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Olive oil
1 kg braising / stewing steak, cut into chunks
200g chorizo, sliced
2 onions chopped
4 garlic cloves chopped
2 tsp ground allspice
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp cayenne chilli pepper (I tend to use about 3/4 tsp)
1 bay leaf
1 medium dried chilli (chopped)
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp ketchup
2 x 400g tins chopped tomatoes
200ml red wine or stock
30g dark chocolate / cacao, grated
1 x 400g tin kidney beans, drained
salt and pepper

To serve
chopped fresh coriander
tortilla chips
sour cream


1. Preheat oven to 140C, gas mark 1.

2. Heat olive oil in large frying pan or casserole dish and brown meat. Set

3. Brown the chorizo. Set aside.

4. Add a little extra olive oil to the chorizo oil, add the onions and garlic and
cook gently until softened.

5. Add spices, bayleaf, chilli, balsamic vinegar, sugar, ketchup and tinned
tomatoes and season.

6. Put the meat and chorizo back in the pan, stir together, then add red wine
and grated chocolate and bring to boil.
7. Transfer to casserole dish if not already and cover.

8. Cook in the oven for 2 hours. After this time, add the kidney beans then
return to the oven and cook for a further 45 – 60 minutes.

9. Top with chopped fresh coriander, and serve with tortilla chips, sour
cream and rice.

Still not enough chocolate for you? Why not try some of these
novelty chocolate finds:

Garlic Chocolate - Set to hit shops by Christmas after trials by British

company Black Garlic

Marmite Chocolate - Available for £3 a bar from BHS

Chocolate wine - 15% alcohol and infused with real chocolate. Priced at
£7.99, it hits M&S shelves soon

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