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In the world of Visual Merchandising as know it today,

artistic talents play a major role in creating an
atmosphere that motivates shoppers to become
customer. Unlike the fine artist whose creativity is a
statement of feelings or yesterday’s window trimmer,
whose goal was just to produce a pretty display, today’s
Visual Merchandiser much create displays with an eye
on function and artistic expression that ultimately
increase the store’s profitabiility. In today’s retail
environment, the pratice of concentrating a store’s
display budget on window’s replete with costly props
and backgrounds is the exception rather than the rules.
Visual Merchandising, briefly definPresentation of a
store and its merchandise in ways that will attract the
attention of protential customers and motivates them to
make purchase
A position as Visual Merchandiser involves a
combination of skills; including creativity; a sense of
order; dedication to design principles; and disciplines to
follow direction; stay within budget; and complete
 Its sells products and services.
 Publicizes the business.
 Lays a foundation for the future sales,
 Build prestige.

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