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1. Are you:

Male Female

2. Which age category do you fall into?

16-18 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55


3. What is the highest level of qualification you have achieved?

GCSE A Level Degree Other

4. What subject(s) did you obtain this in?

___Maths, English, science, French, music, history, pe.


5. Do/will you need this for your job?

Yes No

6. Do you already know your IQ?

Yes No

7. If 100 is the average and 150 is the highest, what would you estimate your
IQ at?

8. What were/are your favourite subjects at school?

_______PE with Danny Hewitt.


9. What were/are your least favourite subjects at school?

___________________Art, DT

10.Did/do you enjoy school?

Yes No

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