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He remained quiet like an obscure evening

stealing in on a lonely face.

I came with the murderer’s eye

In search of a river to drown my fever

Asking for a moment’s breath

Looking for my own shadow.

Is that all you need ?

That was not what he asked
but in the vapours and the mist
there was a falling apart and the heavens
seemed to transpire in sharpening edges
like cracks wherefrom no blood, no water
flowed but hues of agony oozed
when he asked mercy for the nails that nailed him.

I am the hatred born of nothing

I am the hatred that dies unto nothing

I am what I am

Without a cause, devoid of meaning.

When the shrill wind ripped him apart

He asked not for the shade, only blessed it
so that it became a gentle breeze
and blew over all hearts
and rained in their souls
wherefrom arose the last green leaves
Of Life, Of Love.

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