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Test Booklet Series


Serial No.




Time Allowed: Two Hours

Maximum Marks : 100




3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet.

4. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English.

Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.

5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directions in the Answer Sheet.

6. An items carry equal marks.

7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with your Admission Certificate.

S. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded. you should hand over to the Invigilator only tile Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. .

9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.

10. Penalty for wrong Answers:


(i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0'33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.

(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question.

(iii) If a question is left blank Le., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.


1. What can be said about the expansion of 21211 - 6411, where n is a positive integer?

S. Consider the following assumption and two statements:

divisible by 11."

Statement - II ,: E - D + C - B + A = O. Which one of the following is correct? (a) Only statement - I can be drawn

from the assumption

(b) Only statement - II can be drawn from the assumption

(c) Both the statements can be drawn from the assumption

(d) Neither of the statements can be drawn from the assumption

Let LMNbe a triangle.

Let P, Q be the midpoints of the sides LM, LN respectively. If PQ2 == MP2 + NQ2, then LMN is a right angled triangle right angled at L.

If in a triangle ABC, AB2 > Be2 + CA2, then LACB is obtuse ..

Which of the following is correct in the light of the above statements?

(a) Both statement - I and statement - n are correct and statement - II is the reason for statement - I

(b) Both statement - I and statement - II are correct and statement - II is not the reason for statement - I

(c) Statement -J is true, but statement - II is false

(d) Statement - I is false, but statement - II is true


(a) Last digit is 4 (b) Last digit is 8 (c) Last digit is 2

(d) Last two digits are zero

Statement - I

2. What is the locus of centres of circles which touch a given line at a given point?

(a) A line perpendicular to the given line, passing through the given point

(b) A line parallel to the given line (c) A circle tangent to the given line at the given point

(d) A closed curve other than a circle

6. Statement - I

3. If cos 10 = p and cos 89° = q, then which one of the foIIowing is correct?

(a) p is close to zero and q is close to 1

(b) p < q (c) p = q

(d) p is close to 1 and q is close to zero

Statement - II

4. Consider those numbers between 300 and 400 such that when each number is divided by 6, 9 and 12, it leaves 4 as remainder in each case. What is the sum of the numbers ?

(a) 692 (b) 764 (c) 1080 (d) 1092

T-DETA-K-fl'N - A


A number 'ABCDE' is divisible by 11.

E-D+C-B+A is

• 1. 212n - 64n, ~ n cI'11<:+i"h ~ ~, ~

(a) ~~4t
(b) 3ffim ~ 8 ~
(c) 3Tfu-q 3fq) 2 ~
(d) affir+r m- afcn ~~ ~
2. ~~~W~~.m~q"{~~~
W CfiT ~ Cf[IT ~ ?
(a) ~ 11it ~ it ~ ~ <nit, efT ~
(b) ~ gtOO <£r ~OO
(c) fuir~~tR~~~~rnfi{~
(d)" ~ it fm;r 1J,Cll ~ CISIl
3. t:rR cos 1° ~p ~ orR cos 89° = q t, cIT
fi1JO'f1R1R9~ if it ~ tIT mft ~ ?
(a) p, ~~ ~ frrcg ~ 3{tt, q, I a;, Ffq;z
(b) p < q
(c) p =- q
(d) p, 1 ~ frtq;c~, ~ q, ~~ it ~
4. 300 aiR 400 ~ ~ cf;T \3if ~ 'l\"
f2r;:.rr;: ~, ~ %r:: Ffl ~ ~ cir
6, 9 :m.: 12 it ~ ~ G"{ ~ GfR 4
~.~ t I ~ ~ CfiT q,JIq)cq CflIT ~ ?
(a) 692
(b) 764
(c) 1080
(d) 1091
3 5. r;jl:<1R1R.q~ ~ ~ m- ~ G"{ ~~: ~

<mil- I

~ ~ A BCDE, 11 it ~~I

E - D + C - B + A, 11 it


~-Il E-D+C-B+A=O

MklR1R9d it ~ ~ rrr ~ ~ t?

(a) ~ it ~ ~ - I Actin:., I \iff


(b) ~~~~-llPtCflIi:'1I\ifT


(c) ~ it Gl<IT ~ ~ ;jfT


(d) ~itMi{it~m-~

~ RCfi 1i:'1 I \ifT ~

6. Cfi"4'1 - I l1A" ~ ~ LM N 1J,Cll ~tl+wf~fcn P,Q~T:~LM, LN ~m;lf R~ ~ I 3FR PQ2 =- MP2 + NQ2, ciT LMN, L -qr: ~ itur CfR1T, ~ ~tlChlUI ~ ~I .

~ _ II lJ;CfI" ~ ABC if 31lR

AB2 > Be2 + CA 2 it LACB~~~I ~ ~ ~ ~ it RklM1R.9d it it


(a) ~-IafR~-II~mft~3it< ~ - II ~ - I q:;r CfiRUf ~

(b) ~ - I ~~ - IIGlrITBit~ aftt ~-II~-I CfiTCflRUT~~ (c) ~ - I m;T ~ ~ ~ - II ~


Cd) ~-I ~t~~-n~ ~.


(For the next two questions to fol1ow) :

The average age of 06 persons living in a house is 23·5 years. Three of them are majors and their average age is 42 years. The difference in ages of the 'three minor childrenis same.

7. What is the mean of the ages of minor children?

(a) 3 years'

(b) 4 years

(c) 5 years

(d) 6 years

8. What is the median of the ages of minor children?

(a) 3 years, (b) 5 years (c) 7 years

(d) Cannot be determined due to Insufficient data

9. A three digit number is divisible by 11 'and has its digit in the unit's place equal to 1. The number is 297 more than the number obtained by reversing the digits. What is the number?

(a) 121

(b) 231'

(c) 561

(d) 451

10. If u.; v, ware real numbers such that 'u3 - 8v3 - 27w3 = I8uvw, which one of

" the following is correct ? (a)u-v+w=O

(b) u = -v=-w

(c) u - 2v = 3w

(d) It + 2v = -3w

11. Which one of the following is correct? (a) There is only one () with 00 < e < 900 such that sin e = a, where a is a real number

(b) There is more than one e with 00 < e < 900 such that sin e = a, where a is a real number


(c) There is no 8 with 00 < e < 900 such that sin 8 = a, where a is a real number

(d) There are exactly two ()s with 00 < 8 < 900 such that sin e = a, where a is a real number

l2. Which one of the following is a correct
(a) {a} E {{a}, {b}, -]
(b) 'fa} c {{a}, b, c}
(c) {a, b} k Ha}, b, c}
(d) a c {{a}, b, c}
13. What is the least integral value of k
for which the equation
xl - 2(k -1) x + (2k + I) = 0
has both the roots positive?
(a) 1
(b) _1.
,(c) 4
(d) 0
14. What is the value of
(t loglO 125 - 2 log 10 4 + log1032 +
10glOl) ?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 1
(d) 2.
5 15. x4 + 4y4 is divisible by which one of the

, followi ng ? '

(a), (xl + 2xy + 2)'2)

(b) (xl + 2y2)

(c) (x2 - 2y2)

(d) None of the above


(wffi it 91;:fT ~ ~) :

~ tR if Wt qffi 06 cztm41" <fu mw 3WI 23" 5 qtf % I :r.=rit it 3 ~ ~ attt ~ 3ITmr 3Wi 42 ~ % 1 3 ·i11<i4IRiJI ~ <£r ~ it atCR

tI1lT'1 % I

7. '11~IR1JI -arnT ~ ~ q}T lff'b<l ~ t ?

(a) 3 crf

(b) 4 ~

(e) 5 cpsf

Cd) 6 <:fff

8. i11~IRjJl ;roT cRt ~ ~ ~ "iflIT ~?

(a) 3 qq:

(b) 5 crtf (e) 7 CJlf

(d) ~~~~~m: ~~~

9. cfR ~ eft ~ ~ 11 it ~ t 31'tt ~~~'R~afcIl1 ~I~~ \3"i1" afc€f cit ~ ~ 'R ~ crAt ~ it 297 3Tfuq; t I ~ ~ W ~ ?

(a) 121

(b) 231

(e) 561

(d) 451

10. 3FR u, v3{Rw ClItf1fclCfl~~W~ fiti u3 - 8v3 - 27w3 = 18uvw, HP1R1RCj(1

if ~ tIT -qcfI mfr t ?

(a) It - V + W = 0 (b) u =-v=-w (c) u - 2v = 3w (d) u + 2v = -3w

11. f.i~fC1MC1 if it cfit;r m t:% ~ t ?

(a) 00 < e < 900 if m"Q;Cfi e t ~ lJ"CfiR fct;- sin e = a, ~ a ~ ClRClf24<::fi


(b) 00 < e < 900 if ~ U 3ffuq;- e t W ~%sin e = a, ~ a t:;CI1CllklfqCf1


(e) 00 < e < 900 if ~ m e rnff ~ W %Rf.fisin e = a, ~ at::%" CflklfqCfl"


(d) 0° < e < 900 it ~: cit e ~ ~ 'SfCflR~sin e = a. ~ a~;:m.=<:lfqCfl


12. HkiHru.C1 it ~ ~ tIT "C% ~ ~ ~ ? (a) {a}E{{a}, {b}, c}

(b) {a} c Ha}, b, c}

(e) {a, b} c Ha}, b, c}

Cd) ac{{a},b,c}

13. k CfiT 4'_i1dJl tiS:( let&1 llFf CflIT t ~ ~ f{ Ji i Cfl(lJ I

x2 - 2(k -1) x + (2k + 1) :;;: 0 ~ Glrii ~ tli1I1:'4 Cfl ~ ?

(a) 1


1 -2

(e) 4 (d) 0

14. (11oglo125-21og104+1oglo32+ log101 )

CIIT lfFf q!ff t ? (a) 0

(b) 1-

(e) 1

Cd) t

15. x4 + 4y4 MklfctR:Cj(1 if B" ~ IDU ~ t?

(a) (xl + 2xy + 2;) (b) (x2 + 2i)

(c) (xl - 2y2)

(d) Jq4fn if it ~ ~



16. What is the value of : ,..

[(1 - sin2 e) sec2 (} +:tan2 e J (cos2 e + i) when 0 < o « 90Q ?

(a) 2

(b) > 2

(c) ~ 2

(d) < 2

21. The remainder on dividing given integers a_. and h by 7 are respectively 5 and 4_ What is the remainder when ab is divided by 7?

(a) 3

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 6

17. If the highest common factor of two positive integers is 24 then their least common multiple ca~not be

(a) 72

(b) 216

(c) 372

(d) 600

22. What is the value of

J29-16 + JO-2916 +.JO-002916 + JO-OOOO2916 ?

18. If rand s are any real· numbers such that o :::; s :% 1 and r + S ~ 1, then what is the. maximum value of the product rs?

(a) 1

(b) i-

(c) t

Cd) t

(a) 5-9949
(b) 5-9894
Cc) 5-9984
(d) 5·9994 19. r is a non-zero real humber such that r75 > r90_ This is possible only when

(a) -1 < r < 0

(b) 0 < r < 1

(c) 1 < r

(d) -1 < r < 1 .

23. Three circular laminas of the same radius are cut out from a larger circular

. lamina. When the radius of each lamina cut out is the largest possible, then what is the ratio (approximate) of the area of the residual piece of the original lamina to its original total area?

(a) 0-30 (b) 0-35 (c) 0-40 (d) 0-45

20. The median BD of ~he triangle ABC meets AC at D. If /1D= tAC, then which one of the following is correct? (a) LACB = 1 right angle

(b) LBAC = 1 right angle

(c) LABC = 1 right angle

(d) None of the above

24. The three sides of a triangle are 10,_ 100 and x, Which one of the following is correct?

(a) 10 < x < 100 (b) 90 < x < 110 (c) 90 ~ x ~ 110 Cd) 90 ~ x < 110



16. ~ 0 < e < 90° ~,

[(1 - sin2 e) sec2 () + tan2 ()} (eos2 e + 1)

<fiT ~ CflIT t ?

(a) 2

(b) >2

(c) ~ 2

(d) < 2

17. ;;rR"ciT eHkJiCfl ~ q:;r ~ <;lflIY"Id<h 24~, m~~BJilq"l~W~iT ~?

(a) 72

(b) 216

(e) 372

(d) 600

18. ~ r 2rTR s ~q(fCtRiEh ~ ~~~ fit; 0 ~ s ~ 1 3TR: r + s ::: I, -at 1011'hi1 rs CflT ~ l1T1" <flIT ~ ?

(a) 1

(b) l-

(e) t

(d) ±

19. 3{lR r~ ~~ ctlR'1M<fl ~% W9'CIi'R fcl; r15> rfXJ I ~ ~ t ~ ~

(a) -1 < r < 0

Cb) 0 <: r < 1

(e) 1 < r

(d) -1 < r:«; 1

20. ~ ABC ~ ~<lCflT BD, AC B- D IR ~ ~ I ~ BD = t AC, cIT HHtk1f@a ifB-~m~wtr~?

(a) LACB::: 1 6f"1;;hlOI


(b) LBAC == 1 B'"1<:hlol

(e) LABC == 1 ~f"lci'lul (d) ~ilu-m~

21. ~ oPT ~ a altt b <it 7 it ~ ~ IR ~ ~T: 5 altt 4 ~ I ab <it 7~~~IR~W~?

(a) 3

(b) 4

(c) 5

(d) 6

22. J29·16 + JQ·2916 + .Jb·002916 + JO·OOO02916

CflT l1Ff ~ ~ ? (a) 5·9949

(b) 5·9894 (c) 5·9984

(d) 5·9994

23. ~~~qc{YfB-~~~cfR ~~CfilZ~~I3l1Rq;Z~~ "tT?M <fr ~ ~ ~·t m ~ ~ ~~Tt!~~~CfiT~~~ i'l?l'"hi1 ~ <FIT ~ (ttR>l<hlC1:) ~?

(a) 0·30

(b) 0·35

(c) 0·40

(d) 0·45

24. ~ ~ cfR ~ 10, 100 ~ x ~ I Pt'"'1~f@a if it q;irr tIT ~ ~ ~ ?

(a) 10 < x < 100 (b) 90 < x < 110 (e) 90 ~ x ~ 110 (d) 90~x<110



25. 18 of a w~rk is completed in half a day by 5 persons, Then, 410 of the work can be completed by 6 persons in how many days?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) t

(a) 5. em (b) 4 em

(c) JW em (d) ffo em

29. The simple interest on a certain sum of . money for 3 years at 8% per annum is half the compound interest on Rs. 4,000 for 2 years at 10% per annum. What is the sum placed on simple interest?

26. The. shadow of a pole 6 metre high is 15 metre long and at the same time the shadow of a tree is 25 metre long. What is the height of the tree?

(a) 21 m

(b) 10 m

(c) 35 m

(d) None of the above

(a) Rs, 1,5501- (b) Rs. 1,650/(c) Rs.l,750/(d) Rs.2,000/-

30. A man bought a number of oranges at 3 for a rupee and an equal number at 2 for a rupee. At what price per dozen, should he sell them to make a profit of 20%? .

(~) Rs. 4

(b) Rs.5

(c) Rs.6

(d) Rs.7

27. The speed of a boat in still water is 11 km/h. It can go 12 kin upstream and return downstream to the engine point in 2 hours 45 minutes. What is the speed of stream?

(a) 5 km/h (b) 4 km/h (c) 3 km/h (d) 2 km/h

31. If 0~8:%7r and cos8+J3sin8=2,

2 .

then what is the value of e ?



(b) 4


11: (c) 6

In the figure given above, AB is a diameter of a circle and CD is perpendicular to AB, if AB = 10 em and AE= 2 em, then what is the length of ED?


11: (d) 2




25. 5 ~ ~ CflT1.f cnT 18 qt f%ffiT 3Trir ~ if TJ ~ % I 6 6q fffi~l' ~ q:;flf q;rlo qt f%mT~~~TJ"~?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(e) 3

(d) t

26. 6 +ftv;: ~ ~ ~ ~ ?9Tm cfit ~ 15 ~~t-, afR~~"CJ"{~~cRr ~cliT~25~~~·I~cfit~ <:fm ~ ?

(a) 21 m

(b) 10 m

(e) 35 m

(d) • if cit{ ~

27. fBR \iWr if ~ 'iflGf ~ ~ 11 km/h t- I ~2~45~if! mu$9Rl'ti;112km ~ 6t19qlQ if ~ ~ ~ ~ 3IT wncft t 1 mu cfu:qn;r qm t ?

(a) 5 km/h

(b) 4 km/h

(c) 3 km/h

(d) 2 km/h



~ ~ -mmlt AB ¥q;f a:rm~ am:

CD, AB ~ ~ ~ I 3l1R AB = 10 em 3ft\ AE = 2 em ~ <it ED cRt ~ Cfm t ?

(a) 5 em (b) 4 em

(e) .J1O em (d) J20 em

29. ~ ~ a;r rnT 0/ 8% gfu q1f ~ ~ B- 3 q1f CfiT mtJRUr~, 15. 4,000 "CJ"{ 10% gfuqtf~~it 2 <pf~ :q5fl~14 ~ q:;r mar t I ~ a:mr "CJ"{ 00- rrm ~T CflIT %?

(a) ~. 1,550/-
(b) ~. 1,650/-
(e) ~. 1,750/-
(d) lJ. 2,000/- 30. ~a;ffin~~~~~lt3~~ B-, an.:~~~~~if 2 ~~ ~~ 120%~m-~~~\Nmru q;) gfu m fctitr ~ "CJ"{ ~ ~ ?

(a) "ii. 4

(b) 15. 5

(c) ~. 6

(d) "ii. 7

31. ~ 0 ~ e~; 3{R cos 8+J3 sin e = 2, <IT e qlT 41R <fm t- ?

n (a) 3

:J! (b) 4

n (e) 6

n (d) 2



32. If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2-days, what is the time taken by -15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work ?

(a) 4 days

(b) 5 days

(c) 6 days

(d) 7 days

33. If 50% of (x - y) == 40% of (x + y) then what per cent of x is y ?

(a) 10t% (b) I1t% (c) 13;%(d) 21~%

34. The wages: of labourers in a factory has increased in the ratio 22: 25 and their number decreased in the ratio 3: 2. What was the original wage bill of the factory if the present bill is Rs. 5,000/- ?

(a) Rs. 4,0001-

(b) Rs.6,0001-

(c) Rs. 8,0001-

(d) None of the above

35. If a quantity y varies as the sum of three quantities of which the first varies as x, the second varies as -x + x2,· the third . varies as x3 - xl then what is y equal to?

(a) Jcx3 where k is a constant

(h) kx + I.-r2 + ~,- where k, l, In arc constants

(c) kx2 where k is a constant (d) _ kx where k is a constant


36. For any integer n, what is - the HCF of integers m = 2n + 1 and k == 9n + 4 ? (a) 3

(b) 1

(c) 2

(d) 4

37. If ABC is a triangle right angled at C and having u units, v units; w units as the lengths of its sides opposite to the vertices A, B, C respectively, then what "is the tangent of the angle at A + tangent of the angle at B equal to?


(a) (vw)

(b) 1

(c) u + v


(d) (uv)

38. Which one of the following is an infinite set?

(a) {x: x is a who1e number less than or equal to 1000}

(b) {x·: x is a natural number less than 1000}

(c) {x :-x is' a positive integer less than or equal to 1000}

(d) {x: x is an integer and less than 1000}

39. ABC is a right triangle with right angle 1

at A. If the value of tan B = M then. for

",3 .

any. real k the length of the hypotenuse is of the form

(a) 3 k

(b) 2 k

(c) 5 k

(d) 9 k



32. ~ 6 ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ q)Pf <fiT ]0 ~lfCfl{~~~fcfl26 ~ ~ 48 ~ \3tfT q)f11 cit 2 WtT ~ ~ ~ ~, m 15 ~ ~ 20 ~ en) ~ClW Cf1T q;p:r m if ~ wn:r ~ ?

(a) 4 ~

(b) 5 w.=r

(c) 6 ~

(d) 7 fu:;,

33. ~ (x - y) q;,- 50%, .(x + y) t 40% ~ ~taT y, x Cf1T ~ ~m%?

(a) 10i%
(b) Ilt%
(c) 13t%
(d) 21t% 34. ~ <h1«91~ ~ ~ CfiT ~ 22: 25 ~ ~if~~~mr3:2$ ~ it ~ I * Chl{@ I~ Cf1T CI&i l;or ~ ~. 5,OOO~c?r~~~~q:lITm?

(a) ~. 4,000/-

(b) <5. 6,000/-

(c) Q. 8,0001-

(d) ~ if ~ ~ ;nff

35. ~ ~ ~ y, cft"<f ~ ~ c;lwfl~ ~ ~ j"4-i;{Rd ~ ~ aft-< &f ~ it ~ x~~, ~-x+x2~~ afR ~ ).3 _x2 $ ~ ~""1f<d ~~,

my CfiflfFf W % ?

(a) kx3, ~ k ~~%

(b) kx + [x2 + nix', ~ k, I, m ~ ~ (c) kXl, ~ k~~%

(d) kx, ~ k t:%" W~ ~

36. ~ ~ 11 ~ ~, ~ m = 211 + 1 3ftt k = 9n + 4 ctlT ~ ~~ IqClcfq; <flIT


(a) 3

(b) 1

(c) 2

(d) 4

37 •. ~ ABC, C 11\ ,ttJiChlfU,Cfi ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~M A, B 3iR c cfiT ~ ~ ii, ~~T: u~, v ~~ W ~t, -at <itur A 1:R ~ft"&T + <itur B t:R: mftm


(a) {vw} (b) 1

(c) u + v

(d) (uv)

38. H&<1Ptmd if ~ ~ m ~ 31<ffl ~ t?

(a) {x: x, 1000 it Cfi11 err ~ ~


(b) {x: x, 1000 it i:fil1 arr ~ (~ ~)t}

(c) {x: x, 1000 ~ <:fill err ~ ~ g;:r ~(~)~}

(d) {x: x, ~ (~) t 3fR 1000 it qj+f %}

39. ABC, A q"\ '!"i 'iChl or 'CfT(VIT, ~ (Ol SiChl 01 ~

t I ~ tan B = ~, c?rM' ClFR'1M<:fI k~

, ",3

~ <Wf iI ~ Cfif ~ W t ? (a) 3 k

(b) 2 k

(c) 5 k

(d) 9 k



40. For what value of k, will the roots of the equation 10.2 - 5x + 6::: 0 be in the ratio of 2: 3 ?

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) -1

Cd) 2

41. What is the value of sin215° + sin220°

+ sin225° + + sin275° ?

(a) tan215° + tan220° + tan2250 ..... + tan275° (b) cos215° + cos220° + cos225° ..... + cos275° (c) co(215° - cot220° + cot225° _ ..... + c~t275° (d) sec215° + sec220° + sec22So ..... + sec275°

42. Consider the following data:

I :1!1~1!141~ I

The arithmetic mean of the above distribution is 2·96. What is the missing frequency?

(a) 4

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) 8

43. If a is an acute angle and·

. ~-1 h h'

sin a = --. t en w at IS tan ex


equal to?

(a) JS
(b) ~
(c) Jx2 -1
(d) Jx2 + 1 T-DETA-K-FN - A

44. Suppose the angle of elevation of the top of a tree at a point E due east of the tree is 60° and that at a point F due west of the tree is 30°. If the distance between the points E and F is 160 feet, then what is the height of the tree?

(a) 40J3 feet

(b) 60 feet


(c) .J3 feet

(d) 23 feet

45. Let WXYZ be a square. Let P, Q, R be th~ midpoints of WX, XY and ZW respectively and K, L be the midpoints of PQ and PR respectively. What is the value of

area ojtriangle PKL ? area oj square WXyz .


(a) 1
(b) )
(c) I
. (d) I
64 46. One saree was purchased for Rs.564 after getting a discount of. 6% and another saree was purchased for Rs. 396 after getting a discount of 1 %. Taking both the items as a single transaction, what is the percentage of discount?

(a) 3·5

(b) 4

(c) 7

(d) 7·5

47. What is the value of 1'34+4.12 ? (a) . Ig'J

(b) ~~1

(c) 5219 990

(d) 5 461 990


40. ~'1I<:fl{o1 Jdl- 5x + 6 == 0 if k ~ ~ ;:rr;:r ~~~~ 2:3 ~if€M?

(a) 0

(b) 1

(c) -I

(d) 2

41 . 2150 • 2200 . 2250

• Stu + SIn + SIn + +

8in275° CfiT ~ i:fm ~ ?

(a) tan215° + tan220° + tan225° ..... + tan275°

(b) cos215° + cos220° + cos225° ..... + cos275°

(c) cot215° - cot220° + cot225° - ...... + cot275°

(d) sec215° + sec220° + sec225° ..... + sec275°

42. H0R1RC4d ~tR:~~:

I ;1~1~1!141~1

~ ~ tTit m q;r wrRR +nt?:f 2·96 t- I :mmr.~~?

(a) 4

(b) 6

(c) 7

(d) 8

43. ~ a ~ "i<1<i'iU( t- aiR sin a = ~x -1 2x

~, -at tan a ~ ~ t ?

(a) ~ .


(c) ~x2 -1 (d) Jx2 + 1

44. lfR ~ ~ ~ <p.1 ~ ~M CfiT, <pol &i Tf if Wlcr ~ E tR ~ ~ 60° t 3fR: ~ ~ m~ if WTa- ~ F t:f( 30° t I 3llR~ E3TKF$~<fIT~ 160m ~,m~~1cfit~<m~ ?

(a)' 40J3 m

(b) 60 Nic

40 .

(c) - Rnz ~

(d) 23 Aiz

45. ~~WXYZ~~~I ~~ P, Q.R~T: WX,XY~ZW~m:.<1~ ~ a{tt K, L ~T: PQ 3{t( PR ~ ~


~ P KL '2fiT Iil ?jCfi(1 <fiT iJTif CflIT t ?

crf WX 1:'2 Cf}f ~ '!it Cf}(>'i

(a) 312

(b) /6

(c) t

Cd) 614

46. ~ ~ 6% ~ -w: AA ~ ~ s, 564 if ~lTf, am:~~ l%~~AA~ ~~. 396it~lff I ~~~q;r ~ tr ~ ll'RT ;;;rr::r, cIT ~. <fr ~fcl ~t?

(a) 3·5

(b) 4

(c) 7

(d) 7·5

47. 1 ,34 + 4·12 CfiT eflIT 11R ~ ?

(a) 133 90

(b) 371 90

(c) 5 219 990

(d) 5 ~36



(b) Corresponding values of 1 and 3

only are equal in both the distri-· (a) a = d, b = e, C = f

butions -

(c) Corresponding values ·of 2 and 3 (b) LB = LE, LC = LF, a = d

only are equal in both the distri-

butions (c) c = f, b = e, LA = LD

(d) Corresponding values of 1, 2 and 3

are equal in both the distributions (d) C = f, b = e, LB = LE

48. Three lines intersect each other in pairs.

What is the number of angles so formed ?

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12

49. ABCD is a square, P, Q, R. S are points 'on the sidesAB, BC, CD, DA respectively such that AP = J3Q = CR = DS. What is LSPQ equal to ?

(a) 30°

(b) 45°

(c) 60°

(d) 900

50. A new frequency distribution is constructed by doubling each frequency of the original distribution keeping the other entries _intact. . The following measures are computed for both the tables:

1. Arithmetic mean

2. Median

3. Harmonic mean

Which of the following statements with reference to above is correct?

(a) Corresponding values of 1 and 2 only are equal in both the distributions

T-DETA-K-FN - A 14

51. A ladder of 17 ft. length reaches a window which is 15 ft. above the ground

. on one side of the street. Keeping its foot at the same point the ladder is turned to the other side of the street and now it reaches a window 8 ft. high. What is the Width of the street?

(a) 23 ft.

(b) 15 ft.

(c) 25 ft.

(d) 30 ft.

52. ABC is a triangle. The internal bisector of LABC and the external bisector of LACB meet at D. Which one of the following is correct?


(b) LBDC:;:; tLBAC



53. The following sets of conditions relate to two triangles ABC and DEF. Which set of conditions does' not guarantee the congruence of ABC and DEF?


48. m<r~~~~~~gRt~G~ 51. ITfucfr1:%'~m.ql~~~U<ldit
~I ~~cituIT~~W~? ~ 15 ~ ~ ~ ~ (fCfi Q§'t4Cil ~ I
(a) 3 ~ it ~ qh- ~ ~ 0/ <tCffi ~ \ffi
(b) 6 ~ cfiT ~ (f('q) f{l1r::IT \JfRiT ~ ~ 3taf
(c) 9 CfQ 8 fu ctt ~ 1:R @.rcr R<n~t€t ~
(d) q~'1Jl t I ~ cRt ~ <lm ~ ?
(a) 23~
49. ABCD~~~IP,Q,R,s~r:~
AB, Be, CD, VA 'R ~ t w ~ (b) 15~
fcn AP~BQ= CR=DS 1 LSPQ ~ 25~
~t? (c)
(a) 30° (d) 30~
(b) 45°
(c) 60° 52. ABC ~ ~ ~ I LABC q:;r 31 idf<4l

(d) 90° ~ afR LACB CflT ~ a.Wto, D ~
50. 3{rtf 9 fCtfel('i eta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c.€t ff«;ffi- ~ I HkI Rl R9 d it it ~ ffi t0fi ~
~ • CfiT ~ m SQ: ~ 'fQT
a(((<i(Rdl ~~tTtIT 1"00 BRfOl£l" ~ (a) LBDC=LBAC
~ Ptk1~R9C1lfTCf ~ M 1lit: (b) LBDC = -!LBAC
1. B+l'l"CR 11Tm
2. 'iIM(fl1 (c) LBDC=LDBC

3. ~< 1I:*fI If'It"q (d) LBDC=tLABC

~ ~ ~ it Pr'""1R1~d if ij- ~ m

~mn-~? 53. M+41HMC1~~rrr~ABcaftt
(a) ~aio1Tii~ 1 aW:2~m1lFf DEFt~~1 q..t.,m~~
~~ ABC aTk..DEF ~ (1<:(fJltI"1C1I ~-=tfC1" ~
cgijT ?
(b) ~~if~l aiR3~m:rnrr
~~ (a) a = d, b = e, C = f
(c) GT<rr ~ if ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ Wrn lIT"f (b) LB=LE, LC=LF, a e d
(c) C = f, b == e, LA == LD
(d) 00 ~ if 1, 2 3ft< 3 ~ m lfR
GKfGf( ~ (d) C = J. b == e, LB = LE
• 15 A - T·DETA-K-FN 54. Consider.the following data:

Year 191I·21 1921.31 19:'-1·41 1941-51 1951-61 1961-71 1971-1\1
Birth 48·1 46-4 45·2 39·9 : 41·7 41·1 37·1
. Death 38·5 '36·3 31·2 27·4 ·22·8 35·9 14·8
rare For which period is, the natural growth

rate minimum ? . ,

(a) 1911-21
(b) 1921-31
(c) 1951-61
(d) 1961-71 55. The middle points of the parallel sides AB and CD of a parallelogram ABeD are P and Q respectively. If AQ and CP divide the diagonal BD into three parts BX, XY and YD, then Which one of the

following is correct?

(a) BX-:t- XY:;t YD
(b): BX = YD:;t XY
(e) BX= XY= YD
(d) XY = 2BX 56. Consider the following statements In respect ~f any triangle :.

, .

1. The three medians of a triangle

divide it into six triangles of equal area.

2. The perimeter of a: triangle is greater than the sum of the lengths of its three medians,

Which of the statements given above

isl are correct?

(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 57. The volume of a cone is equal to that of sphere. If the diameter of base 'Of cone is equal to the diameter of the sphere, what is the ratio of height of cone to the diameter of the sphere ?

(a) 2: 1
(b) 1 : 2
(c) 3 : 1
Cd) 4: 1 58. A parallelogram and a rectangle stand on the same base and on the same side of the base with the same height. If fl, '2 be the perimeters of the parallelogram and the rectangle respectively, then which one of the following is correct?

(a) I, < 12

. (b) l, = 12

(c) II > l2 but I, "* 2/2 (d) " = 212

59. A person travelled by train for 1 hour at a speed of 50 kmph. He then travelled by a taxi for 30 minutes at a speed of 32 kmph to complete his journey. What is the average speed at which he travelled during the journey?

(a) 44 krnph
(b) 42 kmph
(e) 41 kruph
(d) 33 kmph 60. Two similar' parallelograms have corresponding sides in the ratio 1 : k. What is the ratio of their areas?

(a) 1 : 3 k2
(b) 1 ; 41?
(c) 1 : l?-
(d) 1: 2 k2 16

qrf 1911.21 1921-31 19~1-41 1941-51 1951-61 1961-71 1971-81
;;r;'li 48-1 46-4 45-2 39-9 41-1 41·1 37-1
~ 38-5 36-3 31-2 27·4 22-8 35·9 14-8
~ ~ 4l1(114ru it 91'!lP,41 ~ ~ '''{.'101l ~?

(a) 1911-21 (b) 1921-31 (c) 1951-61

(d) 1961-71

55. B¥i IkF( ~ ABeD it tP'i IkF( p AB ~CD$lf'6~~T: P3lttQ~ 1 trfu- AQ aW; CP, ~ BD 9ll- cfR BlfFf ~ BX, XY afR- YD if ~ ~ ~ m HSO<1R1~<:1 If ~ tIT ~ ~ ~ ?

(a) BX#XY*YD

(b) BX:= YD# XY

(c) BX = XY = YD

(d) XY == 2BX

56. ~m~$~i=fHk\R1R9d~ 'RFA-R~:

1. ~ ~ ~ l!lfE~ ~ wwr ~ ~ {9: ~ if ~ cwft


2. ~ ~ crRfu ~ cit.=iT ~

~ M~I~l ~ m-.r if 31fuq;- ~ ~ I

~~"llit~it~tIT/Uwgr~/~ ? (a) ~ 1

(b) ~2

(c) 1 am: 2 ~ (d) 'if err 1 'if m 2

57. ~ ~~ CflT 3WRA ~ ~ ~ arrtrWf ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~ 3lTaR CflT r;;q-m ~ ~ O!ffif ~ ~ ~ aT ~~ cfit ~ q;r ~ ~a:rnritw~t?

. (a) 2: 1
(b) 1 : 2
(c) 3 : 1
(d) 4: 1 I 58. B+Wf ~ ~ fI~ l'iH ~ am: arnrcr ~ m ~ tR aiR amlR ~.~ tIT ~ ~ ~ I ~ B¥iIr:(R 9 ~ arrrcr ch1 ~~T: 11 aftt '2~' eft HAkiRqo ~ i1~m~~~?

(a) 11 < 12

(b) 11 == 12

(c) I} > 12 ~ 11 * 2 12 (d) 11 = 2i2

59. u:cn aITffi ~ m it 50 kmph eft ~ it 1 ~~"tI1 ~~~~it 32 kmph ~ ~ it 30 ~ lI"f-fT q){ ap:r-:ft lff.IT q;).~ ~ I <nm ~ ~ ~ maffiRr :qrn ~ lW-fT ~ ?

(a) 44 kmph

(b) 42 kmph

(c) 41 kmph

(d) 33 kmph

60. GT ~ BBI<"eR ~ cRt m p CfiT o~ 1 : k t I ~ ~ q)f ar.rmr Wt- ?

(a) 1 : 3 k2
(b) 1 : 4 k2
(c) 1 : 12
(d) 1 :212- 17


, 61. What is the number of circles passing through a given pair of points?

(a) One

(b) Only two

(c) More than two, but finite

(d) Infinitely many

62. Two circles touch each other externally at P. Two secants APB and CPD are drawn through P to meet the circle, at A, C and B, D respectively. Then, which one of the following is correct?

(a) AC is perpendicular to BD

(b) AC intersects BD

(c) AC is parallel to BD

(d) None of the above





B D ,C

In the above figure, what is x equal to ?

a (a) 3

(b) 2 1
(c) a
(d) a

In the figure given above, AB is parallel to LM. What is angle a equal to?

(a) 1E+b+c

(b) 27r- b + c

(c), 2n-b-c

(d) 21t+ b - c

65. If the expressions pX3 + 3x2 - 3 and :z.x3 - 5x + p when divided by x - 4 leave the same remainder, then what is the value of p?

(a) -1

(b) 1

,(c) -2

(d) 2

66. If x(x + y + z) = 9, y(x;:' y + z) = 16 and z(x + y + z) = 144, then what is x equal to ?

(a) !

(b) t

'9 (c) TI

(d) i~


61. ~~~~it~cm}r¢tt~

<p;IT ~ ? .

(a) t:%

(b) ~~

(c) ~?r ~ ~ qfd+1d Cd) ~:m

62. m~~~qIT~: PtRmf~ ~ I P it ~ gq GT ~ APB am:: CPD ~.m~m¥it9il1~T: A, C aIR B, D 'R ~ ~ I m. R8R1R<1d # B- &.t.T m


(a) AC, BD~~~

(b) AC BD q;r 9R1:;:4~ ~·t (e) AC, BD ~ «+il<il'"d< ~





a (a) 3


(b) 2


(e) .J3


(d) J2

~ M ~ fiR- if AB, 1M ~ tlftl'ilkF( ~lcnTura~~~?

(a) n=b w c

(b) 2n-b+c

(c) 2n-b-c

(d) 2n+b-c

65. "1:ffu- ~ px1 + 3x2 - 3 3ttt 2J - 5x + p ~ x - 4 it ~ fcf;<.rr "ffiIT ~ m ~ if ~ ~ tip CfiT m;:r Cf!IT ~ ?

(a) -1

(b) 1

(e) -2

(d) 2

66. ~ x(x + y + z) = 9, y(x + y + z) = 16 ~ z(x + y + z) == 144 ~ cIT x q;r irA- "1m % ?

(a) t

(b) ~

, 9 (c) 13

(d) 16 IT



67. A person invested some amount at the rate of 12% simple interest and the remaining at 10%. He received yearly an interest of Rs. ,no. Had he interchanged the amounts invested, he would have received an interest of Rs. 134. How much money did he Invest at different

rates? ,

(a) Rs.500 @ 10%, Rs.800 @ 12% (b) Rs.'700 @ 10%~ Rs.600,@ 12% (c) Rs.800 @ 10%, Rs.400 @ 12% (d) Rs. 700 @ 10%, Rs.500 @ 12%

68. A man is watching from the top of a tower a boat speeding away from the tower. The boat makes an angle of depression of 45° with the man's eye when at a distance of 60 m from the

bottom of tower. After 5 seconds, the
angle of depression becomes 30°. What
is the approximate speed of the boat
assuming that it IS running In still
(a) 31·5 km/h
(b) 36·5 km/h
(c) 38·5 km/h
(d) 40·5 km/h
69. A D
B C .In the figure given above, the side of square ABeD is 7 em. What is the area of the shaded portion, formed by the


arcs BD of the circles with centre at C

and A ?

(a) 7 cm2

'(b) 28 em2 . (c) 14 cm2 . (d) 21 cm2


70. The marks of the students of a class who appeared for a test in English are represented in the following frequency table:

Class 1-10 11-20 21·30 31·40 41-50 51-60
frequency 9 22 - 20 12 8 100
frequency) What is/are the modal class(es) ?

(a). 10·5 - 20·5 only' (b) 20·5 - 30·5 only

(c) 10·5 - 20·5 and 20·5 - 30·5

(d) There is no modal class

71. The length, breadth .and height of a rectangular parallelepiped are in ratio '6 : 3 : 1. If the surface area of a cube is equal to the surface area of this parallelepiped: then what is the ratio of the volume of the cube to the volume of the parallelopiped ?

(a) I: 1 (b) ,5; 4

(c) .7; 5 (d) 3: 2

72. A rectangular' tank whose length and breadth are 2·5 m and 1·5 m respectively is half full of water. If 750 litre more water is poured into the tank, what is the height through which water level further goes up?

(a) 20 em (b)_ 18 em .Ic) 15 em (d) 200 em


67. ~a:rlffi~~~T 12% cfiT~~ AlaROj Gi!'.fT\if tf"{ aiR itr:f mT I 0% tf"{ Aihr cf;T I ~ fll&1l<il s. 130 qrr a:rfjf fir<1T I ~ ~ ~T cm-lr{ ~r:IT ~ ~-~ cg ~ mar m ~ (i. 134 <:flT an\1f 9TH mcrr I ~ M?r Gil G\ ~ mr ~T cRT ?

(a) (i. 500 @ 10%, s, 800 @ 12%

(b) lJ.700 @ 10%, .s. 600 @ 12%

(c) ~. 800 @ 10%, ~. 400 @ 12%·

(d) li.7oo @ 10%, li. 500 @ 12%

68. Q,Cfi a:rfffi ZlCR ~ fiRCR if Zfq"{ it G<: m-aT


;;rq q;r aj(:j(fl CfI'1 ~ W % I CFR ~ ~ it

60 m ~ W 1:1'\ "OflCf ~ eft' ama it 45°


cnr 31<AlA" citur ~ ~ I 5 ~ ~ ~

~ m 30° m"ZiI"RIT t I 1IQ +i 1'1 2h{ fcI;'1T<f ~ ~ if ~1R1+ii<i t, ~ ernCfll ~9m~?

(a) 31·5 km/h (b) 36·5 km/h (c) 38·5 km/h

(d) 40·5 km/h

69. A

r--------=-"'''"''""~ D

B ~=-- ____J C

~ ~ lJit m if cW ABeD eRr ~ 7 em ~ I C afu: A ~ ~ ¢ it aA" :qrq- 1ii5"[RT Fctlfu" mm ~ q)f ~ w t?

(a) 7 cm2 (b) 28 em2 (e) 14 cm2

(d) 21 cm2

70. ~ q"ftlffi" it ~ cffit, ~ ~ t Fct~,f?fll1 ~ ~ eft' atl(aO(dl BRUIT ~


crT 1·10 11·20 21·30 31·40 41-50 51-60
arqfu 9 22 - 20 12 8 100
~) ~cmw~/~ ? (a) 10·5 - 20·5 ~ (b) 20-5 - 30·5 ~

(c) 10·5 - 20·5 afk 20·5 - 30·5 (d) Chl-{ ~ em '1if ~

71. flJithlfO'&l fI+lid(GJC;'ti&1Cf} tt ~, ~ alk~ 6:3:1 ~~if~1 WR ~ q;r ~ ~ W BJiid(GJ~'tiij'JCfI ~ ~~~~tm~~~ q)f fI +i id (64 <_"h&14\ ~ aw:«Fr it cp;fT ~


(a) 1 : 1
(b) 5:4
(c) 7:5
(d) 3:2 72. t:fcli 3'11ltdICflI( ¥ N1fI4il ~ ~ ~ ~T: 2·5 m atR 1·5 m ~, ~it 3fTUT'iRf ~ I lfR 7 50 ~ ?.IT< ~ cfs' if 61'(1T ;mlt" , aT ~ tffi: sIT< ~ ~ ariP ~ ?

(a) 20 em

(b) 18 em

(e) 15 em

Cd) 200 em



73. What is the weighted mean of first 10 natural numbers whose weights are equal to the corresponding number?

(a) 7

(b) 5·5

Cc) 5

(d) 4·5

74. What is volume of the frustum of a cone with height II and radii rl' "z ?

(a) t7rlz (rf + ri) ,

(b) t7rh (rf + r1 + rlr2) , (c) tn:h(r? +r1 -rlIZ) (d) t7rh, (r1- ri)

75. A cylinder having base of circumference 60 em is rolling without sliding at a rate of 5 rounds per second. How much distance will the cylinder roll in 5 seconds?

(a) 15 m

(b) 1·5 m

(c) 30 m

(d) 3 m

76. A semi circular thin sheet of a metal of diameter 28 em is bent and an open conical cup is made. What is the capacity of thecup ?

(a) 1000 -f3 cm-' 3

(b) 300J3 cm-'

(e) 700.J3 cm3 3

(d) 1078 -J3 cm-' 3


77. Smaller lead shots are to be prepared by using the material of a spherical lead shot of radius 1 cm. Some possibilities arc' listed in the statements given below: .

1. The material is just sufficient to prepare 8 shots each of radius O·Scm.

2. A shot 'of radius 0·75 cm and a second shot of radius 0·8 cm can be prepared from the available material.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

(a) 1 only (b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2 Cd) Neither 1 nor 2

78. A hemispherical bowl of internal radius 20 em contains sauce. The sauce is to be filled in conical shaped bottles of radius 5 cm, and height 8 cm. What is the number of bottles required?

(a) JOO (b) 90 (c) 80 (d) 75


79. A hemisphere is made of a sheet of a metal 1 em thick. If the outer radius is 5 em, what is the weight of the hernispheret I cm3 of the metal weighs 9 g) ?

(a) 54 '7r g

(b) 366 7r g

(c) 122 n g

(d) 108 n: g



73. 9ltlr 10 'tI'1'tUlr~1' 'CiiT, ~ 'qR m ~ it iiRTGR ~, mftr ~ ~ ~ ?

(a) 7

(b) 5·5

(e) 5

(d) 4·5

74. ~h am: r..'RtI~ "t- r2~~Tf~~ 'qif am«R itlIl t ?

(a) tnh (r? + ri)

(b) 111'h (r? + r? + r1T2) (e) !1rh (rr + Ti - r]r2) (d) tnh (rr - r1)

75. 60 em qftfu ~ 3ff'aR 9iT ~ ~ Rfrrr ~ ~ 9'fu ~ 5 ~ (1lffiff ~ ~q){~~15~~~~~



(a) 15 m (b) 1·5 m (e) 30 m (d) 3 IiI

76. 28 em am:!' ~ ~ ~ mitdlCflR q-a-ffi ~ q?r Sil>$ch'C ~ ~- ~i'fltCflI'C ~ ~~t I ~~~mfurr<tllTt?


(a) -../3 cm3 3

(b) 300../3 cm3

. (e) 700..J3 em3 3

(d) 1078 -..J3 cm3 3

77. 1 cm~?fi~~~OO~~ $T ~ (fK ~ ~ 3lq&tl~d ml- ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~I~"'I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ifG1~~:

1. ~, ~ 0·5 em ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4lJm+'ll'34 t' I

2. ~qzyfitO'75cm~CfiT~ ~ 3ltt 0,8 em ~ CfiT ~ ~

. ..._

CifrfTlIT \ill ~ t- 1 ~~/~ii~~m/it~ ~/~ ?

(a) ~ 1 (b) ~2

(e) 1 afR 2 ~ (d) Of ciT 1 ;r ~ 2

78. 20 em atidRCfl ~ ~ onf.i1c:rnlJ ~ if ~ ~ I ~ mtr cit 5 em ~ am: 8 em ~ ~ ~i14I&ij( ~ if ~ ~I . ~~~cfiT~~~?

(a) 100

(b) 90

(e) 80

Cd) 75

79.1 em warcr;;fr~~it~~ ~~~I ~Gi1W~5cm~m ~ <:fiT <qK <flIT % ? (1 cm3 tmj CfiT ~ 9 g~)

(a) 541r g (b) 366 n g (e) 1227r g

(d) 108 1l: g


80. A sphere and a cube have same surface area. What is the ratio of the square of volume of the. sphere to the square of volume of the cube?

(a) tt : 6

(b) 1: 1

(c) 6: 7r

(d) 3: 7r




(L ADB.= L AEB = 90°) .

. n

81. If? cos2 e+ 3 sin2 e= 4 andO < e < -, 2

then what is the value of tan () ?

Consider the following in respect of the above figure:

(a) J7 (b) t (c) 3

(d) J3

1. /1 DAC -/1 EBC

2. CAleB = CDICE


Which of the above are correct?

82. With the help of histogram one can prepare

(a) Frequency polygon (b) Frequency curve .

(c) Frequency distribution (d) All of the above

(a) 1, 2, 3
(b) 1, 2 only
(c) 1, 3 ·only
(d) 2,3 only 85. The table below gives the number of members of a club classified by sex and nativity:


I~ Locals Migrants Total
Male 85 45 130
Female 35 35 70
Total 120 80 200 (a) 20° (b) 15° (c) 30° (d) 10°

The above data are represented by a pie diagram. What is the sectorial angle of the area representing male-migrant category?

(a) 45°

(b) 22.50

(c) 810

Cd) 67.·5°

Three straight lines X, Y and Z are parallel and the angles are as shown in the figure above. W11at is LAFB equal

. to?


80. ~~arn:~~q)T~~~ ~ I ~~ ~~~qlf~~ 3W-RA" ~.:m B" <flIT ~ ~ ?

(a) 1C: 6

(b) 1: 1

(e) 6: n

(d) 3: n



(LADB =LAEB = 90')

81. ~7 eos2 e +3 sin2 e =4 aiR

o < e < n m tan e 'fiT +IR Cfm ~ ?

2 Q .

(a) .J7

(b) 1

(e) 3

(d) J3

~~~m~~if Mk9Rima 1:R fiRm:~: .

1. /1 DAC ~ /1 ERC


3. ADIBE= CDICE ~ it it CJt.=r it mfr ~ ? (a) 1, 2, 3

(b) ~ 1,2

(e) ~1,3

'(d) ~2, 3

85. ~ ~ <tt fWr ~ \ifri1 it 3ITUR tf\ ~~ f11;ct ~ cf?t ~ H J:f1 ~ RCI ct ~ if ~-nf~:

82. 3ii4ctM'!'1 otT ~ B- Cfm ~ ~ ~ ~?

(a) IiIl(iSli«(1i-~

(b) .~ ern>

(e) iSli<liIi«1i-~

Cd) ~~


~ " ~
~I<fIq CfR
~ 85 45 130
m 35 35 70
~ 120 80 200 a1<iWi::r~ X, yaItt Z (1JOii"1Ik1( ~ ~ c@ur ~ m if ~rf7t ~ ~ I LAFB q;r lIT'1" ~ ~ ?

(a) 20°

(b) 15°

(e) 30°

(d) 10°

'dqiffi ~ ~ 'qr{' ~ g:ru H~fq(1 ~ ~ ~ I ~-9'fRft ~ en) H~fq('j ~ ~ ~ em- ~Cf(!()4 9?tur Cf2IT ~ ?

(a) 45°

(b) 22·5°

(c) 810

Cd) 67.50



86. The inner and outer radii of a 7 m long hollow iron right circular cylindrical pipe are 2 ern and 4 cm respectively. If 1000 cni3 of iron weighs 5 kg, what is the weight of the pipe?

(a) 264 kg (b) 132 kg (c) 396 kg

(d) None of the above

87. Consider the - following statements in respect of a quadrilateral:

1. The line segments JOIning the midpoints of the two pairs of opposite sides bisect each other at the point of intersection.

2. The area of the quadrilateral formed by joining the midpoints of the four adjacent sides is half of the total area of the quadrilateral.

Which of the statements given above isl are correct ?

(a) 1 only (b) 2 only

(c) Both] and 2 (d) Neither] nor 2

88. Which one of the following numbers is not a square of any natural number?

. (a) 5041 (b) 9852 (c) 1936 (d) 6241

89. What is the maximum area of a rectangle, the perimeter of which IS· 18cm?

(a) 20·25 cm2 (b) 20-00 cru2 (c) 19·75 cm2 (d) 19·60 cm2

90. If one of the roots of the equation 0;(2 + x - 3 = 0 is -1·5, then what is the value of a?

(a) 4

(b) 3

(c) 2 (d) -2

91. Consider the following statements:

1. The ReF of x + y and xlO _yIO is x+y.

2. The HCF of x + y and xlO + ylO is x+y.

3. The HCF of x - y and xlO + ylO is x-yo

4. The HCF of x - y and x10 - yIO is x-yo

·Which of the statements given above are Correct ?

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 . (c) 1 and 4

(d) 2 and 4



86. ~~7 m ~~~it(+1ICflR @1@&f) ~ ~ 61 i d f<Cfl Q;Cf anw h\i41 ~ Sfilr.tT: 2 em afu: 4em ~ I ~ 1000 em3q;r~ 5 kg ~, it" ~ CflT ~ <flIT % ?

(a) 264 kg

(b) 132 kg

(c) 396 kg

(d) ~itB-~~

87. ~ it ~acJ HPlR1mct ~ 'R ~~:

1. f4q(la ~~cit~~m4f4'Sm ' ciT~~oo~~~CfiT 9fd...gG~q"{~~~ I

2. 'qR 3l'1'ffiif ~ ~ ~ Chl ~q"{m~~cnr~,

. ~ ifi ¥ ~ CfiT 3IT'ClT % I

~ fuit ~ ~ if ctR mjit ~ ~j~ ?

(a) ~ 1 (b) ~2

(c) 1· oW 2 00 Cd) ;:r it" 1 ;:r m 2

88. HPlk1Ma ~ it it ~ it, ~ a '1 <fil fCfl CfiT em ~ ~ ?

(a) 5041

(b) 9852

(c) 1936

(d) 6241

89. 18 em ~ qftfu ~ 3fI1«1 CfiT 3lW,*,d'i ~~CfI\'t ~ ~ ?

(a) 20·25 cm'l

(b) 20·00 cm2

(c) 19·75 cm2

Cd) 19·60 cm2

90. ~ tlJilCfl(1J1 ~ + x - 3 = 0 ~ ~ if ~ ~ -1·5 ~, aT a q:;r lfR qm % ?

(a) 4

(b) 3

(c) 2

Cd) -2

1. x + y 3ft< xlO - ylO q;r HCF x + y ~ I

2. x + y aft'< xIO + ylO <liT HCF x + y ~ I

3. x":' y am: xlO + ylO CJiT HCF x - y ~ I

4. x - y am: xl 0 - y!O CfiT HCF x - y ~ I

(a) 1 ~ 2

(b) 2 3Th:: 3

(e) 1 3fR 4

(d) 2 afR 4




9 H 2

2. If 0 ~ e <"2 and p = sec - e, then which

one of the following is correct?

(a) p < 1 ~.

(b) p = 1

(e) p> 1

(d) p ~ 1

-93. In a triangle ABC.

LABe;", 900, LACB = 300, AB = 5 cm. What is the length of AC?

(a) 10 cm

'(b) 5 ern

(c) 5J2 em (d) 5J3 cm

94. When the roots of the quadratic equation

. ail + bx + c = 0 are negative of reciprocals of each other, then which one of the following is correct?

(a) b = 0 (b) c = 0


(c) a = c (d) a = -c

95. What are the roots of the equation loglO(xl - 6x + 45) = ~ ?

(a) 9,-5

(b) -9,5

(c) 11,-5

(d) -11, 5

96. The sum of the roots of the equation

1 1 1.

-- + -- = - 1S zero: What is the x+a x+b c

product of the roots of the equation ?


(a) -....:.,..._~


(b) (a + b)

. 2




97. Let there be three simultaneous linear

equations in two unknowns. What can be the number of solutions (if they -do exist) ?

(a) One or infinite
(b) Only one
(c) Exactly two
(d) Exactly three (For the next three questions to follow) :

The arithmetic mean, geometric m~an and median of 06 positive numbers a, a, b, b, c, c

where a < b < care t, 2, 2 respectively.

98. What is the sum of the squares of all the six numbers?

(a) 40 (b) 42 (c) 45 (d) 48

99. What is the value of c '! (a) 1

(b) 2 (c) 3

(d) 4


100. What is the mode? (a)

(b) 2

(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) No mode


. - .-- ------------------------------,

92. ~ o~e<1C 3lR p=sec2fJ ~, err


Ht1k1~ct if ~ ~ m ~ mft ~? (a) p < 1·

(b) p -;::;. 1

(c) p> 1

Cd) p ~ 1

93. ~~ABCif,

LABC=900, LACB= 30°, AB =5 em ~ I AC ctt ~ ~ ~ ?

(a) 10 em

(b) 5 em

(e) 5../2 em (d) 5.[3 em -

94. ~ ~ tl'ilCfl(OI a.x2 + bx + c = 0 * ~ ?hOlk+iCfl 3lR ~ ~ ~ ajftPi1 t, eft HAk1Ro1d if~~m~mft~?

(a) b = 0

(b) c = 0

(e) a = c

Cd) a = -c

95. (1&(JCfl(OlloglO(x2 - 6x + 45) = 2 ~~CflIT ~?

(a) 9,-5 (b) -9, 5 (e) 11,-5

(d) -11, 5

96. fP'flCfl(ul _1 _ + _1_ =! 7$ ~ q)f tim x+u x+b c

~~ ~ I (1mCfl,(OI ~ ~ q;r 101i1Cfi(>i 0fl!T


(a+b) (a) - _:._-".


(b) (a+b)


97. JfR ~ fcfi ~ arnrnT ~ ~ ~ 'tm tl ;ft<;fi(OI ~ I ~ ct1 ~ <flIT trr ~ ~

(3llR ~ ~ m) ? •

(a) t%" 1:fT 31qRMd (b) ~~

(e) tNI4d: it

(d) Q'<W-fa: cfr.f

(~ 'ffio:r !Rrrr *~) :

6 a"'llcl1Cfl ~ a, a, b, b, c, C ~ a < b < c t, ~ ~ +ITC1f, 10ihH lffiJ.l aftt ~

1 ;s. ~T: 3,2,2 \:? I

98. ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ (f)f rr11T qm t ? (a) 40

(b) 42

(e)" 45

(d) _ 48

99. c <fiT l'I"R OFIT ~ ? (a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3


(d) 4

100. l'Ilg W ~ ?

Ca) 1 (b) 2

(e) 1, 7 ~ 4 (d) ~ +IT6 ~



j - . .


T-DE'I~\-K.-FN - A




~ ~ ~· T

ir .. it.m. : T-DETA .. K-FN q(lfftU'! ';!ffnZhI ~

1fU&l'lT ,!ffd Cfi I ~ .lfO",('i



1. trfurr ~ ~ * ~~. antf ~ ~ 'I1Wt4i1 <#it ~ ~'Q' ~ ~ f!f; ~ ~ fir;rr U"q'T. 'IIi"!T lfT ~ prr 1f'O ~ ~T ~ ~ 'it I ttfct ~ t m w -atft ~ 'Ifffi 4\1 -a- ;m;r ~I

2. ~-~ ij ~ ~ tR ~ 'IFfHCflI ~ A, B, C tn D ~ ~ lfq' ~ ~ ~ I

3. ~ ~ ~'hl l:R mlT if ~ tJl:( ~ if ~ ~

3f1"IT <St'1Sfl4 iCfl Rwrr ~ I ~ ~ IR atrr Cf3' ~ ___j


" 4. ~ ~ ~ it 100 ~~T (~'i) ~ iW; % I ~ ~~T ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ I ~ ~-.mT if '<fI"( ~ (~) Wz"TT.( t I ~ it' t;Cfi ~ <it 'iff if, ~ 3lN ~ -~ ~ atfcF;a- Cfi(iil ~ ~ I zrR arr:rcir 1tm ~ Rf; ~ it 3ffuq; ~ ~ ~t Gt ~ ~ <it ~ cfi{ ~ mt ~ -#t I, ~ ~~T~~ ~~tt~yr-rr~1

5. ~~tr4t~3lWfitW;lft:;~-~~tt~~~ I ~-~jf~~OOT~1 " 6. wm ~~if it ~ wn'i ~ I

7. ~ ~ fct;- am ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~if ~ ~ ~ -trofi ~ ~ <fiVIT ~ <i{, 3frGCfiT ~T 'FIT1JT-G?f ~ mqWfq ~if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ if ~ ~ I

8. 3lTG" 3l1R ~ ~ ~ ~-~ if m ~...--rG ~ ~ ~ WWR" IR: ~ ~-~ ~ <it IDtr ~ I ~3l1R~~~~\ifFtcRt~~ I

9. ~efiPf~fWJ:~~~~:icfif~~ I

10. m:rn ~ ~ fm:t. ts- :

- -

14 f1PltiO gv.:r-tciT it \3 uih.:q I ( ID'<T ftt:! 111:! ~ 3l'RT ?tl ~ <i& fi::qr ~ I

0) ~~.,~fW;~~c:tir;q'h~~ I '3I:lfIG<'4j(-mu~~.,~~~~t%~::3Wij;~ 911., ~ ~ ~ "lf1:!: af<nT qrr ~-~ (0'33) ~ ?t ~ ~ q;rzr ~ I

(ii) ~ <it{ '3afl Gq j( Q,Cfl it 3lfuq; ~ ~ t aT ~ m:r(f ~ -.:nrrr ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ if it u;cn '3m ~ mm ~. f?g it 'nf ~., ~ fu"q '3'1 ~ffil '1l11 { m ;arft ~ Cf;T ~ ~ ~ I

(iii) <rR \3a{1G<'4R mu ~~., ~ ~ fcfi<rr mID~, ~ \3ui'lqClI( mu ~.m ntm ~~, oT ~ ~<f tn fWl: ctJ1i ~ ~ ~ ~ I

Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this Booklet.

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