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Flying Pigs

What do you call a pig that took a plane home from Iceland?

 Swine flu!

What’s the best way to make a bull sweat?

 Put him in a tight jumper!

What kind of doctor treats ducks?

 A quack!

What did the well-mannered sheep say to his friend at the field gate?

 After ewe!

Why did the ram fall over the cliff?

 He didn’t see the ewe turn!

What do cows like to dance to?

 Any kind of moosic you like!

Where do sheep get shorn?

 At the baa baas!

What do you get if you cross a steer with a tadpole?

 A bullfrog!

Why did the bull rush?

 Because it saw the cow slip!

What do you call an arctic cow?

 An eskimoo!

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