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This week our primary aim was to show how it is vital to be effective as a teacher by using

gestures, voice, classroom space and so on. In order to understand how an ineffective teacher
behaves in the classroom, we behaved like a teacher who fails at communicating with the class
properly. Since the communication doesn’t only mean speaking to others, some other
communication skills were very important in our activity.

I liked this activity because as teachers to be, we put ourselves in the ineffective teachers’
shoes, which gave us the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of how to be effective in
communicating and teaching process. As we behaved like the teachers who are not very successful in
interacting with the students, we got the idea that we shouldn’t be one of them.

In my future teaching experiences, I will be always sure that I use my voice tone properly, I
give importance to proxemics, I use classroom space as effectively as possible.And I will also pay
attention to communicate with my students not only with my words, but also with my gestures,body
language and so on.

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