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It was only a matter of time. Year after year, you beat your numbers and earned the highest
marks on evaluations. Your manager sang your praises; your clients considered you one of their
own. You sacrificed health and happiness to prove you deserved it. Eventually your time rolled
around and they put you in charge. And now that you've made it, only one question remains:
What do I do now?

Stepping into management can be an overwhelming transition. Forget all your past
accomplishments: You're starting from scratch and the learning curve is steep. You'll deal with
individuals from different cultures, generations, personalities, and ambitions, some of whom are
more entrenched, experienced, and talented than you. And all those dirty jobs you took for
granted²hiring, training, coaching, appraisals, discipline, and layoffs²are your responsibility.

Worst of all, you're no longer one of them; you're the eyes-and-ears of "The Man," if not the man
himself. Now you're all alone.

And that means you have a target on your back. Sure, your reports have a stake in your success.
But they also have their agendas. Despite your best intentions and efforts, you're bound to
disappoint them at times. No, you'll have to accept that not everyone will like you. They'll
whisper behind your back, blaming you for things you can't control. They're always watching
you, evaluating you against their own strengths, sniping over every weak moment or error.
Regardless, these same people will make or break you.

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Leadership has a funny way of exposing weaknesses. If you lacked self-awareness before, you'll
quickly recognize your limitations and misconceptions. Suddenly you're pushed and pulled from
all directions. Every interaction is magnified. And all those frailties you've consciously hidden²
your temper, tendency to procrastinate, or inability to follow through²will eventually come
front and center as the pressure boils over.

As with any job, many of us enter leadership with high hopes. We expect to raise the bar for
everyone else (or at minimum, not undo the great work of our predecessor). We imagine
ourselves building teams and markets, making a difference and someday crossing the stage to the
applause of our peers. But then the people, politics, and roadblocks often wear us down. And
with every tepid review you give, the guilt will gnaw at you: Is their performance actually a
reflection on me?
Too often, we press and claw to the destination, all too satisfied when we get there. In reality,
that's when the real work begins. To keep your promotion from morphing into a death sentence,
you must come in with your eyes open and a plan.


That semi-competent manager you and your colleagues used to complain about is gone. And
guess who's in charge now? It's you, my friend. Sure, you have integrity; everyone knows that.
But you also need a vision and a strategy, and to execute it skillfully. Otherwise, you'll find
yourself turning into the new bumbling fool. Here's how to succeed as a new manager.


You'll feel tempted to overhaul and start fresh. But there's so much you don't know. Rather than
risk moving too fast too soon, spend your first months observing, listening, and learning. Keep a
log of everything you question. To know what's critical and what's clutter, lean on those with
institutional knowledge and memory. In short, be humble and grow into the job. Take small steps
so your employees have some continuity. You'll have time to leave your fingerprints as you

Don't judge the holdovers, at least not initially. Instead, give everyone a clean slate, no matter
what you've heard. Remember, all your reports will be on their best behavior initially. You
represent a fresh start; they want to be seen in the best light. So give them plenty of one-on-one
time early. Learn about their history and aspirations. Watch them in action to see who'll tell the
truth, help, or inevitably disappoint. Most important, get buy-in from your stars and respected
veterans. Without their support, few others will follow.

You have their attention: Capitalize on it. Set ground rules and expectations early. Outline your
short-term and long-term vision for the department. Identify what's mission critical, why, and
how everyone's roles contribute to the end result. Set goals, but keep them relatively short,
unambiguous, and achievable. Establish time lines and benchmarks to measure progress. Help
them understand they're working toward something larger, and how their careers, lives, and
world will profit from their labor.
Want to make an impact in your first
weeks? Strip everything down and
simplify. That's right: Take them back to
basics. Determine what's holding them
back, such as a bad apple or redundant
paperwork. Take a dramatic action to
send the message that times have
changed. Or build goodwill by
skewering a sacred cow or making a
symbolic giveback. Whether you're
looking to drive service, productivity, or
profitability, focus your team on that
area and remove any obstacles or excuses for delivering it.

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An idea is doomed to failure without a plan
behind it. After meeting with stakeholders, draft
three- and six-month plans. Set targets, replete
with starting and ending points (and the steps in
between). Hold yourself accountable by
evaluating progress weekly and making
adjustments as circumstances evolve. At
minimum, your job is to get your team members
on the same page and level, and foster an
environment where they can excel. Without a plan and a dedication to executing it, they will
inevitably drift, gradually losing sight of their potential and value.

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It's the universal question: How can I take
my employees to the next level? Like
anything, it requires planning, attention,
and commitment. Start with recognizing
each person's strengths, goals, and areas for
improvement. From there, establish
individual plans, no different from your
department plan. Seek out opportunities
where they can learn and contribute (and
move out of their comfort zones). Check in
regularly on their performance. Face it,
your reports won't all stay in their jobs forever. Know where they want to go; motivate them by
helping them get there.

You haven't done the job long enough to own a real track record. Seasoned managers will
condescend to you; employees will try to roll you. Your newcomer status puts you at an innate
disadvantage. So don't place yourself in a losing position until you've built up your capital. Pick
those fights and drive those issues you can win. And realize you can't be everything to everyone.
It takes time to make things happen, and there will be mistakes along the way. Be patient and
take heart with any victories you achieve.

You've seen it before: One bad manager can stifle creativity, siphon energy, and poison
relationships. And you'll have times when you'll ask if you're causing more harm than good.
When this happens, reach out to someone who's already gone through that. Find a mentor who
can pick you back up and put your challenges in perspective. Stay in touch regularly and take his
or her advice, however critical, to heart. Chances are, a mentor will be flattered by your trust.
Eventually he may be the one who introduces you to the right people and champions your cause

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Along with being a manager, you're also an ambassador. Invest time in building relations with
the other departments. If they're not coming to you, go to them. Sit down with their leaders and
rank and file. Take an inventory of how your department is viewed. Identify areas where you
could improve your performance or potentially team up with someone to help. Communicate
regularly, so you keep your capabilities on their radar. It only takes one opportunity, and a
mutual awareness of your unexpected synergies, to forge a long-term partnership.

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Take it a step further: Turn your reports into your
department's ambassadors. Look for opportunities to
give them the spotlight, such as training sessions,
newsletters, project leadership, and success stories.
Sponsor company events or causes and give out awards
and gifts. Use your influence to get employees into
other departments' meetings or field operations. Most
important, get them face time with leadership. You want
to expand their world, not narrow it, to enhance their value to the organization.

People often like holding a title more than the
work required to keep it. Your résumé and
rhetoric may sparkle, but they'll only win
respect for so long. So start by learning what
your people do: the constituencies,
responsibilities, systems, and schedules that
drive their day. Don't hide in your office;
jump into the trenches and get your hands
dirty. Show you can step in and do their job if
need be. Similarly, notch some early victories
to prove you can get things done. Bottom line: Establish your credibility. Without it, you're
another dead-weight boss, the one employees know will just confuse everything.

You're wired into the powers that be. Your people will adopt your attitudes and anxieties,
conscious or not. So recognize the image you project at all times. Be the example: Convey
confidence and stay composed. Own up to your mistakes, so your people do the same. Follow
your own rules, knowing no job or rule is beneath you. And stay approachable and positive at all
times. At minimum, your people should respect you. At best, they should aspire to be like you.
People watch what you do more than they listen to what you say. Always walk the walk.

You're a leader; you set the tone and pace and they feed off you. So pump it up. Recognize
publicly and praise regularly, accentuating the positives. Reward them for excellence with
unexpected treats like a free lunch or a few hours off. Bring in speakers or share articles so
they're exposed to best practices. Assign projects to foster collaboration and closer relationships
within your team. Bottom line: Don't let them stagnate; stay on the offensive to keep your
momentum going. Reinforce every day why they want to work here, not somewhere else.

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You're managing highly driven, talented, and accomplished professionals. Chances are, some
think they could (or should) be you. Adjust accordingly. That means asking questions and
examining all sides instead of rendering snap judgments. Respect their time: Always be
prepared, relevant, and succinct in your dealings. Don't micromanage unless they're not meeting
expectations. Set boundaries, but be flexible; they have families and responsibilities, too. Keep
an open mind. Don't be afraid to accept input (or even criticism). In other words, practice the
golden rule.

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No one aspires to be a lousy manager. It's often the accumulation of little things²careless
comments or hypocritical acts²that erodes camaraderie and trust. Fortunately, little things like a
private gesture or kind word also set managers apart. So how can you strengthen your
relationships? Start by learning what makes them tick. Are they looking for money, recognition,
influence, or meaning? Who are their family members and pets? What are their interests? Most
important, accept them for who they are. You won't mold everyone into a superstar, but steady
performers bring equal value over the long haul.

There's a price to pay for leadership: You always have to be the bigger person. And that means
you cannot take things personally, publicize your views or personal life, or get too cozy with
your reports. As a manager, your guard must always stay up. Like it or not, you'll eventually hold
gut-wrenching meetings on conduct and performance with your people. Your comments and
relationship will be used against you. Even more, never use the threat of discipline to stifle
questions or dissent. Taking your insecurities out on your employees is the quickest path to

Stepping into management is often a battlefield
promotion. You may even hold onto your previous
duties as you assume new ones. In this atmosphere, you
can't juggle everything. No one expects you to have all
the answers, and you'll only hurt your team by
pretending to know more than you do. Instead, swallow
your pride. Recognize your shortcomings and your
reports' strengths, and capitalize on them. Step back and
let them lead, checking in and providing counsel from time to time. Just be careful not to abuse
delegation: It can never be a means to regularly duck work or leave early.

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Your employees' perception of you can be your biggest asset or drawback. So how can you
reinforce a good impression? It starts with reaching out. Appearances matter, so set aside time
for each person to provide guidance and support. Collectively, keep them current on company
developments and share what you're doing to help them. Maintain a two-way dialogue and seek
feedback on what's important to them. You're now responsible for others, and they need to know
you're watching out for their interests.

Think a title automatically bestows respect?
Guess again. Reality is, it ebbs and flows for
many managers unless they possess a
distinctive quality: consistency. As business
grows more complex and uncertain, your
people should never guess how you'll react.
Instead, they should view you as a patient
arbiter who'll provide a fair hearing and honest
feedback. Otherwise, they'll invariably tell you
what you want to hear rather than what you
need to hear. And silence is a far greater threat
to any business than candor.

Management can be a thankless job. Some will turn
your name into a punch line. Others will predictably
undermine you with human resources. In these
times, ask yourself: Are they right? Over time, some
lose sight of the big picture, focusing on looking
good over helping people succeed. But everyone,
employees and peers alike, can see through the self-
importance. Fair or not, your personal reputation
rubs off on your department. Make sure your conduct and attitudes don't hamper your employees
when it comes time for securing resources or earning promotions


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