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1) Ensure that doctor has done the informed consent which include type of
surgery and potential risk of anesthesia and surgery.
2) Teach the patient such as leg exercise, range of motion (ROM) exercise and
coughing and splinting the incision.
3) Prepare the physical aspects of the patient for example in personal hygiene,
skin preparation and GI preparation.
4) Check all laboratory and radiographic investigations are done.
5) Ensure pre-operative assessment by doctor are done.
6) Ensure operation list is sent.
7) Provide comfort to the patient to reduce their fear and anxiety.
8) Keep patient NPO for at least 6-8 hours.

1) Prepare patient’s hygiene; remove cosmetics, jewelleries, dentures and other
valuable things in a safe place.
2) Check vital signs of the patient and inform the doctor when there is an
3) Ensure NG tube and urinary catheter are inserted if ordered.
4) Ensure all investigations and blood for transfusion is available.
5) Administer pre-medication as ordered by doctor.
6) Transport patient to the operation room.
7) Prepare the operation bed for the patient.

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