


The Bac:qrolJnwli.5t'l-d here are cerumen (0 <1111 S(ory~ tP:llerfl_amesOa';lre r'LCW for lht,.book, See Bock;gratm.d:!i. in

rhls chapter. -

,./ • Allies' Your fnr!n.d5, most often kUow rornooi!tum

.~L;:r"OIJI rt.:t'Lte-x dlvlston lOr H~t Team

18 FnckUglon

~ _,_. • ==

• Censecrareds You heve sworn lealrr 10 a Wyrrn creature; it wlllpec v jde eecasienalaki in rerum for 1'our loyaltl_

.. Contacts: Describes the «Jnmers '/01,1 ~ 11'1 v<lrklus levels of !iiC)CiC!ty, from (he- black marketeer to the CEO of Burpsi-Cola_

• Equipmenc/Fedsbl ~rlbe:$ rhe character's initial 4l'eeeS$ (0 hi3h-r«.h or mystical Penti::.x·~ ,tend_

• f:h'Ors: De5C:rI~s the number of faVQH. yw can call in, from getting )'our$clr tr:_t~rl!:lTl!d to another mission to de:rr.odi'lg ~'Qur enemtes.

• Mf!.nt01': A mor-e experienced fomcr or hUriAfi who advtsee and looks OUt (or ycu,

.. Rank ~ Your :security eleeranee and ~r,:irus. in Pentex, • Reaoeecees Descrtbee how we.ilIlthr fW ere; 'f(Iur bot""llngo_


These are the MN'boll!: ecsts a fQl:'Ilo-r pa'f!i (or her Wyrm I!:lfu, CharEKters rccei ... c 001:: pg".,.-":r p;:.irLt (or ev.e'!')' Talnr f-'C)lt'l.t El'lty take. See Tainr.s below,


01·06 AddkdOC'l vanes

07·12 Am~l'hv \':ui<~ Bekfhe Ocrse

l1·l7 B.lT1o:" A!fnil."h'r

18·21 Sl'lJln",o:uhod

)1.15 16-19

The CrustteDtrlln,gol:moe:nt


J()"}J r'li~illw!::.:ral'Vl'1

3;.31 Doomed "'-oiOIiI!iIIii~

.18-"" J Th~' El\,liul!:

42~;S [nfe<.~ktn,2:

46· .. 9 lnru:r VQk ..... h~

50:·5) timiLe-iJ Mobmtl'

s~ .51 Ml."nl:~1 r:",,,.~,\'!,h)II~,1'I. \'arll.!:5:

58·61 Mutoid Cilittet:r

61-65 rhym:.11 W.l~Lill~

66-69 R",""" 6

10· 7 .~ SI,.~OI,J H;:.u'_! 'io

14-18 Severe Alk,gy 312/1

79-8_, :-;pt'(:~1 Uic-L

84·86 TeI~_

7·91 Ulll)';

92~95 W:\il}:ing 13oo\b

96·99 \VurJib

100 R.QH ~gajn; double that Taint'.$

{l.e, choose 'woo Demngemenre) .. See ,_hoi: T;JIr'L{: lktl..::flre Corse


Tbese ~.-..: ""h;)! m.3k~ fcmcet dfffeeem fJQffi thc;ir (dlw botlnp.. Cbaracren receive on!! P(IlWr poim for ICY'ery T aim:

pofnr they rake. Sec r{'lu!ffl below. It


4~ iHI '6-10 51·52

1 i'li.-rdio.':


O! Animal Contro .

Balcftre Phcc

02.-01 lX:~rk~"'~::i~t:=t:

0;.00 Bod,Il",'"

07 . n

OIl 01 10



11·18 I. 20 II

• uP


1 r~ __ .-_



I 1 ,n FreakLegion

L..!!,r/,f-'-.--,-- ....... ---..IIr------- .... .".,,~--- ..

IJrubie d'oinl5

"fteebl~ petors" rna)' be used to purchase Merlrs.

Flal,lio'5.may he chosen toadd rreebit!:(lQinrii (maximum 1). fT~ble potncs may not be used to pcrcbase PO\lo'(:('5i onh' T etnt poi:nt~ 'COIn provi.dl! Pewee -poinLS.

Tr.lit Ccer

Anrioote5 5 per do..

Abtltnes 2 p4:!f dOl

BackgJOW""Lds. 1 per dOl

WillpO'W"-eT 2 pet dot

Ra81t'" 1 pe:rdot

O~i:§."';"" 2: per dor

.. Onho if the: cbarecter b.:u the ~ge T!'".lIir ($I!I! the PQWI:T; BeDet"!ocr)

... Only if ihc character has the OnO!J;iS T "'it (see the POIA'cr. Spirit TII!I)


The reserve of .;;;mttl'(Jl"l'Id !'".1IW fcece of will that a character can musrer. Chamcten; bc=gin with WLll· PQWi!r3_

Opelcen L MeNI.5. a.n!: advenreges with which:) character bcgiM t~ game, whHe 'Flaws are dissdvantagtous. ~ the c.h~t~u::r(!t btil gin (he player more pOil'!f$ ro.speed, A plaY-iff may purdJ!I:!ie Ml!'flu wim freebie poims, Fla.W$ In a y 'be tot'kM rc add [0 me: chsrecter's (r~t;.[~ point «eel (meefmum o~ 11!J:~~ poiT.l(;5:) ,


FomOri"'OI!t'0eu~nC;ilins:.row just annyothcr St~i! sys[~m character. Usc: the. cl(~ri~FK:.1! eben from the:

W~ w oIf rulebcck when raising Attribut~, Ab:iHd~ ;;mdorht:rTrain. H1JIlo'e: ... er, PowersandTatnrsarebsndled diffullmtl~'. Use rhe fOollowing formula for f<v,ve~:

f<Jwer pctnr CQY x4

T",ifit$ 8';1inm during rolepla.yinf; (see Tainu" below) give the: char.)C;\l!:r experience point! wttiGh ~~' be ,pem on 3:l\ The amount 01 poin.~ :gained is figu:rcd ac;oordin.a: to ~he fQllQwil'lio1 formula:

Talt-.t 1l'O~n.t bonus )tJ - c:xperioCnce poll'l~

~ ~ ... ~~~ ... ~~~~ .u.~~_~ __ ~~.6~

Abilities Skill

The fOroof ~ been ecesecraied (probably at birth) in a.

rna-gi~1 rite to :iii Wyrm creature 01 ~r aM influ· ence. The (!)mOt ti'I~~ serve hef maKer faithfully, fiihm:: to do IiO has severe (;omcqUCIKIU. E.v¢n jf Iftl! fOO\Or beeeeee strongl::r ~hatt her ii"I.;t:iler, :she may not tum on it. In return fot beeeeeviee, she remer may expeott ~1)ji;1,1 lwu!!p. ff'CIm tho!: crearure rn. che Ioem of ad"lt.c. po ..... er, or ~d itlo l;ru:tle.. The type ci a 'd (I~nrl$ on (hoe l'Iat1J.T1: of dte creature. The CI'4!IIItliK is; under DC (lbli.g:lt:ioo ~o t~ fOm(lr, bur wdl eead OCCi\$lon<ll 'hetp KI ensure du~ (oOrnor's continued ~r-Mm.

The l1'Ie~ MaLI!' of boting Cceeecreted to a Wynn ~nt1ty mayconfcr ad~gn:cof ~tU$Ot'l the (om.oril\uf[ainc;iJd~, It m<ly 300 ~(.e $Offic :animosity (rom her IiWoU::r'$ rivals. The more poweful tbe creaecre, me more !'I!mr;llt:1!' it is and

N the Ir:;s$ dlreet it! <atd The Stot'('telkr makes tbe ultimate:

:1'... dcclsion about the form and fr«L'l.l'em::y 01 ald (I{an.~}.

~:~ ~C_-. • La _


Y {'Ill are dilled in the meebods of inooeuloo.tiOJ'l_ in\! can indudA: br')'i..nW<)$hin(l:;II T eam inlO believing the.., aren't on a suicide mission, Of oonvinc:mg ij.I"II!:W exeeunve recruit that Pentc;w; hi!.1 (he be$, InrC!fj!5,lSolm~ plaru!t in ml.nd. Indocl[rin3l[ingsornNlnt' ta\;~n olf~dll'l2 them thoe intoa-m;)IIQiI you wanr aed leading them to miuru5r oonmuy infOTIrultion. indoculN:'ioi'J ts a sabrle ektll, bese used in a o:;o:ntroll~~lnfurm[ll!cm envlroameer. Iy r;~n,c~ cI $uo.=eg En a free fruI:k,f:t -ofideMan:: little. but 9.! the modern media mao;:;nin~ has provee, !~ can Mill 'be: quite: effccnve. Tbu ~km can also oornol! 11'1 band,;, in rhe field. It can be used II) ,eln(of'('1!: oI!"xiJ.ting' beltefs in FiI'Sl Teams, bolsrcring them for corning otOmbtl~. The 5uhtlc. friendly rOl"M QI thk skill (nighdy n~) is paired with Charisma. bu. the force:fuf U5t: (prisoner "re~duca[ion") l5 paired with Manipubtton. Thls d::iH's ust;S. aN!: up to rbe SWl'yu!:lIl::r.

Novtee. Yoo C3n scmetfmee ger cebere let foiJllow chc pliny line,

PI'III(;tiu(h You wutlll~' ... ~W no rmcbje cmwLn;c,ing others tlu!{ your ve:nioo of th~ aeana que UJ(.OtTe<:t.

~mpeunn You GIJ1 rum friend friend by millin.g dcctrtcal dl$p\I~I!:$.

Ex.pcr~; YOu (an 1!3slly mold o[hera' e:rnLJl[iQns and Ideas into wherever form l"OiJ desIre.

•• •• 40 Manu: Bi.g Brother M.; nothing on sou.




A Bane Gaining or a Wyrm ser v Iter (nmk 1-3 Black Spirnl Daoces}

A Bane Jas.lling or ~ powerful Wyrm ~rvi{.or (1';1'l"I.k 4'" Black Spiral Seventh Ocn~ ~r.a.hon~.cLr.:r)

A PQWl!:rful &n,f: {iii. N~:<Wi Cmwl'c,r} or 31 'ill!:ry powerful W~.,.rn S:ervit(ll' (Pe:'I'Itl!."X &:ud Uof-CU," tive:)

A Muljln Inc:ama or Urge: Wrnn

•• ••• One of the: Trtenc Wvrm.s (Defiler, E.1.[e:r..o(-Souls. or ~(-of,War)


YOW" oI;h"'r~(er t.;» iutn~ all the hsndlee '311d Cllt all the: red t<\pe nec.e:5.s:uy to ~;n ~~$5 to h.igh·tce.h oa- iiljl'Stieal$sil;,r.erbullC!~Qra Bane Klalve, You begin the game wIth ®e cr mOle Pl:".utt);-~ it~rn-s, determined br d'lo! ~l"ilOun.r of doe you have in Lhi:!i &c'kpwnd. This is. a cne-nme requuincn, hov.·evet; cnee rhar piece of tquipmcnt h~$ be.-r:n used up (in rhe case ofbllltc:a.) or bt. you have toroli:pb,y yOtlrwlly huogettingmort: (Rank hc-tp5 In this task), Sec ~~nf, below, ((It a ItS( €If SOIDt: i{Hru and du: !tanb,lUvds required rc t~(\I~if'!(m fb~

No(C! ~_I,; i.J u.$ed fo:r equIpment while Level is used for fl!tl:she:s..

One: RfiI(ll:ILe~·eJ One plece Clo!oqlllplMm ~ i'b.nkfltvd Two ptece of l!qUipme:nl, or two Rank,I'l.e",-c:1 one ilti'IU

One Riilnrt/le\l1!1 Three piece of tqllip' ~nl, QJ' a combinaricn of other R"'.D~I he~

One RankJLevd Fwr preoe 01 equ!PIM:n.t. or a o!;Ombin.ulQi'i e/OthE' Rank./U:\'Cl uema

• "" "". • o-e !t;jkn.l:fl~v<1 Five ptece of equipment •

!;II' a ccmbmation of odrer Ranl:./Ler,l(lltem.s:


TIuoogh ~"Qu.r :j)t;~10M. 'fOu bavc earned the f.a. v .or or eenain indi'llidual.:!i hi8h up in thed,aln of command {Am:

T earns, CJ!;ecu(h~ tadder, erc.). Thoe.., are willing, and able. to lnrercede on 'four bc=ha,r, Thu. is. ... powerful Back. ground. A (;)I\;o:r e\O be csed {O IrCt YOIl our 01 it lot of trouble- (bldee bodV, mkru(cr from ,I ~l, mt:55Lon, eec.j. Favors ere -e~y selcrtons [0 many problems and ~ be used [,0 aeccmphab th.n Allid oC"".u'I'r fit "'-'On',. F~c:h f(L-..-.or m;J.y bt! csed 0'I'L1V once, how!C"·~, and tMn, it IS eM.e. The Storrt~lIer iJ. the !lnal judgo!i of what :ill favor can occompll5ft.

j favor 2: favorS 3 favors " €avon ~ favon




",---"--.._"",,,....,.,...p- ............... - .. -

Th,If!SC are marks of the Ulll~ W'p"TIl'I.5 which SOItlet;me$ ~(III.-tJl-1i,Uf'lli.' ",,·Ith (,,~'ored servenrs, To 'wm" one, :J fcmcr mUil lirSt lJ",det'$~"nd lite aspects of lM Wyrm (v.--hicit tndtceres some level (Ii in$<i)'lity ~o bo!'ain ",,[[h). IMO cootlKt her own Inner corruption Ito dii,$O)veT vAlicl~ aspeee favors her}, man~f($t that Urgtin WOld, bod:,- ;)l'I(Id~~.and olten Uli~) $Ome hidl!QU$ ordeal of consecration, Seeking the Wrrm wimin oftrn mflli.rCl a pen.,~ted v~&oi'lquen; rbi' usually in\'ollo'C5 lwcaking 'aWOl}' from .all mmds (indlllliug other (.ot'l'lQti), aod !ndulrtng in seme ac~ .. dilled to thi:; vQ.iOn }l)l,Ir eh;)F.I!!rlSf seeks until SOIM t'futh appears. These exceasescan tndude lillir1,g~~, ne>u"~ fEl-ttll dmt: bEnf;CS, ",,..nntl)n (:ruetry (l~m3.1king homeless, ehddren, animals, ctr;;.), pl(;I~ d~pr~;o~. pj.~hodc ep~e$, mad QIl:Ee, and edser deedl ... activities, At some p)inr. I) vision oi tM Urge W)7.m '5 M.I~'irn 11\(~iTl.;l <'P'P'!::I.1';5- tc th,t ror[uruue.:Jn£ and scnW her some C:~nKi<! test of k;.yalty; ruch ord:c:-ab are r~latedi W t~ Urgi!' WI"ffi i1'J\'oI~'.ecl- ~ of greed, CrIJel'l1'. deceit. etc. A jcmor who survives W tesu {m.:at1.}' do not) recefves the- !'I\.~,k of (avor. lib the t:e5tS,. ~til!lm<lUl marks relate to th~ U~ Wyrm the charecter $(:M'$. Pseulak. Lord of Lies. ofu=n !1i1i:,s. his eht)S(!D with forked tOng\Je5. Kemata, Desue's U~e, I\:LS mOle .. ttriKtive l:14'IfQ,olu!:n. kytHKltl~lIj1' in.triguing ranoos, F()thol: gifa hb followers with fon:"l:r-opi:f! eyes. wbtle Angu',5. man. c.on$i$~$ or m.."U$tve brands: which MIlc"T heal,

With your t~n$fonn.'_I.tion,. YQU MVI!: dtseovered 8 way The I!:XaJCt. eerure 01 the m<lrk ill kft to- the utJupC'i ;fI\..~gtl"la_

tnro rour dark$piriIUal$ide and are <:Ible to spenk .... 'Iu\ ehe (iOn, bJt il~hou&d reflect50~appropriar_dydev1l1mbc.hillll'iOf.

&:i'll!:f,I:Iort or ~'Qurscl(. Whe.n \'OU.s.~ wich ~"OlJr Bane. yOU St~pm can be really useful in :iO{jal :s:irWilions wim

a~ to be talking aniffi<).t~I)· to ~"(IUJil!.l(_ Your Bane: oth(,['k;8!.~kSpiI".lID:m(Jc;l'!imay

W' dark secrew to the ranered remains of YOUI $(;lui, rll!:~'~e: [h~ chosen (or may 'kill her !iil.nywil~· - lhe'~ are

and )wr $QUI witJ\e" a Ihdl! more 'A'irh ~I\ vile revels- demented, aft¢:t \11m), and P-eJ'[~X eupertces and Wyrm·

[ion_ Y()UT Storrt~lIe.r will create the Bane, but will nOlI: m~ries.",'iII:g1v( herreepece. E."enmnndan~whoembt<!~

reveal 00 ~\QU thc exteru 0( Its kpl)wled~ (101 ir~ secret th('Ufg(lWrrm·$pt'lldp.les""lllre~,(hMch~non.l!wi(h

« ~'"tt$. Wh~le oyoor :B.ane wtll not ~id~ llQU an me rune, il. t'l\U$Ure .of " If!:and rC'VC!Knoc. Scgmil.tB are mUIiHy good

· 4#"'.iII __ ... ~ __ ... _F. ... '<ak_ .. ~.~z.r:_"'.".w.<l."~ L ... " •. d.~ •• r."LllSo< .. ".I'.'I.l·'~IIJ·"'~d"'_ling_wi.ili .. _.

Unlw tllls llotckgrou.nd is; pcrehased, the fornor is assumed [Co be of the loweet r.anJ,jpOSition "ll~"t!d Ii'! !_he Pemc'X dtvtsloe concerned It,e. civilian, boot-camp Fim T eemer, inu:m l<lbu!ch,el(")_ Peerex 1$ 5uit![ in enforcing fllnk privilege; rhe player character with the hii:h~t 411-,k wi.U be: in Qf ethee player eharecrers. Player characrers woo abuse: this privil~ may find their authrn· i[y IJndCireur. rewlrini In 'POOr performance on [he field. This ma\, uldrnatdy cause die character's transferral (K demotion. The St'Or)'tcll~t has the flnal S3~' on 1\0'1.\1' high this Bru:kground rna ... be boogh_t. 110 .;;hllrB(;!1:r shocld begi" p!;}~' hif:ner I}L"U'I flfr'h in command of a dtvlstcn.

NCW'i.«: A private in :) 'Fl"-St Te<i:mi:)rI! associate executive: ~ wh tie-level ;sci(!:[u:i~[

low Rank: A junLoQf officer in 21 Ptrar Team: a junior cxecutivc; a green-lcvcl ecientiar

Medh.lm 'R.::!.'I'Ik: A eapeein ina Fi~(Team:a !upervisin.g: execunver II blue-level k.itnti3t

High Riillnk: A 11,l .. ;o.- (lr (:I)lon.el if, ;) f:1~[ Team: ell. managing execurtve: II yc:llow-le1.'el :K:i.entist ••••• Comm;)n.d StOJ<tt: A ~t\e~lln a flm Tearm a dir~ting execunver a red-level ~ienti$e

merits &. 'Jlaws

The kt..if ~ GM!! of JI4 {IWI'I.. - oW (o!~ saying

With rhe Srcrsteller's permtsstcn, plavers I~l' pur· ebnse Merits: and F1:;tws from the IU:W lis[ ptven below or from Imy Whltc Wolf ~mt: book_ ~~d,."i.ny usdul alii! The Wl!:r~olf PlayenGuidc and Proj«tTwilight (...a<.rpt govemment-cetemed Menuor Fla .... ·s to Peneex-onenred). The Stor)'leUtr has the final ;S3If whclOOr a plajer miI~purd-!;;u.e (I dt:!lir~ Merit or flaw.



Hi a«n "'OlOer (2 pt m eriO

None. of 'fOur Powers or T ainu are phf~lI, ob ... low.

Yoo appear to be hmnom (or wh;j){oI!'Ver 1(QiJ l,!,'l!'ll!: before beeomll'llil: a fQRlorl. If 'jCIU have extra limbs. or body barbs, thc:y are retractable and ht-dd<l:n \lndet4j.$'h~;)!h of ~J.o:in_ You ~I!m to be: one of me. crowd,

dJanespeak (3 pi merit)

at recmenrs ot deep lIrgl! if may N- able to provide you with dlJ(,A or in(on'11<l1~i()f1. "t.ol,l! the Wynn or Garro W01ld$ which Y'Of,l 1,I,'Q!.Jld not osherwtse know,

d'a!.heUc Aura (3 pi merit)

You aft n truly needy person, or III l~ ~ to be 10; an)'OII\(, with an ounce 0( COl'rl!)3$$.ion 'A,1lI feel so sorrv (or )'00 rh .. r they will become yOW" protcct~ h-i('i1dJ; and patrons, lind often :remoin $(I re~n1I~ 01 'JOO:f bebavtee. Tht$eeu;,lrdl:)~wm nor die £orYOIl.but:somemilykill i(the circumstances are right. Th~ T rdi! does nOt ~1,l:11 :11'1 erdloC.~ ~l.Ipph· of AIH~ ~"O\Ir helpers wilt be PUTely mu.ndanl!: and will back oKlf ~he.shit:l.~tS tOO rhfek, So loo.g'3.S 'fOil kifep ~'Our(lb."'iou:; p.rOOlt!m50 t.Q Dmtrums, lieaand debts, bcwever, 'fCI'I will probably be- forgh·m. A.ltMlJ,g], scme i"I,Om'Ld .. .JC(:;:mini: f'onlOn ho.~ .hi.ll Mdi L, dcforrncd OOe;§. can muster e'I'IotJt::h !i1'fllPiJu,y to a multitude 01 dL"l.:!_

Stigmata 01 the "tOyrm (4 pi merit)

.. An kllf:nlitl' card, whtchservee 35 aeecunrvcleerance ro enter oompany lMJUdin,p.

.. i{::mli: medallion, .s.lgni!l'ln.g rhe Fi~[ TI!;3.m.eJ's I'3InLo:.

Wom on [he cellar or over tl:u= lrit breast,

the Wyrm·tli<inted. N(Iot~riloUl'. t~ cli<llr;lefl!:t' .... ,ill seand oue Hke III beacon to Sense W.,.rm and other sum Oi(a, and mU$t eonHnu;e to foI:JVt;!" th~ U1~ WyrTi'l wMl'll!: v er poss,lblc_

UnpDSSesse~ (5 pt merit)

A Pl)'rt of yOur ~I.$tm ~mal~_ The BaM has not IUlly pcesessed \\QU. giving yoo hope: of one day :sh.ik.;ng off its hold. He .... ever, i.!this w<l$dls«lveted by )"'Our !"i'I~tli!"l'$. 't'Qu woolddthc, ean )'OugtthelprWhoea.n ~-ou tUtfi(o?Yw m.l.~tre::clW"ry clllreJully - one wrong move end you 'Will be desccsed.

/[rue 'Iait" (7 pI merit)

The Bane 'I1o'ithin~"()IJ hM tiM ~ahle tc S(!\'erycM_L1 (<lIltn.. y(H.J can putcbaee the Numlna: True Raith ar normal 00&(, He .... 'ever, ~oo arc: iii bthl.;g at 'W:I9r 'I1o'ith itself. The Bane: ~ithLn roo ""ill try tC'Joth .... art the mlracks \lIh~h )-Ql,;!rh.itli ii'L;1lt b~ii\..g forth. ll'ld,eed, 1'0\11 Fohn fWly 1!Ven eedaeger \'CIu: if you arrempt (0 exercise an nil iSpirit, :ill botch m.:a,;, wrench the ]})fI.e rrOol )"OU in,!C!:)(i. Y(lIU will be eueed ot !;lI!nt: hut you wil1il1K) be dead from the: lTilum.<! toygw; 1;(IITIJ~ed ~L The StOl1'tcll~r hils. fuflccnrrol 1:11 the Inc ofT rue roth byfomori.

!DefDrmity (I pt 'IlalO)

VouRr.d it more! d.fficub [Qhidl!: your Wyrm rum.iuman othcr1-.ln faa, if )'01,1 nave any W1~u~_1 m.<tr!Qt\g1, !jlJ(h::t$ II tail or body barbs, you cannot hi~ them. People. run in for:ar hom 'YOO due (0 four hidcom appearance. Tha makes it w.ry ~'/ (or Carow (0 d'S.tlnguish yOU, -and ~ yOU aee forced ~o m(I\'C more C:OVQTt Iy. ThJ$ is <II \'Cry ((I!'I'h''1''1(1i''l F1;l1w for fomori. Mor-e me i& the Mcrit: Hidden Pawn

Scar!! (JJresence (2 pt'1law)

The Wyrm ridel ~IO!I 1IIW;l1Y1~ no marree how yoo "IIDt or ~JIf'CB'T, VOO"rc: Q!lflCd w Frigntoen p«rpll: by 'f(II.!r vr.r, pr$nfe. Thi:s flaw bes no- manifw:ation - you !"o(;:IIU foIlc.s .&-imp]., by nisting, MUJ:Idilm humans wi.ll :iIII'Oid yOU howeve[ d\oeY'(:l.n,"fInd~'JI'beeQ1J.·!I!:~'lQ:'I!:I'J[ I!~. E.Vi!:J'Jom~foDmari wilisertSll: the tatrn that inftcti yoor .sooli they [JI,j(y nO( flee, but )'00 WOn't be popl,l'-"r. eidm.lon.ell~ I:s \'(IUI' IOl furt:'P'Ii!"r.


t11asic 'Jirst 'ream Kit

AU Fif$t TeameQ Me ""e:n Ihe: r(lllOWiI'lI;; ~uiptften( andpt:rb. These uemaare free. and thu:sdonot reqctretbe Equl:pmclu lhd:grQ!,md 10 3oqvl1e. Falluf"ol! [0 prop!rl.,. upkeep cquipment (l~.ading to rl:"pliKCmcnt ~tI) i:s. rcc[int:l-y punis:hlf:d and the larv Flm Teamer is often docked

pay •

'1irst 'team }tems


ream or

1 24 ~.?---

While phosphorus grenade

at .-

/Pus Armor RlInk: 3

Thls loethsoene nen ill somewher like kevlar 'affording the .... eater Ern extra soak .. :He}, but when rhe curer pan: is pierced b.,. cl;)I!I$, teed, or bulleea, ~ing. highly infOC(tou" pus sp:t;ry$ OlJt in II two 'r.i«l long arc, The pus (aUK,$ one Heahh Level of aggravated damal;:e it it ceneacrs bare flesh. h.;:tJry werewclces, etc. Unless n I., wiped off witn,[n. the neer c .... 'o !\ltml. it causes an u'l,.cer.rttkln, which can only be healed b}' magical means. Each day ["'a~ the recfpienr faib to be h~ted, the u1c;el':nlon dig;s deeeee, aroolher Health Levelet •. Ootessbeeled, the victim I!"'I!~[I,I<)U'Y dtee as.1[ l!:J.t$l],rL'lUgh him. Currin!!! QUI the cleeronon is an opd()J"'~ but does a~ much d<Jm<'I~~ as all thedamage whteh the victim has sm;r<lli~ up to m;;n point (Lt. IT he b;u; taken rwc Health Levels q{ d:3_m:tlgc. curting it out C3USC;SIW'O mOre), Thisafl'l'l.Qr [J$1:iII in the F3cta testinl: S[~ <-_ny problems wnh me euns (and there :!iUI'C!]f ere some) have jer eo be discovered.

• A &IlJ.ary ;find a sttpend for ~P<!"~. represeneed by tbe RC1SOUn::e.$ Backgrcend (:oj II characters beg! f\ with I) •

.. An MlliS essauk rifle (_n} caltbee, oi,!iffir;ulcy 1. d.'ltn;Jge 7. rate 20, dip 20130, conceal N. r.mgc: 2.00) and three maga:i.-le$ cf ammtil\ld01l_ (Rc:ttiewl reams are !;lh'l!:nplstC'Jolii i:nsteild.l

• A COt'flbat/.wf'VL"'911 b\1fc with :II com:pass in the h.",ndle.

.. A flak vest (rt'ttico;oal reams are gtven bv~:t vests


Silver nitrate HollolOpoints


Tht-SC !!IroC hollQwpotm oolll!t~ fl!ted with nlvee n i teare. ~ti;)ny, tbcy ~ llke regular bollowpclnts, e:x; inside (,he wound on lm~ and releas!_1'18 the: silver nitrate. A_sid~ from th('-a:ggnlV"'l~, non-eoakable di.lMl'lgt: rbese d~ to. Garou who nee Jlm in rhcir breed form, silftr nil r.)l'C: l5 a poison In i~~ 0'Ii0<-n righ[, and .$prC~~ its toxin. It) a t1'«t the ",c~~ .. (M(regardle;s:s c.rforrnJ. TM: POOO!ncau:s~ OOe: Health Levt:;l of damage pee lI;yrn for three rums to 4111 infected Ci:flrr.uJ~ this darnilB~ ~J.nnnt be 5OOIk~. For fhose mtdnight werewolf hu"!~ with tho: geed oM Jx.y+, tneM' [hltio~ can't be bene. Becaase they ereeo pot~tjIl1l1-deooly ;lind ..... 'QIJ1d Lh.C!t~rt draw c.on:s.jd(!r.).bh:: Imention were they (0 be dtsecvered by ¥Rl:S (;If the: la",'. thl!:~' ure issued on a nectH"o-h3ve bas-is only.



~ r/..- _



• ZL~= .... ~ .......... r. .. ~ .. ~~ .... ~ ...

Pillt "tilii:Cd by lab WQ!'1.en; and guard:s 1.1\ "'_rt:iU where OaIOO imorrfcU:fl~~wtQ Hkc:ly, s:ilv~rbody$tliu have proven to be- a Ii[:reJ! deterrene to. were .... ·C'Jolf enecks, The ruir 'P!' the: wearer wlr,n ttlrtc::.soak dsce. H owever. il l5. made of woven Sil,,('r and ;w:ryli(: (jbll:'_r.s whtcb, when plol!:toed. fracture ImQ ja,,ggiCld cdgH rhet InfliGf eggravared, non-scakable d .. miIgC on wcl'l!~,'olves woo hit if. Hul{ the ~OIm~ge a Garee rolls Ilg3lmt the .suit wearer is also t:llkef'L by thor G3!'(JU (Q;liIggra ... ered, f\Q'-l~bblor{bm~ (rOlJnd u~). Silver bOOyruir:S;)lt'C very rare. The'j' ~_fe only issued w an elite ft'lJ,' who a~ en~ in or pIOtorcting vtral work.


Since p~ t:tnd ro CILU:5e ecrmnenr irt polEte $()[,ktv and have :IL high incidence (If e3.U5ing 5Udden d!!:)th SynJ drom.c. thor\, are nQ{ uP.J<IlIy esued 3$ e,,·cr.,-day orquipmel'lt. Tbeyarereserved for rhcse whG need rhem due to-the nature or th!:jr normal work, or th~ ma-y be reql"l~~cod when ::'I character cakes 'On ~ .spe!;i:al !W\ignm~n! in which the greD~ mi,gln p~ IJ!S(-fuL Tbe pehce tend ro:shoot: anscne flashing t.h.e$c thing5 around ;_i:nd Nk -quHtloM liiter_

IJrngmmtation Crenahs

A fr."lgrncnmtion hM!II damage Pool 0( 12 dice ~t ground Era (~ueh 0)$ in a!t'$ h:md), for every f3.rd berween the Q:reniide e:xplos.lQn [liM the chaeacter, reduct! d'lll.! d .. m8,gC Pool by ene dJe_

Exampl~: A U die fr:agm~nr;)tion grenade detonates five '':{I;rd~ i111o'ily from iI character. Thedamage Pool tsseven d:i«ofd:llm~_

Smoke Crena~l an~ '[ear Cas Crtnahs


Smoke ~adc:J ernh a dense cloud of while cecclcred smoke. T(:aJ gas ~rtnl)dC'St:mLt a dood of ltritatin8!Pli (see p(ll':saru:. beLow). There is no bl~t (rom these ~n~e$- The ~l'I)oke is released dlorough holes in rhe canister. The cloud will fill a Ie ..... ymb M{uare area 1_1"1 OM mtrane and will 11m ten minule! in sdU :}Iir. Pesuex [roops Arti'ijtiinto me :smoke usually h3lm'L IU; many of rhele own IiU .m-y de O;)rQloI_

White d1hosphorus


Whh~ phosphorus gre-nadt!5 generate a remeereture of 2100D r: when rhevexplede. A WP gfeNidt ~$;) Pool of 12 dice-at j,ts. po:inl(li OOQnlLtiDn.. R~ the Dlce Poo! bYoCIne for e~'e:r)' two sards between the chaeecrer lind the grencde.

Thi~ is a,ggravated d:un~ bc<;1IIw:cofthe o,...m,jn_e. -:LlthouBh ~ou.(;)n (tyto 5O:J.K rhedamege. WP g:r~:ru._deswill ignill!! l'IKioSl common materials thallirt cvtn ~UghdY' !1!lmrnahlA=.


c !lani~e C apsu/e

Rani" !

Vectcr: ln~(ed

Seneorv. Bluer ;;IIlf'i'lOf'ld 'L')S,(~

Effc:(;t5~ The fomo:r h.;l$ a small qUlIDtitv of c,yanLde Insid~ a hon~ out tooth. Jf the: (()t1'IQ[" I:! eepeeed by Garee, be 1m0\l0'1 {O e:(~CT [he tortures of the: damned. TM -cyanide ts a qutck and rdativdr patnless escape. Pomce! who arc held pti~ne-r by tr.e Gfirou :lrt: 1Jrually coru.idcred $LJ~P«:t by mo-:;t agermi of tne: Wpm md are oI(C1'l d:c..<RtoylNl if the.,. escape, anywa .... This capsule will nQ( affect those flJlJOClri who lire imro.Ufie" ro poiSiQru Ieee (he Power: Immut1i~y, be:IQw).

Pn}teCIlQn; Don't bne into tooth.

Ionene Gas Rank, I

"VCt;IOr:: Inhaled

srt'e.t:t,s: The (omor has a g&J UtnKt~ from the com. mon vl<llef. This eJ;.t~( eOfuain1' III highly <;otKCntrnt«i dose Q( the; .;::hr;:rniC$l iortoQn-e. [-oncme OOIJIlplecrcl., .m..m c:in:ulr~ tht- seese cf -HlH!"l1 Qr enscne who ~meU~ it. The effecrs of thi1l ~ last :approximately ~1;'10 MIJ1 and can be partL<.uli"'rly OOffillllni ro lupw Om-ou, woo :ilJC "'C[)' de:.r pendent on t:h<:ir sense of $l'nell. ihl.!J I;ti may also fully I;)J ptI_rti"Ur ~e v ent [he: Gerou from ll.liing ilny Gi(a- th:_u depend on smell (e.g., Hci.~h{cned-Serl$l!:S..Sa:m of Sight, Scent of the T T1,.1il: F01rn. etc.I. Thls will not bled. theO"t:

Seese Wyrm, .... ,hleh 1:$ nm based on smell lno metter how mue'h G:a_rou noses wrtnkle Up' when tM.), use id·

Prorec:llvn; Don'[ br~the u.


'tear Gas Rank: 2

Vecrcn ContlK.t/l.nh:ilc-d

&mGl'l'l Colorless ((Rql.1er:ul ... rt)Ib:.~ with srnol:.-el. diiihnet odot

EffCi;I'~ Co.,ghl ng. Pm::ing. 5C-V('1e irritation ot the eyes and mucus memb(\1l_nC$. Subltxt f'4'O diu from aU Dice Pools UI\[il dear of the ~ .;::loud for 10 mil\ures.

Peoreertom Ag.a:!i rniYk ""ill protect fullV,aSC'Llba mask or 8~te! ""ill pl'(Il'eel che e~"'C1i. and b:r~thin.g thruu.lI:h ;jII \\'C'[ cloth will protect the Iu._ng,. Th~ Rl!.S.bll Toxin Gli[ will nftgJtlc the eff~u of r.e;ar ~5.


1 26

~,IJ-- -_

»t ustar~ Gas IUnk, J

Vote-tor: ContJi!l;tlIn~led

SeMO£Y~ Faintly ~II(>lIfI!lh, dlsrlncrlve odot-

Effect: a.u$~je. 1!:;11~ Misters [0 or=~ flesh.. If tahaled, i.Mide the 1m'ss m;:ay prow fatal, Subtract cne Heald'!. Level per tum I~ &kin ta exposed to ~he g.u. Vktiirru; 1O;K: (W(] Health Lev~1J per (urn of M~thing tho"".

Prol"ct:tion; ~ll.~lEin oo'llel'BB.~ and a p m~1i: ;jIIft! ru!(:e:s&arv for any protection, Otdin.;'uy elorhinR will proteet Foroot ~urnQnlY'. The Re:aist TO!l;ID GiFt win i\ep(e me t!«o!:ClJ of [his gl6.

If trUe Agent (Sarin)

Rank: ~

VectOtt Con.tac.tllnhllied Scmo~: Colodess, 0001'1('"55

Eff«f; Hi*hI)' eeeeeneared neeve gi!I inOl(.u (It\!!

Health Level per tun'!.; .;hli c;:armQ( be soaked. At II low cenceerrartcn, it ~nflio!;b one H.eallh U:>;'eL per minute: wk'" th~ same restrtcnon, At rill l'ri)C.t: ecnceareartcn, it iEitflku: OM Health Level per hour.

Nerve g)lS I;BlIK':I rLiI~ and disQriA:m3[ion, followed by d~<ath.. lr b Important ro ftalix that the I~hal t!;ffl!:er.s:ofSarin OCQII" ;1:1 3 OOni!l':I\I['I';uicm of 10 . 100 puu per million and thatthc: effecu"rI;~ l'l!:fha.L (all.n~ofnonktbal1,.,.~ ~rm :symp!Um·indoci~ c:x~rt ate lw r.M_n l in IOp:x).)

P~tc.;Iion.; ~!eJ NOCstl:i[

An\idOtI!:: Aeoetne Injection Kit (hypOd~rfl'Li( needles wnh auopinci must be ~iI.'Ijnj.';tue=d before svmpeoms begl.i'I.. Afropine- rak~n without exposuri: to $:attn becomes a (Oxin). Tbere lire: J1.lffiOl1 th:at Penrex has engineered this pQUQ-[\ SO d'klLt nropine win cnl ... giV<! ~.,~ vk.rlm to four metre houn 'Of life. The Rot=&iM Toxin Oif! wlll negnre thl!: I!:ffl!:(u of the! .gas.

NOn: h tnllly be possible to protect (ln~lf from. Sarin b'1S4!':aling a I"Q()m in;) h_lgh !;Ilace. brad used thi5 i1pprO\tth ropiOtt:cr IlSpopu.i;uionduring the 1991 Oul(W,,:t, bur tnc df«riv('notM; wu noc: tc:lled (rh.(:f(! .... 'e:ri!! no gas attltClkt.).


Ve-etOT~ Injecti!d

~sory': Odcdese, I;OlorlC$S l.q,,1d

Effor=C:l: Over III pe.riod 0-' (Sta.miM + :3) beers, victiTru .suIftr !U~. c:r;UT:JP:S. vorni[i:ng. diJoric:ntati.O:fi ~ .... d CQn· g.m'f:1i Mffithi:ng bc:(QR they die.

Antidotel BkH.xL ~t;1Iru!\J bceptral C9IJ(:.


• =T

Kiss of tHe "Wyrm

Rank: 4

Vei:to:r:lnJeettcl Sensory: YcUowtih Uquld

Ef(CJ;;b~ This is. ::I h.ighly I!:)[~rimentlll toxin wed in coojllrle'{)on with;). (brt pi3tQl or ri:Il~, its pu~ Is rc ereate parancte BInd bloodlust wllhii'Llh.e victim, C.auS.lflg the- rarger ic frel-U:Y without provccarlen. I e ... as bee" proven e.ffcctl .v e 8.gai_ru~ G~!'Q~I, bur the Ii:KaI;;[ amDWl~ needed fee I he optimum effecc has OO[ 1)(:(:11 1d.!:l'Ili!'ii!JI.I 01$ of)'li::t.

The serum is placed inro a ~:pwle ;.u~(;hcd to the dart ptsrcl or needle (tI\C.p~lOl reqetred tofee it is R .. ank 1; (he rifle i.s.Ranl:. 2). Upon lm_pi!,(.\, thoe capsule breaks, ~1J!8.SinQ: .ru: toxin into the rarger s h.l00d~trenm (lr inu.$l;;!.t· ussue. Once- within (he !C;)'1ler',s ~yst-cm, it begtns ro .s.dmulm(! chemicals eseoctcred with p<L_r<t.Mia and a:ngc=r. A .socCes.!i~ (1.11 injiCol;tion will send :I G3fQU qr Kindred tare a fr~ru~', and fill rnott;)~ with Intense anger and par'.utoQl~_

The vLe:lim m.-'i ~ist thi!; to"jn with a W'illpow~ roll R:g;ll~[ ~ d iffi(:ulty based on the amount OT [o:dn lh",l wiU u$oI..-d. A ptstollced ts difflculr ... 6; a flne loo~ is difficlJllY 6, T~ OLft: ~~LM Toxin will nLJ II ih the effii:l;;~ of ehe toxin. The W;IC:in will t: .... emurdlr I~ itt pOtC{1';:Y, .; mit rargt:l to (:ill intO (I. drxp sleep, A Ri[(: 00 OI!3.!uin.ll: i:s req~lirtd to, fuU~' remove the effects o( the KiSls of the W~'nn. Until this ritual is perfutmed, the victim will find himse]f edgy, and ~u«erln.g 'rom mild paranoia.

Peciceucm ArrnQr, R=J$l Tl)".ldl:l

Sensory Sub-t:])uma] (}{~io

Rank: l

The fomcr has 91 small radio eecet v er and naruenrrer Irnp!;j."l~ in the base of her ~kull. Thl$ ~JI~ her [C) receive OKIe~ and send lnio-rll;l.OI!tlOn diKT~df' The range ts Hrni~~ (.about 25 miles radius),so,( "U$U:Jllyol'lly<i \.I$C wilhin (he (Qm(lt'$ Ifl\ff, c.if(:le (FiTst Team, ere.). "the radLo froq~ncf shuE)~s up and down the bandwidth, makln.g it dj{ik:lJ]t for enemies to eavesdw~ Those rec:(!ivil'l~ me (r2Irumis.s.lon cae ~~r e">o·eryth[ng rhae the fcmcr does. The: remer cart shur (he radio 041 [U '11.,.11, bur Pentex canreacetvare itdi!iCreed., (l'(Ii'O adtstaoce to guard agaiMt rreru:.h!!:r"Y_ Several of these devices have been C3J=1l'Ured by the Oarou known M Monkf:Y"Nrl!"nc:hel'$;. Thi$ h8i worried Peruex, and [1'Ii!"~' are COTi:ttt:m.tly tmprcving thot ead los: 00 di,K(;n.lI:11g~ OilIOO tarnpertng,


Weaponry Aut.malic Stapie9ul1

Rank, s

Pcnte:K'6 l:at~ ceeenen looks llnle dill(:l"4:Ilt than an ordinal'\' $I;<l.pteg1n), but the "staples" leaded in il are mnde from the [eftovcr parts of dead R~ni~cnt (omo~ch Ieee O;)~eT Two) ;)nJ beve "001:1'1 coaeed wi LI'I ehe pOiOOI'l Alphll;· Wht.liJ'I the triggeT is pulled, the amcmarte ~t~plc:run sends our a iiprnyor lOO~af.l!~ .... -hlch lodge ebcmeelves in the .... k[lft'1~ Oe:sh. injcding (hot poi~OfL A single. burSt of staples contains i!"flough Alphill·FomofOt (0 kill an Qrdl_n..-uy h.utniiin. in:swnly. Tare'eUi take ooe level of a_ggrnVl!.ti!d damfllij.e from clKh burst ptue seven Jlc~ OT 'UnJin~ry ti<IIma,g.e. The gun 1lUt!l[ be reloaded cvtty three beraes,

These who do noo: dte From staple damage are ;nfeoa;ed by the: Alpha·FomorollnrrQdl)oed into tn.elr bodies. As AI.f,lh.. ....... Fol1lOrol insmmly kills humans. v krl~ Q(thiuort <ire limited to Darou and oeher 5upt'm.;" fur e v e1l' Icycl-ol :lggrn'io':ub:l damage It\ the victim accrues one Tefnr pofnr (Sr,orr~oI!!ll~r eh~ the Taim), bcgln~ nlf'L8 the lIH!t:)m(;lr~hO<!-i..J imo a Femor. Moeecver, AIp:h~·Rtm()rQl, llke fcmorcl, i;s. hiGDI'i' 9ddi~t:lw; ,uW vtcrim who takes three levels Qf ~ggt3\"Hc:d dli.rn~ from rhese eeaples bteorne$ <likIi(:~ed to AlphslFomomJ and may dte unle:f$lie cithc::r gel:5 more Alpba-Pomceel Of h e reiiiOVCi all treces of me W..,nR'S poi;s(rn 'roM "hiS sl"U,,="m, Less than three le .... el.:!. wnL cause It.s5C"T ..... i[hd:raws.1 ~mp· t~ su<;h.(l.S ~·omitin.g blcod.ea the vtcrrm M~b..

Th~T a il'Lt can be removed withinonc: moon by a Rt(c uf Oearning, ales, ebe addkdQfl to Alpba-fcmorol r-t:' mains. Th!!:a~r(JcJ(urn:ntly know noc\II~(ormcaddklIOf'l. although it is rumored [1'131 an Umbnil quest m Gaia's name m!,g;ln be .effie.J(:iOO!!_

Roll De» + Firearms, D[rfkuk~ 7.

Damalle 7 + special, R;,aqge 12. Clip ), CmCC<1] 1

Cl . .,,,,,,, O!;Ijo~ are small explOl!iiw oh3l~ ertof~ in petered silver ca.p;i which are {jn~ ever a fumor's o;;law.s (he mu.Sl have Ihi!: Power; CI;).~) and donned jllSt before a fight .. into the targt[';5. .!l:in "_"h~n d'lle eta\\'$ make coruaer, [hi!" ure ttrned to "=".x:plode efter 001:" rum. :;)w;).~ ~L:in rand muscle. CIii._, caps are wtred rc ~ ~it~·-er 005I.l which remains on the rOr:nQt"':! cla .... '.S. il..fteil" conU!U; the timtng rru:e.hani!rru in (he: C31ps.aJ~ t1~ when {n.e.sih·e:r on meeap no 10l'\gtt (oueht'-S H1(' $ilv-C"r an. me base. ln c;wOet'


1 CIwpI.,()n.:ChnmclerCna/ion 2?

~~ __ .F""U".'~"""~~."~~=.~-"~==""""~"~~~ .... ftW"

roembed rhe cap; into Gilrou n~h., n fornQl' mU!i[ fim in let ~t I~t one Health Level of damage ..... lth its eLLpped darn. Beeeuse 0' [tchoolog~l lil't'li~iiII!i.::ms" eaps have :ill lb cbanee OHllll,lnij: to explOOe and iii 15% (;M.n« ot -e~p.I.ooI:nl!l while: stiU being wom by {M a!llllCkjngfomcr {roll ()ntcaftC-T b.!-ln~ donn~). "'hi~h explaim why 1'1\051 fomor wear claw I;iIpS only wben ;.!)§Qlurdy noousar-y, UnliJ the)' 4tC esed, the., 3I~ kept in lightwl:ig,ht (.oj)._m·li~ .e(ml;aincr.s.

wrher'lo embedded ~[1, Gerou, the $l1~r in [hot! .c.aPS(.;'l1JS(!;§.

OM: level of :o:ggn'l'l,l';'!wj demage per rum. Add_itLonj).I1~. (he: e~IQSi ... -e char8,e; three H~lth ~~1!! (I' aggravated damage. FOrt1)",;_L(I!I., foOr rhe Garcu, the c=xpkli$wn($) UW· ally 3100 ej«u the $hardJ of sil· .. er from thol! skin, so after the "'pi have I'1)f\o!' of( (he following turn ;litter bcinl embedded, .... erewolvee srop rallinS :sllve, damage.


it>.k, l

Initl<ll1y 1tnl!:ruied rOf use in thr- space pI"Ogl"<iJ'ii., these are metallic arms WhKih lHlgthtn OU~ on ecllapsible frame,,"Orb (oO:lt'1UP di.n~om irems or uppOncn~~ up [0 three ywds "Wt~y_ iheir effecnve Srrength iimd.Stiilminj);lt"t each 5, and, they can :grtp. and cause cru:shin,g damii'lgC et[1J.i'J! m rheir St["Cngth_ Som~ are eccred ..... hh stlver, mt.en; are made of ooId iron to r:Mole !he!r users to o:k:al dfec;tivc:ly w'ith Q:af(ltl and changelings. Waldoc$ may ;;111$0 he: used to gmsp it~and U$oI!tnem;asw.eaporu{utili:in;g-lhcOpCr.ltor'" melee combat ~biliti=,). sueh as (hrunlng wooden stilka ;II( vamptres' hl!8.TD or as hclpen, br I)t!cform.ln~ such aerlcns as dUWLng mlil match tnto a vclanle liquid nom iii gfc d~r\Ct'. Theoy are some ..... hat dultiS'j, tll)wevet. end cSJU}{}( be us«! to ~rfutiY1. &Heatl!" manipulations (ptcl.. In¥ .. ll)l!k.coo5trucrjng abomb). They ar~ n 1$0 bulky (add one to all Ot-.xtc-rity 1"(111 dlffl.culdes while wearing them) <rnd haed eo cC)'I'LCC'ai {l"{'qlIiring lilt leaae ;J bt:[ef(.~·slzocd container "",hclt nl)'! Ii'! use],

I t







Mo:st !Omeni do nQf heve a Gnos" T mit. This makeJ it hatod ror (Mm t-o UK: fenshes, whi.dl MlI-UF.lnyauul1C rhemselvee to mil: mct'$ ON)5.:!s.lmtead. a fornor miry roll \Vll1power rc activate :II f~ti!ih (difficu.h:., of the- (etish '-5 Gnoels + i}, or s~nd oee W'lllpowl!r to ecnvete Il "_IJ\Q-r rna!li=.;lUv·


uvt:l1, Ooosia 5

Th.l$ drui Is IKruaJl.,.. (lorutitlJted froO\. jhe bodies. of ~ecrt,1ed" {otn()n:-t:'" [see CI\;lIp~r T'IIo'IJ-}. WhA::n in.jec~ed Inro a fcmcr, it H:mpo11I.ry ~u his Powers. HowO=:YC-J. it i!. highl}' a ddtcuve, and !h~ tomor ..... iIl crave mort. M!l!t, thefomor roUs toecnvate the. (<<E,n.lfwlCct!.5(ul. the dfoe:ca oi any POlA".et hoe US!!! ate doubled (j,C'.,.dat,\':S and ~Lni'3 00 more damage, Mind Bmd:iAg: i$ easlee to use, etc.].

Afu=r even one use, ... ~I! .... er, (l'II!~tdle5o$ ot wh~thl:;'[" it Wa.!o sLlC(l~r".lly ;ae{lviUeci, oe M'!} tho!:: "hil.1"illl::OClll'ill adfee from rhe Tainn Addiction (C';'(:lo!: OO~ P'!~ men •. h). u'-l~~1 ~ &eU m_O'I'e Forn,QI'oL U.-.hke a f!JU·blOWiJ addiction, however, cree a rlJlI.:)~le: hes passed wttbour Fomcrol, [hit characree's need for [h£"-dfl.ljJ dl~N ~'IIt\tU'!M wes it ~i;_n.

(/Jower Ciol}9le 5

Le~'I!! z, O~~ J

Now rCM- ~!J;r. 1-i;)'IIe Po .... -er GOggkli, jmt like your here, &.J;;:;kR.acer! (Sei:-Mook!!VWN!f.I~h:: pl!rI.!~:(_)Th~~e,j. :(IJ"I! a &n,~ (etl~h which allow the fomor to see Gaeou as. thl:=jo"' traverse the G::mru:IC:I from the P..:!:I'Iumbra. ~o I;~ Ph'f':5k3l1 world (Nil P-e[(.f.:p!io.n"'~k,diffk;ulty 7.rob!: alerted in Lime l. Thls ffi.3y give (he IMM' mat (rudilll, -C:s:~.r,;j. irutwlt nG(;l::uarr to 53.- v e hili life,

Olutty "M~

Level J. Ooosts 5

Putty Buddy is a Bane K:(LY. dleefbcred ra fo~01lli."!,!the service of Pearce. \Vha[ can j,~ do ~ Qt., whu eLitI~t L~ .aa-1! 1 reuerchee. I [bt;M.rl'[A:l!s. ~! :pkks IJJ';I e..,n:oo:tl.:!i_lf molded o"c:r 31'1.Q[hl!r f>"t!m~'$ faee ..,_~ then ever the: fomor'e own it will ,,[[ow u,"-e (QmO'l" 00 tah: on rho other's appearance Iface Oi'llf. for MIt: ~c:nd· One ~·s wcnb can be ;5.m::roh«l: our ro over SO' long, crCii(i~ 31 KJf'!! for q ... kk ge!<!Iwa~. 0:[ to blnd O.M':§: enemtes, i{ t~ru:Wi;"i at il.n")' target [KI( in the $oI!rViee or the Wrnn. it will ICntangI.:: rbe ... icrim (Sut:T.lsm 5-}. A thousand more uses. PIl[[V Bud'dL~ cao ·oo-1r be dem(l\o.e:d b~' fl1e. The'f scream as Imf burn.


Level 3, O~~5:5

Thts blade i~ the resulcof che fustcnef a oornw[~d' e:il!oCuk,.. ity elemental and a 'bl";lIded w~pon. These ..... "eaporn IkfC -eJ:~rr;r.M:I~ I3perimmtlll[.uHlk ..... mnumber. Wh.::n mc-fl!1:i::!h ts aofvared, !hl! ~!1!trll~'l1tal (~Li.toe$ :iI-ehil$ around the bla&. o!;;l!.win,g iI; law h.wn and vibraricn on (he MirE blade. WMt'L dl.n.I:S[ I!\[(J 3 ta~t. t"!'1,-e<ltetically a dit.cnargc 01 electrical m;::rgr 'LVillocoor. iO:;atrnRl::thm: Hl!:lt[h Levels of ~\'a!ed:

J::.~~ 11'11 addItiOn tc tkhf dJtni!,gc tfu: knife inl1ict5.

TI'U:! !i:_fIi(e Itst1[bstill fnan experimcnralphase, Pc=f'I~X bas had trouble fu!;in.c elemental spi rif.:!l wid" 1h~ i!::t'Ii"e$ ks-eJf. ;)n,.j has (0Wld il wc:rk:s bear 00 ftgh(lrlg knt ... ~ or :s:borts:v.-ord!i. Uf'lfoJ[uru'lt-l!"]Y. [h.eV have rilO( leeeed to ccnrrol [I'll! chnrge wlth l CIIJ% aoc:ur;lll~:y . .and: !iOITiI:: unfcttu~(-e a,;::·eIJe:rl'tS ba ... e happened rc those wielding (he blade.


Ro-!I r.mfll;ulty

&i' WeLi.pon By ""~p(1n

T AggraV1t«i da.~


N ... "",. ,~k",,", """ '''I'< "" '",;" land b'li!!ml!u.Q'I'.Ili.f(fr'dtt~.f}fg(1rtjr

- Beat nsecem. ""Born. w Kat"

DeJIl?! is a liar or foml,ll'l PoI,,1\1,'e~ :and the! r polnt 0I>StS. ~Ming charecters !le:t one point ""idl ...... hieh to 'Purchase PoWC:!!l fur ~s!!~T3.ll'L[ ~11'I~ [hey t3ke-. T;)li'I.'t$ ~N:

HS!eQ erree ttwl: f(.WI:r..I_1 SIJ~i~ Powers may be bought with experience points [see ~. <l~)'. :at lru:

St(lrytl:llu!~ approval. TI:u::K mootd, be some ~~ fur me new Powers, such as exposure w- ~h~ W"rm".$ e;)kll~, :."!I ~tN!f!~th.ej1ing of th.r: Bane ~g tile: character, or some other ~oory -e_'(1;.--u5II!!"

Ncees MOUQ~~ ~nrl:Ql"liR.thcfornor ro apeod Ii pOint:at Will~r. However, if the fomor hB.:3 Oncsts (Powt:t: -S~irlt Tied. he ma.}' elecr to spend Gncels pofms instead. A.1::5o. :M the SKlryt-elt-er's dlscretlcn, fomort with fu!8~ (Power: Bc=u.::r'.::el'} mav ~pmd Rail! po-ln~ W aenvnee I!~~~ain phT~~~J POWI::I"'j (.J1K.h M Shapemik or Haaardous Breeth) •

• Al'llil'f.l:lll C"fItrOl (~ ~) - Arlim_ill Control8i"Cli the I,ISI!r th~ i!bilit .... to. summon and coerrcl anirn3lls who are witni..1;I, rmg-clat rhe time the: ~r i:.s.~.lfan anima] ts with~[I, th~ vi-r]nity, ic ;;:;31n be made oa perform cne ~~I.fl.c tad: .. The ask men be rome:~M!\g tMt ~hJ: animal can i'lOi'('I"I~n'f @. ~ might bite, rats mi8ht follow III targee fur iI f.:w b~ sc king ~ the IlII~ arc able (0 remain hidden, and cats might jump-an !iOm,~I!"~ ba(:'~ or wmd aroufid1hl;s JelPto. tdp Mm up. However, birds wdl not take m~g~ back and Iorxh li'-:IC ca!Ti~:rpL,gf:oru. 3100 dHr WOO'L ~rtonn mange C3II'LU! if'l ~rol'L! ot ,pt!(lrl~ ~(J di.:nt<iet ~~m,. Com-. inOril R;[I."5e: ~noold dictate WM.I is ~3ISOTl.:iIblt:.

Sy5krn: The fomcr spends om Willpower and rolls Ma:n.ipi.d3.dCWI -to AnliYl,.jll<ep (diftlCl.:llr:y 6)_ !( ~u~~II, be em cause one antmal per -MlCCc:s:5 aJlywi'lc=rc= wnhfn 1 W v3lrds cfhlm [0 do as h~ bi~. The -e((ee! 1il."!i11 f-or OM £~M:.

• &:t.d~re 'f1~ (7 p~} - Wh~MV1:r U1.c: fomor is e:jI; to Beleftre, [De radioactive exereuces -of me W'jfflI;. t\e ma")' 1Jt.LCt.t.:tgO a mrniomt4ti1J.n. S3l[ III new P""",.

Sy!km: Afu=rthe(omaruf'ldA!~fI"Il!rum.:!lQf~oc.e:!j:. ~[\I~~lq)OWre to ful~t1re, roll Uil: l'ootor!sStaminfl (diff[(;lJll}' 9). A[ chit SLOrroclld;5. oedon, p-afd~tll:ulv extreme exposure !_Q :&ill!tl~ "m.alJ l,OWt.1 (M: difficult) of tht Seamtna roll. if :rug;~ful, toc" fomcr gaim a new Pewee, ebcsen ran.dcmly ',&It!! below). n..j, f'lI!W ~In;" from t~ Wyti"ll i~ If'l$~at1lt - tn.e dJaffiCrer irnm.ed iSkly wmu:g0c:5 31 p:ainful (rarufonruuiiJf'I fOoJ lh_T"~ turns,; .d'u(.f!!!I: whld'l ~.~ ~<i_~ !~~.~ f'lQ :)C;dCM'ls; ~~ e'll-en t(Io de.f-e.rtd hl::t:Self. AftlCl"""'aI-ri:!!. nC"I m:w POWoC'I will di.:sp-la .... itsc=lf (ntc:1'I ;:;L!i :il n-ew am!, ilfO"WLri¥ ~m her $Ide.. [r she ~;);i.tu:d fin E.xtr<L limb}.

[( Ll\t:: roll Ll Li. bouh. die c;;.tcr I!lairu 31 new Ta;nt ins«:ad,3100 ehOSi!n randomlf {~tbl! T:::i!!"Lt: Billef1~ Cm:5e}.

.. ~ ~ ~~ .. ~~.,~~ ~ ...


.-------,.,....../~- --

Belcfbe appean as Il:tt>etnbh flame, ~( "'31.5: rome mb:!i~t.loe man normal fhe. It leeks !itlrnewnat II.~ wa.:x (as in 21 ta,i,I;_\ t~mp). eJCCI!p.t \.'I!~' fluid 11100 liquid and growl"!!: wlth its own. imanal ineandeseenee.

Mfli'ly ;J,~um~nLs Jj(:f'5isr the '::;11; .. (1 I)fig:in and nanne 01 Baleflre. The 81::)t::k Splral Dancers believe it i.$

rhe feces of We" W,'nD cnce the (001 St::fPi!'ri.r hasfed on pur~ Ga~ mc¢i. Some- Penreuckntists believe it ~COi'tVP{ed C'p~-ncr.t, the "ph\'5:lcal" substance wblch rnilkd\¢l th,uplft['World. Regardless.all know rnu h I:)d:Ln~~rous, ekhocgh (he Black SplraLs will often "$liICTir.~" ebemselvee rc it [i.e, C;ll;~ themselves (0 l~ glare fee hoord to pin mrs~Je(11 in$iiJ,h[~. bel'l!: ... i~ dun dol:" caru::e,tJ;',g rumors thut grow ln In.eir braln 9I!i EI. K$l,Ilt will g:i1'J: thea ..... eorrupr .enlig!'l(oI:f'lmem.

The elym.ologv of Baleftre l!; lJ.mUH:. The ~e also use {he word Balefhe ro refer 10 thelr ru:artMirts. the flrt"! of Belrene. The Nanna beheve ~h .. l dll~ Whlrlf: lfowlers, the ['i«M tribe oi wt::t(:mY'C.!l from. ncnhem 5«JlbJnd" !thew the 8eh:ti'lf: fire:s wdland worshipped ilt them ;i$ did (nd1 ~ldc cousins. Howcvel", Once they became eocrupr after daru;:ing the BI~d'. Sp:!l';)l, [hey worshipped a( the fe-an fires r:/t,,_h.t! Wyorm in&t(:ad. ami Gililed thc:ir nel!o' ~an:h flamt':s Baleftre. in mockery of thetr pure (oU$it\:5' w~~'S.

Expo:!iifiu: to BlIIlmn:l This .it1l:(fbU_ffi$, b::tb." and it dcee i50 even from. [L .dj~!~nce. A &aleflrt: toroth will frredtare arwcne ~t;)oolni wl rbfn three earde of it; a &lef'in: bonfl.fl!: will frredtaee 'iI.U}'oo!: wid:'! .... ee ... en ¥31ros; and 91 in.femDoi Baleflre will irradlare ilIriI'fOl'1:1!: wirhin 15 ..,1IIrd:!i. Usc the r.rt-l'Ul~ g1V4!n (In pg. 197 d the Wew,,",'oU rcleboek tOdete:rn .. ine d'led:)1'A9Ige base.don thc=sLi.e()ithe: flame. HQ,,~r. [his dalnil8c CM:n(I{ bc::fO;iI!tI!d, rak6(wicc :l51ong fO heal. and +~OlSaddcd toany~ullll'~1'Q1l LI\ rht': Br.aul~ &an; Chart (ps 199, W~rewoU t1JJ~book) T'ht O'(t

« RcslM Toxin ..... 11 ptt!Vt!m this da.m'8g~.


Thls Powerdoes not make the f'otnor immune ro 'BaItflr~i!5$ she pu,dl1lst;, Isee below}, she will sutter :In\' normal ~ from thcto::(in (~1! etdebae).

Random Power8l Wer [CIo the chan ar chI! beginning of Ihis. chapter. Each Power has til nutnbet llned by if on III [ijI.ngv: of 1-100. Roll pt:reenrili!: dice (2dl0. with one die '8C(ing:astheon~coLumn aPlil ~h1!(ltn.~'M metcnsrolumn. 'W CC( lOO) ro derenefne which Power i~ I;;hoKn.

.. a~r$erktr () pu} - The fernor W been "gifted" witn Rs.g~ - the R'llOWrI;e;J :jj~f:er' of rhe WI!:rt:\1,IoLf,

S\'!i(cm: The fomcr be-.g:in~ the: garne with three pOin~wMeh h1!~.1'1 us.e-jusllikoeanyGarou, However, the fomor is also suSGC"ptibie to (rem.,... He m.ay purchase utili Rage polt'lu with feeebie poinu. (ClO5C I per pctnt},

• Body Barb, (2-10 P!~) - The fornor baa sharp. b3;.lJ~II~,e b01\1(: grDWth~ on his. ""'ri.~Q., cloow~, kll~ ce 'I:>l!t. The balm' ene, .dtapc, numbee und pls.u:rru:m Vll.1l' from (omor to (CNoor.

System: Tbefcmor mal' add one toflve I!!([f'a dtce to his bl1lwldflma:gt (one! die per R'Oo points spent em. m~ Power. maximum 10). Thed<-n_,;).ge Q.tJU:-rnVll[~. Tbefcrocrmusr seaee where nis barbs !IfC Iocatccl :)'Mod ~~ti!: dun he ~ ""[3t=~dn~ with. them before rolling hb (lttlOlC:'k dtee.

,.. Body ExpitMilJO (2 pt,,) - The forn.orc:angraw ... try 1.8JRC"- up totbree nmes ncrmal height. WhHe expanded, sile ~.i'I (~&:e gl.;In.l SI.~. rovtffing a grear deal o( groond. and grab hLJm;m~iled (lPPO~~tS In her fist.

'Thes-e aroe '" few d'~nraB"!~ to the ~x~ion: FQ1'nQrl rna.., bump their heads .on doo:rft\unes aod 1'I2I"tf (0 bend over in low-ceilinged rooms. Their iml!':m9l~ organs do 1'104: espand with them and rhe,;, can be«Jm~ llghr-heeded from Ilic:k o( o:':'V3C!J'I and roo hrde blood in their ... eiru..


Finsll~'.&it1lnf~.$lfed peopL~mtIliI.11.., beve verr brlt,le boM!; ebe fcmor 1M.., d1ime-r he-dehcate bcnea without rcilU.:dng it until s-'he rerurru co normal atsc.

Syueflu The furnor ~nds one WiUpower and mUli Strength -to Alhlet]C!iI (diffic:ulry 6), Hend-tc-hacd iilU,.1,d:!J {t(loflt [he expended FornO!" intll.a. Srr~"gth + "t:hun~j rhe fomoa- (;'):i'loC.1'USn. th.ings for rhe same amoo:nt tl d;l:Mase by .s.i[['inlj: an them, Tht; (omor ~l' nlso edd 10 yards (0 her running speed pe.1 turn. If the fml'lorbotch~:aso:tbll'(JlI. her brirrlc banes break, ~i~ one Heahh I.!t':vcl of du.m.:age,

!It Bnin Eatlng (6 pCl!} - Thl5. potem( Power liteTa.ll}' 1I1kJ.wi; tfu: (()1ru)f [0 o!cr.t:w up" 91 vi<::t,im'$ mind, 1eJlld~ 3 eargered Mtcntal Attribute by OM. dot and absorbing it ai one pOint lor their Q\\IT\ experience point peel. Thl~ does t10 ~1!N9.1 phY5kaldams.goc to. the t;flr~['S brain. and is thus undetectable by s,c;len~me menru,

Sf~tem= The fornOo9" ~ cne Willpower :and' ro!b Intdlig:cn.« to Oc:cl,Il[ (djfficulty 6}. The target may w;~ tim with her WiltpD\ftf (diffLclIlty 6). The tOmOf romt rcceb ebe target for this Power to be eff~lt\'e,

Example: The fornOir 1\ (Ott: and mrgcu. hc;r 1 J\tt!Lllgttnoe., If successful, the: ~'ic:!in'l ~ one dot of hi.!eLLl,gene.e and die fornor adW OM: pOIL'It'! rc hb e:w:~ri· I::rI!;C pcjnt reral. He rna.,. then IJo1e that pOint ee buy Ilnythins he: L:(Iu,ld I\Ot"l'Ilally PURMK- with one pOi". Q( expeneace or he may save II ;)oM edd Lt to other points. Thi$ P~t may only hi! an:ernpted ~i_nSr a sfn,lc (2rg~t OrKC per SCene.

• Ci.UiIt liUl:rLity (2. p~ IM=rdie) -The foinOt can twi~t the it'lJn&l of ethers, dlllgging them ;1W;)'Y f!'Q:M rhe eeltd roads of :stIInLty sod Imo rhe rotting, fevered juntle$ or l.'Ilaanl!:5.S, The means uscd to C"tl.~ iru.anitV 'IJ':iIriH 9IC.COtTd~ ing to the (omor's peeceal rwtsted preferences. Some:


fomcri open Umbeal windows in th:: tw~t'~ mind ~r. lookLn.g Hellholes, IIIlkwril'lS unsuspecnng victims to view the: horrors Uw.Jcin. Otlltf$ revel in pertOrinanc;~ ii1vol ... • ina Ct:l!'t' Wbhe:rlI'IB and insidious conversation rc ear :awa\' lit sanky, while still ochet$ gt3,pbl4iIIV tfaf\5(onn [heir bodies into monnrou~ horrors,

S'j'st-tm: The fomor .spt:ncb One: WillpO .... er poLi'!'!: .. nO rot1$ one die (01 e-ve:ry (,","'(I PQWer poinrs spent for this Powen the diff'K:lulty i~ ebe tl;lrgct'~ Wi.llpower. Thot: t .. rg~~ must be In line o( ,llJht Qf the fomoe, Ac rhe Sroll'oc1!cr'.s, discretion, tbe fomcr may bave to relate to the: tQQ,'Ct r~rH 10 some way, whether dU'Qulii:n coo.WHatioo ("'H>!:,;" gorll. march 1"') or comber.

Suoc~~ Effect

One or rwa The St.orrtd1e:r determines the rspe of imD.nitf caused,

Three+ The plQ~'er roay decide wnar Form of demeuda she [n.t1Ic::u-

The length end 5e'o'erity or tht rn .. diJC$.1 depends OJ'] the i\umbe, of eaeeeeses rolled as well. OO~ or (1,1,'0 SUCCtlSe:s might int1 i«" niinor ""hlle .or mere eccld in a full-blown frelllk-w.t_ SucJ, in.$<Io_nitv ~1'I be eceed wLd'l penem ps,.OGhotherap'j' .

.. Ch .. m~.Jeon Cotor.atiCIn (varid) - the- (Offlor can c;;h<lnge ~OT, blending In with her $UttOO_l'ldl~_lt ~;)k~ one: tum (0 use this Power, Shifting hues. within a S-lnglc «tiM (eed, brown, ere.I 005U rwo poinu. and changing [0 fie all)' .:olor b:l!:k8rQund CQIIU fQUr polnu.

A variation on tM5 Power, Shadownlking. lee the c ha fO"eret dnrken her 5kln [Q bleed inrc surreuedtagsbadO'MS. SiudoWWIIlkJing -tl.»U three pOinn..

SV!t~rm Changlng color does. noq, !'tqul~ n roll. P~~I>!:

Il"flrtg (.0 see me character, however, must roU Wit.'! + Alertness (ditllol.dt)' 7) to see her .

.. CIIII'W:5. Fang ... or H<:!rnli ('J/sn PI:$) - WLrh I:ht., natural wca:poory, [he fo.lDOI maj bite. gore Or .s.llUh hil opponents if he iJ.I() il1':::lil'leJ_ These ;)~)c],d.4:l~~ m » ~· be eebemerle impla.nts, custom-bcilr. weapons or real fimg; :imd claws, but t~ ere I.Wl ~etu:r,j!ll'l re1"l"U)1';]Ible ",'[!l'lQut liill_IT~' 'tht:rugh th!!'t' could be eheaihed). These arracks inflict I3IggTBV8tro damege. for three pctnts, the d~;.i_~e~er IYtlly have one type of lIIuaclq fur five. poinu, rwo. Se ... en points will buy all three.

System: The fcmor must roll Dexterity ... Br.J.wl to

ehhl!'I' bile, claw or ~rc:

Man!!u\'er Diffie:ulty D~

Bue 5 Strength + l

CL'8w Strt:'ngth"'2

Gore StT.::n-.gth ... 1

(Streng~h .... 4 If (h<e dl"4Ie~t!t b.~ ju.1t moved 10 )';ltds Or fi'u)rt) oil c:'rn.lptei! Visioo!- (4 ptl!} _ .. , W.fOM f(! OodroM 11'Ii: 1oO~" By tlji~ gi(~ Qi ~[IQriI, a fcmcr induces halhicinadoru mscme hdpo!ess. victim. V(1i~ from Goo,

fleeting I!:Hr'ii~ q( ~hing just out of sight. $IXIIdl:nes, purposes only. T O:<lt~1t: wlm me r<rnmd~ in wm~t. ~he

mockery and OU1Cf par.:!.T10Liil: (;l\lOnlf!;S are only a few of ~b: Oo:u:riw + Br.a.w'l (diff'Leuky 8); the rentacles inflict

tile ~ibltlt'l,t,. Al(~ [his PQ'I,!.'cr ..... orks bcS"t ..... hen Seeength +2 donkll!:,e.

the: fomor looh ncrrm:.l efiOl<l-gh to pass fOT hlJ]J1.<I11, fin. • EnMI'u:tmet\! (Jpm)- Tbefomcr canbeeome uns

~p!ci3lU'i deformed 01'1':= can me il while hid Ing. Kncwing mll~~~ creature's ideal mare, by sc::anni~ rheir ~-,:~r$

}"OU! v~tim hd.l)$ ..... he:1\ u.sinR Corrupted V~joru;;. ..... de- lIN, ' -

nal person ~'Ou(d be sr,_I:>pkiot.l:$l'Jesuswddcnl~' told her to S~tI!:m~ The" Comor roIb OIarb:m3 + Empathl' (dim~

~I) Q!'I ;) Id"lne spree, while someone who ","-;}3 al~;)dl' DLdty of the ttIt,g..:l't R,,~, CJr 6; whtcbever ts hii:n(!Jl'}_

disturbed mi:Q;ht think it w~ a ptrf~rty good idea, Ol Sucoe$$ mutU that he hes become thi)[ [31';8:11!['-!I ide-al mate:

(WQe, a :seeJ'l~iI'l811"·rntion31 ~[5Of'J rout::! be drlwT.I craty in phY!iL't'il_l :tIppe<lt;!_lf the roll faib, he: ~Lmil'''r ;l~iJlr3

bop' subtle, .... 'ell-chosen ... i$i.(I[\$.. AJ(o!t th:u, anyming goell.,. IU an aneaedve the. roll b:;II OOIt=h., me. target

Systlfm: The fcmcr s~od$ one wm~J point and will feel IJna.m(-or-table In Ine: fcmor'e presence, $ClulnlJ

rOlI:t MMlpul:uion + Sub[lfrfugt" (diff'KUhy S)_ Eaeh 9uC- tbal Ibe (omor d~JlItely W-IIInt$ to be-Ilk~ and eeeded,

CHS alJows him to tOrme:ft~ hl$ [;lf1l!t for one rum, The • ElI:M_Ic.e:I~ton (2. pb) _ The (OmQr has a hard CItra-

pert'tne~'(;JFthevl5.;0n:5-a.~depc-l'Ids.onthc:su(cew:srott«l pace-like growth all ever her body. It is u5UIIHy vtry

- one scccesscould coefure whiSpers or fle.e.dfl,ll: Il:tLmpses-. bceenke, "",th :nUIny :gnarlll. w~nJikc: tu~ Oi-nd oJa .s.hClp.;s.

while five ;ruc;c~ l)'b~g];\ .. lIw for a full- blown m~mi("," upon k. Its. celorenon r.rnges (rom 3 1U.:!lty TOO and dark

tatiot1,ofOod iI'I tbe douds. Thiscan be uaedas Mteri ~the brolllD [0 oily black (1JtL1~ the Merit: Hidden Power is

(OfflOfoolre$j range is l.inlfoisight.Thde ""jslofi$hJve 00. ptJ,n:~. in whleh ~ rot: exoskeleton i3 intem<ll.

substance whatsoever, and Cilln be 51!!1!fl b,(Qne vicrtm at a C01Ilin@; h-e:t bcees beneath tbe flesh).

t.ime.. A t:i.r~e[ Yl'OO';i aware mat someone i_::I iTI~[i'I,j: oNllh Sy.ncm: The fomcr ad!h One: dle [II) both her Sm~:ngth

~ can :r~i~t ~ht: I!!«e~t! with a Willpo .... 'C"T roll (difficulty ;:lind M't Sramtaa.

6-), A well-chosen h;)lLudnarloo (a whtspcr ~hind th.oe III 'Enril Limh (3 J'U poertlmb)-Fomoriofttn na.V(l ~

rargcr'e back) mighl ..... atse tl'Li.!diffkuhy b~' 1 or 2-, :I""'Jm~ .o( extra ltmbs, lmIillly in lhl!! fcem of eeneaclee or

ihar'e hard re swallo ..... (MO(h,eT Theresa wlm bloods masses of tendrils, Such extra 1it11~ o([t!1'I SPrDtJt from

h;)_na$) in~i'ht reduce il [he same way. :awkward plkc$: forexampl!:, an 0:0111 urn growiflg: (tOOl;ll

• Oark.sigh[ (2 pc;s)~ The (omof~_n~ in [hI!!: dark. famor's [hieh. Such ;illil'flb cernes In awfuUy -hand),11 at

Thls F'o w l!:t comes (rom an innate affinitr with da·tk;nes:s.,. t'm.~_ Th!! Po .... er might !illiow cbe rol~t an additklnal

end it 1.I."Ork5 il'l e ... e:1"L rhe darkest of enuarteos, where not melee !iLtt~'k e;Kh rum (by splitting hts Di~ pooI$), Ln

even II 5Hvcr o~ ligh~ i~ 1)1'C:!II!.'t'L[. a.ddih(m, 00 l:h:i( I!::(!';ta nand ro jugl-e the: gru(etl~, l:.c.ys and

Systcmt No I'QII is reqatred. How-eveJ, if the (rnnor l$ \113llA!t! Of ClJtlUC, the ~mor does 10011; a bit un~1 ~nd

.s.urprised b., an C';II;trcmcly briglu !iQ:n.t, he will be bliaded m~"" hii\'1!: to hIde- his appe .. ranee ff()t'n !;hI!: t!3.!Ilty erarded

QII1C: t\lrTI (Oe every dot he has in Pe:rcC'pti-on. humam [hat sutf(lu_nd him, n..i.;J POMr can be pu~h._Ue.d

• Oce~f.lan (7 prs) - The fomcr (;an nidI!!: the t"m)~ thaft cece. bur (JO:!i~ J pi)i:[\U (or e~ new limb,

!ip-irirual evtdence ~ hiS Wy-rm taint (fQffi ethers, The S,;'ueM: The fcmor must declare how rnany 1'It:It.' limbs

OH=t: $t!il:)C W~'rm \\11.1.1 noe detect the f(lm(;lr;)$ W'lrrl1~ hC'ha:s!mdwh;'l.d~.l.ruI.l-t!!eanuseth.C"~~olltt;tl;'L:., ,dtll.

eatnred, The fotum- «In also u:5e~hI~ Power 01'1 others, ec he mus:~ eirher ~pJ.;t hi!!! Dtce Pool or have a Power whtch

cover theIr smifi_ ~ lraeanec, rhe fomor can hide rhe ;a,11tJWS extra IIttlKh hlJeh as Berserker Of Extra Speed)_

evidence of a vampire's diableril:': Or even chenge a normal • &t:n Speed (3/6 pu;) _ The: fomor can outmtmcu"

Geren's ilUl1uod,,,tshe !){:Ipears robe Wynn-tainted when ver if norm.'t) human.

in (:JI![ stu: Is not. Fomori under ebe inlllJenee of d\is POllo'CT System! t.or ewry:3 polors (up tea mb.iiTI_i,,n'~ .or 6), the

are else immune I() l'Ilurnm!~~ Hekeu {True Name) spells. (I)ft1CIr rna.,. tdte one extra Il.(:tton peil' tum without sp'littin8

Sy,Jh:m~ The Wn1I(1;r spends M't~ wm~r point OInd her dtee fJOOL Whn\ mo";I'II!l. this ",llow~ t~le ~haf.fLc[er ro

I'(III~ W.t~ + Subtc:rfugc= tdiffh;lJ]tl" 7). The: effl!oCI lases for mulriply a normal human's speed b'F x 1,5 for each three

one scene, When IJsing thb Power on others, the: Iomcr paint:i ~nl.

mus.t[ roueh th~ CiI~t, MQVI9IU~-:t'It Nonnal human 3 pt;, 6 pt:.i

• utoplurni~ CKtnts.ion (3 pts) - The fornor can w;)lk 7 f'b/tUITI 11 11

C~I.e up [0 (our eceoplasmlc ceneacles or ,,_rm$ which can Jo.g 13 ~tum 20 26

be used to j_ruk,pe,nde-:ndr ~C:h (Nt and g~ obj~u, hi~

~Mn_1P QI' envelop largN,s aoo unothe~ tl'U!:ffI. Thu!:lr r-cilcn Run :20 yili/rum 30 +0

j_~ fi ... e: ~rd$. arc:·~i:: lIfIo:d~n~::I~: :i~!e~~:l:si:!:~~~

tOl~~:::~!~ ~lt5~;:=~ ~i~::~~:et t~~ Wynn's damnation.

.£' mdes, The: foawr adch three to b.e:r Sm:ngili for h(tmg

4# _.__ . Frmk:;



.-------,..,......~--- .. - _",,-;.

S}'$U~rti. At'i opponenr wbo gaaes into. the {Oi"l'i(lof'~ eves must make a Willpower rcll (di.fficulty 8) Of be ho:en in horror «(or n~'e turns minus Wit!; f1Ilti:ngi minimum one rum). The: fcmce iuelf ~[ arrack it!. .... tcnm, bu~ iu rrleoo~ cnn,

• FoCI( Pads (1 pt) - The rornor h3.5 pads on thl: bottom tlt.i$ feer, :tllo'l\'ing him to move quiel::l~'_ S}'.!ilol;:ffi! The fomor ~ub[rru::u rwc from a~~ Sw.hh roll.:! llwQI ... in~ movingqui~I~'.

• Fro&: Tongue (3 p6) - n'e romorcan ~longD.t~ her rongucamlrn:t'lL;c i[~k:k [().M.Irfa~ShClcanfli~k!~(IlJt (to » dkstartce 01 (1,11,10 farW.) Emd cee Lt Wo@;F.lSP things or inlljt;;t d!3mQg't_ Hov.'t'V't':r. [he rongue can make the {CII1-!Qi".upeech dlfficl,_lh [(Ii understand, and give its cweer a m5[1! for j_1\SC(u"

System.: The (arnot roll~ I::Ir!JCtc:rit,.. + Athlettce ((I enack l<irgea. up to tWO yards. aw.a.~ wi!}' the mngue_ She (:tI.-, U~ g~pplins; maeuevcrs with the tOlngl,_Je; dam~ B. equal to Strength. The F(ll'nor ~_fI ~Il Stabbed targel~ to her willl o ""1. bcnue (0 her Sm:llg1:n Die,c Pool.

• FUn.g:l.1 Touch (4 pUi) - The ifQ,idl! of the famor!5 body has been replaced by iii (ouJ.·$mtllilig (ungoJd substaoce. The {QfilOr mn.~' In(fIC( an opponent by {(n_KHriJi.him.

SV9(e:rn: The forcer must loOlJdl :<I t(itgel {O Ln.fC'Ct him, The vil"..Iirn mm.t make a Scamlna roll (dlff'lc ... lt\, 7) or begin io:!;in_gl)nt pohiI froM aU Physical AttJibutci,..., \\.'Cll :M Appeerence, per d;)'f (:u the fungus slowl)' COW!:r$ hlrn,.,). The infecdcn mli'ly only t;.e cured by supcroanm .. l meens (:!tK:h as [he OUt: R.C5~ T {»: i n Or iii he.a.llng fetl.:lh).

Abo, (Or we extra pointli. (he- fcmor cx:ude$ Lhe run,aoid Under most cir(",umstanc:t$, thl$ weapon can be uKd

mucus over ib body, ~)U$if'li 311 who attack in melee (0 once per scene (Qr evf:.ry point ofStamin(l lbe d\amcter

SlJbt~'I; tWO frem tl"lC!ir dice peels beeccse of the fCV( peesesses. Rang.e 1$ t_t;e Sto:r~·telldli dtscrenon 1Mn.d will

~ ro_~~_~~

• GII1'OU Cift .. (.... -a ries) _ Some fomori Powers so furmf:.r than acidic drool). Hrhe haeerd could pOttllli<lllv

din::.ed)· ft),jmk 11 Garou Gift that lh~ 'Ph~ye-r ean pur-chase hurt mere th.,.n one earger at a time, as.:5l,1me tha( each

thllltOift iMteadofcl'1i:!;;iIling-aP-owc=rforit.ln:ge(ler.) success above the 1'111' ;\110 .... '.5 an aildi(lonlJ1l..,ie-tim '00 be-

ilo Gih t=~t:, cne Power point per level 0' d11! Gift + 1, hun if he Is within range of the Lltt._"1<~ (rQul!! twO yards;

• Oa~ou$ form (6 P(6) _ The fOm()r is;lIole to f~UC(: or 1~ from the initialt:argel).

her body into II &a$COO-$ stare, (,_ktnsonl., one turn to. m"k~ • I-lt!U'li Hide (2 per $oa&t die) - TM~ Power provides

the tt'QIns.f'.;)r1iY.I don. She can rhen ~Iidc:: th'I"OlJ,@:h !he air ar she forcer wlth ;(I prcrecdve armor 'l1l'ectivt. ~ifl$l hear,

bee walkingsp«d. \'Vhilc: ln g~ feemshe c:;mnot be Gre or mdi-atioo darna~e. TIle fornor'li Skin bee a :!-li~ht,lr

blnnedhy k;fil!t.ic snacks (fl!~ 5I:r.'OJ~:b;. eec.), bur electric- red tinge,

ill'. fire and ntdiatiOLl ",HI sull affeu her. Abo, rnOl5t S)'&lti:gl; The (.omof gains one soak die (oOf !!"'i'~1l' (WO

reenrol n nod m~·"ttill meacks will effect lw- (excepr those f,IOll'tI$ ~m on this Power. These seek diu !nay only be

im'<llving ~~'!: conrecta St(l4'~.,-~nc.r";5. discretion), The 1!:j.[V used lI,gtIin$t hem 0'1' ftre-rclared art!!l{;ki;, oQr ;)g;'ili'l's't eadia-

CQI,l$ ((II'm ooids togl!rh~r well evert in a Strong wind, don (whjch is normallv n(1n"tOiIIkabl~),

although the: 01((; Cutring Wind will harm her. There- Is • Hide of the Wynn. (1-5 pu;) - The fqm¢'r h;}5 n

,.,u;)lly n bcmble stench in this form. wUlj:h hid.£: rhat i~ v.e.T)' herd Old lea~hcf)'. Some hevu "u~e

Sy:uem: The Iomor muSt spend n palmofWillpower 11) kacts, scales, tum_l~ a nd ether disgwtillg feewees !.Q ec-

become g<i~lIS and aflOl.hCcT to be.;;0l1"lc solill ~,pjn_ eomp:my mt protectjOTt.

• Hm-d {roD'll Be-~"OM (4 pts) - Th'c fQfflO't fiUiSl S~'!;tem: Thl!' (OIOOf adds one to hl!:! soak. diu (or cvery

m.e Fowu: Urnbl1ll ~1iI:e.. ~ romor o[.:iID ~nt~T lhe JXlint, :!;pe;nt (m,,)(lrnllm S).

Umbrill (w.iDg Umbral Passa~C") and (hen reLloCli b;)C;\:: Into • Ho.mogc:neh)· (6 ptll) - TIu= fmnorc:mei"Ji'letl th-i!

. .f: J.'IO'W'en of om4!f 5upcrnaturd,1$ Ilr()ll..lruj ber.

1 ChapUYOnc:C/ramcterCmdWn

i.-._,r?- -_ • - ""



the ITlat:cri.<i,l world [Q r'iull others into (he ~Iri~ ""(!Ild wtrb n,;m. He can pull more than (lne: person as long lIS aU tbe au:~u arc. holdll\~ hands.

SyU<:m i The (O'IIKIr must first enter ~he Umbra, He ibeu .spends one Onoosl:s f,IOim and pulls in one Or more \1Oillh'li-r1Itgf:.1S (thot targets mu-5t held hJncb). he ma~' bring in one penon. ror every permanent Gncsts poim he peesesses. If [he target is unwtllfng, {he fon1():r mll5t make II rf:.sL1.tooGoosis1'( thf!W',g.C('&W~ll~r(both;:u dlffi(:"uhy6).

• Ha~rdCltl5 Breath (-o;'arl(."!o) - Th-e: (OIJIQf can blast our some sen cf do.:nt.~~lIs subse .. ance on command _ fifl!:, bullere, pclscn WlS, ac,idU=. ~piltle. ~I(:_ "l1-..c :mack need not re:aUy be a brcad\ we3!pon_; any son oIlong·r.ingc h:ll:ar.d ",iUoo_

Sy1~e[!l; Fer I!::\'otry [W(I pctnrs Speflt, dlt: -clli1lffi.Ctcr inflkt!; OT'Ilf Heahh Level of d;)tl'I3Igt WLth a .soc~ljl Dextlfrity + Brawl roll (dJ.ffi.wltV 1), Tbe exacr ~pecifl(:4j;r (ions of the <Imu:;k depend 01;"1 its. nature. ,4 bL.""LS{ of flame will h;)\'r! 3 quteker effect !ru.n. ~ .gOut of ,te-3dly goo,

For an cxrra thr~ pOirlt~. lhl!: dam~ can be clWu$tic.

In_f1lctlng an additiOn;il He<llidl Level per darnage 11,':",~1 each rarn uruil the liruff ~ washed off or rhe r3fgf:.( dies, N9"p-'o;Itm, eocsrte glop. SM and roxtc w,(I$!c n+e sOCJd f::t:emples c:flhl~ klnd efbaeerd. Either kLOO Qr d:;)fIL;(l~~ can be soaked. Breath wel.i;pons 1WI_rally cause normal (bm~ ll:filess the: rarger is vulnerable (Q thatfttf>lck' ~'am(Mrt.·n.PlI fiTe, (.or i!lI';tmplc). For one point mere. rhe darnagoe i-50 ;aggnI":3tocd,


... ----- .. -J'/..A- ---.-

S)'5t4!m: The fomor :!iptnds On-e Willpower poim lind rolk M3ii'l.lpIJ1~ti.(ln + Intimidation (diff'M:.tiIW 1). Any wpcrniltuJal wimin 5 yards o( thl: (umor will be effected, vempfree may l'Iett use llwir DlKiplin~ Oeroc canOOf U5I! rhelf Oifu, mag~ cannot UK SphlCtd, ere. T a rgJ:~ m:ii.f rctlSt with wm~r mll~ (dllfh::aJhy 1).

,. lmmuf'lit\' (V3tie~) ~ The fomor ';;110 ignore: the eff'«uof some ktnde rn potc!nli.aUyd:,lf"l;g't!f(I~ tMngs.. Each kind of reetsrance mw be bought s.epa:ratc:IYi thus, becomin, ir ... mune to everythinG is cxpen:s.:lve..

CO$l Immunity

I One minor nuisance (poison ivy, common cold Of flu, mi,l'L(Ir ~ell\peraturc changes) OneroaJorthreat(d~.s,(Clllpffil.ruUVl:IJ~~, hUI'J8~·r) One: r~rm.n;)1 eJf«t (&Iellre, poisons. ro:.:iru, dccuiciry,fLr<!}

Example: M!l~ Is Immune to nrc: !l00 cannot catch tile common cold, This OOSf! 7 po[flU (6 (or f"m: lmmurury, and 1 for rhe oom,1nU1'1 «tkl)_ However, if he had OOul!lhl im.munitv rcdee .. ~ (3 pOil\t$).be would not: haw: [0 buy slM=dfi-c: 11'1\1'1\\1111(1 to the common cold,

• lmmunil)' !.o d .. ~ Ot!Urium (1 pt) - MO&t fQfllOri au fmmune ro rhe D.!.llrilJM. The Wyrm·(airu bas erased rhe Veit llto~_g with thl::ir humanR". Nor all (o-morl ~_te thlJ!j • and die degree of Immur'IIltl' So«:iT1!5 to d'Cpcnd on (he amoenr of W~'rrn.r.~in.~ ~" Peneex infec.u its (omori ",'I!h a £.pi:ei_!i!_1 serum char dor.!i[fOV~ I[h-e pnrs of tl'e brefn scscepnble ro me Delirium,.

S~'5tcm~ The famor m3~' !gnot~ (,h.e dcll!;(eriOu5 c::ffect~ of witnCMing a O~1'fiI,J. ll\ Crlnos fcem. • Inf«riou!iToucb. (~ (Its) - The mOT is able [0 eecse fever aod sickness: by her touch.

S'r'.ncrn: The fomorspcn.ckone Wi1ItJO- ..... erpoinr, makes Ileah-ro .. -flesh cenracr ..... id .. the ",iCtirn • .and mekee a Staectaa -+ Medicine roll 'd.ifficu.lty n The ... kt lm ":';:'_I"I re!is:[ the infoc(i()TI by m;)tdfll!! a. Stamina. roll (difficu_l_ory 1). Pee o!~ iU«U5 the fcmor .JCor~ ever rbe vkdl'tJ will take cnc l'leal[t.. Level 01 a,ggravat{-d damage. This damage heals ,H the: rate of OI1of per we-ek. d~rI(lg which ti.rnt: the victim


• lovl.s(b;J;1)' (5 pta;) -This pOW("( reeders rhe (QmOf inviJibk [0 all IT'Il!af1:S. of derecrlcn. N long as. he initi.<l.t~ no eeeeks. "'1~ bod ... llrwj glJJU are hidden from 3111 farau oi detecrtcn oCx(;oI:pt the Gift: Sc'~$C' Wyrm (.dt~ this Gir[ wLtt 00\ p-Inpaim 1t~<I::.:"ct kK.iI.non, only hili Wyrm~ corrupted presence). Once he lnlrlaoes an a[Hi.c=~~ be imrn~ia['t=lf becomes ,.j~lb.le.

Sy:stem~ The fOllKlr spc:nw one Willp:rwl::r point:and TOnS Wi[~ + St~"ltl\ (d,tT"loeUhy 7), Anyone: woo is.5pCCIR· call Y$Can;;hi:ng fOf .someone hidden m"~l male a Percepuon +- Ale:fll'I.~ rOn (diffi(;u.lty S), resistoo bV lht!" fol'l\Of's [nvlsLbiliry su~. This e((e<t lasu (OT one: S4:oI:ne o( umj! d:.e rornor en.ter.J eomOOJ,

~14 Fm1kUgiOn

~~""'''~''''.~''~''''~''.Ma~~ __ .~r ~~.w~~~ ~ ...


• Lashteg T;li113 pq) - Thil i_~ similar 1[0 31\ una limb, but ttcannct be used fcr peecisico 'lI.'QrlL (Thl:ll PQw~ om be rombln~ with VenomClm Bite to crease a dC;ildly, $C~()n 1 fke 5ting~r on the end of rhe r:iliI.)

S~t~m. The fomor rolls [)c:lCterity + Brawl {dlffLculry 7}. The tail int1lu!o Suength + 2 ,d:l;Mo.p.

• Ma.llC3i~ (6 pIS) - The fOr.llO<1I!;)_i\ kC!'eII:C;jJ venom rNhi(t.. rums the vtcttm 's body inroa malleable mase.h C31\ be scetched like taffy, kneaded llkedouJ!:hQr n.l)l~ llke cl"~" The'c: tbpping:sand indecipherable rnewling§ of a once proud Garoo" as he be~ (or ~ ~(death, u a sad s.,I'lt k~eed. M",Jleatc unly affec:.uliving nssue.

.sv-ne:tn. The foB'iOf muM inflict damage omo the rnfi;l!t wirh a natural piercinl!l auack (fuj'l~, .stingtr, erc.) and spend one Willpo-y,.'C'I point. J F Iht: furnor hM no r'I:u,u",,1 We.i!]XIf'lC'lJ, hb; Met win do $t["(!ngtb ~ 1 demege (dLfficultf 5}. Each rum llfter belngbinen, the vkttirn ..... iII ruI'Cer one Heald .. Level of !IJt:8.l3 .... nred d{Jm;:age whldl mal' nO( be socked. This venom works its "-'i\iI\' truo his5\'!;tl!m (or OI'Ie rum pee potOl of daii-';Igt the (omor initi.all~' inflic:t~ {[he il:!'i\(iIll'lt ",lied. not the number of-l-kalt.h ko,i~l:s.~cuan'f llil1i(:~ed ~fler the vi.c;tim·s soak}, Whh [h~ f''ku level of dilimagc ceased by [he venom, [he V'klirn's 00d'f becomes I:.i~hly mailMMe. I( rhe vi(-li.-tI rt~~ lncepecltered, hi!" JDa1'5till move OUI he h:» no nflC motor ccr.rrol. Oeee "II Health Levels inflicted bv the venom heal. tlie ... ietiru r>eitlJ_rni to normal, The- GlrI..!i; R~I~! TO);il1, Doppl~~ and Adnp[;)[lan alll)W Oal;QU too restar ehts Pcwee.

• M(;ga_.Arulbufll! h'Ollried - The Wynn ba5 granted the (omor","nhllrKCmornu to his narural eapabUi. ties.

SYl!tml: For ('vcry three Power poh~!:lI spen[. the (ornur M."'Iy elther ~dd one do~ to any cne Amioot~ 'may ~o OVI!:T 5; maximum 8) OJ add one Heahh Levelro tM I;harQ«~:r'& total (rn;al( ImlJm thl~;t e::<U'",)),

These cFrt.:t5 ere permanenn no roll iii required, I-I~~ ever, ir iii. somerfmes hard {or rhe fli.t:~ ... ltered fomor 00 hide his POWCn: if he has Mqa--.5[r-engl[h, he- rrulio' have bulging. Si.r.PC'rh~m.,i{l'li!' Ml,l$(le5: if he has Mqwlntdli· tm(;~. hj~ heed may be larger or he becomes !!(Ildll!r, I~ t":mIXional; [f t..1I! has M~g ... ,CI\4I_fii:ma, he jus.t (;!ID'I slop $mUli'lg;c((.,

... Mind Blas;t (5 p-ts)- Tbefomcr sendaa ment;Jlbl~. 01 o:!nJ!":~ mrc '30 r3rgt:t"$ mln.d. Irnmobilw..l~ him with (:1,,11\.

Svnem: The rorno:r $:~oos one WiUPOWJ:!"T point and rolls Wit5. of. lmimjdaricn (difficulty 6). The f;1lrgt( ea» reese wi~ a Willpower roll (.dillkwlty6,. The fornor can affect .my OIi.e target within his lint; of ~i.ght, The vletlm rnay cak(; no 3ClloM (Of one fum per SueuM.

• Mil'ld Rapt: (6 P[lI) - i1H: (OC\iOr can WfCst hKldel'l thooiiht5. from:a t:ngcl '" mind. This i:s. iJ'lcftdlbly Ino,.'3:lIiv'e mi.f'ld.r1!:;Ijdinl!!~

S~t!!m~ Th,~ f(.1'I"I(rt ~n~ one wmpo:i!.·~ pOmt and roll.:5.l.ntellig.eTICe: ~ Innmtdencn {diffil;:;l.llty 6). The rargce canreelsr wnha WIII~""·i!':r roll (d i{i'le:L) I ~y 6}_I{d\~ {OtnOl" i$ successful, he 1Il<!.}' reed the ti~r8.-e:t·,J mind. glc:aning C:'I'~n the m.OM hidden thoogh'[.5.

:SUC~;es5!:;5 Erf~t

The ta~t"s 5I.UfaCe: though[;§. may IJ,=: read (wLTetl.! ~mMioru, thou~h~.s}. ~ t<w~~Fo.$d~ t"h(;IIJ8):!.ts rna}' be reed (recent memories) .

.1+ An",["'ins:m~~e[hinharrt!:l:'i"W!mN~

ttRiVbc ~;p:J. -

• MC!t~'l.iI;li!," W~"~";nli: (4 p~~) -The (ornor can tear apart the bonds which hold [t. ings (Oi~[hl!r. Thts ean boll! ccmbfned wiUt haod-ro- ... and Of rnn.gro 2IU3IC.'ks.

Sf&t~m~ The fomormustftrat ~llyhi[tn!::u~~[ with "'er desired anack, HIi: then ~ one Wmp::rweI ~I'II 3.00 rolls PI!!'c:l!potion + M edIeLn,,,;: If" the t~,e~ i.1 organw:, or Percepncn + Repair if [he: (arg~r is inD'r6lsnic (.dimeyllY S loT OO't!1). !i $q~~~ with thj~ R'!;ond roll, the damage irllt1L'4;..t~ 01'1 the: taJgClt :i.!i doobkd (before .oak) .

.. Mi;Julb [j{ !h~ Wl'!'"!'P (f Pl$) - This Pewee allows rhe !".on;II;);r to swallow ObjlCl;;i;:5 ~ IlIIrge M III medium-sired dog or III small person, Of QJUJR. the object must be wim in [he grasp of [hi:" fomor. If [he ereamre :s.I!r'Il~ 3.S: luneh I., Mr deed ......... en ~w;)l~d'. lr "n:;J.yw~t~ if lt c;:.t'II~!. somehl)wgel eee. T~ (cmJ.(I!' 'IloIill di~t thecreeture IH 'cod. All undigesrible pam. (bones, shoes, glassee, e~e..} wLU be ~lImln."J.Ti!.d !\Q1m;)lIr.

~~1'i."I ~ The fcmor spends ,t)J ... e Wm~~f poi!'il~ ;;tIll:!: t~b Stemlna ... Ailil.ICtit;!s todevcur the rargcr. If rhc t31~t is sr! II alive, he is rreared 3i:5..s.\lffQC3;[~l'!i (see PP'_ L 911l9(l i 1'\ rlk- \Vl:re"'"""tIlf ru!~). IfhA= has natural weaponrt, hoe !Wi\, ny [(:I C=L,!( hlliU1!!f free, A.II ;maek.$ are at rJLff'L(.ut~}' 7. tbe {OI'l'»(M" mjjl~' SO<:Il. as OOlmml. but if hi: loses half hi5 I-Icsh·h lC:~'I!:b.ITQm suehan 3I~l;~, then thoe mrget nLL1e\.1t II. hole in bts stomach biS enough to crawl from •

• Nightmlllre: Command (:l pt&) - Tbts subde Power afle-cts :s..'~eP:;l"!,~ \I~;;::(i l"Il$ Q(liy. the loooor twi.n~ her !!ilfgc:t'~ dreams tnto mgbr tetross. This ceqctres some familiarit'p"' wELl!. ~ ~;)t¥I!' - lt~ ~~rJ to ~t thilt ~iH intQ Ii! stranger's bead - and a rair amoum of rime. Once- successful, 11.0",~~, N Igh{!'I'Ii:l~ CoiX!i'Il<ll.nd: (:LIn drive KimCOJ'lt: sleeplessness [0 rnednese in B fI!:ll' eben weeke. Levees, e:nl1d:ri!1'L I;,J~ i);i:irei"Lt~ i'liid t(i¢mi\1;;j!I~~ !:L~ c.:)1'tI!11Q.T!, viA;.tim~ - ;j.nrj perpetrators - o.f(h~~m: 111['(.

The r-CII'i"Io:r must temai.n ~m.:tly uLH lioo reach into her vtcnm'e eubcortscsous ro pervert his dreams. If d-.I!:"~ Iml!!'fI..!I)-1i!.d, !hl! P:~t f a U,.. Ooee $l"ie"s L[1I the ~tet'S dreams, die: ';;31n ';;iJUR ~hil;t:c="t=r mental havoc :rui~ her {~['LC"; II~ Co!"fIJf,'teJ VMoOl\S. (hb ~ ~t etl'eah'e wlien she kool"';5. whi-c;h bettons oa puEoh. This Power ts TlO[, 'hOW~"'l:r. withoo~ i~s ;;:,~t: each night'$ I;I.$e leaves the: fomor tired and qard chc l'I~lC( day. 'WhIle rhls means

________ ~~~-----------4~~

Hulc .1.'10 lI:<lffio! teems. gol~ for tOO without !!I good sleep wtll effect anyone's mind. Long-term Nightl'Mre Cornm~nd otten (Urns into an endurance barde between rM fomor .. nd hee $Ubj~t.

Sy~lcm, The (omor rolls M:anipula.ticn'l 1- 'Em:pathy (dlffl(l'~ty 7) .. Bech ~uo;.iO~ creates a mare vivid :n;I!:~U~ marc: one S~J.(:~~ might m'l:1ely twin II dream dawn an l,lfipll!:asant path. three would btirilg on a full-blown nigl1 r.\dtl\'eWQuld\'irtu3l1ytr.t .. pd\C_'I~tnafOCUt5ive kIOJ) ofhorrors, Only one roll can be made per night. The viceim must 11'L":.'kt: [L Wi Il:pIJoW(:r roll to iiII.w;)ko!n from the I'!.\·~'oo dream, The Jiff'L(.uky (o'r I, ro-Il i~ 5o.j<. 1 f{1l" ~'''''e'l' success tM rO«lor rolls, A three-success t\lgt.~mart~ [hen, \I,-Q~Lld demand a roll agai.M{ difficulty 8; lik.e:: the PO\\'et' itself [his WHlpO'W"tr escape can be rolled only 0t'lC:1!: per n.ight. unless some rh ltd pmt}' intertlJ:pt~ [ ... e drum.

Each ufl.if1(ett\lpted WC!I!:I.:: of nightm~ reduces tht: target's Willpo'A't!:r r:uing h,,' 0TIt:_ U he 11!~hl!S zero Win, power, he goes insane, <Ind ,,·HI ~y ebat ~11~ until he receives .JI(;Jml: lti-i'ld .o( treatment - extended ~h1!I';1JM or II GiJ[-h~.in8 (see bef..Qw) - cr u,uit his Willpi.T .... 'er .. hea 1:5" bad:: (",'hi-rh takes om: .... ,~l per point. ~ib~y l~l!r it till! rotl,or rt:allF did a n~m~r M him),

The Giru~ Dlnl, F ... btk or [hit Mind, H~;!Id Games, Mln~k or Ultimate ArglJrne:m ofLog:i.;; mllr~' all heel th.~ POM=r'-.$ .e.ffeO::I:5. in d3y.50 or even hOl.lf':l; Fabrtc of the Mind and M i nd~i~l.:., bowever, fon;or:: the ~.TO-U rogc inoo the vic.tim':s.drC<i:ro-l ;:Lnd comber 1M horror! ther~io before MUfI beal, Spirit and physi;;;al h(:a;Iin;g:s.dQnogood -the damage i.<!o witbin the $tlbjrol';5. mind. nor hi$ body Qf soul.

• Nim bl~n~ ("2: ptlI) -The fomor UI especlall ... nimble ned can r=a:sily keep her balance whllo pc=rfurming (1!';3t$ whidl wceld cause another person eo rumble.

SVltc:m: T~ fom()of adds rwodice to all w l[h iumping. dimbins and b31:'1n~.

... Noodou& Breath {2, P[~) - The fcmor ~i'L releese potsorrcus (ume$ 101:0 the 'Ri.T ",'h~-[.h m.;')~:~ lhQie within tV.~l'l{y yards crave cigarcttl:~. The fumes look and smell likecigarcttc.s.iIJoOi(~_ lnaddicion. me gaswt:;).keM [he lung ttssue of I hose woo breath it. R,cpe.ued exposure [0 the Tlo:ol:ious breath OVCf seveml weeks or months l~fb to the

de:~·elo'tmI!m af tunH: cancer in "io::;.ll'l\$,

SY'I~m~ The (OIOOf roll~ Staii'di'La + M~icine (diffi, adry 6).I(.SlJC(;~(ul, the fumil!swill cover 20 ~rds:3'tound th(: fomoe. Ansone within th<i.t ~n,g.e must make II Will· power roll (diffiollhy 6) OT gel an ilTeliRlbte u.rlfC (00 8. dlflrctlot 'thi.s :Jff~even. n.on$lOO~en.).111O~~ who. botch their Willpo ..... er rolls suff~rQlle He<! hh Level or damBgt to their lungs. This d<lili:'ii!' tll'iflO[ ~ .soak~ and i.:t t:oruid.;;.re:d<)(!g",V'~U~.

• N u.mbin~ (3. pt&} - Th.e (~r'j; bodV am bec<:lrM oomplcu:ly nUfnb. Shl! fl!!:l:s. 00- pain. H~~r, s.he i.s. nufnb to iillil S!!rua[ion. stu:: ;;;.;mPO( t\lln:: plOpoe!rly (her

.AI'" longue feclli pc"nmnently 3'nI!:$du~mw) and she may cut

r... Moe'( [l1\d fel!l nadnng, whloe;h tTl;)., result m mf~tc::d or



~ -- . _-

g;'-fI.gIJ!:I'LOU5 I"ounrn. tbe rom,Q.f I~ unawBlre: of M:<!.'lil' (C)'II1Or with this ~f 'i!nd up mi~ing tees, fln.gtn and ether sM~1I body parts they have damaged, then neglec:tet:L

Sya.tll::m~ Thl!: (On'Ior :!Ip!nes one Will,poW1!1' pennI[ and rotl5.St:lmi.n.l + Mcdk,inc: (di((.jculI[V6), The effect l:u~ (01' 1lI'IC scene. The (Qr.nor suffers no ""'~nd r>'!Mltil!;5 from Health Levellosses and 1'!;,l:5; lhf~ exrra Health Levels. HO\l.'eW:T, wh.f:f1 d·d., Power 'ol'ears off, d'll! 4!"X[f:9. Health Levels dlseppeen if d~c (lmor !! below IncapKit~t«l, ;hoe dies,

... Pboenla Fire (.5 pt4) ~ The fom.or ~.-~ S!!1f·imTlKl-' Late, bec.Qming '8. wa.lkil;'llg boJ1Atc:, The f1aITIe.lo do. 1"ID damage to tM (Ofi'I(Ir, but will ignite ,my flammable item they touch (<fxploding ammc, an\'Qnd), and may abo set Are eo an ... the f()mOol' is inside.

Synun: The (Ot'I'LOr ~pe:nt:b OM" WillpO' .... -u .,oli\t :;md rolls Stamina .. Ocwlt ({[iffil;;ulty n Tbe flames lire corusidercd;) 4!f)in;u: chemical fire (three Heahh If"vcb of darn~;dime'tllty 9 to~). The e;f(ect IastliOOJ'turo per

MK.('ots,s. ..

• Plrnm.i,c l'mm (6 'p1i§.) - Th~ i$ 5Lmilar Oeseoce Form, but i.n$t~;)d l( 311ow!; the fomot to [uri"'! lmo s thkk reddish·brOWI1 liquid. ..... hid'L can move ;.iolxM_I1, cr lts own (r~ wUl. The pla~rnit; fonlOtean (low intoext~inel)' tight spa~ (as (he Pewee Rat Headi see below). The' Ilql;lkl fomor O;:BI[1J"IJI)~ be harmed bf kinetic. auaeks (fists, swords, eIC,), hut oClet;!fid",.~', fire and ~i;atioo will $rm affect him, Atsc, 1J105.( mental and ml'.s.tieal enecks w~[[ a«~[ him {cx(;C!P( (hO$l!: Involving C)'C oon~~et;; S[OI)'[cHe:r's cltK:rt, rlon) •

Syncmt 'Ibe r~ll\Or mUS( speoo a. poi,n t orWmpower to become I iquid and :spe:Lld LL.M["'er point to bcoom.t Iil)H.d :il8ain,

• Poison T\I.mbl"$ (3 pIS) ~ The (OIIlQf is covered in wm(lq t1UI!Id wtdra no:lli(J1J$ 'P~L$ - whim-ever the forn~ b hit with u claw (or ether eberp weapon), [he :at'Utc,l~T i~ splattered wtrb pus,

SY$lem: Wh(:n the fOoiDOf Is hlr with II claw, tl-w: a t, must imtii.i:dbue:ly anempe to $00.1£ dvee dice of aggrnv;)It,ed damage as pu5 ~pl<itten: ever him. If the a.l· [;,)CJ\::e.r bitcs the fcmer, he mU:5~;SOOt.; r.\lC dtee. I( I,M fomor iis. hit ""lth n melee WCB.ptJn, the nrraeker must rn~'ke <L DelC:t~rit'f TOll (diffl.clJ.lw 6) to :iI'VOUd rhe nyifL3 ~ or take dama;1rC iIJ 3:00ve.. Fire3mJi5. are, 0( (;(M,_lfSC. safe,

• Pf(ll::rl!:;lt~ (4 pll} - Thl! fornor can rr<l.mrnit " Bane throogh btcod nnd semen -!ilUy etl!l!.Ounlotr 111'0'0]'" l.n~ bodll.,. fhnds Ql11 s~d: the Bene. The Bane 1 ... 111 • hen artempr eo ~ Ihe rectpjent oi the fluids. The (Otoot may onl ... pass on a .B:me .s.imllar [0 that wbidl ~ him (a $Qfi clTyphon fm'!~' Only p:won ot\Co(T yph()f'l~ Brocd, '8. fomori faro ily member m.ay only pass 00 th~ (Blmil'f&:n,l!}_



S,.'81em: 11\(: f01ruJr must 5pC'L"Ld;). poilll ofWilipowrcr lilt 'J.hlns rhts Power requues ~:tLJ;li1 conrecn atrer rhat, l'hc

[he moment bodily flukis art passed to III rceipiem. The target ts st die fomar's mercy. A determined (omQf GU'I

Bt-ne w.1I rben begin the process of ~joo: (u peer ~ even \::111 Ms victim with prolon.ged terercourse. By ccm-

Cham« P'~kN" (10m th(!: Wer;;:;woU I"I,lle'bot;;k:)_ bLnil1gS;j...,;;ge Genlralla with T(;J1!;i~ Si:ett!lloOtll.. W()rm.!i.

• PJOll)n..sed Llfe (4 pu) - The: fOn1(1or'~ harurallife- Qr [riner Volceno, $(I1i'~ u'U~~ hideous torments l-l'Li'ly be -1M

sp:tn is greall)' PfOro.1ged_ n,i., is f'iOI tNe immortltli~'Y. dC'vik(t; In.corpor:uing Extra Lj,n~bs InfO .hls Po"'~T can ~

:silKt thor: rQii'u)r will dle of mllum! cacses evennallv duplicate somt (,f {he weirder perversjons or baed-core

[natural death amorl@.i~ OOtt'lorl I., pr:K:rica.lly ILmknown). [apanese O'nimi!, I ike vag]nll~ temaeles QlT

Thi.1. f<w,~, bas a price: me. Iomor has tbl!: Tafnn Addil;;' pohalli.

(ion (mcmhlyqrdc; see be,low). Sy5tem~ No roll required. sexually Cflg;<l vic:{ims

S~ reeu No roll rcq!Ji~: tt.1! forum has exreeded life receive O!"'te ncn-soakablc Health l,.e\'el of damage per

a51o:ngiUI1I~ ~'tg:ularlyas:s.w:l8e;s.hJ~:!.rjvtn;:.ddl.:.dQl'l9lt IC-IL,n ri,J.'I'tl,The "spccM ft(l(~I~" lire nIX usuall-r evrdenr 1.It'Hll

once a m.onth. it's too lore, and ~(tiJ)!:l 9I1I".a~ ..... illi.(lul permanent damage

• R.atHl!:ad(4 pts}-lhi'P()\oi."Mi$name.dforthc-rat'$ is diffkult - the lomor fflkJ.<;1 oItc-n be knocked I,lI'ICOtl-

abHi[~' to squeeae ~h~ holes much smeller th4itl ii' actocs, and even (h;)[ m .. 'lY not be: coou€th. While Garoo

body she. The {om~ can Il.'ri,gglc throt.Jgh holesas small 11,:5. rn,ly regenerate thi5 damage, ti.Qri'il-nl people will hlli\'1:

lf20th ofbis fcnner cfrcumtereece, A human-sized fcmcr $Orne.,. problems :i!lclj\l$\lng. Even e v.'eH"'",;ol( i$ li"WI!! 1'0

can thus squeeae thr~h boles $manc:r than a quarter. c-srry etnOtion.a15(4l1'$ from such injuriC1; n .ltef the physical

Sy,uem: The fomor roll! Dr::::It't'l!riry + Arhlectce (dim, damage {;,l~s.';' 6). T1;.e t:d'f'(!(.!; 1:t:'i1:S for 01'1(: "slide- ('I)tio~l1lh.e (orner • Sl;f.:nt fJI the Wfld (OO'W~a~) (S pq)- ~fomor

reeehcs an <!JI:'<J wider tho'li'l Its original sb:c). The (()I1IQr i::!. able to miJ.Sk hi~ W'/fm namrc by Wt1lppill~ him:;el(

must wiggle like tI $n;J:.k~ ii'! ceder to propel it5c:lf fo"",·.,,«1_ strongly in the IIUt;).t;rl" ~hhe, the Wyld or the. WC<tl\'<:r h~~

A fnlled roll means tiKI' rhe (Qlti(lr Is SlL1c:k. It may mljlL:1: POwI!f mcsr be ~t twice ~o do both), This ,Pov.·e~

IlJfth~r rolls m ..::lModge iucJfbl.Jt ti'w: difficulty ror eech doesn'l elfmleare rhe Wyrm tii!illl, OI\[Y bve.rp:ru;'-er.s. it,

addfuonel .mempt Is increased by one (the PQWe:f Slob~r a<JrQlJ tl~;)'f self sense the Wyrl'l~ t;lim w1th rhc Ciit(: Sense

SnO( reduces the diffi.;yky by Ihrl!i!:), The fomor OWIV $1i~ Wynn. bUllhedifficlJkv is. O. Some" Garou mbesn-e more

.3( one half his normal running speed. dUilcu[[ to(oolwith lhi:S Po w er [ban others. Glass Walker.!

• Rqc~r.ttioo (,5. pui) _ The fomcr t«OY~r!J from 1n.)~ ~ru.e W~'rm Qf'I fcmort 'III'itli. $ot!m of [he Wca"t'r III

nOtm."'ll. nQn.-aggra"3~d d:<tma~e 11'1 !.he same fasbtcn as rhctr ~gul;)._rJlfn..:ult\', RI!d Talons can ;).\I~Qf""[LLic:n.l''r 5N

Garou, Am,'fi):vated d:1flli3ge, from fire Of fetiSh weapons, thfOu~h Seem 01 the Wrld.

cannot be regenerated {it_ 1:1 healed at the nne of one Systc:m~ Th~(oITliOrrT, +Subterl'~,~e (dim.

Health Level per -d1)~')" The IMtabolic ahemrlcns ncces- why 6). The E::tTC-ClWtJi foro .. e$(:~_I(hc borc_h~.hc is

:53'l' foe nearly ;J1$~-.lnt<ll"'teow. recc v .:::ry from even "'-l()r~] una ..... are d~<LL th.~ Po .... -er is incffecrive, IiInd ,n.-'y place

1.!i;'Ound$ teke tbelr toll 01\ the ~numan" s,,-nl!m. nowut'r, himself in dan;tr bdil::~'ing he I" $;)fe,

I ;\'I'Id (omori whcpossess rhi~ PO ..... er usually die from (;;'tnce:r • S~ns~ G:lia (2 pl:5) - The ((ilfilQfCaR sense mani(e5'

before tt.l!lr lnee 30:s. ,[l!onQmi of O .. i .. in rhc M"arhy area. This Pow~r l'equll'L"S, NI) 1'(111 Is required, This Pcwer mfm ics the acelve ececennanon.

O;atQu's regeneration ability. Tbe (OITlOf who wi.lihC'$ to System. The fomcr rolls P~reeQ~lon. + Occult, The:

~not:rate i"l the same rum he engages in«)I'I\~\I must roll ,difficulty i!. besedco lhe:SCr'l!'nRtbandcol\«:ntr.Jtil)llc)( the

St"_Ttl lna (dtffkulty 6), or spend ii! R;1I,ge j:I01m if he" has the "'Gaitl steneh." an :iI\tCr<Lge w«eto1.'Olf would have: 'II.

Power: Berserker. dllAcult'f o£6, The r:il..ll~e is 20 'folrds,

• ROIiIr of the \VYfflJ (4 fits) - The (01nQr I" abl~ to • Sease The UlJn;,lilL1ral (2. pB) - Simjbr to. ~he

mlke (Ur\)f into the bL..u~ of all near her by i5.liuing this Garou. Oi(~ o( rhe same name, tho POWet :l.llaws m(: (omOf

guttural scream. (0 smell an\, su;pt."miitliJ.l( bl!ltt:g pT~nr...ruth iI5 v:;'Jitlplr~,

Sf$.t~ml Tl.,e rOfl1('Jr $~ one Willpo .... ,er f,lQ!m,-and wcn::W(Jlvc~, i .... tll!le8, .... 'mitm .:J.n.od crhee ,ip1.ri(5., (The

roUs,Ch.arisma + lntimidatloi\ (diffteuhy 6), All wboht:O.i.f £ta:gillbash Gift: &:I:nt or RUfl.fLiJ'lg W:iltC'T ~~CI rhb

!nun make n restsred Willpower roll (dl«icul[\'6) or runes PO""l!r.) l

fast and fllr ~ they ~ji ro au 31l.'a1 from the forM!:'. SY'ttm: The fomcr rclle Peecepnoe + Occult (diffir

.S ....... g~G~:rdt:tlJ~(2pu)-johnBobb1t'$ .. 1!ghmwri!:i allky 6). A~ Mldlrl:onal roll of Jl1telli~oce + Enigmas

Ihl! forum (regardless of gender) has ~enitab, with some (dlfficlJ.hy 6) may be reqlJitM [0 ~tc:rmim: wh~t !:.ind Qr

mmtK'ing(r::iJtl,lre_M",II!\';u-i3lionsi~ludce~h'l!length $upernafr.lfal creaNre has been scenwd:. Thi!: F.lIlge i:s. ZO

(14'" +) Qr h'!udn~M, thoom, .s.'Jndf.t!J.,1)C1 ttxtur(" or rurv«l. yards-.

harm; female ... e~l(WIs are; for (<<th, ~i'PpJnR • Sl'l.adcrwpl.ay (4 p.~) - Th(: bmor can rn;)[tipul;)le

U ~Ct1011 <1100 internal ~i gnndei$. This, 1$ OOvlOUl5ly 00 [he shadows <lbom him, 91nd pulll~m (~i!'ther into a

)'... good Lr1 combat, bl)t &!V'aStalln,g m bed_ globe. Most people ""ill be\lnable [osee through thi:§ckn:>e.

C/~:~ 37

~ -_ . =. "_..-.-I

.. ---- ... -_//~---, .. - .... -~~ ..........

shadow, Minor use of this Power can a do to Llw ((1oll1.(ltl'$ Ste.'tl"h Mil as Inrim.idatioo. The fomor is:aJ'W'afS able 10 K'~ ill h_iJ own :shildowoi-

System: The (omor n)}l:J Wit$ 'I" $te:.lth (d;m.eulr-y 6). iI'W: cJ("::Cl lans(Of one tum per sacoesa, unless ill WiIIl!O"'""Cf pOint i$. pent; in wMeh ease. th~ e«~' I:t5H (Of one scene, The roeal radius that can be manipulalro 1$ l) yards..

• ShaprcbaR;'gt'. (varied - The formx u; ilibh: {(ll~ (On'l'l his bod)' into (;l~Qr a.iQmc:minSiflsc, such as an animal 01' even another person, These new .siJ;}pd an:. :i! l~rf,,, eo:rru[lted Vi!':,",iQR 'Of 'thl! nareral aI' or peraont rnll:l11,.1'. misahepen, and Wyrrn~miMklcn~t The fcmor :spt:nds one: wmp01l-~r pOmt and roll! St.n.mlnLt. + AtMetJ~ (d;fnC:~I't'i', 6}_ Tmnsfoemnncn w$:I,.I;)It~· rakes one rum, although the nature 01 the change m9l';' dictate e elower or q_Uid.oC-l shlFt, The rolnOt -eat!. w_I(1 back lruo hl~ "narurnl" form ;:I{ Wi,t Any dOol,nins. eqntpmen( or 'iIle;)poru ~~ ld be discarded 61'S( unless the mw form could C8Jry them as. wdl.

This POI1.'e:ronJ ... grants the :abi,litf toc;llangc~ii:PC_ Anr i'lofl;-huM-a!'L charecteelsrlce of the 1'I~"'" fonn must be purebased \\'11.1'1 d'l(: approprlll.te: Ad~·an[3gC;S. If (hi: fcmor were to $l,i(t (rom hueecn form 1.1\(0:11 whh1!" faleoa, he .... "ould abo huve to P\lr-eh* Wtn~. Cb.~ ~tld reduced See, reg;udles5 o( which 10Tm Wa$ his real one.

~t For1M'

J The (omQ'!' hM cne altemare form.

S The (omor can cansfcrm into anyming within a certain gtccp (p«tple, rL$h~ ~~ m1~Me beasrs, mlnd-shancrin.g hOTJClD. eec .. l,

The fcmor CM change Intn imything i( hI!: N.s e~ Advnnragee thm :IIpply.

• She (214/6 ptd - This Power is a permaneru ahcrarien in ehe fomor's ~i.u~i he: mlll\l" net ~t,i(t back to rwrftt.:;)J p.T(IojXIi'tlol'L:!l {u:n_le~ he has 3 Po .... .er wbtch all0W':5 him to do so, sech 11$ Snape.s]-dfd_

S~tf!m i 'Each see level !!Idds. or eubtrects one HlCllItt:1i Le .... -el to the ;:'n1() of OOrt'l:<tg,e the cboracree can 'Withsmnd (OOIC duu: 8 rat with four HC31ili Levels ~ $till a p-rr:tty touin rat!) and glV4!$ or l;,l_L-:es one ;)(!dltil)j'l;;lll poim d either Hength or Stamina. Although it seems. like laq::er rn:uaclC-.n come oIt bener tnan SM3IllA!r Qf'II!$ at fi~l ~laru:e. con.iider what lnocnveniences a massive being has wben hidLng, ~lting into ertiLilp.;d pl .. ees, and t!"\!~lng ;)!'l;)ch. Companions with two level:5 of sue either add or subtr<att One (mIn ~heir()ppol"lenH' diffkuhies: tohi[ me:rn or spot them: OIlC$ lIIo'iU, three add (;Ir $U.b(r,)I!~ t¥>'O_

Cost Effect

2 A bit laT~r (pun)', Hot'L) .or ~m;;llUe:r (ma~rif(, cheetah) than human.

A tot larw-f!r (hOlt~" tiger. 'boa) or smil.lIer (poOOl~, houscut, barracuda) ili:an hultl_~n_


.. Skln ... N,Is:,ht (2 pts) - Thu weird Power illIOW'$ tbe farner to pull oct he-ejes, rwtst the op~k MJ'V~ tare fi!Ct, Otnd seed rl te eyes 5CUrrying down haUw-ilV-S ilnd :;iJ'OIJnd corners in ordtr 1.0 see thinJlS l'IOrman\, obscured. She'll haw to be careful - if the e)'CI' get :Kl~$h.i;(I, $he'll be torevef blli'lded. {Fomcd wid, R~nel'3lion willgrowncw eyes ;n om: month.)

S~totm! Pulling out your OIIIo-TI eyes t~!,!'i~ a WiUp poweif rell ('diftleuhy8, 1 fcrfrequenr users], Thedcee no damage, buthuTtsllket,eU. Allet lh;i,t.lht:e~m~yl'l.Jnup roa bloc.l ~..".tl., under tho!irown Power. and anything lhey sec wi II "appear" witJ:li.., th~ (Om(;rr'~ br;lli_fI ;):$ [r her e,·1!;S weee ~dll :tmll::nooi th~ may be coupled with Da.rk~ight for ofnr:aSf'l15IJfY Powers. The i:ye$ tar. ~y sepamred frcm thelr bod.., Ir:)J up to an hcw..lf; nfree [hat, t~\' decay com,pler.d~' whhln eocdter two hours, Any damage ll1.e e\'1!;5. stl.'SlRin .... -hlle L1Jound wl.U In),p:)Lr (cr disable) lite (OO'LOr$ not'tn[lol e,~!ght_

.. Slither Skin (4 ph) - Th~ :s1.1n. of lh.c fumor is "9. weapon ;).I'Id;). U$efu 1 helrer. The fomcr can shed her skin, gi".ing tt certatn $imple it'l$\~dt)t'l$ (I'll') more [han. fi'i!i!: words). Theskindetaches at the ~tuiYla~cl ~I!"ls:af( OII."Cr d-e fomor'.g bead.It can walk, grab thing, 01" ;}'U:~(:k_ lr the (M"Wt ~ptelflt! thaI additional PO""""4:n hu;;;h es E.t.w:lv &rbs) Me lodged in hoff skin. me bas to pay for theln. TIle Iomor can live without her skin. bJf hI» one less Health Level. Hetgbastly eppearance will horriry;;1I whQ~ bee, as me Is a lh'ing -anatomy ]ew>n, Th~ .J.Kin, mc"nlllo·hile, 5ti11b aton.1l: tiki! u hcllQw pi!'1'501'1 withour bones or eyes, ch:u:ini!: horrified victims into the arms r.i lu .d.1f\1~ l-r-l(l$let. The W~'rm'!o use o{'mch fomori in Ireland gave risc [0 tales 01 Nuckulavee the Sldnl~, while .:he arraeks on It.1! Nodes inH.ald 3K remembered by dJO: W~'rm~llo·oa-'. :shippi.:ng Co.:bons Sat'.' Poil, :<L ~ ~ Bara'a bambbi

SystotM: The fomcr epeeds one WiUpow-er pOint :;)rId: roll..-s.l)e:Kterit~'* Athletles (dlfficLJl!;'f 6). Tbc effect [aste ((Ii' one scene, iilIl which rime the skin must return W the farner or -dilitUC'(!:mtc, Ttw skin's fh%~1 Autlbu(C"!j are a U one ctot eeeb und 1\ has OM: l-leakh Level. Tbe ~kin can wall!: anov distance aoway (rom th-e- fornOf. ~f (hi!" d~_l_f'I Is dHtro}'cd, the fomoe lIo,m e.row another one efrer one: month.

• Slnilbe1' Soot (3 pt5) - The lomot', Q;-=o ... ered with ~ll wares whkb excrere :;m exrremdy !ilia and Nnn\, slime. This5tirnr:: rt':nd~n the rOli1or's bod'lllfl'liJ.3lty MetlQl\less, maldng it almos.t impo-ssible for opponcnu.- tl) gr;i'Sp d\e (moor. The: $Ilmv Sd also MIps. mOl! fomor [0 sqtJeHl!: duoogh tight IpIICa, Slobber 5001 d.issolves air mOoS"t lmtantl-y i1\ dlr~l iUl'l Hl\:hL M06[ fomori who t-a"k-c m_;~ PO ..... 'I!J are highl~' vulnmb!e to r_he CI'U:Sfl~ (u:e:


:SysICm! The romO"t:q:oentb Orw!: Willf.'C!'M'er p-oint. Th~ eff~( IaSUi for emc :Kll!rlC. During tni.!. time, (lppOf~i'\"S diffkultic;,. to gr.;'Ipplc or .l,.O"fO)b l~ fornar.s.u1ft:r a penalty of

wee. 11'1 add.1(i{]8. (he f-omor add.~ cue to her:!.t):'lk dke ~ti!1$~. bl!.llu wr!:;l.PQf'19 h:lllbs. Fists, ere.I. Oppooe:mJ try~ ina to rrack a fomor with. Siobbet Snot subUl)et d'lt« (rom thl~Jr dlmcllld~ dUll!: (0 the: disti:ocl[ivC! .sm·dl.

• Spl:E"lt Ttes (3 pUI) - The fomor has lin innate connecetcn t(I thor:: $p:ifit wod..d .",.bkh ll.llcrw~ him a GfMl>'i~ ~or!::.

System: The fornoT lMogim the geme with Me Onoo:b point whic;h be ~n \PI!!: "nd ~g;l!1\ JUS( Ilke:8fiyGarou. He ma,;, purchase extra Onoee point!. with fr«bi-e pOI rUt (v0:5l~ 2 pc~ pOint).

• Slom~l;h fumper (J pq} - Theo fomor ls able [0 vomit {onh all he has rccl('ndy eaten c()v~~ ~Ii. aeldie slimy.stOcnachjuiCC$. AJingle bl~t CO)n ct;Wft':l:5in,sle (at.

Sfue:rn: The! fcmor rolls Stamina + SrorW'1 (d,!ry 1}.

The bwt intllet1i only (I,~·O dtce or .damillJ!"., but mit vtcrtm must ex~oo "3 ~i:J1[ Qf wmpow~r [0 l('c:p from ~t'o:pplnl!: wharever he is doing and start gagging. Only three W(h blas.ts rnay be ~-rf'OT1IIcd bi:t ..... r:en ool'l'lf,lletl! me;als.

• Su.ccubi's Veil ~6 p"d - The chtmare Power of enrtccmcnr, The £o:mor 'am cnthrnrH t9Jjl:tt, E;:"'l,I$i~ them ro waru ood:r:lI'lg more than to be: near him.

Sys:~cm! The fomOr $pend$ one WiIIPQ'\-'let po!m and rolls Manipulation + Su:bterfu~ (diflkyh:'fotl,t"t~ [;).ttt'I"S Wm~r). If the roll succeeds, the tQrgtl wHI be enthr.!llccl. w;).n~in.g notbi .... 1it but [0 be wtrb [he! fo.mor whenever poMiblc.lf the: roll f.-lil~, [he [a~[ wLll ertll f'Lnd me foenor atrracti v e, but will not be etLdr.,.n!ed bY' hill be!i:U(Y· I( the eell i$ 3. botch.. rhe earger kno"''.5 that there 1$ something: d~;idNly wrong wju, thoe (QlmQr. ~merhinFl Vi!ry dan.proWl aboue !U.SOCilllt:ing with the J;[eiltun:. Fo:r e: ... ~'1' scene in which the fO-mQt ls aeocnd his [aq:~[!. he can anempe his roll again; if IDOfC than 10 CUiYLlJlJ\tl'VC! successes are i1(;hlt:ved. thA: t3'~f will be fanatically mesmerued b., the fcmoe. and will desire (0 serve and prcteet the 'cnnor ~l "'[-I~' ..::,~t.

• Tar &by (3 ptd - Tbe fom01~~ sktn ts 1IL'iI~ of a thkk. ~!ld(y scbeeanee jJ\::(,: mclasses.oe tar. Any thins that COIDC;5 infO forc;cful cent ec t wich ,_he ,l:in will slick to il llke ~ ny "'-'In I1l'1);)~t -lhi:s inehidee Garee orothers who IJ'p" ro grapple, puocJ:i" cla ..... or li.d;. the 'OirI,ot_ Objr!oC:u such ~ ckrth ing d~t are slld sl:owly Jl'3S[ [hot: sk,;n will not 5tk~; onl~' forceful contact IK.tiv;jt~ the t<lekinr!$$.

Syst~m: An't""Ooeattacking thc(omrn- in bf3.w.~fIiicom.· b3( gers !j[ock [0 [hit: (IJ'Inor. Treat lhils w; if tho: fome)[ &occ.css!uLl}' g:TiIIPP,lcr:l the ()WOCl~fL[. The opponent may l'Iot use wherever limb. i5 St1Kl: to me fornor; h~ InuS! malP:e a tes.isted Strengll'! ron venus [he Iomoe's Stamina + J to escape. If tbe (orner is hit by a melee wcapol\, he tl"Iay mah u ri::li$ted Sf~n,gm mil versus me U51('r',s Str-c-ngth to Wl"C$t the now-stuck weapon {rom lM oppoI'Il!nt'.s. hands,

• Teele S«rc::tiooR (2 pes. per dIe) - Tbts ?OIM!r turns ~ foi'nOf'$ bod l1y nu~ds tnro roxie .... 'tile.



_---_,."..-/~iM------- .. - .... --,--IIIIIjoc:O" ...... ·~

S)''Uem: As promised above, the rOIJKlf'~ blood, $plt, sweat, cj~(;Ullitc and Olh.:r n1,lid$ in.t'1lc.l damage on anyone ~if\g Im(].comaC't with therm aGaKIU biting Or I;tawing the (amor ",'ould $h()w~r ht!r5t!lf whh die secredces, as. would intimate parmen. tormclJ.tOl1 (II" ;).n~ ~he Ii'! (.1,* eceeeee. Is one die per [VIO POIol.'~T pomu §.pcnt.·Thistoxi.(;<hunagem3ybe$O;)ked.lmfit~elings";on lhe u11 {",r!'ll, II does full daenage. Af(er dun, it loses one die of pOU:l\cy pcr tum, but ;n_lller~ ~In.:ll!:!!u~flll[ 'wears oA"" (tne:re ~I'\' no more dice), Each (urn ro;ruirCli iii new soak roll from the v Icrfm.

T Ollie Secrencne ate (If~1C!n v~Ut'U;;)lY cnell MiIl'Ii! p1"(I\'ol,;:~ ;jII1\ [!woluntary reecrjon-c-beat will meke the: fomor ~"''C9 .. t, ~iI'I tru!l'f m:ab hlm Ct)I, and(lb"l-o~oC<llls (Ii narcre will make him cllmiRilt(!. A\ (he h iiller levels of Kl:ll:iciry, me f.omo:r ~,giM tc damage M~ cnVironmffilj six pOi[1~ will dissolve domi~ in one turn, nl.-.e wUJ dtssclve ~, 12, \I.'Ot.'Id. and 15 jl<lG:(tl~ln or even c.Q'I'IC1l!Jo!! Pcmer with Toxic Seeru~f'I$ often suffer from rhe Tainn rmint~ti.on. teOecti~ tnt': damll4le the Power irdliw \lpOii !t$ 'user,"

• Umbra1 PaslJ.<IIgi!! rs pt8l- The fomor musr have rn~ Power. Spirit Tie$. Umbr.)1 p~. allows the fomor ro SlifP 6ia(,w9l~'~ in and OUi of the Utnbr,:,. j~t lik~ ;) Qa.1QU.

System; The (oMlor r(loll!'! O:flO£l.s a d.iftK.Ulry equal to the Gauntlet of lhe area. U~ the S[l!:pping Sideways eben in th~ W('n:wolf rulCibook (p. 115) to see bow 1(lifI~ it lakes to Cf06S-o~r,

-ill Yeocmcus Bite (J pta;) - The fOrnOr'~ sallea ls a pcstulesu btce, pi)iKlnQlL'i foam.

S~'!l'e:M: ine fcreer must fam inflict at lease one Health Level of da:rnagt on a t<Lr~~~ (hl'QLlgh 3 bire arrack, The pol$(ll'llnOklli Smmtoa + 2 :aggt""8"'2I.t~dil~ f.hjj d<!.@.r ~re cannot be soaked. (The Fl::mn!L G i.ft: Ram Toxin will

j:!te- .... en t rhe poison damage.I

• V 01((: t)f rhc Wyrm (4 pl~l- ThIC f-am.or\ tongue ~ km~a.nd l<1U;Q:1 i\::e, and ~ Iomce may.~ in (M- W~-nn'~ ~'1ltl'I.g;u[tit·

Sy-SI.tRU Wbel'L ebe fcmor chants the ... ile.syUab-!~1J( the Thr.TiI: Uumy,:all in healing range ($3.veo W\'rm c~mns) m1U\I'I1;)kte n WI!lpov.'4!1 roll 'diffil::l..dry S) or lose hall rhc:ir pclnrs. Thl$ Power may onl.}' be- used. 0I'l ;:II 19y~n

vL(.tiJIl (IIleC. j;;tr encoomer. Thl!: [Of'IIDJ~ may elso lid: eppenenrs in close combat, infliCtillg lVo"O dree 01 damage. .. Wall Walkillg (4 ph') - The foU1QT'$ h.").l'Ids-;l!t\od (~t ;J:~ stIcky, .-.llowlng him to run up sheer surfaces as easily as he can move: 0., nat ".,.ound.

S}"5tc:m: No roll it nQrtn:_tlly f~ui~ ro walk walls.. but a ~lnoi:rir'Y + :roU mill' be I~U"ir~ ~n (:omWf situatiOlT1~. t.o rttail\ hold on r"'c ;SUrf"KC. This roll may 11130 be n~csgry il the .surfac~ 1~ pCtrbeularly dirr©J(t (I!'f-. ~[ g;1!Ui}. Cert3in ~urfaO!!! (sue:h 3.!l ~t led are almost total1v (rktiQn.l;ffi and amnot be=:

• W;:nu Bre<1lth'n-g (21S p's) - With thj~ ~lm,,"]1!

PO'IJ.'<:r, the forncr.r rO(l~' -e--itbr:r bre:J.thl! unal!r"I.-\1a{l!:r or (foo

~l lI'Ltsl neoo oot brellthc at a.lL- This ~r also

Fl'<IlkLegion ~ __ ~_.. •• am


(:Qnren a certain degree of resistance to uoderwater f.I~. 5UUl!i and decompresstcn problems, although considerable dl!pthS(1I radical C'hans~s: (~oing from :500(<<t toJOln 1~ than II minute) "",ill C';l!U$I!' !lOme dama.g'4!.

• Webbin:a:{S pts) - Thdomor hasaspu;i2llgl.:and about d'l.~ !'1~ and mapc of a fcctba 11 (I-\'cr b.i$ fibdQrn!!"I'I. The Ofg:ln h~t1n()ri(ke ll$uaU., above the na. v el, The: organ ean be wed to creaee massive IIrno\Il1U cI wt!bbh'tg s;-Imil:ar [0 rhar of ipidl:ll". F-omoti A\\tlt learn how ro utilize the: webblP,g., m;)kll'll]:

Wmm3"ki.nil: a sktll, The fomor fntl\f L35i!' 11 (Q seal off [hi.ngs" (Q"p(W't oppol:'l.t.t'i.ts., ~ ro IO'llolCr himsoeU hom high pO$oi~ions..

:Sy:'oteO'l~ The webbrng has six 501(11; dice lInd ~b~e Health Le ... c:ls. It;8 e)l;tClel'oely i-uQrtS and sIic.k'p"', allowing the f'.omru [0 ent~p hi~ prey. Entrapped victfms m'Wt fl'r.U.e a Strength ro!1 rceeted by th.c ..... --<:b'.s StRilgtl-. of 8. The m:bbiTIil ;1; thicker m,u'L LL ~1.00r-'~. almeee oee mch in dtamerer, but It le wry sheer-and herd tosee (rum a dln:r:noe witbcur ;a Perceptjon + Al-r=1u:r~ TOll (d.lffic.utt)' 7).

.. Wl.i'liIJ {3/S pu) - This obvious Power gntln tl;.e fcmcr rhe IIIbiliry to ny. The nii>.l.11e i!l o bi( mi:sJl!a.dirtR. The eNracrol!1 dees not ii1C'UJally have to he ... e wi~_p, lhoUil:h her pb1(tr wlll need a good. Hl.tiooale to t'lQl'Jr win~ d,ghL_ HQ1III1!:\-'e:r ehe reeves, she may hover, g,lido:: • .soar Of fltmt about. dependinQ on (hi!: nature of her Power.

System: For three: prnntli. the lomor may fly at u;p to normal human jOQina speed (13 yards/rum). For five, me mayco"'cr 20 prdt ptr t\1rl\. Wid\ e:ffor[. winged.f1j('~ may puili (~ir speed by adding Ihei..r Oe."lt(er'i-r~· $I!Q~ ee mi!:l:r fligbt vcloe.itV (~OOl"Wo.


Ma-:uiw: infuwUmt ofr.hc: m~l)l'pru:

Exmnal ~Mtt.-$fcccl~(m. t~ - Decomposed, "&t~n hy Acld"

Taiets are the Iwrrib.le dl~dv<LI'I'tagt:~ gained from ~~ in!!: the W~nn. A llegtnnee [0 tbc dr3.gon or otorruptL<1n comes :u a hcarry cost. Fcrnor m.o:5t hLLV~ T;):Ii'lu [0 galn P01lO~T1. Bach Tuh .. , poln.r Sh'H the aharacrca om: pctnt wIth 1,I,;,h,[.c1'l U'J purchase Powers.

NC)i'iL'Iallv, Tajntaare ncr 8l1in~ through rOlt!pbr1rtg;;Ii character's bcgit1t1il"!g T~lil'lu .U'oI! all s.h~ ",",ill ever he .... .e (thai'll!: Gailll!), Bet scmenmes, an event or such htdeeus ramification OCCYI$ tl$ to eoforee more NHJQI!. on So pool fcmce. This can be 8:i simplc as scandiJ"lg in ... Hellhole llf Blight wh.cna(te:)k Wyldsronncomes thundcringth~l_ Or perhaps the: fowor, whit!!" vlsirlng Malfeas, rakes II wtOng (Um (lInto the Black Spi[S1 Labrrinlh.. She m.ij.y nOt t'.xi( [he same wt~' $tH: I::ntl!"n!d - If SM: i!:Xi~;a( :aU.

Inthesc:~,~beStory(elll!:rmayall()'llo'r~dllilr.ll;;t~thc option of choosinG anoth~T T alnt, provldlrt.g ~ upci· t=1KC: p;l>intJ to Ii!!'O with i~ {the W'p"'fm'-5deformities 1l.T~()fte:n <r.~Pllt'LltJ b~ MW .... bles.:slnlJ5o"}. &e~, ~bove.

Some of these eventaare soMkten :JIndcaw:lf;YIlic [hal the Sl(Jt)' •. ~llt, ma~' make mof character spend hi~ pctrcs on mo!: spot. Tho! Wyld5.tOfill tn'L'r bloll,O :[!'I.V:JI'j', leaving the (OIi'!(IiI' ~h;)kl!n. - and with an. ifntird~ J""IItW armgrowii'll!i Ol,lt of her :aixlomc:n! Or he m<wY $Cumblt from Ute Labyrinth wirh 5u~b a ,cfTihle irn;ight into the Wynn's: nature ~ to alkly,'him to p'yehi-c<J'I~' wr'l!neh~er('ufromothc:~' ml.nds.. Allthis is. of course, at the StOl)"telltir's dtst:tt~Eon.

,. Addktioo ( ... aried - The fcmcr m\l$1; e~,1lI! In a partL>rnlil;r addfctlve ~e! Ivtry "~.g., ,iliooting up heroln" drln.l::[~ 'blood. human sa.c.rif.a to 3 8jven Urge W"rm, etc.) or suffl:r great poiin_ Se~ the chan below tcderermtoe lh~ ffequli!ncy wim whi<h the (orner m~t obey hb addle· tion {the: "q·de"'). A~ d~e S~Qry(ell('r'5 option. me player ~f ~hoose OOIl!: of hl$ PO'A'I!:r!i as hts Addiction; ~f he docs 11Q'[ use Lhc: POWC'121[ leeeronce II cjcle, he $u«~'" (l.t, 'Brain Csicn; must en~ in 8r<Lh'l ~r:l1'I(I).

Svsrems For e\'try cvcle the fumor does I'IOt ~u.:age his addic.tion, he is overcome with ~kiflJJ pain. H~ suffers ... (me di~ 1;IOO",t('1 (0 an his dice pools for c:1Kh SUiXe$S1~ cycle he misses. W"(!n Ith~ dice penalties total more rhan hl.s. Stamina, he diu.

Pqin~ C"dl!:

Oace per momh

Once per f1\OOfI (ehOQ5.l! Qf'II~: moon phss!=:, on the cusp of your phase ~ by the midpoint between ",..-..x:[t\JI:aru:I ... 'aning-you musr i.ndLJlgi: in ~'(Iut ItddK.tion)

Once per week

Once per dillY

Once pel how

• At..-opbv (vlLriCl) - On.t of chI!: fomDr-s Amibut~.i h3S ;)rt{iphi.t:d, eimer completel)' or only to .. degtl!<C..

S~·nem. For each point [he fcmcr takes in th(~ T:llim, bcr maximum dot ".. ... L..,I: in ;[i .dI!oeWOO Armbure dccr~. For example. I o] I) has OM; point of anophl«! Sm!nJltb; this tr.Io!RI1.'5 hil!i maximum value [~ !hal Amibul~ is four (hOt the usual fly!!). Under no cfrcumaences may thl$ Armbuee be raaed ebcve its atrophied v~lul!: {even P01,l:u bcraees, such as from See or Mega-Attribute. will not ra.1$I!:!t).

Th is Taint l~ only .... 'Nth full polnts (O:f rhe ftrsc A(tribute ciJbM:n_ n~t! Wl:l'lts: awarded Ior :seoond Or third ArLriooEofs atrophied art: halved [rwc do[~ are aeoehted for one pOi"!). For exampll!:. JoJo alSCI atrophi~ hi.1. Ot,a. eisma. However, be mw::t lose twO doafrom his maximum to ~ one poinl.

Health Leveb arc roMidc-rr:d se be O:I'IiI!! Arreibure, Appearance rna,;, not be atropr..leJ_ Instead, rhe charecter lJi.:ltr pute~ the Tafnn Ui!!J.,. iIII Sin (~belew,,) .

• Ba,_l~4;re Curs!' {j1 pts) - Thi$ i$ thi: rcvene ot rh,t!

Powen Balefue Flux, ~nc ... er (he fom(lll' ts exposed to 8alctirc., the toxic excN!-[ions of mil! W)'nD, he may endergo e horrible tran~orma.tilJ!ll. galnlnlj;ft MW Tain.[,

S\'u.e!"!1; After thl!: fcmcr undergcee f ... e turruofsucce;· sivc exposure ro Balcflrc, roll her SmmLI1.3 (dLffI:c.lIt['Y 9,. At the Swrytelk-t's Option, p:!rtii(;IJ.I_::!Ir~Y (:;I{tOCfRt: exposure to Balcfire lruIylOYOlcr the: difficult,;, of ["'I!: Stamtna roll. [( S"u~(\JI, ~t.1! (1)J-l'U)t :galn$ a lie.",. i~;rlt,. chosen n .rndom.l}' (R'Cbclow). Thi_:SJ1C.w".;:;urse·&Orn mit Wvrm'i~i:l"lMJI.mrhe charecrcr i mmedtatclv undl!~~ a p<lIinfy] ~~j'dQ'. ~11~'!. For UUIX turns, during ...... blch she can rake no :aCtiOM" 00[ 1I!!WT1 ro defend M:2Jf. Af!:ef'N;)t-d:l. Nr tlJ~W Tai"t wlUdi~p.l~r itkM{~m; an arm r3I1in.goff. tfshe ts i,pflic(.oowi[t. RL)'L!ing).

Thts'Tatnr does nee mnke !he fuiYiOt 1('I)'-('I,uM tOo 8Qk!iT~; !Jrlt~ she purcbuses lrnmurilLty Ieee above l-. ehe will ruffe:r :any normal damage frQrn the [(I)!J.n (~e ~ ~kle~, above},

Random T'aints: Refer ro rhe ci'J;fIrr;li1 ["'I! ~g~n..l'[_f!i!: ,of tlt:ls enil.pllt:l. [ad, T atnt has 3 runnber listed b.,. it on a rao__ge of ! - J 00. RoOll percent lle (Bee (l-cIlO. with one die a.c[in.g 3S (hI! cnes oC.Q~ym_:i"'I nod lh,1! oti'u;:t :M tile tern column, "oo!' equals 100) to determine wh.idl Taint is chosen.

• 1h.D~ r-1II;t(1!: (3 pt~' - Benes 1:i3~ ~ and they ccme [0 R'C" you abccc i(,

Sy$!~mJ; Yoo ....... i II ~!.",.;)~dr:;i.w the il;t(~tioo of:a.:rL}' local Banes. end tru:f will usua.lly step thefr normal tasks [0 nB.1"3I5.!i you. They cannot possess ~"'(Iu {,'(M.Ii are ::J'11e:J_d!/ possessed by a Bane}, b-u! they ",,·llt do w~,~ th.t.:l' e.<!,fi~' screw roo OVt:.r ~Oi1 cf d'ite<;tiV h!i!lHnin,g roo (the)' fear roo rn3r have fri~OO5 [0 avenge you). For Iesrance, 3; Sloo~ de.mC"I'L[;)1 m::t~ II!!:] ~ di"~'YS~lil~ od~ppi r:I~ {O~ ~-.o1J to ~tcp 00" tULnillg YOUT shoes. Thla Taint may 3150 SImtCJ[ Garee, who miU.( come by re sea wh.. ... ~ n 11 !hl! O)rI'I!?Imi(m 1$.

• Beainwaahed (J pu;) - 'The: &1'I1! wl'tM!\ bas re;)H':;

dbn~ a nuttlhcr (In fOUr mind. furcin8 sou to believe wbae ill: wanra ,'(ILl [0. Th ta br.t!!\w<L:SblOi5: comes In. ~he (CJofLtL or a fQw~t{l.!l. cbsesstve bel i,..;:f - ~he meet common for Iomori being a eabtd IO'p'llI'tV w Peare«. These fomorl nee oCom~n)' men (-worru=n/thi.ngs) ro the deat h. Other cclfefe can be a I'II!:I i~OLJS ~;)I (Of" th~ W I'TI-n cr one rA it$ I11kliii(eKIl.tioru;, ill paranoid .:!iillpicion of "eohtcs" ,(humans.) , a d lehaed ~IM tlU( Q].tOu ;)!1: d~ttlOil1i OUt re dC$troy the earth, OJ an.,.

ct ... er extreme ccevtcuce wMc=h m;)'F w~lt lead !h~ fOiY~ li'lt(lo ::L tkJ1gl!:rQY$, "~rnpf1)mi;k: ~itIJ3tian.

Sy~~; WI]e~e:t tM. rornor'~ belid" i1i qlJ~t:ioru=d, h~ wi.l1 usuo.llY!lol[nrou8h tMlN!"di:s.tirllC![ s[I!I~.del"lbJ.l.. 9I~r ~ncl l'I.l;tltt doLlb!. rl)t ~~n(:~, ii" ~ O;l!!:O!J ~t: to try ~o ;;I)nvi ru;;c: !!I P;:ntelAo'YE!ll f-ornor thB.[ Pemo is biI.d for him ::md the: wortd. mil! i"L)'II'LQr W(luLd nr3t :5CoOff :)t ~ych :) thoo;g,ht. lJ proo( """t<re brought folJl'W~rd, tht: foITIm would bel it:vc= j( was.;) rril!~.3.n.d miFlht (ry' ro ;)!~:xk ["'I! bt!:)f:l!r of ~u~t. e,,'~~,e,=. !(Lhl: ~PL&e: up, un.d~i1Ihlt::, then th~ fomor m2lf h<=G:in LO doubr - ::md (hus his WQrld f.:i_ll~ ro pL«~J. Sut:n (ornrn-i btGO'rnI.!- .mit:i.dat. and usually try co

~ dc.srroy lM fcwrnl!:r objl!oC.,[ of [belr l:otllef



• 'Ibe Crueues tl 'P~} - Think of ["'I! C3I5(: of .d;JC)(iruff ~'oCIU~\·~ ~ seen. Now ima!]:LM i, ever ~hl! -e:n,~re bod.,.:and mlll(ipl.,. ita seveettv a ... urtdred rtmes, Th-at~_:s mit Cru::lrl~ '(:'ib !he "Sc.n..!m,f,I'jl' Ser1I1:!'e""').11'u! C1'i,JS!i,~ ls a rn~la.dy common to fomor~ with the: Slobber SnQ( Po'Y'IN [see above},

Systltm: For three 00 H:TI dRYS ~~:Jl' month (Sro'l'n!llc:r'~ OP!~M l- ~he fOtr'LOr\ $k.:!ii d.nes. OUt iI.fId jj§ covered with iii (hick, crus:ry residue. This residue fla.'k~ off;1'I !a!"gl!l crumb.l}' pi«1:$. J ~ leavesa !rai.l.oWn~ brown pc .... -dett::vctywl;ere [hi: femor IjlCilt.S. The du.!.[ colleen ;1'1 cloches, tlJn~ :)00 ~i",Hy oC'y.e$ ("" 1 diffit:!Jlty to Dc:xtmty and, PIC~lCption KlII~-dUl: ro d~fon:), No matter 0011;' much the fcmor K.t;)tc;b~ .. pir:1d • .or bathes 'the: ~ry !hought dba.tMrlt ls e~-gh to rerrltv ;many fol'l\Ot'~) d'L~,1e s-eems (0 be 00 W:a:y . ohmppin.g il. There-are: popular folklore ~oof"ies'3.rnon.g the f.r-ea.kf«t "boo! Crumbl-y Eddy, Th.c:y $ii}' he ~ the CN$!;[~ so bad ~r..;u he l.1 j"'J_{1r,Ii feulll1ing L!; Sratl.l~r!.5: 2...;:0 !1an:kf'l iril TihE1:. Shudder,

-II D~t3.n.s:etr.le,u (J/211 'Pm:) ~ M:!Ir'l'F cI rhe WTffi'1'~ et;.~ ~!1!.!1;1i trQrn. th~ir ~e$i_~ t'W~~ it! tlOL irnt body, oo! fLi ind ~~" WMte it ~ raR. to' have mote thj)h, cne Dere!~rncnf, it i~ pcsstble. However, the second De rangemenr 'is only wonh rwo petne, :andi the third is only worth one. Iklow i& a li~t or common dereegements, PJ<!I~"'oi::1$ MI.d St....wytellet sbculd 'eel (rte toeteate t~Loi:it own,

Am1'l1!;5.1a. Y 00 remember I'Imhiri18 of "Joor l!(1! before bt!I!(IoJli,ing;} (L)o:fl-..(lt. Sotp~r,;i;m~ yO!.;! (~.~'t l~Ciill!~.mber .",.~t }'OO dtd ycste:rda.}'.

QOHilTl1.:an.i3~ '(00 jlJ~t can't stop daru:-liJ]~, Yoo rum I!:Vlfry'thLriIg you do into a ~~I'L'[aru!-OUSIj:bOCf: '(you;)!'It!'l.OI l1~itY~Mit,tMlJgtl) .

[h!lusi.oM(liO~~elJr: Yooibeli~",~)'oo<ire"~·by th-c- Wynn, 'and 001" \'00 em eerform (he- deeds necessary (QtLt~lIltirniilte:~t. Whywon'todu:I"!iJ~iK~hj~~ H:)b!'Q!'i~AA!:a.: '(00 ... a ... ee O!)~iU iYI(Ji'bid g<llery .... -hleb other fomori may find slck. You don't necl!SS3ril" eeack jok~'a.'bout it, but you dlJlgiggl~ ar the most perverse tima,

HIIHul;inatL.oru: '(00 WC~ so unhi.~di br the Bane ~11)n !b;)t YOL:!~ ... I!t"y ;I)et~d(:i~ :l'tQiN ~VOI!rbt!t;lI!:oI! with its rceenlnglesa madness, At random cmoe, you will eee aed ~t 'I,M~ whi,ch nre ii(lo't ee .. Hy 11 .. eee .

Homl<lda} y", want to 1:;11. ~1I1. ,m and HI! ,,go"'- 1i"l$eC.1J.!r1!: Y (M,I:'Ire :nl!"~~ ~y~ wh~~ ~ ~~..:!Ind ".,.;th ~r Nr!it T.earn or even you~lr, [nsccur.efumori W51J.2111.,. have VI!r)' I i [t~ Wi IIpowl!r.

Khuom.ani:ll: Yoo n2l\lt: '3. (Joosnmr oornpllls:io_rII to,&, f<)~h,=~ t~1i ~~k n.o~11}'. Th~ ..... i]l u,Cd!: ;ii!i"(Il.!i"1d you Cl'Rlf' rou'(I h<=L1:e:r haw; (ru: mlJx.t~ 00 back i( u;p, Manic: 'Yoo do, you d'o 00 the hLtt and ""ith (I~ive~i"I~~Y, wh~e~~tlrn~~<L~ye.,. tClbum w~ witb o:haus.!:j,cn ~rc= you want [0,

M:asochii!im: Yoo I~ [c wnrn p&~riI is inflic:rod on you, Mlsornomh You! ~lhmg,



F~ t

....... r-..,""~_"

Multiple Pt'r$OtII3iLkl~: You have split ~n;onali:ties, Wyrm.. Thlsdi)Qmeanl'locbt:avoi<kd;fumoriwhomv'C[rled

many dtffeeenr "beings" i.nside yOll who ~'k oI!:X:i)~lon. to escepe by distiru:;i.nt: themstl\'.e5 from lhl! genesis sire

Sometimes 'IOU e3.n oo~rl'()l which 0IIli£ comes to the: fore. atW'",)'~ ftl'ld tom!!" (:i.~l.ImsD.n~ bri~ them beck to it. Fiom.c)rl

but most rimes ~""OU cannot .. Be: tre;nivlI!! - ecsne up with with mi:! T do not knOW ""hen theywill besueunoeed.end

n;:t.~ end I»c;k,grounds for each personelttv. No one \L$Ll(IIt~ llve lives. as (f ~ry day QO:JJlcl be tM!f I~r_

knQ\lol5. ..... here these ~llt sldes eo;ml! frC)rn: they maj be .. The Fadinil (5- pts) - The fowC)r'~ Iȴ~h~ h~ -on1'F

leeem p::tS:5ibilitir:-.s awoken within ~he i"Qt'r.Ior. or mulnple tile most (I!I\OOW offocrholdscn Jtalky_ Thls ts OO~ 1"f,~l:'tly

pO$$('$5it\g &_i'l,es. ~tu3nity. The fcmor's mlnd ft;)lS (Ull ;fIffll'lily wnh one IOf [he

O~ion: You tlx;JI'oI!:d on.wml!'lS during 'fOUI pos- aspects of d-e Trl-::ttic: WYTm (cr cue of the Urge Wynns},

se5.5[iln. a.nd ~'OU cannot (orget it. Every moment, it $wlf'lti end is 8Cti\ldy trying toflee this r¢OlHI~Y. [0 Hjoin'" wuh rhar

~nlO)"Oui ((;IruciOU$i'less,. You m\.l$t pursue it rill il ceases to Wyrnl_ TIle $l:OtVIt!'Ucr dectdes wbj(;h Wynn the I;h<i_r~

haunt you __ .• (~:r tscconecredwub. Thc:fomor h...,,,,_" If'I$'l:V d'la[ is d'le

Overcompensancm Y 00 r~i:<:d a ..... ~k~ dUi'lng cql,llv",lent ere Deeangemenr (.scc above],

J~ur rr a rufOrtmliOTl_ YOu have (Q hide it - i,t ts yoor If the ti::U1'l0l' l~ ever in the presence of her partil;\lla.r

Ac:h'H~' 'heel. You will distract ethers from JlOtil;;in.g b~' 3S-peoc.'t of the Wyrm, or om: of iu rncse pO'",~rFl,Il $eM:_f11:$

dro.wi.n.g their '3.ttcmioo. [0 encsber r;:hl:l~c:t~rlS-\ie of yoo~;. (e-'B', 3 M.:adj in Im:iim,,), her mEnd '1,1,,111 be mm :iI\lgr,;, 10

511Ch IU bully~ng, cleverness O~ Stu,1:! d If'jo', further t::l"l1lp<;l"'~f rhar be II'IS' Coo roll), The: only WlIIy thit

Parancja: You know that sOinethit-~ oI!'IfoI!J'I worst: than ma.y be avoided is if rhar W~,tm decides to Talrn tb~ (om.or

your ~ing Bane fried (0 ~et "04I_~ duri~ rransforma- fcr seme reason (SroryteUer's di5C-Tetlon). a pollu-

tion, al"Ld h wm be baek. You don't know .... -hat it wlB, and don will pCmJam.1ld'i scar the: fomor (add 31 Derangement

you know it h!UQiIli~- bl,lt who! and 5ubU':KI (WO Willpoowcr).

Ph.-agornania; You want food, IIU the ume. even wh_,l!;i'1 SY"em'i The COtllOr inUSI 5[fuggl(: daily to ketp her mind

~vu'r~ nOt kungry. &om flccoing thi!R<IIlir~·; u:pOn "wa"l!:l\ing~chda..., (Of ni.g!n,

Phobias: You fear one thing gre[ll~l~_ :s...ltwh!l,l teeeeld i( [he (omor is nocturnal), ron Wi!lpowl!:r (.dlfficul~ 5), A

be: daylishl, namre, tc(;h~Oi!,.,)" hutn9n$, w(ll .... es, S,i'l0II1t,1I!;S, [allure rn.c::am rhur the Iomcr IrJ$II!;$ ;;II pQLnl of Wlltpa.".lt!r,

(;~~e$ltu(!~~), th-c:d::n\::, Banes, etc. Be crcart v e. Whet'! ",l1lh.~ fo~r';!. Willpowt:r ~gon~,:so i.s her mind,

s..di~rn: YC)u IO~1!: EO il'lflkr p:all'l oeto others. • Ln.fl!Ctloru(4 ('16)-Choo5capilorti<;I,IJfr_rr~rr'Qp;)[r

Tcmpc-.rlUrtClnmh You BIn:: prone to jwt h-.:(i1<;'-~8 'Out :fIf'ld. with thi.1l T(I,hl!,. 'W'he:Mwr something ~ wrong with the

lO:Si"1!: It. Yi)~J May (Uf'l!t'f (with 1'I0[1C of the bcncfiUi} it US(! of that Power, the (.hill1leter ~uffi!f':5.:iI g;angre-.nOU§. infc.;:-

pushll:d tOO f;)r (foil Wmpoweragairu.taSoorytdlcr.dctet'# don. For example, a f<.m01'I$ SlI.thl!f S)(in is dcsrro~ hya

miill<'d diffiQlkv)- Ql,rou before me fomOf oould put t~ Skin ~d. On. Wim~

• Di.!i.i[1t~ration (6 pu) _ Ih~ is paired wieh one o~ut his ski:n" the- fomor $.l;Ji'fe:r.; a bOO m/«-tion.

me: fQmor's. POWoe.TS, Thts Power is alm~t as d~t!Vl!:~1/t' (0 S~~e~'i n,~ (QmOt wililosc one Health Level pcr day

him as it i5 to others. Each rlme he U$eJ. tr, he rakes a Health umil be ~CTipplro, Thii; will heal :dtl!"rQne week,

Level of (nt;m~~v:ue<l, noo4.Ofl.kabid damage. Unless lilt the rate of oee Level pee da .... ,

rhe fcmcr hM ~oef;)[ton., thle hC315 at 31 rate of 0[10(: ... Inn~r Vu.l,f~nC; (5 Po.) - Bum, baby, bum! Imide

Health Level per hour and hurts li1:e the devll. V!il'll1: rhe rhc Bane-etdden one:, ttmperurUTe;5 rise' [0 unhealthy lev-

feral PO'LI--c=r roo often can and \\lUI k! 1I the eharacree.Jfhc els, She na.:5 a pCrper~J fever. mons (:l'Iough to break most

il()e$ ~ Cdppli!d, M'II b!:gi,J\ (0 dissolver these "".oon,ds theTmOlnl!:tl!:l'!illndl::rthe:bestoicircumst3n«~;when.she'$

require at least a day per level to M<'J.t Any d;)mage rhar under stress or !i:xert.1M, (~~l~ fever lil'4!rnUy cooks. her from

puts him below r~ei!j)X-Il:L(ed ar [hi5lX1int turns thclomor within. Dearh by this T amr is gruescrne and 1J1'Iple;)5Olftl.

into an icky puddle of protoplasm. Ea.d'I th.ree turns of hard physkallabor {Q{lm~c, ruR-

• Doomed (vnie!) - The (omor hM Ql' a cerram ning.heavyli.r~,cc(._)P'IIIti.fult'Yin(lictsQ~ruJII1-';SOOkable

[\uL1lberof'\,~_I'$~llv-e,Auhcendofthu.tim-e.:me:wi_lldilC HIMI[n Level on rhe beplese Icmcr. N;l)w~II~'. ~t'I~'Qne

a painful.d(:IIId-i.. who,gtt!o tooclcse to the CMrt1-Cler-duriniO': (hi;&.5t~ Mtarel

Pomll!o 'iCr.!lI1 ~o llee hf!1' pain. a person who h.ookb, caiTi~ .$l.lI:e~ ""I[h or

I 5 ytJtl!l -oper(l,teJ 'Or. t~e bumJI'I~ fomee bcfcre she QOO~ down win

2 .l YUr! :::la~~H~~l=:!w 7O::'~h~h::~~:~) ooW;~:!~

J ] 'f4!ar thla damage LlIJf!tJ:'lI.l.;lIl'i' painful. though IKJ( 3ggTi11",atli:d,

6mmuru .l4P1,itedM~h;Uty(2pu.)- Th('fomOTgnnotn.J!'I~

I month fast 8.!i a normal human. Thii (a.1t tj!;ju!t (rom anv number

n.ose doo~ (olllQl!'i ""hl) IIrcmsoComec[Jlt~d (see &tek.# of reSWrn: he has 1051 a leg, his tes;:s are shorter. he has no

I '/ grounds) "-Lll.suffer thle "Call," The fomor \\'Ull!'vt!'nruallf be legUM mu:sr.sHdt!=r liil:.c: :i115nake, etc, Halve tMcl'!;)!'af:rer'.i.

:1'.. .JlJmtrlornx! lQ the illc ot h-t, rnakLl'Ig to be devocred by thiC

ChoptDOnd:lwrt1l:krCretJti()l! 43

~ -._. • == '"


normal runnin~ distl!lnoe.. nl~ T:.lnr can also be pur;;;hlUe<l fur (J!h~r medea of movement, ;W.(I, us RI,ght U tnc character has the POW"tr: WLi:"Igs.

II MentaJ De"'Cvolution (v.ll"lt!:d-ChOO!5eapa.rticular Power tel p;1Iir 'Aiim. (his Tamr. Whcn.-ew:n- Iln::}r Power is used, [he character may 05uffer a 10:5& in mental ;;;ilpabilit~_ The less u. remporarv, :aldwul!:~ the more frcquend ... the P()W"('r is~. the iUOIe permanent she Mental De-evolul[.on becomes,

System: E\!iI!ry lime the P<rwi;r ~i~ with mis Taint ts mOO, me character muat make a wmpov.u roll (dLffir;:IJIIlY 6). I ~ d'l! foIl i~ successful, thl:Ie i.S no .efti!e;r. [f rbc roll faila, rh("cMrd.«eT 1~"1 fLulll~rot doa &om oru:other Ml!l'Itllol ArtJ'lbutlfs equallOtheamwnt or polnu.thi!"pla.,~rchoos.cs fQr chis T airu. The M«itiJl A.:(tibuIC affected (Pe:mcption, Im~llilfct\(1: or Wlr$) IDI.J~r be- cbcecn wh<:n t, hoe T~'m is l<JL:.ef'l_ Tbts 10;5.5 tears for cee sceoe.Htbe mil botches, du: c=M.I'lOCI(-I lcees one dOl of ~hi.\t Au:rioote - ~mLilnendy.

ElI!3mple-: Lars has the Ani.mjJ,J Con(rQl Power, which hepairs ((llntclligeru"e De-evolution (he (:akes" points for rhe TaInt), Lacer, M- usee hi~ Po ..... ee tQ conrrol a bear. He: must also male a WilliJO'o'o~l" ~II 1:0- rl!;5)~r M-c-mal DeC1o-""(Ilutiou_ln rbtsease, he- fails, and IIJk':J ((l1..1T rJou rrom his ImeUi~~nce.. ~ pb.yer t:xpl.airu thi~ t:"ff'c(( ~ L.;)J$ beoomin~ riI~ anlmallstk in h.ios lhinking, a ji;dl:.effec( or ecerroll in!!: animals,

[f:ll. cl'W.TJK.tet.awpos 10 z:4!ro Ln. 3r11'f Attribute. ooNul~ ~hl!! (olla"-"ing chart:

Attribute E.fkc;:t

Pcrcepncn TItc(hi)!'"o;lOt!!:rsuffer:s.M"ruorydcprivation

(she (;! blind, ~I'. dumb and numb to 1.OlIoCh,l'I.OrCilJ'lshe taste).

lmelli~e the character rhtoks (lIlL)' on. an animalle~'cl of irudner. and can per(.firm 1'10 hlgMrrunnlo[l.1wha.tJOi:ver_ whlchfoetcdes spcccb,

W"iu,I:;rerise::tuen'II!I"JdiJ\l," Al:ttoM take t w tee ol$lang to perform, and com. plicared ecnons m<I)' not ~pt"rformcd at 1111. The eh,IIt;\e(t!iI' - regardless of hU POWI!!:TS (.5UCh as. E.xtra Sre«ll- (:l"tmOl !~it hitJ I);Oe flook lake extra :aCt1ON Or use: Rage pctnu (or e:':lr,j. o'Ie:tiOns.. The mar.tetet ~1'A·3Y$ last in:a given runt, even :afftr otru:r ch~u"ilo!lmi have eeken ",U their multi~1! actioru.

, Mut()id Caeeee (4 pts) - Thil: (I;)fl"bbifled Tnrru (although it is almost a Po .... ·et) i$ I!"V(lical.. Episodes la.s.t for :about .., n.1()11~~h, and occur every other fTlonlh.

S~ter.m In dte tim: week of rhe c;.y~le, th;e I'l)1i'k)r ts able m pass. for human, and begil\$ ro c")[hlbi~ definite ptW~CLLI c.h.:an&:t:1-- Sh.i!' wiH s:rnw about :I foot in sl~ and gain + 'l Srtl!ntm. +1 Stamina and coe ecrm Heahh Level. The fomor',s ski.n ean be poli:tdy termed as "blotehyft d,.ring I[his.stagoc.

In rhe second week. thc(;hangt u.r.a.r In01l!'pt01'l()li~d. 6kl(chy skin givl!:ssw.aV [0 a ~~rhihg. pat.;;.hwurk of 5Ca~ running ~ aod rolling n'I1_I~ll! {ApPf!3rane~ becomes sere). The (OIDDl' grow& an additiona.l foot. gilinl ifig t'INQ exrra rJ,oq Qr Sm~n.Il[h and ancrber HII!3Ilm Level, The forum also exudes Ell ~1,j_1furuw ereneb.

In the .. hi~ ..... eel;. tli~ fomoi' doe.TL'[ appear 1'It1lKl~'''' human, even in ocrline. Addi[.iorud limbs ~prin.g unbid .. den from the fOmQl'~ body and t1ltfL JUS[ :t:i qukkly. The fornor',s s\::in is; now 31 thick. bkod red carapace. The .;:;alClpa.;;c ls paJtiA)I_ly soJid.p.'Ir(i~lIyge~'lfiOu:S 1.1'1 (()ltShrl!nev ::md-adi;ls(hK:1!: ri>m4! fomcr's.soakdice, BIKk, virus-rich blood ~ (reely from d'te (omor'$ Qti:flC.~. Those woo ;ngtl-t rhis blood (by it or rbrccgh open woor~h) must make: a Stamina roll (diff'L(.ylt'y 7) Ot

become Infected. a.-lee scmeoae has eeatsted rhia plague, Au.ribullfl

she t,immul1.1![Q mbcreafrer. AI[hou8hphY!iica.l1 ... strong, Strength The (om.or canner me v e. S~ ls roo

tl\c fO[1}l]f is ta.king lnterrtal damage at ~hi1: pobu. 'Blood ~ eo even. .s.t:.:md. let alone perform

f1O\\.'tothebrami1;wn.strleted;ll-tefomor',sPi!1't=t!J;Irion.:md :any Glk~"!i.kfl,l wk..

:y~::~:;:;::7 !:~~ed!!:.r reduced Otxtcrity The f~mot has IW ability to control MI

movements. h('r nervous j.'y$l;l!:m 1.5 so

In .he (Qur1h ;)'l'Id ~1!'1t l1i W eyd~. rhe fomor{'f.I(;)(!',)I!.

grOW$ ,m <tdditio~l f"t:w f.eet ( ... t SI~nlJ[h; t.l!'lg'lusof 13- ~Ilifu; her-arm up. it rullY go to the rigb.t

15 feer are not unheard 00. Thts expo1.o5ive gt'Owrh spun lru.ttad.

~:l:p~=~~ ~:~;::t~:::~:rt:~':oh~j: ~:: Stamina Th!: fOrnoJ brui$~ (H ~fly phrsical con-

oren.ti;;lU.,.:;) ..... ':;)llin.,g viruS bomb. The femoe'e body f..-lll! :~ :$~~7~~~.trn.;:;t II bad dtsease

::rt:;(r::~~:::' !:[~:::~ei: ;:;:~n::Ji ;t~~~ .. ~Itin~ (6 ~~) - ~ r~m()ris roniD8 a~<Lf~ over ~

dles, or r~p-!.leat~~ lrM-lf 1;.11 finding al'lGtk~r \l'i.:~(m (who, period o[It momhs, hi~ bQd'1' .... ·iII {all ffjl.1.rI..

e ... eTlnge$t$i~).Thl.$e~plt)!lJOf"Ieaflbebrouduon::mytimil! System,: Every lime [he fomcr suife~ more ~".....g~

in the fmal week if the fomor ~($ more {h3!fi hair hl!:" (rom a bJo.w th~'1 hI! Stamina. he will lose which-

Health L.ev!!l$ ffom cne blow (ehe auecker may be splat. ever part{]fhis body \119.:5 hit «(his might kililtii!'! irhl~t\l!:...d

rered by ebe Hying gordo Or he\i.T~ OJ,re $ftll;;::k). il\ addidon. once per IOCInth, the

The fomor'e ori,gi.nal form rem"iN be.hl.n.d, unecn- (olnOr will lose a pan of h~ bod)" E«rly en, lhi$ m~r JUSt

1I(:i.(J1,I$. n;)l.:etI ~l'Id wi[t. an Trait!. bock [0 their ol!:ina.l be- An.gtT-S and roes, bu~ In the laner srages, ehts could be

.M!lLle. HI)1Io-,c~i[, the foetor mu.:!l( m[LK-I:!: a Sramlna roll armsor lc8-!'. Ev.crtlUA1l1y. hi::1I1 ..... bI:.!ll;:ltlV(Jidin,8bis1m..:H1al

(diff'tot\Ilty 1) cr b<! j;lerM.1.i'L'I!nil!f reduced by one pmi'll of org:Qtl-llh.rougt. 1-.,1" ~"tls.

lme "iBC-J1e~ (brain damage). Once a fomor ~es aero If the fomcr has the Pcv,..-cr- Regt~r(l.t~l'I. hi!'olo!it limbs wiil

llltelligcl1(.C:, lie ~ ~ $n.a.l"I1bUnll I"I1Q[1t5[,C!;,r under [h~ a:row bad: In CII'Ii!: roornh. although hr m3l)' 10M: them ",,~ll1_

St.or,.·teUI!:r"s control, - See~d Head '5 ptt) - The fomor has. t1A'O hC':tlcb.

P4!nU!x \SclI:r!!Ju.1 about how it uses this vinA!lflru;c it Qn The head mav been thei"omor'uliol,lidel"$, $l~ bY5.ide wuh

-tMily ~ih(lut of COrOp3")' C~lttOl. FQmoriexpa600 rorhis hi:s flrl:~ h~;}d. it ~ybegrowingoutof d:iefolOClr'sstomiKh •

v irus are often (und~m:aru:labl'l) fuTiom with the I;;ompi'ln¥ or rear, or wh:iu:~4;r. The secced heael i~ tnrelligenr, can

and ocxa~i(mit.lly .... L ~I: ~_nd doesn't li!tlt [he firM head \'l"ry much, Form-

• Pby$:~f,;;d W;'L$[1ni (nrie!!-) - ChOCtS.t! a particular nllltd.,..L~M:slitt.ll!:grnowntrul(j't,.-eTLn.I!K!s[oQ"'[h!!'fomor',

Pov.-er ro pair wtrb this T !:'lint. Wl:Jent:'~'~r thi:lt Power Is bod),. but It Is 5til1 II. ffi3jor tnconventence. The h,t!.<Ki

used, the character rna,;, ,uHc::r iii loss it! P"hf5'[(;III-r.;:<lpabii ity. d-c$tl'(l)·.$ ;),iln(l4t o'Jl-')' ebanec the rornor has -01 mi..:'I:ing ..... ith

The 10M is t!:mpOr.i.ry ... It},ouljh the ruore ITequi!ndV [h~ SOCLt:ty. The second head hii.1littl-e in rbe w~y of survival

:E.:2~;;:~~~~:a:~+]a~ E~~:\~~!;f~~~:;:'~::':7~,:~~t~£

6). If rhe roll is successful.ehere is noeffecr, lfthemll fails, :~c'L~: :~no.:~~!~y{e;::;)(~:~n~ ~:.~~

« the character loses ill number of do-u from cee of ber (

anempr to silence it .su:r:gially e.g., bl ~uUif\1J !l$ n;m~c:

oo~, will ~_IKlI;;;i[ffi [I'll!! rlr~·t head tn a similll.[ manner.


~9FF -_. • = = ."


Ph)'.s.ical Atoibutcs equal to the \lImOV_l;'I.t of point!; m~ pbyer e~ (or mis Taint, Tbe Auribute affected (Strength, [)cxteTity Or St3min3) must be chosen when [he Tafnets taken, This 00 lasrefor oncsceoe.Hthe roll botches. the. C:h;),r3ere~ pe:rman-c.nd.,. loses one dO[ of [t.atAtr.rioot:(!.

Beamplec Bmtlta has th-e 'E.aop-l;qmLc. E:xtrusroru. PoQII.'er, ",bk:.hsh~ pates [0 ehe Stamina Wa5tjn~Ta~rltt (sh~ tak~ 1 points ({]I the T aint], Later, ,~he IJ~ ~b Pl)Wl!r to arrack iii Oarcc. S'l'Ie ml,!.s~ ;ij 150 make ill Wiltpow~[ roll to rc:!lil;t Wasting. In this(;lI;'!ie.:shc (aib. and loses (QurdQ[~ from hef StamiM- The pl~}'j!r ~lL'plairu tbis effec[ as Emilia burning her own body metter to creaee rne ee{opl3:.Sffl1c eenmcles.

If a character drops. to l:CTO in ao)' A~~rlbl,l~l!', eQ:f\Sul[ [hoe fuUQwini!:dlitrt:


1M: reverse of this is not rme. howevee, The ~ond h.c3d may&urviV(: the death ~Ilhe f'if" he:tld forscmedme, but will evltfll1l:1t1y dl~ ebce it 11m no ccoccl over me: bod,. The $CICond head has me sam!! Me:I'lb11 AI(nb.JU$;Q d)C frnt h~. h mal' also d'e\'elop .i001e Abilili~ as long 9I!i th.ey au not dcpemknt on having 31 body. (A f~f,.'Orite ls the sau ventrlkq1lI$tl'l_j~~ondb~~und~rc:omrolnrtM:StOl"JleIJI!1.

• Severe AII~~ (J!Ul pIS.) - The: fomor is ~'o!:ry allergic to some one rhing, This th I:n.:g. CJI~ tb~ fomcr dt*Mllgt, :i!lt~oogh it maj be pcrfccrl ... baemless [Q(tlMr;s.. In addition (0 br~l::i~ QUI 11\ d~U$ling rashes, each tum the fOl.'liOO" i3 exposed {O it, he suffotrs on,e f'tQ1'i.~It_ab.l(:

Health Leeel Qf d.'J.tn3~. ihl:s di_trn~ is not 3!W3V3tW, bu. it will not heal as long 3iS- tho!: (ornOil' jj e.!f~ to. th~ allergen, The nf'!il 3I1e'l"· i:s ",,'()rth three points, II second is \.VQttn !iIo"O and" third is wonl .. only one. Scene po$$ible r;l1I~rgt:ru.ilIr~: ilInimilll fur (LM.i!lud;n(!: O"l"QUl, gmMI (crother "Nrurul'" J')l1.e.n(lm~ni!.}, gun ell, corren nheee damn loch~' unifurm.:$), ~iho!: Cruaetee Ieee 1h~ j;(J_lm eba ... e), eee.,

• S~c;il!_l Diet (v:n:'i(,5) - The: f-omor ~1'II'l0it g<ll~ sustenance from ecrmnl food $CIYTi;CS. He: requuee food of a dlff.ei'l!i'L{ SOCrt, the sort that is danl}C:rom ro got:l: blood,'·ki.llro flesh, human flesh, fomcr flesh, ere. This is nm 3In Add!cdoll (set ebove): it is simply me: onl., food source the (OIII(If ~')n Sl..ltv:ive OIl.

Pcdnee Di!!l2ry ObjKt

1 Ea"ilyobt3inMfood(~hlywln~:It.

fft!shly dl'3wt'l mlt~)

D:iIr'Iae:r~I.,. obt.:iil'led rood (blood, human ilt'..5h, ehlldrJ!f'I)

Suki.dl1.Ii¥ obtained (ood (f.omor Of O."",

• TtleJ!!rnen.tia (50 pte) - The fomoe is 21 powenu~ eelepeth. or "9.[ leaer she !h.[nb SQ. Tile rt-ali~'Y of T cltdcmtl1ti.a bes bern ccnttrmed bf Iliad SCt-e.Tll[s.u, bur ia; csefulness is qut!~t~o:~ble. Fornrni with this Power (sometimes called Plychon2luu-: also F's\oc"ho-m.l!:$) are receJvtn;g_ telep'H_hie messagu, but the: oont~t is garbled. sl(;k;:md deranged. FsychonaulS believe [hI!" woeld IQ be a li\ling hell. Th.e:y a~ born~rdcd daLly with only the ... ilat .ot thoo.ghts erouad them, These moo,glns :U4!: funher rwisred and increased In Inlel'lSLrl'" E~'e_rvone: in the world t_,. ehhtr:<!. ..... rcetbless ... ictim or til ladrnir. bnne. There ls no mtddle ground. The P~coonMlt ma ... revel in !hj~, bur ehe also pereetves eveevcne [0 be ploUin:g ii._gllim;t her. Since, the inform'iltion from thi-s.ldnd of Id~p;a:thy is sodtsroned, Infcrmanen g:iin~ [hl'Qugh [t 1$ ,~lly '.\'orttdeo~. (The t(lryteH« miry let an occasional [ruth slip in, but m~ folDOf shouldn't hi! aMI!' to tell the dlffcrcno:·l

Syst~m; Ps-\'Chonaun.mwt make .. Willpowf!troll e\.'f!1'\' day (di(flclJlt:\, S) I)f become [tapped in a harrowing psy. cbtc loop where n::anry ii; (Ompleu!.Iy ;II(~e"...oo. 'Fommi c.'1ultCht in these loops o{le.n. go on spreea. The-y will allies, as ~:U :t:L!J enemies; nnd innocl!:m b'f'M"3.nde:[!i, Pcmcx ofu:n G.i~~ oeber fomort th~ il.U~hO:ril'y to f' P~~dtQ~t~ oown herd and fast if thi! OCOJL5. ~~~n.auts bevc short Me spans, e ... en by fomO-T s.t<IJ,It,brd:,.

• UGly as Sin (l pt) - The ~nl\ro:leter Is nOfl'lbt'f u~I~' iilnd lw a Il!iro Appe:l.r:)nc:e score, which cannot be raised lhrough experience or freebte pOints.. Thb e;JIn ~ ~.US4!: of" f.<.ci;)l di.s(j(:l_ztement ~ because of another PO'o\'C-T which makes the femur unable to plWl ~_mon-..e humans wlthoot eli:dtini;an eerrenre reecttcn.

• Wrilldllg Bcrcb (S pl:$) - Penre» has tmplenred a .sa(e.~.w:td En roo ~Q prcrecr rhemeel ... es - a bomb tn yOm ~d. The ... can activate if arwtlme the.,. w3-.1'I,~. and t"'e'i' QI1l do so at My dtstaece. Onl~ the'f can disarm it, but this (mIlS'" be dooe in ~l'$Qn ~ a bomb expert. Whc=n acdvated, 1M bomb will explode in the fcrnor'e head (Or H dke of non.'$U;),'k3lbh:i. <ilggr.)v.,.led da_M-aa~. If IU! scevtves, Penrex lMy send Fint T c<!.lIl$ OI.!~ to fl.",'!, rhe job.

• WO-nM (J pes} - n,ti~ foul Taint pc=:twniflCf. the W)'t1"'$ il1_I1\1t:ri!!e; [hoC! eheeocree hom perasntcal worms, 1"hA.:!;-: wQznI:.!, ~~ hifll endless p;lin and penedicelly em~ from his mouth, !"l'I-rI; II'1f (\r~~f nrif-ir::r!:l. Unlr!:5..~ he vemtre them upae least ana: a-dm,.-, the ..... "(10'11$ will swell hl$

bt:ny, dog his internal pii.'Wjies, Ii.nd ~n to eat his ocg;tO$. I( $l)Me" eiKumsranc.e (jail, II gag, ~t~.) lcee:PiJ him (rom p1Irging the "·Ofm:S frOm hi:) ~."u!rn, ... e ""illsusmin One Health Level's ll,'Ofm of damage pcl dCi)!' '_Intil lite worms consume Mr'1I uue,t.,. Thi! damage cannot be socked. for ob ... ices rc=:J50M.

Attar;:-.h which inctlJd.t: tl'r.oe W'Quru- (SI!II! rhe p~lu.;k-) mr..m: be ~{'A'Lth Haeaedeus Breath or Stomach Pumper.

lxample of Charaaer Creation

Chrts decides to make a Freak Legloo dl;i.r-;)et!!r. With a copy of the charseter creation. ourltne tn £roOm olh.irn, he: sets to work .

Step One: Concept

Chris must (jl"!it devclcpa .cO'flcepl for his character, He decides he w:<mt50 (0 pl~.,:). peecll-pesher, 3londv, downucddenoffice worker whQdespiS;r!:$Msjoband hlsbcss. H~ envies the perks die c;Kc<;uth'e$ receive bur hat~ the "ldOU§. evcle or brow-noosing requlrt<l (0 gc:-t tOOt!!. HI!: e.'l.Il~ oonoept .. AnG"r'Y Peon,"

Next, Cbrts deetdes to be e unique fomor, rasher (han chocaefrom rhc knownjxceds, WMte ... er""'~ifl .. hat soda POP' Ms chaeaeeee drnn~ 'WaS c~n:::Iiinly not fDA·approved.

Step 1:hree: Abilities

For h~s character's N:UUK be chooses R!!bel, "S1J1ing ms( his chsceccer \Ir,lInfS (I) be (ree, to throw off the cbairu d SJI·to-r.5- oppreetoa. For his Demeanor, Otb d~ Pcnhenr, etnce 1'11$ Ch:(Jr..u=\I~T PI,IU en i1 m;:n1. of lies fur Ills e:rflployert ( his ru:~ cues at Pcma), hlding k~ deep-seated, 5('uhing OQnremj){ under the gu.Lse of a loyal fiunily.

\l/h::Jt ~bout a. namcf ChrUi thinks far III bit, Imowin~ that che name ehoeld semebow represent h.~ character's ~1~IOf'L In H(e iU It. faceless cubicle 'WOTku. He chooses Fil~n: Pcenuckle.

Step 1:100: Attributes

The next step is 10 pnonnee Filhen'$ AmiibtJlef... Ovis t=r..005e$ Mental iU tnt: primary Armbure cal~'. He decides that Fi!bert I.::; ;a.~IJI:;m" e(I"II:!i:LLed young man, but he has been ratlroaded into 31 hateful, mc:n'l'Iil'll!!!!!$i JoOb by the "SrSlem.'" O:tri! selects Ph~iCELI as the SKQoo:)ry A,· rribure C:l.[~ry 3~-..d Soei..i'll ~s the tertiary (FiI~rt i& not the mo:st 5O(;iablc of people},

Cbri!J f'il1t dhridc5 tJ"c six primary do6 among Filbert'sM~'-'~Il AUri,bute1l. Chris put!!; three pclnts in I mo!:U~nce, i§:i ... in.,g FIlbert SI.sGOJe of ~ (remember the one free :n111~-i111!: dot in c~ry Arrrlbuec Tr:aid, FII~rr ls r~r~tl'y ~If • ebsorbed with his OWl'! hare, .so he ~'t ;)1- .... '<1.)'$ notice 'A'h:H'~ going en ;ira.n4 him; he Oonly pua; OM do.: in PCJ"l;Cption, giving him a score of 2, Ch1is plaees ~be rernainmg t'oIo'O Menral pojnu In Wlu, Ij:i\'i"&: F'ilbett ill score of).

ThC:,~COOd'flrv AI (tlby):eetl.t-t:gOJ)' is tackled next. Chris rurns nl1~ toStyminii. Here he places rwopoir-.q;. makl~ Ptlben a fairly fir guy (Starn In;) of;5). 111oi: two pol.n~ go In~o trcngth and Dexterter (scores of 2 QC:h).

,i'he lertj~ry Attrtbne categoTl' of Social is !!:tiy (00 5CU1:c.. aris. places all three poln.1.$ ;" M~nipu];;.tion to rcfleer rll1>e-r~'$ f'blHry 00 ecnvtace others l11<1t he ltkes them (when he rC;1lU,.. h-:UI!$ t;h~m). Olri-s reCI.KIm toot r<Lti~ of 1 in Cbansme and Appt:;BfflI\(:~ ft[ [M ebaraceer

Chris mwt now p,rjorili.l:1! fll!)ert'$ A biUtles. I n$.1:C\iid 01 ,.:k:ob'lg 1h.1~ right ;),1Io":i},. Oirl'-s ~liImthc cheracrer sheet and &taru off Abili(i~~ he ~h1rtk$ Albert ~'hoYld howe (he ~ nO-I ~L;,I'\I'-e: ~ fr1:e ~rtl..n8' dot in eve-ry AbilicyTral( ;:1$ he JoeJ with Anributc Tl1Iits).ll soon l!I!!'Co!,rJes de;at that most or me peters are soln\l [.0 be- S~fit i_i'I Ti_"Ii;I'U, so O'I$~~'Sit;)(1pritDii.ry.

F'l1bet~ 11;)1: 1 I pOint'S. to speed .. He'5 taken karate classes !ill rhe r.-y.TO K:1 h-e PU(;5. three pclnrs [Me. 8F.n,,,'[_ I=i lbt:ir~ aerually :scaru some (Ir hQ; eo-workers ..... nh hts attitude (they:all whisper about him "Gooing posrol'" SQl'neci3)), $0 "h~~ poln~s go mto lnli.inidiLtion, He's a wary perscn, so one point goos imo A!i!'rme~ th~ betu-r fl) see wbtllt's

ooming ar him. He watches a lot o( mo v ;es. about the:

S4.!edlo!tp;)._mofmOO~mclllrur1! ("YOf,J lookin'at rm1!-), 10 ooe point :g:oe~ i.ntOo Sueetwtse. Chri!l also .sp!nW o lot 01' lime Mou\;;ing hLa. true merives and r«lint from othera, 10 UlTIOC potars go tnro Su-b~crl'ug,=,.

Ch.ri!. d1CMJ5~ Knowle~ as his ~condary AbUltv ClIlc-gory. Hi! h~ seven peina. to spend here. Since h~ job Isin OIl modern offtce, O'Irfi.dec:iodestru.t Pllbere Is 31'1 il!XJ=H!ft cempmee wht~_ Three polacs go iTl.tQCcmput:c:11- He',5 also well·l::'dlKati!d; tWO poln.!~,g.o !I;) Sctence. Filbotrr l5.:lIhQ nosy, sflem ly f,pying on eboee around nlmi rwo pOints go into Investfgencn. (AU these Abiliti6 win ;5.t'fVC him well in his new line of work for Pemex.)

There :JIrt ooll' (our; [0 spo!nd In SkUll. Ftlberr'e waiting (Of rhe d4'Y :8 burs.1iI" will bre:ak intO hl$ ~, jJ:lvlng him an ex-cuse too blt)W ,I(Il'non.:ne :i'lWil';', T""'I) polTlu go inK! Fi!'u""", Healeo I.kes W!PYOI'l hl:s fellow workers, Mel listen outside O'therS' (lffiCd; two poinrll go i;nw Stealth"

Step '1our: Abvant~s

Filbert has hili 6ft pol:nu to.$pCr'Ld on Bac,kgroooos. H~ Is 8DOd :at i5IIo ... ing ITIJOt'Io~Y. $0 be Jl'Ut~ rbeee lneo tt.1::!:5tM.Iree;s... He's ju!>[ wa.itinl[: I'm thl: da ... whc:n he can ~ !hi$ l;T1o.n'l:Y to bum ;aUt.:Is et'Lemlts. H~ pets rhe relrUll,nl.n(: fWOO paint! inro Equip~,=,nt. he'Il deesde Iarer jlAt what it-em(.s) he

Chtl:$ tben movu on [00 Po~:n iJlnd T:lLinb, thc:qumt· essential T ~iu. thou define:ll. (CtmQr, Stnc:c heonly g:ellone Power poiru for ~'LI'try T~ • ..,t pOll'll he sakee, Cbri:!l n.:t:J rc d"OO;5.~ c:i!lrd\llly: he doesn't wam eo crute a eherecter who'll buy the farm on hl!; Am. ()utl",.

For'& fiut PO\!i'!I!:r. ~rl~dt()(.'lSd Berserker (3): be figurc:s rh,:u ~he Wyrm hilS- ~t~ Filhe:rt ~1't OYtlct lOT hi5 hMrtd. He also chooses IMMun_ity eo rbe Delirium (1), ~ he dcem'r want FLlbt::rt to fteeee up o:r ~ bEs


mind wht!:n. C(lnirontcd with a GafQu 'MSIIUh_ He :3.~ ~ CoIT1Jpt Vi!;iDl'L!i (4). F11~tt w;)..nts tQ,get even ..... ilh.t.isil!nl!:mll!:J(his~' b}' rnakingthc:m t3kl!: the {:;:III .1(!l!mi .... tLy (Iq1 their own. HI! 'IlI'3fH.!i LOo be !lIbl....: to I]~t close to hts vicdms before !hey l;;_li,(rw it,.Kl he cbooscs lnvafbtl.",(5).

Hi!; Powen lOC~! up to lJ. points, H~ needs t"Q new ehccse Taints ro oIfse:r these poi,nu. HI: fint Ch~5 A.ddicdon; FlIbcrt i.s i:lddi.c.tro 00 rhe soda wnldll (lJrrwd him into iIo fomcr (dloJ!':rl! W3!i1 a bane ill itJ. Pentcx prcmtses [0 ~IJPp:I\' hErr) more - if he works for [hem (3 Pl:!; \lo'~'dy 'rd~), Next. be checses n Oe,,,"ngemem, which he calls "'Hi[ Lis.t" C)). Anytimc::so:tnrom pi5St:S Fl1berroft, he ~d& them to-hi!; menral hit Iis,tof en.~mie$. He mustgt't revenge al!::l.lf"J$t everyOne on his hit lin ar some ~im(: li'l the '\Jt1Jk, H~ alscchecses anctlter Derangemenc Mi5.(lm::IJl'd~ (2 pts looMs second :Dc::mngcmend. FilbOC!rt hues ~vt:rythi.n:!l~ j-le c~Stamln.<l Wa:sting(J (lu), which he p3in~th hta Powen Cml\lpl Visions; everrnme he: U~ [hi$ Power. he rgb w~akc=ning h~lr d~lie3Uy. Finally, he chooses Doomed (2 pt$) - hc.'U surely be dead In thr~e 'ican.

Step '1ioe: ginishing 'Couches r~rds. hLs. inlrlal wml'lO .... 'CiI' o( J.

Now Club gelS to $pCruI Filbt'rt'~ 21 fru:b!e point" FiHt, o,J'u $SKnck 2 poims on rhe Meri(: !-Iklden Po .... ·c=r; to illi oerward appearances. FHbeTt is pc:-rfcctJy hum:m. Ncxt, he ~n .ipt.ndJ to ... '=' PQinQ cc miuo hili Manipul;uiQtl to S «01' wl'L(:n h~ -OOITIJP~ mi n&). He then ;5peti~ 5ix pcfnes (Q Ijl.l!t;(l Stealth of ) ('or III'hc:1l. h.oC'·;§' In v I.:!!Ib.l~). Foor pclots ere spem m ratse his Willpower (totiJl7), rimdl.,.., rollr more poii'll:! nre $pcnt (or four Rage points (Fil'be!r~ hi):$ (he ~rke.r Pow'l!':r),

N«mally. more derail could be :'Iddcd to I!. newcbarecret, bur Uri., thinks he has :I pretty good idea of "-'ho fllbi!i'~ is alld III'hiIt be w::In[J5, No .... " he's i'ClliJdy ~'O pW}'.


In ""t<lok:ru ~ rNyf4Y "m:acrinlinal ThaI!! aJ'1'l" net !.da.!1.! w1'fntn die A:l4tn.:m. anmw 1"W,""'~.Higon:t"'poin T"_""..,J,...,J""""",njgru

- Slo~:;mt "Human Animal"

Oh,I9'-' 11ere are ·SOfiI~ cI [he eore .,tell-known (omori breeds. SwI)'tr:lI.ea; and pl"l"~;hrn.akll~1 (~e I() create theEr own. The- i'lum~r of different breeds dtscovered by PWl'(!lI: E:t some w h<l.l sm(lII • .ii!f'ic.e It is ~'MY hurl tccreare iii romora:ac.tty

aa deJi.rc:;I_ E~t1 when bn:oed, develop.jQI'IW! tln .... ho.Jcsomc or danlJ(:rOk'i It.IIh.i!i {by Pemcx's .smrt<laJm}. thef ere often k-i'(l( Ol\ll,lru:l, ~11\oC1! LM'f are at 1~5t ('orui5«1U in their o~·<:ml cans, and thus predi(;table (or Om~ Flan Pt.JfT-QSe$.

I f ~Wo:s-Is 51

! .._,~ --.-_ ..... __ I~· ~loII~~ __ ....

... ... _J~- __

tDescripti~n 1m •• er S",i. ",'''' look J .... Uk. anyone <I"" Th", 'Lraits

could be anywhcrt~. Anytime, Attribuccsi minlml,.ltl'l Chnrts.1WI. oi3

Gcn(';sis.: Brain Eatc(';!; arc: created under the 4!e;gls 01 &ckgrounds.t RewI,_L1'Ce$ J

ProjeccAet\(dd, the nl!:'~~(()ffe:rlna:fiom Pemex's Spectel POWCrIH (Reqt.llr~d) Enhnncemem (:)), Fangs (3'.

Projects Division, Combin~ng Proieee UI...d w1th Prejeer Suc~ubl'.Io V.fcil (6); (SI,J~tcd) Beocrker (3)

Od~y (.""kieh awakens pi~'chi-cs' mental gif[S', Project T3inu.: ("Required): Addktton (4; Siren ~~I~

Aeneid b:in& III SPCCIIII~ type of Bane known ~ ~ M,l"Id defl ... q"C,ld.Bralnl,l,'a~Md(lPeme)!lo'f31£Yl,B["4!ooPreiu.

; « Feeder Into the p:!I~dJ.Lc.. The ne\lio'lv created fomcr g:ams dtee (5)

~~_"M ,~~.~~~~.~~u.~~ .. __ ~~~~~_

• Breed Prejudlce (varlu) - Thi:s. Taint is evetlable onl~ to members d iomOfi. breeds. bc:h breed su'«ttsscme degree of prejudice hom their own kind. Penta ,s.c;:ienli$u. B1<1ek Spif'3.i o..~t:!i:i Of even Geroe (who may single out members or a r,gukul:a_.tbreed to kill 8m). Many £:KtM.5add up (0 make £his prejudices trait! which came them to be ,t'lyfti'l<:d by others (rm-ybe. [hey smell bad, bke Fr~3kfcct) or fe-ared by others ('FC'rt!;(Oi eanoot be r:fIJS~ed). Th.ey m.:tl-y ~Imply eeeepoehers OUI (Hollow Men) or have bcrrajcd other fomOri in the pi).St lSn::lPdcawfl.cnd$). I( (j. up (Q th~ Smry[(:llu to ewerd tTiII: vefue of tni$ T efm fOl any new b~ he (II" the p':l""~'e:rs erea teo &::(Imple:s i)~ I~{ed bt!1Qw wirh each breed. Anorhee faeece wh[oh :npp-!ies: in derc=rrninin,g the vahre or this Tretr l1- 00'111' well-known the: breed is. E.vcf'p"'One aOOlJ ~ Endeers, OO! few are aware of Be .. lln Eate~; thu, E.ntilFl:$ "'3VI!: a value even !l\ou~h Eatera arc a scatter lot.

OIane Chi~ren


J>()Yo'"tn~ (Requlred) Imm~.I.nir:y re l)!liriiiln (I)


:Bane Cbfldren art created by Ccecepcuel Servtces, Ltd. See Ch.npct:r Foor for details. Each Bane Child i:s. u.niCi,uc..

OIrain lalers



Powere. (R-equlred) Brain Ea·~iJ'l!!! (,fi}, [m.m\lnt~ ['0 Delldum 0), chOO:5(! oae.Coerupred Vlstcns (on or-Mind Ro",(61

Taints: (Rcq"ulrcd) Addtcnon (li Brain Eatinrl' wee~ly cydc.l, Breed Prejudice (4). Oef".J~Jru!TI.( U. Delusioruot Orendeurj, Ph'l'si(al Waning (I~3)

Numina= 3+ dou. in Psvchtc Ph~IIOrnl::na bee pr-Qj«t Twilight Ot" The Hunt!!r, Hunted]

power in "'i.!i ps,.·roic. ablUde.s <md j!J abol!! [00 (QI'U hallacif'I.uloru anre others' minds, but rnu:!it (etd upOn ['IOIm-al bumen bm~ru. at least (J11~ i.i week (If btgil"l to suffer (Tall'lt~ Addtcnoc to brain eating). hi;r fflli'1d pewen abo cernes tilt lit cost, otien dra.ining her ph,.·s.i(;al capabilities (Taint: PhY$iul Wa$tit"!g).

History: Bniin EMert <!-.te '{he newi!:S{ proj~( undert~ken by thoC Special Project! Division. and .a IIJGIl. the}' are completely UrttC'MN. Ps~ddC$ are rare {O begin with .. nod thOfot: who cart tolerate the change into a ((ltl1l)r ;)n: rarer still. Penrex hMo no d;:,i~ to waste "3.11115 ps~·c:hic.s on til proIec( rhnr may prove to be !I fajhire, The flrst r(,rnorl from Proj«t ACMid m i~~ now beCQffiII'li re:Klv for field le!lrli'lg.

Ro.t.ep.t:a}"ll'lg Hint~: NO' QI'II! can !imp l'OO 1'10'11'. Yoor"Id has Men subjected to rcrrtble tortures to 9i~~cn L~ to YOour fun pI~""(;Mc potc~tmt It .",.~ mll"if!,ll, bill ·I,I,IQf[h ir. Now ~""OlJ caa read otbere' rhcughre or &C:C! things others try to. ~ide from '1'00. You can make them 00 what roo want them to de with but a. thought Of rOU can ~oollhoj!m tnro h.<Irming !he .. t1.$I!~~·1!S If m.l!:f arloOO";, 'P'Ou. What they know, yO\! UiI1 ueal Bwah 1'1.:1 l'la ha be.


Sht-~!owfyt morebcoudM fMJl(my W(lIJMI'III£ hadl!Wf ~. i.Arry ruJl'M at her t unable co iook o~y ond JI(It (iD'I'ng ijfac1.4w,!:pofr.M. S~ htm, Al\I\tfte "'IllS _ngandhc tried w~u.s(mMr~~, rJucv4iQf1 tMtU . .:1Solp,proachtrtgm.w oil ro<iollal ~,toU • ...., /rr1m him, Sht ~ .. _ing "" ~, irlOOng rA-rou,gll _he. .nook)! 0.& of ~ rdgh! dub aM igraorin.g the mtJI trw i[4fM IU M:r.

AJ1..TIt~u: ~otdf(J'l oil mcnllo!:lU ~ La.,., ,,"ow ~ I:&er. men w.tooJ.;ro CX'Cr ~o,::uJJ h.e:r righ! rlna fo~ hi:s ~A. AnllCtr.t'$oLIQi~fMtJd'll:.oa~oIl!i wsaw diemmningTl'1l1ll ~!-oo''(lfd.srhc.rabk.Ht:r~l,1nctL1!~tli$$ifWI~. ItT'ItIb.Ie I\CI uriwtand dM!! row JorJIIl.:Df)I dw \!om ap~ ... _ i:mry' La", uOoI

~E"ru:iur~.he.cablc.COf1.rm'if1:tk~l'Jl)uokJ,gcdim r1w: ~f ~ trJ .KI:nf~ ~!OO bk:s~ .s!OOng.ll{ iu. {.mh .. """"abo •• """ 00.,-, ", .... , ,,,,,Wf'~4.!"fo< W!H:UnI: crrnu.tJ(:, h $lrJkd',. etrWn M W !Ud:! ~ .o,iu: ~ cere l'I.OdIi~ fik w barbed f.ang5 it bimJ ~ j! lLuiW, toY.m4s h~. Soon Wyti!(Iokld.a.lrkaw WOOf "'I'M, .M """ fa "",rann ruoldt. seen. Th<n '"' d<o<h cbJa: WI1UId bqfrl <me ..... _.


The 'Entil2r!i D1Jl t=ff~t:ivdy seduce a.ny ceearure that I iV\l'!.!l.'Ql"l'llcm,~ ~~t~ (A)~t;:..n'tl~ (Y(m'l. t~ [ntl;:::er:s d;.il'l stimukte: che pleeaure clCme=n. o_f,j(S pre.,.. while ir putts. i mages of ~~'eGdoo tl'Qfi'l [M' ptl!Y's M,ii'ld.

EllLjCI!~ are OOt creaxures LhaI: like W fi!Jhc. ThCj1 will acctd pr.ysk.<l1 ecmr"KliitLLdM'l." <It all ~t'bJe. E.r.,~I;«t:S prefer co leed d-u=·ir pr~ imo -oonflim wid, each ocher, (I"!,~fI by Slartlf!~ j)flght over whl) e;:..n be WL~" lM: Enti.«t, or by etmplv !ea.di:rll: rhem into an ambush of crher foroori. \'Vh;n .Enti~ ~joy znore then ;rnythLni else is I~in.g Oarou, and oeher miniDn.!! of O'sia. dcwn chc road rc ccmplete eQti!\!,~~ b-r the WVriM.

ltm!!i:e~ Without pOWti::§;" these IO:ilK!tL:appear as normal tJ,Y!));;IIElS but fee the row cl barbed ~ettb Ln thelt LlIOU~. However, d,,~ are !".iIfdy perceived O!l(C~pt; dlrol!.~h the 1'eil d th~it Wytm powers, ~hil;;h make them ilPI"!='2Ir il'll~enst.h ullurlng,

G!::1Je..:!lj.:!i.~ Enti~~ are ill form of fomcrt rum.o['(:d to have been created by Sifl!~ Cos.:llli!d~ a rubsbdi3lry of the ft(!i"L'Ll!x ~t;lillo ... _ Th~ ~19& il; j,itl!,.p!~ ~tWL!lj:h. and i"",(;II~~:gii,rtPg 30 .... ·;).~ :;)'~i!I-:t-..YpOfiIL~I!:~l~":w:p~ly or 111;J1~;:IJP Or .;ologrn:: to tlK w;jtm~1"!i 01 i!J YCild}' I;IOOl~t_ The 'W1nnl:::[,!; of these contests eech recei ... e :aone·~ea.I wp,p.J-r or coernence that are ;iUilJ3Irut:~ to attract the oppo:sitc= sex. Th_1!! (!'U!t.l!.,. ~h.I!.OOfrnl!!k$ d'L~ borh !!l-II!! ;pn.~ie:'i'l and m,f;!'Ital rct(:4:p~iOM of the "winner," xdul;~ng the .... idual into a false sense of hepptneea (he human wea:nl'l~ tbcse oC.QS_mttie50 wtlllndeed 3U~[ rN OfIpm-l[oi! sex, bLJ( (;Illl')' due to the: un~ue g.I:anWi tna.t start covertng the ..... reerer'e body wubtna marter of 31 kw days. The cosmeucs ~ 1$01) :ptOdu(:~ til ;::hl:miea.l ,~Mn in the ~~iii 01 ~hr: w~t-.::r, one tint acimulatee adrenal G:t-a.ruk and pleasure centers, m;alkng th~ ..... eater £t1C1 happy without leaH}, knowing·the


The unHjUt= addtcnve qualities tn the makeup will i"!.Or'fl' have the luc.:ky (;(In,k~~.ant ..veatiiil!! m.U:tup [hl'QL!ihou'[ I~ .d'~ .... ~nd sgeetal f<\el~_' e~;)m$ ~i"ld ~l:iti Iot;ions ro bed each night. Br [hit nme III month has passed, [hi! ~ti!,!"!::!k!rfi"l_u[.Qn Is eo fur ~long, 't"'~! lM. v[.c!lm oootd stop "",earilJ~ the prOOOCI:l!i t=:T1tirc=ly and Mill beceme an Ei\do~t_

By (h,1! end r.t !he 11'i." u e(.(l_iiWtp~i:3., ,h.;; 'Wll"Li"I.~t.!; o~ r~ ~-C=9Irl~ 00I:Ik2i[ are cernplete l~ ciiffi=rc=nt from III'hBt cite}' U!.Ed 1(1 be.. r:h.'J'~ka1Jy d'J~'f ;)C"I! ~kred !.'Q ~hl! ~I':tlll~:!ie&. oot gnly 'Ol the pleescre tb~ continue to brlrig.. OOt <!.'5 rneir vc=ry life's blood. The «ensfoemarlcn makes the El"I.dct_f' (t(!pei'lcktl~ ec a tevelthac ~hey wU t do- afi'i'thll".!l!! [Lt all to gc=t more of the coemerlce, and lhm is wbere P~te.x i~ h.,,'lf,'1')'t' roO QbUi!:e LI"L.;;-m - ((Jot ~ ((;1:51;. El"L!~eei"$ a~ (,01"1.· :na.ntly sc:nt out on ru=~La.tion miss;Lon:s. ..",im ~m3lkr oom~pies ~hM h~ve N.:~b.teJ beil'!g I)Ut~~~- T'hq- 3Irt! also IJSJ!d ro lurc= ~mil!1i of [hI! (;OTpOrr.I(ion intD mIIp5.


L.,prrr --

M~tiJn:r. thue c:rea~uteS <!it"! ~ck.i"lt Oi"!i Pe!'li~e:a: (hal: many would willin81r 'kill all of thefr fami.l}' members ~k,""'h and p[Li nfuUy to ~n.:JlIT~ th.~ co;nti!'lue<! s\l!~plr of Shcrt Coemcttcs, There :are plane in the ncar future to merease th-t!: number 01 "':prl.1:!!'1" awarded ~wl'I/ veer, but the 00:;:t 0' the ~mctil;;i; 1$ prohib1ti"'~, and further market ::!; of (he usefulness of Ennccra i; Mill n~,ftd: before a, Ileal d~c:i:3-io:n ls reaebed.

iferedoi, the Laruae of the 'Wyrm

Moc~ryrt: J~.~ oort:fitJl~ Ihrou,gh lite ~ 8"'"&~. Thls c.ta11\ll jW1l8k WL'U ~nnln_g ro ~l f(io blm. He WL'J; drl.!~ ~rd; ofpotrU duQ" ~rtd.e.,j~!) -LI.';~ £h~u}o.fu"uon. HI( UiI:l$.jI u.~;irJ btr.cJalrl,ghl. ~j,:nw~:twMproc.abl'~jC!'futr!dhi:s~·3 catolL!i a~. Baa,", ]c.I!lUOn ~gOQ:! P1:.Ll{m flg!>,.Soo.o/lilollt"",,,,,,,,,,,,.

H~ Woa.!i i.1ba1oU rod.s~Jo.IJ"l.KI'Il how~ 1!hG, W('T"C 8'WI11ll M~"=' '1:O.!t.!-.;)H.[.~w.I!ffi !Mairll!.~d urW! 1M. W1_jM of gt.II'Yw~ ~.&.u.Jf:r!J~ ~ ~'m(~rc- ~!Ac: ~ w:uId ~ .. _ ElI![.t T1O~tl'~_ H~ ~n·~f:.ttnMt.

Hl!"rook.~,1.'>i"'~a£Jonlti(m .• WIl}.5Jil'ijlJ.!I~.w:.e_ H~}d1dl(ioJoIrrU;QntoMldu!:grCU~. \VM.r.._,k,tlfox}.l HI! "'" foo' ..,..r;,,' ....... ,,,,",' '" At, ""'- Q,\, I"" ""')« hi!o'd!;un 1Ut.

M~'~~mi~ wp~,tn1~ w]c.hIlJ!1I'1. in~w wow him. w w !Zf01.oInt:i, !;ItfOT"t1 he oolM Dt N[ L'lglItTi. am k "oJ'P<d~ In ," -"" ''''"O>g''I''''''''''-Jol"" •• ~~ ed. He wo.5o&rnJ'tiT1g.ill.~~wn'~~a5 ~Ci!J,;!"~f~pam~~ ~r. nt bWfru txhdmt[m:u:if~!J Itllhe ~Lmd. Hi..! wrins ~Wli:i;t.r4~bon;)' knr~~ttdfrom rJic-,n.fI,ttJ1'1.3k~, ~rl1g widrlm-~fijjlrl:s·

Marin!yrI!" ju:s! stml!d_.lahfWm III.II15rumiP11:: inro d m.Qfl,St-er br./or<: hi.:; c~ - "Ild he waJ ~~ rl.

1",_ " ..... '" M.o:i"'Y'<- 'fu><~ <O\J ,011, o.aJ,. !Oxk .".jrol[___"


Ba('\kgol.lIl.&~ ( Alltee 3-5- (Wvnn roadtceh (Su~t~d),r(l!1,P,.;l!fik,

Powm: (l\equ!~d)lmrnl'i'll!;'frotk:llrllJrn {!)_OI~ at lease ~ pts of IJC'W'C"JS (nth Fercctoi is uniqud

Tainter (Rt:qULrc=dl Breed Prejudice ()), (Sugge;stro) De:l':;J~~l!!ri~ (3 i LnL'!.t!r ~rr~!I!)

Me~luirla~: (Reqllired) Hidckn Powen (Sugs~) S!ii:ro;;ll~ ot!h~ Wynn


11-Luc GI"~~ 1m: tM: IJnnatlJll!1~ dbpriDg of th~ mari.n:g ar 0'":1 B~l!:du Bal'l~ with a hllman.. Tlu:!y ;arc wpcrhuman bi=il'lg; with full uoo~['!itsndinE oftn.llnamind and ~L"I. o'o'e!:'\_g ~!.o~ tOt'des.t~IOIl_


lrlj~~; While thl: l.iIJVR oftM: W yrm. ilIppCt!li" mortal in most ~~.rr respect, tmf are far from it. Eeen the fcmcri ~'"tf1 ~h~t bt:tr.i'f l~i, Wytm,lt.jjtlt atr:: coecealable (e.xtr.a.limN3Irerc=tl1ilcmbl>e"-et.;:;,),,

Gcn~u;: These creatures are th-e spawn of '31 Breeder 'BaM (see che Ap~l'Idlx). The Fe~e~(I! tool:: ... ,..d! aer h\!M;)Q, tru~ they tUr: Fat ,from it. Mrn;~ hold humani.!iti~ interests and live 1 ike: ;ilf,lf arher Tid" and pawo!rfut T..Um3r!, However, they are rnmt:mt:1y at odds: with ehcmselvee, l!TI.durin.g aJ'I inner .5.rn.l1U1.e ~rwo!en. !r.elr hum.;;mlry and !heir W},i'rn"'natIJ1-e, Th1:: W'Ynn lII~m0:5~ al1lo"af5 win,s: out, Th~ ~kv..vl\, ~ I~ hy~Hb ll"'l !J~j, ~kO'l.!ghuai"ld! aaion$, lMIJ8h most of th~ir deeds revolve erocnd th-c destreericn ofd:lI! p.1~net3.:!l wefl as those 'Ij,IkQ( d).1

desrrucrlon. -

ReiJi!:pb.yL~ NoQtI!j.: You ;liN! t1)(;IIlly evil VOL! O!)I!Q!ie corrupucn Bind vileness, Few ';:;31n raacch 'YOO In your 1n.h.uf!'I<ti"llry. Howe ... er K!tn-etiLllI:S you have doobbi a vctce wl!hl.n YOI,! :s.fNggles [I;~.J\S~ ~hj,s e~l]_ Yoo can be sueveand debonatr when necessary, jUS(:as 'YOU can also be ... v~ :'I!'f'!.od~. ~~.1 ro .... ·~i"i$ .... ~~ !!'iJp(;Itt;}l1t 00 '(OuYau :!I~ served ~ ~j\'j' t't1,!",,bt!.1o.f Wrrm·e~~I\1t4:.$ !,i.rv;I ~l-'~" to wl\.om you iI!'i:: a ~ :wei! 'U~rnp;tom.i;,jl]~ Gvcrlo:t1i

~omori ~amilies

'Yw .b.!-~.i~ ~ ftam Cop~ R-oc.d_ ~ Steve E."i!If!A=. ""Copp=Jhm Road"

if:fO'l go up d' Sna.L:!!!pit C~. '~'T"!' ri.L:!! lID n.m into ens af wO(rfj;!4lJ.c~. Y~·d~~t4!J!(JI$!~,~of·.e:m,~e ~'n ~ !m1.n')' !NnGh. I'm ~ ~J.r PMlDIm'.s.J. The Qqrsm~ m.e:n 'uJ ~ kIlJ)'(JI;II:.:1$ ~ tfI )I(:!I.j, ~nd ~ ~f~~'~mw=~ !:arue:r, ~ ;SC{~~1'!i: POC,~~"ith "'oh;J .. o.M!dmm""f .. Mi...d. M.! !.!co',,;gIuIot_ ......,Jlo(~'WfOl1g~thdJe:m, b1.Il it'~ff]fcn"tain ~ ~wn'l(;Ido -with dit:I[ ~diml!p:il,fjf4rilJltfd!.tl[T'W1.:!i!kIck I)' d!err-!;_

I. a!n'~I\tl'IoIJ~.1\c'am't8ilbH"ar. nddin-, c.omt: wmi'M,i:i[il. - Wmi:os CDd(:'f,3.tor~h:~r, Tu;dl!.ow~1 Nann Carolina



!C:!'il)Wleodie,j;. Ate:a KiJow~ noea~ h2hit-ill~J 3 ~~k~O-'I:!l)dJ: Allies l-J (de:pe:Ming on dte 01 (ilImil:r), Consecrated Z

Pmnm (RA=quirro) Immunity to dte Dehrtum ( I~, one "brrdlv alf["' [ene pt)'Uo"ll!1 "::OMf['I(m. W :[LU t~mlly ffi1!ffibers; see below .. Sugge:M~, all: ,Bcne~, R.'li:8~nl:rilbon (;Ir Snlllpethm:.!:ld

Taints.: (RA=quimU Brc=c=n Prc=-jud~ (1)


remere iXi~tiOO frcrn the world' ... malruttNm, Btrn~ cr gTOOp5 at Benes someelmce claim emire famihea, Those HI;'I"~py Shankshtll ~im dowrll;in the cove" rmd U;I: ",&. gc:ru:r;a~ dan of Fillimore5-o'f'l::r bf Sk:md:. RiVf:(' may, in :IiK[, belotlg (0 the e~·e:·lL'\(i'tiJ.!;tfl~ nlJmben of f(.m-ori JaCl'l:IHe=.

l'ii\;l;_g.!: n:m'1.0ll -&.i."I'iI~l~, ~~",kt.i ~~~ ~o be fap.d (I~!~ ;ire) Mrnt<il 'indi ... i:diJab, until ,th..:ir It.~!,=, 01 {~ ~tow)_ A~ MI fQoJrlorl~ 1fI.;lI~~ ~m'bl.e [~ I~,~ndary <>Wild, hairy run- of the mountains and backweeds. WOiMn [udged r.!~Li'!1l [0 L!rvJereo rhe-elre SQm.e!~~ ... ~ruel"[h.erMll!oQr jn::;,!Ia:sc..i ... i.0u:5.s,;~.n.5. Fomori&milie!-li ... in,gn~sPlBf[JP'!i' tal.:..e (In 'tM r",h·eted, $HI'I"I14kiMe-d -eh~eter~~;l~ 'O(~i!J'1 portrared in S·rno ... tee, whilA= those ncar roxie d\Jm~ nr ebemtcal waste 5-.1~e$ ~blo! $~I\"'O~ of nud,e;:tt cll~~.

CJ:nesjJ, r.ornori fum.i!ie:!i art m.ad1:, hOt bern, WheL"ll Uley f~er. :}Qett;,lh .... ~I!-tn ~~! ... ~~!(lffAJ.bettf, bu! 'liSJJaHy full aduhhcod - di'gihl~ males (:and semedmes krnale$)-~ ini~.iilltlOd lnto the "Iillmily rnf!tcr)'-"'~ il.(ltitt$ - Ihcms-ehes al.f.e-ady (MLO.1I- ~ !tie eMd~;J.le Irtw ~ke wtldeeness, [01 d-u~· H~l1hak or mi~[ which OOIl5eS me ejj.n~ wh.(;ll!.jj.~ (.Ii!!rned! (h~ ~I;I'IILL¥ ~ trn:ir owtl. Th~~. <iI rlt~l t<!~ 11'1~~;lh !r.;lnsI~ ~h~ ini~i:;"I~ i;nW a f;:)iil(Ir

li:ht d(ilt of ntnki"!1

Thi~ rill!rl!:SlJl($ in rr.o!c:rl!:;;l[i:oD!!! Of;;L fcmce hom a'f.1;)l ~lt'Ik~ of ~ f;)'i'I'!,~ly n'I!,i.T~eJ b~· 'B:),i'lo!!. ~ sctrableforpossesetcn.It lael ......... ~""'.ipcrio:rrnJ:dlJron~l)h ground," deep- within the Banes [~[Ji[IJry: a .stB.gnant pond, a pollL!{~.d ~~ h ... !}.~ rfvee, ce a. ch'milea.l-dI,l.'IJif.I hidde.n in die batikwood~. The nruela {Hffl!'T 'rom f.amilV ro famil,!, btu [h~'I1W2III'f i!1.VoiJI~'1!; 31 great dut o( phpi.(:tl~ as well Ill; -CmMron;:.] pQitl.. Stmtbr in intern ro dte GiIJ:Ou Ri[~ or Pas3ag,o!, t:h~ nee ;5(ripc:i :a~ay the ..,~ti:!::~ of normal h.utndn fe-el.ing5, and -et.ldl)'w'S the ~n.di v teIl3lllJl'ldo!!"80-3ngd..o!~wil;hrom.O'I'ipo~rs. li"'I ~t ~S, ~iTlht.l r.:I a fui"OO~i f:.mU'f' reeefve ;) unique "f.amil,;, itft"" {&4!1!: below) in eddinen to whet~J ocher special :a~liti.e; are conl~nd! b.,. the rite, These ~f[:!l 5Q1Tli!!Rm.1!.!o :51!~ ~J: ~1!"n,dfl~tI!I (M' tarn.OfI families I'Tbose Laramie boy!; seem to ~I o;p real .qu.:Ic:I::." or ""Th.-em Ro.'bl;rons a.~' ;2111 of '-em ,Uppt!1j' as ~l!!i seems [htlf can ~li;inn'Y men' out o[If jmt about BIn}' pJ;}U 'Y(M,I: ~l 'I!M."l. 'E",;li.::n :g:lt[, 'h.owe~o!rj h:» I [:! eetee.

"ami/y cik

Althl)t.jih II,~ Rtre cr i\ .... 1ii! ~n,doW!; 1~1,,~d'!,13 1 'ootOti with 1Jni.q1"l~ pOWci".i, rn~t fufnOri t..m.i.ii~ I:"I:.t1.. ruallvdevelep a "¥ami]\, rrait" - 31 PO'W"f:r Uta! i!rDpS 1lP' in iIIl the iMi ... id~ 0( a pillttk.u.ln ("mLly -01l(.C tber OCOO!l'lo! fClmori, Th.1!U family-~dfic, ~~ 31n~ usu-

;,lUy lirll(e.d, oo;a !'t];,l~ed Ti1Lt"It_ M050t oCOmDl'On :3.mQrtg thne 'B..J:o! R~MlT'iI.tioo, BI=~oo=r 31nd Sn~han8e, but the p,t..~·-et ~~,Storytellc, s'hoo!d ket f«~ ~(!"t-a!:~ .. ~ir QIA"TI ~rJ:.QiJ"I!: of famUY lJifu 31nd dn!lwbocb.




Hi5'Ory~ laOO5 forever spoiled bf sntp [[lining, clear~t{~'n.g.. rol I ~~Ion~ roxtc W:)$.t-e- d'umpinj!:, ~:tndfi lis or ~rhr" 'IJoo-"'iIt-c;r pollution become" H~llhol,-e.s Iii tl'i.e Umhra, aneacring IU.Imb=:~ Cif Banes wt.o rhrive on tbc :rurTOWldi.Jlj_) ccrrupnon. E ... er in need of ... ~l~~h['QI,le:'h wbU:1-. rheycen spread their fculaees, these Wyrm·sp3lwnocd creatures oIt~1l [atd-t Onto- m:arhy hlJtm!fi$, IUT!fLg ~~m 11'11:0 lh.dr grasp. wtrb crcmece of power OJ paruk:r~ng [0 ether base if'1S[I.-,ets. ~!I ~me OC3SCS, ~~,tN!ml!l't' ~rfut f!i:'.I'ICS na. v c made peers whh heeds of famine;s li. ..... ing ncar '[h£SC" Wyrm- rainred 31OC~ cf'lsl.uin!1 [hat .s\KGecdLt1.!,': ~ll (!~ll,oQL'!:Swmp:r(W'W~il'I,Q:~Q:r~\lJm'~h.osr.s(rn-(hel!:;5SCf Banes under rhc~r coerrol. Thcsere "fomori families" bern.

Besides providing 31 S[~adl' SOUKII: of host material (rntl;,~ ~jj,'wo o! th.c 'i.Vy-ti''fI, ;!"!ri!'oe~(-d i:)ml!.., members furrhcr the goals of duo Wynn by!1 substance Kl the bel I,d thu w-lkkrne:s.s V~ O:;ar'!.t;)~~ "'V~!l!m and dangerous people." The p.:::r:petuatioo 01 thts ste.rtlOtj1JJe seoes a mull I [I~~ of f,lul"[lQ:'i~, The poesibil i roy of cnrounrering p$)'(:~tlii<: li:iU"~ts Li;'nJ I'<!:P® 11-.. (hI!$!! Wl!d f,lt;:LC.l!~ dl~ccutagcs visi(.5; b'i' vecanoeera 3100 others ~oo might want I:":;' , dQSoe-r eo t1UI..!~_ iFo~ thern.ll-\.e.1XJoS5.lbll L['Y of p::II'fi_ng 'lll'i[t. ehctr li.~'C;5, fur 31 chance ro .:=n~ the naLlJTtIIt ww!d ISl-.."t ..... (lttt. It- The rt:T.II.I_t:].[io:n fo-r vi:Q!I!:MA! wen a~as gamer also weakens the (;3I5C for wtlskmess preser va den. Why preserve a place nO'!otiow ser ja ~r;s:, wh.!f'1


dammtng a n'l,lo(:t, .Qt.;lii'l Ii"'!g a Sw::L'm:p- cr .c.l~:)rll'l~ 31 fon:M ro make room fur hcusing developmcrus wl II solve the pz-Oblero? ([t dot$-,"t, bur .h:i.[·~ ::iJ'la.[~rM1lIY')

IfQfi1uIl~·, tl'll! sumc re:):S(m~ lM( keepeeme people 31wa¥ from these hi,gh·ri.:!ik areesdraw Mi' peorJe I fke a i"Il~~t - thefl I~~~ danger junkies, loners, mi.:sflr.ii and other fring.:= elements. Often prone to ... il)lenoee thell);::f:l\·~.lh~~ i i'ldi "'~I,!;)b!'lfld (!X'fl..:=dy WMt [bey were I:ool:if'l~ fur [ecmetimes mere) as [hE::y beoo!,"i'ie (;)M~;)tl!S fOf .cQ:rf\I~:1I iOri or i"-e.iUtS (01" lh~ ecerupted. 'Fornort t3lmili!:":5. dcspioc rhctr repuunlore fur be~ unff'i.:=ooIV t-lJlOVam chance inlruJcT$ into t~el r LeITlt0.'i'1~, are often more than w-i1Iin,c ro bring Sl'rari"g(:~ into their bousce fur N-d.innc-T and iIIl]po;J tiru~."

S!~ mosr fcmort Pewcrecftcn ['(:5t.dt III such ~:<lcrui ... ~ d~.hl.l[[l_i!lnm\ti:Otl of thelr boee d .. ar iI"IC!~1 $4!:t:u::L1 rclario_n.:sbipos OC-CDmC! diffl.Cllk or lmposeble to m2lintBin, m.u« rn~[JJbc:t:! ..,(hml)J"i {;:.rn llil!$ do net :3,C['u3llty become romrn-b unrtl [are adolescence or ;::il.rI~' a.dul~"ood. thus gi"ifl~ th~!'i'I~iml! to crease QlTspr"intj, F~rul~'. female membera oIlh~ (;JL'nilles are e:.:elud:ed (l(Im the pcssesstcn "loop." etnce [t.c:y art: more valuable 31.5 br-c-crlc:Ilo'!JHutm{: fam.(;Jr,i bests. Thi;; Is !'II)!; ~1'iiI;)~ t~~, ~'e'l.iIC'r'. nnd m8r11';' foroorL families require ::111 their members, regcrdless 00 g.etlckt, ec ""n..derg-o. tt.1! 'fam i Iy 'riru~I" whicn TJ:;SUIu; in the creation of fomcri,


Chtldeen berm rofomarifummi!j.!l!i:'Id!l\~~b~,joy~ H~ ~ .. etsed :'r(I\Ifld ;:;.d'lll~s who sulkr from various dt=~«=es of Wyrrn-raim, rbcse ';'Q'Ln:g vkdrns oC!:! ... dl,J~ e~rytf.,i~_g {"om -c:LI,.'3~ ne~!e-c,.t (00 hideous phjetcal, emoetoeel, and often scxual abcee. A.5, a rcsu 1(, [ho!'i' a.TI! SO brceen lri Wl-o( char few of mo!rt'I ;;!lie :lhk, ~I) t~~t the i r\4:.'Vi~E!lblc: Rik of M;)_kit1~ whPeh Ites <1.\ the heart of their family. Female family members. LJl'Il~S5- !ho!r are dv.:f~I"'1:$ fcmwri, are also mbjc;;;t to groes abase h~' rhcir husbands. ~3["'o!~;. uncles, ibm! hel'$ ;)00 OOI.!~IL\~

Some tL')AlQI'I {;;!1m 11 I,e.s, ~i1.k:IJ.1Mly~wM livem the: deep backwoods, operaee a fam i ly QU5i M..:iS: - b~wil'!g mocnsh lne, iJ'CI'A'In,~ ~rijl.!;Jn:) OJ" Opiu.Tn pOPJI'it~, or VIJ.l~ t~ting end bm.t1in8 "~_pring 'Walo!r"' for sale ro dealers or d'mibumrs. Since the taw materiels for rbeae horne indus.etesare ~'n.ore(llll!(:teJ O~ I;),n,.:bdent-ed b}' tnl;:: presence oIJfBanes, rheae prcdecrs 31H! rafnred. Scme £Omori famtltee sell fruIt. hon~j1, hot boiled peanuts end [KOO Wy"rm~ ~((M,It~ f,ltWuee r-em tM&ide.t.tillrK!~, In thts wa:y. fcmort families do rhelr OWI'I small ~n in ~f.!~~ll'!g their ccrrup!'lo!'lo [Q ~h~ 1!:~,.er'L!l pub! i,o!;. tnruIJ8n the: fnstdtoua proceae of ~l';1Jftu;J.11 'f ~rodil"!!i: their $:pirit~ with Wyrm·po:iKln.

Ga.roo cnooum~ril'llil {OM01I {amlll,es Ii)Oi! more tll;~ji j'!»t a phy~kal eh-:l.lJel'll!!i!.I{!ho!'V a~ f.Qt{"un:<Jte eOOlJgh todefeat rhe rOfi'l.Orll'I~,~ml:-cr3ot tll~ f;)l!TIi1r,lh,.!:-y ml.lst then decjde ""hal to do abcet rhe "ncn-combaraecs," In some cases. sal ..... ag.t is pcssfble, bLJ{ m:J.n.y Qat(Ju' ll"i$l." 0"" e{ioj:n.pll:!e o!limil'l;JIIOI"i of rhe 1a!l'IIted rOi!m Ily_

Rot!::p.lal'inli: Mi.n te: A II' \'(II,rr llfe 'f(Iy''o'1! ~~!i 1.;;k:'keJ a~l,!:r..d by ~-OIJJ dad" yow 8tMdda.d, your uncles 'and the other grownupe in che Family k:ll:-Leprln' [hI! womenfolk). Now VOl,! 'krll)wl~filii]]ihkU'='tr YIJU'vcgo~toth~:;ecrrt ptece and done {M- secree and come away dlffl!rI!rlIr. New ~['s NI.!' ~i,lm eo kieli:, iJ,r-oun(l :atLr~ ..... 'he poses you off, and i{',5 aboU[ damn nme. You've heard ~'QUr UL'\oCJe En:.!! talk abocr rlllf.Ill'I.·l~ cJl Qfj~rks whcecrne ....,tmdmn' ~1tI$:!i, )"tIUT lends. He :say:s tt's even ~LI[~r when mlt'i' b~inS" 1~e~r I'l~~' "ton.~, tMU!1h there's lots of things. sou CBI'I do wi[t. t=id,,~l' Sl!lt. Yw ~_n''[ walt KJo ge~ ir- CI1'I. th~ fun. Furll"l'V, though, 'fOU can't seem to step up rbar blue-black sruff and ~'QY, fol!~! 1Ih- a :001.1 weevll i..1 bori:n' i~ w.;J.}' !hrough your gut, but dsd:l.,.. :sa~ it'll pass. Cocrsc, daddy don't IQClLo: roo '!!,'eU t.1.m1e1L-

L,..#""- --


ll~!l)rr] Frci~:IiJeet were creaecd by d'1.1!" M:ll!:~ w'b. ~Ldj3iC'}' Panacee ion dll! lare ~'970$. Panacea's presidcnr, J1;atold' H_~ (himself III fomcn IiC'C ~ ... Ic.eyw~!1l:h! P-entC'Jj;) daiocd:,3i eaco of ..:ho!.;)ph ~~di, :se[r·r-cpli'{;iillb:'8 • .5.ub!~rra!1~ toinOOi who could compere iT! rhe !;:IffI.~ ~k1K:a:l n~hc a.:5 the Bone Onawera and The:

Freakfc:c=[ !5CCBW!d. at nl"5~, to !'it thi;) ~d:, Unfmtun:a«l.., a "freak" explosion ac Paeecee's Beorlin (:Ibn ~ ollcwcd rn3n~ to escape be~[lI! ~i"i]: prope:rl'Y indocninarcd b.l' f~l"Ltex_ Witflj., a decade d:I.I':'p', and rhelr m. ... i'lr deeeendane, wereevewwhere. The), cow [i ... c: 00 mo;s.tco:ruincl'll~ ~ct.Ga~f;r~~t·:m·",on.side~fen_"Wlcle!oby F\mt"-"X and an: .:::w:(ermil'l3i!~ .... ·'l!!"~t ,Pouihl'!:- Due 10 mifir proflig[lI::f, they are ~""'ifdy becoming a suable peeseeee in rhe SoC!'W'Ie1'$ of many maior urban 91OCti.. The: Fro!Oll:tfo!et who ;5(m w.ark fur Po!CI!o!:.: ;)~ !ig~~ I')' ccmrolled. They are oCoh.'Nd'!:kd the loWC;5( rung on [be rorr.II:;iorl 1~II:;kili:':t and are treated wl [~ -co.ntempt b~- most other fomcet.

Pc ..... ~; (R.«]lJired)rnngs.(J.),M3IUIt3_U!(6l,R'I.LH~(<I}; Althoo~n the ftrat gcncrance ofF~ttjl!et .... -:;J.S .:;rt:itcd

{Sugges,ocd ~ SlOOb!r $ft0l (:5) in 31 labol'"Jl~ry. $lJmequ-ent !:l~ru:t'il.tiom have ~I'I ~I~.

l';!iI;I'!~~! (Rocqujrro) Breed 'Pu:Judkl! 'is), De:ro:ll~I11J!:t.!t ~t\;!;)~il"!e· Viol;ti[JJ~ of [he Preakfccr bre-OO[~ j;lE"QCt$$

(J; f~gfcpcn~p-2lCf;5_},ll'Ikc:d_OI'l:S-(4l; (Sr.!U~~)Th!:: a~ S"t;;llll![,ed· a nod then abducred (often b1 MI~ d'~

Cnance 0', Severe AIII!I"8l' .(J) do""'n rnoolJgn their own roill!llg), iFri!'::'i.l:J4!!!tlJ4e tbetr Rat

rDesaiption ~;.t. =o~!~;~~:~~:r.::h~!;~~t~~~:~~~~

::= ~::2?'UCi:,~~::~~:!:~:,~~::~ :~;~:~~:2:~!:::~:=~:~~~~::,:

oudine. ilteot'il~ydifferc:ncc is [hat the,.. n3l"'I!:; M)ilJI~.atl;:: power, Frcekfcet -drag thelr Yle!lH'lS th~ the

joo~. muscuter arms wnh (I\,I!~!IoI!!d ~rtd5. eod callused 50CWU p[pes [(I tn.1! F:re'O:lk{~el bfve ...... here tht=,.. deccranvels

i.:J'luc:i.: les. They MVIC little or 00 neck. Thctr IIfSS, how. w-etd:t Un:: sHU li ing bodie!i into bharre :lIOO ~~l"Ie

ever, W"~ ntr~_ly SOO!"l: (6"~!2" IOfig} and ~Ii::il.(:r.a.lly shapee. TIn!!1'e rhe d . .cl:im ~ta:t1. voo~i0Q5. blJ~ p31ral'Yfod.

1JSC"11t5:5!.. At rhe ei"'ld or th~ ii~ huge feet that raper intO l,Ii"'Itil t_~ hi~ queen lays oru:-olh~rt=gg;s mrhe IUTlt(it'nll ... ate's

long, dexterous prehensile rees, "n'ti!:li sk.!n has an sm. bo;Iy. The gcsrarion ~rjod I" II;"WI) ".,reek$, atrer which an

~ibt:m .q ... :],li~'V !:4).!t ~hd ll.!!lJBlI-y ~ti"5(crt:!i with Stob'be-t WI"I!t FRa~(oot will hascb from iLS hum3ln.-elhrmli~_ ("f"be:

SMt- n,eir,owrlngvari~wildly;jjl'ldthl!:!fd~l::ar a wid~ Gerce RL[1f ofal!:llruln~rw1l1 d'e~r!"(l" the fom(l(f embryo in

\'31ril!:[" cr matkl!"lg5 (o( wf,j;;;tl th1::}' ate tnoedtnarelv proud)_ trs eaelfee·l Tb~ fomor will bavesome d rhe [r:).l.u of

Th1::1f C!\'I!;§; 3~ bi.1';gt' cod tUIii lnescenr, else coming i:n. a irs surrogate "pereoe" bi.ftLlw factal Ieatutca • chaeaeree

wtdc r u nge of colors. Because of rnC!ir m..lmM !I!~ rJ-l.C-y ure quirks, ecc.). Only one fomee C3ITI. ccme ~ ~ vlcum, but

r::m=lf more than fOl.!r f-eet tall- Thl::~ lope, ~I'I~ [h.e:ir [bl!:"icll_mm_:ll'FS"I,lr;.,l .... elheptoc~(Sta.mi.ru3 roll.dtfflculry

kocekles to. propel rhem forward. ~~t~ the .s-eern.:ing oB), becoming 21 oermanenr fearuee of lhe fteakf'tt:t hlve.

"B.wkv;oar-cil'll!ss ef rh.i!:l, ga! t th.ey can me ... e at!!: Freakfeer have t.hl!:i~ Q\llI'I taf'!fL!ag.e- [l is a ~lJltlJJat,

~~. Th4:: ... 1Mt majoriry of :Freal:J~t ;)~ male, th::;II.!gh ct.i[[!!rl1'!~J i"I.Ol:se ;!I"d i;a. !JndC:l"!il<:and~bl.c= onty bv H'r'I.1.aHi"'Igs

-!:vc=ry hi v c b31:5. aqueen, wbo- i;$ hide:(llJ~Ij1li1;.rg~ and obese. mO other Frcakfcer,

The q~en tliJ5: II smull ibm: I,/c:ry eharp sdl'l~ prOott"Udi~-.&: Rol-cpl..i.yi.TI:g Hin~~

fromtbebeseofbeesptne, [bt(lL!ihwhic~~l;i.l:la~~lh.c:re~, ReMga.d:C: Freakfeen Despj(lf "[ho!!ir ~;)bli.nt ~tilit;i.::5-

Oi:nMl Despkc rbefr appereru vam!)" F1It!;J:lJ~t;;)~ (-Or!; with Penrex, Renegade J4r1!:llL-:(~! ~""'"01!- th~ Wpm in the~r

~ cellular le ... d) ~.3~ .dL!pli~le5.. The: l!ibora.rory that .;;:~tedi own way. M-::iflV ere ~lili!i~ fanettcs and! serve me- M"l3_l!:tj In

t"he1tl wed ad ... anced cloning eechmqoes '[(I .combi.i"le h,'I,;!m<!n Incema, Collum (Lord of Sludge see Brx& 0' .he: Wyrm).

and amphibl3l1'1 UNA_ h· t~n ~ the: mj);rure wirn"3. Rm~;)r~~nyboi.'5!c:I"OU!i.bloodm_;my.-sndpt~!'SC"_

H'l\Igdl.n.~ 6::iM {5.llJd.g.:: El~me:n.tiIti sc=e- BooII; of me- Wytf!)). Ma.ft}' ()r LMrn I:!.T!:::Jt'Gohol[a;OTd~-ad'dlc!~. Ri!':I'I~s li\'-e

Th~ Il:=sult 1,Ya!i w~ [I) be a hornot=neous,. bivc=.rnind runi'U" ]ivl!:S !n. the iI!'A~~ (I€ m<!jot c;it:io and run lKquel1!;

.elll.utt in the: .§('_['O'L1:;e of Pffirl!;X, -ndnv \\~i!'TI~ 'lJl!:ry ~ 111m on Gs!"OO, the NOOel'lIl[LJ. ;:md Pen{4!):_ Th~ w.ill on]"

ind_~. ~ w ~hek I!:ffiCi.ctll mc:thod of [:ecrui[m~1U (iI!oi!! :mO\C:k w~n tl\t.:-ythitJ~ theOOd:s:arc= i:nilie-iTfiEI\'or. Fre3_kfe-et

below) Prc-4lkf{'~[ 31reone-ar ml:" Il1.0';";[ PfQUt""LC oi!.he OO;tI1.Ot ".Ki~ hiV'Cll 3Il~ 311::50 [I\.t &i_(i!:~ oS fMjOt H'·i\!Uli.T!t iKtLVity.

~lbwds 57

FLl-_=- _ .aI_-..,- ... - ..... -9J~---- ..

"/r--r - - _

A~lf:!i Bfi[f-&hkll!tn fYior~ IlIi dJ~c. HC' Pwdbml~ W-j3Iia.clt~~Ud:~. Th~h"d.launchi!da~ne-ak,m~rtm1 hi$~. HC'waI ~'iGWI'"iow:bII!lilU4'!ofM,~.Ia,.dc~_ WouJd ~M IT.eocMr, nfrM Wpm. .::vcrtndl A~ k,a:;t MW. ~ ifl~:QWI'I~iLrl'(i()rn,htwt15~.r. Hnt:~.(ou.ld~[,anJ~ toPlldJ up 00 his r;e.adi~. AJ~ flllt mlnloltc~ (m tPar toik! his ,h.adr.l~.;'d.;knI;.'TO.Jt:.~d.i"'~hiknfi'cm~~H~ ~ wlaip up. bw.h.! rotJdn·! :it'lCH.'t_ .$orncorhlng~ ~ .him it'l!o ~ wact.! jmpm.5i1k~ Aaarghj Tk ~~ 1I'11obSG~3 rippredi!lltt! ~te1~ ~~n_gcodin!;j.oo~fomn, Slin a:nJ ~~ nNiI!U ill "" m(liH 1In0c0t..510m.rd man~ .:H ~ bod)' 1:m("aded rw boilirtg u.'d.{, down~ ~P1.:!i' his ~r, C~",.:lotk.J~~~ .. ~"_ r .. .."o\iog .. r-J 'IM:l$ dIiI!! tOik!fl~l!.i~oIoll'Jd ~hC'c.hiI!-lni", of ~u!d~.




Pen~e:x ~re~Hcu: Fr~90Hect in the service ofPI!r'ltt::IC art: closely monitored .;:u-ld tlghdy eencclled, Most of cheifl I'If<!: $t;illl;lbotoltmy created and thm 9'ppe;_l_r mQN! sfmilar [0 each Od.I:"T than the(r c{~.u.lm in me wild, T1-u:-y IUt': .. ~ re\\'t!T 111 number. Collum .... ·~ip i$ $!rkdy f.orbiddcn b~' Pcrucx, whiCh vi~W!I h as a d.:.mge-rousdml"4!(:liQo. Pe.1'IlI!X F''te:tkf~l are {horougt,ly ste~~ in Penrex prcpaganda, bur are Stm fttOre likl!ty rogo AWOl.. than I)nyorher type or rt"lm.C!r. 'Fm this rc3JOP thA!-y Ii;) ... e tf' devices implanted .h tht!lr skulls. Freakfeet who escape (rom Pernee uswny &«1.;. out rcnegooe hh'ti, rhus making .ex(;clk-ntJud;;:upu(on:kcolBp::my.Sil:Kc~t~rt::)kf~{ elf'! be o!:Mily cersmerted b~· (hI! ::i;,r.e~ nOOS(:p-lam, this has not been difficult tc do.


"Dar Isscn. jam ,01.011 ~I ftJn j'w seen aU )'014'mocees. ¥OIo4 kid:hd.l u.'W~r:ld~jw;[fir.:,ow, ffownd thifnt'W ~Idi(.l "8rood dte impalerH i h.n~ 5oeCP1 if ten tfil'lE!$ af'red:r_ "jOf nmin.i!, bmit'&oCooI.p:rJ)'~. TJW.Corum-·.J:)l:I!:00 im~Q1J ~ sfuns on bfg~J. )lOt{ ,1XiOd!.ike it.

~l ,,"~l~ to ",if 01(,(. 10 I tooJ,:. m)l na,W;CQ;f and :m,d: it on a .Jr;id.;., I! ~QtUd t-Ml' fmuf and i! WR! ~. r ber )lOLl. ~uil'rit rk.wm..r: I:.IXI]. La.: 1!ai:d, i'k'mltlabI'Jj~, r&e,olol. 1$ r.IUt dgooJ :H,m1

"YOWl'S in Blood; Dr. Paba"


POWotrs.: ( Be~r\::-!:r (3), lrnrnunit)" eo Deltrlam (1 ). Rt:~nll!ratioo (:5)

T:;J_i_nUill (RequilNl) Br«d r~jlJdl«: (4). Dcrillngtrn~nt::!i (5; oornil;walli'nd $<Idlukl

T~ Ban~ lIo'hkh creare GOfthou:ndl! inh3bit"tn.eprOOocoo(St3~,ght-er~ Video. Dlsnnbed vlewca who watch ~hdoe flbn:s risk ~iOn br the &1'I1!;5, wbo tum lhoC~r vietirm' ,kL: 1';)I'II.a.5jt:,S. leto a 63d~uio;; lU$c 'or real blood. Tbe possessed person becomes a O(iN!"hollnd, 3. slasher man~e (omor_

IrruI~e: U&Ual1¥ " bi':~, hulking human wit.h. a mask, ",rlp~ sweater and oowehQW "Wt31lOn (1.:.i(oChcm lmifoC. chainsaw, pjtch/ol'tt_. ere.)

Genesis: One viev.-lng ~JlGW:ll:he Bane in the video eo artempe 91 P~i~-'_ ~h successive "'~in;i] <tclch~· C;~\()o(.h~dmt!:i[mkesthl,!"&.nc:to;)CM!:V4!ful]pru.5C5;5ion, Once possessed, (he ... 'iC\lr.·t<r wl11 become 3 fomor lind will begin (O!K.t out "i~ ~dl$tk impulses, most likcl)- begln~ nlng witJ, ~ln:o.ll nni mnls but 500n dctcrio-t:;).\iflog into acta of o[nu:lty 1iIg<! inSlluJ"~j'l 11I1~ti, The: v~~r. p;r(lo!;i.tbly I'IM t.h~ mosr 5lable o{(olk$l·o stan wtth, will become ~ wnh torcure and dc;)~h, (llui II,'iII decem of bi:c;olnll18 ;J; m3~kN31::ille:r.:a fL,gurc: of fc .. r !.Ii:.e h.[, da!.hu film beroes.

SlOKn a ".Clim L:, wlJalJ., a leeer, pi.€:kcd on by erher kids, f.Q$SLbJy from an abmvecr neglected bcmeenvbocment. Th~ BaM t;;;j)S InfO If~ host's rage, him dr'MIm:5 (I( ;slashing

hios tortnf'cnro!1. -intl1o biM. A paltu;:ubrly gruesome: po6Sibilit)' is lhepoo$Ci:SiOn of it; homid pup ~hohas.nOf 'ff't ft;lichoo nlt:F1ta CJlan~, An unkl'llOWil'Li Q,.~ i'rom II difficuh home would m;&e ;an ~~I :rubj«t IN Ocreboued c:orruplloo.

O'1l'ehotrmh "'R :ruil;iod;d il;iII~['!i' much llke {he: "-hf:KH!jf' of ~tMher mimi, once iIlng;w:d in ecmbm, ;jt_ O~I:MI,IJld. fight§. undl '1lnl!rly .destllO-l'ed_

GOTt.h.ouI'LW ..;.I',.et'l",y ra. cunning that belies mdr yCM.Ith_ They mually-oonceal [heir bcmtetdal ;:i.GtiQi\S {<!ir~y well in rhe b!gin_nifi.g, bJ( become more reckless as th:~ ccnttnue. Aft("f [~n hUfI.'I3n dt:adu Qt ~. f,h~ ~ing Bane UStJaUy jilQa& ir;s hl).'K inro a killi;ng spree, glOl!fuUy riding the fomcr into obhvton.

rrhe Hollow men

Wam.n' Gau:s, ~Idl Marw~:r" of O'T olIQ'.$ Tt:fl:.'lU~ r;(tTus • .!WP1CU on tht ooff 3 ~ in til! min_ HiJ ,h,;nu:is!,1tt Ooulld b.!hmd rum and ~ PO:I'lt5 o;r~ alUl-iM his QniL:~3 . .sefaw Aim u ~n.: p.oondingoo!lm and-lll\l!n'(llW. rock, ~ad!,

"T".Iw,hu."wold~CiICk~.! lib pr;nr.ericn U ~ rhan t~. 3Don't 1iX.'It"i'j. iUary. Y(Ju:'U onl, btdt!6d-llliu~u:;\i~and M<I! dU ~~ '-I.rQ.)':I of~"in& &hi:

W:rnnrMl'llry~~fl)t~J"':lnn)'~kudiatuPt",<I!j(. &Ut:r, pw-er. mtJ M·iO ~ more fuJc;'J wa,3, Bi=~.!. ,0l.0I ....,... j,fco """".p ""'" _1Mgm 01,,,",,- Ugh_"

HI' __ '"

~Oh,d.m·!~.l!r.!f~...;l1 ... ' •• .:u;fOl.l·r<:'WO'Uw~, T~~. htt. NOW,di }OIU'"J 1'~:I~'ft!'.rn~b.&fd~ up imo)lOW anti Cltradltd ie to ,OIoQ" ro.wr mU'.:iilints_ TM lwoll.s oorme:c~ ... >'Ojl<ri< ..... _ll=h"".of{ ... diffand_._ Woll, "m .uCTC you ttt the T~t. Bon~c, buTgn boy'-

A""", wi>=!> e.r...,.,J","I''''IUm.A w..p, p.lJi ..

IJI:tin ltOOs at hi:!i bowtls, accmnpa21oil'!d by .-he.foamd of ~~ ('OO\'d.!. The 1<'OC"ks don'! ikillkil'l1l. rJwuRh, .Hil !;.k.od_-fimntd i1l!SdmU:r~I},1: roc.k&aJ'"!:IIIlldhtm. TJw:)'dT<I! ij)I:Iu~ u'lioolW: int.emal'~, v..4l1dt. ~ kmdrd JrJ'.m~:Y • .af~ {ffl'J. No tlain. bYt W Cll'IPrinf,Ss." "On, Goo. Wh, cm'e jdiC'!" So~.:lo.rl'JllW)l, :w~I,.

The 0ffiil1 wmd ~i:stk-j through his empried. rul'GltSi_ St.ltlr den", NHdUld'l'".e lMrM4rt·r~. RaU,daWiSo/thnn, ~rml'! out (it him /roffl tl!i! rocks. SfJangel-" hI! isn't ajtmJ._ Al ~t .hry'f"1! rnmJlrd:nJ'. Ki'rtf: Rd:r at'proocM.s him. ,..~dil'l8 himu.ttAlt.t~,e-,e:l,

"y~- ..

It comtS do.5b". ~o.h,p~_lam.somtpl!)I."

King Rat'J fI'W1.IIt pwi¥:s its 'II;lQ)' ~ iltl'J kctli., it!; Wort, Jiary Ood)' :rJQt!.U:I dou'floo drr"oot.

"O"."u.~,.T.g~bf.r~," ntodatT.$followthcir Jdflg, EochOl'ltllultkomefW!:HWW U'JnI)It rIw ts hi3 00d,-. H.e sens~ thea l'll:PtwIk fur ~.rmrMI hif !xJd, givt5ihml,


Somt.rhingdmk and Wl!:t NirW: il'l.fidc Mm. His ¥)' begiru



Peween (R~uiJ~) Colcrw PoWUI (10.12.; ~ berow).

Dtspcsslen 14;.,. be low); (Sy_,od) Prulo.,."J Urd4), Re~c~hon (oro!It 4: OO:llf if anlmals tT'I9Iochlnr rhe ¢Ot.o~y type art in. rhe "llriS'l~ [bey are $l,Irntno:ncd to repleauh damaged (;Dkmy members), Seem of me W,;,ld (5)

T;!lntl! (Rcqui:rN) Beeed P~judooe (6). MOMe ~ Talntstoeqiial IQ[2l P~r((l$t. (Suggcs.tcd) The-Fading (S), Rouina (6)


L~l Ho~ttJ'.\O Men are .Qgglng bag!i of human d:tn., enrmered ~. ::II co_lori" of lO[)m..!,pw:i \I'Iytrn rmirnit;i::s. (~C Scavenger Pub in the Appt:ooi):'. Altbough they om ~ roOr human uodercertatn condtnens, [hi!SU1Sl!: ~1'I_nO!t with.nand an" real ~futin~'. Hotl.(Jw Mien 'or Wom~n) m()~'~ in II manner R:mini5IC("m of their anima ring ooIQIrt}' {Le., those who arc possessed by !II itlaltt colony move It'! ,. serpentfne manner, speak in sibilant [on~!I;. ere.). The fomo'; rippks and LJndul.a.h.~ wid, ,he movements of tnt (oiAln." Hollow M-I!:f'I U.!iU:lIUy 'lll'efmwru:eiloling i;.lothin.q: ea hIde tnat (treJ'n:~u, hljll~$. ~unl!:llIiSR'Ii. eto.}, Ha-!Jow Men pc:rpctuit;Hy beve an I!mpty, t,errin~ took 1n tJ-lI~ir senken, bloodshot ~y_.lndlvNlu:ll1 members o.t'thc wlony ccnsrantl .... boll [0 [t.1! wrt~ ItO look OUt or the foonor'.s; mouth (m ethee O'rifi~ if th~ a ee lTIU!1 enough), Thty rntt.y crawl over the: fomor's body before ~rumlns lru[,dl! . The Hollow Man rnay spend a Willpowttpoinc co, tempomrlly prevent cfu:m from doing this (thll!Y will ~MW for a numbe-r or boon equal La ,hI!' fC;lIIMr'$ perffl;jlMnt Will· power). MAlttl' otoo (omori d.o 001 like (0 deal with Hollo""M(ln~_;l1JS4! [~:IIt'I!"roc-d:u't'n .. e~_""~_kfN(, ru::,-"'ItV~:r.ll.l::1! [C)t.;)og&OtJDdthern 'ori!lOmoC reason. (11-u= Freakfeet ear verm in and look ,It Hollow M<:iIJ U Iii! free meal rickee, Ro:KM&, rum.)

GclloClis: Hollow Men lin: hwna[l$~byxil' .... ~n.ger Pack Ban.i!s.ln~'(Qt~_h~Hl,lnt~,P<lcktCl~.somro[l_(:, the penon must firs( be phpically hOUOwM OLJ(. AhhO-l.Igh may aec~iQn.:lll1" (l«JJJ" n<JlW<l-lIy (in the C;IIK of rotting C:Orpsc:i), the: Scavenger P.ack usu.aJly prt(trs h~hl!:r !IIL'!t.

l-U.uOl)'l The H!JII~ Men ere 0f'L1I! of [hot eldeee famor breeds. i\]thou!lh ne one 1:5. sure of their e:KaC;1 Oti~in, they were Am n(ltl<:e<I by th~ FLann .. in RDmaI'I Bruen. Fianna tales of the time relate thar tb~y were created b~ W~·1'frl_.r corrupted dmids.Tndlvldenl HQllow M'='T1IDiLY live for II loo~ ume (Powen Prolong~ l.lf("): some of rhem are ffiJlr encfem. Ovee [t.o! eennetes rhe Hollo .... Men have become (II driving (cnoc bch.ind the Wynn's plans to corrupt Oata. They havea pan:icuJ..:u affInh:ywitn. (nc Demef Wyrm and scme hold poIii[~ of power in the Seventh Gl!ne;l';)(iot\ [see Rage A.erQrH. New York). Despite their pro!ong.!d U~·et. are ret..h..,~ty RIC" ..

~ ........ ~ ..... ~ .. ~ ..... ~ .. ~ __ .~=ws ...... ~ .. ~ .. y~,,~~ .. ~ ..


• Col'tln~ Pow~ .. ( - The powers of a c:olon.,. depend on th,=, tyope of creature n)alin_g up the colon},'_ Some ex .. mpl~:

POtsQ'n S-~Cofon.1{ 12p[:d~ VCmOffiOU!i Bite (3), W<bb<", (5), W,ll W.I""1< (i)

Reu Colon., (10 Pt.'I': Foot Pads (J), Inkcrious Touch (.s), Ra"lf Head (1)

C-""""CoIoo,(1I ,.,), M<ga-S".ngth (3'), Mouth of the Wynn (4), R>, Head (.)

• Dj~P'I=rsi.on (4 pt) - Thll: (OI1:'LQr mtIy, at will, tcmpor.ully evoceate the! eanee cOllnitucnq.o( the c:olony fiom her body. The indl ...,1 Coionf reemben act iL1:i1, MatcrUtlh~ Scavenger Pack Bane (see AppendilC). These CQIIIpDDC:mS are dir-cr;;tly under the fQlROr"& mental ccmmeod and tru!_l' aet as ij)ie:s.,. cr even anack enemies hhol.!~" this ;5 VoI:ry danl]l::roU-s tothe (omot).lf l~c:olQf'J.,.li1!ad(:r il killed, the(onwr (:annQ( tHonn,

If In.!! Hollow Man i5 reduced to Im:a,p<t<:itttted, Oi~,pe~IOd'I will occur euromarically.The oo-!oa:l'~' ..... tll then ~r~;u 3.!1 .qutc:~I~ iH possible, 'Wht:n it i;s sufe, they will return tOo.he bodyaoo reenter iI (providing i[ ruvn', been dC$troy~; (I!! ..... Qai'(lu know about mis power and will u5UQlly tlGt think tOO m[lOf me bod\l'). The C~QII'I.,.'S remm will heal the:: (otnOJ sU:ghc I~ (ro Crippled), .. It.owil'llj: hlm ro limp- 'a'W:B.~.

SY'lA!M:"fb1! fomor OM Will~r pa[rlot to di~[K IIDiI one (0 rl!fQrrD again (if croU(;OO to lneapacnared, he don not need wtpe:n.d (bl! poln.t to di!;penc, illtl1w,gh ;( mUjt be spent (IJo rdOnn). A dtspersed oolooy ;1 p;~jl;;ul;jd'Y .... ulol!f'ab-ll! ro areabased ;)u:aeh. ~kJch a:5 the Otfts: Cutting Wioo or Invok~ theSpi.riuol theStOrt'li_ The Gift: Call or the Wyrm ",·ilI dow their r!t:f@3[,

Calcmy TfPC11 &!ch Hollow Man u possessed by 'a Scavenger PoJl';k Ebne.- Qf a ~Pfciff.c. [ype Ie.g., r.ilti, \lip¢~. tarantulas, ""3iSp5, et,-)_ ~eh ot"thl!$t Hollow Men spectee h;u. its; own ~t ar ~'t!u_, Several of the mo~ ,I;)mrnon Hellcw Men tjpes are liJtr:<l belo w. The fJlayt:r and the SKlrytt:ll~' may create other colony~. The Smryteller has mot: flnal&ayon wh .. t bpeM'll$$tbtl!. The main reason £Or the rJitirYQfHollow Men ili thBtlOme liloe OO&O:fl)' tl'~ [tOO to kill earnOlhef O'Mlghl (~.g.., rwoeccrpton oolcmia wtll arrack each othe:r).

ReltpLaying Hint., The H.oltow MI!i'I are one of the [Jl(I$t tOfml!:f'lti!d. and hence the IJIOI-t sadi;tti~ ohh.e fomorL breeds. They tend to hate c~ryth!~ and !!v!!:rybody, The orlgif,al possessed hurnm's re::lllltioruhip with t!\~ ~"'in,g COolon}, ~ bo'th .f.l'mb.1C)'tk and pllC'a5itic, a sort oiJo.vt! rute eelencnsbtp.The Honol" Man ildcto!i;lote;JiM e.mpt" (:and immobile) witlirn.!t ~h~ fJOSi'tssin&: colcoy, but the}' :are poor (Ot'Il,p"ny :1.( bes. ~if presence i30bw {~ foroor from other llvlng beln,p;l and is tnw OOtl1 III;SOOIC(: of

~ ~ troC~;"g n-.liM 'Wid!. ,he mher3.

-The B~hcrhood oj W S~m, is w-ltigOOf hDflm ~f [;I SoroI.i! (:On ~ ~, ~ ~ !lIiO~rnwrer .said. ~ManJ 5tMwn:, ""W''''''''' ..... compan) 00"., ... "'0""", of "" rmk n, YOLl~,~~r.;"gtJnd~;.'~s.;rnm. YClwFt;,.'H/f~ ~ ~.r.h(;.! ~~inl:«ffQJ:;:fO'oI· NOf.oI.I)"Ofoi ~l"('t"COO1(!'Jffflc.~~~.;rCtl;.'" tH:g.r..s'llT"Cdrowmak,.j~(ln du!cam~_ The.s:cmmRll.!iW'J cl'.!'W a ~rut.t. les !;ibf.!#!!ftin,e: in tk- {ifol!!!(gAr.

lmagc: These a:has.dy ((1mQf~ ore rfl,;!L~ (~;)''rl,;!~ ef ni~h!1 uNo one rna,~! tW! I'\e ~mYL:I: wn(g.I!~, /of!P\e,ltlOd (!{ M~

m~_ Thoeir cnee-hnmsn bcdtes are ihidCOl.l5ly derorred in i01~r. T~l..!ftOrul'i'l~W_" H~~.:dc:o-Midlj_t.(\r. "'Art":

ord!=r roallew them ro IW'I 00 all fOur.$.. ThA!f::i:U! COCl1l:1kt-eI'f ,OL.l~W('TIt€r.hc.s~, 811NherJi.oodrH TMbo:tnoddtJ.

seelcs, Ih!!I.T bbnJ:. necrered bodi~ ~tl"ru)n", 00 lhl:: tram-r K.e"""'~he.:rn:l.:ibow'~~krlifc-, ~.i~didn·~~

furmi~f,IO""~!".ot HI)1!'1OgeTIi!f Incorporated. E",oo rhenfacee l.ilq: ~Cl'.;.

:'Irt!fo!i.1tl,l!'e~$<)"e(or~hot.:1t~plr1~Il1OIJ~M3In ... Nmm3lLitcE; ·wm,OI.I WdNocJfm'~(rutb- .... ~~R Ar"lo~r'IOd_ 'l'he

are compl~l:"l'Y haidessand WC!RT necloebes, ;3'r.'hOYih $01;iU!" k;J.ft. ~Ud ~ Mkho:.::j'3 oL1I"l1l. Good 1aAc. DIood I ~;n

rimes !;h~lr~.., :I!'I<liy fl'i,Qi,;~i~J:;«Luip them wi~h astcddcd though!. TMn hls M"n oCI:IlU • .:HId clL!: knife-~· \t1t,er.

wllu or leash. Even the boIOC;5t G3.T'CILJ WOIIld reemble, i! ~~, ~ ~ 1'iQ1.ham:um.,

oonfro:nfJl!!d b.,:;11 ~k oi L~ ~~I~. howlitJg tlli$ f[rl1il.r

~lli!~l~~ Aj noted Li'I Chapter h1lJr, NOrnt:Jlitle:5 ere created durin!!: d1;C hvpnonc sessions -of H-ornog.tni('t' IIK'IlIf'Or:3I[~'~ homcseecal ewe, tapes, SlJppli~ ecur[csy of~!Uc-x';5.P~IX[ IlH<tddilfisi.on.eoo.mln the:ap:propriat~ &~, which possess the victim w}.ik rh~ SIC" hypaoeecd and (he rape i~ b=:in; P~\oe-Q!. Wl!lI:Itt.rWlllcd I.ndl,,;.juj)~ ~f be ~ irnmedj;:rtel}',stroogc:r ... knme m.i~h( M~ 501:: v - crlal5C5:!ij(iru.dhVp~l~ I:lI!f(J~ t~ Bone possesses tMItL.

RoI~l:ayin.1: HI.f.It:s:: A(~~, !h~ Inld~.l ~S::lIOfl, ~oo iiee~ 1:IO'1111oi: ~nd .s.elt.r(:(;rnfiden1 un th~ fjl'.i~ time in jour lif-e. The unwanted, abnormal sexualtrs which has ~1;J,fued rcur (])escripUon ~~"IC.'I; rOt as lOng jj.i! ¥w can remember i~ 00 10000000r 31 problem, Soon yoo{ii:;cov(:r [hat ~'OU rowe no sexuali!\,;lI! all, The ~"[ie.f rhis '1IIii'Y C3IU5C yoo ts klbrno!~ 1fl ~ .",·~l(~~ ori'le:v,-{e-el;",gs,_ YOlJ(,ier,aoo~I50.,.an,gric::r.

YOu be.~i"i1 to !I"I1.::mil~l:;m intense di.:slike fur other homo~'lAt:s.. '(00 have 0e~["I cured - -..m., do they OO!l.[I~ ro !hull'll !h~lr 1""!r\'1!.~$l.wllf'l 'lM @cm~ bdo«:!Jod1 begtns to waep 31M ch.!3nge, mis d.islike of:o:pan.~ [I) irLCt~ ;)l'IytMi'!i!: loo ~e1"e~~l}' e.bnotmal ""::punk rook, bod,;,pi~Td~

1 ="~:~"" ~"w,~.w~~ '""~~~ y~,-*

L-._"../-"R -~ • = =

resentment by the fornor, Some Hollow Mc::n ...... 00 weft: .;kQ[ !ho![I'::tfISr(J~tiof.l,!Mff~ist 't~ ~c:k'$ ~ircs and .som~thing of the::ir hul!W'l.i~, Ibm rhis ts v -try rare. Mos[ Qhhl! flol(l(1'!,'!{ ~ of (Id'Il..,:a.fl ;].tdfl'ki 1 (:Ird~~ orliit~lH~i:h,(e. IxIt U"Clr leader [e.g., Ki~ Rat,) is rhe center of the bane's ccnscloesness. lr ma.y. ovee rime, ifR.ln :asa=oo:mq L)1fe1" m,o! oOfLgln.:)1 best. Wbe[ (M'I.c)r hEfi a eooperanve or arlv,=,~ia.lld.atL{]nship with the colcrw lecdee I~ 1,1];1 !Q !no! Il'lo'Ivi!i' _ ~ $tOoT';!;:LI:.cT pb~ tM- c;o.lony ~er_ Som-e. Hol[.ol1o' Mcn work fur Penree, bur 1J[MI";5. ( Qt.dl!.r Qf.II!$) hiJ. .... e litf.:if own ~ndiJ5. Hollow Men ate pm:i;;:;ul:ul}' h3~ b.' Red Talon Garoc, woo 0'1'1 sper U10fm 00. marrer hew .... ell !h'l!y d~ui~ th,':I11~l~.



p(J~r$:(RcqlJiftd) HOi:rK!@mity (-6), Sense The:: Unnatural (1), Venomous Bk~ (J)

Tatn te ~ (Rot::quired) Breed P!l!judkll!(6}, DU:;'oi"l~m~()! (5: homophobia and MIred of ~uptm3l[Ur3b)


hypi!:l'U'n.:!ILd'i'~W 1'I(Iom1i!I![rf.i;)'~OI! 1I'L(io"th.l!ri;. YOloJltrl-e~ on the Homogtllity Recruitment Drive: rake great interest in me- ff!:3~~ f(IU derece 'A' d·io~ i~1!.'W" .s.ei"l,$l.t~..,.I.tY or }"Q\:It$. &~iil.lI:f ~ freaks .. ,,..,'h.o- loo'k normal on me- QIJ(;5Ldc-.

/lj t~ r.nii!~, kn"ibl-c t~[ffiiI.tign tnro a Normalire 11o'1lq;t50 your OOdy, you become gripped ~ ;LI paS-Skinll[e barred 01 anvcne (J~ :Li:n¥lhl1'!~ ~!1!IJI:ty i.ML ... ldual. Th~ fe-e.lin~ of rage and :a.D!1C":r swam,p your otbee CIIKI! lens, even 3~ y(iol.!r ~t1~ eft k.l{ is swamped b~' tM: pain 00' lr3rufmlllatitlD, and vou MOOmC'l :Ill m indless brure Ilo'i!n 31 ~lrtgle atm. StJ.rop w.l tht.:: IJnnilillird~. Nonnality ruleal

Serpent 6.!rothers (the Serpent dIrotherhoo3)

Abili.tL~: (Rc::qui.[~} Animal Ken l., Sllrv!\'31t 2 .• Mltdl-


Powerse (Sugg~l Darl(sigh~ {Z}. [mrnul'lit:v to DelirLLlm{l), ~_l"'Idf~ &YOJ~d(4).M~IJt1i~elligt:tt..:~(J.), M~St:J[Jjina tJ+J. Sensc Gata (l), S:p!ri[11r:5 0)" Umb ea ! P"",go(ll

Taleu (R~ ... I.ri!.J) Breed l>r.ej.,alet,:: (1)

T1~ $!!:tpe'i'I~ 8ru~~~ .. bccd ~ O!;t;:n.'!ibly:an order -0' rnlt-Tit earned br service projects Iecrtvtttee such B.'!i ooLlding camp~nds in unspoiled wtldemes or f~lrl.'I'I1!: eoads !"Q allow access ec remote ii:I~).n II. boy-i 5(;ooti:ng organi~ation_ The kindly old men 'WoI!at[hy Peme« execs. NI!!P'h;)nd~, and :-i ~:(!~t!e vnmplte 01 r'A~) who- Fund the ki.d$ are themselves brothers 01 themdn and mOO! [han YI.'i IlinS rQ helpan ~Irlti.g t:ad! w,lh oi;o.J]ege tlJition ~l'Id work IJIlIX)TIuniti.o.


GeDt':sisl The Brolhcfbood (30'let$ youm.s woo f~'CJ abandoned in :I 5I;X.lcty dl<.!t $1'1;jJ~~~N (amilie.s.. who (ttl belr.:.~X.c_l .... ,h.e;1'l TV's iIIw;io.n!i don't mani(C'$! iii (n,elr daLly lives, who sceke -camllJl»deri,~ ibne ~h.oo]JmII-C;S end !kat~ "",1$ cne'r provide,

The Br(lIIh~rs are Mgh school aglt nu.e:J wilh hIgh inrelli~~ :md wildet"l1dN<\rnplr.g:s:kUI$. Tht''f rC!rnain ph~ical1l' nOffl' 1on,gu pos-sibk (imoo!;ollr:ge), "nJ.dl)dltrv \II~rk(or rheir mantI'S which rcqulres ~.T[jrulart and winni~ )Wl'lg 1JK"[1" ThtLrpQllo'«S, them SlT'OOl: EO 5('~ the Wy[ti1 and hard (OSpol, As decay Pfog.JC!i$I.'$, the beothees widw:lrnw from $Oi;ict)' mere and ti"l0tt'. Finall, PffiU!)(S'llo'ano'llo~ dtetl'l whQle.

The htilifltiotl is :JI 'IIo,(!I!:K<:OO camp:MLt in PlCnt.ejl;.rOwned p:~iklIaru:l, during which the ki,;b; to' Ih~h a ~i:es. 01 w.9.5tly n...:ing rit«. The i"inall!: is ill flreslde nmal in loIo"'L-c;h tht new mcm~ri ere scarifioo loIoilh ill knife. This aurcduces a BanI: iratMheirs~re«t~ rhnr soon tal:.@.!im'tlulI."bodr. The resultinl boon:nrc'llt the: pci'd olll~I~M:S.!i and Ilhys-ical dr",,("lopr fi."li!':I'I[ 1100 ere h;~hI'f inHlni~nt, with ~n'!i .... ,LI.d.~Mti!i ~kill5. ~ 8iliie even enhances them phy.skally :lind mi~iil<llll'!i'

Q( course .... ny cotpora£ \1fOUki love to hI~ such bright anddedicared ~"Oung mer ..... Pot:t'If('X offers ~'Dfk-stud)' p~r;)i"t1~ (or deser ... ini: oolk~ $l:udl:m$ - wlLh. (Qldgn caeel opportunitil:$! Some rue Umbral Passage to rake )'(II,lliger -K0\1!~ on .. ..:_8mp~n.g [rips," or t:o cam oo! enemwrecking: and gladc-·buming £0[" the:l1!:l"li, Ancrher 3:tr.Hc:1JY Q to ~ me erwtecnmenr under thl: gui~ of

Nt;;Clfnin\Joiry service" - thinp such :;1.1 d~n,o.,j,l'Jg fOJest IJn&:rgrowrh ro make a <~mpg:rOlJnd. The b.foth~r:s make eecellem Garou Id'1eN; ;;I scour troop from two ¥~l1'S :.t.gQ are !:'Ilr.l1~ rn!!;ir ooll~gc "'lK:ati,Q'-1$ il'l the A mason. ...

All u.. ""mbe" cI 0'" ,,_ "'11 b. possessed by "'" same Bane. bcr [~ 111.3~' choose to ma.nifest (J;ffl!'1'l!:f1( (lOWCrs I_ft e<Kh one. Serpent Brothers are d;,lf~rot.ll ro Penrex, m their hi;!Jh i;n[l!llls,eru::e fl.!:l"l<Iea. diem 1i.1ble ~'Q uJ"Id~tu.and whrn is H!·Al.l~' going II':n,. Thl!'f mrr.y fC'i'llioc (hqo arc bei!.'J.g used and try to ~r.t:: the reins of power F!lr themselves. Unl1ke the n'I;)jorirv of rffi~gadiC Fon1Ofi hh~ d"llill doo'r de as thty'TI: told), lh~ Brothers have beman intell i~e:nce end :tl.w:ppor[ system (oea~h OItM-r). l(lh.ey reaodfaeed the Wym'J, what would become or l~m!)


Tob;> ,_. w",och/u,I.wrJ" IIM'mgandpuJling",h< lronccl.t:I.U l~d[_jl'·itp;$l\er. He !oahd ar(njJ!& lIJ:!I:lri~;:I', u:m-L':r.· in! Jar /.M'5WC'T.J, NOnc:. HI! rulm.!d Jou.o;n aJJd c;1r~ r.o .hlmulf. The Moolu::''''''tc.'nchC11.suc-cecd ;)ga;n. M lhought,

HeputfLdd1.ti.!oIa~~ ~lJk~4Ril~Kmn;intdit.

Th< 10"'1" ... "O'T.u.,'" "" F.miI, PIao,,"Tob;> "'"'" kJ o,gatn .. Yeah. lee's sec jlJ$t how m'IIn., Iarmlics ear ytr Wynn-taint.ed. feod Mel! rhis gt:B out! He $~~ fr"o:;:e. \'Vh .. tr '-t\.'l$ rhm He ~ .dou.dy aJQIHlJ hw saw l'l(Jdtiflg. JI4rt YIadov3 clr 4tfO[_jnd rum in w~,

.... J"'~ ...... __

T"", ,hook '0 ........ ....u..a {""""d. "",,"" do. '-~ 00ck in ~ ~_ He waJkd rigtt~ l'nro the ~Wa Knill. ffi~ Mt ~ "r'ldht. ~ lqJoa gmu afblood. Wlut the hillll1! M ~ aJ hI! rut r.h.t gn:n..nd.

TIu:~I:ud.ows~~him~anJlI!frJtln't~('.Iu! of .hem, ciuc:GMng w !.:nifi! noow an'pping wtM Tc.b:f~s brood.,.,


Bac:k.grOutlll:l;Ji Eq:uipmmt 1-5. Rank 1-.30

Po,,"'er,: (R.equir!:d) Immunity to mif [)e.liriurr'l (I}, Sbadowplay (4 l. Sb~dQW~>atking<2;.m:.Cbamcloon Coloratiol\)'j (S"'~lcd) Foot Pads (1). Oeseous Form (5), Hid, ofm. Wynn (l-S)

Taint).: (Req\ii~) "Bl";'lln'lll<lJhins 0; toyalty ro mestoL':r.f.) I BTI!:i!:d Prejudice (1)

(]}mri "lion

~: Shadcwfil!nd!i a1wavs posK$! iI""e:ry lithe framer {heir bodies arc more: echlenc than nm$e'ular. An ShadowfiifDIll haw al£glul" daL'i:,t!f ";:in than they were born with, and eompl~uJ)' bbek eyeS.

Ct:ncsisl Unlike: manyfomort, pott:nllal Shadow(j~nd$ fl:qlJirc one thiD8 ~(OJ!! und,ergQing the jcesesstcn prot:~ - ecqulescence. T:u'geUi ..... ho de$i~ thi~ ~ travel [:Q Wa!:h.l~cm~ O.C. :tJ.l1d rue met ~ Iliad egenra, The flgt:ttt5trJKe thl:: -Rlhject to their labofluf)'ff wbeee tb~ :rubjt-Ct ;1 gtven t=.VffY tUlCUry (011n.e n;en.t- Afte;r undergoin!!: anoeher inr!!n'il!w, the corporation decides if tbis Indlvklual .."...11 truly be loyal to me company_ If 'r.!-tl! decetcn i!. ~s. a ~rurn Is i"'l~ted IfltO the t..-gc:t',:s skin be(QTe he ~.tceps.

The pt'C)l!e$S, 4 a ~nful one. TIK- semrn allows [hI!" Bene, U$uaUy a Scrag, Scrycr Qf Cunnll'" 8..1i'LC. to. :dowlv take over the: miiid cI the t'<Irgct, rusing the Bene's desfree and lusts with the t11.Tgc=t toward Om! 1tO;)[ - ti'K assassination of"'uooes-lt;J.b!ecI.Cl'I'!.Cnl';_" Whi.le tnt: precess, the rnrgct r~15 rhe ~nS3t!-oo of white hot leoces :s.cuin,g tnrOijgh bls skull, tUsins the essence of the W¥'ITI to hi5 KlUI. The peccess ts !! when the Bane is fully fused with the tlIrgc:( and the rargc['~ I!"~s(utt\ COQ'i' M!Kl;.

HiltOryl The L96Cls. brouglu many ptOblt:Ci\$ (O( PC:nfcJ(. sub'5idiar1!$ - i'\oO{ jun from the: Gerou, btu from humans; ~bo. M<iny olPcnu=x's smaller compeeles came I,IMer. the :scrutiny CIt suct. Otgal,jX<ltio.1VJ ;u Oreenpeece. Once th~ dil~~·ettd SUm~ o(PlCnkx'5lw 5avory sobmens [of) prob· term. the .... cried vooIr.

S~""rL«ld:s were created ~pttifkall~ ro deal wi!}. these minor eutsanees, Penree di$OO\'ercd th~ (;00[.;1 no longer ~nd mindless killers aitocr political and eeetal d~!· dents, but rather needed a nl!\!o' !ype '" (QmOr thilt l;Ol.dd be quil!t and (lj)e~f~ with ~t~'th. Afte-[ several arremprs. the: p1OC~M wasP'f:rf(:C[~.aM rhe Sh"dowilendi"'·CRKt 11JOK.



1 FA-_=-_


Sh~t)w{i.end:t ilR: wed today to ~'ina(~ poiilleal or social ft,gUrt:s who fQa,pinst Peruex projects, Or who learn [.00 mych.. The ShadowfilCnds have evcjved t=f'lough phy.s.icalloy and mt=ma11v ro be a~le re IMOi'l!th::IIily kill Ii!! Oarou lrtbe.s[t:uatiOl'1'lrikS.

R('Jleplllofjn,Iji Htn.u: You ate (O~p!ctlClv l,o~<t! to thl::

W}'rm. You will lA=t droit of fOUT O'I.IoI"n peescnnl death ;m1!nl!l'I! with (N corn:ple~io:n 01 'Your lateee '~i;gn~ ment. Yau do OOt talk \I("ry much, and !lnd rheee who ramble disraseefal. YQur'kUllf\:g ~ln aft; it bn(Jthing like the horrible :slit;;i:n,g:s of IMIlY of the crbee (QImOrL

5;c/clungs 'tr4its

PQwtn: (Req_uit~} NO);iow Br~th (,2), hrununirr (.1. atrbcme rostra]

Ta:i:nul (Req,'IIl~ Breed Prejudice (I), Doomed (1. five ~ears), chooee J RIOt!! polnu ofTllIlMS


IMalitl!:t Sieiduft$S 1001.: i!.l.'lt tike anyone else. Thej rend to (C)i'l,e h-t)lI'II m_iddl4=: to upper tnccme brackets (rni! program which creates them is a bh .stNPi see: Chapter Four} and dress niccl~_ Th.l!';' are U5UiJ.J Iy bril!!b,t" up""',ndty rncbile people ",·Ito jW( don't M'II(I thlC wtllpowee ro srop ~mo'k[r.g. Ooe 1;{IQl.d be your ~i!!lhoor - Dr your liM!:.

Gen.ul.s: Sli';klvi\~ a.t'I: created from paJ[icipancs in Project Iliad's Smoker's Bane program. &n~ kl'lOw[\ ;)S LunshlJ"e:~ ate hUrodl.Ked in(o the rccipic:nu' bodies through drinking it non-alcoholic toasr [0 [hl!"lr ~1!.i:5.

HIstory. The!i of Sicldungs reaches back several YL!ars to rhl! OO!'l on CIf.Jfette advertding and stretches to the present as more and man: publlc bul1dlnss !)I!QOft'Ii!: ~rookefree. :Furl_oill that her n,ew[y p.l:annl:d campelgn to il1ltCll!ltitt 1.U:n8buggc=~ttJ.:an unkn.owiJ'lI!;: p;1pul~ dvough plndl'l~ them within cigaH:ttt".s would bot jeOlp3.rd teed duo-ugh leek of ad"'f:rrisl:nljl and n\(irl.'Ct!n-,g OppOrtunity, Or. Ntcola T regar determined eo have her f~Vi!TIi"I!, Targc=ting me ~rti!Nh:l.n·t.ho'-l 3Ui(~e of noo:s-mokeJ.5., she $'A'()f'eto lOOK amHlkcfn=~ lunganc;(:Tagem alN:lngrMm. The resulr was her euldvlIIt:lon q{ LU:ii~hu~Q ilnd the Smoker's Bane pl'og;riiln'l, Her second generancn or Sic:\du_n~~ are JUSt n:acMns: thelr n";l1' I~"fti'l Ul\"lib, but hor-des oCJ( (MMl!r ~M~l1 are poiKd 00 foll~ ill th~i:r d'~'lil!: foo~ttp.

RoIt:pla'l'ift;g a~L"I~~ U(e b ,good. Tbenks to that eelfhelp group 'fOU joined ro §"top smolr:.Ini. 'lOu've oonfldei'l(.1! 1ft ~"Qu~l~ taken up light exercise, You enj(}ybcingwimpc:opl~,and itmows in ';'Oufwork.lnner, rou got that peemcdee YOl.l~JUed. You don't !Jnd~('$tilrld it when people!HIY th~y can't.stop smakine. Look ijlt \'(11.1_

ChapIerT!ro: Brmls . =-.--------~~,--~


You did I, :)M [[ was~. You CI!I'I't ""'ait to ,mCliid y(WLIr rneC1in~ ami df~rIok that ro;m ~:o ~1,tC:(eil!i each week. E\le:[f· b¢.dyou:gJu [a ill'lowaoou( thi.!i~ Wen. there i~ th~t !wlf'l~ in your stdee v erv no w QI_nd ~;)Ii.\, but l.t~! probably nmhiTli'

Sons of rcyphon


Bscks:roundBl Alli~ Z (~lIow frat b!'Otho!!'S}

Po~rs: (Sua:-!~~J.te:d) Procreeucn (4), RA!~l!MH[ian (5) Tainu: (Requtred) Breed Prejudice (I)


Amerieol', (:ollof!~e campuses are places for ')Ioung peCloj:lle to grow and de .... -elcp, tc learn and [0 transform, The Sons of T ypl'l(ln Me rnoee than ~'P' to help. CCII;I'!II! ee 1M pledge ""rty!

The T",~! 1J1)~n()n Phi {r:uemiry has. bra[Kh~ 0111 MOSt TIUIjo:r college campuses. and I(s b:rOf.he~ 3~ well financed by older 1'1'I.~1-l'Ibel'$ of the fra[!f:miry. Althoo,gb p;r~~t1ee Is givcm ro legacies (i5W1~ -or 'ili.t:1-1lb!:11) end [0 ;SOOLJ(;5. of moe Stl'J)ef'!t Br-Ol,htrhood [the one! who haven't :5p1OUled ten. taclee yet, Ih3~ i~). al"ly l'()I_Ji"Ig man of Bt:JO.i character iii 'o1.·~1(:0I~ eo ~Wly. In met, Ike bidding process is ~ uu(ul 5Cruning hV the most pCII~'''_'Jfu1 of {he brmhet:i in rhthoust:, iU prcspeedve recruteereseenned [O-MSUrc that 'tMif $Ouls

have die mtpt'j' pl;~ ~h,).! !h.1! W'!IIrm levee to fin. T Whoo, the Jc-:i"i\OnJc W~i'l"ITl.kast of Greek mydto.l.oog:v" [:s. their parron ipiri~. The mytru descrjbe Typhon a:!i a iiii:nt (;OV~ J:n:d ""[fh wlngs and mal~i the: wi~ ;are r.l!l arrendanr BanC5, while hii$-n;akt!: heads ar~ rh~ fomcri whod() hii wlll,

Thefr.ltcmity h~!ing ua Wynn'ritual f.artoOd~tlng to d~rlbt!:. Stomach pumps, enema ~,If5. and beer 001'11:' full ofe~~l<hor;all heve [ht:ir place: ("Dri:aJ:. ~hi$!"') end bf dllt!: end of'''Hcli WII::~ke.n.d" ~he ploofl!'S SH: fomcet. The tnn:sformatioll pTOC~,~ i.:!i slow, MftVi!:f.:and many;jolr..J .... in8. vomit-soaked partLd i!I_R J~1Jlftd to SHC the Bane in the pledge's $OUt If M withdraws. at any ume, the. proc:~ must bot restarted. For clKh (~!n!!: 1I;n."'I.t [k" p~dge becomHUncrn1.Kious from b,m-e:ring in "~hC!i. from drinking or dtu,1iI: use, Of from W~ ri~~. ~h,.e ~t'le ~:lll'l.:!i Willpower, ~e • .tLfld On~ls.. Wh-t:n it echteves MI power. the YOi.I!lJlII1.3D ts e fomor.

"Ibe B:ant!'J. whl<h enend the h.tu:t~ riT1J:1Ils: arl! mlll\H· oUl.,OIIldwa:he: brcrbers Raw: a "':i1rictyofpo"~ orO)u~, rbose who inc alrcOtth' fOrMfl Mil keep wbar ~11 thcy MV'I.:. bu~ ~1'3 eech as Proartation and Regenemrton make for II. real bw:u:h Q( "p~,rIY anlmals, A t"ypiGal Barn: will be Qf'I,4! olTyphon.'.!o Brood (sec ~''II:: Ap!iM!n.dix).

One!! [he flut yt:llrol fr.ltcrnLtl' membl!:rshill is ftntahed, rhe members are (OlOOrl in 1i!~rN:S:[. Tbeh bent (or ... ;0.Ie-nte. ViJ.fll:bJI,rn and rapt: "is harder tOC()fItrol Of hid!!, and their poeseaton of fQ{nQ"r ~t.i l'L'Iall;eIo rum mere de-

-------...".....~- ------ ... ~ ...... - ..

struCli v e. No OI'Ie ever node~ Mill few Tall UPSlktn brud~l!" gradu:ue. but the brot1:u=~ know th:a.t Magadon Pharmeceunceb, Omni'TV IJiM V~uvil.d, 1M. have speci<ll ""Oi'k,~SI'udy programs (Of th~m.".


f'ubaIing .... I,_,..,., fr"'" no, "'''"' sr.. .... ""...!. ",r..«"",.u.. m, arm andf/.vt r~ i1Q.Wdc You'U dU: on ,1,c md oj nt;trron dIek

- Coven, "Iron ~k"


1'.,.."" IR"",l1<dl EMm;".,,", Ill. M ... &",,,,h ~J .. ); (~) R~lt.rll!:l'Iltlon (.5-), Sa.~ G~,nitalia (2), Sease Gefa (2)

TOIIl",I': (ReqUired) Derangecrenr OJ mOOg'fliyl, Men~ tal Dc-evclurtcn "J.+ i Mcga·Srn:ngm)


Im:;1li~~ Hulking muscll!.bQuru:l Pf'f:u)'OOyr; with petperual erecnoes. Many $«m ~r more arrt;li!d~1! in pt:f'SOIl than rhdr looks would indil;iite. but ~i_r ma.t'Il"I~ts leave

a. i"e:af deal to be desaed,

GtlI~ai&.: Thew: " ,tudl:fl~J" of Or. V~rldial'l [see O'l2pter foor) begin a§ ir1Koon guys who wanted to enhance their tnanhood. Dr. V-!:rid.Ian's Bane·poi.soNaml their own frustrations bringoul alllM .... '0t$1 mali! eenden<:I~ .. tid'fllrl! them to 11. homKiidal.;kgRc_ ¥iInity, violence, pointitMangCT(l.nd~:t~I~~~lon. W:lrpt~ poor fLl,..s IfI[o vtrnml cavemen who 1;8n:: fur nothi:i'Lt: buf fi8htin,g:, fucling and pumping ~tel!~.

The: mUtliI.tioru begln wl~'" S(tOf'lg pheromO'ru! emana!lOfiS ;)f'l(1 In re Me musculer growth. Mood ~wltl'" 9IC,oompGn'i t:hc change. A~ rhe ~on digT~ the fOroOlIS ..... elrder pe ..... ea marlifen. Extreme ~ gtCIIIII fi"l3MI~ pt..91I1i. !;:ig<Inti-c. rcaeclee and a r; h.;,\~nd of women (ill., mlO)n$l:jous rebellion Bg3il'lS[ GIllis). These ~ eape and klll wiclwut R1OOIK. Thelr ternpel'$ ~rUI

criminal bebavlcr oIl4;!'l"I lead [Mill. lCI seek jOM S[ Pentex ~uMld["llr'it!:S. where many work u bodrglll! spil!S 3100 PRD$p«i~li$U.A1.of\ilhe W3l'f, ThrowbackJ;CIruIC a lot of mtsers. Though many of thcte tOoo()ll come in pUtty p;,.;:k9lgd. those who stray [00 close to rm.:m gilt hurt. Ilodly.

HD.tOTYl VcsyUrtie as of ~I - Dr. Vendtee's mtrscle woaou( program ha.1 been on the trQIrkl![ (Of lees eben three )'~T$, and "':U just pieked Up;5(~ in the last 15 rrumdu or so. Comp:,uati'lo'ely few a;dV".\i.l'I~ Tluowbad:. fn\l.I;].~lon~ e:d~H~ most are somewhere along tru: Une:, wmlll:ing their way imo full.btown fQmQ:rhood.

Roleplaying HmtlJt Think 01 every roeren .tQt='k you"tt:

[ ever known, Mow ilCJt ("':.t way.




Th<IJgfI,dw"""' • ...,,"'bri~""'" .... ,,,a..,. - T .,""RU. from thr film Bladmm"t:r

Ald'lQul!,h (omori on the whole are not the iDOIst ~ltu$~rl,.. oU;5ofbeingJI. they-are;lit le:nt bener off than mcir tainted eountll!'rparu.,lcnown to Iliad w; fom(1~ch. Twtsred (QmQrt so &generate that the)' are good for linll! but rc:cydin!:l' iot'l'totaChpmvldt the nlwmat~rilllt f'CIr P«l(~~~pro]~ arullH:ad".s; horrifylRg ,e:nl!tk eapenmene. NO( content with ~he: uneoJU:wl1fti vagarie:s of fomorach prodw::(lon, Ilisd',s Secrten C soe:i,,=nt~u. ~k. but have ~ yt:t found, a :H;li:Je proem thr~ which IDa')' .:;r~;ne rhese sed prOOoctJ of the WjItlt1', lick humoe,

Cienesis: 'the O(ecyding cProgram

Eight YC:ilt1 IIIII§<J'. mad dtseovered rher a m1.311 but inal!!:;;l!;ll'lll numb.trofhuJ1l:a.N lnt~ir·prOgr.,jm$ 'o\·e:t~muroilnn.g In[l) honlMyill::formed but "'en' "t:iI.!I:nt~· (Qn'L(!tL At t.t'I!It th.II!'Y Mit' deemed unaccoepahlci wlnle pOw~r(1,!1. thl!Y IIIC\;crt,hele.u had exmmdy brid" lifespiliN - II di!.}' tc .:~ week after thel_, tmn$lQrma[JolU at mo:s.t - and mel' were difficult to control. BeetlUSoe of (.~ nru Iailurea, a numher l'/ lllad scien[i6u were transformed mto (~ri as punishment {or .. a:stlrta: Benes, and ebe rnt WCtcxt (0 Ute task of disco"crin8 why [hi! was h3ppcning:and wbetber (lr nQ[ these crearures could :S01Jl~hu"" be used.

Tbrearened with II fa'le simil",r (0 thar of their eel!ClIgUP:i, iliad's fe.m:ll.i.ning ectennere oqukkly rni':cI~ brHkthrough:s. The .... dtsecvered (hat {omori candidates with the grenteK ps'fC"'ologiclIIl all.""~ attraJ;;led. ~he mOSt pawaful BaI'l(;5.. Tbese &M$, L", '\.lm~ bmh. ccrropeed and empowered l'htm bt:¥ond the levels of average f.ornwi. And, whtle their lifiNpilJlS i),p~]C lmaeed [hose: of gnats, the}' were erlll vlable rescercea eeen afte:r their dearhs, 1II(I;d ecold use tke :SUMlllnc~ into wrul;h thl;V degeneeated, d~n.ding upon breed, for project;!; as "anOUI as Toi"l"lOtI eeeartcn and control, polluted milltedab f.or cee;8.1'11c dumpil'lg site.5, !,yildin@:Q)ft'Jp,lfH.'TIlSa(ooruuuctioo $lleJ. and durable pam for high·t~h prodU4;t$. Th~ pos.!Il. bilitilClli 10 inttiaued Ilhld d' lt quickly instituted the Rt!Cvdlng Prognm. !II program intended tc dlsecvee aed implcmlCnt new ways 01 wing "eepued" fomOT'iKh..

AliKlng the currel'lt wes of fomol'ilCh. fomtlri. c:n=;ltiOi'L and .c;ontrol is one 01 thl! RlQ5( popular; Iliad has even devoted a &parrmmt of the same fI_;l1;!'l1l!' [0 lr, wim an atlendant $t:J(~ The CrudQn and Control Dcpa.rnncnt h;il dtscovered :lI number of thingJ:

• Pomoeaeh can be ccn ... erted teto a "'m!dlciM:'" called Fomwo! aM Injec[(!d tnto femori t13 t~polWHy boon rhetr pewee. Fomo:rol, however, b blgbh :)ddkdw ;iOO thus lIiad UR3 the promi5eotfiomoro! tnjectloes ro control



;)ddlel~fClmOO'i'$ behavtor.It iJ~l:<n~ rhm prolonged addiction ~~~d)l' boosts (amort powers, but Lt also ~hor[eru. ~;r lffespan an,djor ]'orrl'bl., mctaees diem,

• W"'t:n used IOn humans, F'om.ot'Ol 4i[:lI~Y'fM rhete metr.!l_mt,!rpho$~ imAl f!)(t'lori.ln mi;s. manner. F'omomln,l)y beadded torc!;ruitmcntpr~MpraductJi toneatcfomori q\licl::lv ("Sl1r~. dw: dtee chocolate malt taJfesru_nny, but it'll produce II whole new 101,I!")-

I Proj~ IHad t!.OW bae !he Fom-O.'I'IKh Oeeerartcn ' (FGP) fhrnly tnplece, wilhPcm-ex's:<LPPl(lval [Q intentionally create (OitI.Oroleh. Whill! Uiad'~ ]'1O:I~ made some progress in doetcnniflit"lg how IQ lip mt balance: of the fumori (:h!:O'Ir!.Qn precess in favor of fumorncli pK'lCluorion." (he process is S[iU largd~ .worn_ These .sc!entl.m,lptClilate {nat the Wytd may pl<ll't' an imqml parr;ll "'pclllJtin(!:n lhr:: trii_n$h)nYL1ltloo process, ,.mprcdior:~ ably 'bctos.(ln.g [l.M dlminicl". ing bese fomOri (;h..-raet:etLuk!J. somertmes ~uhin8 in these 8~netic freaks. While ; l.:ul:fIV unreliable, FOP has nevetthel!:SS ,w:re:ad\' be:ndltrd Iliad and Pentc)(, whkh i!:rnpJoy ebe short·lived ~h iill!i "mod; tr"()(lp$" ~ needed. While: alive, fornOTiKlh form elite creeps of iU(:'" rew PQ'A'l!:r that they an: oft~n capable or nandlng ag:iI.iNt acaem otO;)C'Oll; w ... en deed, foracrech ere I!qW!lJI" useful a.:!i raw SOU[1;e-.I of Fomorol and other maecrtals, wberees their fumorl-eoVf'll~ru are g~neTllln, tOO impoc:e:i'l{ to be used in similar fa:!;hLon. W3d uses (omori rogaeher cp (OlOOr4!c:h h!:mainsand transport d~,m to the [abe where scienti~ts "~~'"Glc" ~R'I inK! Fomorol O!nd O!]'I.(!t sebseancee that lacer -50Cf\'C tt) $(iI'['I.f! of rhe Wl'mil~most eff«I[~'~ pOlhHirml and r:M'tinog~M.

Additional dudet oIlll;J:cl>~ Rtcl'Cling Program .sclenlim. indwde research and implementarlce of o[ker apptica(ioru for exptred t'om.o~eh. These .sc,;cnri.!iD nave dtscovered some i.nt!l:r~tin.g tn:nd. cencemt ~ breed poups.. fomorach gcm:ratkin, and Pomeecl. J ust !lIS tM--U: are brcCl±s 01 {onion, there seem to be breeds of(omClr.:l.th_ These include me Fomorob, the CoIliquamrs, and the Rcnitents_



PGW~rg: (Suggested} FUl'Lp1 Touch (4). l ... f«:tilJUS, Tcruc:h (5-), Polson Tumors fH.lmmlJ]Jjty ts, f,<Il:lQru} T .. i_Iio~. (Required) Breed Prcjudj~ (3). ~_I"I,gement (3;. create one). OooC'(le(i (4-5)

fl..;"w, Qe(Otmlry

N9(Cted ~f(-et eho(! drug [h~ produce, the ForoOtol$ art those Iomcrach whose bodl~ art: best suiced rc prOOr.K:C th~ .dru~ efrer death. Oenerallv, thb I!l:tlJuf' Il1Idud~ fomcrach that ;lire. highly [~,kogtnic fcreenng tcxtc molds, ,,·cn.-om.<;. pl'Q(ci,ns,. can:iOOfiens., and SO ~()I'd'l), lep-

« l'Qus,and/orwhoc:arryall·orwatef1boml!:w:w:mgdlSl!asc.s


C olli<1uator s

POWc"_I';!i: (Su.ggt.m~d) ~U9 Form (:5), Numb-in&: (3), PliAfl\i.~ Perm (:5), SlOObcr Snct (J l

T;IIml$: (Required) BI«d Prejudic::e (J}. Derangement (3. create one). Doomed (4-:5)

I'bw. OJOtmlty

The ComqU<J{O~, a medical term for thO!Se !'.omor~ w~ bodies become eclable in Woller Of ocher liquid scbsteoces, (JIrt used [0 pelluee oceera, :ri\'et1, srreams, and «her bodie!lol warer. This group tcnde ee inc,lUP:kfomorach that are goopy. fluid, \lisrous., ~jmy. pulP'Y ur ""_ti..,l~nt.

Q{tnitents P,",.",(SuWMod)~(j+),E><,,,,f.jrnb<IJ+), Hid, ohi>< Wynn 11·1), M,*",S,,,ns<h 13+). Rooo""" tiot1.(:5)

Taints: (ROlu,ir~) Breed Prejudice (3), De:nJ~'-t'Le:nt (3i create one), Doomed (+-5)

Flaw: De(ormity

11'!~ Reni[ena. are those Fornor:<lcru whose powers leave 'theM tno e.eolld ecaee, Ge:n«ally, their :POW~r!!i center around thelr pnY9ka.l enhancemeets. A(1~' dearh, ~nitoCnn.are u$l,Ii)ll'Y used rc ceeare srrucrures I)l" hi@;h.'I'CCh products - some to eeeare the actual concrete Or steel ~ tt)~uppon3 buiilding, C!then(()(.-rI!~ue:Sl!Curirv s', or Imti..Q'lrOY weapons. It is whispered tha,r. eve;n after death. thocK stn,u::I'Llre~ recaln some form 0( ~~II!!\'olet.r eeneteeoe. but none. af W...:!'s fC.-Ienlllirs care ro PIJlJUC; thb angle {or evldence.

Whil~ these breeds are 1)a'1'[l,cl.ll\llrl~ suited for certaln ~,$k$, l.he\, may bot used for ilny cf them, For instance, wuh some extra prepanuiclI~.;3 CQUlqua[ot cenbe used recreate Fomorol, (If a Rfi\il~t DlBf be csed to pollu1e a pond.

Ltve ~mOfflch '!mil' be used to create po.'tl!"nt batches o( Pomoecl, celled Alpha. ~mOO'(JI. Thw far, hl)we\·er.lfljet~ tiOO$ of Alph.:a~'Fr,mtOro1 ba v e Lrutantly knte:l femon and 'h.., A]so.lbt- precess used recreate Fcmceel hom live fomOfa(;h U C:lo:tff:mA!lv lU"Ipleasanr and IJ:!il,l<lllly re$Ult$ in a de3d fomoracn or iii dead-Sl;icnti:s( or both_ Alpha-Fomorol inj«tiom intO fornor.J!l:h art: curr~ndy being tested. On .he crheeband, A1ph3~Furnoro! iSUk'Fulln creartag ck;1tN'l~ erase Oilroo anclJo:r s.e~'o!:rd'f injurln~ h,c"khr Q.l"(IU (1.'1,1,."0 non-eoakable ii1ggT" WOUOO$ per jl'lj~ti"CIn),

Based Ion. [he evtdeoce !h,e)' h.aV'C ~athcro::l, some of [lioo'~ (Q(I.tli.i'lktng R~vcling Progr..,m St:1.C:luf:sti h';'POf.hesue trutt the rnQl'I! ~ne:flue (omQ("9cn - dete~leNl(f!, rba[ ts, evenforfcmoracb - become Beneswhen theydie. Th'CK (O"mor:nc::h~Srme5 arc etcacsed eo ii!J~d ~ci9l11y well ,!1I.II~d for oC'atin,g flr:W fcmoeach. Wid:. each new tclJet'a(lon, -approldJrulrel}, one pereenr become Benes. 11 iad',s -!iCi~nt:~ts .specu.\;~(i! (Mr. given thts inerease Ln (omOT"oieh·Bane$, the overall strength ~_nd PQ'A'er of


The ml!r3m.Q~~t.:, I rsclfd I«o!~dl!,~~h'~ 01'1 .",.hed-:II~~r or not ",00 are an I.liad or a Villager, Manr Iliad fcmorech .em~r ~1!oC:[ IUad-ruo 1'I\e1'l't;)t ho:wi:t;)t:5; :)In.<! 1eh~l_blllm· !iOD p~m~ 'If.§. hm,[IIIM and e;ll;.iit :J,!; (Qfru)rj .or ftm1.Ol'!iI~h, Odlc:rs are r3HI'I r'rom 8mong tr.1!: uMtabl1!: t.1I:mLcli':.!3;. dudrtJt ~jC~. iilnd und:of:r~ (Orr«tLoi"J i.nULrut~,s. (J li<ld .so;:;i-l:]J(i.~'[S f.avor the moJdabt~ minds C1f [h~ ~"olm~). For '9. mom .... yoor~rd5-llrl,l:M!kI'lGM't:3rroYQ!.!l.ll['adsc:I:eTI(t..s.t.!: - ~n;~ 'YOU witb Fornrn-I)] 'I.mtil you ~tut !o i«! ,),oork:lf c--h:mfiTlg. A[ lhi.:s poim~ "Joor w::mb m_o ... !! you tl) 3 ~ Ighkeu(i,tr po1i:i1 ....... l:\4i:r.e 'f(Iu. ilte stJta:prcdi .al)'wn t!..Tl.d left !'o oomplc:rc ~'oor nan.sf0flr.l3lriorL in uw!:r darkl1C5S.. 1 f OO[ ;)1_Tt'<!(l\y ttle-:n:. tJljj,_n,y hUroLL~ etoo ttJi: threfh.old into

t msamry '3.1 U.1.:5 POIl'Lt. You aJ'1!: ~'I!UI noa. Qono! [0 talk !Q

1 r~. .~.:I~ .. ... _ .. ~ __ 67_.

~/ "'

roQm~"'_; end ![hl! ((:I;IYiOI! 100 .",.l'i0f1ll \b~;)~ red, is tncreasing, Tbev esnmate tbat in eeventj-ftvc ~" ell else being cqunl. fomceach ~,m euenumbe- fOf['l..or:i ~WQ to ~'"

"'laying a '1omorach

On 1-., f:.U.IIl'OLn$ w'ith severe piye;ho-qio;;;.d fll!lw~ 'IDa-y betransformed il'loo fomerach. &xSU:iC or rbetr inherent :iMta.bility, l>entc.K w,lIt'1lS to ensure fomorach remefn ~i~ Ienr u(loro,ln~ LO rhe t~M:'[!I of che OiU0!83 Plan. ]f';nc. e:.:pethne:n.t gets Out o( band, it wLlt no~ hesuete to dispose of [l-ie fO'rnor:acl-i; thus, ir h,.j.1'dly needs W be ~Id that i11djvidlJab who 'blJck l?Ki,j~ lliad',5 :iIIutOOrLI:)' in thesborc rcrm ere tmecedierclvslam,

Afree S3\'il'l~ them from [l-io!ir werds '~e below), Illad informs 3111 fom~ .of cheie tQQm,LI'!.g ml)JmJ!I;y, then promtsee them immmtalitl' in exchange for loy;a]~, For o!:h:Jr:)Ctl!!'!S. tl-ils -..-.-eU as [IIild'~ p10irttse j)( tremor[311 tty, ~hou ld rhJOW lmoeven ~t'!!r relief r..h.eir m(WI..5troUS .struggte fOT lifr-, health, and nDJrnali~.

Once emLrdp nid'9 prCije-c[, r«emlv femcrach bnve been spnl'l~Jng lip- outslde or Ubd';!.la'bor:uo-rli!$, tn ~man [0Wi'I!l and beckwaed cemmcntnes. These Io,Li'lCt)1'tH'QUd OOMI)t:3.o!:I-i ere rargers {Q~ ':=;)PN~ or I:,!f'!"el~!'ihl"!t ~~tB'!-!1j~ I;lo;)ti,(l~_ \Vi,th t_he St'(;iryloC,ll.:r'~ p;:::r'iI'!~iOO, roo have the ehOi,(;': oJ pl:a.ym~, a femcrach from J'~ labs (who have longc=r m~:s.;S.UCI-i:as rn~,' 9.1"(:) L)T from these 'L"i1121~ (who ;ajl! LJ-nli_lely ro s\! ..... I,,1i! (Q~ i, t~M oee wy'_ AI!hoogh vi U!ii!gl: 'onwrilo;n !!I~ nor king f~' thi,:s. ..... rcrld, at [east th.:;~ have eome freedom and 31 chance to org3niic O'tM!I'$ or !_h.oi!~' U~ a@:;).h~! tl-i~ (~etS <tf Pefbt'i!>: (-even so, they ale not lL'k;:::l~ to 1:t:St lon,g)-.

Once you have decerrnlned which type of fcmorsch you woold '1Ik~ too ph!iV Illtad M Vllbg.e-) , ereure your ebaraetee. All fomomch cbarecteea heve two or more visible and ~L~ d~!i.n.g !I;IhonJ~t -de(orri'll~r~ ~nd at 1.~;)5.t one INIjOol P:l"~'1;oolog:jW!l~ IJ9w_ThO::f moo take the iFl.!:!vr. Def-or· rnity 2100 rhe Tatnc Doomed (!!!!her 4 or S ~ll"!.u).

'1omorach Jlrelu~s

(~IJi]iin~ yoo(:a_~ ~liil t;)ll.) ned tloO'oo.oe t(!!er! to. Yow food is laced wuh trace arnrsmra 0' Potnoeol a~ onl ... comes coee a thy_ The: d;)rl~s:s ~;(:M roo .... "(Ifioderif'!~ about the extent of ~""Our change. Ifor tnsrance, some It;Io:ffiiO!':'I_eh feel K1~-cl~\'~IOf!h~~ (In [l~i, loodls" bu! carmor see them, wbLdt exacerbates the _growin~ ~pprcn~~ioo'_ 111o! ::m)(ic:~" of 1'101 knowing what is happo:::nirll,g [0 l'Ot.!:!' boar IU it mutates, coupled wit~ t~ .$t~ (I( -yoor -0""'" jl'll'la[t; p~t=h.oIOo8.~l fl9.1S;5.,. becomes o v .::rwl-idmiri,g 300 ;::"c:ntllELll-y roo (:ruk.. T y:pL(:ii.lh', F',rojoC~t lbad ~nods some fornor~!;O hdp ~'0lI "escape" frcm tnLs. nlghenarc. thc:n=:1Jv yoor tl'\.l.'!i~ and pemepa your 10001IIltV. and the game "'t:Jru,

'Wh;le fomceacb Villilgc~ are '1"11')[ quire ;iisdebilil":ii~il1jly lrtsene, the ... eevertbelesshave eenocs ~ch.otogic::d naw.s... Iv" 'iL Vmag-c::r, you may come hom :J rural Lovccraluan rowe whoe~;a ~rt of :spltirt![ll i'I1I[ll;LId-y has eee lil'l~ l"i'I;,lklns L~ a playground for Benes. Or \'OU rna., bot :rI c.i('p" person addict«l to sotne black-market drug (acmell ... Foraorol] .....,I\l(h ~ roo feel powe.rtu I, Ot: pet~il.j)$ ycru"foC :L!. suicidal upper-class suburban OOLl.S~ik wLrn a peechanr fee anracring SaMS, 'Wharewr your b:tekgroond, whcr. you find vecrself .::n:mgln,g:, sou cen ... fnce ~-..our.s.elf i L~~ for [l-io!~; ll'kI!Set'h 'Bruru:311! i-n Thl! Fly, ~"(II,I,ti!t!'1 O!fi~k, at ive, better ~!1 ~""QIJ~ .. e f~lt in ~~I$. !kit tlii:r1 YO\! ~tmt oming, or s:prOlJtLt1.g wiry hail, 00 p1)w:in~ <i king, homed prcboscts from \'llI<J.T hip, and yoo begin ro wcndee ;f eVt!i"f[hif!@: l!l ~ OK ;as It !je~ffl(.,.j_.

Ot. v iou:sl ... , femoracb :U'C" ncr meant (0 be ptayo!d as ~rnc(-m rot le:ngth.1" ehrordo:le.s:. HI)wI!1'er, !hoey ffi:3h jdeal cnc-shcta and arc great ir used fur 21 brief, intense dip loro the re:IIl norJ'1)1 !be'h Lnd! l~eoOfIC(!f'! (I( r(l[)~011_

Pew fo:rnoF.l_cn '11;;i'IN bo!;~rd' of Q:uw. SiriU NU·n be li~jn~ for 00]", a 'I::W ....... eeks Or InOn1b1; :J~ the moU, ~""(1IJ'lI ~bly Ority bear of ehem wn.e:n Nu meet them. Y (IlI'1i be t-okl to guard some F'ormu outpost or scoot the fQfoe:!it ne;arby. 2100 then you'll Find cue pn=:n,;, quiClkt'f.' ••

Do ;:'J'If fOOl.O!'aeh ltve more mai10 slx m_Oi~t~1 A vtr'/ few, ber because of rbe l'Iamrt:.of u..i!:ir powers, !illrv~~'in!: (Io:ii'!.(I~e~ ITIIJt;).!e ooee. a ..... >ee~ leu ~ re5t (If ~l,ei~ I i I'd, piclo:in8 ~ l'Io!W diseases ee pain_fut alreearioea of [heir bcdv's unnaruml strecture. If u-t-ey live. thl:J can beeco-e more powot!'fu~ than even G300U. bu! !hq' mllit ofndll'r~ ~~t~!T1~ p;)it1 a~ (!iKoml)o~~ ev.:t'r ~lin~ ffi(li'ri~riot.

~ 'j)1dest (cm\O~eh 0'"' tl!(ord, ~rom I ~s da\~ orfll'$!; full

metarn1J!pOOs~ ha:s livro for two ~-C=<!r!i. 'U:lhC"J1 not ocr1.~ ~d! iri lll.s_d pMj~, IL is bp[ In ;a ~'Og.t':I'Ik r:mk m pr~"~flt it :l"f(i<fiL enJiriog ~tS a.g.ofl'; br rlt:'p'ii1i1: i~l( "1W!t't wiLh. its: hool:.0;:1, Whel'l t3~n oo~., it is pwnpcd 1I'itb fl'i.Qq:.hli"l/l:;)M ~~ ,1~;):3.;) OfIl(:.rH~tSC_joJ~" :i!n'il.l"_ All,e~ twe:nry rornoncl-i are 1«j1J.;r.oo to gct i[ bacik. into tho:: .::ryogenk ~f.ilt" ~.::h rlme_ They ar-e [t.J!o ysed r.o Cr!!aro! mtlrt F(mKIru~., ••

/U.horrifKiI.'!i Donna. (non-Il;jll~) fOf'I\Qrl maybe, tM'fcan 't hold a candl~ ro [he utter R:pub-j"cn= and po'ln-:r 01 I_M :!rUf.Cmatur.-1 eeeamres 'A'hQ choose [0 join or 9Jt forced into s-ervimdc by Banes. Vemptres, Oaroo, ,ma1'1g<!li li~. i'I)~e$, pydlitl .. nd iI"\.Ili1i.fl'dl!';ll may 31l be Bane-ridden, Wmitru 1Il3I'f

not, ill thc.'Y have no ~~l bod'!!II rD serve as hom. for rhese Wyrm-<orruptcod ~iril$. 1 tl$-teoo ..... -r.:lilhs tna~':l:1 rimes rn~ljl.r~, OA."lthln;ll hosr 'b:xfy.:as ma)' Spectres, Tbu i~ not the same R!!i Bane poM('uLon,lltnd i& not covered here.


- R~)[, "A(tC:t Xe v ten The Age: of ApO(;]II~·J.)$C" In WoMpOt1 X


Lw~ __ ,_Chapt_ .. : .... Th .. ,....: .. S"==~""=_· .. 1F,.tJmtm •• • ... III"'.IIJoiIII __ 69_.

Supernatural Character Creation

Supemarural £OmOri u.,;Jil'acrttt b=gin with whatever ch:ar:lCler ceeeuon process their p,mkubf gal'Dt: eneatls, ThU:5-, vamptres '3rl! ereared and recet v e t~ Rgl._d~t Duel:pIl~t:!S ecccrdlng (0 d9:I1, lind thei;t Oth-~ armbutes (Blood Pool, ViT!uI!:!I~ o!!c.) based on (Moil" 8C(1.t:;r;;:~'tioo. Q'UQIJ recetve rbeir Gi{t$, CMflf:~lL~ ~'O([ Am [mod Realms, mages ebcose .heir DUlSic\::al Spheres, ~bk., buy Nl.Iminaaod mummies gcoe.:rnle lhe:i,rStkheRl. Ev(',ry' thing ill created 3$ if [he character were gOing co be a ncenel member ofher race. Bccon'dng fomori is all in tru:

Pewees and Tatare (and the prelude).

fDelirium lmmun.ity

A Power 'Which ehnost all ilJpCm3(L_J,l"!IIl (omori posscse withem having; to P"Y (or II Is Immunity to the: Delirlum_ Th!!:)' aft! Immul'leby lIirtueofbcing$Upt:rfI.:lr'ilt;lI, and {I\cy don'( lese II when tbey change inro fomori."T'he eeeeprtcn to. IhJ~ I~ [hI! ps.~'chicohanic;(of>T, Psychi~ 8lIJSt n,;:L'oU: at 1~5L three 00" i.1t (Li\~ coeblumtna i:n.ordt,r to be im nll,.lne to the Dehnum, Othetwi$e, !N}' must pal' for the pO'Wi:J jw.t I iii!' all other fomori.

.:A.lDers an~ 'l:aints

Onec the character has been created, the StOf"V'u.:ttcr and the p!a~"Cr ~hould decide tOi:e[hcr wlu!, P1Jwtr3 end T:a.i1'l6 the ioolvidlJjjt will havaBetrcr &tilt, the P~l~ ,hOl,lLd ~u~p tilde end lee mcStmytellcrgu f1!53]1v creanve. NO( all (omori soolJld be ewarc of C'WT'f power thC)' may !U3:!'ilfes[ in a SttCSl!i etruancn, Nor $hovld they necessarily have II due: what thl!'dl'"~wbaelts are (0 these wondrous new ~ r:he~'\fot through ~lin.@: wirh rhif! W\'rm - until it's tOO lnre. y.ou:tiUd for lt, pi.1-we[m(Il·~r. These aee bo\I,ght wid:' a purchase ~n~m Ute tt.:;II[ used oa pitlo Mefiu; and F1a"".5, Powers .. ~ pUAA'lsed by raking T ii1in~.$ tO~t I,hem, Funny how dun old catci1·U SI'I~ up on £Omori. tsn'e it?

Of OOU[~;, (he ,.;hikrtK-tc-r Is (!'ee rc rake r-egular Ml!'riu and R;)" .... "$ es .... -ell ,,go ahead, me more lhe ~rn~r), but oone may be used eo (;J~t Q1 control any PoI"C"u cr'T IIlt1-U the ci't:arn.cl6 takes, Take a.'!i many as ~'(MJ "'<l_m (t.I!:';', rhar'e'aOOl,l.t betll8 ~Up.!:ffi3.lUJ3tl, but remember, the more Pow(:f'5),<)u want, the lDOre TiIIlf'I[!I \IOU have rc rake, E~li.r.ually, you bave so rnlLTly Taint:J, )'w're fiQI\-viabJe fOT :any length of tirn~_ PQQf. YOUT bead fllilsoff ..,,'h=n roo H<Jfll:ll,.lp'_ Tfme to creare ::mD~r characrer, How il'bo-U 21 reasonable one thi.1 ~;_~ 1

HOIQ Im~ Why Vampire '!omori

Wt.o!n nlt bas been decided, Storyro!!t~ and ph~ Cm~ri.:: ~1JIll

eboald !:l:eMTIllU:: a prelude whicn iJJdlJ~ the circum-!:;!; under whlch m_1! Ch3r:ilC[C'1" became 31 femcr, In ~fl (jf a.IJ Iwnwnir,

gene-tall. it ~ f~J mote cJ:ijftwlt fer a B~ too ~ a. Aji!rilW/N.!.[ afahf«[ irJ!..'.mif)' ~

eupemamral indi ... idual, a."!i most of them have waf.§. to fight A darl:. ..:Jm.Il.i., PN~ dw:

off ~I,!t:h ;3!"J i"' .... ;J.$10:0.. Oa.rtA.:! C;)(! S[o!p' o!oldew::.W [0 banle - Ower, "Crack ;1'1 the: Egg!'

Banes in che Umbra, while rn~ with the Sp.irit Sphere O:UOll believe [11& vampjru. are creatures of the WfTTT'

ml@:lu :twkl 8.l~ al b3l' or dl.5.m~ rhem. Ml,Lmmil!;5. have ti.'[I)-....ray, ro whr t'100t go "",hole- rll:Ji:l V~mp[fe$ ~I,IM ptOV1dl!

several parts. to Uu=jr souls :and arc thus quite: diff'"lGUlt to rni!: easteae ~rgc:[;5 for BaM ~on as. II\3Iny are shemsel ... ea

best if,l ~ sp.;tlw:al b;)ute. and! ~1'eh.b cao ot~e::.) ;pro!o!eI corrupt. They're: Litt'OgLIlii!_ f1:\ef\""t' be~te;J'I de;)th and e~t!.i"""

rhemael v es. from ~pjritual asseule, MiJi!i~ vempjree have no 1i.51\ed' themselves s_( tM top or the food dhain. tMf'[,(; faster

!oUCh prcreeucne. "Th,Q1J1!l~ ~ne" are O$(e~!bl"J hell_:l~ to ;mdwOO8:e:r thmhlJ~ .. ea!llXli'li:pelobe:dl~1"l~(rQlY!,~t

r'1!V!!:rH &'nE5 from pos.:i!!;5,!;jing them, [ke:y have tM:iT own bei.ngs, ~nd .;;.a,n ,ch3.f'!~ in,W bae or \i,'!::s~ 01 !omotte: at IQ.'LIl_

method of dealing with it. ~'f conreol .. hI! [XI1i;cI!:;jjJWI [he 1!fi!5S. i'.old aMJJ[ arrumf: [hit

Banes r.r.;jj[ rT'ji' [(I pesaeaa LJl'lwilli~ supcmarural hosts ii~[3Iti:and iI1tist5-oftht::ir;;;Lt~, end l)\Ie~\last(OitIJ~ I(

IID.I.'!il too~.f'tJK ItI.2Ikc= S successful Gncels loll ... ersus the ~hr: ;)OCI'.!If-=: ;,\'fI el'i.oem.~, '3 v.lIM'.,pi.fl!- i1I<IIY ~J(I'f"~ OPPO~fL[

p1~h'e beer's Willpow~ 4-2 to. att-! th~ tak-eovet. -o:r~i.m~'P'QI,.![liVi! !him, Wh'fsoouldv.ampirc.s believe rhar

If[!;1! Bane \,1,Ij~, It r.MI'I 1I],'Ill( ~pt!:n.d 21 hceea undisraebcd tbA=y won't have the upper bend agajnst ean~?

whill: it m<ini'~ iMido!:- the n(;L'5t. If ~hi~ ts $I,,!~ul, !h~ Whc:hr it i~ this bdLd" cr the blood Q~ Q.i!"J~ wniol;t:.

Bane p!:n,[lll~dy ~pe~ iI poi;nt gfWinpO'W-e~ ~:o K1Mi~r protects tMm, l;{1o:sl VilI~p~~ :!;I,;!q;.ri~ I ~ ~Il (M.Jt (If iii!

its. h~d on me victim. Tbls pcmuffi-l:fldy lowen the: ,reAlltl Bane [ha~ man:ilg~,i ro pcseess them, MIJ;;;n lib: the reach

in,g fomos's wmpowcr :k§.\Ir"'c=U, Beceusese ma.:n.f-Fllpematu[3~ lnQoct Banes go jl'l, bur tht=y (;:m'( g~[ oct, Nor arc: th~ ~m

ifmldt:;S. are able W ftg]i( baek, 'InoQo!,[ Banes ttl'll.{ arrempe CI~ In control, A Bane char 5UtX.(:,sdull'Y possesses a

~I,!t=h ~5$!.o1U do so 1.!1'II1t!:r' the ~.roi:;m:$hip. of OlMr.s; ef "';J,m:p.3~ ft~·IA:h; I~lf r~Pf"l!d: In. ill tl!b(klru.h lp in ' it:!!

their kind who fi8h~ fur diem end rrr to keep the vtcnm host 1' her own mlod. The vampire. nlJ!1. the Bane. ~

froen (hrowin!1 off tne: pcsacseoe's inlluence, rbe scnier penncr in. [M arraegemenr. WhA=1'I mey dis.

If the (;hllffiCt'!:l ~!IIn unwillin,g host, Klmo!:- thought miI'Y cover ["'1~" m:;H1I1 !lk:.1'I1!:5.M:e:k [0 flee mit flesh of rhe undead,

be il:i~'en (Q how he mLghI be freed {ir the Bane - U5UiI Uy and rtn;Lt's when t~ discover clt3.t tnty are trapped't

an.Lrn~irnl;ty, Death i:5.'Rl'Wa"J5an cpricn, but immersion _ p<:rman~n~J}'_ W~I~~ to you.~ Own nl~h~I'Ei"re. e;).~

In (1",:: Si I~T l.,a!:.:1i: (tOr O;)"r(ru) Or (Qi:fIC'!:I5~t'in~ $"l.!le~1! (101" budd,;" For dlli:5. reason, vempfrlc fornOf~ are nm::mdy rare,

Ghm'lgc:li.ngd before ~"'Our faerie narurc is utte:d-y dt:.:!!t1O'y1Od Onl-'; ttLc boldcs~ :LiJ'Id baddeer ce the d.,el~ t~~ or the

se thar "JO\Ir faerte 5Q1.! 1 m:),y eeeum !n » clean MW human Bane- worldi 5I::'4!k ro po:;:se;:!i vampfrcs.

bo:Iy arc= elsooenons, Kindred rni~ht be able to burnout Two Bane breeds which do nor have 5OC'h difficulties

I, t'hf.: Baoe iJ ~hJ;y cao witM<i~ tl,e ~w'l'~ buffllng ~"J,~ kwl' wittt KLndrtd ate Blood Booee "nod ~~hl)f!i ... ~h!:;),I!_ nl~

31 fel" mlrunee, and mummies might be eble to ~m eake no penalties ~hl;:":n. 31ltcmptrn.g to possess "'liImpiri£

Bane off' On thelr Ka, efkclLIo'el'y ~Lt"L_g tc be m'l.!~!"n'e.s, cargees, Because of thelr reepecelve OOrmE:(;tkJli~ m blood

~I[ U"li"'li!: cur a Gt"i:)l. i?I.on:tI1if!!.5.NJ.:I'I.. ;)~{f~'V, !_hl!$ol!-63~3U-":tbll!!R;lbes[ rhefehcsrsandeake

WUl1n.s:1"J eurrendeelng 1s aeosher S[OT'( atrlJlgl!:rnl!:r. If rhe control,'I then, vampfres maintain p;tr~~.iI ccrurol

Bane W315 welcomed in bf the best, regludl~rn the reason, over ~ ... ~~~ I)w1'I mInds" ;u II!:I!I! parr cl rhe rfme.

I.~!~ ~Iu~,ty Irn~l'bl~ k.r [h~ Wy,rn.:!Ip<irtr [() M removed Sor.n(! Ki,ndred:>l~Lwty 'i.lI!lc~ ~1'11!:!i. 'X/htrncr re:rnp!.1!d

fr-om rhc crcamre shcn of k.;]]jng both:host and Bene. The mroogh Proj«[ Iliad or wl;:"irJ ritlliilt-s gOru: <Iwry, t~ vam-

creature 1'l3!I d1«:[iftlV [clacd '[Il8C"[bo!r wnh (hoi:: Bane [0 ~~ ~i!l I!:H, pCilftr _ Wh,;I!!" Sabb:lI[ might :sttm [0 'Ix: the

'beoom;:: $(Inl-e! ((;I[f.Jpoletcly M-W:: ",J.tal roroOl'. Perrett hom:, it'~ a,.:;tU&lIy ~m lod~dffit$ and the ~~tlll<i

Thoogh th«;.retiot~lly it jj ~~ble €cw ~i!h of (l\c: Kindrl!:d who. m051 oftl!l'I &ll p:r~ ro ~ as thef r.«II::som.c=

&lJPJ=ma1U1'lII~ ho&u; oo[31i[oo beklw 00 be po:5SIC:!i.Secl by fmy !W.:'Ilo~r, ~; w~po:n W h~1p l.hl!ffl il'L thl! 1yhad :lnd in 'lhl!:l.T

:56f! d fisl'le whick Ciil'l mrrupr 'R bu:1JIn"U"I carril!:r, in Pr:aCI OHgOi[l1§: pOlitical maclJitJa!itr);l$. Th~ wi'lO:l.te too~O\:art ~O-'be I

~jct, «:r!l!Iii'l tl'~ of Banes tend to man;f~ wltM!l e;)Oh_ elIlli£l'[ oommi!ling diablltTH= (sil'lu. j[ ~ IIp in 'fOOl 9.WJ!) ~

!"ti'!. ~ln.:: iXml!:.s ::uc: dl!:[3ilod ;1'1 [h.e Appltooix:andi:ar~ are B.CtlJil.lIy tho!: IRO$1: iib::ly ~O-' ~UI;ootnh !O 6aM «:t'lljJt:iltiOil .

• b~ t'Ypc$ m9$t likc~f to ~1J(1;;,etd i n ~irl,g;a $1.;!~~I\!,r Proj~~ llia.di, IJtld~ lM \~; -e~~ or 1-Ia,t(lId! :loi!l\~~. Lhe

r:al ci'la!'l!c:[:c!r, Esdi CrI!lII[.:!,s 31 romDJi brc:~ with :specifIC Mall.:avi:l1'l ~ board m!::mocr of iPc=mn, h~ reaC1tl},

fuw·Cr!i ynod Tain't$ cli.arll<ter5s!ic or ~l bteoed. ThE5: '" b'i' i:q:un IKli"~lf r«tui~ing Qm,iJima Ki.ndred tor ,I!-):pertm~'~;).

nl) MI!::Jj'l~ ::1.['1 l!:o:k;)u~!I~ H~L FI!i!'l fT!!:oI!' 00 rwt:3~ lhi.ngs :iI.!l tlon I_n (:~!~ng ~Lll)I!rmlW':llI foroo:ri, Their most slX~1

t ::.:;:,;~: ,,~, ~ ,~" ~ .~,. O. ~.'''.o~,~._ ... ",.·"~"_·

~:~Fomori 7/

~mm -_. at UP _


aloo~ H OUI1~ d'olOer5

ill B,!oood Sniffing (2. pts) ~ Thts power aUo'i.lO'S the fomor co track anyone she has come 50 feet ofwithin the last M hours, ~~iall ... ;.sr.~GlIO retum to the place where the person (QT~rufi!) to be

tracked was and can use her reccllecdcn of thiu lndi .... lduar.s blood scene ro track hlm. E .... en If she person I got tntc a iI;8[ and drove off', the t'omotc.:;._n ecccecelv follow him thanks to her ammemenc to nh blood.

If the qua_try is not found wi~hin 24 r.QIJ!"!ii. thl: scent (;:Id~5 ~W;;llf-

Ljkc aoy bloodhound, however, :31 v~roptrioC fumor' with thj:50 ,PQ~r Is v ~'I"" $~l'i,ble ooolf:ac.mry overload. Red pepper ~ r!:sU), :s:tinh fish, 3M .!;il.lll;r. thi.n~ whtch CrOS5i the trail the- fcmor i:s. 1:ollowillg tend to overwhelm the blood scent, causing flrs of ~n.e.=~ir1l;: and gr":=3_t discomfort for the next h .. lfhoo[". The tt:ail m<1ly be picked back up after rhar cme if24 hours have not el-apsed. Additionally, me evccanve seell of the: bl~ ~ing fullo1,l,re(I blocs out blood which is closer to the fcmor _ She can nee nonce any other blood during the time. she is actively huming her first quarry, and rhus me rna)' not hum or drink other blood. This wuld lead rc a frenzy if {he fcmcn Starts 00 me nail hungry.

Sij"srem. The fomor doesn't need ec ron to actlvate this Power; OIlC;e purchased, it i:!; a natural tibiHry, However, Percepdon + Alermess rolls may 'be: reqtl ired eo di!ti.n.ruish me ql.ltirt'"9's. blood from other smells in me area, Only one r:a.ta;et m<iI'p' be hunted :U a ~im~. The character can sme 11 the scent from 20 Yi!lrds away, If more rhan 24 h01JtS have elapsed since ehe ecerrr was lefe, th~ power is useless .

.. Blood Vomit (4 pu) - Thi:s PO"M:r j~eK~c.dy wha~ it$(lo\j~ I;_ke. The V3ffipirK: fomot m3lY elecr ro '"'omlL up a gout ofblood (equLvalei\~ ro OM Blood Polnr) at a. target no more than two jaeds in from of her. The ~'llitatc:d blood has been changed II,.. t~ fcmore Wynn-t::a.intl!d body and is now mere like "'~f.I!!i lrn Of 1 ~L! W! fir!!! th.. .. m mere bleed.

SYl5itern! The fomor spends one Blood Point and rolls Dcxteri(f + Atbteuce (0 eim The blood $p1'fJ'J. The [atW=t must be within two yat<h of the fotnor (and tn"8'1' -an-empt to clod~). If the IIItt!N:k is successful. the I::3orgl!:[ r-!!'(,l!i~"tWo leve.l$ of eggrovared damage which cannot be soaked (exeepr by FQnin.,de}. Th.i:s: pewee miil' be used as tn;:my tlmee as the fcmor lang as .she has the blood to ru~1 it, Blood drained from 'II brij:lI:,t takes at least one tum before ·Lt can be v-omite-d up.


• DiRued. Blood. ( .. pt~) ~ The vamplrie fomor suffers ( recurring escles ofjllness from me diseases earned within her blood. She may experience chills, rag;lng fever, headaches, nausea, grlnding p n m or tcmble weakness, ShE! breaks OlJt in spors, rashes or ulcerations, or develops K3,posi's S31rOOm"3l, which is characterized by i"n<iIligniin~ bluish-red ~kin tumors. Normal anlmels tend to .!ihy away from her (even if she has Animal K-en,), :s.t=nsing the rottenness afhil:t blood. AdditWnlillYt those d\!l f«.ds !TDm ~Voi= a 90% chance of ~c:omlng inf~c,te:d by S(1m~ sort: of W"M.t:ing disease such as AIDS.

1l1""!3ii_r1;E how ml,!,(;r. fun u is fOT her t:Q bLW and {ted from :31 wer~WQ~(_ Y (;5.,. eV4!:O those mangy cusa can be infltCred. by thi~ brand new, eupernennally-lncubared disease, Yutn. If these aff~c"t:c=d ere the vampire's regular hero, feool;ng ftom them af~r she has inf~cted them causes a recurrence of (he dtsease wi min her.

Sysrem: Due ro m-e tremendous stress ~hiis disease creates, a B1.o.;xI HOUM loses a dor frcr .... "!. Strength and

Stamina and one Willpower point evecy monrh_ This can be offset by a special treatmane, rC!quLril'lg 31 complete blood rransfuslcn v:a.mpLre-styl!: (via moceh :Jft:II:T dra iOini', available &om Project J Had. N:a["LL:rn.U", Harold Zt::tder~:!o blood ls used i!J1. me base fur (be: Ueatm.enl, those vamptees 'Who sougn{ greai:~r ~r by beccmmg fomcn have mseead become Bkod Bound to the M"IIlb'lfian an[:j'rn~. and must tum to him to preserve their unlives.


• __ ~= ~.w~.,~ .w"

aloob Houn~s 'l:raits

Powem (Rc:qulrtd) BlooJSntR'li'1g(Z), Blood Vomit (4) T4!lintl~ (Rcqulrcd) &el!t! Pte:judkt. (2), Diseased Blood (4)


hl'la!!le-: Blood Hounds mayappeanUi ncrmalhumaos (if the ".~mptl."e ~ [he Ml!:n[; Baby Pace], OJ ffiq ma~ seem [0 be t~nibly ill, with Ieelons and obvloU!! sores ~~tUll"~ ~t::rQ$..<J theiuld.n.. Steee [he.disC'aSC: runs ~[1,G"CIe.s, the 1Jampi.ri(; fomormay seem ftae cne n~ht. hlJ( look HI:e a bubonic pl~ vtertm by [he ne:t:[ nlSht. Bleed Hound breath I_~ In.etedibloy f~ll, es mQl.lJJh the character bed been'll1l deca ... ing blood around in her rooo~h...

GoI!nf:~ls.: B!ood Hoooos arc= created wben ill Blood .sa.fle, a :spirit which serves the: Eater-of-Souls, possesses OJ vampire, These Banes are highly areaeted eo infQ 1M vampi~'s bloodstream and inf«tu-tg her with a v:trietrQ(blood·bom.ed:iSl!;lS4!:s,On(hc~:sidlC.mcrging with tt.~ E'i:).M Ij:lr,i'~ Ii'll! ~'3Impl~ an extra three pointlo in her Blood Pool and I)llQW$ "'I!~ re use one exrra 8100;:1 Peinr per turn. It also Pf"O"idd h~r wi,t_h tkl! ~~ Blood Sniffing and Blood Vomit (~,id~b;Jid. Oth~ ~t'S are also ~jble:, but vary acccrdtag to the indjvidual.

Hi$r(n-f: Blood Hounds have only run around fur a short nrne. A brul nellliu cr Harold Z .... '1[IIC!r, the: parent program is inrendd to force Blood Bends UpOll C::1_itl'lrlllri Ktndred and pl;)C:t_ lhem Inro f,IOoSl ~i(kl'l!i of trust within mat sociery. Since the- fomon created h'i 'L.:ttlet Uti ~ (11'1 thdnJ*~[(i()lN:rstl~marul1ll1cr~a.t\lrC!.lct~lcr hopes rhev will weaken 00111 lhe C3m;)rit1l1 and the Oarcc. Addlr1O'1'1~IIV, meir llbilit~, 10 follow a blood trili! makes drem perfect "bcunde" for ~ illl!!: iUSllJ..')tl\l tOO rhe birs of Ih~ [hey reack. The: program is still in uu:: expcrtmental .st3l8'l=i on~y II few Kindrtd l-ave been changed 3.1: vcr,

Rol!::playing Hif'i1'Sot YQI,_I oon't feel ve1"f~_ This was $I)~d mmake you powerful and intimidat'ing; i.n.;;tcoo. l'OU fed wretched. In between$ or nausea and furile attempts to cover those d15guS"t.lnglOre:s all ffi'iI!r your face, }'oo mci:h.;l_~ (0 Feed and gonbout 1Qur busi.11CR5. The blood vcmirdeel is prenyoool.l:lntl )'QIJ lilt: l'i)'IIiI)gc);,t~ blood, jm.t like lin tJcrer. Nobody bencr mess with you (while you'r~ leeHng h.~llhy).

iPsychDmachiat anb the Singlf Vampire

rfYl=hO«la~hliLe have 30 Held day with V21mpiI~ IJSIJIJIlly (:;!toi;h in8 tMin b}o ~ul'f.lrl54:' and ,~llppiD8 in unnodced durinc <l (Rmy. They rQiI aboul, causing the new fcmoe to I!:naaae in wild killjng sprees (Ma."9:'l,ucmde! 'Wh:.t M3:S#

----- ... -,.".......~--

QUI::ffidc~) characterised b~ the most sicl::~.ning violence and murilationa imaginable, Lruo!!' 'IIl':h;h pe:r1Ci<b of pro~ ['rll::liirKho~y pil.r".mrnii. ~b.nv "'lIImp'.ir~ never 'know shcv'vc OCil!D turned true kmLQr~: mmf OO~'~ remernber wh<lt they do- wbi le under the uf8ing 1Jf the ~1;oorrea;;:;hill., [' 00( caught ~ vampire huarcracr crediC2{OO in :II Blood Hum. the fom_or Ii:!Wflfi,l;)lty scceumbs to urrer madness, Thougheuch fomori olten exhibit tncrcdfble C.u1'L1'I if'lg and ~!\Iel ry. oeee t~ have ~! too~ ..",ilh rtality, tM)' ~1J.iI]]f don't laat lon:c:. 'Those: .... '00 dIo survi v r:: are d!lI'l!mo!l,;, da.i'I_~roI,!S i)PPO~l'I1:$. V:;)'-i~piC"!"t (Oq-nori ereilI~ r rom Ps ... .;:;hOITI3Cb.;:a-e can have: just 2IOOU[ !HloV oomMriI":ui()1'l of PO\l}I!~:ro t.o~g as d~,l!!r are (lU's-et by T ;)~!:ltS ..",;;n cause the vampire [0 expertencc il:Ji1HnS rages and l<lk't:iJ]$iln~tKticm.s'.suc;hIl.5oIl[);::~!'ll!m,=:nt).

All vampjrce suffer mcneal do!r3l'1g!!:.Mi!TLt cosemedegree whee possessed. T1i~k P'S)f<he.s cannot ilId'just to pt:a-ying second fiddle: roa Bane. E"'~lUllii."Y, it 1\Q~"dl'!g I!~ ~l"$~t.e vamphtc fomcr, she will rtrif[ further and further inro dl'lS3..t'l1 rv. ~n.)' f;)lt ptey to. Cili!f100nia. and -cl ill: Wnt'11 the.sun riJQ upon th4:mi others go out in II ki lling he:ru·f, Scree become so paranoid (hey l-ock rhernscl .... ~ awav, 31frn.idi 00 veruure oat even for blood, :andi curer rorper. W(i1t 10 dlo!: poor ;S.]ob thee aocidcn.13Ilt1 W3lo:e~ them q~

Carou rJomor;

One 0' the most horrendous faeee .1JKi.S[ Oaecu c.31'1 imagine ;s ro be peescsscd by ~ 'B::U'II!. M;)rlI·'1 o!h~f'w~ brave and h .. rdy ~l"Oe$do.a.i.a l ...... '1I1Ible lit the (h.oo!1ntof becoming W..,rm-t3lLmlMl, and far dills; reason, thl!Y ~I!.;:i.f' 8Hl!!hr~ and Hoe.lll' us t~!'i:y fear no!l,jn~ else, f-.or 1nl.!"i r part. Ba:n'C:5 deli.cht in overcoming and c.orruP[ins: G.'I.i;ill$ defenders. and! m::tf'Ly held ecoeesss ~(I see Ivhieh Baoe ~

powerful or clever e=noogh (0 rtdc a Oeroc. Because Benes ";:i.nd O;)f(J1.1 are :<!..ll~lh-el-I'!:<I toone another, she n~ fcmor is at ....... ear with himself There is III constant Mruggle: !x(\ll,'C1!1'I ~J:,e &~ portion of !hc forn.1J!l lind hie Carou side, The mo-e he nTug:sI~ howl!.~·l!.r, thi! ~~;)t-er <!I Qo.JOO'$ R~ beecmes md .. he lese able he is [0 coruro] hie OLf[~,

Th.c: spiri[~ woo tnc.n Gifl:!i ro [hit G3Irou will not [ellCt. ! whl):)~ Wyt["J)r~~;!!!ed ~"ld. rd"~ m ;jIpprO~,<;Il tt..r::1t1 i' :stIIJUTIOT11::d, G::rWIJ. fOffi1Jri c3In lc2lm 1'10 O[hc:r Cit(.§. c:.:(c~[ ~ knrn.m m (he :Bli'ic~ Spir.a I ~_I'IC!!rs. ]f CHtu -(!oJ" tl~es are ~ tOo hl.mrnCl'Jl spjJi~.:s., QJl]Y Banes appear. Of OOIJ.T.£"oII::, (h-c- ni::W fomor do« gain £W6 pc1rm2ln~ri.L polm5-of R~ Lmme-a 1;;1II~ly .( \!!iI!~ thi~ ...... ,ould: pus~ M~1.l ;LIJ;.o ... e t-ett ro~i"\td-

A._fiyOri.e"""O ~ SCnko VII rtm OOltht. oorruptt=d: Garou Gan. tell [h~[ [t.e -c.h.sHoCtC"r ;~ Wyrm.t;)ln.~!!-d ~1·rll.i!.S:S: "he ((iofIl.(Jf h;,l:S !h"= :power l:)e(epticm, whi.:;h hidd trj~ trueI'I9Iturc= under :a f:aJsc aur::! - 31nd 'IlC!ry fC"\\l' G31"OU fmrLOri b<!l"e ;)c;(es.1 to d·d~ pOt:Cfil pOlio'Cr. E.~ with Dc.;:;~p~ion. In.e fOO1.Qr!.§I :tC.dL')TI~ willl!. ... l!.nt"~l'y ~ve h~," a'Pl<ljl'. The




5pirirual r1J[ WLd'dl'l can. only be- h i.ddl!:n. so long before h b.J~~ (o.rt!;" a~d th.~ iiidi.e~t perS:OO"IL~}' t:h:i:u:rlJie whteh accompenlcs 21 Darou's rransformar ion tnro :i!I Iomor will r::e~ll'dy cause ~1..Is:pieLon e\'"tl'l ru~ a dieek {or W},nn· taint ~OOI.VS no problem. This assumes, of coerec, that (he femoe even ~!1'I;)iru ..... nh hls pacll..

G3IT"OU are hardlv helpless ..... hen it comes ro fliihrinlil 0« an att9t~ing Bane. Wi1n thetr knowledge of Benesand the abll irv ro .5.II!f1 st.dl!.,,·ay.o: rhe Um'br.ll, Oa['(ru ha· .... 1!. :iT! "d:"'ilnt;)gc nenher mortals, ncr most supemarurals haVIC - b-aLding Banes 0.1"1. lh~lr hQ~e turf, where [t.I!'r7 can be deuroyt:d. Uurt.l wa.iting hdp-lcs:sly for the posses~ioo [0 rake !!:IT"::Cl, Garee m!i.ydl!'i!.~!I"J acrerepr [(i1l:tm thelr ..... '"(Iwld-bi: ~11. ThediffL-t.Utt~ari~whel'l the irrvadLng Bane brings alllng several doR-n F.n;::nth; to keep the GD.ffiou ecccpted whlte l~ ~H~ ~t'II::).tId ~!~rr$ To!;).rt:r!T!I!:-;~ Il..l\.e""-el-ewolrs menta] furniture.

Then there arc the fcolfeh Oaroql who 31n! nll'i;:;ro;i! by jctrlous.'Y OJ hatred of a pack IRCmOOT OJ 31~ at rheu lack (I( i:I!'(I!,"IW'llon ec h 1:!!.~ler ttlfl!.:jj (I~ siropJy M! wise eOOlJgh to e-;LIi"no:<l. "!I!:~ pol;ji;'C i'l."h,4:: ~t- These Gercu scrnenmes betr;).y <!Incl1n~i.[ k:p~" invitin.g the Wyrm to enter in exchange fer the power they chink "",ill enable shem [0 rule. BaM;5.o£Corrup.'liDn cae rbcsc GUys fur hmeh, and theG3IrotI rcamee onl1 wh . .::1'1 i('$ LOCI late [hu he has. ju:51 ~!,"i-11,1 ned ilrl(lt]wr lQ ]11,;};:;~'l:t bi(i;l -:;)Jl 1J(1I(:1~~(I"~L-e11.spi.rit tru.~ now cocrrcls end mardpulates him in cbc service of rhe WjITIrI. E'I,'ltmu:ally. ehe sr::ruggl..! against [be Bene's petmacv, ehe SJ-I llr lne v k;libly sorfaces as [~, ~O\~ reulses what he's done, end the :sa"'~ry of me frcnJf thar rhe fcmer repearedlv falls i1'l1[Q !31.:i!. [t.l!ir [(III. The once.stOOI"1Jl: bod.~ of the Garcu (cmwr becomes rfddled with ccerupnoa. nls, (OOJ!lhu; muddled and incoherent, If hts t{wi'flC-t p<i<kfl"l(L{e$ doo~'~ rip hiS d'.1(IQ~ (M:Jt fur hi m, one ~ bi.!. ru!wfouoo h-rmds. :amo.~ chc Black Spiral Do-iI'lCC'B! ~bl¥ w~U. Sh-ouldi 1'.11;) me care, he'll !"oOOIl dil:: lIonY'W2lY hom (he Q1I'Icc:n; jnf~[in~ his bOOy:and bmin,:IIJ'Id he ;;:Io;.':SI'I't go 'back to Gate - in 'act. somertrnce he gets baek up aod gees [)I'I; 't~tl ilttet he's dead ~ild (;,lIUI;\_g aPQI;'t_ H~y, -don.'! M}' ..... '=" didn't 'lY"2Im ~IQU,

Lib:: wmpires, 31lmo:!il :an ... [~PC ot Ba.r..t= m3lY :artlfrnpt ro ~ O;amu, but (;!flly j); lew:<lF: ~jt~cwlarl}' :adeP[ .;],·t Lt_

HOlOlil1!} Shamblers


Till-\::rrt.:sl Exprt.'~5ion (howling) ~.lnt:i.midatilJll.} r~·-!.:r,s.~ (Rr..'ql.lired l HIJM'l.:!i ofHIJITOT (3), Numbin~ (}), . SI!I"I:ie O;)l;:i. (2), Seem (It the- Wyld (5), St.;)mbJlrlI.g (6; ~I!.'bat)

T!!..rnt! (fv,:quir\.-d) B:r~d rr~joojj;~ (2), Doomro {4: 6 ",,,,,,1>,). Tho '" 1'\11 (,).",,,,,,.0 Mob[!;,<y m. Ro<'!ng (6)

Howling SkambJtr <Powers

• Howle of Ho:r:ror (:} pUi} ~ Shemblen can emit!i'l bomble t:[)' w~~ inVO'k= d ill~~!1' t~l,c~iIo~ troi."i'i od'l.-c-:r .... ·erl!.",.ol~ d~~'!ll!: en [he p.3rcr. and dmhr;! of the howl, A conupctcn of rhe howls wbtcb. Garee use fur

commumcetton, these cries are uKiI (K!.1U1~ and fur ~fdJ.ol:QtioCal ".~r(;)~_ ~

The howl c<ID cause ..... ·MI!J~"er he:a_:i1 ~~, (~r~ for ;agc~~~ of !"'I! W"J'l'm) [0 bccernc parn1vud' wtrh oonfu:sioo for

one nsm. The\, C3D take no aedcns, 1'10[ C"r'CTI co flee, f'igh[ or defend themselves. The (omor rnfly imte-ad emit the

howl offeer, otamin!]: oon~W'Ynn creatures wM, to nee ltJ reercr.

$YSk:m, The: fotJIru- ~pe:ro:b one WHtpew."tt aed rolla !'.b!i~,pl.,Ll~d'(ln + E)!pr~ion (difficul(1f 7). To rntmjc :II pare iClI:l.:u Oarou bowl (i,e_1 che Call for Succor). [he fcmcr rnusr make a Intelligence ~ Ritulli~ roll (difficulty 7). Otherwtse, the O:atoo who r~nd m}' be ~Wi~ciCl(Jj LL_,~d watt cr» tt.3fl.

• Shutblin:g {6 pl~} - WMrI Ii!! Howll[1~ S~~bk~ di~, Ilih,!!~~ f~ n:i.s t)'M'L !rum'l3l romJpri_oo or from inj-.Jrie.s. uO!I~'i!:d, be rcmalnsooWf'l for rum, Then M climbs back roo hts fece, rutting, drippin.g blocd and dtme, the ..:pitome cl cermpeton, :and T-!:S\Imc5- bts last task, If ru: ..... ras fl1lht~ng, (-or example, M <;ootitw.tS ~ tMu!1;h he ro:~·u dl~, 'I;(KiIUj~ @lhoulishl'fandmu ... ing cn to. the M;t;t OppOnt::nt and the: ne'X"t unrll ~heft ~~ i"IOOPPO!"l~I'I'" I'~f{. HI! then mfWl!I!i rnr.1'I search "'~.",.'l~ U'IllL"lf ~1i'{t)l'i~ wn.o iot!'"' b'li-ds: wnvand d'inln~ on rM:ir fk~. if pos;sib!i:.lfhc was ~:n~ lnsomc namdanc ;a(J[lviry such 3.:!i 1"i:llin!1 dinner, hl:":!l:lJt!;5 throogh the monona -Df cooling and eating, !hen ~iru;:;:. ~ilr<:h 00:[ OL!J(ru t-O' rLth.l. ih)J'l;llinl!: .;;h:alknge:s as be goes, Natutil;lly, as his body ls cl:-::Lld\. he ls Ot.Ily able rc ~~m'bk <!lollf .:].~ ba.U n.i~ normal spe:eJ. TId~ :aRoW'S 1I1'I~!"Iy poreoual ,,1~11'i'lS w eseepe sl.mpl'f ~ l'III'I_nl.1'!~ ~_ or course, SOOOC'T OJ later, rhq"'H beve rc sleepc;

The body ts DO[ creserved from me 'flll';'~C;5 at dearh: it oosespus and bile:and ~~rot.J.'!!·looking KlreJ do!::,,~lop ()n. h.

Bk.\!"f1I~~ m:ry [;lJk~ tip fl!:5ldffiOi! In the dead fk.!.h. E.\,~ri.lllally, ebe body docap ro the poin.r where it can no longer rC-m<!irll nnlmare, Bc(ou d~~ po:lm,! QJ'I1't' fIr!!' or ada C3.1'I ;S"['Op m~ roU.1Dg ferncr.Lose arms and 1eg5 continue rc crawl along.sicle t!t.Id il.t~iKl..vitl:J tbe rut oJthl: bods. a.·le lon beads ecll :).1.oJ!~ ~rvli'li (0 fasrA!r1I lMir ruth inro;anjlt.hing mar 1I1OVII!5,

S''Ci1'i ~ Thl!i fcmcr epeode all bur one ofhi.s. r.;:rno.i.nin~ Wi.llpowe:r peints ar tPI: m,q!T1~~t ci tki!t1''L On~ (L!J"~ l['Ii,e7. s;h'l: will else agu!.t'L.

i'TI.e-11!:!i.:!I arrraedve parr ofb!il'lga Howll~ Shamblee ebould be ob ... toes, They tnusr pur.;;:hase till: Ti!lin~, Doomed (within six mcntbs, t~ ge~ p~II'Y r[peL Lmtred MobilItY {~d! fulks can'r run. rlX! W!}, Ror(in.s:: (t.~'P" (~'rc: deedl] and The Fad [their own howls drive rhcm mad}. 11'1 effect, the Bane so corrupts the Gtm)1J Lh"'l h is ill";': (::~~-eT.l ",war by ~~Q; and hg. b~in i~ !lI.!i"tI,l!1;[ to j.e]1y by rhe i"Ili!'n rili mnueca he: ~ d',rou.c:h, knowing that he's either willingl.., surrendered hi:ms:c:" or been taken over by one of t~ wM o~ruy~ the WM!'~ trowl~~. I r •. h. .... ~!ie !"'II)'t ~,ou~h. bls own 11'I}=,~:)rtr hI)WH!"'!1!: ~1'I:Ut~1"!I hie nerves, makirll: him susccpdblc to insane ragea,



Image: OnE: ~ of HIJWHI'I:.I Shambler looks like the -SOl! o:r .;:;~'V person root mother YRI.it1.«I ~ 31xu.J:t_ [i"'IsaJ""~ ir)' shfnee in. .:!-u=;r I!'yc!i and is pefntcd across their faces, tbetr hatr is menedand f:Lltny, and !~ir dertbe::s gH.-ri}, ",.I'!rl rippi!d. An{Ir~hl!1" t't'l)e ~1!11'IS pt!rf.ecrly normal. 1 n Cril'lDS !'oon, all Shlllrnbltr.look like bcdt~led metts_ 1!h~lt (1J1 ue . .s..;ckl.., grl!crLi:sh-gray, m.::ir ~~ SIDW ..... ith III fetal • erased l!ght. ,,~ LJ,~'V howll~s:safldr_

'Wb,~fI HowU"S Sh:).mbll!rs ;lin:! kllli!d. !'h~" seammace the: ne:;t;t tum, 'oVou:n.& gi!.ping., !i!J'ld R$1J1T1~ the ;~II;~jvl'l'1 in 'IIIhich they ~:~ e:ng.a~ed:a( du: time: of (heir d:c:atll (IJ:ruClol!}, ~rubt!ltl· o,opph,t pice=- off ~ "d:~;)Ij" ~mb~~ I~ ::. b~ id~a': dlis won'( srop me Shamb]~r, ~iOCA:: th~ pi'=£~ just ;lI!t;),C~ !t'lod~~~~i'\rI~·.o. ... lf Imm()!h":loQrII .In :w:M or being{ Oil~ kilkd. ~he SI;<!IllIb.ler'l body goe~ through thl! irlll!"ltr::Lble de~yins PI'QCII!~;::jl'ld heccmu:.5 m.().'I"1:" and mOJo!:" hidooas. m; time p~_ Wouruk QQR: pus., gI'I:~l'!i~ bil~ drip$ {tom !M--c:tI!a'["Lj~ U,p!I~ 31_00 ml!: ;S"mdl i.1i :c:m-w['(:ochinl!l'

True- ro their n3.rJW:", once slatn, rho creature can on.l~ shamble along ....... hh :3 semblance or life. If they have i'LOI bce;n, d:~tr(l~"td befu~ lhen, wi ~hll\ $I): months the bod.., I, so far gone rha( i( falls apart and d'e:ca.r~ Jnto a puddle.of cose. New HQ'IIIII'!,I]: l~illt:.lli!S~!,(! .if.1:J.WI'Ied ip such Qt;I2.

Q.eM-SQ.; One- partkul;J;t breed of &:1M 1'Mi~1!g oCon'Uf.'tl'l'l,iJ Ci3rL1U rnd.! liic-';S" .... "'OfL Many 01 mer.e wod. 3.l00gsilk- 81.1(1. Spit.)1 O;:in.c~ ~~5O"W: mtm: powcdul.B:mC'.:!i,;and ri.QII a f(:w of them uf.:!il W moe~ with Garou ~'Qo ereae {omori. ~y;llre 'knfrA·i'l3.i Howtli'l[: In:sanil~ and me}' m~~ nopenalneewhen ~W:lr.!ptil"!g to ~Olroy. W(!~wQl,·~ 'Ilo·I;Qo;:;r~ ~oe~fulll" ~ b~ Howling Imaniti.CI.~1JV: I-to-wlil1.gSh:i!mbl~_

Hi&tory: Howlin~ ItlMnit~ ba~·e e.;d~'[e:d (ar ~ \~f1100g ! 1'fI'i.C_ Th~ cr;)zl!t:i &1lC:i ~'4!'1C: amoo~ l00st: woo l-u!:lp.tod ro {lc:;troy the Whitl:: Howle:11 Il::;in:g <!gO. H¢:pi~ to ere;J.'te tn()'l"e: Black Spiral Dancc~ (h£" II'Is:anilill:.!i ~ tl'}'in,c: to me:rge: wLth nOJnlilllOIkr'OO. The lew:rue.-:~ d'l.eY ;pchle~·ed we~ s,o ~al!(;~I"1! li"'l oCt«ir·i i'l3 hQrI'(If :J.mClrig!:r G:lroll [ Proj£Ct llisrl ~lC:Pped in andstanda.n:li:cd Ilu: proc~ . .s.5 SoCi' ~he rtMks 'A"(iu ld be f)Ji!odkt"Olbll! 11'1. ~~.h tOiffiQr_ "T'l-i£ (~W



Howling Shemblcrs wh_ll;;n PT~cc:t ll~d have field r.~red be$teJ the 03.f()lu j)t.i~ they wen: sent to kill. Ptens :are underway [0 breed ~l'Iough to take c .... er who'eo caereu,

Rolrpb;ying Notes, Ub, the O~rolJ ~()n;l di~_ The niee doc: ",Id so. Ahroool They will kill you i.f thc:~' un. Abrcco! So you ;gQttli. eet them (;m. A'h:rOOOO!:X!O!

If 'fOIIlIlr~.a.dl' died, shamble a 10{ al'ld don'( (~[ roo howl.

mage rJomori

M.!1!l~:ilK! more lfkel ... to rfllll eo B.1_~ cl~ [0 Hl-ad ... lsed Jot,lTN!f$ lnro blightoo 1U~S of the Umbra dian other sepemeturel ~, Those who-l(:ek ~r Or i'l£w l:oowl· edge. fi\:4Jr ~rg;)I!'L whb lkuloei.litdc rc:aliling whar the., are aaually throwing av.-<ly. ln some cases, 83~ m:J.Y hlde the~r U'UI! narurea, fooling unwary mage:!; into bclitv"in@: they are good ~¢rLUi wllHn.@:tOo f(:(Kh ~:nl! In. nelll Spheree of magid:. or impart infmmatLon that UR: mag..:. IT:kiJ.r U$I! (0 rlR in ~r. Some ~I_m:pl!f bcfrlcnd (he mys-tid one, IX' guardint h~~ (rOm harm ..",blt-!" she eavcle in Ute Umbral realms, .only matrack when the mage: lets her fIJ<lrJ down. Other pr.Kti.ti()n-':~11 iii;l~' im'lre tn.i!: B:me m. thinking tJ,:1It [hl!"Y can conrrol it with :ilrtlUl(: ritual$, furg.e:t~iilll: th;Ji[ once It:l$lde, the ,pIlfj~ i$1'IO lo~r a Bane but pan of a new bein,g in wh.ich tbe m~ a vested lntcre:$l_

D;mdt\,ll: on thin ice [0 rhe rune of:a new piper might even be exciting for awhile, and t~ &:l'Ie$ who lnbabir mages [end tQ ler d\!: n'l3I,gC have a lot of conrrol and

]@f!W;II~. At fim:, loot: ~TIIOugh to eorn.fl"l.l~ ~lt end diiKovcJ iwt wh.'H il:lnd ofbargain she's made. Once she accepts me: PO-'W~rs the Bane gr-JJ1U, d-e ffI~ bas deemed htm~r to 3;11. ever-deepening downward spinll.

F(lIt e-Vi!:I'\' three points worth of Powers the Tffiig:e putchesee, she 10K5 coe pOillt of Arere. Rad~f (han gaining "'"Qndl'(l~ new powers ro add to those she i1lrcildy h:LLd, she a.acrifices. pan: of her abiti.t~ to \Il(! fl"l.{Lgkl::. Stnce a m;i\~c"·;5. [lCCL!':51:1 to- h[ghu levels of m!lQ:ick i.!i limited by li~i' Aeere, d:rop!i wbaiever levels "he bed go,lnW;LI$;j. rL!.5oUI[ tJofhor:r (orrnl:r Arere. FOT e;.:;)n-~pll!'. ~f the m3lgll! bed 31n Arere of three and could therefore gain up to tbn:~ le\'l!Ls. I.n her magichl Sphi:~, wh.i!fl $hI!' loses a point of Arete, her .. ecess ((I rhcee mird levels 01 rbe Spht:"res di:l;lppe~i1_ ln cffevt, sbe h~ ~["ipped hCf$e'lf of rhc higMr levels of knowledge end euunemenr to her A~t;;i.r whkh alkl'l\'~ he'toyse-I'l:'Ia.@:lcl::(Q~n~mc worldendreplaced it ",'itl. a (Clio', limited pilIlor rr"la. That these utcke bri_1'L~ wid, them 5(mLC rairl., nc:fr)' drnwbac:b mr:~ly OOinroy.-,d~ rhe prcblem.

Wh~lll!\'l!r (M 1YL:a~ realieee that 00 rnagk;k is ciyit.Jg, she wua.ll~ grasps 'mntic:all~' (lit ;j.i"'vlhlf'l~ dt'u mIGht re-Store h.t.'1 w;)n[n; power. GutM what's a\i;i,il.,bl_e! MOn" Iomori POQ't:::l1! 0£«Jur1C., ihhe sequues three- mcrepctnrs w()r .. h, dQ\l>'fi goes (he Arete again, E\'c=.ntualh', the. &:inc aspece gain!; escendencv, rorrupttr.tlj: ~1I:r Aeaeae oompletl"ly_ Bven i.( $h'l: i'l\:):i'l:ages to' ii'£[ back on me cosmic wheel and try 3I:g:iIin (not terribly Ul:el")' ,. hee A 'lr.!lar 1ruI'F


Rill be ccrrepeed in her next lif~lme, 01' II; might have been damagt::d I!:n(lup dll,.t $he: can never use IruIgick .,;:1'1_

In addiriofi to her other problems, '8 m. fomor stiehl <Jut llke a Nepbandus ar 3 c=h.I,IKI, soelal. Other mages can sense OOl'i'II!'!I_'h ;,.., wrt)n:g with her end III ktok !II[ htr A varar reveals it t(Io be covered in euppumung wocods. E~'ery magjckal \lIO'r~JT'l1J- she "U-eln.pts. has ill chance of anracrlag P9r900X !IS if it we're ... te .... ed ~ 3 n.onAw;)keO';:d mortal, as the mage: berselfts nn l~dt ee the: RiltUf"IIl oeder of ming;s. lvdt)' girl. at Ic:ast she has a chance o( ft)akhlg;): new start next time:~ however slim_


Chlll'lg.elitt~who.lioc in their mortal pl;,e, 'J)<H1!euIa.rly diose who have f~lIl!n to ~1I;)ll~l' aoo l:cmporalilv f{]I"gOL-tenthelrfaerte eelvce.ere highly ~-uOCtrt'b]e ee pcssesstcn by Banes. Those who lire: in thdr faerie !Up«u;)r I;M. lIme of the arrempred ~~I(lJl art rnore protected and maj r:r~' eo eo-Ill \lpOn thl!:ir OlalnOUf (0 shield rn!!m~lv~_ Should the\,' ftIil to ho-Idoff the pmS6Slon.. tbey M~r ri1;)ke cee ;)ttempt ;!it rolling their Glamour!i1 [he ~_nl:'S Willpower ro expel the Bane befoee it i'!lert:.:i with them. If this is unsuccessful, W,' h;w~ become rnl::ti~ and am oow(omori.

Ch8~ lil'l!1s who 1x:C<lD1A! fQml)ri ere CDmpl-ctely lest.

The tmru._rorm-:tdOol'lIljl!,\erlr tkilTO'y5 their immortal facrte soul, renderl_l"I& thl:~ wholly mundane and Ban31. TMs is a grtldlJal process, takins several tnQn(ns_ Though tbey retain melr (;Jeri!! Oloi.liK!uT,th",y become mere and InQlle: dettd1v to other (;bangdinss. as they exude both Biln:a}it'Y and c'OrrupriQn. wherever they go, QlIng.cling fomori r-c!mlf'l«()fi:nKlmc~gain):arompe:lHl'Ig~u'Cl,lrutit'$ like c'O"'l!:rif'l8" a c~ w uh ~ fine oriental carport me rot InJick:.u:ep<!i tbrougb .:l"'iIlrything they 00. \V'h,.en thlCY at laat scccumb [0 rheir T3im'Qrdle in ba.ttl~, theydie forever. their fsertc souls frreerfevablv I~t,


There have long been hOrrQr 5fQries 4100Ut rnl!:diwm woo opt:i'l.-OO th.~lvC$ to spirir guidtl 'Only [0 Gfili !hern$C:l"'1:!I posseesedby malevolem II!:mld~ ~·t:hiC$li!re, by mll!lr vlffy nature, ~)~ible to pcesesstcn because t"'I1!:~_ m,u« Open ll-wi.T minds in order to utilite th!!.r~1$. That's likll! cur 3. ~'3CoII!1C:'P' -Jign rlJol Banes. Many ru:vtr ~vel'l realbe th;)t they' ... e been in .... aded, Rru"lbul1.f'18

1 P.d,, _


th«lirstrangc- new e:moriQru and pollten (0 ill broadmingof melrOWi'! p$y(:hieid!ilitlCti. 'fho5ewhokoow 5ufft:rll!:rribly i( they try [0 fight. whil~ these who emhrlK-r: their new id~tuhles otten aeeept the Bane's lUtll!lagc 8M convince\le;s thaa they are far roo impoll;)r'Iot eo be a Hewed 00 go mad or p!!rl~h lfi scme IninOr eng<l8~mmt with the WyrL'll'~ eeemtee. And they do profit. Bane ~l:on -Steml 00 enhance P'5VChk PO"""CU, wvln~ th-e P'SYChic; one extra dot in his primary p.!''Ychic abiliry (01' prOVldil'!g wuhone dor in a second ability ifhl:s priJ-I\:lIT'j<mC is lIlreadV at level A"e}_ W~thC'r they are i.n [[1.(: know Of not, psychic fomcd ncmuan., bum out; rDO$C end thclr livel mroul!:h SlJl.cldc_

iProied At1Iei~

Pentex h~ J~cntl'Y begun a new project whid'l O)M~ bfnee ProJ-c_-ct mad \Ili~h 'fl"l'(Ijea Ocif.Sl:5:C'Y «(heir psychLo[. pro,gmm}.ln Projecr Aeneid, ,hey have exposed p:5~"<hiC$ rc Bane possession in oedertocreare fl!oychic.f(Ml1.Qrl. Thus far. they h3V!! had !~!!rr ben success with Mind Feeders, who COM.b:ll'l!! wiLh J!ljyl;h(Q to produce fomori known ikS Bmin E:.lel1 [see Ch;",ptcr Two),

OJane mummies

Created (hrou_gh a c'Om:Jp(ui rlr~) torm,ul!;itl:d in Em· dltnt EgyPt~ there ere (lnt~- $C:V«l known Barile Momrnic-o!i In eststenee. Set e~~tcd the Bane Mummies: and named e<dl one. They cltin to serve him and (.0 :t5.SW in. hl~ evenrual rerum. I, is PQ54Ii'ble tMt cand.idat~ might be found to become Ban" Mummif!!i and ,kay rhe ritual migtu be rediseevered.If (he char:actcr were "IAOi.lI,ing to die, u\ls[ing (hat the rtmal would be performed aceu ... mtcly and that M-T body would be P~i'i"t5I eo!T~dy, " new fume M1,Ifflmr could be creeeed, She would of neees$itl' be weaker [han bee bK~hf'l!n and wOYld have 00 ~eek them OUt and ~li tiM them to reecb her their magics., as she would M\,!! I'LO kru)wt~ 00' 3uc;h nor any other ws~' of ii.cquiring it. ~rning: tlu!t they sow the ;:id"an~~gl: in be ... i~ another servant o-fSel. they might teach her scroll! roio()T~'Orkin;g:s. OfOOUIK. whatevt:r Et1:i\e ~ I-1cr might have a rew pb of iu own.

Aside from: her(om¢ri pOwcn., the Bane: Mummy\\'ould presumably have the: ad'to'lInmge 'Of kr.owing th~I when killed. she'd 4!!VE!l'Iru3Uy !'e1'1;lm, eo me, Q( C;~, if lh..!t h\lppeMd ~hcf~' jears from I'IOW, thai would ~il'ld C)flimj~ net paertctpettcn il'l current t:~'l!nr9. Ailll who l;:~ what the ... 'II be ~ari'l'l8 11'1. 2lJSl

• AT


, I

Below arc: jus:t some: of the: IWII'I}' groom: \!,'I,o do tbe Wynn';§. duty of !'Iecl'i,lhh'l(i rucre s.w:;koen; {OJ rho ralneed C:J.uS4!_ NI!:<~ tlene y¢y ~ some guy ranring abean wctrd corporate or government eo~p~4le'i tbecnes, give him a

lnrlecredcnce. WhomoW:§.~M;3 ... bt!{101ldd;,idt.g(ilJr\I":fItCT r'~."", I!I:' trEe'x or I he Wyrm. 1 n ~J: .... ·<!11i11ilU.~t ccrrupttce, puriw of essence ~ I: .... ~thing.

T~e 1 ~, ro~[t'r, wru:ri'll. fKII o(umkdBJ~'I"l AU I'ruidc. ;i~·5O frwtrtlting as I drift from l(lUlt1l0 wu.1l Frn as 'hol!lGh nobody rule if I Utllf (W' di.e:

So I r.nrrc ~ a.l!trl begin W ,PMI.5OOW' action in m, 11ft ~ I udru; Priest, ":Breaking \_ht!; Low"

l.,~- ---

Chapl£r II our: Rec.rUi-tmenl


• aT

Action dIil! trattoo5.1

yfll['t.'I!" ~ Acrioo am en TV~ You'~ Tto.d Action Bill ~Ic.m yOL.l·....c ~ Acrktn. BiU Dange"l' ~ FifraCJPJ~ Now, join w ~ tL-.;d!i A~ Bi!J j.:ue:oruJ~J' -OJm.m'l:f't;ia!:a.ired.du:rin,gOml'lrTV'sS-a'[L,ln:3~''I~ ins C:J;rwon\'jjIIl

V[oCd~~ t;j,~~.ed; ChildRn ignor-ed b- ... I'UppiC!: parents, wareboceed inC3IY<;9Irc= childbams, and'addled by4. 7 hours ql ... Iolenr kJdrv1d' ~f d<ly_

PL!h!k p~~~; A hilLiiiI.~ pla.yth~ng fur"'.lpUlRd kida!

The Real Sta.ry: ThIt5C" UlU:oo,s: art! Wt'l: or rhe ~ <lttcmpl: to dlt'-Stabili1Cl Duman societ'P' ""hit-e- bl;:Lm~ng the Ol.i:rCMI ~htil~ spoawned tfit: whole Action Btlt ml't~. A roo,gh, [~., '~ew(JI(·''kmlr!g M:to. ActiOn Dill is thearae of endless turgid TV 800 mO"l1ft; ;ijdw:-n~I,!~_ Ptntc):~$ Omnnv f.letv.-ork sbowa thts PTogram, as wel] ;).I: I;.~ popu~ kkl$":P~M "e.-ar.-ef," featuring a lovable pmplA! ~:~ur (EKt!Jally '3 Wf~·oomtprf:d Mo'krue}_

These aN! chikl'i~'$ ~;erppOrwy taUQ0:5. that are solid in (1JI)I ;SKJr~ and dcrai"r~nl ~W:~. Th~ are USUiI.lI~ stocked ' ..... h.h. mh~r Ac:~j;;),fi Bill T.I!I products, and dc:~tgru tnehrde B~t~ Mrn~lf. his helpers Amrn StJt}!am flo 3M H.oeM Worm ...... Squad ins.ignia, and rbe SqlJ~ m;)SC(l{. WoOlf Sl.:ynn~rJJt. Thl!tIe;)~ ~OO rattocs of the Tcam TrukTIII A;!tiQ!\, iIDd of the enemies Bromo D.!::w'b' ;l;i'[.d W u If Kcmmanderr n.I. deadl ... SM swfu' !'Bli"l io!u cf W,O,l.F. Thev arc 3ppl~d"to fypkaJ enee pla&~ such ~ the .shoulder b}' liding end rubbing rhe pepee.

l-Icw.'~r, ~h Uiit~oo comams R fru.srncm of a Bane. 'When the tattoos are 3!Pplrod tc a slagle ~!JtiQn body (@J3!l¥ ~Me::serete:bjn,gR:~·-I:n·ye;IIr.r(Jld), .[Mf 1i'O[1'[ come off, \Vhi::n II:IKiUw. 6I[KICIS: RrI!: app:l!ed' (~IIj' ml'te ee ll¥t), ~tt.e 6.i_M i"r.:!grru:n~ can K~mbk. The Berte bqj~ ro corrupe jhe o["'i~ 31;5. the other AC[iQn 'EHII [Of' do, "'-Tog crime 9:ndan~:ixt!;.iBl,bt=h3IVioT, The d~s,grow.and clliinge, n;ll'fi~ 'h;dd'el"L ~ long ~ possible, By the nme [he.., "3N! vi;sib~. thevare 8memLloy impossible- to I'It!I1'IM'I!. Thl! nutn;At1 whom !.h~ eo"ttOl bee~ iii d..itd fomor, with a variety 01 unique: Powers. Some ;su~i,Qrls are: Nlghm'l.ate Com. mafid, Sh.;)lIo'A-p~'V ri!nd Willi W~llI;k[18' TRims cookl ine~ th.;c Derangement T~.JJIPI=mnen_61I.~lat DkI (~I!:;!i_t. era) and Severe AlIl!.l'lY ~:5l!d.'L ~ eo K1(L_j) or brot;ooli),

Fomorh Child fcmoet reod !,Q:%:Lr ~t ot'~ig,ht until t"'~ 8.~TlI! !t.;)!. f!'!::!d:~ OOl:itI, i.; iD complete control, [hC::rII US,!!:

Ll\f;:j, ~tKII.!.:!! powers &00 [he '[11m of people ;:]'i'QIIli"lI~t them Ki do ircinOllS e",il. For e:(;)mple. a (omor child lA·ooldi <!Inrw:p' il$ parents into Bbu.:si:ng it, then wh!!rII ebaedened [0 BIn. orphenage, -cDmJP[ 3.11 rhe oth.~f dlildJt':i1. ... od liberate (hem b'f making tile staff into ktefbase, Many Gerou who rescue "abceed'" children are in for p~ S\II~tl~. EventuL!.U}' the t:hltd willbegin .[0 manifest fr4!3ll::i~ pp~jc:;'l.' powers, SUt:h ;).I: t.oms aed :;'ild. ~iII w~thd:Tlllw from 1i

Conceptual Services, Lt~.

V;<:timS r ~ ~titdl Tho~ i!1of1!rril.e- OIJUpl~ ..... bodesperatd~' want children are the: prilruUY tl'lirtlr.':~~ ofCo.i'l.cI!PI'u;)i $erviee;, Led., :lIlthough people suking pregnancy counR"ling and a_ftificil)l h'lSl!'luinadon are S«IOndary r:ilr~u. Coecepreal Services off~(3. guaranteed[<:s or l'oor money back. Clients iKel!!i){.ed b~' rhe clinic are these who eefcse ro 0006io(:[ adoption iU W1 ralt~;)tivt ItO hnvtng their 0 ..... .-1 ell iklrrer~_

Public F'<I<:adcl C::)Ii;e~i>~~I-Servl(,l!s is quite" adamant !l.baut billing itst'lf es a rwilitydilli.-c;.~l1g'<Igcd in helping inft:rhk oouples pnxllJee ehUdren. Such cli:ni~ have be .. come commonplace :almrut invisible to the publi(; eye. O:~~Q~ll"J. rht'r art! tagged with truoir practlee of <Lrtir,,. cial inseruiaaricn wtd ere $OoJ-Ii.f,:,tll:'ti~ mlmLl::-e:rdy lumped in w lth :[Lbottio:n. cllnlcs, but sw::'" "bed poc~" is. quj.;:;kly ovenumed bo;' fIOOtning rami) ... values-oriented news relc~c:mpha.:si%ing their main(um::tion. MO$\people ItnOtt ,hi:: (.Qlnp;)ny ;\!t.d\et_ These wbc know or the clime becacse (bey d~J)Clr"'['~'l' w.:IIm children cOIruiidu it :Q .brod~n(!.

Thi!' Real Story: J.1l :acrualirv. f,~,g:aJ(U~-S!i of ..... ht:th.c:r the diJ::nu ~IT~ ~eIHi'iO: iltdflelal Imemination (~IJP~I ... ftcm n b<i,i'll, oj da:iti~h,h~d sperm d'c00f;S) or trearments (0 inc.r~3.S(: [heir fertiliry, thc)' both receive th~ $.~me thtl't..g: R;)IU!... toseead of normal froeen sperm, women lit"."'ki ... s .:Jrtif.1<:i(l1 i~tr';li:lfl('Jfi :::.u-: rreaeed wiIh sprrm laced wldt sperm-sued &ne,$ k:nQ:!.l.·r\ as &.1'Ielin.1JS- The sperm seeds the egg 9n(1 begtns ro gt'Qw. Those 5l!tkln.g rerdll tv treatments gCI actual drugs. d c to increase r.heir fentlttv, but the, .. are ;'Il$Q r-eared W11h hundreds. of B:lneling-in{estoo sperm 8;5 ~IJ. ThcchancC'$;).rt:ilpproximatdy 7)~ that the women ""III become pregnant with .. Itt: I'i~{ trearmeru, and there is a 55%. chance that those neared with fCil'tilitr dtlll$' wUl :DrOOl-.fel!! muhtple birID'§..

Each case ;15 dittere:llt, however, The unoffecred spcnn rna}' reach thc~ lnilead(lf {mT .w htch ~1d5 rhe BandIng, reiUl[jl'l~ in. a OOfma~ child, Because ofth.eir eI~~S$ to Banes. duri:ng their con.ceptlOf'1, how~vcr, rhese otherwise normnl ~1JfI1~ au: etten more susceptible ee 8i1l\e j)OS5C$. stcn later in 1 ife. P(.'utlC':t I.:,-e.eps t'Ues. C)tI these Iodtvtduals ami U3C.ks them wherever Iihc.., go. in case the .... ~IJ~ eeeded ~me<!av (I)T iutthi!f npc'fiml!:m:ation. l.f tru: Bane-pee- 5CS5Cd sperm rc-;ach~ tM- c:gg tarher tb:)_n. the ecrmel $penn, I..he resoh Is a Bane-baby,

Bcarln~ a fomcr child 'isn't ~~. The m()ther is pl;-~d ;\lIlhrO'llgh h~r pregnancy by bornbte dreerns and fceli.n;gs that .somcth in~ lV'l't ri~ht with t,er baby ({If b:Jbte,.)_ She (IIIIn t..;:~1 jill;)1.t1l(l11!0Cf! I'OOri!'l~ OUt of the thin~ i.n her wmnb. h:ning her, ..... (liti'l1~ ['Q un !'LoI,!l', :Find \WImlJ'lg 00 h.lm ~C1 eW1'\' chance It BI::tl!i. She il!i :alone in ht:r Kii"lJ'ient, (OT no ~ bt:li~\'es that any unborn child b evU_ "The mQrt


the mother ins.;l!it:s that ~tMl'I.g is I!.'mrtg. r:h~ morl! that pt!:(If)l~ eereetve her :IL:!i being m5ID1C'. Shook! she IT)' ~o harm the: child., the b-ab-r eauseascch Imcrrud ~n:y ro her t.b;)t srre Is rendered uaconsclocs, The same hilppeM;~ she attempts su;~ide. The &i'J~Iinj£ lncuberee \Ilirnin [he mother, mc-rging with [he-egg and bc«()mt~;lII1_lll,iledg£-d ~(IItlQr by ~he rtme tbe chikl is born. Whc.;n it i~ tl[!l~ (or t.lle birth. if me: mother hM tried to kill her ~by, [he fcmoe c:.hild CI-I'IC~ In ~~II=h o \Va';' [lUl.t if kills or cripples the mother.

An Bane Childrun are 10"1:1.., Or h~oo$Oml!. Even 'R$ babld:. t:he~ have: a compelling b.:-:aut'Y which da~:d~ cvuyon-c around them. It the l-~~hl!r has ~iJr..,ived rhe birth,:dll~ ~bty doubu her own sanir .... , etoce tho: Bane Ol1d does f"I.OthinS publici.,.. rhat might give i.t il,''''Eiy.

T rapped within;l hetf)l~ ma'l1 br;t§. First few yc:.m.of' l~r1!:. the fomor btdee its nme, ffilt e-~·J..'11tlJi.llly th:: (.1; lid .... ·[11 begin (0 show sigl1iS Q/ tile b • .J seed thl)t created iL Such Iomorl an: (;rud and IJtl(<3tln,g .. but often quite clever at C(tW:tl~ LIP t;heirbehaviorandaC'[in.gin~ntancl3v.·ecl. Siblings (,1 $~eh Bane !:hlldr-t:n. unless alec fcmort, rare!, Jurvi,,~d,i1dhl()OCl.

Bane Children tenure tbelr pets, pQi.:5Q:r; ~~I~lr IFIl'ld· 11t(lth.e""~l)rupotherehjldrell'lLnd.stffil thl;:'ir~t"MiLoD1., .,_nd create i'Li;ll~'hem wherever they go. Bc,.;;1jII1J~ th.e¥ rsever do :anything in front ur wnoesses Or in sach ;II \\"'ay mat {l.!'!)"h!!'!,:::canbt peovedegetnsr them, they can li~~r.:lIlY'l!t cl~<:ly wit;h filllmr. And if one Bane Child.sou:ndJ ~', imll, rnamn trylr'l!!: \I) deal 'i:I.'~I.h. qutl1tuplcr.i.

Fomari:, TM- mon common. type 01 fumOr'l eecaed throogh u,i1l prUgnl'rn;jllt'!! the Bane ClotiWrcn. Possessed wh;l~ in [he: womb, literaUy half 8;),t'l1l: lhl!!mS4!'1~. these (Om(ll"i h;)'oie .hl!'. poeendal [0 become: unimagirul.bly pow. erfol 'if [hey survive long e:11Ol1gh. though Iht:\, rna\' have Bane. powers, these do 1'lQ[ cake a ,oil 00. their bodies t'N" giv.e C!U(wBlJ sig!» phpici! lIr until ['I'll! ch~!.d reaches pub-er~}'_ A~ th:i'lt time. rreannenrs svatlable (rum Pra-jeet llfad can fcrenall the appearance of un ..... lll\te-d pl'lr:1e:ll changes, OutWllrdly, the lO\Ji'i{l .,thllt seems pI'i,'sicaHy fi(il"lnal. Inle:rnll.lly, the fomor hs. ravaged, but the (b-u'I'I"'ge is held in check through tllc and rhe (Oughncss rAthQr hal(~B;)ne. ~)'.$.ique .

So 1o:j~~:iS rrenrmenu conrtnuc, the fcmor can (.Ql'I.til'llJe as if ooth~ were Wt01'llJ ",nIh him il'lddinin=I~' - Of at least unril he 1,Ii.'O{J]d otherwise die (Tom old .I!!le. or C(IUfSC. this docs. tend to. I)Y{ the fornQf iarc P('TIteX'S d~bt qune h-ca\'ily and he ill' unlikely to ao ~!ru;( WM[CVCr the company wanD.

:&il'ldLttg!i can. carry jmr :about an}' B;:.n..;: rxrllo~~;)M fhe 'Chi.Wren Qe.<tted di~ [hem 1lli'I" (';l.I'tnclI! diff~['('m pow· C':r9. Orill:" poMlr whkh thl:y ,,"II beRo- ..... I~ ! mmlJnilY to Oeliril,!i'Li_




... ---- .. -- ........... ~- _,__

a». V,~ri~ian's WorKOut cProgram

In jiqt stt'~ da)S

, C4It m.:Ike )'me a man

- Franlt. N. rllner, "I Can Make YOIlIl. Milo" (Rod.:, H""",)

Vir;tim5 Tillrt;eledJ 1~1,1N!.au" wbc wanr ro become "reel men." His treatments wcrk on women, tQO, but nOt ru;\I,'"CIL

Public F:iI.;Me: Or. Verlal:)", j~;1I hem-: be's dtscovcred ;8 way m increase ~"Our muecle mass by 25i% tn jw.t 30 WYS, wtrbeur stemlds or personal t.rai.~! If you've go~ rbe dedicaricn, Dr. V«idirm wUI make l'W::II god! AT lease, [h;)I'$ .... 'hat rhe Ildv-c:rrisi:n,G: claims. Comic bocks, ,5Cul'ldline..s., mbloicls. mcdta-hvpe ra~ tmd m~l~ ~ extol the ~'irt~ o~ Dr _ Verid[;:L.'O'.s m 1T';)C.le II.'QoJI.i:QU[ plan, C"n 1,Ci! dl.$m Iss: rheads, of course, but in this case the evniu ;)re wfOnt.

The :rt~1 St(')ry~ The: plan works, of ccerse _ ir'$ a B3II'It!:-o!:n,n.8I'1ce-d power-training pro(!:rtliffi re~tl,lTinl!i "'n'u,!g~vlt;)mtn$lJwtetru::n[S" which 3CtuaUycoot3in WynR" in(~tl!d growth hormones. Though nm tc:chnicalh seerotds, the J(CC~$ ~bese pUb h..-vl! are, in [hI!' longrun, flllr VIi~.

The initial df«u are am .. _!in~: aJ{et JO ebys of dedlC!LtOO exercise ( ..... hi<h .5timulate5 the Band",s wtU as the bod~), the seeker - uh, ewlamer - espenences extreme muscular grcweh and iocreiL-1cd pt:Jer¢nll)J'II!~ p!'Qlh_,a[.on. He becomes not bigger. bur more: arnaccive, T c avotd kgal complications, the pills the:til~IV~;J..f1! nor ~ieaU:)' nddtcxtce ttl :iln~ wal" The cnrubinanon o( c.xoCie~, eQ!'I~ fidcnce 11100 .... I'mity. ho,\1"t"lt:r, -e.f'tQ(IlJr;,l_1fI!' p_~dJDr(lgicill addlcrtcn. Ju tho!! :rubjC!:Ct grOWli bigfleT and cockier, the Ban(:: il'lnlJtnoe feeds his nasttee reodeectes, He: becomes :j'J~rCSlive, krll~,ble and p!!.tpI!rually hom.,.., M:any custom~n ,5top there, ,wWle:d, a bit abort of actual ~$$iOi\. The: initi;al rush ts so 11'Ivl_gQl,;uIFlj, however. rhar some ron.tlJ'l.UC' tnro the "edvenced program" - Bane h~bit.;)· ricn.


A \'ic,im in~trened in "advanced u'3,ining" receives larger and more povo'er!ul doses of the ~ne·hormOru!!i. ~:r the next six months, he, unde:rgoc;s severe mood swi;ogs and inner battles I.tIJ the: Ba_I'Ie d'r()W'l'lS waarever decency he might once haw- had, Increased narcis.1islYt, violent ft'nd(:ndn and COTtSt3m sexual -arousal become his new friends. The best's ·rn;)_gnetU:'" 1'1!!'~' pl!tWn~ll[y ~_'-ld bedrcern pee .... -ess eompensare fee all the friends he loses :II! he desceede l[\~O g_$S.holt: ((M,_Irt.rty. This uage CQrtiJpts I'loCIt {)fill' the host, but those he cernes in eont;)CJ( with - [he: people hoe: hurts ~ruw ~n.@:f1'. 1,1 rrer, jealous IX ... el'L~(ul (J.rt~~drO'lll'n [lCcQll'd" Yl'ith no &anes: nec.C853.ry.


1 82

~.IJ-= --

Wimin iii ~'~. (wh[cl" by [he '~,"'ily. &s, jU:!i{ 300m the length a( time: Dr, Vc:rK3ian has been .$0 pgpt_Jlar), 1'101\ "advanced" namee unoorgoes;<l1'l.;t.HV nansfcemanon into a ThtCnloibact fomor (set' Cbapter Three). So fu.r, "'cry few 'ftoe up5tllnding )'QUl1g reee" have: devolved to the state, so the workOUt program ~mJperteedybarrol~£S..ln rime, me authorities will carch on to the 4;onne(liol'l. Ui'!~11 then, Or. Vendian (II oon-mut3toi:d $C1H!~[}1 with !II penoI;h,ont to.- PUii'lPtf1A iron) coartnuee ro rake in the blJ';u and crank out IIg;rowing.lrJ'il~' or Mmdi!:-OOIlOO fuckheads,

Fcmcrn Tbrowbaeksa women somcrtmes become:

Enlio:erS lhtoo:Q.h tbeadvanced program, but Or. Vcrid~'s che:mi.s.try dceen'r re;;.lly fI"loe!jh \I.~11 wlrh female chromo-

'[he 'JelloUJship

VicllJJ1.5 Targ~t'Cd ~ Q,j]d1'en o.f ;,l_tl!y aife-

Publl.c 'Faool!: The Pelle ..... !hip ts an p3~~0i'J (I~ chlM care 9g('nd'H. In a lime where chl1d abuse and bad foster hoenes are prevalent, thiS o-ri",nilallQt'i has an ama:=.lng .suc.ce:s;:s rare fm pl;J~nt or lile children thl1t coree rJuoogh diese centers. ThCLt children \'3.!'f Ii"! ~ from Infui'lU 10 teenagers. and come from !Cvcl"}' wj)lk j.J Hf~_ Whether lh~lr perems pessed :away, wt:r~ 1:,illed, (lr it th~ (;hild is on the street, The Fi!:Uows;hlp opens mc:ir anns to everyone. Working quick.)'.:rnd effidefi~r},. Thl!' fillowship pl:IC.ei children in the beee p;;iMi'ble ~ ((II' w=.h. (;hikl_

"fh.eotigloal blslldins is located indowntewn New Yo.rk Ci£Y.1t was(oo:nd«! in 1'964by;lj(ll_mef(QI'roiCnes-rerR, V;)r. Oc:ldlng and SimTech, Stnce then, The Fell~h.lpo has opened bfl!lru;.h'l!S ir. m;,ln'f rn~jor cities, including San Peanctsco, Okago and Arli.ngton, Vtrgjnl::t.

The Ftl1ow:shipo is run by a board of seated I.n.

New York C[ty_ &-ieh oC!I!m~r ~ sl rumed in a W,g1! home. wId'! on atea fer the childH!>l:r to run and be ;,lC~!ve [an itHt~l!:ral pan: of Fellowship phL~ph~').;)oo bcuses anyII.'nt:re from 50 to 100 cbjldrcn. Thof.,.. have iii. ~ sl!ilff, indooin~ Sit lease three doctors pet ifommunhy, several nurses, te;)C.!ile~ wi\h vt:ry flne qualinc:ali-oru, ten ecctal 'WOr~.ers., :II flJUul'ldsktl!~r and iT.I'my ecunselcts (0 :)~is~ the childrt.-, h'll,lin.y problems (hey may have in i:HIjU5ting (0 their new ell\lirot"l-m~t_ Th-e eommuahtes regularly receive gifts from rhdr benefactors. They run the-Ii' own mchefve sc:hoo) to .. now d,e ehlldre:n an opportunit';' to ~stablish a (!."Cling of community witbit'l: ehemselves. This ~1t(m."1o the ebtld 10, more often than not, ("iI;).ii'l5(r~m Inti.) public. schools t,l,'ith Iitlle (oj) te« dlffieu.ltie:s.

The, RI!"~I Story't The Fenr,)~htp 1$;11 Wyrm-run orcanb:;)flot\, Originally initiated by thl: Seventh OCi'ierar:lol'l. (see R'iI~'C Acrtl4$ Ne-y,' York). h has spreed d1.rou.gholn me i4lltQn as QI1C of the lo!:lMIing methods 01 (:re.~{'og 'p"'CiUI'II"l. nell.' (omori, The Stvtflth Oener;;uLon CIt::3tOO mis OJ""P_f'l.ztitlOl"l [n r.he Ddl,lcr Wyrm'.s;desi:re3-





Fnak Legion


Esck CIl:5t~ of the Peneerch has tcflueoce in thiS Q~"I. :o;)'tiOri.. 1 ~ .... ';)l; l)'l'il!!lrr::.'lly created by Cheerer Van O~ldi~ with III busmess run by the Pct'ltv(.h; the 003.fd of dtreerce c(;Il'I$isu soleJy oi i;ithc:r ml!:mbcrs of the Bus~ Caste. Tbey Insure that the (Cn{1:.1iI never have an,' need (or monc ... , and can p::if rep ealenes for each prcl~it)i'l1IL M0nr 01' thl!. cMldf~n. :ire aeqcteed rhrcugh the Srunchcr.!o, 3100 many members of CII{,h gTIlduation eM {lnd rhemSC"1\'·~rcturning to 1.I.!Qtk (01 (he FQundatiOll in mat especc. The Oovemmenr Cesee maintatns the $ewrl1;\' of (he cenrers. 1 t r.\;)..'k~ sure rt.:)[ eaeh eeruer passes die rigorous federal standards, while iII]$Q ..... "(;Irking m I~r th~ srandarth. 11'Le MedieaIC'J.fteiel'ld$ "pmfl!SSklnaLs.· LO organtae and run laboratories at eech IIIti.liry ""heft: new dt\l,!J$ are created, and tested On the chiJdn:i't. Dt.r@ti)thea.nimositv between the att,er eiUt~ ;)nod d'le Warrior Ceacc, the w;)ffl(!if.$ do n.I;I('1Jt dirmly to hefp this program,

TJ;...:: FdBow$n.lp il'll:roaucltl children into t:h.c=ir ,system through a variery of means, rmmy srete-assuted. These include haVing each OOInl"unity ffl;,)tnrnin :) rQ5II!f home acarus. M~U:B.i!i rein!] known as one of the t(lp-e"ildc~re ~18~I\CL..::~ In mit nadcn. Once wldttn the o:;ommLJ11.itteo;,' gtasf,l, I,hey are brouclu lmo the mremal Klli;:)I)1 ~y$U:~n~_

ChildJl.':n-soonlc-3m lh a t they are"dutnb'" Qr h~;lIdeq_ulue rOlf nor {ollowing the ruk'SCX3(;dy. Any infT;K.tiOn$ roi!:$u1f in OQrp(lftl.l f.luni~hrn~m in from of rhc cless or II trip to the princip-al's (Iffi~. The te[1(.her ql,llel.+r :5tnrl'.S nnd metneatns rbe facade ill being the lest chtld's ~, friend, f.!l,Ini,shlng her only when [he child makes a miJ.take. Alter all, it is the te;)(;h~r'~ rob to ~I~[ ,be: child in becoming a 'A'Qf[),whl1lt human being - lind chtldeen need ;:Ll1 rhe help t~ e<Jn :g.el. MQre of [en dun nor, corporal punish-

mem. plus k~", negauve pl:lt~,$ ("Are you stuOid 1" "Wh., dOl'L'l }'UI_J ~I'\$wer the qlk'stionl"" "'Are ~'ou being frdh!"') only fuciliatte the creaocn (I( (cstcri_ng il'l(i:rfialwounds and f~cling:$ (I( in~eqwq' - 3 hole in whtcb a Bane can more ~I'r tnvede the chikl~l bodr.

Th~ s.eeond step of (he Pfilt1JaIR is to fncoduce «1ti"l11'l W\'rm (Oxins. into the: childreo's rood,. 1"hl!$e tQJliIru; [:31.:(: (t1l:; (QrtI'I (I( C;tt-wJ\, or sprees created by the MNi<::!l1 Caste, but lUoc·tion to weaken ,he dJ.i..ld's m~nt:1l1 b,.Nli!I'$. Once

dus neatmem ;~ anned, rhe chikircn I.!.IiW'llif find themselves havtng.strenge Ili:ghtrn(l~ Oni()nlb]~ ffi(lfi$[~r'l!l and eVil vampncs, A select few are (;~!f1 rc receive the attentions of;) P$~diOi'l\..M,I~_

TIu:: Goal St''::p oIlJht:! pfQgrnrn ts [0 place the chitd in II ~Well Chosen Home. .. Tbese hoa'li.d ll~ eid'L-e-f abcefve, ;;JIloohQII.e; or contain fomer! parents, The reli.(l ...... shlp prefers to pjece d-ildrcn il\ I,In<llee.eptable homes riddlr:d wit)' alcllhollml. The £:ami,ly watches over the chtld. bri.nging her lnto the eteele Q( pain quite n:nurallf' The end ~rulr of this process ~ a ehtld who l~ el'l1(l{i.(InaUy

I weak.nod ",,~ low seffesreem. The Fdlowship invites all

U Iheu eh.'!dre:t'l beck for a graduaricn «re-mooy. their

1... dlpbna - a Bane,



.. ·_J/Ar • __ I'I~ ... --II-"' .. - .. --- .. - .... ,_ ... AIioIl ... IIIIIII,,",y,.

comes ~ued, t:h~ ""00..110 not arc pc:rmaru:ntly disrurbed ~ thor- process. ~ir k.::';'1,lallr}' is snmred, mdr p:l'$Oooli'les; conupeed by the i.ndoctrinatiOn process. Many non-possessed survlvcrs ecmml [ suicide in the

Tht uiOrld rod.JyiJaJim.pkrploct:. Wc~!.'e ~ OlUraJ! W lI'LQOthS (ollowin.g(McoofS.e,SOl1lillr.gcd4iR-ta.eirleelil'le)j

~pI.ICdfi'on$. AU I"!! 5qlt.Im!" ~ and 1M pa;nflf~ and tht of ~1f·wOTth. The- \or 01 rnC!S4! people poseeesed is little

ltn:ingl!, In oltr&ltOf.'ia, wkfng~.umtr'tf~efOfdi!ilIia"l')', beuer,

~!.;h"e~· u~eh rJ~ ~[_._ E,,'t't'"J!:Iod', is ofxacd~ ~ wmt. Onee .signs of Bane: infestation are ;)pp:)rtnt,

lm'f u nllfetJ Ho.mogen;c:ty 11l0~red nepeoechee its. cs-clteme, at-

- Neil GEII~rnQn. "From HornogeflO'W To BCln~ ['l~w;5.WlIIr(heminwwor&:in~whhfM~l'Ii:m[[.[)n

Victims T""i'Clcd~ HomotC",iet)' [n~I'j)Qt3.[i!d 1.:3 a ill§. vctuereees I)I-..d recmtrcrs. Door-to-door CllrlJpaifj:llS by

~1,_,\l3lry of?emc)(, TIl!!: ofJ;<iniZll.tion preys upon homo- Homoge:niety Incorporated arc IJS\J,.II~· 5!;l((1!d bv jtlSt ~lJCh

sexual men and women who, seck co "C;I,.tre" 1ht.~I\'itS -of voluntecl1_Ot_hc:rfQI'DOfiimaV accompany the T«T\litCQ. If

theirsexu!}liry. Belle v ln,g~hem.~lves5kk" unamralor evil Ceeou, Kinfolk or other "lJtld¢!i~bl~ art: sniffed OUt

as <I r~~II~ of ccnstam tndocnoartoe by 111 beterosexise during door-to-door ealjlp~[g:ns,ll\<e~' are rargeeed for tm-

iSOC,;lfty, these ur.t.happy giI.~ and le-.Jbi.all.:! a 11 tOO readHY' IlIHl1'mtkm boy (t(nn Pemcx eubakiiaries,

!;~n Up' fur Homogcl'Lle.f')o' ] 1\(Q1'f.'Q1':ncd'~ 1£:11 week, $2000 Jim Fowler, dl(! p.tes:I~( of Horn.ogmicL~ leccrpc-

cowse. rdted, ck3plte pt'Qrl!'.S.Si~ chat nbs. oomOk:~u;Jlity has been

Noe: aU hOl'l'lO$eJt'l,l;)1:$ f<lln f.lff:V to sejf-harred, Wrlll cered, comi.nut! 10 live :J secredve go"-y ll(~tY~e" often

adju:m:d homo5txvllb ~J"e t;ir@:l!'(cd ). HQill.~eni.if:(~' ~duC"ing the W<:<iker1wi!lif:d men who .sign onto hit

l,'"i$iOn_Thi$br.i:i't~hm!Jote organi:::alion'5 OO\ITtC U well ns hiring male prosriru{C$ funds ElRtigay groupS 4-1,lch oe rhe USA's upon whKh he dll.'ki:i Iti~ IUSL HI5 self-barred is cfren

MOGl.l Majmi t\', end in Engl:mcl, rhe n~NI:i~i grQIJp C expressed ;1'1 .me!h tAWUnt-er:$ ;)$ sadlarlc nnd mesochtatc

1 a. i'-l ~rdi!':f to (wnh.::r an ermosphcec ill whi~ prl;)r~y ~na'l!Qul'. Not infreqw=ml"y hts tamel ,i'l:l O\It o( h~oo.

la\JfS will be repealed, end gav-postdve irna~ will be 1~lvlns. a U'3.11 of dead ~oU[ru which mljl'f vee be FDwkr's

5tam~oot.Th(:f\''WCfh3ppyg;l<ys:a.''dl~bl,nsw1'lQe~ist, downfall. Those ecorse members 110'00 rcjc.;;t him ere

acoordlnG to me R(:alignm;j!nI Diy. ion 'J rwrseed $l,~reg-)', oongr.uulated 00 pllfL5ing ~ n{lnexi$tl!:nt eesr, whilt ehcse

rhe motl! ui\luppy homosexuals there win be (Dr who gl\'e in (0 hb perverse I;h.<trm$ beeeme 1!'\'1!1'i. mere

Hl;)mOgeniety In«JtpOI"3.'li!od ~.o tecru It. @'uilt.r1,!,T;)C~,ed. a:M thus morccpen W po$:St"MiiO:n. Pt.lb1;eLIUV,

H.ornogenLi:;tylrv:O'I"]X:Ir.)~(:dpl'(Jrni~'lt50polcri1ialmc:m~ Jim Fowler projecu L! wholesoi'lle facade, maintained in

bers rbat tneycan be convened into h.iJWY, {vlly {\I('I<donal p<J;rt by his public tmege-ccnsctcue ""ifoe:, jj, .Pt:rII~lI;]( opeta·

hete~I,I;:11:$. HYPI'IQ!J..erapy, poop ccanseling S~MiLonJ tive,

and aversion therapy are clenlellt$ iI'Ich u ded 1f1 the Fomorb P()S$e$iOf'l b~ Homoge:niet~;orpomtcd',

otgat\l:<Ii(lon's "cure ." 6., [he rime recruib havecompleted Banesprcceeds along wen·doeul'l'Ie~(1!d lines, Af[er ini(iAl

(he OOUTSf", eke majority II~ completely <ISC~lJ.al_ M.."'lfI.y of ~O!TL, the V"i<c{im.'~$I!!): dnve dfmtnahes rapidly, Thb

"hem are uc long.r:r even human, Is often the cause of tc=mpcrni1ry joy, "" ('hoi! ~ne.~C!Sr'-!;

Publlc f<Jc.iAl.!tl H~g.eJ'tI~1Y Inccrpcrarcd adverttscs un""'IltT.!e<llwmQ..5e)fu~1 &5i~5 begin to wane. Nohererc-

in re1i~i()l.l$ m~A:Min~:l.OO newatencrs, pericdicala, and 00 scKvalu1gt:!1 ~wppillont homoerotic uq.rcs, ho"l .. ever; l'-l$U!:OO.

Iate'night cable rele"i:siOn $t;)ltimU stJeh a~ Omni1V, lrs !'h.e n~w Iomor loses all dc!ire (or sexual 3:Cli ... iry. It is

brochures 3~ often dW-ribll(N ro doctors, p~holh<:r .. - dutil~g this ges.t:ation phase (which usuaUy wu beeweeo

ptsre :and other health-cere pl"Otr:s5lonab.. ()b~lnlnli: rhelr and ofighf month~) th;ilt dt.e f1odglllt$ (omor is wugh(

n-';)ilil\;lt;'dclu.~s (rom oehce Pemex-c ..... oedconser ... eave out by Ho:rnog.e:niery lneceperarcd. and sent out with,Q,tiOOS_"lrI,ci't,t;)lI$t chcech groups pro ... ide recnnrmcnt pernee. tl'u:: f(lffiQr's abitir'j' m sense

1-lomogc.rLieT~' 1 nccrpcrered w ith :some of i ts rtehesr f,lkl::. U'I\f'i;j!lI\l!':'ll beil1g5 bas full.., m;anj(e,!.t-i:d {!J.5,u:filly ;j'It~o(!: efghr

i~~ The o.-~111~\1.tl011 Iii Ieenred bv the chansmanc Jim months, ijolthoug!t l ... sometad Ivt.dlJals l:Bki.rTg as long ru; QI

Fowler. a blonde IIInd ru:artf OOuthcfner_ He j'1e'~ally vear). 8 surge of hormones .. re released Into rbe fonwr',

eodeeses [hcoompa.n~'s "cure," daiml"8lho-n it $ttvcd him bloodstn:;)fl). t:t;~ring [he- final transformatiOn <'Ind.;u a

(KIln iii loveless l'1nm~"l,_l:Ollli(c: o( sin and debauchery, side clTt,t, Illtlkil'\g ehe (omor a.ggrt!S5i\'e and ... iole:nt.

The ReLll S!(Jor~': HQ«II:)5~Xllfll~ ;alraTdy prey rc low The lru:ta:moOc-ph9i;I:s be-gln..."i with the fomor'e gen.itilb.

wi I lpower and l'IC'gRth'c seff-esteem por-OVide H.Qi'i'I~nlet\' :a.'t!'OpkV[n,: (witlu:riLl;C up and druWi n~ (Iff lii d'Vi! case of

lncorporared 'W1!(nC":l!j.,maTk~ f1Jf Bane-possesslon. Durin!!: men, Or ~l'-"ll)I~'I::~if'l:iil up for v;ornen.) over a two- .... ·etk

the reguLar h¥pn.othe=rap~· sessloes \\.bEc:h are scarrered peeled. Afrlf'r three weeks, $¢;)b·!lh C"nL11! begin (0 grow

thfOlJghovtlhcOO~Itoi:-.;r..d.vldl,l~l$3fee:x~roP'tnror:x. over the fotN)i"~5 eyl!$ and nose, elo .... ,ly :absofbing: the

.b' ~_ippll~ &nif:S, While not e\'(:,,<one who ~igtl$ [_Ii\ (0 ~_fI5lf1 pulpy nc:w tl~h, Wh~n it heiil$, ~Ile' rOfflor It len

r... HrnnQgl:ntcty hloo.rp.;rrJled $ h.ol"l'lQS¢xual cure course be. featurtlcsssave (Of iu ra.plng ft'Iour:h_

Freak Legjorl

~ _-. as UP ~

Homogeniety J n,orporate~


public sentiment. SIC'<U.,' ~gents ~ the m~e'i .. tad lire out of more ralenred them uponasceeen Or out on a run""ily I ile ~ ptece of me;)~_ W'heu t,h~{ name, face and voice stops making money, tile ~n(S will waste ltnle {imoe 'lht'Owlng {h;}.t hnmnn ltfe on rhe ro[~ltli pIle of ccundcse other fleshes in the: pan,

J n ccncast, M ~-hlsm:r)' of ,gr"'l'L~in_g ~'(JUf!i:, IJnprO~'1::d t .. lenr a !-hOt 01' ~lHni elder, Iorgcnen seers back [Q d'lt: spocl i8h~ CMIi.'!i it 9. warm respect thWlJ8hoot the iooustry. Soml!dal.m thaI RAW musr k.s.t a fortune-on somanv ri.d::y bullifH.'M V~nlUIC$, OtherS even whi$pt'r that RA \TI hiJd s:(rnn~l!:pl~mrQt' ir..'ishO'MIm!die:nn, bur [bose voiCj!5r11e"N!f seem to surface long enough (or lIJ1}'One ((I hC;ir.

The Rat StOf)'~ Wh tle most 9.brtnc'~sijmply ~ 10% of Q clilCnt."~ blood and mon~ OUt of them • .RA W rip! a.w:ay 1 (Xl%. ~;)C.TlfEd1'!li It to I_he Wyrm. 1111!: Wyrm il!i"'Ii()Ys u he.alth.., crop or 'fOIJIII] Iomor! thrmb to RA W'~ s.rotK{L-cn of ~'CIW:lg ped"ortncn c nd models,

GEUl101!IUl!ed -!O ~ ;)10141 ~ ~ ln the emertainment werki, the bottom of the iooIJSII'Y

YII)U eoU.d ~ eM~! food ehOll~1\ $1.oe~~ hI l:ank.f$. wilh C!:nt!r~llc aed hlli'l!'jrv

- Emuson.lak_(: & Palmer, Kam.E ... iI9 )'-OIJ"iP~er$, R.Jl"!ginfl; ii\ ~it' in>m 14,)0. d1~ Joja" w .. b

Victirn$ T .. yg~!ed. RA W $tei:~ '.I~Q:fJeetii'1~ TOCt"ulu nev~~njc)~,~.,.tl'i" ~l"i1b"):i'lee O([()Y'C!(lf ;_llt~rili(1ii (R)iillhcir

on two fronts around the world. The ~ni;y prOl"IJ~ to familiell, TlM:y dil:\F.e:10pc:1i their toIlcnu f):r (lutwWrd :lIppe."Ir·

make rhcm the next acrirtg, singing or rnod-cling stara. ances to hide die gaping woceds undemeerh. Their peers

Fim, its ecocte troll th-e ~M of hungry "wannabe" person- considered them pr"C"tm(iou.~ ourcasrs fer LMir .artifL<;~lIIl.

o.lIti~, Wh.-e:lheroi'L the.5o(i'Cel:!-o:f~h.Q.l.mdo!r tne$h;)dow c:xt.rO'lletted k~vl(l1, TIu:l' rldtcufe QI'I'l' {orce.d thffi'l (ru.

01 the E.iffel Tower Of in the dark .s:ubwilly t'LmneLs off tMr{1lJt~ntQ-melodrarn<lli.c;iantasy_&tolt-enlhek:LtmbitiollJ

Broadway, RAW's rcprceenrartves can smell inexpert- cbild[l!:n';5.t3.lcmt5nt:V('rllmOOn{fO'oloIh:iumeytrulyn~lO

cnccd and unbridled ambtrton mlles awav. slubly [heir prtmal need fOJ leve and a.[[~ruioo,

On, lh.:: ~eQnd and mere selecnve from, RAW I!::JI:I!:CU- MQrl!' these fOlldu: art: "dbcovered" b-y me; Wyrm'j.

lives, comlillltly hunt (Of th .. t $pe<.i.,.1 victim _ lh~t :ilgenu, th~y Rnd theiir -..v;1oy intI) (;he~p (t:\i$h stu(Jii;S. PQn'\O-

bopeless case - eapencnced in its self-destrecncn and graphkv~housc:s-mdbadoommunltytheuerprodlJCtiOO!.

~peGi;.Il1y "'"Qrd1~; of ~r'UplI(li'\. $ta", rise at'td fall in An)' RAW (!i!'{er t(llhi~ "Ja:lil'l(llIld in lhll! MU-W\" (!!oel~ [00

enrertemmenr ftelds, Fade come and go at the movies, good to be true. However, it's rhe enentjon the soul wanted

Sl'lleepkl:\g Out whole 'rops of cne-dme St<lM if, \n.ei I' ~r.:.e_ all its llfe. rt ~~ beeemes an cseepe froma wotld ~!I!ot!red in.

Vok;e;s; fede OUt of ;S.q'le in popular music, Wrinkl~ em deadly drugs:and sC'XIJ:iI.I ebcse, They grab the brass rmll:-

aercss faces, hi~ gJuw wick a L'Kl hr~t;!: :sQg, eooiii~ count- net l:;nowirLg It's 'l~ dootl.:_nob to h.(!11 as ;:L fcmce,

less modellf'lg caeeees. Atllh~ fOfl!!(I(ten Idols share one RAW oIl('t:!i m.illlyO(.s()[';~t""$ ubandcnedglamor bounds

(hing - deep, twistill8 pain. Tht:y ache to regatn the l\ndonC!,hl~"",'(Iooe~31"lL)t,he:tllfC'!.The~m,islubo::liC:~'C:11liI1

$\IC~ :iII,nd .,...b!lc ('3V()t ~hey once ef'1I~_ thC'~, found their ticket back '0 their belcved pablic eye.

~bleot(~M .. le.)"i'i'1J!otoJd,:l(:(QrQrmodl!:t-RAW They It!arn (00 late how e~jly thdr eddicuca rc fame

pUts the f3\'Cnot&S 105[- ineo the grip of Penrex, The leads rum to a doomed exeeence. It takes a .strong (if

tfu'ff;lOOt(Xill'3r:lOI'l'& minions introduce them rnehc W,;,rm, Ra~'«I) 1f.I1rI( and ebovc average intelligence (0 achieve

The Wynn i.n.trod\lf;'l:8 them to their nell.', ~hort.livt:d role and r~tllin "U~ (01' ~ny um .. :,l'h~ o.nt:,tiint: :stO:LT'$ JI'L;)ke

tn tbe OTg!l'l1i~t'Jd. fesrering dcsrruerton ,;-l(JRi:rl. powerful and effecnve Wrrm aecnts. ln some caeee, me:"

PU.blI~' FaC'.adt': Rcglercrcd An:i.M.!o Worldwide scarred a:s. r~lJ]ti.t1.g (O\1tu:1d can ~t~tld iU (i 1'11()rth~' cne-on-cee eb:o.l,

;0 small Ih:l!F.iirr ~I"lC~' I'Lc~! led ::l'llr.1y Ir1I the H olljwccd 1~rLg(r (0 III berde-tested Geree.

Hilb, However, OtK~ bougllt OUt and :gutted by ~i'lt(:j(, Whether OJ tonered Sh<l)wb.h ~loet;J.fL ()r naive novIce,

RAW grew 31 I!:tobal relent :HS,t:ocy. Wirh offices in bctb [lj.'p!!;§. of Iomori prospects share an amaang [fait.

New York, Chtcago, Los Ant,."CIeJ;, londOn, S~'dtll:¥. P:ilr4 These i:1c:tOI1 and models "Irtad~' ex:i$I. II, suc:h a n .. "l~e (I(

and ToJ,:,yo, the RAW can scour most of she worJd',s dclusjon and fanatSY that Ih~V do not tcoogni:i:e rhetr

r'ni~tded indUStrial ~Icd;;::s (()r (omori teet1.l!U:, t~n$i"()nn<:I1.K;;tl il'1l0 (Oii'Ior! un,II ii'=" a.most I!QtI'1pl~(e.

lromcallv, RAW enjoys '8 better reputancn than ;lny While du:ir f~aru-re!i £Vi'ts.: imo ~iaL ckath mash. evcn

l/ (",her ~~ne~ All tOO QJ!lI!:n, ~n)' ~n of major emc,min as their mu."KlC!. and limbli rot .. ",'ay intO bloody, pu~·

r.. rnema~ru;}''''C'<'!.{h~<I'''''c:II .. desetverJbi.llTt!gt:oln-eg<llt''''-t: rtJclled .,.,'~ru., !hey;S.e~ lh'i!!ffiif!'l\l~ ~ kamifUl and

Chaptt:T FOlJl'.'Recruilment 85

~~.--. • = = - ."

As rbe fomor',s gc:nit3ls aoophy, its bones, panlcuLarly in thi!: ~Ilkl~. afftl$;)M le~.Jl.Hort -and ,Iff ow, TM!llau~r period of transformation is ,,-'SpeciIlUy painful. Aft(:r II tnQf'lrh, tho! {~,nsform.'l[icm l$complo!u!_ Tho! facelessfemoe ",'alk-$ on hands and feet, trn,:k_inif its. prey "'i~ alien senses, :9.nacki~ Il.'ilh i(S 11Y(h and cl9ilM$, Such fcmorterc known M NQI'fnV Hlc~,QI'N(Iffl'Is, and pro.periy leashed and rruueled, wel' are LJ!500 b~' Pencex 3100 Homegeniery lncorpcraced ro h~Lnt down and kill OiilrOU i.lnd their Kinfolk.

O?e9istere~ Artists WOrlooibe (f[a/ent At)encyJ



'(Ou begin the: game ilJii! no ... ice warriOr, ami OOpcr1JUr quid!:I'Y learn the wave to gain me powerful an:ifs.c~ and solve the difficult quesn. Find the Grtatsword:50 th.u you may kill the werewolf Where is rhe SlaK1!" hidden [0 kill ~he ...... mplre tn til!! caraccrebs! o..~ fur tI,~ m\o""t~l'i~'it_r$ Lady of the Leket You will soon learn the steps. to solve each difficult peale and gatn po~ion of greater and greater weapons. With eech solution. you also gai.n points eeedvenee roehe n~}('t level. un[i1ulr:lmart-ly\'oo ~!!h rh~ htgbest pla~'eT tide.: Wi;:;).rcl.

The Rer..I Story: Realm of Decelt is an AberMUD based on rhe mese appeal onl lne I?:1mes have OWl' people. It i~ run 0« u bmndl wn:-puto:roflCS, (fnd while tbe pb .. ver is ha\'in,1!: fun kHlinij: wherever new creature ;s rhrewn it::i 1l.'9V, [CS is Ellluijlin;g the pctenrtal of the clfem, and M{;c-rrni.:ll~ng other important infiJ'mratio~ such rt;5. ~ p18~'~r'$h..orne and e-mall nddrese.

~alm o(()eceL[ weacreared slx years;i!f~ IL'rI fe!p0l"LSe to I,~ Increased 1)lj}l)ll>o-blllt'Y KI (M Net. h 'I.If;\S $I!! 1,IIp. bl" KEIi~UmL Takahmi, 8. Olase Walll;,c:r The:urgc, through her office: compurcrs.ll "'M set another one of rbc hundred of MUDs thee people could lotl onrc and mindl~ty p19l'P" lCS hed been W",;nch.ins the company, 9100 with rbe initiaIt-on of the MUD. it l~nlO $lQ\!"I\o,et)n'up!_ Ih~ ,1!;11::;:lb;-I:'Je', cha.n;il'lt]: (he quC!>L'i ~1i31ull" Kaesumt (Ouoo htcrSeI( dtawi'l into her own MUD, The: cosnbinanonof m~ violence she was alN:ady osed to and ihe ne~' qlJdlS allowed a rotrfUpf 'pMe rOe;r\1_ e r and r1.l$Je wirb he-r $QI_II. A (r!"\!,' $kQi1: Ir'I(1i'1~hs IateT she di~ppe~rtOd (Tom ber sept, ami !it't Rcillm of Decete up on ICS. where it cllrre.rul\, resides.

All 01 rhe quesra have some relanon ID;Spfciftc lasks ror fun~,{!(ri. One oi t_he more fIOp:uiclr ~(U~$ is ~ .. n:hing (lr;r! the Oreauwcrd nnd using LL [0 kililhe wcrcwoff rhae is rerrOi'hJfI~ ehe smnll r"",,·I'I. Qr,r~ ~quife5- ebe pl!L~r re kill a vampire, The plajcr must elcwls team tllI"(ru~h experlcncc ",'h~" ~Iep'- ~ t;l_k1!, ill -wi,;)! (rrlkr. ~l:',i solve tbc puerlcs, creertng an addlcncn to rhc game. Bach step. eech klll, min.g:s the ph~"C1 further ioro the game and tl'le ~me 1e~tlr:-.g. W"'lle {hr! pl;(l}'er beltevee the M UI) !'Q be a rcllel (rom stress, and only mindless violence and fun, ICS ~~ly beg,ID' rc weaken {he pbyer'$ resclce 1_~i'Ldlt.e becomes so enmeshed in the game, rc::ality and (he MUD a:re Inseparable.

Afrer de:ttrmin[ng ~ playoff'S 1~\1d of oommim'll!nr.

ICS in<ikc the lh'cb mOte di((jer.rlt to $i)lve. TI,e pl<i\o'C'f rises. in me mnks, kjlling alllh4: supc:m3tUJ31 cr£3rrures., and OOcomin:g numb to ,lets of vlo.l!:l'Ic!!", 1ft!!" final t~t (iOi'lle$, ,and li,e fll1.-1 q!,_l~l l$ (li:l(Q"I:~d: lh~ i,l.-yer il-."IDt k:il1 five mher p13yt'Do Whil~ man~' find [his fun ;and or=vtn ful1l1l'. othen itop 3l ~his point_ Those whi) do J<iil tin!:

Gthe:r plaJ'.Ccrii rise to th~ tide of Wimr.cJ, and are gra.nrro .-.ddidoi'li)t p¢\!"C,TS, ,uell;jk$ ~t QWt r'he I~r r'afrokl!od pia)'C:r5,

.-------//.A«- --

powei'i"'U1. E:hher (or d1t~ f'irn ~inu~ 01" tI'l: 1~~ ti me, KImel body wems them. U that tles body end soul ro the de5(ruedon of MQ{Mr &m:h, $0 be il_

Fmn~rlj Ltke I) seasoned fiR .. ge .... t. th~ W'ittn seems abtc to 5pin tbe paM corruption 01 these lond.,. splnts inro spc<:iA~ (omori ageuu, Dependlng on the r~rult'5 Iormer QCCiI,:i~lion, me Pemex fon:es:wltl (O,,(!rm Iba-tiuforootl powers are wtll endowed,

For example, a R.A W agent seduced and trsruJormod a fullen. movte dtreeecr, Once flavoe ofthoe mQi'J~h ;\n,d talk of the (own, [his former video rental clerk rumed mega~1-r!br1r~' Jj:rew (;;Ii, oOa' 'UC~ wr=:ki!od (rO<rri. the KKJ-red tit 01 r;;L\'ili;w.[iOOl ',5 uooC'tbdly. He made the dcccmpoentcn of hlJffi.i)j'r :soc:ler)' en[ec:raink[l-,g. Th-e ... io-lem pulp of his bent r.c!'i.or. reveled in Ol)l.i)';I: passtng, Wherl eemecne I'l\Orc dlaguadng came OOWf.J Hollywo;xl'~ 8arbage churc, !fVoCryM~ forger hlm - exc:epol. RAW_ ThI1: Wynn made tnert fornor into (I leader, Ir;linr!od {Q t,Ie;-!! death ro Ol)ror.r aod well armed with immcl1S(:lv potent Ey~ err W';'fIn. He ~ tru: t~irec:tOT'$ ... ie\lo't.nd!;r (QooliyiOTl_

11'1 ~ot('pil'l(,l \llith th.1s speelflc m.uta!iot\, a poesessed dancer could sprOUt mul[,lpte, 5pUced remaeles trom lB ~plne - (It' spl1! It, swollen ifl.1;~tI11~ liL:~ t;)nk ~r.JeJ.:$ tor i_ncrt1l$e(I fnobility. A Singer woefd borrow the W".-rm'$ wl"enehing voace, $\ldil1g the dubiOUS' will Out 0( both hapless human and weakened Oarou

Finall~', a model makes the rnosr tf.llgic ramor of all. Hilr angelic looks tum insldeOUl, and his once pink nnd p!"ftt!cr tl~l\ bUi:$C:$ wilh h.t'.l.""" ;)11I;_I PQ~' TI,_L.Tr'I(;rr$_ 111 vf:ry r;)TC occurrences, a model rurned fornor becomes a unique. Wy-,m ;;'I~jt. Able to ~:r{'~(oa-l'r'I 3~ will fQr britt peri~ 0( time and btde her fomor hfdecesnese under her former hYrrl!odc beecry.ehe can IOO\'!!: allKrtl,!t Gala's cbUJu-1'I and bttok fresh meat virtually undetected, Lf this fomor finds 91 I'(!si:5t;J.I'I t S1Jbjeo~. or Ifby chance ;J. o<'too doe.$u.t'leow.:r hct m .. Ir:Yr):lclKt:, .she can revert to her fcmor shape and deal th~ Wyrrn's ~reel::J I bnmd of (!ntoert<rri~roenl_

By h~ or by (;ror;:JI;. RAW remams OO£! ofPc=ntr::x'&:mrl the Wvrm':s. most effective recruitment reels. Using: d'le baste human wt'3~ 01 rarmbitioo, greed end aO;ti~ion, RAW rernpts Ilro'ilh prorrr~ ~ M~'i!(-{!ndi,og f3IDr!.. mareetal eomlomr imd pTi1m'l kW41. [k.spenuc ftll the anenncn and t~ition mer willl'l~r know (and, sad~, may rr.ot deserve], RAW', lOi'I\Qrl ~e .he W'f'Fm's I1'lOS~ willb~ ;)get'Lu..

0{ ealm of (])eceit Ot(ultiUser(])ungeon)


Vkthn~ T4Lrg«:u.'d: Computtr fa.n .. ti~

Pu!blic. F"adtd~; Ir-$ ~ul (rnlin~ g<1mt!', One or th~ thou. sands in (!.xi3{«::t1Cc. Realm of Dc:o!:or=i( is 9In Akn\illDi :a multi-mer textual game in wh~h )'00, th-e. pla}'e:r, qUCl!it to KiIIlh~ e'L'il-c:~ature5 of the nl;g_hl, aoo !5Q1~ chI! n\i.\'r'Ly

1 ::1;., pu~la

~,11-- --

Freak Legion



One oft"~ gJNlteJ.t Wimrd beneflts ls tn.e R~oN, .. !:to L:jWWQ:I$ the Wir.:l'l'd'uwom, This sword can be g~"en re other pJ9i'P·C'T.s, but ecee gi"en. the sword fceces [he wleldet (0. ktU 1!'\'I!''Y'One around him sace the!;. Many playen: flndout eben \hb reel. and will acruaJly:ask (l)ru~of it WMf\ [hc'f6nd the)' must lm£ivtoth~tpl;ll';'t!'fS. Any titTle af(et reoc:htnG Wi1aro, Deceh and CoITIJpt;1)n Banl!S find (heir new hosts. Gl:'ating new (O(ilQt! - ffI;lIny with wOOldertul oomp~Rl!'r $'kills..

FomQn: Mat'll' qf the people become either willing personnel for Penrex. CIT the: actual Areh.WI~_r.d~ (fJrf the:

MUD. Other, more vtclenr play~rs, become: Gcrehounds, PI9i~r:s: find c:id'lC'r an Om:allith or Iil ~ 01 A,'b~ or Antu inl,tibidl:'ll_Q: their soul,

Smoker's tZane

Vic:li:ms Targt:lCd: This prograsn O$tI:rQ,lb[y benefhs [nose who lack the wll.lpowtrord~.if,'IIJ'le [(11 STop smoking Of. their O .... 'n. The M:1{-hclp group. run by Perues's PrOject Ui:illd, Kl"etn$ all "p],ltalnu.. ThI!Y rake onty chose who meet cereetn uitcril).: ~hey lli.u.i.t M ~ll\gllt and preferably have no living close rel;)tiQtu.. ~hl!"- mus.t have med Iand failed) [.0 stop smoking before, VlU tht:y It1I_.QI, be willing ro :IIpp:!.3r in sd~'~ni!iCmt''Ilts for the PlQgrnln $IiQ ... 1d rhe}' lIillr,t;e.'~f<fllll .. • complt'!te It. Plans are underwa,,· to bcli::in .. new program (or m;:,.rrt~d ~lIP~. :lind a lc~ns-o'llIV program. is in the works, There h;)S atsc ~eEt\d .. ' been some ralk cA SUII(lng up peescbocl and elc:rotn{;J.ry $dh_ool prevenrive progta'RU and of offering me p:rogram to Klec;t companies far their emf.1IQ~'ees' use.

Pub-Hoe Facades ThooSh fRirly experelve, Srnokcn. &n.e is: the moer ~I:ar 1\<:'111' !r(;llHru:n~ Pf'Qg~m for habitual ~l::m, DesigntJ to essist tbose who M'o'C' (;}oi ltd .... hh ntccnnc parcbee, bypoothe~p~- Qr :),wr:s.ion therapy, [hepKlgrflrn .emrh:.u.i~ group 5UPPOf"[ and pilrtil;,ip<ltio:n in :K-tiyihl:'.$ in which ~rookif'lg ~ banned. M>tmbt!:rs attend movies, dlne OLl~ logt'!lher 11'1 n.ol'L-&m.o'ki;~ .s«ti-oos-oi res- 1;;).uffln.u: end chCJQ:SC; 0[,)(: or more h~aJth}' gKH..ip e)[f:Tc.ise;$~wimmini:. aeroblc$, o,,,d -d;)n.cln,g, fer example. Rerber than isotuln.q Ihe (IJOup. (he Smoker's Bane pT-ogrli>m intr:~l~

them intoongoinFllI01lt::tMties onended by [hi! gotncral public., I~,t!'.ad CIt holclin~ their 0"'-" aerobics dau. for b.;1iE'i'l""I!, mCl1i-bcf1 ~(IlfL ~uch classes :ill gyms 300 fimese centers ~[ their OOIDH end at nmes when l~ir sehedcjes permit.

AI mttti~, membend,iS(I.QSd\t!i.rtiiffieulrksand panake of (Mit "cnmmunity toast, ~ a gJ8M of oon-a1coho!i.t; ~~ juiCe whi,eh ;:.llquaf(i.n a roast torheir cominaed SIK~. The -a. P~nt(:x em,ptop:e. ghes the grQ'_lp a shOll't pc:p mlk de5igncd tu make them foe>!l goc..i :about Lh'Cm~lvcs-

The public $(:e5 Smo,'kc:r's Bane B.!i 3 m' 1;1,1(';;. Thel'

I urKi(:rsmnd that tnt p. rog:r,)1'11 e:m~h~i%e:s. fun :K'tiviti~ dCJoc$n.'( dcpeoo on drugs or pscudo-psychDlog:iclIl.$C$.'J.;oliS


L,..~- --


tnreeded to make the smoker ~etllike;ll $f,llneless addict. ;j.i'ldsrill h1'l!la pbencmenalsuccessreccrd.In !Ile;j'iged~hl! I &.step pTtlflram, it ulse seems qui[!!; hshiooablc:, Bcse of all, the whole [hing 5(':(!:JJU pilinl e 'M and more I.ike .. ~i_i'igl.C!J dub than rilerupy.

The Re~1 Slor)': Srooli:~f'5 Bane actually does Iol:h:at it claims to do - these wtM) cemplerc tire prognm never smoke ~ln. Of covee, [M'l' oon', need to. At their flrst mtt(i:ng, when members drink <' (~l (0 tk!!"lr commil~t ro $lOP smMing, each gtas.s. holds II ~~i;)1 8;)i~ 'kOOWI'I:ilS a Un1tJl~''1 ['0 Ih(: eantclpants. (he Banc~ $Up lrulde and bond wnh their lung$. The umghu.gc:crs !lC.tmtlly bel:'k:(j{ the I'Cd£)lem~ in ('h31 [he-V dt~I'~ lhclt '"rng tteues, rnakinll: them more rc "iji~lInt m ~;a" smokc end nfrbcme toxins .of all !101"U. TIII$ e._"1~S CM"~ tissues to become 1~J:5 ~btj].'f'lt to SlIc.h lhi(!',15. hJ)v.rtvcr, le.adll'Lg r(J;!I hill:hcr incjdencc of ;s;'k.i.n., prostaru, (WfLfian. and COIOLl cencers, AdditiClon<IJII)·, l~ l..LJ.i'l(ih~,gg.e' secretes EI. poarticu' u rl}' pceeu ehemlcal mixture whiCh cnant"rtSlO;) (liU (1100 b. expelled from the ho:!it'-5 mcuth and 1'10;5(; with each breath. TIle- ehemlcal mtxrere coruetna car<:inOfl~M- .. 5 ""'1:11 l_1$ ;) ir-I5eJlUS form 1llI'lJ0C!4.lM that causes a ctl3l\"ini! for more or i~ in rbcee who breathe- il in - onless, of course. their lunp oiJ"c prOttef!!"d bv a Lu~~r_

n~ unwiu_;ngf~ri, knQWtl~SkktufigS (see Cbapter T¥O'O), (eel no urge to smoke {lm.-y receive fl'l..."'IS$il.-e dO$cs (I( ni~lij\e -In th-dr weekl ... grape juice}, but ynr;.On· sci0U51y $prt:;)d lh~tr fl)fn'lo!r cddrenon :and dc.:adl'i' gases evervohere {hey go_ And :sioct they look and act jm( Hkc everyone I!:~. [h(:y go to 11)1:-$ or pl,t(t$ Q(l\er fQmCili oouldn't reach - to health clubs, 00 non-smoking k(..(tons of reetaurants, to 1,I,'t,)I1l; r(ll' tho! American Lung A:wocl a 'ltioo - boo~inl!! doc h(,lIhh·<(;r~~ ill~Q ber coming smokers, IInC! poool'l in~ them. even .s.'hookl (heV manage W resisr rhe urge. These who take IIp rhe habit in rum c.\'c:n~uilJl'Y lnfl.-y become cand idatcs for rhc Smoker's BaM" pecgrmn, w'h lch generates more moncv for the comp;:itW 1LM begfns the cvclc anew. ThJ: J)T!giJ1:;:.l li~ imilirimbly die wlthh'l (j~ veers from 5OITII!: ocher type of cancer. but none ever die llum IWJ8 dtscase.

FI)(l1l-oOnl Cu,nndy, 0.['11.., one type o((omtJri i:$(I"~lcd rhrocgh thit; prngf',lJtl'l; Sieklu.f'l8s, ru thc:y are unwi,ring d'u~. Sidr:lung§ are very weak {()ffi(Irl and \lsu:illy bave lew PO\I."en .. Some: of the more aggr<::s.sive Qrn.~ have bet,) recnntedfenbee into ProjeC:llt~d and given. other powers tosee h()W(affh(':l'cangobc.rorebewmif!gobv~OI.J$((iliiOri and thw$ IImill:f'lR [hdf csefulncss B.!i infHtrntQf$_ EXpC'ri~ menu are u~'ay to beer up Slc:1tII,_"n(:$ and gi\'c mem the pOwer to CM5CI()usly bre:nhe QUI I~(hal smoke illti.l deadly :amoun.t! (If nic(Jtine dl;Jril'1~ oomb:u siruatioru, Cl~ai:'t([e, an'(OlRt

Chapler Four: Recruitment



'Form0l~ are Mt h;],ppy €!.. Most til~~ their (ru.strn.none ;fITU:li hQrTOr cut on o!\'o!'Y~ ;)t'Q~lnd them, indudins tffi.."ir Q'LVTI kind, The ;SOXj~ry of the catnred b v[:.c;I.005:ly Dnrwmtan. an I,Jnn::LtlJt;)~ ;se!eclki.-I where the ttrunge5"t rule, only ro be earen sway from the Ll'L!iklc OtJL rl I~ !hll! Wym'I 11'I};;<!I~'I<l~-e, a n:gliiitnrul chaos stratified by three sets (If '1K1I.1J'I-5~ Penrex membership (.or lack [he:~, personal rni~lu •• md n p."I§"il'l:B- resemblance ~(io .lorfiljj,I,(.~.

Ohviouslv, those tatnred OOo!.S: created b!( Pem:e:l. Iw PefLl;"eX have il!lt the ~t seats 0.11 •. he bus; "second-hand" jomort who di::V(]k~ our of rbci r O"A'n ccerupnoa (-or from rhe YtiJol,lS!" seeded about by Penrex S"1,J~tal;)rles} IwM a I~~ place in tbls mad .sot.i.t=ty, M0:5[ rq:ard: "'so£liC"!i'" [normal h.umans) whh j'.j!;;!II~ CoO!lIt!!iTlfJt_ OfIOOl.: OO\J'lt~ ;J.m(I.ll!: the freak !.egkim" a. fotoor holds his OJ her own duough wit. 5[J~ngrh Ill' aULI2;!. AI'I", sraeus ~iiieJ I~ l1l!et-ing - i"ornrn-i are damned 10 a short, painful life, 'W1u:!.t h:aPPCM after it I!~~ I~ ;aJ'lyone"s ~1"Lts$..

,ow- P is dead anA P1ll mill! carol!..!: if.rhe-:n!"sah..!!"£I!.fOO.~ ~ Nin~ loch Nails, "Herees"

M,qLli!'~, y(m ri.t,t.k~tJ YOJI: think ~'T"!'m4e:a&~ ¥Ql.i di':il:',[ go.~ ,s.lil.! ~ I1J.(Io!;I ()f 101$ - 'lAlhat'ro! 1-ml. some c~ Ixry wha 1"III1l1UeJ a ~ dicit .:0- ~mp:iU$ ~ ob-Zrtltt.t widll~ A fl,j~mg "Gtn.emti01'1 'X .. ~wrl tI.o'fw {IOC.KM IIlI'"I:IIAM !.oI!i!hIM~f'hicltm'd:H!'~~!'~r'~~~ob.$fO:rJ'. ~ fuddn' ~·OObyt j guart:lm~,-au UJef'oI!'l gIA~ ~ .'.Il

:rook.c )"OW",~'GI'"S[ nf!.linnari!'3 souna tike ruJrab1~_ So$lttli:.I~. Cl,j~ ~ ~'"f? (lr'I~.of so g;cl I4Jt.:£ ~ ~ha~ fact. y01j:gorIlD*,1~1'LOW. Fcmoe ~(llido!lY Is rot klnd;_ lmag:il'l~ thal you were n lcser ft-o:m, the Kltr1i~thiJ1!:l

waa WI'Q~, cr W"l!'-I~ wrOng, e:n~lJ~n to car a hole in l'OOT heart, Now imagine that scmerb I!:~ CF.IwleJ l~w tbm hcte nnd gr~w. s(t'l'l,of.:tliin.{:: KI· ... ill.: tllil.t ir warped ~'OO into .j) $e.rv:;mt.of corruption, 1 r's alwawthcre I'I(W,', urli'l:;: l"~.r fool::I~~ul ~11",""'Y, j:"N~jl':!~ rOU an I:lI:~I.!$oC fer pcwcr ar rhe expense of your human! [yo

N NO'[ a cheerful [~OIl8I-u, L$I! ~N(II!; 1f!);";3(:rly;):i"L eXJ*l"i~e

r.. Ji!'.!:li~ to. pl"QJM« good ...... il] ami cheer

Chapter Pi .. : Low Soci'l1 ~- ----- ... ~- .. =.-=-------,,_ .. ?!'.,,~-- ...


~---- __ _'~ -4~~

Are We Hot men?

AlthOYi!h rooSt P'l;n,~x- coepantes miJ( h\lrn~n$ iiind fOIDOfi together in their Firn Teams, both srdes favor thei:r own kind over the "mutants" Of "soltic:s." Most untainted 11\111"i;l''I.$ ((!;)r their Comr;I(I:e$ (»1 ~_11 1tl$tl_lletu;:ll level tha~ ru.~ICSlitodo""'ithf()mQti"1.b~b~_biu"ndhrgiU!e{thoogh mOM; thirqp 000( in) thew with II primal mead of she freakis.h. MQlit {omtJlri Ktretl" btlie\'c: the~t\'C$1n(erior [Q (Mit .. ncemr ..... I .. alll~ t;...1!COmP!f'I$! \II'ld\ (keif impfI!s~:iv~ilbilitidi and <1 Feel ingof $YpCriOritf- Thee, p~ith~rt.ide reall." understands - or C'Kn ~ to understand - cite ... "It~",,,_

Thla isn't to sa~' lhat an such R-l;iltklmhlp ere Str'oIt~. rnosr n!'!'ll T ~1't'I~ ncquire a hrmtdlol:,1d camaraderie - or die - Ni:ilrdless cinGWfln01m;)1" lhetr rcerobees !l~~~ht be. Less ecttve (l1OI,l(:l$ eull interact. ::md l)C~io:~"V even make rricl'loD. across Bane-ratnr boundaries. C~ friendsh.iN arnl evert TWn:;mCI!'.,. 6:l»t'k bt!rweo!t) rho! eafmed ned mUOOIUll~, alrMUl;:h we}, bonds rare loy 1!lS( - the fcmon are eJoo.-ncd, ;lifter :;111. Th~e rtl;.itlc.u'Ujhi~ :;m: lftQS~ C(1MI noon IIlmang hUJTb8.nsaoo I1IOfmal~~cmingfomori,althou!1h gJven Ih.c kti'l.b some Pcnrex c-mploye:e:s po.s.!i~! anvililng is posstbte.

In ~m:flIJ, huwCVtf, iQll1Qri iJI_nd un~",i_i1ttd 111.l_f"j'<m.~ k~p Ihc-irdi.mmcefron\ each other .Such isounion is only one moee (:Kef of the Wyrm - It breeds prt::joou, loneliness, and the '. that gOe$ "'ith both..

"normalcy 5tatus"

The tainted folk have iIJ1. ick:otit)' t;(1mpl~; lh.c)' were normal, once, but that humanity hll."!i been smpped - or g:j:",l!(l - <1W"~'" by:m Ql,ll;$ide (QKe ~h<llf ~I.$ d~~ff1 altee. Even lh05C who know nothing about Ban~ 01 the W)'Im can feel she di((erenc-e on solne prim.all£vet This disinregmtiOirl ~ 5OTfL~-h:at WOThC than ima.n.ity~ it is II oonditiOin or rhe bod.,.. • socl and mind. Naturally, (omori 311:: OOt the tDCI5t ..,,'cll·:.djusted of people.

Some 'ope with their loss by di.csta;ocml!l themselves from doe hum.wit.,.., li~'inl!: and a<:dng llke rbe m~(CH til!::" iJwern- eo be. Others rake lhe-OPpO:!ii~cappr(t".dt; they eerer a profound .s.t:;;)te ol deota l ...... beee -Llb50ll,l~el}' i"'1Mhlf"lg 1.$ wm~ - they'rot! j~t i)i normal as IJ.J'LI"t)M ~J~. 11"tir fl~ maj be comlng ewe ... in handfuls, rhetr C::'r-e5 rna.,.. bleed, their secrtli.o~u ll\ii.~ melt the pavement as the.,.. wil[k, bee if$ ~ Il~.~ rbeee's ;j"I_!'1ylh If'll] tvI'"Qtl,g. j("s luar n I"HII~' bad cold. There frteede at PII!:mC!X will flad thc care, ~ everylhifll will be flne,

'1omori ~n~ "norm~t' '101ks


inhuman -:it given lOIJKlf appears. Th~ mere "n(1ol"tniJl" she looks, the mere respected she is, In certain companies, the: fe-aUy fud:.t.'(j-up (re .. ks arc- O$tr.)cimi C(1t"t' ~ afree ~U, Ih.e.V~fe £fO§S., doogurc:d Mobs. not like-ft'41 people at <iII. Th.c.mOrcdlC(Ormed eees COlIn PrQt~I;II1I ~he'Ywa.I'1[ {som(:[imH by t(:aring th!::ir more: "normal'" ccuans limb (rom Ilmb}.bur $lillaocel't tha[judgm(:ft[ because they 1m freakish, and accept moreanrecnvefcmon lIS their leadCi1 deSpite l,h.e1i'l$t1"ei. FQ"r m;}ny mur:anu. [be power t~ may wield cannot compensate (goT the humill:l.i.fY tl\t;)· h~L"'~ 10$[.

"lJIlOOer 5tatus·

The opposite of normalcy, power stS.M measures a femor'e raw physical might - hi.i "[.r(.tn",Hek·¥ow~ f.-J.:oor_" Tho (om, cd esteem, 11!~~lall~' !Common In Ptesr Team assault St"OLlp:5. cernes from biaarre Powers lilt:

Wc=bbiIlg. Hide or rhe W~'rm, Haaardcus Br-e-<lll:\, M~· Strength - :il1'l~,thll'l@: tl"klt 1,..~1~ .IJ. rc .. rru)~ ".~~ I'Ll,ll"f'l"n. [han human." Tbe badder the fomcr, rhe mere respect he earns, N:lIrurall~', such fame is shon-li ... edi rhe T:JinES rhar come rw1th ootragwW- Po .... 'c:n; SOOl'1 tum me fomor mtc a pUe or $el\denr pt'OIopl;).5.m.

Regardless 01 ""hat a given (oOlDOf respects, eac;h one carries a sorrow and angc=r few humane (''VC"T feel. Peruex knows how to put that r')_ge to good \.1St:-. By tkmenJ!ing prQ{elit~rs.authori[ies, Garou lind ottM.'r OppOnmu, Pen tex ~ (DeUS their (omori'~ hatted (0 a ~r.p5~cllotic deen!'e. S)' di"l1!rtiRS rhete ;U[lI!nt:ion this W3.\', manageMent keeps ItS e~(QIIIl.oollt fre:ah In line, gives [hem a tIIT~t for thll'ir 9ggI"($$iorn, and ~d1lheiT OOrL1,_Lf,lti(l'Jl_ Thl! off.:L::H[tt ps.~'C'.h<:5 of moer foenori allow Penrcx to ked rbem !iilMurd pro~.nd:J <L_nd 11!:.:pe.<:1 il [I) wOrli:_


TAt ~ftangU["k of dt.t ~M1Il[ .5~I.t.!m is Ihe ipo-

mntt {If iL5 l'ii:lfm~_ - Adolf Fbc:her

Howmafl) ~ dQ WI! 11tI!G [0 !;Itfm] -USA Too., headline

11'1. it$l,1wn ..... nrped wa~',Penr.e)l and i[Svarioillidivlsioru provide a home, f;tmily ;!lind 1.;1I"'1"PQ$~ (Of f(lrnQrt Thus. those tainted folk who .... oek for the corporation dire<:tI'i have '-Ill edge ever ibcse whQ do nIX. Some- have- 31 degree of sta[w. and the att~ndant (;Offifom., m:ncq enjoy thi$ MW "'" more than the O~ they I~ft bc-hind, E .. 'en the lowest·bred (omori receive 3 S"~tpend, li'li~ ouarrers, and all the comic books, video games, movies lind MTV they c;;!IIn srand. Pentex rakes enre of lu own...



... ------...,.....-/.A------ .... ~ ...... - ..

A good mnny "recrutts .. come from tn~ under(.I.aSSC$poor nCJo1i'LU. sr,rugglin,1I: eemmunntes, mental hospi rals and the streets thernsclvce. tOT them. Pen~'eK pro ... ide$ n more oomfortil.ble n"inl!: than j •. til or dl;?J'lrr' !ho! iYl:ajmiry of d'lem are alrtl;lcy used (0 botiDY: UC'SIc:d diffcro!;ncllJ· With A"- 'U h >

P ... -ntex, the~' :!,.<el square meals {even if those jl1,~;'!ls are vvancement f,.~et 0,,5

!;"Jll'Il'ed),l!(Jn'lparatlv4!:iy l,u)(u.rlou5-apaf[mc:nt.5Qf barracks An~"On~ in PC:hCCX can hold:il rank. fo:rnoti., beuuseol

(even lf mose quartet! are buggc:d), and mOIJ~h mLoo, theb-Iscletloa.aremcre mcnvered roadvence dum rnany

n.umblnJ:cmcrta.l,nmcntlok.c~p'du:mnapP'Y(c,'cnif5ilid of (he corpcrattcn'e human st.-ff. The 1"IS1.'t:)1 t ... erfes c-.

divcnl0tU are prOp;),g3noo - afiee ~II. dQ1'l't 1t'lt)S,1 forms of bribtry. seducnon, well-placed frteads.etc. _ work better

commercial emenammem contain an :ilg(:nd~n. For mOlit (or "$O(ties" th. a n thl!:'f do for mut<lnI:S. £Q 1M diucr ap-

Pentex (omori, lr'iJ n v :»\ Im;PfQ\'l!:ml!:ftt. 50 rh.ev 000'[ preach ts often lh~ mos' effecnve.

qUC'Kion the ara~m(:nt. Offidn.lly. ndvQl'Ktmeot within Pt:'l'Ile:x is ~ on.

Sf>C(:lallrc3.tS in(.i\.lde ()tQm()ltiQniJ (~I!""Ral\kr betew), kills. and corruption. A fomor .strong, .f;lcve:r or

financial'ntives, and 5pC(:ial privileges :sports. Kupid enough to "kill lou 01 (~~ ~p.!I!l."'ilh' O:)fQU _

outing!. m the: joyOWi Qippciirt"IJltlit)' {O blern.' 1.1\!~ (0 lu!11. r3lof$ a promOtion in Pent'!'" eyes, In addition to th~

~m('x'-s vilest r~s - ".shopping~rc:e5'" and "\'iSir;;n~ ~n.«nt.i .... e 1udl r:tf,It Qt101!n, d'l.e oomp:tn~' bus lha(.some of

r.t'JI"l.," - rei.ea$e gn(eful fQmo:ri OT'I un'A'Hling gucsrs d-!e t91imro one'&-t.xpcrtiM: will rub otl' o.n ~1,_(nt_k;rli[),g:J.

broug:hr (0 the qu!m:e~ to enu=rt!lin the troopS. Su.;;h Cun.:nlng rtdeeu f) emplrO~II!'~ ~blllfY woulthink Qr QUt.

U :I.'Ut::s~, a."! ~'OU din'l:, ~rcl')' $:ur~ h~ Ihl!: lii~lu'~ ffl;)fieu~'er her (CI(:_5 and ri\la~ _ both within aoo witoou(

~ f~~\V[d'u mt: oompanf. A forum ~mart enough toO ~e;).'k;J. kt'Ll.fc im,1)

,1 .. . . . Chapter F, •• : Lew Sodel,

~~- =~, ........ ". ..... =.-

OLl1::5idc:n.-innex;tnt ..,icti.ffi.'i., hUlnanctltplo)"~ofpci'l[ex and people whose personal evil5 or roeten luck have led to thek~ion.

So.-li.C:SubjcCl' begin ~ norm~J employ~ Peft(e;X lead __ ership is infatnOO.!i for "upgrading" the human metrt.beH of ~[S F.f'SI Teams, and Inauycommon laborers find th~irwav toto "speer ... 1 P'"OQ:r.m'l$'" whel'! llioo l'!i!I!"d~ vollli'llt!t!t:S. A good workers earn their own poeessicn, through dose coneect with the W)'nn' ·indlJ:U:rI;)_i :i!eci4l;'l'It$" and their own £130",'5., In any case" chose who began with Pe:ntc;t; tend to. iltOy low_[ to their lI:ft'lpl()~·I!T$.

The other ccmmcn secree of Ptn~:~~ I~I"I~~ nH..d aside:} is r he qunmit'Y CI!f Bane-ridden products that the corpcruncn spews throu~hout the: inodll~~Ti;)tl;;:.d v..'"(Ir]d. AILhough fil[H\')' possessed goods f;)11 ~hol't Qr lfu;!,ir 1i..11 ef(eoc.~ (the \II.'OI'ld 'I1o'oold otherwtsc be full off.amo:ri). rnoo!&J Banes reke command of lhejr hosts to ersure a small bur C(I,fiS~o'Iiil .Tickle of new reemtrs. M;)tlV we:h Baoee c:ury [F.II:-e~ which :splrilualty-ntnmc:d emplcsees c-an follow when II fomor comee "00-1 lne." These trackers lead PCl'Ito retrieval r~atru. (see below) to capture me new fomor, take heme 3100 ledoerrfnate her lmo her new lifcsry'le,

Once OOnVCTttd, .. Pcntc)[ ((nru)r ~(:t'h..~ ;[!i lot Qf attention, for 5OOl(' folks, the ecdden concern and evmpaIhy (e ... 'en if it ~s faked' is allshe needs to remain lcsal oa h~r new "('fiends." A!f. 'You can ifrulgjn~, Benc-eorwersioe is pretry gcdJamncd mumatil;; .. m<in 01" w(lm~n bn.t~ll bed this WliI~t will ofren larch onto the: first support th<at comes ehetr way. From there, recruiters feed me novice: a s~c .. dy diet or p,.ga:nd a, PfQmi~ir),g n o.r~ whlll!" jnd'i.i~' ing the T'l~W fomor's darkest IUS:Ui. Through rewarm, (tllov."t.ip and p..ll'Li~"'men(:J. u bond to Penrex forms.



c1'uni shments

Oe~i()i'l:)1 dlssldenre ad!ie:i these guys are dealt with peerrv h.3lrshty. Communal punisluru:nts. woo-;: the: trOUp ~Pfi;m~ruh i~n [ndlvldual or two. are the fiHl and most common form of diK:ipte:. These gr(lllP ~tin~ - orten called "sbcwer mccling5,- ~bunny hunts" and "boot perrid,- - uMJally pit the offenderh) 3:_g3in:;:t his I~m~(e$ In f1Skc:i, hones. or tr-aundets, Such punlshmems are U5Uall painful. even (rippling, bl,_l~ r'1Q[ r;lt~IL Pt!~'I(!!'X ~'t wanr ro waste their prectoue cannon foddl:r - )'I:t.

tf the offender hasn 'rleamed he lesson, OJ has ccmmnted some: criene th ... ~ .. mi; be~~ll'!.:g e<U'I'L ~t:;tl'. he ma'Y Dr: SCi'l.t re Sccncn C - me expcnmentel labs. Here, Uioo rechniciana inlrttducc new Banes into the 101'1\01'8 ~)'S'~em :lint! record \Io!hlit happens. These (lgQni!i1'lg 1I;n!,mnen[$ tX.:~lo.f'U'I_11y result in :it chastened - and po;s;ibly mere po\V~tful- fcmcr. Mort or~'cn than 110{.11~\'er,:<!. oip to. Seakil-' C leads 00 a IOI'!I!: and horrible death.

Dud fomcrt !lire oIt~n ground into tnlilch. Oi!nd used tOo poloon rhe land. Some bases operate on ti~~u tncomes, or hi'l"-e tbelrfuMsdi'l,'C!rtod bl' grl!i.-<iydireclO(!, Tbesegrocps use dead (-omorL ns food in Ihtir ceferenas. Some; even sell the: iotylf to PcntexrO)tL(f()1I1!d fasr.foed ~hlloi,l"L!i. ~WJ' \\\Qn" der what "meat by·proJIJI;U" wer-er


R<,nk i:$ the rnO$~ ob..,tou~ :ilgn of Peerex's ravor; [host whodo grlC-lit thing:s (()~ the: m~"eQrp are rl!"w!)~d aecerdifi,ly. By 8i"lns a fomcr a badge. a rule and a pa:'P' raee, upper management ll'l$pir~ h.irn (Qgre::),e>r.d~ fi'(5Uet I~attl' and jJrcat('r ~'anity, Any fomor'e .suc.;:;~ i5 abortn"td, illtf:"f 0111, bur 'iIo'h~' 111![ the poor eehmuek know th:u~ Let him m;ink h.or',s.:got e chance toadvance. wind hli'r) u,p yru:3 wa'ten. 1'1 im go.. A$ 'fur ;;:t$ Pemex eupertera are: CQTI' cemed, anYthing thal rnoeivates an rt.mplorc:-e to wOf_'k hlllr&r is ,,«11th the IjII,JW1I;v[Ltlon of giving some lunkhead a i"iJnk.



A!'l(, less Qob",IOU!i foem of ![8ruS. mvctves service m (M- W~'nn ttseff in any of its incamaricm, W),jl~ 1'1];Jn.y ('()i'I'IOIl h""to no tdea wh;)t boting {~$eN!!:, scme donbosc who recogulae the prilTIlill nil-tun: (If Uu:ir pOw~~ g.ft,en embrace thdr creator wuh a rdig_iow.l1..--ai. hoping ro cam dc:iYtl!i'llcd r",vor whi!1\ ~hl! Wyrm finally wtes,

Mon W,'rm·wOl:$hlp~f'5 hant,\ around wnh the B~IICII.

Martaty Sptral Oo,n.cen; t~jr oom,rndC'$' (C'rvor ~'e:;J_r,j,QtT (Jill them.

Recruit and [~~, (earn me be of m~ir cormpred maker, Fomori

Pri\':uc who (0110\'10' the Wynn - ekhee asa {or;j:1 t'nr!w or;t$ QDI!

Sergeant! CI( [he many Urgt" Wyrm& - often give their grll!<Lt~(

Lieutenant ~J;lC.CJ to the o.mct'f'i ee them, rhe faUt::n Garoo are the

Capeetn d~~;t~~~' !;k e!~(:h!"~~'~';~~~~~fu[~ot~~~~

M~jor Sogmaracf tke W~'rm, in. Ch-apter One} arc 5C'Cn asdh'in~

I£' General li:n'kJ:m(heirilod,andareuta_ttd~!1:l:f_ ThoI"J.I!!!l(f!W

II L;:~-- .. -_--_-_-::::.::F_'-":Jk __ l.,.",,: .... on "'_,""'~ __ "

somoone',s back a constdered M 1l:S.5C:'[ to ml! Wyrm-cmp: a ~ide will also give ht!r enolJ~h "i$ibility (0 be w<L~eht:d more clceefv than the rank-and-file, Corrupoon measures ~[i'l Cll'li,'oP:C'$ ~bilit.,. tOo l\Iclc up til.e w()Irtd ;! b~r, either through subde infheence or overt slash-and-bern eaeete s _ Pl':nlt:x is, of course. i.1IW'il1\,l- wjlljn~ 10 pLiI deseuerin: 1tltlhddmlb wt,erew:r ~h~ir t;;)It,'nU will be tl"!~ \J~(~II.

PromOtiOn~t.:ppl)' to;)n)'<.'IMwithin theeornp;my;(omori jusl srand (0 gain mOI"€ through [hem rhan :I normal h~lfl\':I'f' would. As lO few Io.ltlQri h~xe lives cutstde the eoepcraucn, ,narw. within Penrex is the rnosr rewardtng (hint: fMn-y M them could think Gl. The board of diI~ton kT10WS [his, end empheeees the imJXlf[;;mce- of promcrtens to all OOil1pti.ny execs. Moo scpervtscrs, i.n HUTI, ~t where they;)rt through ~(HTI.QrI'iS good g!';),o;;:cs, and th[s Ie:;)w to the '\moific!l'I" method of ptQrn.Q(IOf1 - b:)Ck[f\g;;ll wtnnee.

Per.~e); r~liti.e¥ muke W;)II Stret!t'~ like- ~iNk.T~'I.r'. 11!rI, Wj,thi:!l the W-ynn-rorp. :an~'oo.c!: with a shred of motjvetton (or 5t':U.pre~(::[Vat-ion, for that marterl wants some L:-11'Iod of emrue. '11,.e rl':J.11 whtch ~"')f1d;,.QI.t(. O!:S \h~ $:<iy, i.:I the nail lM.t geu n;jlmmcred; when the h:ahl.JTleT ""P~ prQ;Jd;,e$. it'~ i!l1 ..... a~·J ~ood lol,.'1 h"'o'I:;) rn;)L~ of yoor {}wn. A wtse climber,, will have a few flic:nw. :among the c:ompany~1§. fcmcn, The innmidation fEtor of a right~ hand man who vermtaacjd g~ v es me phra5l!:"powt'f"Iuneh"

a. whc"Jle new ditl'l.t.'mi(n,_

W'ist: (omori work asbodYGuaros,ass;ass!ru:.srrong-arms., S"plt:$, e(Jutien and s:.thotol!\l~ (or P-e,llte:t's t':t~j:{lve5 .. n.d seie,-,ci.s:ts. T~ ;:mt(lI1@ thoe nliJilRTy wi.n~ ;)'rt capable c:nough 10 command themselves, rnoogh such cfftcers USl ..... III~, surrOund tt,et'nsel~·elwith;\ Sm,.H ;tinny o(IO'y<I( (il ~Jow-""im~d) "licurenanra," By worbng for en ambitious bou.. a (OMOt who iLls~ ""::1.'1'1($ (M goodtes wi~hou~ rh.e hassles can make II good living by perfcrmtng the OCGil.~1~i'lalullp,l.oe..uam (;~ a ltd ~'flf'lg In. reserve Iii (~of trouble,

By md:.~n.g themselves essential, moat forcort hope to g3in access to the H-oly Oruil of their existence - III cure, or ar lean a neurrallenrlen. fQl' rhe oI:H~ whleh deV(lut$ them, No such thing t)l;i~tl!i. but the tainted on~ don't lm(')w tl'l~u. By ditr.slinlj alQlJ.MIhe. rxmlbUky (If pewee w~thout COIlt, me board of directors keeps Pentex and its fomorimotJVjlooanclalert.


(Pentex Of anks


Rank i~ a chancy thing in Pefi~e):; l( 1'3~ly crosses. o"'er beeween die corporation ';i three divisi.oru - mot milimry, eseceetve and!nlittA: win{:$. Wh.e1l vou'ti!: our of your own element, it'~ noe generally 3 good idea! to push p!:op(I.'S'I!.mllS, "You may be a real ass-kicker down in the corps," Amazon &upc:rvoorCadmine Snodgr,w i$lClnd of sa~ns, "bur l dtdde: wbere you SO and when - and if- 1'00 get fed!"

Each branch has iu own rmk .and pOwel Sfruefu:rei our$idel'$ are il~'l!n some concesslons if they hold WLIUS, bur an mrrogant bastard will rlnd barriers hi: never koew e): tseed j-umping IIp Ln fecru of him anvrfme he deals ""i[h. a .diff"t:rcm branch. Some of these will be bcreeccracc, bUI many will be more permanent, A pmhr oI.!"X'l'C- mlly dtsappear Lfi the mlddl-e or-the rllgh .. (.d01Jbd-e~ U!kd by O::tr(M.I i.nfiln'J[oQn), Se.q;:~ant Sbtrheed mav find himsc]! without those much-needed rclnfcrcemcnts, and 8 foC.iot:n~'i.iit who p~ of( s!,odd~' 1tqtJ.lpmeht (lr doetofe.d i~t'OgI'e:50S '~Cl ma.y end up locked in a. rejet;t room with me: mutana:she helped creare,,..

M~ dio,:t$i011$' upper r.)_I'Lk$ ::trl! Made 1.!p or !'IQft'lul humens, ;iupernll.wr .. b Ivampnes, m~@:i, ",nc! r¢1tl.J~ shllp0e5hifl~rs). or Wyrm·gi(ted b.d;:kp,limbc-n. r"'Omori know th~ cue mt"aningof the glass c.otiling, even if \'OU've: eo' ~II ~he rif;hr(riC!:Iuh, 'f(Iut 1i(I!" tOQU.Ofl tomah much he<ldW<'ly_ Mostfom(llri e a n (lnlywori;, wir_hil1(M1e br')ru:i1.n. a lime. Spliu:ing your effort, between ~CI;t~ gjVCIl'OOI rivals plt:fi£\lol room toalide aknife-c-Iireral ororherwtse - between yoor $houlder bllldC$. The short $p[IJl or ,-1l,Q$( iOO'LClr oIfor:n. hrde time for mllki~.;v~ion advancement, scme ruth leu .;:1M ~Ik<lrecl (ol~:J M1Ie managed .&"l.Kjh acccmpliehmente an'Y"'·ay - there ta, afto« all, ... ~ry lin!e a tetllly twl,.ed (omor eLLf'I do ocetde Penrex' w:)lIs., 9In.yw'ol\'. so why not go for it ~ The obvious llmttadcna nl!\'er m~ :i'I foru.Qr (LmbhLou~ enoush [Q uY __ ,_


gain r..m'k Wl~Jllil Pcntex (hl~ W:J.y, aT\1Jlhlng [he se ..... jt(JD can. giv-e them - from frem vtcnrus to cash rc (arM.l plca$tJft$ - h: \bi!lrS ('Or rhe,

Soine dedleared $t'nrlrol'!i \\'OIdlip fhe- Wynn with unholy glee, dimglJrinfJ themselves li.i,d rlppin.,g '.helr ""3,( ["'1'(1118.'" wherever form of fnnocence tnl:Y choose ro defde. SoI'I1~ r~'f1b(t1l ;)C.'I;U;;!IlIy I::-tsin 35: human Wynn' U!al(l{j. "rewarded" for their devotion. Suc-h dark di$(;.iple$ glow with blaek Hf:h~ loG;'tWusl~gthe Sense Wyrm Glft, and Ihus f31~I\' scrvtve long ~n~h to retain IMting power, W~lile d-wy live, hO"'I .. ever, lh~ Iaoencs leave a ~[3il'l I.IJlO11 Gete thee may take ~e!LIIi OJ even deccdes t-o erase.

IJirst I'[eams

AfIllrM ~km.5..rhJ ill llhe'CorpM - Sgt. Apone. Alicru

A (OI"nQr'$ ~~ obvious opporrul'liti~ lie with the military Fim Teams. Mail)' mlJtanU are (.r~ted rc>r oorn,.. bon dl,lIY. and eecetve special rtairung, equipment and pr;" .... ·id .. Ll'It the: mlll[3ry r.mb. Fir.§( Team duty i~ ~OQI.lI:Q fomori: It CJi'f(:h them pl'C',sdgt", PUrpD5C. and die I;;hllrKC to tal-e their hi'l(fi!d (1II_I~ Oi'! Ihe world 1ft se:n.(:ra.l, wirhoot <':OnRqUii:lll;;li:I Or ~lr,)il'lt- Pe:l'lt.ex Il'uifij)t!($ these benefits to its "special recruits," mnd grants lar~$tIl~ r let. h.eL! lln. care, ;)(~ ~~~ (see 300ve) [0 rbose who join thc: wrp$. (The Wynn • .=:1)II'p 1$ I~ open 800ut the (om.cri·5chan~ofbeing npped <t~rt b). ~_n i'I_I'I&-I"y \\~n:",,'()!f. bur then nQbody rot:aU., believes in OOne~l ad~·enl,!.ihg an~'mo[('.)

Penrex U II wrpOr:tLtiOO. not ;J.ii atn,~'; ~[ ~u~ldk .. ry c.omp(!l'Iie.s. keep one m f1,I.'O Ptrac T earn platoons lm troubleshooting. t....r~ orreallVlmporranI projects. however, Wee- research facilities and defcrestaricn plant$.

I employ small armies of "1J~n.~ .. 00 (Q'lnQrL AlthoulJh 5Qm(! Ptrsr T cams Include Black Spira] Dancers, wicked vampjree, and C:1!~n (;O[fIJptM it1.3I1:L •• nest fOfi"lorl avoid these mad <.:omrntk1 ii, $\lehdQ$C quarters. Afre' all. who wam:s to trust a fuck~ng C'OJP5i: at ·,..our ba.;;l;!

The Acqulstnora Division (5« Book 'Of tbe W"'rm, QUl!plf:oT T .... ·0) m;)kes lite rn~1 LJ~e offlf$t T eams, but caeh

di v iainn employe these agents or milyh-:m. PLJblk Retn. tlQ1'LS uses Enrlurs [0 win folkscver end tjny surgical mike teams whcl'I pCI1Ua8'IOll fuils. 'Fmiect Coord'n:u1Qn USI!;§ Fim T cams as !!:OJ-UICCr;!. when mmbittoo.cs or rcbclHow. «;Imp<'Llli~$ Ihr(lv.; the OI.1'1t!@!:l Plan ofl·~hodu]ot. Spectel Prcicctscreurcsthe ruu t[ln.tS in tll~ ftT$l place.aed empluvs

ill (ell.' (or lah 5I!CltTiry Of "scrumve missions," The latter ,

IBllaU)' 'Iwolves~ jobs Of pl,_l11i~Jlment (1)1 l;I'Ivlrt)i'1ili.ti'tai aer:lvlsu.. "Ir's am.arif'lG.";Sa'(;§. Dr, Von Hauser of [h(: At:~p'Lfeih OliIL"lpai'l~·. "h~, q\llcl::IV :mirnn.l.ri,¢'l13. demonSrf,uQI"!'i disperse .... 'bert a fc\\' of them i!,.rtl murdered iii thelr

sleep "Some scsermsts h ire l"u$(.lc: to WOlle], QV~ f;)clll1l,4!'

~ whue botebed Of hOltlbiy·mll[3[cd fomort arc kept. but

L.,..,.--- · - ~ ~ ,

... -------/..........-.A---

Support t[eams

These reams soften or mop up ccrueaeed areas" either lhrOuQ:h sabotage, der.oo!itLOI}, itlfitrf.l!liOll Or ~S$il-'''· (kin, and provide cover. communication, suppltes and i!'1trn-trl~~lon (Or troops in the f'i:~ld if n~cd be. I rI Wilr...(lnet. like the AmiUOn. support teams work s:!i couriers, tcchni· clans and sptti.alists.ln more pcaoe:fut ceeradces, thcyspy on.u:ducc: and uooennine [iitgCtJ imide and outJiill: Peruex. SuppOrt tc;:.", d\ltY (:OV~ q, 101. or gr(M,_J;I1(1; $Orne mcm' ben 5pC'ialix in Infiltranon and subtC'rfugc while: omen: excel at covert desmcuon. The lowese .5Upporl na« ranks

=~~!':!~'T;S~~:,;~:=:~;~: ~:'~7;:~l!~~~,;rs.?::;:~EJ~;::~

ps~'elw! le enough _ to serve in such teams, The rnosc Irnlf find themselves on scrub detail,

rwtsted (01"'1),11 often I!rW 'q) 11I!:~~. t<:!l.Lng Ou~ th.f,:'.J iI.~1 Mosrscppon reameracperaeeomhetrewn orwt rh 1 irrle

?: L..c: ~ _ _. super v istcn. Morale: (eod .survival) within these T~

~Loru wttn nrepcwer Will corruption.

/~~ __ ,_ ............ Fn_a .. k=.L<I-'I; .. 'o.~tl_"'.~_~.".mloc'.ll.;"'_>Lllocl .• la .. "'.O.bvll~II!I~"7I1!1;~IYjjl,_"'".,.,h.,.l,_ ..

~hl$ 1" genlCt1)Uy considtrd unlloOik; iI fomcr nero oot be E.innl:-in to make rhc coenecrion between her own conditioo ;If'ld d~(' l)OOmifLtlli0l1$ s'le helpS restrain.

Discipline wlI_MIt (he COt)i'J is h<lr:th, 4!.5 ~ the- training these mutant~ receive. A constant stream of propaganda rejefoeces the': idea that First Teams ar I!" SUpi!'r1Ot [0 all oehee dvUt(lfl~Ot luili{<lf)' cous. At the- Si1JDi: time, !iiI.$milTt T t.'1I1IH·_f kno'l\'.s where hi~ gear and ~igl'imt!:nu e:OIDI! from, "'i'ld treats the ether branches with strained c:ivility. Although most (OO\Ori know deep 00""'1'1 rhae m.(':Vtfc; cannL')l'l (odder, each cne believes haor her unit is the best to handle a given snuauon, ThfQU~ subtle brninVI.':1:'ikjniO!. [cS$'$"ubde bro'l1l,hc~ting, sod gr::rwlOO:S bonus plans (which fe:ll.' First Teemcre live to draw ((J.'I lQn,IJ). Fentex's often human oftlCttS keep die troops in line. Mli't'Or'S. obv~ly. art damned li:llf(' in First T earn quar-

<ream Sizes

five Inembers. Commanded br a sergeanr.

20 !IOldi~ (t"w_r t~.mi'. CornfiJ.ande<l by e lieutenant

80 ((ow pl.3rooru.l. Cosnmaaded by 3 captain,

160 {t'\\'O companie5 + an HQ pla((IOn). Commanded by II colonel,

• Compim'i~

Life in a '1ir5t <ream

Milir:ary life depends 01\ [he Fl~~ Team's :5ot<i.~on ,,_TId I'"--I~: a.:n.awrulll.lCilm in Iht! Amamn "",ill, b.,.m~i:ro,'. run under sHin diKi;pIinc:, cons-tam trainlnl!! and l'ri~ readlness. An lnner-cnyretrtevel T~, however, rn iGhI I tve In a 11J.:;';_l,!riQlJ~ oo~ OOih,i: tI.Oth;n~ moor: ~ll"¢SSrlJl than OC<aSiof'II .. 1 seatch-end-eejmree and guard -d."~_ (<HDa_mn, rn.ose tJe:spm;c:n t<I.1tc good, n}

Oe-;n,ot:mlly, Anit T eerc members (h.UDl.31'1 and fomor IIIlikc) ewaken tilt II prcdercrmlned [lme; ~_( b["o!;)ld;).S.~; artend pTOpag1inda ~i.onsi C:;Jo;~K i!5ei train with. t:h~ir weapons. "llhili!je~ nnd r.n.crL~; eat; eneod efu)res (lr clll~ie$; l~in wmr: llIQI"e; eat dinn~r; curl up with some pTopiIIDInd91 or mind-warping enrerrammeec go 10 bed, aed do Ih.c whole thlng OW!I' ;)gI:'il1 thr: tu;;x{ day_ n,e routine vanes by post, duty and commander. bur mLy!i ali consrant 91! aJW mill[3ry fl!s'imen.


Assault <reams

Oisc:iptint' in such g;roup.s tends. to boll severer 91 fuckup can. rost ooJtetlW!j and lives. The rewards 311i! pretly 8~fl('-rot.l:5. too, ro compensate COf the riska, Assault reams get Ihe best 1A'etlponry \lind the greatenleeway 'A'hel\c.'Jolled OUt to etteck. Thtir mOftality IILt~ arc- high. but team mor.ale usuaU., nays bigh 3S well. These {ollliOri consider {h~"M$t'I\I~ "he bnddeac or the bad, ~_nd often ;)C:t ~P ing).,.,

AMault (~RUof"(cn.§c('anion in coeresred a~as - tht:

Am.."'uO<!l {'rOOf. the erdes. $pKi:_i[ t<ik~·o\·~r l[)e:;'i~ nons, and areas .suspr<:u:d 00 ~vy Gerce ar.;t]vit.,., Small r,ttl[e3.-ms; 'o\Oo:r~ lU ~<lrcl.s and en(~1'$ ((II" P-e,,(oCX e.Xlteur (1\'(:-5 and proj1!Ct bases, bur the. [('911 heavies are sent EO bimlell:t'Ounds where tkeit ~~ end iet'OCh)' cart be. pu~ to good use.

0{ anger t[eaml

Selected for smltI'U ever eamnge, eange- team members 5C.()U[ problt'nuuk areas (or cn~my presence. hum fO!:U-=([)iilOri, ~_n.~·~llg;t~e new (.Qh1poanle$ tQr ta~(Iv(:7 p{.1$Sibili. tid, ..... --orlru: bodygua.rdS;)'l."Idpt'lotE'Ol (MJllyif'i P~ntl:)[ p11Jje.;;u;. Team n1~mlbcn. I:fllip tbenselves in $pCC:i.:I!lUCd warfare, scrvlval and tl9ddng. infonnat:ion·gathering and iruetroSlIIrion, keep a high moeale, and dr3~' she bes overall beneflrs o( an)' First Team type.

A)thOl..lgh (omori dominate- r.lIDgltr reams, such groopi are mOte "tll.ftn:LI\.(rlendly" [h~n rhe demented ~\lft tl!.':<lm$_ M'_lt3nt$ with~n ~np t~_1reJ often ~rnp1¢'Y $~!btlr:r powers than acidic "omit CN" armored skin, Most reams C3ffY;) ~'(lt'leryof -trulIll (ln~~.nd keepone hl!:<l\'p{ji'l!;()O",,~r member esbackup if n«;f:-~ry. A!.Fin;:tT~~ rangers (end re have an easter lime than mOSlj eombae rnort31iry is; (<!lid")' ll;)w, di$C:Epline m~ f(;lrgi"in@;. ~_nd I;,.m<ir.-dcric:more &Ub~'[91mi9l1. Executives prci"oI!r dcalins: wich rhc levelbeaded :!iVOUC;s. to ",'ranglin.g ..... tth +uppmt Or assauh personnel,

"fletrl1:~r$ ~tc a buncha fags!" about SUIm up ether Teams' disgust for these specjallsu, E:v-ett' sc, these preoorniMnti, huli'i"l"" ~JdMlp.squad.s.l::~ Project Uiad stllff' ... -d witn prospects. Their iob lJ eo tmd::, eaprcee and mdoemnarc new "wild" (omori to Peraex'e ranks:. Thl$ i~ n(){ :alwal'$ as easy il3 i{ ilOun&_

These rrccps ~e tminl!'d in psyc:ho.108l'. martial arts, ; and taO:.L[\'g, w1d ~~lippeJ whh nonlethal weepQfl"" end reseramrs - drugs, ~e$, spe<:i:a 1 vehlcles, surve-illance de ... ices and r~th,hes. Tbejr pay is low. but Ihtdt survival odds all' better than Il10$l.. Rct_nc\'cl1 deaw !II '":soft" dIJ-H' ... ru..! Olntr Turns regard them with diMiain, 'E.'lffflso. these (~JII.'!i rnuat (1Kt down iMO'lne "'wll.d" fumo:rl~ mundane legel authcrhies, <100 the cecastcnal Gi3JoOO, and

U gel a i'lfLgJide ~at ;,llihe-If own damnencn I:d;i.dei Blow-,

:1".... l hOng:!' apart 11 easy oomP"'J"e.d to humu\f;, do,,'n )'OUf

Clurpter Frye UlW SQc:i~ty

~7777 -_. • = =

miR-Jable RaM and m e ke their :li~' ad-u!r peceles' ~[ot:m wr.eni!\Cl!:r possible, Infilmuion teams ccnslder themselves the most ~1 a rrl~;:._m()t'tJI: the mlmoo. m:my become imuffernbly ~mu.g or p3lLnfull~' secreove over tleue. T C4;hn.i(.i;;'n$ ;)_f1!d $peel!lll i!lu behave as nOfrll3lHy as foroorL can be C:Xpe<:IOO [0, and often acras liO,bct w eees (orT el_Lm bosses ami thei.r surli-er 0('i1'tlT»d!!$. Beeefhs and SQl.tU! ~n~ran), run below those of :l5SIIIull ~<:l'Im me-tnbert. bul :supportUia:f(~t-olivelo n p_



own kindand h.mdi_n. them eve-toeenatn rorrure. Many rettie_'~r fOlnQfi. either creckordevelop a superior ;mi[ude: mat gets them killed .... 'I-.-M m!:oy eecse an :as58UII [rooper cnce too ofren.c.,


Forme mO:H pllrt,lr-e0k$;;:Lreiil)fwtl00me in 'du:liCiena: dl'l!l~ion. For 1.1I'L(:: thing, the research theft. ru~ tOO close for lI:omf.olti even j_f 91 fomor didn't ftLl-nd ~pI!ndil'L~ htr limt!" ruming out rnon~ter11i~ hl!f$oL!l{ 11« coworkers would be. shall ""~ 43}', tess man trus(i.ngaboy( hl!r "J)lXI:I'~m sanity. Nevertheless, lnt"ll'lrn'Q~ and o[h~r sneaks find [heir l,I.<1¥ it'L~Q the eetencc dcpartmesu occastcnallv.

Mo.:§[ fomDfL lIOuking lM. sereece tL,Jl1 aer 3.!1 'bad~gu3lrds for human researchers. These employees are watcbed hHvilV. whiGho((Ci'1$(i.., r~rment on the mimNQM't. I»')R_ A few innocuous mutliints I'r:uuque~d~ u human! themeelvee (0 eocse 'L'QUb-'~. g; information, ruOl1;t()~ certain indi ... i1.h.~I$, ()r.$i ffipl~· lnd •• 1.gc ibetr own. curiosity Or (e.bhes.. ThOSe: whodcdiscc ... er how ~pised tMlt kind truly are among those who (t~le .hem.

Freak jokes. f.oI'non Ut1.00:~. HOStile gossip-. contempt, and n r l\::e:d fear. These are the prj_~e$ 01 (oM(IIl 1I.'i'Lo sneak into the clean hil.ll1i CIf Peli((:): setence, If discovered, an infiltrnt()F w(;A)~ b4!' Cl)uSh[ and s.=:R1 to a Secrtcn C facilit)'


(!5U bekrw'); if ~e stared hidden, the di~l wtl~ the "sof(i~ ... lew I heir subleca ("'Li[(te more [1'1;:110 (est mil mills. r~lly") Il'oukl drive most ;Sf'lCS [01 mur&r or worse,

Even K!\,:sorru:= rare fomor! do 'IlfOTI.: opcml.., in mit science [abe, t~;)!'I;:"'I!~_ r~~e:J CL:nd feered ror th.eiT innate knowledge - help dt:.:!iLgn the BlI.n1::~ pclsoned P'fOdI,l~!~ It.U P·efl~:t::;lo:_ eQJ-I\.Pllfl~e$ Jbtribu~e, pl.a}'ln~ a teb-bocnd 5Ci-ffitl5;[ would be en I!;JI!(:oc~ in bcredcm,

SediOIl C

The- oamc 01 Pemex's "\I}~C: pl'(ld:ucr"" dtvlslen mil';' be a bad joke em scmebody's part. Moll:! a carch-el] phnLse: uUlln 31n 2IC!nl3I! dcparrmenr. Secucn C ~~i.'bi!:5; tho! 'oc,b.~y t.ells wl'i.ere l~ most warped foLl1Qqi end !.Mir da.f!i' Freaks roo demcnrcd deformed or diseased [01 be of UIIf l.,!~;:UI! h~r&d! [(l~(~!1 CdUi'l~-'S [i.:i"!tJ !'I)(1:i'II~(ioJ'e-d by $Om~ of the most heerttcss scientists ;5.iI'lC~ the- Nazi medical camps, There. [MsC: mad doc[Q~ ~ndOCl expertmenrs tOO 'hor:rlble ec dl!:5(fl'be. OOeuiYloefllb'ljJ ~me:.'1,;::e f~(;lClr:s. Bane po.5l!i~r{lI'I rbrcsholds, crossbreeding, p21in T:o!oCli!pdv[W ::).i'l,d (I!hlt!, 1f!,(~N$"tlll!1: .wbje«$. TIle ~"It~ ma1:~ their ""ay to Iliad pl::mnin.c: eesatons equipmeru d~gn. research & develepmene, and ~h-e pelvnte PQm

ccllccnons of the mmpa.ny';5. etckeec esecuct v es, -

ML')$! fomL)Ji know of Secnen Cimcre hf rt:pu-radon than throuSh contact, Few sc:itntu.t! are enough to c:mpkly folJllOrl in &:t:tio[1. C (~t:i li ttes, but e ... ery so-ottoe-n an eepcciallj sadistic muranc raw a post in oee. These ~rehQtt( ~~ fuel ~betr h'lM~ dem(loTlS by {orm~Jt~n.g their CI\.VD kioo, oblh'lous. ro the fact tliilt sooner or liller, tbe:y will folll)w ~h-ei' vlcurns (Q- d-e 1~tm~t'$ table.

cPrDied O~sselJ

Alrhol.!!!!h. rnmr ~\lbjl!dq QI tnl!: Prcjece Od.~,;, C'l!at,. menta (ace Book of the Wynn, pg,. J.!f' arc: !lOn-mutllted m"Jt=h~, some &I'I!!! I!!ifr~ !~P in [0 rhe mtnd, nor 1M body, Many researchers carmoe reJl the diff·~;reru;e. Thus, a soun~ "ps-~~hle" Ii'! PI!MI!:o!':J I!:tnploy M;)"II' be 31 Wf'f ~ubtl~ fornOl in dtsgutse. So long as Ms po-weL1 .md tatnrs rerntii..1io secret, mi.:!i psychic Cffiplo,.'!!C" C3I[1. go funhcr lnro the ee-pcraee ~i"'I~!I thil!"L a freak I, ~~ to be :J.b!1! W go.

MOSJ: flS'f-q. rc fQm~;. ;hh~!f even !'e~I~ w'h:.{ tl'Ury trUl'i' arc, will pretend to be normal for <is long <is ~ib!e, Ck1:1 ingyourc.C!~'e:r blown durtngsuch a mesqucradccan be&'t;:l.J.. So,-,;,e f'roj'!:Cl Odf~Y ~lJbj«l't. ho-we\'e~, r- n evee accept whar hap;pcrtCdi in [he: Firat place. ("'WI'I3Il do \'DU mea.o, !~m ~ br on oI!'",[t ~l~~1 Waike I.!~ ~h.ole, thls is tl-u= 20th (;e-ntury!""' fu=1I1~~jn~ the: ~i\lth can be ~1,i('TI preul' traumane, es~eL:a.lh IHt Involves worms, den1en.rl;) • or bi'IS of Oe.sf.. full ing off.

--,-_ ...... _== .... _ ... _--.!_ .. .,,-:...---_.


.. -- .. ----....,......~-,--

Few fomort jOijn the eeeecrtee branch unless lhcy am p0S$ (01 hcmcn. No Peneee SU)X':rvlSor .... ·0 I'lU rbe product of their warped agenda 'WOrl:tng in the offICe next doorwho knows. what she might $liJ;! Into your ooHl!:c, what n~WS :Jtl~ might leak, or what "fnends" ,t,e ttdVtI brio, OVer from [he Sptt.ial Projot:cu Dt v I$l.on1

N:a,tu:r::lllly, human ~;<eelJlivl!.J. sneak f'Omori allies inw rj,,;l)o~ cI~an:ll'lf:nl!-and companies to inliltr.)~I!. djs;rupt and assassinate chosen t:ar~e:t$. Nobodv ever thinks it can happen t(I them __ .. Some fomoet with very f"~i'1t Wynnpowers m~a.k themselves In and QO~t~ioo!ln.,. clew thtir way lhtOYgh lhe h.14!Hrchy without rr.:,,·eaUn@_thelrt;)le:l\(5 - at te:3:5~ not to ansone who lives. ThU:5. while the Holfici::d" fcmcr-ccccpied potitlQt\:5. 'I,I,'lthin PI!I'lrU ere elmoer IlOn·!C;Jo; iU~11t. inQr~ mutants wall the G.Xot.:GlJ1ive ~,~Ib: lru:tn an~"One WSfla; 10 admit.

Fomori with memal po .... -ers, or subde physieal ones.

WQr\:. bear among thrc execunve br a neb. A few well-chosen .~.:ti!:!-" can undcnnfne a whole o;Q"m-p>lt1o~ -. ~ u.eC& hire cnfor~n with more oven manLfestll~


dons of poesesstcn, blJ~ onl,;, II fool "WOUld let thocm gtl roo close. Eeecudve opportlJniU~ (Of (omori, [he-n, are rare OO[ (KIt ilIlpOAibloe: to flnd.

Hon-dJentex '!omori

The Wyrm-corporarinrt does nor comer the market (;11'1 fomcrf Banes possess pll! of fotka who ~vtt Set! [he lruide or 2In Iliad ht;bor-LLl;;):r~'. Sul'l~~ etf ! ... ese "wild" fo[fl~i get cclleaed b~' rcrrleval reams, othcn. n .. d rh.elr ",'a~ 00 Penrex labs through a $Ott of warped "homing instiner'"; still otbers live 0f'I rheie awn or in .s:mat, OO!'l'l«L'.iI\i[i~, obll ... ious. ro Pcnrcx 's c1!;i$:te~_

Alrhough the-}' shart 11'Ill.l'l.'Y cl'i"!eriistic~ with theIr industry'gn:>'o"'n bred~fl!:n, mose "wild" romori bd: lM coherence, (ello""'$hl.p L)T purpose. Many go from ... ictlm (0 victim uru:il tht;~ either full apart or meet an enemy S(ronger t.h~jI lfi.e.y are, Thor deralls of .$tid, "free ~nt5" arc lert to lh!!"S[QI"t'ldler and her "byers rodecde - thl! pr) are 100 nUrof:r(i~L:l! [0 explore.


~JiI ..... _ .... __ • .~,.,b:.P .. I'.'.F .. :'.'ve,.:,.::_"'.S'""" •.• i ... "_ .. _ ..... _ .. ~9!1~_""_97 ....

(nu'l( ~ing ;53i-d, let's never ~l that Foo~o:r1 ate (01;11 Wyrm-taintt=d lceera, treated like 1m' <'In<! fared to' die. TIley Vi;i't'! terTlbl,,· hip, and WIf offer them up to you M emenamrnenr, no, as rote II"i!Odels. J~! for (he record, aUl'Ofie who reattyw;anrsoob!:afornor is a sick puppy who needs (0 be pur down,)

Fo:JJWri c;hroni.(.loC$ will be I"\:;'l!jly. MullID and sheer, You can run. a elapsttck oom~d}' g<!-Jru:: v."'j th lh~$C- Wyri'tL~pa""n, (;I( t;(M,j_Q.e, but !lu: humor wtll have ill ~'e'1' srck c:dgt= even if tho! cherecrers US(': nothing mort: dt..dly ~h~n. Gr!!::i.1il ples. SdU,1I. game which reatur"<:nJ~ ~xi$tel'll';11 ml2nillg iJ.bOu{ l~ ~ul~ and gm'Y morali(y would !,ret bo-rll'ljJ quickly, and I'lOUldn't be terribly il.Pprv",tclte (01 fomcrt. !In,y'''''~I'~'_ Fi,):It'LQri "'~ vtsceeal, not inrcllccrual, and the')' react 10 rhelr oondit~n ~t (.l'tc gnll~~·I!I. Such slmpol~ poiUlOi~ can be a ['(It of fun 00 pllllY in the r~ht context.

BowJoo.rn.bqor;crhtont')'OII.5CHoe YOIA'jIf ~ng W f!![ u./Ja[:rml des:m.o,c

- Nine In.c.h Natls, "H~iIII.! like et Hole"

TM-t! I was, oompku:r, ~lI1.!itbw, out of ~'l(llrl!: (Ind Joum. A~ il'l5idc it's &0 /r-rJ(ro:Llin_g oP$ I dn!e {ronL """,1 !O WWl\ Ful «! ~f.I~ C(;I~: if J liue orJif Sal~e..swtJ!~ ro~l-Wl'l't'~rion inm)'uf~

- Judas Prieu. "Bee a ldi'!~ the L"'Iw"

Sonl~tlmc~ ll'! a fun break (0 play th~ bad gul'S for II while, nor the ..".~rt""·Ool~s (;,dth·oLl~h i"O!:i[ at ~m would ~o!'rgi.lT;lhumant"an;Sfl'£"al::rohim), butt~Wlnm:p.ilwn who sicken c "VCi1 th-e G~r(lll_ Ow-Ie of i'C)1.e~<l't'II'Ig'~ ad ... an[;)~'S is 1M Clpporrunity t03 ccofroar dWSIC thi~ ..... tth lrr ocrselves th.,Lt we C;)hI'lA)C - il'm.!:C i'lot - act OO[ in reallifc-, By pJ:;,l'Y1n_g ",maim occastcnellv, W~ "keep the gators red,·

U as Stephe-n KlIlg $a'f$. and lel the darkoess Ol,l[ 10 play (or

r... .. ",horc \lihUe be(()fl!: ptu.dng il back where II bc.longs

1 ~"~' Ch~pler Six: Storytellillg

L.-.,r~- -- • = =


(/{unning a lJomori Chronicle


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