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JOHN A. BOEHNER RePuaucan Leaner ono Congress of the United States i Bouse of Representatives ‘emer Tote are use December 14, 2010 Dear fellow American, Thank you for continuing to stay engaged in the governing process during this critical time, Thave received your citizen mandate, and please know that I take your concerns seriously. ‘On November 2”, the American people sent a clear message demanding less spending, more jobs and a Congress that abides by the Constitution, This will be the focus of the new majority in the 112" Congress. To put it simply, the people’s priorities will be our priorities. With nearly one in ten Americans unemployed, there’s no time to waste. Fortunately, my Republican colleagues are ready to act immediately on our new governing agenda, A Pledge to ‘America. Introduced in September after months of listening and engaging the American people, our Pledge outlines a series of steps that can be taken immediately to address top concerns, including: + Creating Jobs: Rapid growth of government has crowded out the private sector and left small businesses frozen with uncertainty. We'll end economic uncertainty for small businesses and help our economy get back to creating jobs by stopping all tax hikes and shutting down the red tape factory in Washington, D.C. © Cutting Spending: We must do away with the notion that we can tax, spend, and borrow our way to prosperity. Our Pledge to America contains plans to cut spending to pre- ‘stimulus,’ pre-bailout levels while imposing hard caps on future discretionary spending, © Reforming Congress: To restore trust in government, we must change the way Congress works, Our Pledge contains plans to make every bill publicly available online for three days before Congress votes. We'll also require that every bill contain a clause citing where in the Constitution Congress is given the power to pass it «Repealing and Replacing The Job-Killing Health Care Law: A Pledge to America contains a plan to repeal and replace the President's job-killing health care law with common-sense reforms focused on protecting jobs, iowering the cost of health care and defending the right to life. «A Strong National Defense, Our agenda contains a plan to keep our nation secure at home and abroad ~ including passing clean troop funding bills, keeping terrorists off ‘American soil and securing our borders ‘As House Republicans prepare to implement our Pledge, we have already taken steps to deliver urgently needed reforms, Following the election, 1 appointed Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) to head the House Republican Office of Majority Transition. Among the steps already taken, House Republicans joined with the Senate Republicans to extend a ban on all earmarks in the 112" Congress. Additionally, I filed an amicus brief challenging the constitutionality of the individual mandate at the heart of the President's job-killing health care law. ‘Thank you again for sending your citizen mandate. If you'd like to take a closer look at our Pledge to America, itis available for download at I think you'll agree it addresses the concerns and priorities you' ve identified in your petition. Please also continue to reach out to me when the new Congress convenes in January and Republicans begin to act on our Pledge. ‘The new Majority expects to be held accountable and judged on our effectiveness in restoring a government worthy of the trust of the people it serves ~ one that honors our Constitution and stands up for the values that built a great nation: economic freedom, individual liberty, and personal responsibility Sincerely, 2 A. Boehner ¢ Speaker-designate

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