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Democracy and participation

What is democracy?

What is direct democracy?

What are referendums?

What is representative democracy?

Give four features of representative democracy.

What are the 10 elements of democracy?

What are the 10 limitations of democracy?

Give four ways in which the UK is more democratic.

Give three ways in which the UK is less democratic.

What are the five recent developments in the UK?

What are the three criticisms of democracy in the UK?

What are the four suggestions for enhancing democracy?

Give 7 examples of the use of referendums in the UK.

Give six points for the wider use of referendums.

Give seven points against the wider use of referendums.


What is an electoral mandate? (Explain)

What are the four electoral principals and their five sub-headings?

Explain the simple plurality system and what the effects of it are.

What are majoritarian systems? (Name and explain a system from it).

What are proportional systems?

What are the factors that may vary from system to system?

Name and explain two systems from proportional systems.

Name and explain the effects of a system that is a hybrid system.

What type of party system do we have in the UK?

Explain dominant party politics and multi-party politics.

What is the impact of recent elections?

What are the four arguments in favour of retaining the simple plurality system?

What are the five arguments against retaining the simple plurality system?

Explain the electoral reform debate. (Party wise)

Give four points for labour’s post-1997 electoral reforms

What are the four arguments in favour of electoral reform?

What are the six arguments against electoral reform?

Pressure groups

What is pluralism?

What do pressure groups do in the UK?

What do some pressure groups do? Give examples.

What is a pressure group?

What are the four ways in which a pressure group can be distinguished?

Explain promotional and sectional.

What are/is the problem(s) of classification?

Explain insider and outsider groups.

Explain changes in insider and outsider status.

Explain pressure group activities.

What are the six things that pressure groups need to be successful?

Give three key differences between pressure groups and political parties.

What are some practical problems despite the distinctions between pressure groups and political

What are the four ways pressure groups help democracy?

What are the five ways that pressure groups hinder democracy?

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