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Proponents believe that evaluate the performance of student by using assignment have positive

benefits on both student and evaluator.

In the first place, the results of assignments reflect ability of student more exactly than exams.
Different from exam which the question only covers in some specific chapters, the questions of
assignment often consist of overall chapters of subject. Therefore, in order for students to have
good results in assignment, not only do students pay attention during class, but they also have to
understand deeply content of subject. By this way, had it not been for hard-work, students would
never get high scores in assignments.

Another reason for my belief is soft skills development of assignment. Assignments often
provide cases study or real cases and require students apply theories they have learnt to solve
problems in these cases. Because of the questions relate to the real case therefore nowhere can
student find the sample answer. Therefore, in order to find solution for these problems, students
need to carry out research and have thoroughly thinking. It is thanks research and thinking that
student will improve their ability in collection of information and analysis of information. Apart
from skills development, evaluate performance of student through assignment also encourages
creativeness of student. Because of there is no right answer for the question hence by no means
will the creativeness of student become wider.

Last but not least, The final benefit of using assignment is it helps. As I mention above, thanks to
real case study, students are equipped those skills are necessary for any job. Those skills are
advantages of student when looking for job., student will have more chance willAt the present,
not only do recruiters look for knowledge of candidate, but they also look for soft skills of
candidate to make sure candidate after being selected, candidate can do work properly.
Therefore, with soft skills gain from assignment, students can

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