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Bat Cheats

Entry Location:
Enter the codes on the computer screen in the Batcave.

9LRGNB - Always Score Multiply

TL3EKT - Area Effect
N8JZEK - Armor Plating
XFP4E2 - Bats
RAFTU8 - Beep Beep
DY13BD - Character Studs
TQ09K3 - Decoy
GEC3MD - Disguise
EWAW7W - Etra Toggle
ML3KHP - Extra Hearts
JRBDCB - Fast Batarangs
GHJ2DY - Fast Build
RM4PR8 - Fast Grapple
ZOLM6N - Fast Walk
EVG26J - Faster Pieces
D8NYWH - Flaming Batarangs (Used with heat batman)
XPN4NG - Freeze Batarang
KLKL4G - Ice Rink
JXUDY6 - Immune to Freeze
WYD5CP - Invincible
ZXGH9J - Mini kit Detector
XWP645 - More Batarang Targets
TNTN6B - More Detonators
KHJ544 - Piece Detector
MMN786 - Power Brick Detector
HJH7HJ - Regenerate Hearts
18HW07 - Score x10
N4NR3E - Score x2
CX9MAT - Score x4
MLVNF2 - Score x6
WCCDB9 - Score x8
YK4TPH - Silhouettes
BBD7BY - Slam
THTL4X - Sonic Pain
LK2DY4 - Stud Magnet

Submitted By: Glen Man

McDonald's Toy Set Codes

BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy)
DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy)
XWP645 - More Batarang Targets - (from the Batboat toy)
MVY759 - Nightwing - (from Robin Grappling Hook toy)
KJP748 - Penguin Minion - (from the Penguin Submarine toy)
MAC788 - Police Van - (from the Batmobile toy)
CCB199 - The Joker (Tropical) - (from the Joker Surprise toy)
NJL412 - Yeti - (from Mr. Freeze Ice Blast toy)

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