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Ezekiel 35 Memory Verse Ezekiel 38:23

"Thus will I magnify Myself and sanctify Myself, and I will be Known In the eyes of many nations, and
they shall Know That I AM the LORD”

1 Chapter thirty eight the prophecy of the invasion on Israel by Magog describes the
armor of the enemy of Israel. It is important as a believer to be equipped with the armor that
GOD provides for us. From Ephesians 6: 10-18 list all of our protection that we have against the
attacks of the devil.

2 After listing them, give an example after each one on how you can apply it to your walk.

May your Christmas week be blessed and filled with HIS Peace. We are more than conquerors through
CHRIST. Rest on HIS Faithfulness, lean on HIS strength. HE is our commander and Chief.
GOD Bless you, and keep you all. Merry Christmas family!

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