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  Marketing is the process by which companies create customer interest in goods
or services. It generates the strategy that underlies sales techniques, business
communication, and business development. [1] It is an integrated process through which
companies build strong customer relationships and create value for their customers and for

    Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and

processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value
for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
Notice that neither of these definitions includes the words ³email´, ³advertising´, or ³post
cards´? That¶s because those things are merely the tools used to create customer interest,
engage them and get them to wan t to buy from us. Take a look at the AMA definition, they
state that Marketing is more than the activity of marketing (i.e.: emailing) ± it is the „ 
  „„ „    „
I want you to be aware. We all know we need Ma rketing, but be smart; learn what that really
means and don¶t just trust any salesperson who calls themselves a marketer and walks into
your shop selling the marketing idea of the week. Marketing is a process ± it¶s not a one-time
deal. Buying an ad or a s ign or an email campaign without an overall strategy or plan is
simply a waste of time and money. Educate yourself ± take the time to learn and invest in
your business wisely.

Bottom line: Marketing is „   It¶s an all-encompassing, planning, scheduling, studying,

figuring-stuff-out, researching, testing, and practicing
 . And I don¶t mean a strategy
for getting a 20% response rate on an email campaign, 100 coupons from a print ad, or 20
referrals from your referral group. Marketing is b igger than that ± much bigger. And when
done right it will give you bigger results than you¶ve ever imagined!

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