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What is e-marketing?

 Identifying

 Anticipating

 Satisfying
E-commerce COM380
Competitor analysis

Well-known local competitors

Well-known international competitors

New internet companies

Target market strategies

 Tactics

 Product
 How do we differentiate?
 How do we migrate our brand online or use
new brand?
 Do we offer extranet to key customers?
 Do we offer personalized services?
 Are there any other features we can add and
charge for?
E-commerce COM380
E-commerce COM380
E-commerce COM380
Information security is important both to companies and consumers that
participate in online business. Many consumers are hesitant to purchase items
over the Internet because they do not trust that their personal information will
remain private.
Some companies that purchase customer information offer the option for
individuals to have their information removed from the database, also known
as opting out.
Another major security concern that consumers have with e-commerce merchants
is whether or not they will receive exactly what they purchase. Online merchants
have attempted to address this concern by investing in and building strong
consumer brands (e.g.,, eBay,, and by leveraging
merchant/feedback rating systems and e-commerce bonding solutions.
Online advertising techniques have dramatically been affected by technological advancements
in the telecommunications industry.
As a result, advertisers can more effectively engage and connect their audience with their
campaigns which seek to shape consumer attitudes and feelings towards specific products and
services. The paradigm shift from dialup to high speed internet has fueled these changes.
The number of banks offering the ability to perform banking tasks over the internet has also
increased. Online banking appeals to customers because it is often faster and considered more
convenient than visiting bank branches.
There are several industries that have heavily invested in and benefited from internet marketing
and online advertising. While some of these were originally brick and mortar businesses such
as publishing, music, automotive or gambling, others have sprung up as purely online
businesses, such as digital design and media, blogging or internet service hosting.

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