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Read me

Thank you for purchasing this template from us. This read me contents informatio
n about this template and any other related information require by this template
This template contents,
- CSS Style sheet
- PhotoShop (PSD)
- HTML customized file
- Sliced images
- Sub Pages
This template is compatible with
- Microsoft FrontPage
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
- HTML Source editor
For tutorial how to use our template, Please go to http://designempire.empirenet
.org and visit the design empire tour. The tour content all information needed b
y you to get your web site running.
Custom edit
This template comes with Fireworks or Photoshop for editing the company name or
buttons. Not all peoples own these programs. These programs can be found at http
:// (Fireworks) and (Photoshop) If you ha
ve one of this program simply use it to open the editable file and edit the file
. If you don't know how to edit the file, Please visit http://designempire.empir and review the design empire tour to get your site running.
If you do not have the both program, we can help you to edit the editable file f
or you. There is no extra fee charge for this service. This service only provide
to our customer. And we only edit one time for one product. And the thing we ed
it only include of the company name and the buttons text.
For support, please visit support page. We pro
vide a fully support for our customer.

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