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Chapter 21


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Ú al Welfare Crtera
Ô Analyzing the choice among feasible
allocations of resources is difficult
± it involves making choices about the utility
levels of different individuals
± in choosing between two allocations (~ and
) the problem arises that some individuals
prefer ~ while others prefer

Ú al Welfare Crtera
Ô We can use the Edgeworth box diagram
to show the problems involved in
establishing social welfare criteria
± only points on the contract curve are
considered as possible candidates for a
social optimum
± along the contract curve, the utilities of the
two individuals vary, and these utilities are
directly competitive
Ú al Welfare Crtera
‰ 1

‰ 2


‰ Ñ ‰


C trat rve
Ú al Welfare Crtera
Ô If we are willing to assume that utility
can be compared among individuals, we
can use the contract curve to construct
the utility possibility frontier

Ú al Welfare Crtera
The utility possibility frontier shows those utility
Jones¶s utility levels for Smith and Jones that are obtainable
from the fixed quantity of goods available
Any point inside the curve is


" Smith¶s utility

• alty Crter 
One possible criterion could
Jones¶s utility require complete equity giving
Smith and Jones the same level
of welfare
This occurs at ‰ ~ and ‰~

Utility is equal in this

case, but the quantities of
Ñ5° º and may not be

‰ " Smith¶s utility

• alty Crter  „ 
‰ 1

‰ ~


‰ 2


C trat rve
" „
‰tltara Crter 
Ô A similar criterion would be to choose
the allocation on the utility possibility
frontier so that the sum of Smith¶s and
Jones¶s utilities is the greatest
± this point would imply a certain allocation
of º and between Smith and Jones

ghe Rawls Crter 
Ô This was first posed by philosopher
John Rawls
Ô Suppose that each individual begins in
an initial position in which no one knows
what his final position will be
± individuals are risk averse
± society will only move away from perfect
equality when the worst off person would
be better off under inequality than equality
ghe Rawls Crter 
Unequal distributions such as
Jones¶s utility would be permitted when the
only attainable equal distributions
are below 

 Equal distributions that lie

between  and ~ are
  superior to because the
worse-off individual is better
off there than at

" Smith¶s utility

Ú al Welfare Ft s
Ô A social welfare function may depend
on Smith¶s and Jones¶s utility levels
such as
social welfare = 0(‰,‰ )
Ô The social problem is to allocate º and
between Smith and Jones as to
maximize 0

Ú al Welfare Ft s
The optimal point of social
Jones¶s utility welfare is where 0 is
maximized given the utility
possibility frontier

 This occurs at ‰ • and ‰•



‰ " Smith¶s utility

Ú al Welfare Ft s
Note the tradeoff between
Jones¶s utility equity and efficiency

"  Even though point · is

Pareto-inefficient, it is still
preferred to point 



" Smith¶s utility

• table Úhar
Ô A father arrives home with an 8-piece
pizza and must decide how to share it
between his two sons
Ô Teen 1 has a utility function of the form
1 å º1

Ô Teen 2 has a utility function of the form

2 å º2
• table Úhar
Ô The least resistance option would be to
give each teen Ñ slices
± ‰1 = Ñ, ‰2 = 2
Ô The father may want to make sure the
teens have equal utility
± º1 = 1.6, º2 = 6.Ñ, ‰1 = ‰2 = 2.5
Ô The father may want to maximize the
sum of his sons utility
± º1 = 6.Ñ, º2 = 1.6, ‰1 = 5.06, ‰2 = 1.26
• table Úhar
Ô Suppose the father suggests that he will
flip a coin to determine who gets which
portion listed under the three allocations
Ô The expected utilities of the two teens
from a coin flip that yields either 1.6 or
6.Ñ slices is
•(‰1) = 0.5(2.5 ) + 0.5(5.06) = .80
•(‰2) = 0.5(2.5 ) + 0.5(1.26) = 1.90

• table Úhar
Ô iven this choice, the teens will opt for
the equal distribution because each
gets higher expected utility from it than
from the coin flip

• table Úhar
Ô If the father could subject the teens to a
³veil of ignorance´ so that neither would
know his identity until the pizza is
served, the voting might still be different
± if each teen focuses on a worst-case
scenario, he will opt for the equal utility
Ô insures that utility will not fall below 2.5

• table Úhar
Ô Suppose that each teen believes that he has
a 50-50 chance of being labeled as ³teen 1´
or ³teen 2´
Ô Expected utilities are
º1 = º2 = Ñ •(‰1) = 0.5(Ñ) + 0.5(2) =
º1 = 1.6, º2 = 6.Ñ •(‰1) = 0.5(2.5 ) + 0.5(2.5 ) = 2.5
º1 = 6.Ñ, º2 = 1.6 •(‰1) = 0.5(5.06) + 0.5(1.26) = .16

Ô The teens will opt for the utilitarian solution

ghe Arr w Imp ssblty
ghe rem
Ô Arrow views the general social welfare
problem as one of choosing among
several feasible ³social states´
± it is assumed that each individual can rank
these states according to their desirability
Ô Arrow raises the following question:
± does there exist a ranking on a society-wide
scale that fairly records these preferences?
ghe Arr w Imp ssblty
ghe rem
Ô Assume that there are social states
(~, , and ) and 2 individuals (Smith
and Jones)
± Smith prefers ~ to and to 
Ô ~ and   and ~ 
± Jones prefers  to ~ and ~ to
Ô  ~ and ~ and 

ghe Arr w Imp ssblty
ghe rem
Ô Arrow¶s impossibility theorem consists of
showing that a reasonable social ranking
of these three states cannot exist
Ô Arrow assumes that any social ranking
should obey six seemingly
unobjectionable axioms
± ³´ should be read ³is socially preferred to´

ghe Arr w Ax ms
Ô It must rank all social states
± either ~ , ~, or ~ and are equally
desirable (~P ) for any two states ~ and
Ô The ranking must be transitive
± if ~ and (or P ), then ~
Ô The ranking must be positively related to
individual preferences
± if ~ is unanimously preferred by Smith and
Jones, then ~

ghe Arr w Ax ms
Ô If new social states become feasible, this
fact should not affect the ranking of the
original states
± If ~ , then this will remain true if some
new state () becomes feasible
Ô The social preference function should
not be imposed by custom
± it should not be the case that ~ 
regardless of the tastes of individuals in
society m{
ghe Arr w Ax ms
Ô The relationship should be nondictatorial
± one person¶s preferences should not
determine society¶s preferences

Arr w¶s Pr f
Ô Arrow was able to show that these six
conditions are not compatible with one
± because   and  , it must be the
case that P 
Ô one person¶s preferences cannot dominate
± both ~ and ~ , so ~
± transitivity implies that ~
± this cannot be true because ~ but  ~

Úfae f the
Arr w ghe rem
Ô In general, Arrow¶s result appears to be
robust to even modest changes in the set
of basic postulates
Ô Thus, economists have moved away
from the normative question of how
choices can be made in a socially optimal
way and have focused on the positive
analysis of how social choices are
actually made m‘
 ret V t
Ô oting is used as a social decision
process in many institutions
± direct voting is used in many cases from
statewide referenda to smaller groups and
± in other cases, societies have found it
more convenient to use a representative
form of government

Ãaj rty Rle
Ô Throughout our discussion of voting, we
will assume that decisions will be made
by majority rule
± there is nothing particularly sacred about a
rule requiring that a policy obtain 50
percent of the vote to be adopted

ghe Parad x f V t
Ô In the 1780s, social theorist M. de
Condorcet noted that majority rule
voting systems may not arrive at an
± instead, they may cycle among alternative

ghe Parad x f V t
Ô Suppose there are three voters (Smith,
Jones, and Fudd) choosing among
three policy options
± we can assume that these policy options
represent three levels of spending on a
particular public good [(~) low, ( ) medium,
and () high]
± Condorcet¶s paradox would arise even
without this ordering
ghe Parad x f V t
Ô Preferences among the three policy
options for the three voters are:

th J e udd




ghe Parad x f V t
Ô Consider a vote between ~ and
± ~ would win
Ô In a vote between ~ and 
±  would win
Ô In a vote between and 
± would win
Ô No equilibrium will ever be reached

Úle-Peaked Preferees
Ô Equilibrium voting outcomes always
occur in cases where the issue being
voted upon is one-dimensional and
where voter preferences are ³single-

Úle-Peaked Preferees
We can show each voters preferences in
terms of utility levels
For Smith and Jones,
preferences are single-

r es Fudd¶s preferences have

two local maxima


ùuantity of
public good
Úle-Peaked Preferees
If Fudd had alternative preferences with a
Utility single peak, there would be no paradox

Option will be chosen

because it will defeat
both ~ and  by votes 2
r es
to 1


ùuantity of
public good
ghe Ãeda V ter ghe rem
Ô With the altered preferences of Fudd,
will be chosen because it is the
preferred choice of the median voter
± Jones¶s preferences are between the
preferences of Smith and the revised
preferences of Fudd

ghe Ãeda V ter ghe rem
Ô If choices are unidimensional and
preferences are single-peaked, majority
rule will result in the selection of the
project that is most favored by the
median voter
± that voter¶s preferences will determine
what public choices are made

A Úmple P ltal à del
Ô Suppose a community is characterized
by a large number of voters () each
with income of 
Ô The utility of each voter depends on his
consumption of a private good () and
of a public good () according to
utility of person  = ‰  ()
where  > 0 and  < 0
A Úmple P ltal à del
Ô Each voter must pay taxes to finance 
Ô Taxes are proportional to income and
are imposed at a rate of 
Ô Each person¶s budget constraint is

Ô The government also faces a budget


å   å 
 åc Ñc
A Úmple P ltal à del
Ô iven these constraints, the utility
function of individual  is
‰() = [ ~  (/)] / ~ + ()
Ô Utility maximization occurs when
‰/  = - /( ~) + () = 0
 = -1[ /( ~)]
Ô esired spending on  is inversely
related to income
A Úmple P ltal à del
Ô If  is determined through majority rule,
its level will be that level favored by the
median voter
± since voters¶ preferences are determined
solely by income,  will be set at the level
preferred by the voter with the median level
of income (
* -1[
/( ~)] = -1[(1/)(
/ ~)]

A Úmple P ltal à del
Ô Under a utilitarian social welfare
criterion,  would be chosen so as to
maximize the sum of utilities:
SW 'Ui '  y  g  n y i  y f g  ny A  g nf g
i c

Ô The optimal choice for  then is

* = -cc = -cc  ~ ~ 
± the level of  favored by the voter with
average income ÑÑ
V t f r Redstrbtve
Ô Suppose voters are considering a lump-
sum transfer to be paid to every person
and financed through proportional
Ô If we denote the per-person transfer ’,
each individual¶s utility is now given by
‰ =  ’

V t f r Redstrbtve
Ô The government¶s budget constraint is
’ ~

’= ~

Ô For a voter with  > ~, utility is

maximized by choosing ’ = 0
Ô Any voter with  < ~ will choose  = 1
and ’ = ~
± would fully equalize incomes
V t f r Redstrbtve
Ô Note that a 100 percent tax rate would
lower average income
Ô Assume that each individual¶s income
has two components, one responsive to
tax rates [ ()] and one not responsive
± also assume that the average of  is zero,
but its distribution is skewed right so 
< 0
V t f r Redstrbtve
Ô Now, utility is given by
‰ (1-)[ () + ] + ’
Ô The individual¶s first-order condition for a
maximum in his choice of  and  is now
‰/  = - ( ~/ ) = 0
 /( ~/ )
Ô Under majority rule, the equilibrium
condition will be
* = 
/( ~/ ) ё
Represetatve G vermet
Ô In representative governments, people
vote for candidates, not policies
Ô Politicians¶ policy preferences are
affected by a variety of factors
± their perceptions of what their constituents
± their view of the ³public good´
± the forcefulness of ³special interests´
± their desire for reelection
Pr bablst V t
Ô Assume there are only two candidates
for a political office
± each candidiate announces his platform (‰1
and ‰2)
± also assume that the candidate, once
elected, will actually seek to implement the
platform he has stated
Ô Each of the  voters observe the two
platforms and choose how to vote
Pr bablst V t
Ô The probability that voter  will vote for
candidate 1 is
g = [‰(‰1) - ‰(‰2)]
where  > 0 and ‰(‰*) is the utility that
voter  expects to receive from platform *
Ô The probability that voter  will vote for
candidate 1 is 1 - g
ghe Caddate Game
Ô Candidate 1 chooses ‰1 to maximize the
probability of his election
n n

   EVc i fi U i ‰c   U i ‰ 
i c i c

Ô Can i a   hs s‰2 to maximize his

expected votes

EV c i   EVc
i c
ghe Caddate Game
Ô Our voting game is a zero-sum game
with continuous strategies (‰1 and ‰2)
Ô Thus, this game will have a Nash
equilibrium set of strategies for which
•1(‰1,‰2*)  •1(‰1*,‰2*)  •1(‰1*,‰2)
± Candidate 1 does best against ‰2* by
choosing ‰1*
± Candidate 2 does best against ‰1* by
choosing ‰2* {£
¬et Vale Platf rms
Ô A ³net value´ platform is one under which
a candidate promises a unique dollar
benefit to each voter
Ô Suppose candidate 1 promises a net
dollar benefit of ‰1 to each voter
Ô The candidate is bound by a government
budget constraint:

i c

¬et Vale Platf rms
Ô The candidates¶ goal is to choose ‰1 that
maximizes •1 against ‰2*
Ô Setting up the Lagrangian yields
9 EVc
i c 

9 i U ci   U      ci šš
 i c
¬et Vale Platf rms
Ô The first-order condition for the net
benefit promised to voter  is given by
º9/º‰1 = ‰ = 0
Ô If the function  is the same for all voters,
this means that the candidate should
choose ‰1 so that ‰ is the same for all
± a utilitarian outcome
Ret-Úeek Behav r
Ô Elected politicians perform the role of
± choose policies favored by principals
Ô A perfect agent would choose policies
that the fully informed median voter
would choose
± are politicians so selfless?

Ret-Úeek Behav r
Ô Politicians might engage in rent-seeking
± activities that seek to enhance their own
Ô This would create an implicit tax wedge
between the value of public goods
received by voters and taxes paid

Ret-Úeek Behav r
Ô Extraction of political rent ? would
require that the government budget
constraint be rewritten as
 ~ ?
Ô oters would take such rent-seeking
activities into account when deciding on
public policies
± would likely reduce  and 
Ret-Úeek Behav r
Ô Whether political rents can persist in an
environment of open electoral
competition is questionable
± Candidate ~ announces policy (,)~
± Candidate can always choose a policy
(,) that is more attractive to the median
voter by accepting a smaller rent
Ô Only with barriers to entry or imperfect
information can positive rents persist

Ret-Úeek Behav r
Ô Private citizens may also seek rents for
themselves by asking politicians to grant
them favors
Ô Thus, economic agents engage in rent-
seeking activities when they use the
political process to generate economic
rents that would not ordinarily occur in
market transactions
Ret  sspat 
Ô If a number of actors compete in the
same rent-seeking activity, it is possible
that all available rent will be dissipated
into rent seekers¶ costs
Ô Suppose a monopoly might earn profits
of g
and a franchise for the monopoly
can be obtained from the government
for a bribe of ( < g
Ret  sspat 
Ô Risk-neutral entrepreneurs will offer
bribes as long as the expected gain
exceeds the cost of the bribe
Ô If each rent seeker has the same
chance of winning the franchise, the
number of bribers () will expand to the
point at which

Imp rtat P ts t ¬ te:
Ô Choosing equitable allocations of
resources is an ambiguous process
because many potential welfare
criteria might be used
± in some cases, achieving equity
(appropriately defined) may require
some efficiency sacrifices

Imp rtat P ts t ¬ te:
Ô Arrow¶s impossibility theorem shows
that, given fairly general assumptions,
there is no completely satisfactory
social choice mechanism
± the problem of social choice theory is
therefore to assess the performance of
relatively imperfect mechanisms

Imp rtat P ts t ¬ te:
Ô irect voting and majority rule may
not always yield an equilibrium
± if preferences are single-peaked,
however, majority rule voting on one-
dimensional public questions will result
in choosing policies most favored by the
median voter
Ô such policies are not necessarily efficient

Imp rtat P ts t ¬ te:
Ô oting in representative governments
may be analyzed using the tools of
game theory
± in some cases, candidates¶ choices of
strategies will yield Nash equilibria that
have desirable normative consequences

Imp rtat P ts t ¬ te:
Ô Politicians may engage in
opportunistic rent seeking, but this
will be constrained by electoral

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