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ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

Visual Perception and the

Statistical Properties of
Natural Scenes
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

Wilson S. Geisler
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Center for Perceptual Systems and Department of Psychology, University of Texas

at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712-1062; email:

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008. 59:167–92 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on natural scene statistics, spatial vision, motion perception, color
August 15, 2007
vision, ideal observer theory
The Annual Review of Psychology is online at Abstract
This article’s doi: The environments in which we live and the tasks we must perform
to survive and reproduce have shaped the design of our percep-
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. tual systems through evolution and experience. Therefore, direct
All rights reserved
measurement of the statistical regularities in natural environments
0066-4308/08/0203-0167$20.00 (scenes) has great potential value for advancing our understanding
of visual perception. This review begins with a general discussion of
the natural scene statistics approach, of the different kinds of statis-
tics that can be measured, and of some existing measurement tech-
niques. This is followed by a summary of the natural scene statistics
measured over the past 20 years. Finally, there is a summary of the
hypotheses, models, and experiments that have emerged from the
analysis of natural scene statistics.

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

a driving force behind the evolution of eyes,

Contents ears, and noses. Not surprisingly, central per-
ceptual mechanisms that process the outputs
of sensory organs also tend to be closely re-
lated to specific physical properties of the
STATISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Roots of the Natural Scene
The design of a perceptual system is also
Statistics Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
constrained by the particular tasks the organ-
Within-Domain Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
ism evolved to perform in order to survive
Across-Domain Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
and reproduce. For example, mammals that
suffer high rates of predation have a strong
STATISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
need to detect predators and hence tend to
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have laterally placed eyes that maximize field
Luminance and Contrast . . . . . . . . . . 174
of view, whereas mammals that are predators
Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
have a strong need to capture moving prey
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Spatial Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

and hence tend to have frontally placed eyes
Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
that maximize binocular overlap (Walls 1942).
Spatiotemporal Structure . . . . . . . . . 179
Furthermore, there are purely biological con-
Eye Movements and Foveation . . . . 180
straints on the design of perceptual systems,
including the biological materials available to
STATISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
construct the sensory organs and competition
Coding and Representation of the
for space with other organs and systems within
Visual Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
the body.
Grouping and Segregation . . . . . . . . 184
Our often-veridical perceptions of the
Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
world give the impression of a deterministic
Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
connection between perception and environ-
CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
ment; however, this is largely an illusion. Most
perceptual capabilities depend upon combin-
ing many very different sources of stimulus
information, each of which is only proba-
RATIONALE FOR MEASURING bilistically predictive in the task the organism
NATURAL SCENE STATISTICS is trying to perform. For example, our esti-
The process of natural selection guarantees a mates of physical object size and shape are of-
strong connection between the design of an ten based upon a combination of information
organism’s perceptual systems and the prop- sources, including lighting/shading, texture,
erties of the physical environment in which occlusion, motion, and binocular disparity.
the organism lives. In humans, this connec- Each of these sources is only probabilistically
tion is implemented through a mixture of fixed related to object shape and size, but together
(hardwired) adaptations that are present at they provide us with very robust perceptions
birth and facultative (plastic) adaptations that and perceptual performance. Furthermore, all
alter or adjust the perceptual systems during visual measurements are noisy due to the in-
the lifespan. herent randomness of light absorption and
The link between perceptual systems and chemical events within the photoreceptors.
environment is most obvious in the design Consequently, the appropriate way to char-
of sensory organs. The physical properties of acterize natural stimuli is in statistical terms.
electromagnetic waves, acoustic waves, and The primary aim of this review is to
airborne molecules and their relation to the demonstrate the great potential value of an-
properties of objects and materials are clearly alyzing the statistical properties of natural

168 Geisler
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scenes,1 especially within the context of de- function, and the properties of the environ-
veloping statistical models of perception. An- ment, but because of the issues being investi-
other aim is to demonstrate that the Bayesian gated, gave little consideration to the statisti-
framework for statistical inference is partic- cal properties of natural stimuli.
ularly appropriate for characterizing natural Interest in the statistical properties of nat-
scene statistics and evaluating their connec- ural visual stimuli began with the discovery
tion to performance in specific tasks. In prin- in physics of the inherent Poisson random-
ciple, measuring natural scene statistics allows ness of light (quantal fluctuations). Human
one to identify sources of stimulus informa- and animal studies by early sensory scien-
tion available for performing different per- tists subsequently showed that under some
ceptual tasks and to determine the typical circumstances behavioral and neural perfor-
ranges and reliabilities of those sources of in- mance is limited by a combination of quantal
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

formation. Analyzing natural scene statistics fluctuations and internal sources of noise (e.g.,
within the Bayesian framework allows one Barlow 1957, Barlow & Levick 1969, Hecht
to determine how a rational visual system et al. 1942). This work, along with parallel
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

should exploit those sources of information. work in audition, led to the development of
This approach can be valuable for generating signal detection theory and Bayesian ideal ob-
hypotheses about visual mechanisms, for de- server theory (e.g., see Green & Swets 1966),
signing appropriate experiments to test those which provides an appropriate formal frame-
hypotheses, and for gaining insight into why work for proposing and testing hypotheses
specific design features of the visual system about the relationship between perceptual
have evolved or have been learned. performance and the statistical properties of
stimuli and neural responses. However, early
work on the statistical properties of visual
Roots of the Natural Scene stimuli and neural responses focused on sim-
Statistics Approach ple detection and discrimination tasks, paying
The natural scene statistics approach origi- little attention to sources of stimulus varia-
nates in physics. Historically, physics has been tion other than quantal fluctuations and pixel
concerned with topics of direct relevance to noise.
understanding the design of visual systems in- Some early perception scientists (e.g.,
cluding the properties of light, the laws of Gibson 1966, 1979) did appreciate the im-
image formation, the reflectance, scattering, portance of the complex properties of natu-
and transmittance properties of natural ma- ral stimuli for solving perceptual tasks, but
terials, and the laws of motion and gravity. they paid little attention to statistical varia-
Against this backdrop, biologists began asking tions of those properties in natural scenes. An
how visual systems are adapted to the physical exception was Brunswik (1956), who realized
environment and to the tasks that the organ- that the relationship between distal and prox-
ism performs. Most early work on the ecology imal stimuli is inherently statistical; in fact,
and evolutionary biology of vision was con- he demonstrated, by analyzing natural images,
cerned with the optics and the photoreceptors that perceptual biases such as the Gestalt rule
of eyes (e.g., Cronly-Dillon & Gregory 1991, of proximity have a statistical basis in natural
Lythgoe 1979, Walls 1942). This early work scenes (Brunswik & Kamiya 1953).
emphasized the relationship between design, Recent years have seen rapid growth in the
statistical analyses of natural images (for a re-
view, see Simoncelli & Olshausen 2001) as
Natural scenes refer to real environments, as opposed to well as in the analysis and modeling of com-
laboratory stimuli, and may include human-made objects.
Most of the studies described here concern measurements plex perceptual tasks within the framework of
of outdoor environments without human-made objects. Bayesian ideal observer theory (for reviews, • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 169

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

see Geisler & Diehl 2003, Kersten et al. 2004, resenting the wavelength spectrum at a reti-
Knill & Richards 1996). A central tenet of nal image location, s = [I (λ1 ), . . . , I (λn )] (see
this review is that combining measurements plots in Figure 1B ). For the domain of neu-
of natural scene statistics with Bayesian ideal ral response, a set of response properties for
observer analysis provides an important new a population of neurons is selected and their
approach in the study of sensory and percep- distribution measured for a representative set
tual systems. of natural stimuli. In this case, z might be a
vector of the spike counts of each neuron,
z = [count1 , . . . , countn ]. Finally, for the do-
Within-Domain Statistics main of behavior, a vector of properties for
Natural scene statistics have been measured some class of behavior is selected and their
at various stages (domains) along the path distribution measured for a representative set
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

from physical environment to behavioral re- of natural stimuli. For example, r might be the
sponse. The simpler and more common kinds eye fixation locations in a natural image dur-
of measurements are what I call within- ing free viewing, r = [fixation1 , . . . , fixationn ].
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

domain statistics (first column in Figure 1A). Measurements of within-domain statistics

The purpose of within-domain statistics is are highly relevant for understanding neural
to characterize the probability distribution of coding and representation. A plausible hy-
properties within a specific domain such as pothesis is that the retina and other stages
the (distal) environment or (proximal) reti- of the early visual pathway have evolved (or
nal image. The more complex and less com- learned) to efficiently code and transmit as
mon kinds of measurements are what I call much information about retinal images as pos-
across-domain statistics (other columns in sible, given the statistics of natural images and
Figure 1A). Their purpose is to characterize biological constraints such as the total num-
the joint probability distribution of properties ber of neurons and the dynamic range of neu-
across specific domains. Across-domain statis- ral responses. Variants of this efficient cod-
tics are essential for analyzing natural scene ing hypothesis have been widely proposed and
statistics within the Bayesian ideal observer evaluated (Atick & Redlich 1992; Attneave
framework. 1954; Barlow 1961, 2001; Field 1994; Laugh-
In the case of within-domain statistics for lin 1981; van Hateren 1992). For example, the
the environment, a vector of physical scene efficient coding hypothesis predicts many of
properties ω is selected and then those prop- the response characteristics of neurons in the
erties are measured in a representative set of retina directly from the joint probability dis-
scenes in order to estimate the probability dis- tributions of the intensities at two pixel loca-
tribution of the properties p(ω). For example, tions in natural images, p(s) = p(I1 , I2 ), mea-
ω might be the reflectance function at a point sured for various separations of the pixels in
on a surface in a natural scene; that is, a vec- space and time. The measurement of within-
tor giving the fraction of light reflected from domain statistics is central to the enterprise of
the surface for a number of different wave- testing the efficient coding hypothesis: To de-
lengths, ω = [ρ(λ1 ), L,
. . . ρ(λn )]. Making these termine what would be an efficient code, it is
physical measurements for a large number of essential to know the probability distribution
surface points in natural scenes would make of the image properties to be encoded.
it possible to estimate the probability distri-
bution of natural surface reflectance. Simi-
larly, in the case of within-domain statistics Across-Domain Statistics
for images, a vector of retinal image proper- Within-domain statistics say nothing about
ties s is selected and their distribution mea- the relationship between the domains listed
sured. For example, s might be a vector rep- in Figure 1A, such as the relationship

170 Geisler
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between properties of the environment and analyzing them separately to estimate the two
the images formed on the retina. Natural conditional probability distributions. The sta-
visual tasks generally involve making infer- tistical regularities represented by p(s|ω) and
ences about specific physical properties of the p(ω) could be exploited by the visual system
environment from the images captured by for identifying fruits and leaves from the wave-
the eyes. These tasks include classifying ma- length spectra that reach the eye. On the other
terials, discriminating object boundary con- hand, knowing only the within-domain statis-
tours from shadow contours, estimating ob- tics, p(s) and p(ω), is not useful for identify-
ject shape, identifying objects, estimating the ing fruits and leaves because the statistics do
distance or motion of an object, or estimating not specify the relationship between the im-
one’s own motion direction and speed. The age properties (wavelength spectra) and the
relevant statistics for understanding how the physical objects (fruits and leaves) of rele-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

visual system performs such tasks are the joint vance in the task. This example illustrates the
distributions of physical scene properties and use of across-domain statistics for character-
image properties, p(ω, s), or equivalently, izing the connection between environmen-
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

p(ω) and the conditional distribution p(s|ω) tal properties and image properties; compa-
for each value of ω. [Note that p(ω, s) = rable examples can be generated for the other
p(s|ω) p(ω).] Using Bayes’ rule, these across- kinds of across-domain statistics (see table in
domain statistics specify the posterior proba- Figure 1A).
bilities of different states of the world (phys- Bayesian ideal observer theory provides
ical environment properties) given particular an appropriate formal framework for under-
observed retinal image properties p(ω|s). It is standing how across-domain statistics might
the characteristics of the posterior probabil- be exploited by the visual system to perform
ity distributions that visual systems evolve or specific tasks (Geisler & Diehl 2003). The
learn to exploit in performing specific natural Bayesian approach in perception research has
visual tasks. been discussed at length elsewhere and is only
Suppose an organism’s task is to identify briefly summarized here, as a prelude to some
(for a given species of tree) whether a ran- of the studies described below. An “ideal ob-
domly selected location (small patch) in the server” is a theoretical device that performs a
retinal image corresponds to the surface of a task in an optimal fashion given the available
fruit or the surface of a leaf, based solely on information (and possibly other constraints).
the information available in the wavelength Deriving an ideal observer can be very use-
spectrum at that randomly selected location ful because (a) the derivation usually leads
(see Figure 1B ). In this case, there are just to a thorough understanding of the compu-
two relevant states of the environment (distal tational requirements of the perceptual task,
stimuli): ω = fruit and ω = leaf , and due to (b) the ideal observer provides the appropriate
variations in lighting and reflectance, a large benchmark for comparison with behavioral
number of possible wavelength spectra (prox- performance, and (c) ideal observers often re-
imal stimuli) for each distal stimulus. In prin- duce to, or can be approximated by, relatively
ciple, p(ω) could be measured by randomly simple decision rules or procedures that can
selecting lines of sight from a large number of serve as initial hypotheses for the actual pro-
example scenes and counting the proportion cessing carried out in a perceptual system.
of times a fruit surface is the first surface en- The logic behind deriving an ideal ob-
countered along that line of sight. Similarly, server is straightforward. Consider an ideal
p(s|ω) could be measured by recording the observer that wishes to perform a specific task
wavelength spectra for each of the randomly in its current environment and has access to
sampled lines of sight, sorting them according some vector of properties in the retinal image.
to whether they are from fruit or leaf, and then Upon receiving a particular stimulus vector • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 171

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S, an ideal observer should make the response their sensors. They can be used to measure re-
that maximizes the utility (gain/loss) averaged flectance spectra of materials, irradiance spec-
over all possible states of the environment, tra of light sources (illuminants), as well as ra-
  diance spectra that reach the eye. Spectropho-

ropt (S) = arg max γ (r, ω) p(S|ω) p(ω) tometers collect light over only one small
r ω patch at a time, making them impractical for
(1) collecting data from a large number of loca-
where γ (r, ω) is the utility of making re- tions in a scene. Hyperspectral cameras can
sponse r when the true state of the environ- measure radiance spectra at each camera pixel
ment is ω, and the function arg max returns location, but require relatively long exposure
the response that maximizes the sum in the time, and thus are practical only for conditions
brackets. In other words, once the relevant where effects of object and shadow motion are
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

across-domain statistics have been estimated minimized (e.g., long distances or indoor en-
and the utility function for the task has been vironments). The most common method of
specified, then Equation (1) can be used to measuring natural scene properties has been
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

determine (via simulation or calculation) the to analyze images captured by digital still cam-
optimal performance in the task. eras and digital movie cameras. Digital cam-
Think back to the hypothetical task de- eras usually provide either 8-bit grayscale or
scribed above: identifying whether a small 24-bit color (8 bits per color) images, although
patch of retinal image corresponds to a fruit some high-end cameras provide 36-bit color
or a leaf. There are two possible responses, (12 bits per color) images, which is desirable
r = fruit and r = leaf . To maximize accuracy, for some kinds of measurements. A weakness
an appropriate utility function is γ (r, ω) = 1, of standard digital cameras is that they can-
if r = ω, and γ (r, ω) = −1, if r = ω (i.e., not provide detailed spectral (chromatic) in-
equal but opposite weights for corrects and formation, although with proper calibration
errors). Substituting this utility function and it is possible to obtain images that give, for
the measured probability distributions into each pixel location, the approximate lumi-
Equation (1) gives the (parameter-free) op- nance and/or the approximate amount of radi-
timum decision rule. The performance accu- ant power absorbed in each of the three classes
racy of this decision rule can be determined by of cone photoreceptor, the long (L), middle
applying the rule to random samples (Ω, S) (M), and short (S) wavelength cones. Many
from the across-domain probability distri- studies have analyzed uncalibrated camera im-
bution, p(ω, s), or alternatively, by directly ages, which is justifiable if the scene statistics
calculating the probability that ropt (S) = Ω. of interest (e.g., contour geometry) are little
The optimal decision rule (or an approxi- affected by monotonic transformations of the
mation to it) could serve as a principled hy- camera’s color responses.
pothesis about the perceptual mechanisms in Another useful class of device is the range
the organism that discriminate fruits from finder, which measures distance to each point
leaves. in a scene by measuring return time for an
emitted pulse of infrared laser light. These
devices are accurate for large distances (a
MEASURING NATURAL SCENE few meters to a kilometer or more). A re-
STATISTICS lated class of device is the three-dimensional
A variety of devices and techniques has scanner, which uses triangulation rather than
been used to measure natural scene proper- time-of-flight, and is useful for making pre-
ties. Spectrophotometric devices measure the cise range measurements at near distances
wavelength distribution (radiance as a func- (e.g., measuring the shape of a face). A weak-
tion of wavelength) of the light that reaches ness of both devices is that the scans take

172 Geisler
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substantial time (typically seconds), and thus Hand segmentation methods are useful for
motion in the scene can produce significant measuring across-domain statistics only to the
distortions. extent that the segmentations are veridical
The above devices are the most common (i.e., represent physical “ground truth”), and
for measuring natural scene statistics, and there are cases (e.g., distant images of foliage)
they can be used in a fairly straightforward where some image regions are ambiguous and
manner to measure within-domain statistics difficult to segment.2 In cases where hand seg-
for the image or environment. Measuring mentation methods fail, accurate ground truth
across-domain statistics is more difficult be- measurements require more direct physical
cause both image and environment properties measurement. Another strategy for measuring
must be measured for the same scene. One across-domain statistics combines computer-
approach is to combine environment mea- graphics simulation with direct measurements
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

surements from one instrument with image of scene statistics.

measurements from another instrument. For
example, monocular across-domain statistics
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.


for depth can be measured by combining a
It is difficult to know ahead of time which
calibrated camera image with a distance map
specific statistics will prove most informa-
obtained with a range finder.
tive for understanding vision. At this time,
An expedient approach for measuring
progress is being made by selecting statis-
across-domain statistics involves hand seg-
tics based on intuition, historical precedence,
mentation. The central assumption of this ap-
and mathematical tractability. It is impor-
proach is that under some circumstances hu-
tant to note that the number of samples re-
mans are able to make veridical assignments
quired for estimating a probability distribu-
of image pixels to physical sources in the en-
tion grows exponentially with the number of
vironment. When this assumption holds, the
properties/dimensions (“the curse of dimen-
pixel assignments are useful measurements of
sionality”), and hence most studies measure
environmental properties.
natural scene statistics for only one or a few
For example, consider the close-up im-
properties at a time. This is a significant lim-
age of foliage in Figure 2A. When observers
itation because perceptual mechanisms ex-
are asked to segment individual leaves and
ploit complex regularities in natural scenes
branches that are within or touching the or-
that may only be fully characterized by mea-
ange dashed circle, the result in Figure 2B
suring joint distributions over a substantial
is obtained. The colored leaves and branches
number of dimensions. Nonetheless, the pub-
show the segmented objects, the red/brown
lished work has demonstrated that much can
shaded leaf shows one individual segmented
be learned from low-dimensional measure-
object. These segmentations are performed
ments and that there are useful methods for
with high confidence and repeatability, and
learning about the structure of probability dis-
hence generally provide an accurate mea-
tributions in high-dimensional spaces. This
surement of the physical source (the spe-
section presents a somewhat eclectic summary
cific leaf or branch) that gave rise to a given
of some of the natural scene statistics that have
pixel. Many across-domain statistics can be
been measured.
measured with a large set of such segmen-
tation data. To take one simple example, it
is straightforward to measure the posterior 2
Hand segmentation has also been used to measure how
probability of the same or different object humans segment scenes into regions without specific in-
[ω = same or ω = different], given the dis- structions to be exhaustive or identify physical sources;
in this case, the aim is not to precisely measure physical
tance between a pair of image pixels and their ground truth but rather to obtain a useful data set for train-
luminance values [s = (d 12 , l 1 , l 2 )]. ing image-processing algorithms (e.g., Martin et al. 2004). • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 173

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

Luminance and Contrast the selectivity of the filter) are shifted toward
lower contrasts.
Luminance and contrast, fundamental stim-
There are large variations of local lumi-
PCA: principal ulus dimensions encoded by visual systems,
components analysis nance and local contrast in natural images,
vary both within a given scene and across
and these variations tend to be statistically in-
scenes. Most studies have involved measur-
dependent. The average joint distribution of
ing the statistics of luminance and contrast
luminance and contrast has a slight negative
within images of natural scenes (e.g., Brady &
correlation (r = −0.2) primarily due to the
Field 2000, Frazor & Geisler 2006, Laughlin
fact that sky regions tend to be both bright
1981, Ruderman 1994, Tadmor & Tolhurst
and low in contrast (Figure 3C ). Low cor-
2000). The distribution of local luminance
relations between luminance and contrast are
within a given image is typically obtained by
also observed within the constituents of natu-
first dividing the luminance at each pixel by
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

ral images. For example, the joint distribution

the average for the whole image.3 Combin-
of luminance and contrast in purely foliage
ing these distributions across images and then
regions (Figure 3D) has a slight positive cor-
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

scaling to the average luminance of the images

relation (r = 0.15). As discussed below, the
gives the distribution of luminance in the typ-
large variations in local luminance and con-
ical natural image. As shown in Figure 3A,
trast and their low correlation have important
this distribution is approximately symmet-
implications for neural coding.
ric on a logarithmic axis and hence posi-
tively skewed on a linear scale (Brady & Field
2000, Laughlin 1981, Ruderman et al. 1998). Color
In other words, relative to the mean lumi-
Interest in natural scene statistics was stim-
nance, there are many more dark pixels than
ulated by the discoveries that the chromatic
light pixels.
power spectra of natural light sources (Dixon
The distribution of local contrast within
1978, Judd et al. 1964) and the reflectance
images has been measured using various defi-
spectra of natural materials (Maloney 1986,
nitions of contrast. Figure 3B shows the dis-
Maloney & Wandell 1986) are highly con-
tribution of local root-mean-squared contrast
strained and can be characterized with just a
(the standard deviation of luminance divided
few numbers. These studies used the standard
by the mean luminance in a small neighbor-
statistical technique of principal components
hood) in the typical natural image. Another
analysis (PCA) to describe the structure of the
more specialized measure is an equivalent
probability distributions. For example, each
Michelson contrast—the Michelson contrast
reflectance spectrum can be represented by
of a sine wave grating (sine wave amplitude di-
a single vector in a high-dimensional space,
vided by mean) that would produce the same
where each dimension of the space is the re-
contrast response as the local image patch,
flectance at a particular wavelength. A large
where the contrast response is from a filter
set of reflectance spectra create a cloud of vec-
designed to mimic a typical receptive field at
tors in this space. Under the assumption of
some level of the visual system (Brady & Field
normality, PCA finds the principal axes of this
2000, Tadmor & Tolhurst 2000). These latter
cloud. The first principal axis is the one that
distributions tend to be similar in shape to
accounts for the most variance in the distribu-
the one in Figure 3B, but (as expected given
tion (i.e., it is the direction in the space along
which the cloud is most spread out); the sec-
One could regard the ratio of pixel luminance to global ond principal axis is the one perpendicular to
luminance as a form of Weber contrast, but here the the first that accounts for most of the remain-
term “contrast” is reserved for measurements of lumi-
nance variation relative to the average luminance in a small ing variance, and so on. Principal components
neighborhood. are unit vectors along the principal axes; in

174 Geisler
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Figure 4
Probability distributions for color in natural foliage scenes. (A) Distribution along the first principal axis
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in log cone response space, minus the average in the image. (B) Distribution along the second principal
axis. (C) Distribution along the third principal axis. The dashed curves are best-fitting Gaussian
distributions. The joint probability distribution is approximately the product of these three marginal
distributions (adapted from Ruderman et al. 1998).

other words, they describe the directions of is convenient because the joint distribution is
the principal axes. then the product of the marginal distributions
The important discovery of these studies is (note that the aim of using PCA is different
that most of the variance is accounted for by here than in the case of analyzing natural ir-
the first few principal axes. The implications radiance and reflectance spectra). Figure 4
are that the probability distribution of natural shows the three principal axes (specified by the
irradiance spectra and of natural reflectance equations above each panel) and marginal dis-
spectra can each be described in a rather small tributions for foliage-dominated natural im-
dimensional (tractable) space and that natural ages obtained with a hyperspectral camera
images can be coded relatively accurately with (Ruderman et al. 1998). Exactly the same prin-
just a few classes of cone receptor, although cipal components for close-up foliage images
three classes (the number in humans) is some- (e.g., Figure 2) were obtained with a cali-
what short of optimal (Brainard & Freeman brated digital camera (Ing & Geisler 2006).
1997, D’Zmura & Iverson 1993, Maloney &
Wandell 1986).
The chromatic properties of natural im- Spatial Structure
ages captured with digital cameras are often Much of the information in retinal images
described in terms of the number of photons is contained in the spatial pattern of lumi-
absorbed in the three types of cones, at each nance and color. One overall spatial statistic
image location. Thus, analogous to measur- of natural images, which is relatively consis-
ing the distribution of local luminance in nat- tent across scenes, is the Fourier amplitude
ural images (Figure 3A), one can measure spectrum (or equivalently the spatial auto-
the distribution of cone responses in natu- correlation function). Figure 5A shows the
ral images. As it turns out, the joint distri- amplitude spectra of six different natural im-
bution of the logarithm of the cone responses ages plotted on logarithmic axes (each was
in natural images is approximately Gaussian. obtained from the two-dimensional Fourier
A convenient way to describe Gaussian distri- power spectrum by summing across orien-
butions is to determine the marginal distribu- tation and then taking the square root).
tions along the principal axes with PCA. This The solid line represents a slope of −1.0; • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 175

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

thus the amplitude spectra fall approximately and 4). Thus, a more realistic model of the
as 1/ f n , where f is spatial frequency and the spatial structure of natural images would be
exponent n is approximately 1.0 (Burton & that of noise having a 1/f amplitude spec-
Moorehead 1987, Field 1987, Ruderman & trum and a local luminance distribution that
Bialek 1994). One consequence is that the am- matches natural scenes. Frazor & Geisler
plitude spectra of natural images are relatively (2006) call this first-order 1/f noise because
scale invariant, in the sense that scaling all fre- the local luminance distribution is the first-
quencies by a factor (e.g., moving forward or order statistic of an image and the amplitude
backward in a scene) has little effect on the spectrum corresponds to the second-order
shape of the amplitude spectrum. For more statistic. Sensor responses to first-order 1/f
discussion of scale invariance, see Ruderman noise peak more strongly at zero and have
(1997, 2002), Lee et al. (2001), and Balboa heavier tails than those for 1/f noise; how-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

et al. (2001). ever, the peaks and the tails of the distributions
Based on Figure 5A, the simplest model of are not as pronounced as they are for natural
the spatial structure of natural images would images.
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

be that produced by a 1/ f amplitude spec- A more complete description of the spatial

trum and a random phase spectrum. An image structure of natural images can be obtained
created in this fashion is a sample of filtered by examining the joint statistics of responses
Gaussian noise, often called 1/f noise. Such a from pairs of local sensors. As one would
sample of filtered noise does not contain rec- expect, there are significant correlations be-
ognizable objects or regions, but does contain tween pairs of nonoverlapping sensors. For
complex random features. Thus, it is reason- example, if there is a large response from an
able to ask if 1/f noise can serve as a statistical oriented edge sensor, then it is likely that a
model of the local properties of images. One neighboring colinear (or cocircular) edge sen-
way to address this question is to compare sor also has a large response (Geisler et al.
how local sensors like those in visual cortex 2001, Sigman et al. 2001). This occurs be-
respond to 1/f noise versus actual natural im- cause natural scenes contain many contours
ages. A local sensor with an oriented receptive that tend to be relatively smooth and to have
field (similar to an orientation-selective corti- significant spatial extent (e.g., see Figure 2).
cal neuron) computes a weighted sum across Similarly, if there is a large response from an
a small patch of image. Because 1/f noise oriented edge sensor, then it is likely that a
is Gaussian distributed, any given weighted neighboring parallel (but not colinear) edge
sum will also be Gaussian distributed (dashed sensor will have a large response (Geisler et al.
curve in Figure 5B). However, in natural im- 2001). This occurs because there is much
ages the probability distribution of local sen- parallel structure in natural images (e.g., see
sor responses is generally not Gaussian, but branches and leaf markings in Figure 2). Im-
rather is sharply peaked at zero response with portantly, however, even when there is no cor-
heavy tails (solid curve in Figure 5B). In other relation between the responses of a pair of
words, for real images a given local sensor sensors, the responses are often statisti-
tends to respond relatively infrequently, but cally dependent. For example, Figure 5C
when it does respond it tends to produce a rel- shows the distribution of responses of an
atively large response (Field 1987, Olshausen orientation-selective sensor conditional on
& Field 1997). the response of another nonoverlapping ori-
One way that 1/f noise differs from natu- entation selective sensor at a nearby location
ral images is that the local luminance distri- (Schwartz & Simoncelli 2001). The responses
bution of natural images is not Gaussian on are uncorrelated, but the variance of the re-
a luminance axis, but rather is approximately sponse of one sensor (RF2) increases as func-
Gaussian on a log luminance axis (Figures 3A tion of the magnitude of the response of the

176 Geisler
ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

other sensor (RF1). In other words, strong age patches yields filters similar in appearance
features tend to cluster in natural images; thus, to receptive fields of simple cells found in the
when a strong response occurs in a local sen- visual cortex of mammals (Bell & Sejnowski
ICA: independent
sor, the responses tend to be strong in other 1997, Hyvarinen & Hoyer 2000, van Hateren components analysis
nearby sensors, although the sign of the re- & van der Schaaf 1998). (For ICA of nat-
sponse may be random (as in Figure 5C ). ural auditory stimuli, see Lewicki 2002.) A
Another strategy for characterizing spa- conceptually related analysis producing sim-
tial structure in natural images is to measure ilar results involves estimating independent
general properties of the joint probability dis- sources, with the additional constraint that the
tribution of pixels within a spatial neighbor- sources are “sparse,” in the sense that when a
hood of a given size. Two popular approaches given source has a large value, other potential
have been to apply either PCA or independent sources are constrained to have small values
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

components analysis (ICA) to a collection of (Olshausen & Field 1997).

patches sampled from natural images (for an- The studies of spatial structure described
other approach, see Lee et al. 2003). If the so far concern within-domain statistics,
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

patch size is, say, 12 × 12 pixels, then (ig- which are particularly relevant to issues of
noring color) each patch can be represented image coding (see below). There have also
as a point in a 144-dimensional space where been attempts to measure across-domain
each dimension is the luminance at one of the statistics, which are more relevant to the
144 pixel locations. Applying PCA to natural performance of specific tasks. For example,
image patches shows that a large number of Elder & Goldberg (1998, 2002) and Geisler
principal axes are required to capture a sub- et al. (2001, Geisler & Perry 2006) measured
stantial fraction of the variance in the distri- the pair-wise statistics of image contours that
bution of image patches, and hence PCA does were hand segmented from natural images.
not lead to a compact summary of the spatial Geisler et al. (2001, Geisler & Perry 2006)
structure of natural images in the same way used an automatic algorithm to detect small
it does for natural irradiance and reflectance edge elements from natural images and
spectra. then had observers assign edge elements to
ICA is a conceptually different approach. physical contours in the image. Thus, with
Rather than assuming, like PCA, that the respect to the notation in Figure 1A, the state
whole space is described by a single multi- of the environment ω could take on one of
dimensional Gaussian distribution, ICA as- two values (ω = c if two edge elements came
sumes that the space is described by a sum from the same physical contour and ω = ∼c
of statistically independent distributions, each if two elements came from different physical
representing a different unknown “source.” contours). For each pair of edge elements,
The aim of ICA is to estimate, from a large they determined the distance d between the
collection of samples, the vector correspond- elements, the direction θ of one of the ele-
ing to each source (the direction of the pri- ments with respect to the other element, the
mary axis of each source). This is an inter- difference in orientation θ between the ele-
esting approach because images probably are ments, and the difference in contrast polarity
the result of independent physical sources (same or opposite) ρ between the elements
(e.g., contours produced by different surface (Figure 5D). Thus, with respect to the
boundaries, surface markings, and shadows). notation in Figure 1A, the retinal im-
ICA may discover some of those sources. age properties were defined by the vector
Furthermore, the filters obtained from ICA, s = (d , φ, θ, ρ). Figure 5D plots the ratio
which recover (measure) the sources in an im- of the measured likelihood distributions for
age, might be plausible candidates for neural the cases where edge element pairs belong
receptive fields. Applying ICA to natural im- to the same contour and different contours: • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 177

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

l (d , φ, θ, ρ) = p(s|ω = c )/ p(s|ω = ∼c ). As perceptual mechanisms underlying tasks such

can be seen, edge elements in natural images as contour grouping and contour completion.
that are cocircular (which includes colinear)
and of the same contrast polarity are more
likely to come from the same physical con- Range
tour; edge elements that deviate substantially An important task for visual systems is esti-
from cocircularity or are of opposite polarity mating distance and three-dimensional shape
are likely to come from different physical from the two-dimensional images formed on
contours. (Note, however, that even when each retina. A relevant statistic is the distribu-
the polarity is opposite, nearby edge elements tion of distances (ranges) in natural environ-
are more likely to come from the same ments. Figure 6A shows a range image (over
contour if they are approximately colinear; an extent of 259◦ horizontal and 80◦ verti-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

this presumably occurs because physical cal) measured in a forest environment with a
contours often cross backgrounds that mod- laser range finder. In this image, lighter pix-
ulate substantially in intensity.) These results els denote greater distances. The solid curve
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

have direct relevance for understanding the in Figure 6B shows the probability of each

Figure 6
Range properties of forest environments. (A) Range image—the lighter the color, the greater the
distance. (B) Histogram of range based upon 54 forest range images (adapted from Huang et al. 2000).
(C) Average range as a function of elevation based upon a combination of 23 forest and 51 outdoor (Duke
campus) range images (adapted from Yang & Purves 2003).

178 Geisler
ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

distance based upon 54 such forest range im-

ages (Huang et al. 2000). The distribution
of distances is different above (dashed curve)
and below (dotted curve) the line of sight.
Figure 6C shows that average distance de-
creases rapidly below the line of sight due to
the effect of the ground plane and decreases
more gradually above the line of sight pre-
sumably due to the foliage canopy (Yang &
Purves 2003). Huang et al. (2000) showed that
their observed distributions of range in for-
est scenes can be approximated by a model
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

consisting of a flat ground plane populated

by a spatial Poisson distribution of cylinders
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

When coupled with other measurements,

range statistics are of relevance for under- Figure 7
standing depth and motion coding. For ex- Distribution of binocular disparity for human observers when walking in
ample, Figure 7 shows the distribution of forest environments. The solid arrows mark the upper and lower 2.5%
binocular disparity implied by the statistics of quantiles; the open arrows mark the upper and lower 0.5% quantiles.
Yang & Purves (2003) when combined with
the distribution of human fixation points mea- Thus, normal retinal image dynamics can-
sured as observers walk through forest envi- not be fully measured by a fixed camera or a
ronments (Cormack et al. 2005). Most binoc- camera attached to the head or body. Rather,
ular disparities fall within a modest range one would like to move the image plane of
of ± 1.5 degrees. Potetz & Lee (2003) mea- the camera along the same trajectories typi-
sured range images along with coregistered cally undergone by the receptor array. This
grayscale images and discovered several mod- has been done for a flying insect by record-
est correlations (e.g., range and luminance are ing flight path and body orientation and then
negatively correlated). moving a camera along the same path with a
robotic gantry (Boeddeker et al. 2005), but it
has not been done for humans or for other
Spatiotemporal Structure mammals.
The spatial structure of a retinal image Nonetheless, systematic results have been
changes over time due to self motion and to obtained by analyzing video clips from movies
motion in the environment. The dynamical and handheld cameras. For example, the sym-
properties of natural retinal images are im- bols in Figure 8 show the average spatiotem-
portant to characterize because they contain poral power spectra for natural image video
useful information for many perceptual tasks, reported by Dong & Atick (1995a). Contrast
including heading estimation, image segmen- power decreases smoothly with increases in ei-
tation, distance estimation, and shape estima- ther spatial frequency or temporal frequency.
tion. However, measuring and characterizing The authors find the pattern of results can be
the spatiotemporal statistics of natural images fitted approximately (solid curves) by mod-
are difficult because there is almost always eling the world as a collection of patches
some component of image motion that re- of spatial 1/f noise that are each undergo-
sults from self-motion (i.e., the receptor array ing translation at some random velocity. This
is almost always translating and/or rotating is a plausible model for this image statistic
because of eye, head, and body movements). because even nontranslational motion flow • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 179

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

Figure 8
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Spatiotemporal power spectra of natural images. (A) Spatial power spectra measured at different
temporal frequencies (1.4, 2.3, 3.8, 6, and 10 Hz, from top to bottom). (B) Temporal spectra measured at
different spatial frequencies (0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1.3, and 2.1 cpd, from top to bottom). The solid curves show
the expected spectra if the world is modeled as collection of patches of spatial 1/ f noise that are each
undergoing translation locally at some random velocity. (Adapted from Dong & Atick 1995a.)

patterns, such as those produced by moving In other words, we need to measure the sta-
through the three-dimensional environment, tistical relationship between environmental
will most often produce approximately trans- properties and properties of the retinal out-
lational motion in a small neighborhood over put and/or between properties of the retinal
a small time period. image and retinal output. In the terminology
These within-domain statistics are rele- of Figure 1A this means measuring p(ω, z)
vant for understanding motion coding. To and/or p(s, z), where z represents the specific
measure across-domain statistics relevant for properties of the retinal output that are of
tasks such as heading estimation, it would also interest.
be necessary to measure the range at each To make such measurements, Raj et al.
pixel, as the image plane moves through space (2005) modeled the spatial resolution (trans-
(Roth & Black 2005, Tversky & Geisler 2007). fer function) of the human retina with a hu-
man contrast sensitivity function, which is also
consistent with primate ganglion cell density
Eye Movements and Foveation and receptive field size as a function of ec-
The spatial resolution of the primate retina is centricity (Geisler & Perry 1998). They then
high in the center of the fovea and falls off considered the task of selecting fixations to
smoothly, but rapidly, as a function of reti- maximally reduce total uncertainty about lo-
nal eccentricity. Information is collected from cal contrast in natural images. The relevant
the environment by coupling this variable- across-domain statistics for this task are con-
resolution retina with a motor system that ditional probability distributions describing
can rapidly direct the eyes in arbitrary direc- the probability of each possible local image
tions, and indeed, most natural visual tasks in- contrast given a particular local contrast ob-
volve selecting a series of locations to fixate. served in the retinal output. Figure 9 shows
This implies that the relevant across-domain four of these conditional distributions. Note
statistics for such tasks must take into account that the mode and variance of the distribu-
the foveated spatial resolution of the retina. tions increase as function of both the retinal

180 Geisler
ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Figure 9
Example conditional probability distributions of local retinal image contrast given an eccentricity and an
observed contrast at the output of a foveated retina, which was modeled after the primate retina. Such
statistics are relevant for understanding how a rational visual system with a foveated retina should select
fixation locations in order to accurately encode the image.

eccentricity and contrast observed in the reti- EXPLOITING NATURAL SCENE

nal output. The increase in variance with STATISTICS
eccentricity is intuitive because spatial reso-
The previous section summarized some of
lution is decreasing with eccentricity. More
the measured natural scene statistics relevant
surprising is that variance increases with
for visual perception. This section considers
observed contrast in the retinal output: the
how some of those statistical properties might
greater the response in the retinal output, the
be exploited by the human (or nonhuman
greater the uncertainty about the contrast in
primate) visual system. One aim is to con-
the retinal image. This finding may be re-
vince the reader that measuring natural scene
lated to the finding of Schwartz & Simoncelli
statistics can be useful for generating quan-
(2001) that strong features tend to cluster in
titative, testable hypotheses about percep-
natural images (Figure 5C).
tual mechanisms, can be useful for designing • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 181

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

experiments and stimuli, and can provide use- primary visual cortex (V1) of cats and primates
ful insight into design features of the visual (e.g., Brady & Field 2000, Clatworthy et al.
system. This section focuses on a few examples 2003, Tadmor & Tolhurst 2000). Although
LGN: lateral
geniculate nucleus from the topics of coding and representation, the results depend somewhat on the specific
grouping and segregation, identification, and definition of contrast used (Frazor & Geisler
V1: primary visual
cortex estimation. 2006), there is evidence for a rough match be-
tween the contrast response functions of neu-
rons in the early visual system and the distri-
Coding and Representation of the bution of contrasts encountered by the eye in
Visual Image natural environments.
Within-domain statistics are the easiest to For natural images, there is a low corre-
measure and are of particular relevance to lation between luminance and contrast at the
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

coding and representation of the retinal image same retinal location (see Figure 3C,D); fur-
(the proximal stimulus). Hence more stud- thermore, it can be shown that for normal
ies of natural scene statistics have been de- saccadic inspection of natural images there is
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

voted to this topic than to any other. A central little correlation in luminance at the same reti-
hypothesis about coding and representation nal location across fixations (Frazor & Geisler
is that neural resources are limited (in num- 2006) or in contrast at the same retinal loca-
ber of neurons, spikes per neuron, synaptic tion across fixations (Frazor & Geisler 2006,
contacts per neuron, etc.), thus pushing vi- Reinagel & Zador 1999). The implication is
sual systems to efficiently use those resources that neurons whose receptive fields are spa-
(Attneave 1954, Barlow 1961; for reviews, see tially localized will typically receive random
Barlow 2001, Simoncelli 2003, Simoncelli & samples of luminance and contrast from dis-
Olshausen 2001). tributions like those in Figure 3, several times
One important resource limitation is that per second. This fact raises questions about
neurons have a limited dynamic range, pre- the coding of luminance and contrast in the
sumably for fundamental metabolic and bio- visual system. The most obvious is how neu-
physical reasons. A plausible hypothesis is that rons in the visual system respond to simulta-
sensory neurons match their limited ranges neous, frequent, and statistically independent
to the dynamic range of the natural signals variations in local luminance and contrast over
that they encode. This ensures that the full their natural ranges. Geisler et al. (2007) mea-
response range is used while minimizing the sured response functions of individual neu-
likelihood of overdriving or underdriving the rons in V1 and found them to be separable
neuron. One way to match the dynamic range in luminance and contrast; i.e., response as
of responses with that of the input signals is a function of luminance and contrast is the
via histogram equalization: Adjust the shape product of a single function for luminance
of the neuron’s response function so that and a single function for contrast: r (C, L) =
all response levels occur equally often under rC (C) r L (L). Similarly, Mante et al. (2005)
natural stimulus conditions. Laughlin (1981) measure responses of individual neurons in
compared the probability distribution of lo- the LGN and found responses to be consistent
cal luminance (Weber contrast) in natural im- with separable luminance and contrast gain
ages with the luminance response functions of control mechanisms. Separable responses are
the large monopolar neurons in the eye of the expected under the efficient coding hypothe-
blowfly and found that the response functions sis, if local luminance and contrast are statis-
are consistent with the histogram equalization tically independent.
hypothesis. Subsequently, the hypothesis has The results of Geisler et al. (2007) point to
been tested for the contrast responses of neu- a new hypothesis about how local luminance
rons in lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and is coded in the cortex. The classic hypothesis

182 Geisler
ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

is that most neurons in V1 respond poorly to sponse will be observed from a spatially adja-
luminance, and that luminance is coded by a cent M cone. Rather than represent these two
specialized set of luminance-responding cells large responses with two high spike rates, it is
(for a review, see Peng & Van Essen 2005). Al- more efficient (in terms of utilizing neural dy-
though most cortical neurons do not respond namic range) to transform the cone responses
to uniform luminance stimulation, by para- so that they are statistically independent. In-
metrically varying luminance and contrast, terestingly, applying such a transformation
Geisler et al. (2007) found that local lumi- predicts chromatic receptive fields that are
nance strongly modulates contrast response similar to the color opponent mechanisms
in the same separable fashion as other stim- that have been estimated from psychophysi-
ulus dimensions such as orientation, spatial cal studies (Buchsbaum & Gottschalk 1983,
frequency, and direction of motion. Thus, lo- Ruderman et al. 1998; see Figure 4). Sim-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

cal luminance appears to be coded in the cor- ilarly, spatial and temporal decorrelation
tex in the same fashion as other well-known (whitening) of the receptor responses to nat-
stimulus dimensions. Specialized luminance- ural images predicts spatial (Atick & Redlich
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

responding cells may code uniform areas such 1992, Srinivasan et al. 1982) and spatio-
as patches of sky. The studies of Mante et al. temporal receptive field shapes (Dong & Atick
(2005) and Geisler et al. (2007) were mo- 1995b) similar to those found in the retina and
tivated by measured natural scene statistics, LGN. Thus, in a number of ways, the design
and hence they demonstrate the potential of the retina seems to be consistent with the
value of natural scene statistics in guiding efficient coding hypothesis.
neurophysiology. The evidence is less clear with respect to
Another form of histogram equalization is coding and representation in V1. V1, like the
to match the tuning characteristics across a retina and LGN, is laid out in a topographic
population of neurons to the distribution of map; however, for each ganglion cell or LGN
natural signals. For example, Cormack et al. relay neuron there are hundreds of V1 neu-
(2005) found that the probability distribution rons, and thus V1 could potentially contain a
of binocular disparities that occur during nav- large number of lossless (and efficient) repre-
igation through forest environments by hu- sentations of the retinal output, each tailored
mans (see Figure 7) corresponds reasonably to a different task. Another hypothesis is that
well with the distribution of preferred dis- V1 provides a sparse, statistically independent
parities of single neurons in area MT of the representation of the retinal output. Field
macaque monkey (DeAngelis & Uka 2003). (1987) noted that (linear) receptive fields sim-
The results of Cormack et al. (2005) suggest ilar to those measured in V1 respond very in-
that disparity tuning of neurons in monkey vi- frequently to natural images and produce rel-
sual cortex conforms (in at least some ways) atively large responses when they do respond.
to an efficient coding of natural binocular In other words, the probability distribution of
images. responses to natural images is highly peaked at
Another way to use neural resources ef- zero and has heavy tails (see Figure 5B). The
ficiently is to remove redundant information implication is that a natural image will pro-
across a population of neurons. A classic exam- duce a pattern of strong responses in a rather
ple concerns the coding of chromatic informa- sparse subset of cortical neurons. Olshausen
tion with opponent color mechanisms. The & Field (1997) showed that simultaneously
spectral sensitivities of the L, M, and S cones optimizing sparseness and statistical indepen-
overlap substantially (especially the L and M dence in the responses to natural images yields
cones), creating highly correlated responses. receptive fields similar to those of V1 neu-
Thus, if one observes a large response from, rons, suggesting that a sparse, statistical in-
say, an L cone, it is very likely that a large re- dependent representation may be the goal of • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 183

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

V1 coding. However, this begs the question foveated retina with many fewer receptors
of the functional advantages of a sparse code. than needed to fully code the image, and even
Possibly a sparse code provides a more mean- fewer ganglion cells than receptors. The visual
ingful (immediately interpretable) represen- system compensates for the reduction in num-
tation of the image than would highly compact ber of receptors and ganglion cells by hav-
codes, or possibly a sparse code facilitates sub- ing an eye movement system that can rapidly
sequent processing (Olshausen 2003). Other point the eye in desired directions. Thus, fully
possibilities are that a sparse code, which con- encoding the retinal image requires making
centrates strong activity in a few neurons, a series of fixations. One hypothesis is that
might be less susceptible to neural noise aris- when the task is specifically to encode and
ing in later cortical areas or might consume remember an image, humans make eye move-
less metabolic energy than more distributed ments that acquire as much image information
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

codes. as possible with the fewest number of fixa-

Interestingly, Schwartz & Simoncelli tions. Across-level statistics, such as those in
(2001) show that contrast normalization, an Figure 9, can be combined with a Bayesian
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

important nonlinear response property of V1 ideal observer analysis to determine the opti-
neurons (Albrecht & Geisler 1991, Carandini mal procedure for selecting fixations in natu-
et al. 1997, Heeger 1991), should increase ral scenes. Raj et al. (2005) determined how to
statistical independence by largely eliminat- select successive fixations that maximally re-
ing variance dependences such as the one il- duce the total uncertainty (entropy) about the
lustrated in Figure 5C. However, contrast contrast at every location in the image (see also
normalization has other potentially functional Renninger et al. 2005). They then showed that
advantages that are not obviously related to the fixations selected by this algorithm are also
efficient coding or natural image statistics, near optimal for reducing total uncertainty
advantages such as contrast-invariant feature about the detailed structure of the image. It
tuning (Albrecht & Geisler 1991, Heeger remains to be seen how well human eye move-
1991) and enhanced feature identification per- ments match the optimal eye movements, but
formance (Geisler & Albrecht 1995). Per- it is likely that humans display (qualitatively)
haps all of these advantages have contributed some of the optimal behaviors, which include
to the evolution of contrast normalization moderate length saccades, avoidance of very-
mechanisms. low-contrast regions of the image, a moder-
Other nonlinear response properties of ate percentage of fixations near high-contrast
retinal and cortical neurons have been in- features, and avoidance of fixations near the
ferred from measurements of their responses boundaries of the image.
to natural images. In general, receptive fields
estimated with linear systems analysis tech-
niques (e.g., spike-triggered averaging) do not Grouping and Segregation
make accurate predictions of responses to nat- Efficiently encoding and representing the im-
ural images. There is not space here to re- ages falling on the retina may be the primary
view the literature directed at measuring and goal of initial visual processing, especially in
characterizing responses of neurons to natu- the human retina, because the optic nerves
ral stimuli; however, for recent reviews, see create a severe information-transmission bot-
Reinagel (2001) and Wu et al. (2006), and for tleneck and because the information trans-
discussion, see Felson & Dan (2005) and Rust mitted up the optic nerve must support a
& Movshon (2005). very wide range of perceptual tasks. On the
In addition to removing redundant infor- other hand, central processing is more likely
mation from the image, the retina removes to reflect specific tasks. The mechanisms of
nonredundant information by having a highly perceptual grouping and segregation fall into

184 Geisler
ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

this category. Their purpose is undoubtedly to different). (See Figure 4 for the definition
group together image features that arise from of I, α, β.) Starting from these distributions,
the same physical source in the environment they derived a Bayesian decision rule for seg-
(e.g., the same surface or object) and segre- menting pixels into regions. They compared
gate features that arise from different physical segmentations using this decision rule with
sources. In other words, grouping and seg- those of human observers and found a fairly
regation mechanisms are designed to make high correlation. Although it is likely that
inferences about the environment from im- nearby pixels usually belong to the same phys-
age information collected by the eyes, and ical surface, their implicit assumption that the
hence across-domain statistics are particularly distribution of color differences within a sur-
relevant. face does not vary with distance between pixels
Geisler et al. (2001) used the across- probably doesn’t hold. Analyzing many hand-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

domain statistics in Figure 5D (averaged segmented images like the one in Figure 2,
over contrast polarity) as the basis for a one- Wilson et al. (2006) found that the color
parameter model of contour grouping in ran- difference distributions within surfaces vary
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

dom contour-element displays. In the model, substantially with distance. Nonetheless, the
contour elements are grouped together when two studies show there is much useful in-
the likelihood ratio given by Figure 5D ex- formation for region grouping and segrega-
ceeds a criterion. This model, based directly tion in the across-domain statistics of color
on natural scene statistics, was able to predict differences.
human contour grouping performance under
a wide range of stimulus conditions. More re-
cently, Geisler & Perry (2006) used the statis- Identification
tics in Figure 5D to derive a parameter-free Although the retina may have evolved primar-
Bayesian ideal observer for a contour comple- ily to efficiently encode the retinal images, as
tion task where the observer reports whether mentioned above, there can be no doubt (even
or not contour segments passing under an for general-purpose organisms like humans,
occluding surface belong to the same physi- who perform a wide range of tasks) that the
cal contour (source). The results showed that design of the eye is constrained by the fam-
humans parallel optimal performance in all ily of tasks the organism performs. Further,
conditions and perform only slightly below there may be specific aspects of retinal pro-
optimal. These two studies strongly suggest cessing that are tailored to specific sources in
that the human visual system incorporates and the environment. For example, measurements
properly exploits the across-domain statistics of across-domain statistics suggest that the
represented in Figure 5D. positioning of the cone spectral sensitivities
Fine et al. (2003) took an interest- along the wavelength axis may be optimal for
ing approach to measuring across-domain identifying sources of food. Lythgoe & Par-
color statistics relevant for region group- tridge (1989) showed that in mammals, the S
ing/segregation. They assumed that the prob- and M cones (most mammals have only these
ability distribution of color differences (s = two cone types) are generally well positioned
I, α, β) between adjacent pixels approx- to discriminate between different kinds of fo-
imates the distribution of color differences liage. Similarly, Osorio & Vorobyev (1996),
between pixels from the same physical sur- Regan et al. (2001), and Parraga et al. (2002)
face (ω = same), and that the probability dis- show that the L and M cones in trichromatic
tribution of color differences between pixels primates are often well positioned for identi-
taken from different natural images approxi- fying fruit in foliage.
mates the distribution of color differences for Identification of behaviorally relevant
pixels from different physical surfaces (ω = sources in the environment, such as specific • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 185

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

materials, surfaces, and objects, strongly de- for contour source identification. Further, the
pends on grouping and segregation mecha- simple decision rules derived from the mea-
nisms. Conversely, grouping and segregation sured distributions provide concrete hypothe-
undoubtedly depend on certain top-down and ses for source identification mechanisms in
bottom-up identification mechanisms. Thus, the visual system, although global and top-
grouping, segregation, and identification are down factors are also likely to contribute.
best thought of as part of an integrated system
for interpreting retinal images. A key goal of
this integrated system is identifying the source Estimation
of an image contour. In natural images, a con- Many natural perceptual tasks involve estima-
tour could be the result of a surface boundary, tion of continuous environmental properties
a surface marking (i.e., a surface reflectance such as the reflectance spectrum, illumination
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

change), a cast shadow, or a shading boundary spectrum, surface orientation, distance, or ve-
due to a change in surface orientation rela- locity, at one or more locations in the visual
tive to the illumination. These are very dif- field. Across-level statistics are providing new
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

ferent sources and their proper identification hypotheses and valuable insights into such es-
is crucial for arriving at the correct physical timation tasks.
interpretation of the image. Measurements Under the assumption that retinal images
of across-level statistics could give us prin- can be approximated as the combination of
cipled hypotheses for the brain mechanisms a randomly selected natural illuminant and
that identify contour sources given a retinal a collection of surfaces, each with a ran-
image. domly selected natural reflectance spectrum,
To make a start at these measurements, Maloney & Wandell (1986) showed it is possi-
Ing & Geisler (2006) analyzed a large set of ble to estimate the illuminant and reflectance
hand-segmented, close-up foliage images like spectra of surfaces with remarkably few classes
the one in Figure 2. They chose this class of receptor (approximately four). (Note that
of images because they are relatively easy to estimating the reflectance function is equiva-
segment and because foliage environments lent to solving the color constancy problem.)
are the natural environment of the macaque This result may help explain why most or-
monkey (the primary animal model for hu- ganisms have relatively few classes of receptor.
man vision). In addition to hand-segmenting Subsequently, Brainard & Freeman (1997) de-
leaves and branches, they also segmented scribed how to optimally estimate reflectance
shadow boundaries and surface markings. Us- and illumination within the Bayesian ideal ob-
ing this segmentation data as the ground server framework. Although these and similar
truth measurements of the sources, they mea- studies provide valuable insight into the prob-
sured the joint probability distribution of in- lem of color constancy, they assume uniform
tensity and contrast differences (in I, α, β illumination and matt surface patches, nei-
space; see Figure 4) across contours, given ther of which occur very frequently in natural
that the source contour was a surface bound- scenes (e.g., see Boyaci et al. 2006, Dror et al.
ary, a shadow boundary, or a surface-marking 2004, Fleming et al. 2003, Khang et al. 2006).
boundary. Finally, by combining these mea- Thus, reflectance estimation given real illu-
sured probability distributions with an ideal mination patterns and surface properties re-
classifier, they demonstrated that for moder- quires more complex perceptual mechanisms
ate length contours it is possible to discrim- than the ones suggested by earlier work. How-
inate between any two sources with 85% to ever, real illumination and surface complexity
90% accuracy. This is a promising initial re- may also provide additional information the
sult because it shows that simple local image visual system can use. For example, Sharan
properties alone provide useful information et al. (2005) and Motoyoshi et al. (2007) show

186 Geisler
ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

that humans can judge (with reasonable accu- hypothesis should be testable in physiologi-
racy) the reflectance of natural materials from cal and psychophysical studies. Similar sta-
grayscale images that have been equated for tistical measurements could potentially be
mean luminance. Statistical analysis of the im- used to estimate the approximate prior prob-
ages shows that the shape of the pixel lumi- ability distribution of ground truth velocities
nance distribution varies systematically with needed for analyses like that of Weiss et al.
the reflectance of the material and that hu- (2002).
mans are able to exploit these statistics (and
possibly other image statistics) when judging
reflectance. CONCLUSION
When retinal image information is poor, In the traditional approach to perception re-
a rational visual system will put greater re- search, the scientist (a) thinks informally or
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

liance on the prior probability distributions casually about natural tasks and environments,
of different possible environmental states and (b) generates or modifies hypotheses about
bias its estimates accordingly (e.g., see Knill perceptual or neural mechanisms, (c) conducts
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

& Richards 1996, Torralba 2003). Weiss et al. controlled behavioral or physiological experi-
(2002) show this principle could explain var- ments to test those hypotheses and then cycles
ious motion illusions, under the assumption back to (b). Although there is nothing wrong
that the prior probability for local speed de- with this approach (which has produced a vast
creases monotonically with speed. This gen- amount of knowledge), a potential weakness is
eral assumption is likely to be true, but the that hypotheses and experimental paradigms
specific predictions depend upon the shape tend to be formulated from informal think-
of the prior probability distribution, which ing about natural environments and stimuli
they did not measure (however, see Stocker & rather than from principled physical measure-
Simoncelli 2006). Yang & Purves (2003) ap- ments. By directly measuring statistical regu-
plied a similar analysis in an attempt to predict larities of natural environments and stimuli
apparent distance illusions. Using statistical it may be possible to derive novel and plau-
measurements obtained with a range finder, sible hypotheses for perceptual mechanisms
they were able to qualitatively account for sev- and to design experimental paradigms that
eral distance-estimation biases that have been better reflect the important characteristics of
reported in the literature. natural stimuli. Indeed, the studies described
To circumvent some of the difficulties as- here demonstrate the value of measuring and
sociated with measuring across-domain mo- characterizing natural scene statistics. Mea-
tion statistics, Tversky & Geisler (2007) com- surements of within-domain statistics have re-
bined graphics simulations with measured vealed much about the structure and variabil-
natural scene statistics. Specifically, they cre- ity of natural images. This has made it possible
ated model environments based on the mea- to test various forms of the efficient coding
sured range statistics of Huang et al. (2000; hypothesis and has led to novel models and
see Figure 6B) and the local 1/ f statistics of experiments that would not have been con-
natural image patches (Figure 5A). They then ceived otherwise. Measurements of across-
simulated various kinds of self motion through domain statistics, especially when combined
these environments and measured the scene with Bayesian ideal observer theory, are prov-
statistics produced by these motions. These ing to be particularly useful in generating
statistics were used to determine optimal inte- new insights and testable (parameter-free or
gration area (receptive field size) of local mo- nearly parameter-free) models for perfor-
tion sensors for heading estimation. The pri- mance in tasks such as fixation selection,
mary finding is that integration area should contour grouping, contour classification, mo-
increase with the speed being estimated. This tion estimation, and reflectance estimation. • Visual Perception and Natural Scenes 187

ANRV331-PS59-07 ARI 1 December 2007 16:28

Measuring and characterizing the statistical uli are difficult tasks, but the potential for pay-
properties of natural environments and stim- off appears to be great.

The author’s work is supported by NIH grants EY11747 and EY02688. E. Adelson, R. Blake,
R. Diehl, B. Olshausen, and E. Simoncelli provided useful comments and discussion.

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Figure 1
Kinds of natural scene statistics. (A ) There are two general kinds of natural scene statistics that can be measured at various stages
(domains) from environment to behavior. Within-domain statistics describe the probability distribution of a vector of properties within a
given domain. Across-domain statistics describe the joint probability distribution of properties across domains. (B ) Hypothetical exam-
ple. Suppose an organism’s task is to identify whether a randomly selected location in the retinal image corresponds to the surface of a

fruit or the surface of a leaf. The relevant property of the environment takes on just one of two possible values (  fruit or  leaf ).
The relevant property of the image is a wavelength spectrum s (the plots show a few examples of spectra for fruits and leaves).
Measuring the probability of fruit or leaf is an example of measuring p(). Measuring the probability distribution of wavelength spectra
without regard to the source (leaf or fruit) is an example of measuring p(s). Measuring the probability distribution of wavelength spectra
separately for fruit and leaves and then combining with the probability of fruit or leaf is an example of measuring an across-domain sta-
tistic p (, s). See text for more details.

Visual Perception and Natural Scenes

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Geisler.qxd 11/07/2007 06:15 PM Page C-2

Figure 2
Using hand segmentation to measure across-domain statistics. (A) Close-up image of foliage obtained with a 36-bit calibrated camera.
The orange circle indicates the region to be hand segmented. (B) The colored leaves and branches show the result of the hand segmen-
tation. The orange shaded leaf is an individual segmented object.
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by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Figure 3
Luminance and contrast in natural images. (A) Average distribution of local luminance levels within a
natural image, relative to the mean luminance of the image. (B) Average distribution of local contrast in
natural images, relative to the mean contrast of the image. (C ) Average joint distribution of local lumi-
nance and local contrast in natural images, scaled to the average luminance and average contrast in nat-
ural images. (Contours enclose 90%, 65%, and 40% of the observations.) (D) Average joint distribution
of local luminance and local contrast within foliage regions of natural images. ● Visual Perception and Natural Scenes C-3

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by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Figure 5
Spatial properties of natural images. (A) Amplitude spectra of six natural images (adapted from Field
1987). The spectrum for each image has been displaced vertically for display purposes. The diagonal
line has a slope of 1.0. (B) Histogram of responses to natural images of a sensor having a receptive
field profile representative of those in primary visual cortex. The dashed line shows the best-fitting
Gaussian distribution. (C ) Histograms of responses to natural images of a sensor (RF2) conditional on
the response of a nearby but nonoverlapping sensor (RF1). The histograms are represented by the verti-
cal columns of pixels (the brighter the pixel the greater the frequency). For display purposes, each col-
umn of pixels has been scaled to use the full grayscale range. (D) Histogram showing the ratio of the
likelihood that a particular pair of edge elements belongs to the same physical contour to the likelihood
that the pair belong to different physical contours. In this plot, the central horizontal line segment rep-
resents one of the pair of edge elements (the reference); each ring represents a distance bin d; each loca-
tion around the diagram represents a direction bin φ; each line element plotted at a given distance and
direction represents an orientation difference bin θ. The right side of the plot shows the likelihood
ratios when the contrast polarity is the same, the left side when the contrast polarity is opposite.

C-4 Geisler
AR331-FM ARI 15 November 2007 15:19

Annual Review of

Contents Psychology

Volume 59, 2008

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

The Evolution of a Cognitive Psychologist: A Journey from Simple

Behaviors to Complex Mental Acts
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Gordon H. Bower p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1

Pharmacology and Behavior

Addiction and the Brain Antireward System
George F. Koob and Michel Le Moal p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 29

Consummatory Behavior
The Brain, Appetite, and Obesity
Hans-Rudolf Berthoud and Christopher Morrison p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 55

Neuroendocrine Regulation of Feminine Sexual Behavior: Lessons
from Rodent Models and Thoughts About Humans
Jeffrey D. Blaustein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 93

Audition and Its Biological Bases

The Biological Basis of Audition
Gregg H. Recanzone and Mitchell L. Sutter p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p119

Color Perception

Color in Complex Scenes

Steven K. Shevell and Frederick A.A. Kingdom p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p143

Scene Perception, Event Perception, or Object Recognition

Visual Perception and the Statistical Properties of Natural Scenes

Wilson S. Geisler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p167

AR331-FM ARI 15 November 2007 15:19

Cognitive Processes
The Mind and Brain of Short-Term Memory
John Jonides, Richard L. Lewis, Derek Evan Nee, Cindy A. Lustig,
Marc G. Berman, and Katherine Sledge Moore p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p193

Relativity of Remembering: Why the Laws of Memory Vanished
Henry L. Roediger, III p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p225

Reasoning and Problem Solving

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

Dual-Processing Accounts of Reasoning, Judgment,

and Social Cognition
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Jonathan St. B.T. Evans p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p255

Comparative Psychology, Ethology, and Evolution

Putting the Altruism Back into Altruism: The Evolution of Empathy
Frans B.M. de Waal p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p279

Anxiety Disorders
Social Bonds and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Anthony Charuvastra and Marylène Cloitre p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p301

Inference, Person Perception, Attribution

Spontaneous Inferences, Implicit Impressions, and Implicit Theories
James S. Uleman, S. Adil Saribay, and Celia M. Gonzalez p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p329

Social Development, Social Personality, Social Motivation, Social Emotion

Motives of the Human Animal: Comprehending, Managing, and
Sharing Inner States
E. Tory Higgins and Thane S. Pittman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p361

Cognition in Organizations
Cognition in Organizations
Gerard P. Hodgkinson and Mark P. Healey p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p387

Selection and Placement

Personnel Selection
Paul R. Sackett and Filip Lievens p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p419

vi Contents
AR331-FM ARI 15 November 2007 15:19

Education of Special Populations

The Education of Dyslexic Children from Childhood to Young Adulthood

Sally E. Shaywitz, Robin Morris, and Bennett A. Shaywitz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p451

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Health Psychology: The Search for Pathways Between Behavior
and Health
Howard Leventhal, John Weinman, Elaine A. Leventhal, and L. Alison Phillips p p p p477

Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2008.59:167-192. Downloaded from

Human Abilities: Emotional Intelligence

John D. Mayer, Richard D. Roberts, and Sigal G. Barsade p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p507
by University of Texas - Austin on 01/04/08. For personal use only.

Data Analysis
Sample Size Planning for Statistical Power and Accuracy
in Parameter Estimation
Scott E. Maxwell, Ken Kelley, and Joseph R. Rausch p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p537

Timely Topics
A Comprehensive Review of the Placebo Effect: Recent Advances
and Current Thought
Donald D. Price, Damien G. Finniss, and Fabrizio Benedetti p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p565
Children’s Social Competence in Cultural Context
Xinyin Chen and Doran C. French p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p591
Grounded Cognition
Lawrence W. Barsalou p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p617
George Loewenstein, Scott Rick, and Jonathan D. Cohen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p647


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 49–59 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p673

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 49–59 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p678


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