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By : Novita Eka Sari

NIM : 10202244029

Tears come when it all disappear

I’m alone with all my own
Some light blind me
That is happiness, but it’s so far from me

When my brain told me the truth

A piece of sadness hold me tightly
Made me confused, make me cried
There are the cruel fates for me

It’s unfair, It’s not my desire

What else? The door was opened
And there was a most of unexpected fate
Which I had to hold

I don’t want this

What is fate?
I lost anything, I got more sadness
Cause of it

I hate it, all itself

It is a broken feeling
Blind me, touch me roughly
Eat my own, all my own

Tears are not solve the problems

What else? What should I do with all my own?
It’s painful…
Help me, help me out

From this cruel fate

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