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With polar ice-caps slipping away and devastating weather patterns that can’t be ignored any more.

warming isn’t a hoax; it is one of mankind’s greatest failures that could potentially lead to the destruction of
our mother Earth.

No one can argue that global warming isn’t an issue

with all the scientific evidence proving otherwise.
Global temperatures have risen much more rapidly
during the industrial age than they did before and they
will continue to rise. The maximum global temperature
was reached in the 1990’s with the second hottest
year being 2001. Sea levels are already rising,
submerging low lying areas and islands such as the
Maldives, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, and Tonga.
They are already experiencing worse storms than
previously, and endured flooding that in some cases
covered entire islands. According to estimates, some
nations may be entirely covered with water in as little
as 50 years.

If nothing is done about global warming

soon the effects will be disastrous. Polar We should be treating, I think,
ice caps melting would mean that sea the whole issue of climate
levels would rise, animals will become
change and global warming
endangered or extinct.
with a far greater degree of
priority than I think is
happening now.
Prince Charles

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