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Information is human readable only

Knowledge extraction requires human processing

Knowledge Management involves the collection, sharing and application of collect

ive experiences
A Knowledge Company:Has moved from a belief that knowledge is power to an attitude
that knowledge sharing is power

Benefits of Knowledge Management :

-Improved service to customers
-Customer retention
-Staff retention
-Greater opportunity to sell products
-Reduction in processing costs
Content cleansing involves cleansing master data files and generating attribute
data using the data provided. Content
cleansing services includes:
-Attribute Extraction
-Duplicate identification
-Abbreviation Expansion
-Data Normalization and Standardization
Why km is imp for companies:
In an organizational context, data represents facts or values of results, and re
lations between data (and other relations) have the capacity to represent inform
XML was designed to describe data and to focus on what data is.

HTML was designed to display data and to focus on how data

XML is basically used to describe some data.There are no
fixed set,i.e pre-defined TAGS used in XML. The tags are
user defined. It is used for Data description and streaming.
HTML deals with data representation.

XML is allow user-defined tags

HTML is allow only pre-defined tags


If anyone use JavaScript in a HTML page, called DHTML.
1.Using DHTML we can use JavaScript and style sheets in our HTML page.
2.Using DHTML we can insert small animations and dynamic menus into our HTML pag
3.If use want that your web page display your DHTML effects(object or word can h
ighlighted, larger,a different color etc) than you have to save your web page wi
th .dhtml extension except .html or .htm .

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