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Rapid developments have provided us an easy life and lessened a lot of hard works. Instead of living in
mud houses we now live in sky-touching building or specious mansions every time under the
surveillance of astonishing security systems. In dark ages we were afraid of dangerous beasts but this
day wars have overwhelmed our minds. With all the achievements of the world, this progress has
deprived us from a true and innocent life. It gave way to pretentiousness and materialism, in every walk
of life we take out our weighing machine and want to measure the profit and loss in that, in fact this
machine has developed up to such an extent that it has capability of measuring the relations too in the
context of material achievements. This materialism has grown us into machines which work at some
external command without seeking command from our hearts, and with the passage of time we have
lost the Things which were the crux of human being; love, patience, closeness to nature, sympathies and
a lot more .If we look almost a hundred year back life had something to be celebrated with everybody
but this transformation is dragging us to somewhere dark, somewhere in labyrinths, loneliness among
crowds, chaos and destruction. Progress means going ahead with EVERY THING but it is other way
round. Having Rolce Royce is a sign of success but more successful is the person who perhaps lives in
Congo without pure water, without medical treatment, with no transportation facilities, with reduced
appetite but carries a heavy deposit of people who love him, wait for him, pray for his success, and most
important are the people with whom he can weep. The social fabric has all together changed in the lives
of people instead of the respect for human being there is only lust for success which may come through
ruining the life of others.

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