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Longswamp United Church of Christ Reader: “Mary,” the Angel Gabriel said, “You will soon become pregnant

gel Gabriel said, “You will soon become pregnant and give birth
200 Clay Road, Mertztown, PA 19539 to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of
Phone 610-682-6230 the Most High God. The Lord God will make him a king as his ancestor David was,
E-Mail: Web: and he will be the king of the descendants of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never
Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley, Pastor Ann Mabry Miller, Organist
December 12th, 2010 Third Sunday of Advent LIGHTING THE THIRD ADVENT CANDLE
10:15 AM WORSHIP Reader: Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it happen to me as you have said.”
Longswamp Church School Presents: We light this candle as a symbol of the love that Mary had for her son Jesus, and the
The Story of Saint Nicholas love that Jesus has for each one of us. We thank God that through our faith in the Lord
(Busy Boxes are available for younger children. Please turn off cell phones. The symbol + indicates that Jesus we are assured that God is with us always. Faith, hope and love continue to all
those who are able should stand. Words in BOLD are spoken or sung by the whole congregation.) eternity – and the greatest of these is love.

MUSICAL PRELUDE LOFT CHOIR ANTHEM: “Were You There on That Christmas Night?” - Sleeth


Luke 1: 46-55 Magnificat (Pew Bible page 1589)
The story of Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas of Myra, Turkey
+OPENING HYMN ………………“I Love to Tell the Story”……………….……#498 Act 1 – The Young Nicholas
Nicholas is born into a Christian family that owned trading ships.
+CALL TO WORSHIP Carol – Away in a Manger
Reader: We come together today to tell the old, old story of how Jesus was born Young Nicholas is left as an orphan.
among us and shared our everyday life. Hymn – Shine Jesus Shine v1
People: We come to learn how other Christians heard the story and how they
shared it through the way that they lived. Act 2 – Nicholas uses his money to help people
Reader: The story was changed and shaped as it was handed from country to country. Nicholas helps poor people. His sailors pray to him when they are in a storm.
People: But the light of God’s love continues to shine clearly in the story and in Hymn – Shine Jesus Shine, v2
our lives. Come; let us walk in the light of God’s holy truth.
(Please be seated) Act 3 – Bishop Nicholas attends the Great Church Council of Nicaea
Reader: Please stand and we will recite the words of the Nicene Creed, remembering
THE ADVENT CANDLE that Bishop Nicholas was there when church leaders agreed that this would be the
Reader: We gather around the Advent wreath today thankful for the love that we have faith of the whole Roman Empire.
received from family and friends. Whenever we feel too proud we remember that each
one of us was once a helpless baby. This reminds us that we need each other, and we +NICENE CREED (Unison) I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of
need to be loved. heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.
People: We wonder how Mary felt when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her when
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the
she was alone. She was deeply troubled and wondered what it meant that the
Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God;
Lord had “blessed her”. He told her…
begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things
were made.
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Who, for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was Act 4 – Bishop Nicholas is an old man.
incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was Old Bishop Nicholas prays the pastoral prayer.
crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the HYMN – “You have come down to the lakeshore”
third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, Choir: verses – Church School: Chorus
and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to
judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. Act 5 – The Sailors Bring the Story from Turkey to Spain and then to Holland
HYMN – Shine Jesus Shine v 3
I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the
Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and Act 6 – Stories from northern Europe are added. Finally the story is brought to the
glorified; who spoke by the prophets. United Sates.
I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism SONG – Santa Claus is Coming to Town
for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life
of the world to come. Amen. (Please be seated.) Saint Nicholas Blesses the Gifts for Phoebe Home

MORNING OFFERING Saint Nicholas Blesses the Congregation

Reader: It is thanks to Saint Nicholas’s generosity that we have the tradition of giving
Reader: Each one of us hears the old, old story about Jesus and his love in a slightly
presents at Christmas time. We can all generously share the good things God has
different way because we each have different experiences. There isn’t a right way or a
given us, and we can all share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our neighbors and
wrong way to hear the story – what matters is how we respond to the love that God
friends. The morning offering will be received as the congregation sings this hymn.
(Please remain seated.) has given to us. Let us be like Saint Nicholas and share God’s love generously with
others. Refreshments will be served following worship. Please stay. Our closing hymn
HYMN (Tune – The Holly and the Ivy) is # 170, “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”. Please stand.
A follower of Jesus, by persecution torn,
Was Nicholas the Bishop, to noble parents born. +HYMN …………………“It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”……………………..#170
Forsaking wealth and power, he gave to all in need,
The bread to fill their bodies, God's love their souls to feed. + THE LORD’S PRAYER (Choir) ………………West Indian folk tune arr Carlton Young
Please join in the refrain “Hallowed – a be thy name”
He taught the Gospel simply so all could understand,
Through works of loving kindness faith flourished in his land. Saint Nicholas and his companions will leave during the singing of the Lord’s Prayer.
He sought and blessed the children, he shared in every way; His memory is with Please join us for refreshments in the multipurpose room. Thank you to everyone who
us—we love him still today. brought a Secret Santa gift for a resident of Phoebe Home. These gifts will be
delivered today.
Like Jesus in the tempest, rebuking wind and wave,
The Patron Saint of sailors will call on Christ to save Welcome to all who join us in worship as this community of God’s People today. We
For all who sail the oceans, for all who wait at home,
welcome any visitors worshiping with us this day. We also request that any visitors present
Blest Nicholas the Bishop prays always for his own.
also sign our Guest Register in the Narthex. If anyone is interested in joining our church
His robe a bishop's crimson, our Advent patron lives, family, please contact the pastor.
In life of all who follow, in heart of all who give.
As Christmas fast approaches, we follow his good lead Our special thanks to all those church school members, including youth, adults and staff
In sharing our abundance with everyone in need. participating in today’ service.
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Today’s Altar Flowers and Worship Bulletins are presented to the Glory of God and are Members and Friends Prayer List: [As of Bulletin preparation time]
in honor of our 28th Wedding Anniversary which we are celebrating this weekend, Dec. Recuperating: Sue McElrea, Grace Lantz, Artena Unger, Winfield Lease, Matthew
11th by Jill & Vern Shade. Walbert, JoAnn Jones, Regina Lambert
Active Members of Military: PFC Matthew Shade [USA], PFC Michael Xiques [USA]
Our special thanks to Artena Unger & Family for participating in the Lighting of the Special: Beulah Harmony, Marlene Hamm, Jared Toth, Alayna Biltcliff, Olivia Radcliffe,
Advent Wreath on this third Sunday in the season. Bernice Bauer [Barbara Eck’s sister who is under Hospice Care], & Niki Ferrizzi [Friend of
Altar Guild Members for the month of December are Artena Unger & Laurie Heagy. Coralie Eck recently diagnosed with cancer]
Shut-ins: Ida Gehringer, Ruth Hertzog, & Corinne Reppert [Lutheran Home, Topton], Ruth
For parents with children up to and including age five a nursery is available in our Romig [Lewisburg], Mary Conrad, Anna Delong, Beulah Harmony, Webster Heffner,
Christian Education Building. Catherine Miller, Helen Schuler, & Doris Weller [at home]
If you are Hearing impaired please see a Greeter for an individual wireless receiver. Please give the Pastor a note on special prayer needs, and remember to notify the church
of any members hospitalized. Use our church codes for any hospital admissions -
Thank You to all who assisted with the beautiful decorating of the church for the Advent
and Christmas season. Allentown Hospitals - 451; Reading – 80

We invite you all to a time of fellowship and refreshment following the service, hosted If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers and/or Bulletins, please sign up on the charts
by Church School. Please come and join us for some light refreshments and fellowship in the Narthex.
in our multi-purpose room.
Information for the January issue of the newsletter is due on Tuesday, Dec. 14th. Please
Participants in today’s service: have your articles print ready. Thank you!
Greeters: Church School Acolyte: Courtney Moyer
Please take time to sign the greeting found in the Narthex this morning. It will be taken
Head Usher: Tim Masenheimer Reader: Fran Zettlemoyer
to our sick & shut-in members along with a fruit/snack tray, the week before Christmas.
Nursery Hosts: Cheryl & Annie Bleiler Volunteers are needed to make deliveries and visit a little while. The gifts will be available
Fellowship Hosts: Church School next Sunday, Dec. 19th after worship.
Lighting of Advent Wreath: Artena Unger & Family
Scheduled for next week – December 19th at 10:15am: On Thursday, December 16th Longswamp UCC will be volunteering at the Northeastern
Greeters: Coralie & Weylin Eck Acolyte: MacKenzie Heagy Berks Food Pantry in Kutztown beginning at 3pm or anytime thereafter that you are
available. All ages are welcome. Please consider volunteering your time to those less
Head Usher: Audrey Tucker Reader: Kirby Heagy
fortunate in our surrounding communities.
Nursery Hosts: Jen & Autumn Bieber
Fellowship Hosts: Friendship Discussion Hour Group There are many other opportunities to give special Christmas gifts:
Lighting of Advent Wreath: Vern & Jill Shade MADD (tie on a ribbon to increase awareness of dangers of drunk driving, $ donation)
Christmas Fund ($ gifts to help elderly widows of UCC clergy),
Attendance – December 5, 2010 - 87 Brandywine Food Pantry (food gifts to help local residents in need),
Receipts: General - $1902.00 Maintenance - $325.00 OCPP - $91.00 Kutztown Friends Inc. Food Pantry (gift of your time on Thursday December 16th any
Total Giving by Members - $2318.00 Missions: $293.00 Total - $2611.00 time 3 – 10pm),
Advent Offering ($ gift to help the ministry of our church),
Remember to consult your December Newsletter for a full listing of our Advent and Visit and Sit with Ida Gehringer at Lutheran Home A wing. Ida is on Hospice Care,
Christmas Schedule. Christmas Prayers (ask Pastor for current prayer needs).
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This Week at the Church: Church Family Notes:
Today: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am - Happy Birthday: Happy Anniversary:
Worship: Church School Program & Fellowship; 5:30pm – Bell Choir Dec. 12 – Keegan Weller 12/14/1974 Vickie & Rick George
Monday: 5:30pm – LLC Staff; 6:30pm – Brownies; 6:30pm – Boy Scouts [cabin] Dec. 13 – Diane Shoemaker, Kelly Fronheiser
Tuesday: January Newsletter Articles are Due! Dec. 14 – Judy Koller
Thursday: 7:30pm – Loft Choir Dec. 16 – Ralph Riovo
Next Sunday: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am - Dec. 17 – Zoe Rachor
Worship: Christmas Fund Special Mission Offering Dec. 19 – Allison Hengst

Remember to check the calendar outside the church office for any schedule changes - but The 2011 Offering Envelope Sets are available for you to pick up on the table by the bell.
please do not change that calendar without the knowledge of the church staff. At all times, please remember to inform the church office of any address changes in order
that your membership and mailing records will be accurate.
The following items are needed next Sunday for the “Brandywine Food Pantry” they are
macaroni & cheese, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, bath soap. The Brandywine Heights High School Music Department presents their annual Festival of
Carols for Senior Citizens on Friday, December 17, 2010 at 2:30pm. It is free of charge,
Wreaths of live greens found on the exterior of the sanctuary’s main entrance doors no tickets required, and will feature the High School Band and Concert Choir. Following
have been presented by the Men’s & Women’s Group in memory of the following the performance, guests are invited to enjoy refreshments in the cafeteria. The
members of our church family who entered into eternal rest this past year: performance for the general public will take place on Sunday, December 19, 2010 at 3pm.
Robert R. Piatt, Jr. Frances “Mickey” Sicher Earl H. Weller All tickets are reserved seat and can be pre-purchased for $3 per ticket. Tickets
Thomas P. Hilt Marjorie “Betty” Mabry Max. J. Bleiler purchased the day of the concert are $4. Please call 610-682-5102 x2529 for additional
Jocelyn F. Fenstermacher Anna E. George Carlson R. Kutz information.
Ernest G. Conrad
Your Church Staff and Information:
Our next service of Holy Communion is Christmas Eve, both worship services. If you Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley. Pastor 610-295-9599
wish to receive private Holy Communion, or if you have a family member who cannot
E-mail address is
come to church for Communion, please notify the Pastor.
Dawn Strunk, Church Secretary 610 682-0802
Remember to invite your neighbors and friends to Christmas Eve worship. If someone Ann Mabry Miller, Organist 610 966-3160
new has moved into your neighborhood please plan to deliver a special worship invitation Vern Shade, Bell Choir Director 610 395-0970
to their house. God has invited everyone to come to the manger in Bethlehem. Be and
Beverly Thomas, Learning Center Director 610 682-9750
angel and spread the Good News.
Ron Newhard, Sexton 610 966-4298
Please note: Anyone hosting fellowship or other after church activities, is asked to please
make sure that the church or Christian Ed building is locked, windows are closed, and Your Consistory and Church Officers:
lights turned off before leaving. Thank you. William Thomas, President [Elder] Coralie Eck
Jennifer Kressley, Vice President Kimberly Jenkins
Please remember to drop off your Redner’s receipts and Radcliffe’s receipts in the
Andrew Thomas, Secretary Timothy Masenheimer
marked boxes in the vestibule. This is a very easy way to assist your church.
Robert Friedly, Treasurer [Elder] Audrey Tucker
Upper Room Daily Devotional guides are available in the Narthex, incl. large print, for

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