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Marketing in the digital age

Major forces shaping the digital age

 Today a growing number of appliances and systems

operate on digital information which comes as stream of
zeros, and ones or bits.
 Intranet:are networks that connect people within a
company to eachother and to the company network.
 Extranet:connect a company with its suppliers,
distributors, and other outside partners.
 Internet: a vast public web of computer networks
,connects users of all types all around the world to each
other and to an amazingly large information repository.
Internet Explosion
 The explosive worldwide growth in internet usage forms
the heart of the new digital age.The internet has been
the revolutionary technology of the new
millennium,Empowering consumers and business alike
with blessing of connectivity.

 Recent studies have shown that consumers are

accessing information on the internet before making life
New type of intermediaries

 New technologies have led thousands of

entreprenuers to launch internet
companies.The amazing success of,ebay etc struck terror in the
hearts of many established manufacturers
and retailers.
 Old economy revolved around companies
that focuses on standardization. In contrast
the today’s economy revolves around
information business. Information has the
advantage of being easy to differentiate,
customize, personalize and send at
incredible speed.
Marketing Strategy in digital age

 E Business: The use of electronic platforms ie

intranet,extranet and internet to conduct
company’s business.Most companies setup a
website to promote its product and
services.Most companies have also setup
intranet to help employees communicate with
each other.
 E commerce:
 Buying and selling processes supported by
electronic means.E-markets are marketspaces
rather than market places.

 E- Marketing:
 The marketing side of E commerce. It consists of
company’s efforts to communicate ,promote and
sell products and services over the internet.
Benefits to Buyers

 Convenient: Customers don’t have to battle

traffic,trek through aisles to find and examine products.
 Easy and Private:
 Product access and selection: Cybersellers can
offer unlimited selection to consumers almost anywhere
in the world.
 Comparative information:It gives buyers wealth of
information about companies,products and competitors.
 Interactive and immediate.
Benefits to Sellers
 Customer relationship building:Its one to one
,interactive nature,companies can interact online with
customers to learn about specific needs and wants.
 Reduce cost and increase speed.
 Flexibilty:It allows marketers to make ongoing
adjustments to its offers and programs.
 Global Medium: It allows buyers and sellers to click from
country to country.
E-marketing Domains
 B2C: The online selling of goods and
services to final buyers.
 Online Consumers:
 The internet provides e marketer with
access to a broad range of demographic
segments.Growing internet dicersity
continues to open new e commerce
targeting opportunities.65% of 10-14 yr
old and 75% of 14-17 yr old use internet.
 B2C website:
 Consumers now can find website for
buying anything.Internt is most useful for
products when shoppers seeks greater
ordering convenience and lower cost.
 B2B: Most B2B marketers now offer
product information,customer purchasing
and customer support services online.
 C2C: Online exchange of goods and
information between final consumers.
 C2B: Online exchange in which consumers
search out sellers,learn about their offers
and initiate purchases.

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