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HTML5 & CSS3 Support

The future of the web is here and you can embrace it, reject it or forget that there is such a thing as
upgrading to the latest version of your browser. Either way you look at it the internet is growing
whichever way you want to accept it. Soon enough you're old browser won't load your favorite
website or you won't be able to see the newest advances in web design. With that you'll eventually
update your browser. Instead of letting that happen, take the couple of minutes and run a check for
updates on your browser; you might be surprised on what you're missing.

It's coming and you want to know everything you can before its old news and your competition had
already changed the way their web design is being done on their websites. This new design trend on
the web is HTML5.

What is HTML5? It's the next revision being developed for the core markup language of the World
Wide Web. It will allow web designers to use new structural elements and attributes, replace some of
the common elements and provide functionality to audio and video elements. The new elements will
provide an easy way to semantically structure your page. HTML5 introduces a number of APIs that
help in creating web applications. These can be used together with the new elements introduced for

What are some differences between HTML5 and XHTML1? The code will be shorten down and
simplified to allow for easier coding for the web designer, no more self-closing tags and the ability to
wrap links around block level elements.

With a new markup language comes an easier and more sophisticated way of displaying the web
design for your website. Currently not all browsers are supporting the new CSS3 changes however
it's coming and better to be ahead of the curve then waiting. Browsers currently supporting the new
design changes are Opera 10, Safari 4, and Firefox 3, Chrome 2.

What is CSS3? It's the style sheet language used to describe how the look and feel of a document is
written in a markup language. Included in the language are elements such as layout, colors, and
fonts. It allows the web designer to format multiple pages with different styles and methods such as
onscreen, print, voice.

What's new in CSS3? There are some new elements that take the website design to a whole new
ball game. Such as the ability to allow a 4th field to define alpha value (rGBA color), create rounded
borders, drop shadow behind an element or even allow multiple images to be layered on the
background. Even text is getting a makeover with the ability to define what happens if text overflows
its space, use of drop shadows, breaking the flow of text into multiple columns based on the width of
their containing element.

CSS3 has been around for awhile but it's still in the development stage under W3C. Either way it's the
up and coming trend for web design. Our talented web designers are embracing the change and
applying it where necessary in the design for our clients.

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