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discipleship and teaching helping local churches Another year in my King's service T thank God for all the things made trough me and for me this year, for my achievements but also for the trials that strengthened me in patience and understanding of His will. I thankyou all those who have been next to me in 2009: friends, missionaries, brothers, supporters, sponsors and to all His angels, many unknown, that prayed for me! Some of my steps with Him: Set aete “January-March-I served as staffin the Discipleship Training School in YWAM Medias, Romania, teaching the students mass media and evangelism tools “Dynamic Club- I helped a local church from Medias for doing youth ministry and organizing evangdizing events “India outreach-in May I leaded 6 youth in a DTS outreach. We wereinvolvedin preaching the Gospel, helping in Agape orphanages and to Mongu’s baptism «July-I was pat of the team that organized the ProMission Festival ended with many teams of Romanian youth sent in short-term outreachesto Romania, Serbia and Ulraine *September- Decanber - mission in India — I was part of the discipleship process for 12 Indians, future Christian workers (YWAM Patna); Iwas teaching Bible studies in the orphanage and I was also helping to a Christmas big evangelism spectacle *Mass madia- I filmed and edited short videos about missions and to motivate people to missions: my web pages had more than 40000 vistors from Romania and diaspora that were inspired or downloaded resources for children, youth ministry or for evangelism events; I coordinate the Communication department at ‘YWAM Medias; I participated to radio talk-show telling my testimony; I continued to write Christian scenarios for dramas, books and online documentaries. Pray for this starting year: >For guidance in ministry You alse can be >A way to get long term Indian visa @ part of the *Health and protection against all sicknesses mendial mission! | °Pray God to continue to work in the lives of the people in which I invested or heard the Gospel >For financial support for another year of living “Participate by faith “Pray *Protection against all Satan's work and “Pay obstacles >For my family to know God Dana Ariton, www.danaindia Cont RON: RO72 RZBR 0000 0600 0877 4590, Raiffeisen Bank

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