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Everything Big Starts with Something


"Everything big starts with something little", just as a pile of dirt needs
intricate and painstaking molding for it to become an exquisite and expensive
jar, a person also needs to undergo vigorous retirement to achieve his
maximum potential.
In my 16 years of existence, I have been through a lot of thick and thin.
Sometimes I feel very impatient to achieve my goals, envious of the lives that
other people live and hopeless of what my future would bring. But just when
i start to give up, one special friend from our garden reminds me of how she
had to face very hard struggles just to become the beautiful butterfly she is
The butterfly best exemplifies how we should live our life. During its
early development stage, a butterfly once a caterpillar; slowly and patiently
taking every movement with opt ism and hopefulness. For the caterpillar to
survive, she needs to have perseverance and determination to crawl and find
food. The same is true with us. if we want to live this life in full extent, we
need to have that drive for whatever my heart desires.
Life isn't always funny, there's always a time, at some point that we feel
sad, that everything is just wrong, life unfair and more often out better
people. Butterflies also pass through this darkness, a point in their life that
they are wrapped inside a tight and dark cocoon and undergo a somewhat
discomforting process of metamorphosis.
Then after the long wait, the cocoon finally opens. Slowly emerging out
from darkness, a newly refined and fulfilled butterfly takes on its first flight.
Her body now leaner formed by hardships and struggles; wings matriculously
designed to reach greater dreams and eyes that see the ground below to
remind her of what she once was and the sky above to inspire her of what lies
So right now, I know I'm still in the process of great internal struggle,
but through all this, I won't be giving up, for I will always have that butterfly
spirit in me.
t joi & t chiq

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