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For people who are fond of plants, flowers, vegetations, and other ornamental plants, having

their own home greenhouse may be a dream come true.

A greenhouse or conservatory is a type of structure where plants are developed and grown.
Usually, greenhouses are made of plastic or glass. This is to allow the natural light coming from
the outside environment to permeate inside. They say that light, water, and air are, in fact, readily
made available in the natural environment. Inside the greenhouse, lights, water, and air are
artificially supplied. They further contend that once the person who is in charge of the process
has failed to do his job, chances are, the plants will die.

Therefore, in order to gain the right appreciation of the purpose of greenhouses, here is a list of
detailed facts about the real operation of greenhouses:

1. It uses solar energy

Like the natural environment, greenhouses make use of the solar energy as well. That is why
greenhouses are made of glass or plastic to allow the natural light to pass through.

2. It converts the solar energy to heat

This is where the greenhouse benefits start. Basically, when the solar energy enters the
greenhouse, the heat that goes along with the light are trapped inside the area. Once inside, the
heat is distributed throughout the place. This is similar to the condition of a car that is parked in
area with direct sunlight.

Have you ever observed that after you have parked your car in an open area with direct sunlight
you can still felt he heat being trapped inside your car? Same thing goes with the light and heat
inside the greenhouse.
Generally, when the “electromagnetic radiation” of the sun enters the greenhouse, the things
inside the structure like the soil, plants, and other notable material inside the place are being heat

Consequently, the materials that make up the greenhouse, like the glass or the plastic trap the hot
air or the heat inside the room. Thus, it heats up both the air and the plants inside. Likewise, it
also heats up the air close to the ground.

The main purpose of this particular structure of a greenhouse is to prevent “convection.” This is
because through convection, heat is eliminated through the presence of fluids.

The main focus of the issue here is that this particular amount of heat should not escape the hot
house in order to proper growth to the plants.

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