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Reflexology for Phantom for phantom lower limb pain

This study was done to see if reflexology can decrease phantom limb pain in amputees,
with self-treatment.

Six individuals, three of each sex with lower limb amputation, participated in this study.
Each one of these participants has phantom limb pain one per week. The study lasted 30 weeks
and consisted of six phases: “Phases 2, 4 and 5 involved reflexology interventions.” Reflexology
is the system of massaging specific areas of the foot and sometimes the hand in order to
promote healing, relieve etc…, in other part of the body. ( during phase 2 and 4,
the treatment was focused on the both hand and foot of the amputated side of the body.

Specific routines were taught in phase 5 for both hands. They were not taught
reflexology for the feet because would not be able to place their foot in the right position for
self-treatment. And they went on with the same routines once a week for six weeks and the
amputees were able to perform the routines on their own for six week. These participants were
asked to keep a diary of how they sleep, how long their pain last and how severe it is.

The researchers found out decided to focus on severity and continuation of pain instead
of the participants’ sleep pattern as it was irrelevant. By the end of phase 5, the participants
reported consequent pain relief and also on pain continuation. And by the end of the study,
there was a big change in pain continuation and severity for all of them.

If I have to care for patients with lower limb amputation in the future, I would
recommend “Reflexology” as a method of treatment because it does not involve the usage of
heavy drugs with harsh side effects to further complicate patients’ already compromised health

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