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Section A

[20 marks]

Answer all the question in this section

Jawab semua soalan di bahagian ini.

1. In diagram 1, 5 g of sodium chloride powder is placed in beaker A and 5g of sodium

chloride lumps are placed in beaker B. Each beaker contain 50cm3 of water. Both
mixtures are stirred at the same time. The solubility or how fast the sodium chloride
dissolves in the water is observed and recorded.
Di dalam diagram 1, 5g garam halus di masukkan ke dalam bikar A dan 5g garam kasar dimasukkan ke
dalam bikar B. Kedua duanya campuran dikacau pada waktu yang sama. Tempoh larut bagi kedua dua
garam tersebut diperhati dan direkodkan.

(a) State 2 constant variables in the experiment

Nyatakan 2 pemboleh ubah yang dimalarkan


[2 marks]
(b) State the variables in this experiment
Nyatakan pembolehubah berikut

i) Manipulated variables (pembolehubah dimanipulasi)

ii) Responding variables (pembolehubah bergerakbalas)


(c) state the hypothesis that can be made from this experiment
Nyatakan hipotesis eksperimen ini



2. A group students had collected several leaves from a tree. Data obtained is shown
in Table 1.1
Sekumpulan pelajar telah mengumpul sejumlah daun daripada sepohon pokok. Data yang
diperoleh ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1.1

Table 1.1 (jadual 1.1)

Length of leave in cm (panjang daun dalam unit cm)

(a) Using the data in Table 1.1, complete Table 1.2

Gunakan data di atas untuk melengkapkan Jadual 1.2

Table 1.2 ( jadual 1.2)


(b) Based on the information in Table 1.2, draw a bar chart to show the
number of leaves against length of leaves
Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Jadual 1.2 , lukiskan carta palang jumlah daun melawan
panjang daun.

(c) Based on the bar chart in (b) state the type of variation.
Berdasarkan carta palang di (b) nyatakan jenis variasi.


Diagram 2
3. Diagram 2 shows an experiment carried out on three rats to study the effect of alcohol
on their pulse rate. Each rat Is feed with 5cm3 of wine with different concentrations of
alcohol. Its pulse rate is taken with an electronic pulse detector fixed around the base of
the tail. The pulse rate are recorded in table 2
Diagram 3 menunjukkan eksperiment yang dijalankan ke atas 3 ekor tikus bagi mengkaji kesan alkohol
terhadap denyutan nadi tikus itu. Setiap tikus diberi makan 5cm3 arak yang mempunyai kepekatan yang
berbeza. Kadar denyutan nadi tikus itu diambil di ekornya dengan menggunakan alat pengesan nadi
elektronik. Kadar nadi tikus itu direkodkan di jadual 2
Table 2

Rat A B C

Alcohol concentration (%) 5 10 15

Kepekatan alcohol ( %)
Pulse or heartbeat rate per minute 102 115 126
Kadar denyutan sesaat

(a) What is the hypothesis of this experiment?

Apakah hipotesis eksperimen ini?

________________________________________________________________ [1mark]

(b) Which rat is most affected by the alcohol?

Tikus yang manakah yang menerima kesan paling teruk akibat alkohol?

_______________________________________________________________ [1mark]

(c) State the variables in this experiment

Nyatakan pembolehubah berikut

i) Manipulated variables (pembolehubah dimanipulasi)


ii) Responding variables (pembolehubah bergerakbalas)


iii) Constant variable (pemalar yang dimalarkan)

____________________________________________________ [1mark]

4. Diagram 3 shows an experiment to study the effect of adding salt on the melting point of
Diagram 3 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan penambahan garam terhadap takat lebur ais.

Diagram 3

The result of the experiment are recorded in table 3
Keputusan eksperimen di rekodkan ke dalam jadual 3
Table 3

Substances Melting point (00c)

Ice 0

Ice and salt

a) Based on above experiment,complete table 3

Berdasarkan eksperiment di atas,lengkapkan jadual 3 [1mark]

b) State the variables in this experiment.

Nyatakan pemalar berikut:

i) Manipulated variable (pemalar yang dimanipulasi) :

____________________________________________________ [1mark]
ii) Responding variable (pemalar yang bergerak balas):

____________________________________________________ [1mark]

c) What is the operational definition of melting point?

Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi takat lebur?

________________________________________________________________ [1mark]

d) Write down one inference based on the results of this experiment.

Nyatakan inferens berdasarkan keputusan eksperiment tersebut.

__________________________________________________________ [1mark]

Answer all questions in this section

Jawab semua soalan di bahagian ini

5. A tall man (Tt) marries a short woman (tt). A gene (T) carrying tall trait is dominant and
a gene (t) carrying short trait is recessive.
Seorang lelaki tinggi (Tt) berkahwin dengan seorang wanita yang rendah (tt). Gen (T) ialah dominant
manakala gen (t) merupakan resesif.

(a) Referring to the Mendellian Experiment, draw the monohybrid inheritance mechanism for
the progeny's height.
Berdasarkan Mendellian eksperiment, lukiskan mekanisma perwarisan monohibrit untuk ketinggian anak.

[3 marks]
(b) State the definition of
Nyatakan maksud

(i) Dominant gene ( gen dominan)

______________________________________________________ [1 marks]

(ii) Recessive gene (gen resesif)

______________________________________________________ [1 marks]

(i) Calculate the probability to get a tall child.

Kira peratus kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan anak yang tinggi

5. Diagram 4 shows a type of neurone
Diagram 4 menunjukkan sejenis neuron.
Diagram 4

(a) Name the part labeled P,Q,and R
Nyatakan bahagian yang berlabel P,Q dan R
P :__________________________________________



(b) Name the type of neurone show in Diagram 4
Nyatakan jenis neuron di dalam diagram 4

________________________________________________________ [1marks]

(c) State the function of the neurone mention in 3(b)

Nyatakan fungsi neuron yang dinyatakan di dalam 3(b)

_________________________________________________________ [1marks]

(d) Name 2 types of neurons besides the neurone that is mentioned in 4(b)
Namakan 2 jenis neuron selain daripada neuron yang dinyatakan pada 4(b).




7. Diagram 5 shows the position of the endocrine glands of a man.

Rajah 5 menunjukkan kedudukan kelenjar – kelenjar endokrin seorang lelaki.

Diagram 5

(a) Name gland J and gland M in the boxes provided in Diagram 5

Namakan kelenjar J dan M dalam petak yang disediakan dalam Rajah 5 [ 2 marks ]

(b) How does the hormones secreted by gland L travelled to the targeted organ?
Bagaimanakah hormone yang dirembeskan oleh kelenjar L dibawa ke organ sasaran?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark ],

(c) State the function of hormone secreted by gland N .

Nyatakan fungsi hormon yang dirembeskan oleh kelenjar N.

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(d) What will happen to the man if gland K secretes less hormone?
Apakah yang akan berlaku pada lelaki tersebut jika kelenjar K kurang merembeskan hormon?

………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………. [1 mark]

8. Diagram 4 shows how sex is determined in babies

Diagram 4 menunjukkan bagaimana jantina bayi ditentukan

Diagram 6

a) Fill in the boxes with the correct sex chromosomes
isikan kotak dengaN kromosom seks yang betul [1 mark]

b) Determine the sex of baby A and B

Tentukan jantina bayi A dan B

Baby A ;_______________________________________

Baby B :_________________________________ .[1 mark]


c) Diagram 5 show different human karyotypes from individual P,Q and R

Diagram 5 menunujukkan kariotip bagi individu P,Q dan R

Name of the genetic disorder for individu P,Q and R

nyatakan penyakit genetic bagi individu P,Q dan R
P :__________________________________________


R:__________________________________________ .[3 mark]

9. Diagram 7 shows a model of atomic structure.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan model struktur atom.
Diagram 7

(a) Name particle X.
Namakan zarah X.

…………………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark ]

(b) Based on Diagram 7, state the proton number and nucleon number of atom M.
Berdasarkan Rajah 7, nyatakan nombor proton dan nombor nukleon bagi atom M.

Proton number:
Nombor proton : ……………………………………………………………………

Nucleon number:
Nombor nukleon : ………………………………………………………………… [ 2 marks ]

Table 4
(c) (i) Based on Table 4, which pairs are isotopes?
Berdasarkan Jadual 4, pasangan manakah merupakan isotop?

…………………………………………………………………………….. [1 mark ]

(ii) Give a reason for your answer in (c) (i)

Berikan satu sebab untuk jawapan anda dalam (c) (i)

………………………………………………………………………………………………. [1 mark ]

(d) How many neutrons are there in atom Q.

Berapakah bilangan neutron dalam atom Q.

…………………………………………………………………………… [1 mark ]

Section c
[20 marks]

Answer question 10 and either question 11 or question 12. The time suggested to
answer this question is 40 minutes.
Jawab soalan 10. Kemudian jawab samada soalan 11 atau 12. Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab
soalan ini ialah 40 minit.

10. Study the following statement

Kaji pernyataan di bawah

The presence of impurities will affect the boiling point

Kehadiran bendasing memberi kesan kepada takat didih

You are given two spatulas of salt and 500cm3 of distilled water.
Anda diberikan 2 spatula garam dan 500cm3 air suling.

a) Suggest one hypothesis to investigate the above statement

Cadangkan satu hipotesis untuk mengkaji kenyataan di atas

b) Describe one experiment to test your hypothesis in 12(a) based on the following criteria.
Terangkan satu eksperiment untuk mengkaji hipotesis dalam 12(a) berdasarkan ciri ciri di

i. Aim of the experiment (Tujuan eksperimen) (1mark)

ii. Identification of variables( kenalpasti pemalar) (2mark)

iii. List of apparatus and material (senarai bahan dan radas) (1mark)

iv. Procedure or method (cara cara atau langkah) (4mark)

v. Tabulation of data (taburan data) (1mark)

11. (a) Explain two causes of mutation

Nyatakan 2 punca berlakunya mutasi [4 marks]

(b) Diagram 8 show two typesof disease cause by chromosome mutation.

Diagram 8 menunjukkan 2 jenis penyakit yang disebabkan oleh mutasi kromosom

Diagram 8

syndrome mutation syndrome

Study Diagram 8 and construct the concept of chromosome mutation. Your answer
should be based on the following aspects:
Kaji diagram 12 dan bina konsep tentang mutasi kromosom. Jawapan anda perlu merangkumi aspek aspek

i) Identify two common characteristics [2 marks)

Kenalpasti 2 ciri-ciri umum

ii) Give one other example of a chromosome mutation [ 1 mark]

Nyatakan 1 contoh lain penyakit akibat mutasi kromosom

iii) Give two non-examples of chromosome mutation [2 marks)

Berikan 2 contoh penyakit yang bukan disebabkan oleh mutasi kromosom

iv) Relate the common characteristics to construct the concept of chromosome

Kaitkan ciri-ciri umum dan bina konsep tentang mutasi kromosom [ 1 mark]

12. (a) State four differences between the nervous system and the endocrine system.
Nyatakan 4 perbezaan antara system saraf dan system endokrin.
[4 marks]

Diagram 9

(b) The woman on Diagram 9 experiences a swelling of the neck since 8 years ago.
Wanita di dalam diagram 9 mengalami pembengkakan di lehernya sejak 8 tahun yang lalu.

Based on Diagram 9, Explain the disease that causes the neck to become swollen.
Your answers should include the following aspects:

Berdasarkan diagram 9, terangkan punca leher menjadi bengkak. Jawapan anda hendaklah
merangkumi aspek aspek berikut.

i. Identifying the problem (kenalpasti masalah)

ii. Explanation of the problem (penerangan masalah)
iii. Method of solving (kaedah penyelesaian)
iv. Suggestion for daily diet (saranan untuk diet seharian) [6 marks]



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