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Blind, blisters, congenital glaucoma, secondary glaucoma,

?Why do I need surgery for

congenital glaucoma

As a result of increased intraocular pressure, with rapid growth and,

with the expansion of the anterior segment of the eye, the cornea
gets bigger and bigger, anterior Chamber of the eye, the cornea
diameter up to 12 ~ 18 mm (diameter of normal infant 9.5 ~ 10.5
mm) that looks like two capsules blisters (therefore also called
"water eyes").

Congenital glaucoma or if not treated, the delay will result in a total

loss of sight, become blind. But this kind of blindness and other
types of glaucoma are not reversible. Children's Hospital
Ophthalmology Wu Qian

Congenital glaucoma is confirmed after going early operative

treatment, even if born 2 ~ 3 days of the baby. Preoperative
medication only temporary relief. Now internationally recognized as
the best surgical methods for the corner incision and trabeculotomy.

Due to the structure of the eye surgery required, general

anesthesia, under a microscope. Previous surgery method is the
anterior chamber angle microscope incision for the poor, but also
many complications. Now is a more advanced methods: purposes
under general anesthesia in the trabecular microstructure
enteropathic tube incision or trabecular microstructure enteropathic
tube cut and trabeculectomy, a reconstruction of the eyes.

?Blind, blisters, congenital glaucoma, secondary glaucoma,

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