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The story begins with two children talking about the way Jesus was born, and they have
a lot of doubts about him. They decide to go to sleep thinking about that. Later that
night one of them dreamt with Jesus and he was telling them about his story.

The storyteller talks about the Annunciation to Virgin Mary and the questions

 Kid 1 : Are you Jesus ?

 Jesus : Yes, I am
 Kid 1 : I know that your mom is Mary and your dad is ……
 Jesus : My dad is ……

The storyteller talks about Jose and how important he was in the life of Jesus

Jose the father of Jesus comes on stage dancing to a Christmas Carol with his

 Kid 2 : Why where you born in Bethlehem

 Jesus : Because there was a king who didn’t want anybody to take him away
from his kingdom.

The storyteller talks about Herodes, and how he ordered his soldiers to kill all the
children up to two years old

 Herodes : I need you to kill all the children near this area
 Soldiers : Ok, sir

Herodes and his soldiers enter with a Christmas Carol

 Kid 1 : Ohhhhh …. That’s why your family escaped to …..

 Jesus : Bethlehem

The storyteller talks about how the family scaped to Bethlehem looking for
somebody to help them

Mary and Joseph come in looking for shelter where they could stay so Mary could
give birth

 Mary : ohhh….please help me. I am pregnant ….

 Joseph : Yes, please help us!
 Neighbor offering accomodation: No way, I don’t have anything for you only
the manger

The storyteller talks about the place that Mary and Joseph found
 Kid 1 : I hear that you have three really good uncles who gave you a lot of
 Jesus : They were not my uncles, they were……

The storyteller talks about The Three Wise Men and they come on stage with a
Christmas Carol looking for Mary and Joseph, finally.

Then the manger scene appears and all of them take their places. Some children
come to adore the child with a carol. Finally the students says that the children
wape up and the story ends.

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