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ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Consular Section New Delhi, India ‘SOLICITUD DE VISA TRANSITORIA. TRANSIENT VISA APPLICATION PORTE Wt eeprascnerrez mHATSGUAS, et i ia oa tog are area NOTES FA ‘-APELLIDOIE- EURMANE!S do ura wns pasipr ati pesperd ' PRMERY SEGUNCO WOMERE- FAST 8 SECOND HAWES fame ras pasar ea puspor) L ‘F OTROS HOMBRES (stun ran prfelnal as} OTHER GNEN AMES li Regs: Profrond- AKA Chaim rR ‘Swioae won ‘AreLs00 URN 2oeL00- URE: eure wane une nie ‘$5000.56 TEC DERACIMENTO AY "LUGAR DE WACBIENTO (Cen Prova Pa E DATE OF OTH YAU. PLACE OF BETH (2, Proce Coun) * ' (Se ecge hard On Laban) "WETPOYW-DE 00C, LOCAL DEIDENTIAD. ‘NUMERO DE REGITRODE FAL FAMLY REGISTRATION MUMBER) TVPG MIMBER OF LOCAL DOCUMENT OF BENTTY: ‘WoAAEORALDAD NATO [POOL PARTICULAR WOMEADORENS? ——]S-TEL. PART. HOWETEL ett Cont Deva: Oat ‘1 PROFESON PROFESSION: sesnnocw ACTDAD CURRENT AMET i aera STATUS “TEMPLEADOR EMPLOYER: (Ratsocl Dinca Canpany came Aaa) ‘TEL CoM Blas Taopone: "94° DEPASAPORTEDOCUMENTODEVIAIE-PASSPORTITRATELDOCUMENT: | 20LUGARY FECHADE EWSIOW PLACE] 2 FECHADE VENSRNENTO. OR TE ‘no DATEOF ISSUE: com EATEGORADEVEK ‘MOTWO DE VALE-PURPOSEOF ENT farTEWO DEPEND TrreOFVR PEROOOF STN: ‘REFERENCIAS ENEL PAIS: REFERENCES WARGERTIOS (Perse io Empress Dac Caactr le Agen arse) FECA DES 7 DRECEIONENLAAROENTHD agree amy | A-FECHAEPARTDN DAEOF ARR ‘ADDRESS ARGENT ‘DePARTOREDATE” “BCONTUGE SPOUSE: (Aptos, adres racinut oka de acai Sarmame, Names Naa Dat oT BF) ‘SHHUOS- CHILDREN: (Apel, andres saloahed nce dracon Surname, Hare, Radon to BF) ‘3-SOLEITOVSAANTERDRWENTET-HATEYOUEVERAPPLEDFORVSA | S2GUANOOT.WEX: | SDOONDET WERE so wo Moyea {WINGREROT-HAVEYOUEVERENTERED — 1SCNIOOTIWOR SSTEAPODE PERU MOTNOT PURPOSE: THECOUTRY teeniorsia: s 0 ABo-YEaR. 4 RESIOEN EW LAARGENTOUAL NAS DEAS SIGUIENTESPERSCHAST-DOERANY OFTHE FOLLOWING CURRENTLY RERDE WARGENTHA spol Spout ove Funcoe- Harmonie. segs Padre Prat (bo pune Oran ‘S-ENUMERE 08 PASS DONDE VA 00 WAS DE EIS MESES DURANTE LOsULTNOS SOG, COMENCE COW BUDOWLD ACTOR WRETE DOW THE CLNTRES WERE YOU MAVELWED LONGER THAT ¢MOMTHS INTHE LAST SYEARS,STARTIG WITH NOME ADDRESS: PARES. COUNTRIES: ‘CUADES- cms: "FECHAS APROLMAOAS-ESTMATE OATES LUGAR FECHA-PLACE & DATE: FIRMAY ACLARACION- SIGNATURE & FULL NAME- ‘PARAUSO EXCLUSIVO DE LAS AUTORIDADES CONSULARES- ‘CONSULAR USE ONLY Ne EINDI Foro coLor- COLOUR PHOTO. ana ‘(Por teror, complete ol cusstonarle vuelta de hej, marque fecha, lima y aclare nombres y apelidos- Please frm overiea, date, sign ‘and wie your fal name) IMPORTANTE: TODOS LOS SOLICITANTES DEBEN LEER Y MARCAR LA CASILLA QUE CORRESPONDE ACADAPUNTO. NOTICE: ALLAPPLICANTS SHOULD READ AND TICK ACCORDINGLY. Ley 25.871 Capitulo Il, De tos Impediments, Art. 29. La declaracién falsa o adulterada es sanclonada con expulsién y prohibicién de reingreso, ‘#1 n0 supone un dolito mayor- Unless more severely punished, false statemonts are sanctioned with expulsion and prohibition of return. + Llane prohibido el ingreso?. Have you been dented entry Into Argantina?-2Ha sido objeto de [7] 81. Yes [[] No- No- ‘medidas do expulsién o de prohibicion de raingroso al trrtorio argentino?- Have you boon expelled ‘rom Argentina or are you prohibited from reentaring the country?= + dAlgune ver ha sido condenado por cusiquer del, aun euando te hayan pardonado, le hayan [] si Yee [7] Mo- Ho- ‘oncadido amnisti, haya sido objeto de otra acclol juridlea parecita por los delice de TRAFICO DE ARMAS, TRAFICO DE PERSONAS, TRAFICO DE ESTUPEFACIENTES, LAVADO DE DINERO, INVERSIONES EN ACTIVIDADES ILICITAS 0 DELITOS SANCIONADOS CON TRES AROS © MAS DE PENA PRIVATIVA DE LA LIBERTAD? Have you aver been convicted (ven though you may have Deen pardoned, or racelved amnesty or any siruiarprovielon) on account of a criminal offense ealated to WEAPONS TRAFFICKING, PEOPLE TRAFFICKING, MONEY LAUNDERING or ILLICIT INVESTMENTS (OR OTHER FELONIES punlahablo with prison for period of 3 or more years? + {Ha incurrdo o prteipado de actos de gobierno o de otto tipo, que conativyan genocide, crimenes [7] Sie Yes [] No No {de guerra, actos do terrorism, o dalitos de lesa humanldad y de todo otro acto suscaptibie de ser Jzgade por el Tribunal Ponalintornacional?- Have you comitied or takan part In government acts ‘or any others, which may constitute genocide, war crimes, acts of terrorism, crimes against ‘humanity, or any other which may be judged by the Interattional Criminal Gourt?- . + one antecedentes por actividades tororstas 0 por partenecor s organtzaciones reconociéas [7] Si: Yee [7] Wo: Mo. ‘Soma Imputadas de acclones susceptbles do ser juzgadas por ol Tribunal Penal Intemacional or ls Ley 23.077 de Defensa de Is Oemocracia?- Do you have any record or afliation with trrorat ‘ethtes or tororiat organizations which could result In Indctemeat by the International Criminal Court or by Argentine Law 23,07 (Dutonse of Democracy}? + Mi ako condenado on Argentina o ha oni antacedonts por promovero fcitar ol ingrso, ts [si Yee] No- Ne- Dermanencia ool egreso llegales de exiranjers en el terrtore argentine? Have you been convicted ‘or have any racord In Argentina for promoting or facilitating the entry, stay or ext of undocumented. allana?- + Bl sido condonado on Argentine o he tide antecedentas por haber presenta docuantacion [gh Yes [2] No: Mo- material 6 Ideotégleamonte falsa para obtener para si o para un torcoro un bonaficio migratorio?- Have you been convictod or have any racord In Arganting for having produced a forged document ‘OF making a fale statement to obtain for you oF third pares « favourable Immigration raling? + 2Promueve la prosttucin,iuera con alo, ha sido condenado o one anacadentes on ie Argentina [7] $1. Yox [7] No- Nor ‘nel exterior, por haber pramovido ta prostituclén, por licrar con allo, 0 por desarrolar actividades. relacionadas con o! trtico 0 Ia explotacién sexual de personas? Do you promate prostitution, ‘drive profit rom it, o” have you ever been convetad or have a record In Argentina for promoting prostitution, deriva proft from Iter for trafficking of sexually explolting people? + ahi tntntadoingrear a trrtorio nacional eludiendo of contro migratrio o por lugar oon rerio [] Bt. You ‘no habitkados al efecto? Have you ever tried to enter Argentina without eubmiting youreel to Immigration control or by evading I? + uGr0e Ud. que puede estar Incurso en slgin Impedimente sancionado por Is Lay 26.871 0 ta] 8 Yew [7] No- No- ‘Rormativa migratoria argentina?- Oo you think you might be banned from entry on account of any ‘other impedimpent as sanctioned by Argentine immigration Law? LW Wo. [Lucan recna: pLace & pate: FIRMA V ACLARACION- SIGNATURE & FULL NAME- NOTA: Esta solctud debe prosentarse Junto 2 os antecedontes que acraditon los extemos Invocados: 4) Passports o documento de isle, 2) fotocopla del documento de Lertidad local, 3} comprobantes que acreditan dlsponbliaad financier sufclante para sutragergaetos de aetancie fn Argentina pore! apso de permanencia sclckada (aproximadamanta USAS 0 por dla de estadia; 4) comprobantes de emplac, domichloy one caso, tulardad dela vivienda ocupace: 5) otocoplewulenticeda de ticket de Kay vustta an medio de traneporte Internacional. @) En caso de Vit {de negocios o para realizar actividades remuneradae 0 no en la Republica: documento frmado pot al gerene y endosado por ly Camara de Comercio o etidad ceruficante local, en donde conste el cometiso del vnj y la circuratancla que a mismo es reacado por cuenta y orden de lt ‘empresa que envi; y an al caso eh Proof of employment, rose, eventually tte of ownersp; 8) Original round trp cua or autaiicated photocopy oft ‘oF orignal chrticate as lasued by travel agent stating all ooking aed etlement etal; 6) For buses view applicants, eter of sseignement signed by company manager endorsed by the Chamber of Comeree of sillar andoralng authority, tating purpose of trp and tat the aame fe cited out by the sending company, if remuneration fs percelved In Argentina, ull etieacisn ofthe argntine party (Comercial nam, address, {laphone and name of responsible manager El costo dela via equWvale & USAS 400 # Euros $40 en palaee dela Union [ropes Via fe is USAS 40 or EUS 40 In counttes of tuo European Union. Ei funcionarie consular put ‘equorir una entrovita personal para resolver Ia provonte sollcltud-The consular oficer may roqulra an Interview to resolve the present application.

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