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Benefits of Ten Ki OKG
01. Enhances immune system and restores health state
02. Accelerates recovery from common cold, high blood pressure, rheumatism, tuberculosis,
cholesterol, and respiratory problems
03. Known to improve blood circulation, cleanse the blood, and increase red corpuscles
04. Refreshes cells by promoting oxygen circulation; it’s a powerful antioxidant!
05. Helps protect the liver from toxic substances
06. Helps rejuvenate a tired liver and promote normal functioning
07. Stimulates the nervous system, controls the workings of the heart at a constant level, thus
stabilizing blood pressure
08. Capable of dissolving cholesterol and fatty substances inside blood vessels and therefore
refreshing cells and blood inside the body
09. Promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membranes of the
stomach; combines with proteins, which can reduce excessive stomach activity.
10. Activates the large intestine by helping with both constipation and diarrhea
11. Regulates metabolic rate and assists in the discharging of toxic food.
12. Lastly, it’s an all-natural ‘Viagra’ for both men and women!

How to Eat Raw Garlic

01. Consume 2 pearls a day, in the morning on an empty stomach.
02. Do not bite open, or chew the shell.
03. Avoid contact with eyes and mucus membranes.
04. Break the shell, crush the clove and consume by chewing immediately.

01. To maintain its freshness, it is best kept in its double shell until time of consumption.
02. DO NOT store in refrigerator; this is to avoid spoilage.
03. Keep OKG in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.

Distributed by:
Ten Ki
10 Anson Road #24-09 International Plaza Singapore 079903
T (65) 9621 0363
Skype esthertehmeiling

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