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® co~~' 1.958' B!" 'IBE AMElUCANi' ,~£MY '()F. A.B~ ,~, 9C.IEN~,

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Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



To ,th' D M'·i!\'i!"D:Ii'n~u nf'"

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Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



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lPIEFA" CE~'-- .'

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CH.AP'lr'ElI 1;, 'Origms and M::i,grations: of'the SD,8,V5: !CHAPlU, 2", FrimUj,ve, C~hdlm,tion

'CHAh-.EIl, 3" !he :F'Falil,~s, ~yzaR'Uum :and. 'the' First: Slav,it' S:lates

[;H;\'Pl"&R 4. The Mora,visn ,Empire and, .Its; C'reek A,posth~fS

~ SS'~ COlls,tan:Hne-'Cyr.i1 and '-Jethodiu:s;'

CHAl."'I"EH ,!::t ,Aftet "the ,DMttudJ.on '01' ,tI:u~ M Of.av:i.3n :Em,-

'p' ·Ii.,.,&- IC' '. 'p",,", q,'II'I,"Q' ,1ijjj'D" d· ·th-·-·B R'" ~"iL'!Q '0'£: 'B··II"'i;·'i,;oa iI;Ij"n"d:

.. r).-~ ~il ,,~.~ lI.;J. ilil£li.;I ":1' &,,! _. ,_,>,~ J_ ,I~~ " .' ~ , ~_i ' ;,I. l~ •• ,.· _

'Ill-'I· . d-'

rl',,:,: :

C~B, 6~ 'The S.OlJ,them :Slavs:,. 'th,e :FnlIlXS, 'Byzan,Hum and Rom,e

;C'fIAPTEB 7,. O';l,d $'lavnnic 'Culture and 'L:iteramJe and Tbeir' Byzan'Hne Ba!ckground

ClIAPmR ,8~ The BuS'si~ of' :K1:ev

CHAP'liER, '9~ The' Slavs at: tbe dr.oSisJtoads~ Federatton in Ott,o [~r's;, 'Roman E'mpih'e of the Ponna'UoD. of a G:r~a.t: .Sla V' 8ta mP

CHAPTER 10. The Slavs, The' Empir-e~ and The 'P,apacy CHAP1,E_R Ll. The B:~dti.c and fl(llabian Sla'vs;: The 'W'ends

CHA.~ 12., The :D1ownfaU of. 'Foland and, Boh,em:~a~ West-emi.zation 'ilf.' Tbe:jl' IC\I!1J]tu~,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



II!) !i.l!

A'Q: ~

(ilfll lJU

.147 189

256 211 :293

~.A(!i! ~~


M.A.P' -: :'S:-:,

. . - ,"

'J' .. '.'

]., The E 3ll"Uest' Settlement o.f Mndo-Eulf1opean Peo'l',]es;

2; The 'Origmal Hab,j'ta·t ,of the Slavs ,aJccardling' to M., Vasl'" mer (,DI'e j,lteden ,B6'volkerungmethtiltnA$6 ,R'US8land:s' 'fm ,L'ichtc "Ier Spmc'hf(J,s€,1n~'n,g)1

3~ The Ori'ginaJ 'Habitat -of U}(~t 5190''15 aicoord'mg bl L.

N'iederl~:c (' sloo~A9k,e' ,~a,~~'t~adi)' '- I " _. ,. .,' - - !.

4~ The O~~gjnal Ha.'bita,t of 'the. ,s.lavs; according' tD, I{" Jai .. dz.ewski (,A~'Lv' ,t~1' the ,P'B'li'istory of til:' Sln;w')

0;" The T'enit,o.ry .of.' 'Ul;€')' LUlSa:tjian, Culrtllir.,e:

6~ The B.O'RUlD 'Province's South 'af the Danube ea, 560

7 ~ 'Th,e .AntesJ White Cfoatia and Widte' Serb.iil, before the InvI,slorn of the' A vars CJl~ ;560

91,. Tbe MOla,vian Em'pue: 101" 890

l(l Genna'llY and Bohem:i8 under Otto 1: and Boleslav 1.

11.. The Bu,~g~'rh!Ln, Em,pu,e' u;nder lss'r Syrn,eo'D (8~,21)

In C'P'06t' '~B,I!"i;ei 'l,nC::nj

~~ ,!,,:, _Q. _-I~ ~AI. ~J

la·., The BuJga'ri:a~ B;mpi'r:8 under' Tsar Sa'M'I1],e1. (97~l014:) 14., The Kingdom of. Dioelea ca. 1080

l~t Sla vi:,c Settlements ea. 990

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!




n ~

11 ,35



W, III 129

1,A!~ ,--:~,

144 .SIS .259

F'REi", ,_-_''!rn'lA:'' C·,- . ~

.. _r _ .. -c~1

The id,e:a. 'Of pubUs~l:dng a. OOfJ,k on early' Sla,v,i:,c hist-oty and, ,ci:'Vilim,th:m. ar.ig:i·n.ated 1ft 1951 'WbBD I was giving ,8. eeurse OD -this subjteet fn the: Sl.a,vic. 'De,partment, of Harvard U'ni,v8'rsity',., Prefessor ~Mic'bael Karp.o,vjch.~ then ChafiTlul.n. ·of the D~,Mtment" and hl~; coUeague$,. 6spec:iFdly Prefessor Boman J.~;kohs()n", Bsked. me tOI make· tIle locmres- .atv,·ble in, 'book form f'O, a :1ug~r.' pub", Uc~ :M'y rQ,rigioaJ. intention, wa'S to' publish the murse: ,D, it: W,3!S

- ~ -th-·~·) , ht d d " .... ~ f' ,ii,;L. _i: D ,U .... ;h- 1.:\_

,g~v·en, WI ~ ~ .. 0'll1Y SJ1:llr'lL a ~_I ~'liLIO[Ui, .. or' me use' er b'D.g~ '- :s,pea~_, n S'

srud,en·ts~ ,Pr,ofessor ]'aklob5DD~1 however, llrg,ed. me te develop the lectures quite extJens;i:v,e·~y in order to make the book' useful a]so· .Iio ...... , scholar iIi:" o· --0- ·t· £'''3'IIin'ii-I~'Q,'I!'' w-- -·~t·'h-· ;QQ, .... 1\V s·.·· 1: "'III V Ic "h~c!'tftrv '1' followed 'his'

!l.u ~ ~\lJJ . 10: ~~ I " .::.:. ..: ,I~~JII,I,I __ ~~. ",_ - _: _._:_ _ ~~. l!;J' ~ " .• g.. '_ , .. 1~~i~"W".l l' ;il . . ·.'U !·!u ' .. - . ~ . _. . .:

.,eo '..;]:"'1]'· ao"io.A .... ~ D more ":.:II'~:n'.:!' __ g' ·,tv beea ','Ii'il'ii!Ji< lb'" er a 'd' -';if!UD;it'! not iDi!li!";';t!t·, g,ny 1I!!,a.,"'dc'lv QU·¥. ,~Ui Ul~j ,1)_ 11#", ~. ·Q.Y.lUl:~.~~i· I: ~~': ,y~~ .I __ ~i"-~ I •. ··.~, : ~"'. I~:~· ... ~,~~ . .'." ,!;IILU-.-- J.'

d.eallng 'w'lth the mediaev,al Elislory ,Of' all Sla,vic. n a tloms ,andl 'the,K' r,e·latiom w:i.tb .B'yzilDtiuDl:t. the, FJaDb~, and the, Ge.rm;af)js~ By· ,eDlar~m,g': 'th,e seop~ e of.' the or,i~inml course of' lsetures :1 'was' able

D' ,'"' 1t;1

to' make use: 01 ,~mef of t'ne :mater-ial I had collected on this: sub-

' s . - ct· -. '"- - - - - - - 't: - - - - . - d -t - - - ,- '-Hze- '. - ·t II 'f iii , D - ali ld - -

'~ID . . "W' .-' 'IrJS"'~I' 'V1S.:lJ"lIIfiLIJI' a'ln"··· "0" I 'l'iil3fi!:Jim ' . ," ., gl lagl~C- I m'l' 'iflm' ',g 'po '; I - . ~Iy) Ie . ,Da'

jl!l!Q'. , " '." ~ ~L~-!I, _ J' ~~'___- ifI, ~, "" - _C ~. . ~~c c__:'!:! Pi l"""Q,!;;!;' '. .. ",' IR. , I -', .=' --'J iL~lIo__ . __c.... - ill'

1000ocei.v·ed" in lAnd,on d;u;rm.g the war YmFS" to weite a mediaeval history 'Q£ the whole of Central and 'East,cmJ Eur-upe" a p:IFtJj'ed: 'whic")J~ f:o:r various· r,eas.o1l5, ] bad to glve up~ My 'boc:lk" r,hB' AI oJc~, ,i'Qg' .of C8ti:ti'i111 "'ui Eastern E·uro{Je', pobUs'·h~, W, 194'9:, was· also a part of thk bJ'igin:ad, p];all.,

Wlth, 'the, above brief outliae lcif j:,ts· baekground, the dou·ble. eharaeter and ,purpose: of 'this, book 'becomes: clear, ]t is; .inteDdeaI to '00 a handbook O~, earl.y Slavic' bism1~y and civUilg'tiun :(01' s;m.dents . In h:i:story, as w1ell as for 'a, larger pu·.bUc.~ and, ,R.t the same

"'~'- D te g-I···"",;a to speeia .11,;:.r.t-e' ,;in S-lI.;!jj·'!Il:r.~iiA· cibl III'..JI 1" iltlr~ d!iIi ,cU ... ;tl>:iU- ,,n&, qn;"i;O~ I 'I'D' ···t- ,n,.z,'

Iwn'Y~ '. ''!o.!I' . " . '!j~' .:u ~) '.lI;;>;"';III- .U~,,,,~, ;I:.~" .. .I~,,:..!~ ~II!.~,U '~.,.. g. ",," !.!i,.;,~' ~,,, ,~'V,.,. .. ' 1!iII< _,~. ~.1

the present ,state, IOf. r~le'~t,~'h 0;0 the rrUU1.y ,problems' c~'nneo.ted, with I'be m.8Itllrica~. and Iculw.ral dev·e'lopment of [be' Slavio: nanons, from thetr origms to 'the. middle of' ,the: Ut~rtee~nth, cen'tmrYJ wben an important phase in their hisbjl",Y came·t,o a close.

',',,- d t ·· . .ll '. 'ld"- b"bU' d'T _ .. 't.. ~""'i·,/I! d ;t'i,..... I·'t. 8ve 1Iiili"ii't;,'I"oi- . ..l m Oli _el'co :8J,VOI.o, Ull'WU;L_,:_·y -,L. I o,e.!.;,a:pm,~j_ I. aea, .H""".' .I'uI:I,!i.eG

'myself to 'works' YlJ-itt-en in, nou'OO.sla vic :langua:ges'lI! on the asswnp-

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


',n ZII

D ' . b .".'............ . 0'" '. ~. "-~ uml' ~-l,.un ass

W"!i:iliil1"hl"'n' giJ.1fiI/H ~D-··'l~lI11;t~I"';'.,.Ji;. n£ 'C'" "o'lIum~ b-{;i:il ____ ~ ~ ~ ~ IO'·V~~IIJt.1 I" .~.: .~- '~~~~l u~· ..:.: " .. 11.".". ~ _:: ,latA]

Dece -'b-n>~ iOI 110l!::A eeem ner a,:!! J.,tF~:

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



O"·~ II! - ... d '::-M' .,~~ - . !!! . f'::-: tlu 8'····)· .

. - -, . -: '; ...•. '.'" -.C, '1, I' . . •... . .':. ',. 1- I'

r,.,glns ,an.e, .'- l,gratJ.ons 0," I ,.e -'.' ,.avs

'OT'~lbUll nome oj the' pnmtUve; SWr08~' ,Ne~ tneori"s _, Gt'",~ Q'tld .Roman, w,rlte~s Ofl, :S'la,f},B' ,_, Abonioo' ,attefnpt& b,Y the Roma.ns f.., reach 5welu; t,e.rrftoMj''''''''' C:Qim'merowl· 'intercour:s'ie' ,~t'wei?R' ,the Btdtfc

~Jld',the'Bhck.S'e(j .~~ m:~,ra~w~' ~/"S'~yt:h~~:" S'~O~'I' ~G:~~and ,SarnlQtwnJ = ,E'asf~m Sk'lM'/, 'C'o.ths ~'M' l'fan,wM ~ H'UA'n,,&h, iJJt~~88io:n", ;~1w ,A'n:tist C'roofs ,ana, Serbs ~ 's'la,v penmt8fmn, through, ,H'unga:ry' :totcdwlS the bm-derl' at tiM' ,HoWUln, ,i;:'m,p'r,' ~ Sprelld 'Of' ·the We'&1~M, ,S'kU)$", Soot.hern SfaU& a~ .By,w;m(um·- l\'ptJ:r' 'fn~'OR ~ D:ed;ru cf iDa, ,01' ~hr~wfdf', i'n' lU:~ricfjm Qnd it, ,t-fltu"€quenirie's for 'the hisfor,rl' 'af,

It: ma:)" !ee~ strang;e ,tbat one i~f' ,tbJe, :6tst essential :ste,ps to,w,uds ~lLil, levalu3'tioo of medieval Slav civ.iliution shou'ld be to detenn'ine' the whereabouts of tbe' original, :babJ'bi't of the ,pr.imi'H,ye S,)iHlIJS,; It is a, problem, wJlicb bas: preocenpied Sm(l,]'ars: fOl" ia. eensidetable 'tim,e and has: reeetved a ·greart deal of ,their ;att'enti,an~ p3rti"culad,.y ,s~ince: the' nineteenth eenfuryj The naive expJan,ation that 'lhe~ S]a;'v5 ~'' from the :Dan.'llbj,an regiQ,n 'was ~band,Q,ned long 'a.,go,~ 'tnd, 'I:hou,gh mail)" other answers 'to tbb~ 'g,ue-stfoD, 'w'ere pu'l' f'O'Fw,ard~ was s;a:Hsfactory" Al1chaleO:loglsb and philo'logists: are stilll com'biniop" their' ,elForts, in 'the, bop' e of' :ani,\dn~' at the· ',correc~

ItIIl ,lI:Il

sol'UitioD~ . ,

On plhUo:!ogjeaJ. ig~-ou'lld:s it was com'monly agreed ,il'm(>[I:g' modem ~chol=tn'~ '~ha't ~' .. c.radlle ,0:£ 'the Slavs 'was, located in the marshes of th~ :Pr~~_!.lJas:i:n;j' a reg:inl1. known as Polesie. It: was: observ,ed

&'11..0,,-' ~',1j..iPO 'p...i'm·~"':'::"~ S~'1I.ii!Iou!li!' '111..,,.,.,d· Hoi'i;, t-,-crm-" Ior t",b' \i9i;, ...... -DiP-:1I:! '~ . eeeh 1- o:il'r"\I"'""~

mJg._:, UI .... I, ;I.,it ._._.~U :r1l!J' ' Jh:;'·"~ U,Q ,1II,u~', _ ,i[u, ., ..... l"iL~~,~, u~"'" _:!I ,'1Ji. L,U.,

,a.n:d, 'y'f;:W, whereas they did 'halve a, 'w.nrd fC)1 hornbeam, F~rom this' evidence ~t w"as, ,DI(Fued t'na't t)he' orig":.h1Ull, hab it at, ,of th~: Slav.ic: ,r3'ce

QI' ,.

'. 'L b- '1: - d 'b d 'L"_. '1 i • f" iLL b- ,. . ...11

mus't nave . '·e.en, ,J)O,CCl.tB· . ',' ,eyoTl. tn:e, :l'l::tnlt o ~ 'U'l,e: a'"ove-:menti,o-peu,

trees, that Is 1;01 sa.y,~ east of a line nJ'nn.hng :f'frlm K·~ll]_g'S'ber.g :In modem, Pms"sia, (:OfJrW Kaliningrad,.) b.l Odessa, The :m'a~sh:y 'tM'~

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!




"R: ':,oiI"iIo; ,C ,:',t'!Io'~ ,-, 'E' m: "p"l'·" ~ l~H S'JA.'i"ilf,'hAI!'Ii"il!,t-' am'" ' E' '- -1l,"P' 'oD Bees ' - iil!'~, "",,11:: ,ILL ,~',f." '~TII"i,'noli"Fr' ',..

,umCADl .. I. . i,I " f~, . & ill "oi'UU~ !~r!~!ilIi.'~ . I." U lV.~~',.'~11Il '~~AJUil!w'~;[ W-~_Q 1U!_JjIIl,ry,.'

taut consjjd,er,atio~n, some, afcbMologi'sts extended, the :primi:ti:ve, habH;a,t of the: Slavs from the 'Pripet: basin srnJJtb,w:a::rds tnw9,rds the Ca;rpat'hia,n ~lounta.1n_s and w8Sh'/UrE towards the Vbrtu~,a"

It is: lil,greoo that: the pri,ndtiv.e ',S~a.'V.s must have lived for a lO1],g'

,--',,-, _1", 'd ", ',,' ~ zhbc ,(' ,.~, G' ,), ,,-' ',,', t".;'t.. " B", 'I., and ,.L~

,pe'no as .ne:l'g;' nors OJl. U~e ",enna[ijs~,ue "a],~s~ an' uw:

Thraci , , "h "'" , ",,i,'L,,- "'th" ,",1..= ~1 ,- -" ''':h'' 'C''''_, I" , ':h' ''0.- ",'" , "

, ',Bel'ans} W: i ,0 tOle~",er WI,' toe iJ!,I:aVS~ t, ,e ","e ts, I e ,£M,to-,

Italia;ns;~ Inyri ans and Creeks, formed, tba ,Eur,opea.n 'br,ancn ,of 'the 'gll)ell't Indo-European group' of' natioes ,N:,o QI1~e' harbors any doubts about dlel primitive ha'bi:ta.t 0.£ 'the Genna-'n's in southern -and "D k d the '1 d' d f'th he

'. I _ _ . II!!' . =- ~I" " • _ • .~. . _ • . _ . _ - • ~. •. .. . . . _. .' •. _ .-, 1 .. -: -,;" . .,.-. . ..

!t:"i"!o.' ..•. ':0, :G 'V 'I' C!Ii, . _~!I'!ii'l'"i!"i n'r' ;i!!i; ~ :' ;,' 1,1f!1 iGj'D' ,~ ,(ridi'"ri;I', p .. :~I'o;d. o"'i;/' . I e. ~I'ii'ollii st ,,' ':' _

!.li~ , ,,Ii, " u, _ &A,~, ,~IILL",III[U, .. , MiLl "OJ\ n ., "1;,1}, , itUI, ,", U , ,,' ",,"!IU~

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!




~ ~

Orrglrl.i11 nom


Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!







tween the ,ri,vers Elba and, 'OdeF',. Tbe, B alts halre remained in th.ei'f originarl home right up 'to mod.em, ttmes~, The Thm,cia:ns~, 'wbrJLSe

Primitive ham.e was in wha:t' is now' Hunza rv, seem to have

_ J~ -,;.

o(xn[i.p'ied·~, in, die n.orth~hotb, s]ope5J ,of' the 'Ca:rpa:tJda'U .. Mountains,

'whose 'very name sti'n, rooaDstheir p,re-senee,.

I.t wou'~d. 'thus' 00' :l,Qgioal to locate' l.he prJm.i'thJie: S:la,v;s; much nearer' 'to the nri"ghud home 0'£ tille'IGe'r.mams and. tb~: Balts than ~ has booD ig"en~'any ac~pt~d.., ,A;g)3.ins:t' thi~ .s.'lJp'posl,ti]tlil, there 'WWs,!,

h th h ·'11 '11 '" 'II j. -;, d b Th '.' ,~·m

, ~ ow eve r ~ i~" e .P_-t.l!cuogE, argumen:~ men,ti'CJlIJ!e: _ a _' ave., ' ", lS, ull[~],~

cDl~' has been resolved (lfn'~y r:ooenH,y, ·w'nen. it 'was demonstra ted that m the ,early prehistoric period elimatte rood i:'t:io:n~ ,in Europe w,er,e, 'v1e'IY' diHere:o,t from, 'wha,t they' were :;u a, la,ter na'itei, and that

0·• . -1 -- ,'- - a::'Ib. ,- -." - - :t.,!'...::t., ,- - -' d - d' - - Ji,,'L. - '. -" , _.11 ''Ii.. blt t' : a,", only 'w,a:s UJie rleg:(iI;;~:n W.l:lIJgJ, W~ :rega:r.· ,e"~, ~~ ule",o:n.gln~, ,ua~~ rta

of. the Sla,v,SJ ou.'tsid,e t'he ,area. 'where, the beech, ,tbe larch and the yew 'wer.e lco.own 1'1) grow:;, but so also were the land$ lying' be't\Y'een the: Ilbe: and 'the Oder, the 'V_[~tu'la, and tbe :B'U,g:~ lfol'eovet~ ;excaV'a;ti,oD~ earned Olu,t by Po,lIsb aroh,aeolO,gis;ts, between 1920 a:-ndc 1938, in the region ol'lb.e Po,pet marshes failed to fie:~,d, ,any ,arcba,erilogi,ea'l evl.denoo 'which, 'wiQu1!d suppOrl' the th,eorr that Hi. 'llum efF..o us: ,people 'had 'llllid'e' a, 'prolonged, s't,a,Y then~, In 'p,rebi~s,to(fic! times. On 'the. o' hand, the e'.n,'d,cJlc.e S:UGG1e6itS that :it, 'was no t: until BOJII1;8n, 6me~ ,that' 'the ,Pr~pet' :re.g;i,on ca:me to b e :popuI~.ted :hl a m:ark'ed. Id,egree'~,

Argumg :from these premlses, 'IDe mudern f,olisb :S'¢,hQol 'o,E aI'(!ba,eGlogi~tsl~ led. by lo'on S~e'kanlJwski~, 'L,. J:'Q~l\ow~kj:, r, :K05~'tn;,ewski 0:0(1 T'~ :Su.l[mi1Fs~k~, came 'boldlv :f:onv:a'rd with the tbeor v

I' 'ill

ihIa't the" pnmi.'ti:v,e; 'hahit'at OIf t}),e Sla',vs ,sbou,ld be: localea iF .. th"e

Ilands b et\oVe 00, 'the Elbe" Oder,,; 'Vi-sw1;a, md, B!u,g: rivers and 'tha.t the so .. caned kL;usati,a:n. culture," !of' ', the rernnants ~ mostly ,po;lter". - are to be seen in taU, ,tbje museums of !Cen'tral and Easf'e'm E~pe) was ~ 'product .of' 'tlu~ prirniti'V~ Slavs. nn~ pl05S;i;,'~ 'bJlli'ty was :3150 seriously 'c~):oslde",ed ~y 'the, ,greab9st 3r1mtborlty (i'n, S:lavic arc,baeology of' ,DOll ti'me~! the: late L., Niedlerle~l The pl1ob·,

i j\"an~'6l a,e' I~A:fJti~u,i"e' Slave I( Paris, 192;3)~ pp. ,~O· ,s:eq;. L., l!1i~,'~e

'.Iii- j,. - . .JI i,,1 ""iii.. '1.. ,IE t1 >C' , ., "~I ll..._ii. j.'N!.. '.

~~n!liIll:l:~hJtlU, 'uH~ pr,lm'!II;,~Vie' !f.Iome O"l:, ie iy!,~a:,v.sil m ,ge-ne!ral'~! ~1Jj,W"~n LUi";:' rrvers

V~l:u]a, and, [l.,n,iepe'l\ H'e' see,med!!i nQw~v,er~ ~e ha:,y,e. been mOte :a~d, mere




, ,

Ong I nel no IT!


,nm"ji"~;"'i,:'!j"'i~ii'a:~ ""'j£~. a.T-~O··· l'IIIi'l'.~ V~,*,"Jf!M,.,! /;':LJ;,~,U ,.L1r.~,bnft" .. _'. ~~a

'~ ---,.




\J! '~ ~

:tiP\ ~I

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



le;ms as5n~11;ted: '~,tb 'the' ,~:;'';lia'D cultuJ.ej~ were, however, Far too caw:ple'x: ,art: th,e 'tii'mc! lie was wr.iting hts works and. he did

'..]1 . , f' ~'h 'p- l~ ,I., h 'I d ~..l 'Ill 'I' 'h

'o.ot u8,re fo go, as '-,.a:r as t:,.e'~iuls~.~, ,S'C .. _OO,~· ':.'005. tWiay~ llod·s.,

's.c'l;tola:rs seeen to :ha-v€: ,oladfi,ed. some of' the~~: problems so that 'today tliek'theory a:ppear;s: f-o be a . .ndt umeaso~a,bL€: h:Y,pothesls., Th,e matter' Icailnot 'be finally solved until the results ,of' ·flBther ;~rrcha;eo'~DgicaJl research are m ade known, One of' the greab~,;s,t: puzzles which. oon,tin.'!l]Je tiD balle, archaeolo,g,ists: ,[5 the o"r:.i,gfn. and ,e:vo~ut:~on of' the Lu~a.'lla:f1 culhl~'e,~ :remn~r~rts ,of' w'hich. ·,ue also fn

t be' :fou'nd ,in. eaStern Bohem.~:a and ,M'pr,Qv.ia, . .l.t :h3;S' not Y'et~ been. ,possible to determine Which :penple me,;t,ted: ,the Lusatian culture, ,although, :pu~;ny theories harve been, u:dv,ao,oed,. Some J~a;ve ~tbd1buted, ~i:t to thenlyrians or to the Tbl?a~iaJ1S'; otbe"l); to an 'UIl~' known, :people", O,l' 'to se¥~al ethnicaJ. com.poo,en:'ts" 'w-nos;e place was lateT' ta:1c.e'n 'by th,e Slavs, 'M:ost, of '~he p'Iehlstorlc: :m~ps: show a vacuum ill. ,tbe lands 'whe(F,e the Lusa'til.D. culture ,floud~hed. On. :se~efal ,grounds 'ft 'would seem re alU}n able: bJ' fill thisv,amnim wUh the Slavs, Such a 'h'Ypotllt~sis: would. render 'more und,erg, standsble the ra,pid elNillansri,on 01£ ,the Sla,vs In .. his,t-oncaJ: ·'tilIU~s~l

R, lecent d'III~'.nE'I'!II,r\B'n"£i(j' he .J' 'p' "t,R resolve ,;lJlln,nt:hiOf .J1~m,n1li 'II-'ro ,gjl sso il"'i'~ ~

.. '>,§~!WJ~j_: L ~~~-'!il.i ¥ ~ 'f~~l [I·: _, ,_:.' ~" . 1~i!J~I' ."~ ~:.._' Y!1' -=_ ~. g~III,~I~!!!~k_'~ /' ~~ "_ ~~~ _

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



'ie!' ~~Ii' v' fl''I' A ";H'''' ,;F!i!iil':~ft ''i',~ ,"" ~II,:,n,","' ~~ . .:a 1I:II&.iIA y. _.~ ~ ""~:A ~."'UJI.:"

], 'S" T~ ,(lo "~;.' '. , 1'", olio, 't ,,;;ill ,'" 'i\!;ii:" ' , "i.:i;.,' '" A' ',' ".,.', - I ,':-t" ,-, , .. ,- ,~ ,,-,110--, m ':r:i1"I' ': ,~ ",' iI\!! ~h"

",ee '.' i,;I!u,~~m]r:s.!!jI;5, st lJ;uY '!' iUi~~iII:u;t1]", nLlq~,1 ~ei!i, lin "ven"ra~ ,DtlIO:pe", .:I:,' e:

A, .,.:;i;lI'nii'_H'D,Ii~ 1"",o;~iI!'n'8:r X','X,,'u' /1 g:'_>!IL5," 'Inn, 'll.=!l';jO: A;", ,.L,a l~j;;;":'dj.]·I""m.;"', ,",,",,!@ '~I'l,.,~,

nil!iI~'iIi-~ ~ .. - ~l (, V~-:~ ~~~ , _., ·,"Y ~.' ~ , .. -~. '. I ~ rr-. J; ~. i' V ill III IL_I:ii"f ~~~I!.i.. _iliiill.I~ aJi~~ ilJl;I,~

1i~CeDt ,~tu.dy Of v,. I" A,b'ae'v~ Q,e,rJ:nsli/ jay'k ~ f~JllOf ,(:~i{~soow~ I!94;9i),~, vat I.

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



the ICe),tj,c bibes ,fournd a d,e6nite~, home and became the 'GaIa'", tians to 'whom, S,t" :Palul addresse.d one, of :Ids ~pJs:t1es~

If' 'w,e sup,pose tDa't' 'the: p~p,le wno, created, the LUsa'tian, eel .. , mre were Sla'v;s,,.- 'we can reaidi~y 11nlderS~,and, 'the: .pa,t setback

"h" t.., a:L,.'I! ~ .. ~'I.'· .' ..... ,m' JI "1 f- ..:'L.!: g"C' ,a','L.'.' l..,11

•. : .10],i 'uli~ (:1.v:ul2;'3,tion Sdner~b. as D, resUJl.t 'O~'U~S ' .. cy U.1Jl an IiJ-JJO,W',.

[0.0, the othe~; :ha:nd, 'H,' "w,e: cannot iDcoopt that tIl:e Slavs "weF:~ re ... , :s:pom:ib'le for. the Lusatian euJture~, :i,t is natnral to sunnise tha't

_,fte'·-· er the ~.~dl,.1lii';oi!In' l~'n;v~-al,j!i]j~o'- lWi, '''h-- a 'D'" o5I;,..:Iy-.~, p~··i'ioip'· ulla'''l!!'!IfI!'n-'--''£ ,:I"iL..,a. -L' "1'" ~"'1;·b:qn·

,ill" .. ,Ul, ,ii,li""'l"U .•. ,;g .. ,n, a I,' .lLlI Il, ""'" ... U.U" 'I::ii' .''Ii;;I' " . .II}. l !!L!I .. ~'UII.~ . 'ILII~~ILlli~.,

"teui'mIj' wra~g~aduaUy ,replaced, 'by S,b,'\tS ,adv;ancing lowards:· ,the .E:,lJbe .and the BaJtii(l. Od, 'the'. ruins of ,tbe Lusatian enltuee there'


ar '~DI A -D·-ri"t...m~ n"l"i:r:i'll.~:~lIi:r. a,:'o- n - ,th.;i,1t! ,&;;:"m- ~ a un' - ·d· :on]'",.rih- ,.11'1" 8-11 QI'I,j; 'W' 'L.:t n"-:-h' r

, ,ll,Ia!!l:ii;' 1(.1. ,~l.IJI'L;o:a. I"",,_~,i!;n~:u', j; -, . .a;.:;!i 1-.1 .. _"'"" ,_., '_"'""1.1 ,d,,:_: 11:/ -'.\lg"Y"".,. J::.u~,_:_- I ;l

ucha,ealo:gl1sts leaU '~'Ve~edJa'n'fJ~ and w'·hic'b. ,Q,ttalned 'i.~. zeni,th In

the Irnt ee~tu'ry of 'jour era ..

,t'J; Zii

I"L.,...... ..iI"Ii;~"'.l ... I """it' d:', ,A~~'-'~ng'.- m" ..,.,.....:i; p" reeiselv ,t·-,'Il.,~.· I.,.~mn' :!I:!: ~.f th a,

'-''lIT ~Jl UI '~'Il.IV.J,.lil1JIJUJl_)~ . :~:.' - Ulj"~· ~ r .&~~~~ .. ,1.1 JlJl~ U.Jl[lll::Ii- ~. UI ."' 'Q'

;S~la'vs ,and, of ,foHo,w,in,g; 'mO'f,e: :aooura,tely 'lb,et'r -pr_eldstnric evohi'110m 'w{Htll;d. become 'y,e'ty :r:n,1!],cb; easier: if 'we, could :1.0(1, more fn-

f"",· .. v., -_ O',Ifi,iI!J: ...... ·,.'i'!ii ennc 6 .. 'm·· ';~"iijig:.' lb" ~ ~fi ,~lt,-:-- '1,'11"'1'1;, :',if"Jk~ i"i;",'f: the elasslcal G.>rj3;,pJI,.:.'

ulilDQUuu, ""Uili"'!!u,i~·, IILI ... ' ,~,U. 111.1, iUlU: "' Uili .. ~ u, . n~ "'"" .~~j;i!!iI.!!ww ,_ ,,"?'W\!!;;,

and 'R" 'om';1 ~'iffl; 'Mi~'t-.;i!:l;r~' H' ': ';li"iI'i1!t~A'ili1""'liir.. ,,a:1l,A ·f·'~ct':· t"'h' ~ at the S' ,.J~ t~1t!l were

AIJI,._,_ ._' I,', '_ ,~L;ll "R'iIIl:i ~ ;i3!~ ,I~ 'tU:"'UiT~ I., 'tIl~ (:M·." ,', ',Al.l' W '-,.1 ~.,.!'iJ ~~ :'!IjI;r

,~lj~'il·;"m:i.' allv ~mH-':; ""!,~d"t ,~~ £~~f--' ,t:'~nm.-· the Ian .. ~~ ~,f-,ii,'Il.A M·.·.·· ·Did· .~t\DrI!'g'n.B9In !Y!'.1 'Io:-Hc;d Y ,~ . 1"",_. ;O:IiU' lo.[ ,[['-I ,U.lL. .!I,O .Ui.!I! u, Ul~ , ~ ""'""~, Ii. ~~ ~~

'civilizal:io:n~ exp1a:ios wh:y' they remained f;or so' long' unknown ,~", , .... 'L.:._ ·G, ..... eeks and t"~ Bomans 0'(- f"L,~:, earlv C.···_:~DJI'" '1l:..~&l:I .. ,~rlg:D~~ l

tU u:~e . _ iii ~ ,'lI" ,3 U,IlIL~ '_ ,u !QUI.JI02!<" .. ,' IU,W ~A;,.J .. ~,~~It JI.b!l:!!'''!!;;!II_ -~, _!i!lt.

mmy Herodotus meaty have been aware- DE' theJr presenoo beyond the' Stlw"ces ,0'£ Hle ,Dni,es:ter and the :B,'Ug' and, on the mlddle Dni·eper~, "H;~i N'euroi. and the :8udifJ.i, whom he: loeates 'libJere,

b hi CiI'I· - 'I it h 11 b ,i:.''L - "1.. liil!~ .a.:t.'" pll

wei,e, pro a ~ : y ciJ.I'O;V'ic" ,t ml,g:' :t, aiso ·e 'UJJ:,l.'t tne -'~~,ynllim, • · I,oW-'

: .. ' 'It. 'h _,J,:t, ~ -~' ','I... if' , th ' ~ ..i1L,~ ""'-,~ . -- -- also

mel!)!,,-- 'W'uom .,8 UlS;u'D,gul'S~u.eSi rrom '01"', er ~,cyujt~I.~~J' ·W~.I,~: aJj""

partly ,Bla,vs.,

,After' '8enxlotus' we: 6nd no mention lof the 'S,blVS :in Cree~' :lj,lmamr,e 'until. the -second, Icentury of OUt efa,~ when they are m,en,tio,",ed 0'0 ;th,e map of Cla'urdi:UB Pto),emy,. ,A'S ea:r:Jy as ,thb"" Ptolemy ,.1Is the 'C'arpar,tb:i'tl:n 'M'Dun'ta.i'D~ tbe,. Moun:tail1s of the SlaiVS ,,~~~ ~fJ'tJ)I~, and some of' 'the 'fribe~ located by him in, 'that region. !\1hDuld, 'b~ re,g,am,ed, as gjl,VS., Th,e :lhtl"Hc' be llrlso calls

Ong I nel no IT!



Sea of the Sla'vs ,o~"]'aUc_.O~·· k6A~D.~·) .and. reI,er,s to SJa:vs OD the, Vi;sto]a.~

,Bef(ll'e :bim ,Pliny the E)·de:l· (A.i.·Oi". ,2l=19)1 knew that there

'-W-'-a- ·S·' 'iI.0i',.~!E" (. '1:r;tJ;,T'i;iiC!I<d"~ )" l:!', •. I!' l"'If1II0' n'l'lli .:LL.~ 'V" C;iil1! .. ,~,lil]l and 'T"'oi'!i; - ';b~ - i - 'iJ.,._ II< '~il~'JI:a,,~ '."' .... :.Jiv o~. U'i',~;I;'i!:Ji' u~ll;I[:II;i' " .iIJi;!!:!J.uJl~~ a .. ! .. ~C[[iLILiI,S: I~ 3UvU:t::

A .. ,D., ~120)1 ~ in, his: flgscri.pb)()[], of Ge'l1lla.nia,~ places the V mad:i, east of 'the Gef,m.IJlS·"l Mttir that w'e have to 'wEdt until the ,smh, centu.lJ" £ur more pc~ci!fe repol1-1 on the migra,nons of the Slavs ,all'd thi?U' cultuM~

The ,s:carc:i'ty of :im'OIlDa:o,on about the SI;a YS, in the WOfFks: ,of' th,e oila: ,cT91s.sicaJ writers 'belp~ to '~pl91;~n w:hy the cI:vi:li:z,ed_ peop,le.s,

=1:.' . h 'W' II:. I "tt'l i';j;. - d i, -.L, 'h' ,.. '. -] d-I '1'

I!;J,I t,· e ..... _. e.S:!L w'el;~ ,so' ~, .. il'~ Illt.'e'fBste, , In 'b~e ' .. 1st-orl'ca,. an;. C~l.IJ-

.... '" I l' Hi f';1.. c~ -m- ~ ,-, 'b .. ., d- ''Il.. " ',-u:ra_, e:VOIU·.:J),D, 01 ~ 'UI.e ~_javs~ ,a;t IS n~,essary to . ear In 'm~n tnat

aJ]' '1..:15" t:~~(':'11 and !g'J!lIO~Ul"''liII'nh! 'l',~~'~ 11r-·nW'.· '].ii!!i!:dJg.',ii!;i, :i"n ,t-·h·· ~ "~·idi-'~'~'~' ·A· :"g_:,Defi

. --"" 1.1. i.v~,~~.iI-1 g,~,~- _' :.<'~' t)'!'I MllC ~A-:l ,",:~Iu -e ~ '.'~ ~iI,~ ,~lVj,[1i ' ,[llf~ I. :.~!1;1!

was: based the Wiiti:ngJ of' the' ,c'~as;si,ca!1 authors, above all .. on. 'thO'~e of' C~aJe,s;aJ'" Pl.iDY;, T'llci.tns Rnd 'Pr,g,l@my;; The \vorks; of the 'Byz:antin.Q w,ib~:r.~~ who have pl,(Jvfdsd. 'Us witb, so much 10- fO,fDltdiOIlJ on the history 01 the Balkans and ,sout.bem Rus-s,i,a~ and €:ven. of Clentra~ 'E;uro'pe~ 'were' mostly un'kn,own 't,C) the peoples o,E

t"'b~ -W',::~~t' before the ']IfJ~n' .. aissanee, ,E~~v;t;;llin later, m ·~·d, I,arn ,h:~:st·:0Fi;·r,~:n.611

~; _ ~ DeIy ~ . 1:1'\Ii!i ~~. Q!_~~~ __ ~._ . _ ~__ 1 ¥~ ~I U. ~_ __ .~._.~ ~\p~,1

research, whi'cb 'has remained dl"e p' 'Iv' indebted to the same

l .1

sources, 'hu; been "slow and, laborloua :and so :it: is no 'woodier that

. . ~ .. . . .. . .. -.. .. - - .... - ~ .... - . . . - - - - - . -.. . . ~ .

even :in, recent, 'times: the hisforlcaI evobdion of ,the' Slavs and 0·£,a'Do E:aste'm Europe in ,g;eo,er,a] has: been much ne'g,Iecb;~d. and at best perhaps ]Oll,ked. u:[1oo. as a curiosity·.




M'a'ttcr,s' 'would have been q,rdte dilleren:t if ,the Bomans h,3(1:

.' .' ", ,I· m,1I ....... . ... , ·t- _ .... 11- "tL;I;;L. c:1I c'. :-, .. 1-.::." d ~d " " "~'''h-' t'L ...

,come lD,IIj;,O .'. 'fec,!. icon,. Bell!. WlJ:.-u U:le~ ,~J!a \":5,," as, ILlI;l1iey I .. il_ WI,IL . '. u,~

. m-

.'( . . - . _ .' I' -'j .. ".-;-._ . _ I' . _. -. ill . I" ". "_ ..}", - -, -. - - '. "!!I - -,_ . .'- ,-,

,CellI, and the Oermans, This would not have, been lmp<ltSSll,··I.e;

f., ,i,.- h "R" _. . . - _. t - ·th" - ·t· .. '''}' ... ". b' 'b" 't d'

I - • -- . _-.-' ~ . ,~ - I' _. .. ";. I ~. , . " 1 • ,. .. ,. • , • ~ . _.,.' ....,., ' ••

'. ,or 'tYllce tl e .: . omans eame velY near ."0 :: e rerrr ()'ry 111 _3, .1. Ie: .

b '\I' ~LA ·S·:~ 1fii,,'!IJ\iI:"

:. ',J' ·U·.I~ _ til Rl Y !il! .• ,


Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


l"iIi'illi!'''\it-''iI,T~jj',~i; 'iiI.~, 'i. ~1--:,ii"'I'R-' A- "Tr"I\'O' "N- "'--8- :

U~.uJJ.b:U~~, ~'lII~ ,~ .. lj. . ·,.iII.~,.:...t ',', I ••

Tbe first o£ these: Op,po-ttuni,'ti,e.s eecurred wben 'the ,B,gm:ans

., d' bd ~il.. C- 'L. h dl L. ,~ d '1111,

triG, t'OI. snbc ue' 'tIle',-, e~n~l~])$~ W,ii;'J)O: ,~_a" neen :mov~ng :gr,;.l' ,uaollY

ii:':~m-' 'i ri.i'lj;, 1000'- .,' '" ,'-, '8· 'C-'~ 'm"'(', ~ nnij'",·;l •. am'j 'IO'-n- _.J Ili'll;i!:~;n.L.., .... ,1 " .... rm'a 'n'v B'v ,g,L __ ,- ,- t,

olI! ""',..;;; '- 0:- -_' ,~,",-:.. '.' ''--Y .. ' .. , ...... Jl-'l;f'l"" c, ~ ,p,_ g_'I!o<' ..... '!l-!!!'y;-,i;I!.I, ~'" I - Q - i ..' j' ,g,LKJ!JJi"

the· year 100 B;:C:~ tine Cermans had eamp,.ciUed, the Celts ;to,

, ,

,abaod,Qn ,pam, ,of southern German;), and bad eccupied :it com-

p[eh~)y' themse'-h~es", Gaul ~ l:he. :habfat proper ,of' the' C-e~ts _,

8 ]- · - '-R h d b'· =::'1] d t=: -1 D- C-..]

came -nll:y ,l.'Il'tu ,-'om;~n ;a.11'- s between ~ anc !oJ,I, ',.:, lEU:l(J, was:

in ,p1rocess of bem:g l~:Hllized~ The attaeks of tbe Cermm:n!l'c 'ulbes, -Dn 'Ga'u'~, Iorced the Romans bJi ,attempt ,t'hmr ,S:u.Dljug,atilo'D and subsequent ~ati,,[lJiUl:tion .. W'e learn f:ro,1il Caesar hj'ms~eH~~ 'the: con-

nl~' • .i!;!II'r.i"li;rii'" ~f G"', :;;!i;'II'lj'l_ '1.: -r,;,w·_,! 'k, eenlv he 'W., ~:~~ O!liiW·'IlIi·~ ..,.if' II.'L.~ 'G: .i5:;~I~'iF!i;.:1 ~~

"l!!LIl.~,fj,U'-I' ,v, _:__ A~Ji:" ~ " ." !V~&iI.;l ,- ~ - ,~~ go, ,,,iIOU,~ l! U,~ ,_,~iI;,U.liD..LILII.C

danger ~ His genius sa ved Gau] ,for Rome~ p,:[ij,d 'hi's v;i!ct,ory 'was: f:'oIlow,sd" by a ,new' Beman Q,Iens:J:;ve a,g;ainst 'tbe Cermans, ,Al·, ready ,Agr,ippa had started to la:ti-nilze, some Germa.nic tribes which vi~ctorious ,RomijEl'Il. anns had forced tOI .settle, DR the left bank, of the Rhine.,

Before laun.ching 'tke 'Dew QIe·n~Jve. a ga:iEU't' 'the 'GenflJ=lilS, :B.nme ,:Grst 01' ,an :secun~~d possessiOh, be't\V,een, 35' and 8, B,~C,! of' ,Sa:etia and P:SrUUcm1_a." whfc~ were :Rlhah'iled by populations: of IDld IOy.nan, stock, 'It W\9,S then, that A,ug:u~tus: ,gij.'v'le: the of,der 'to. attack and 'his: sen-hi-law, Nero C' Drusus, pen etra.ted, ,[fOOl, the :N'orih. Sea: to 'the' rivers Ems and Wieser',. 'The: Germo;nie 'b],hes wh~ic'h. 'were· .se H'l ed, In "th,e :regioDs, lie bad overr.nn ,_, the ,Ba'ta,vi3:ns: and tbe F' _ :had ,to ,aooept H'oman domma,tj,on (li B'mC~)1 ,ODd d:ds con,queji! WIS, ,followed, by tbe ,oecup,atio-n ,of th,e 'territory' between the and 't'lle W'es'~r" The Chatti I( :Hessians) w1er.,e fn 'die SI,'me, ,positlDn . as the ,Ba'ta:vl.'I1's a:ndl the

'F' ,~~ "', - ,~' _, n' - and 8-'!o' -- 6'iI'ri; 'lD;a~o:---~ 'w--a- an'm-'·~;i!"!i;n~JI' 0t A- 11.~~It1,o AD &;'L.;a,

.' '" ll'lSll~ ',~~ ~'i,: ' , ',mAWr. ,iI!!!;;'o-~' '. \ii;l~ ::,...:..~' ,6,:':_'" JV,ilill~U :Q". ,," JLI!~~., 'ui ur~

r.ive~1l' Lip:pe to exereise control DVe-r 'the new su'bj1ects of the Em,p'i~e and ensure 'their' loyalty~

The R,omaus oon.tinu~d 'th}r:d,' advance, and in: 'the ,year 9 B, C ..

Drusus camped on 'the :Slbe'" A Uttle;bl'b;'f be :set up his head, .. , quarl:e'fs, at M a$nzr. Fright'~n€d by tbese qlll],~k' sueeesses, the' l't:3lI'Coma:nni, and QUladi~ 'Germanic tri,be~; of 'the S:wah i an, f,amnly-

. L,. ,iI;,La.n dwe 1105 d' i'1.'i"i, 'tb6 ''t. iI'~:'I·;:n. be pi'.i'Ii,'I!'1i, "'.... m- ni~U\B p,a;&l')b'.'''iQj ... ds i'FII,

W.l~D U·.I,~JiJ~j .:: n,~1 U.' J u[~;11 l' '~ ~"IJ~ '~J~') '. _---~~~'~~ !~ :,_. I~".·~ ~j._~~;l"'WW\~~1 _. ,~; .&~litll

seMch loEi 9., DeW home, Thts ,they t!'¥,cmtually Found ill, modern

Ong I nel no IT!


Bobe"mill~ .Moq·via, and, S~(Jvakia,;) :dw' they had. e]{pclled the Celtic 'BWli

rr-1i...s '~;n;l!.nn,,,,"e; ~£-. 'D' "'r'u' "I'!"~,"'" W,IA'i"e' ili'llnm"n lie ...... ..;]· 'lHiP "l..,;:.. b .i.'Il.:,;:

,.-u~ "":~I~I~~~:A.~~ UI ..... ", ,~ul~ ' .. _:'_"'~J'''. ~~\!. - 1t,1.!'.J!LJ;U ~1" lID; ',rOUle'r

'Tiherl:us,; The 'mmmry b~MeBD the Rhine, aad the Ellbe, became a Boman province, 'In sp[te: of £req;,fIle.Dit r:ev01 ts, 'the COUD'try could hardly have esc..apedJ the fa:te w:hi~. nv'oc.tOOk 'the: Celts in 'Gaul~ ,if: the, ,B.o.'1l1U!JlS had. continued, s;teadi~y' to :pms,u,e their 10.£"" £en.sivepnlicy :in these regions", Cerma:nicu.s.~ the son OlE DIUS,lU~, aV'eD.ged ,the ma:SSOlcre, Q.E V'arus and his tbt,ee legi.ons .iJn the .F(i~s;t oj' Tie utob u:r.g' fA, .. D~ 9) and 's,m,as:bed the insUI"ge;pt C6F:"" 'manic: bands in the y, A,.D',. 14 '00 1:6., Thj1;: ,agl~;r,erss~[v\e. ,poli~ 'was~ hOW!8VeT-;, abandoned 'by T·i:ber.iu~5l" 'who .rei,go.eel from ,A~D. 14: 'tp !31'1! The' oou:ntry seemed 'too 'pOOl' to e,,:(;ite. the iDle~st' of' the oo:nqllrer-Or8; w;hHe the new' subJects] wer-e' too wild and un ...

d" i'I'!~~:p,Un';i:!i;d- so that ,i.~Q p'~fii::I~{Ijj''':nrn and a: ,dJm' ,~~,~,~h.ol':'n.n ~ C' •• ','~' _,

~~ I."~ __ ~~_~ ~v. U_~g U ... jJI!~.;._ ,.~II!r~~~U~J!! ~ __ ~ l~~_~'Y,g.UU'-Ul v.J[ ".~[

mania appeared to OA3 'too! ODS:t]:y a pro,ljoot'.. Hence, TIberiu;s: ordered ,tbe evacuation of' thee 'rerri.wry 'lying between the Em.s· and the Elbe, and at a. later date C1Jaudi:us !( ,A.~:D~ ·41-=54,) lo.rd·

th l~' . ~ til 'Rrun

'i :,e e,g.oJ]s 10· re-cross '" , e , :,-', :~,-~e-{!,

From this' .paint 'Of vie'w ,of' Roman .interests, ',it 'was a, g,real mista;k"e to leave Cermanta 'tOI ,lits fate" The· .f.e~Qclty of the, Ger .... manic- tribss, which the Boman le,g,11ons ha,d experieaced more than once, sh,oukl 'have been ,3: 'warning: to' 'the, ,Roman ,go,vem.,ment, Boman .generals :n HIe· thought 'when 'they led their troops to the JRhine tba~t the sbiJl't'-sig~;t.ed pol~cy ,0£ 'the. Ieadees 'would one' d i1:Y' bring' th;$ sav·,a,.,., ho.tdes: they bad, eoaquered

b ..... 1_ .'l!l-. d' ! ~ _'l.: 1L_..1 f: I!'!I""L, - lid - ,_ t f- , - - - ;I:.'!L., ·t til

..a,,~· W.h;ll,'UuJl,OO"ury" lL ~~e'y 'CO!J;lJL . :~q . J\;JIJ.·esee' ·Yia.·. ',I e

nOdhern bar'ba:rilons: 'would) in ,their tU1Tn~ eross the' Rhine and


I $n,Jills:h 'the' Bloman Empire, It is, :not dUReult to .u:na,gine how

different' 'the fate 01 Europe would have been .if IGenrtania. bad 'boon civilized ,a:nd la,t]nized as: Gaul had been. I t is, iindeed~ a, solemn 'thou"gh"t· to, 'reaHze hOlw' momen.tou,s: and far, .. reacbing. :for -tbe !eYo,l.u.tion. of the, wncde ,of mankind: the 'mistake"! of' rulers ,may become.,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


. ill '::I:

The 'viictoriEY5 of Drusus and GerD)'amcus: 'brougbt ,aD,cient, Bome t,o, the :p(i,mt 'where j,t most, clO,s'e:ly' app:rllach~.d, Centr,al ~' [Europ~ and the, Slavs fram, the n,onhwest.. It seems, however, I, that 'tb€: Empe:r~'r Tr,li:J'a'li.i, (A"D~ 1~117') came: 'to the conclusion' 'that this .defensive', poli;c,y ol~ loonbllDmen't' bad been, ,:I ,g:n;~a't. mtstak:e~ He ende-ovole(!, to :rectify it by coo,qu.'e~dfil,g, ibe peoples beyond the, Danube i'n JOfider to pliote~ the, Em,piire~ from ,any' da,n,g~t' w'Wicb might' threaten it fm,m this .dir.ection.,

The Dachms~, ,0, nO,l]olD of Th.ra,cian ~)rlgin who had: :a]:r.ead.y

'P''F-V'~..I ~I lill\ii"'I;,U-"" .... O '0·1: considerable trouble ,""'"' Lfi·ii.:'t.. A" 11'''!IJ!IIj'II,~.I:;,.~e 9])-.11 I·:~&U ~ i~ ~u· JI'~~ .... ,1' ~U~ ·l_~~II}UJ~: I A IJj~ . r.' 1!IJIj, ~ J~, ItIYU'vU~I, :,-'·_:::~o~·'4,·u~ ,~_ .. u,

Domltianj, were :atta,c,ieed, and defeated by T,r,aJan" Thek king; pFeferred, suicid.e· to ,Boma;n (~a:plti,vity ~ Tt,aj~n ~,8 f amou 5: c()]umn and the Tmpae:um fmmni!, the triumphal :m.'QIlUmen,t d:isc.overed, hi 'the 'viUa~e ;():f' .A,d,a:m~KJi!~d in th~'_ Dobrudja, oommemorate

I~' ,.

tnils; victorious 8,oma:b, cam:pai,gn ~

A. :new' P FO'ti1 nee, :Dacll~l~ was £()(Jrn.i,sd !mmprisin.g' Tra;D:s.ylv,ania,~ WaUachia. and M:old,avia~ the Bum,ania, aJ 1918-=1,94:0;; It 'w,as, de5:i~ed to 'be 8:1), :impcHtant" b,ulwark ,of" Roman, "c.iviiHzatiOIl~ piotectin.g 'the: :Em,pire' against .. a'Oy' ,a,Hack from, Gennallb:: bihes es,tab:l1lshed '1:0, what" are now Slovakia, 'M'o.r,, . and B~:,be:mftl,~ and f'rom, the Sarmatia,n.s, 'the: suecessors of tbeScythia;tu;:~ who 'oc~,p'i,ed die' region between -(be' Carpa'tld,a:n' Mountains and the Black Sea:; hu.t, };t. ii~ hem that the Bomans mtttle the'h~' grea,test·

., 'k 'Th- '~~I h ''to, .'.. 'b ~ d -h 'L 1

:mista~~Je'., c',·~ery WOI~ln ,,';8VeJ' neen WlSle'lIi;) nave ,~ccuFne ,t, ie W,uO ,e

of 'the Danubiau basin, and to have ftsta,bUs:nea ,the, fl'\onti'er n£ 'the ']!,mpIre on, rhe' Ca.rp.a;th'l~Ul Mountains, because thil; would have involved th,e' ,s;ti1bftl:~atl'orn of' the Sarmatiar,D 'ma:~ges, w11~J. d,w,elt 'betw"een ,tile,. T:i.sza ( Theiss ) and 'the: Danube andthr~aten€1d both Daeta and ,Pa;nnonla.

Tm,jaD~s Successor ~ Hadrtan (A ~:D', 111' :I381~ ·f:an~d. to' pur.1tJ~e' Ibb n.ew 'poti'll/coll eonrse, His d~:fensi've :poli:cy is still 'f-e~a'ned itoday in Britmln, by the )Orng w,aU 'which bean his name, :alld wbi'ch was desi:Wl,ed to protect Boman ,B,:ri:lQin :fn)Jm, 'the' sava,ge P;,ab" Sc~d!l and l[Jthe'F' trfbes of 'the Dvfih .. Jt 'was' 'JeJ.;t' to 'the

Ong I nel no IT!



future t:o ~ho.w 'tbat: 'this polj,cy 'wlas wlJDilly ,ine,l:ectuai and 'thu;t: no man-made bamee could save Beman Britain. from the £~ry of" barbartc imvaden ..

~M'a:rcu,s ,A.ureti'll1:5 (A,.:O I' 16;l~180 l tast,ed,. the 'biHet' En.db of 'Od61 ,misgui.'ded 'po]j"cy in, the year.s which. he had ltjJ sp'e:nd, oa.ttlin:g ,

,. -1i... lli.l... c' .. . 'h h d' 't... '11 Ei" ':-1 I, I

'WI'tn 'we •. ". ermans, ~. '0, '. t::Jr·. eeen leJit· tOOi .,ong.·' - :10, peace, : n

.. _ !L7-~

._ A .. D i :16.2·,· the Cha:w: (,He'SsiilllJ ') hU1Dcbed, 'an ,a'':ka,gainst ,the

provinces, of' :Rastia .. ,BLnd Ge:mu:nlia gu.periar~ }In.d the 'M~-c.ommllj: and 'Quad~,*, established, as .iruiicated, in ·'modem. Czechoslovakia, £oUo'wed, tbeir' lead 18 ,B,tt,acld])g fh,e R.omaus" The· s.annatilan of. the Ia·zyges·j from ·tbe T:UizR, (' Thej~s) and 'the Danube, j·,oin.ed .:Fomes 'the. 'Germans" ;;j,lld, 'B'ome ~h.a.d. ma'n.y ansious :m.omenu;., :)1'o:r fonrt·ee,n ye~rs, 'Martas' AUteli~s; had to 'w, :an, ~lmpst ICOlls,t~·~t s'trugg]e agaiinst m~'Se ,a]]i,~d. att·a.Cke'F,s,~ but 'his, :Iegl'(uiS emerged 'vl!ctoriOlls, .. They pe:netra~ed further than th,e:' .mi.,ddle Danube and tb.elr :ll:anlsons were d.oHed. Olver :thre wht"le

bi •

of southern Slovakta and sou.'th£m. M·Q'1'3via .. , The Em.per.cJf 'wrote

one book of .his ",~i'em.'ta,tiollS::·~ in the' country of thre 'Q'Uadi·.,___ ~on the :ri,ver li:'an:~~'·~ in modem ,sluvakia~ It :is ,s'a;,id. tba.'t w:hen 'be.

- d d th ,j,,1l,. dista t '.... f' th h~ h """ - f: ",t..

Pons' eree c_ •. -' . ere on me . ustan _. 'p,'fJO'Sp' 'eC'L (it. rne ~~_.1 P":__ pei.a~~ or I,\~ue"

I J l~ l!l.~

Carpa'i'l:rian Mou.D.tai·n8'~1 his ma.'i:n. preoeeupation wa·s.c to oontem, .. ,

plate the exbt!ns;i.on. of "the ·Rioman. Em:pire as far as; this· g,rea.t natural boundary. Two .ne'w :Bofnun. provbu;)e, ha.d. O.ow ·to be created: Sann;atia, composin.g the t,errUory 'betvleeu the, Theis;s: and 't,ne Danube, and ·M,ifcom,annia·- the :Boherrda1 !\~:o,a'Via, and ·S·iov'akia. of t'Qday;o

I'f' .it is 'nUB: ~tba't '''i{ Deus .A.Ulelius cont;emp]a:ted .s.ucJ1. fa·r'-·,·eaeh.-, ing projects, it: is: ,S! :f.u:rtO€F proof of Jth.e genIus. O'J' th.i!i. grea:t E·m.per1~n but: he was; denied ,the· erq'-~Tien.ce ·of' s.;eelng the J'eali.':Z:3·-

,i-/, Afi'ri; Af: sueh 'pl' 'g,'RCl' "f'n", ·L'BI..]'; Dd-l F!iiFiII &.L8 1- '7' "t'h-:- "I' it .,.i!JI, ...... iI"i!.,'b. ·A·, ·D··: '1' ;Q,~ at

!LI,IU~l~' vi ~. '!IW l'~ ~I!"~j' V~ Jl:~lV O.!IJ!Ip'_ ~U'!LI. -U~I~ ~..: I_._ ,l~r. I, ,I[·J.:IJ bn~ [', 'lili". I' '~I pU~ I~ I

ViJ:'l,dOb011i'lljl f''be: modern Vi~nllfa ...

The eo.'ijre 10£ 'Eur.ope' and 01 the :Sla,vs ·wou.ld have tak:·en qui.'te diife:rent sha .. p8' if 't]le R:o:maru; had been ia:ble to 'mainbd'n the]]" IlOsitiJOfl 'beyond the Danube and to continue

lll;r.· ""r'" _.

"L 11~ ~.f 11 il ., I 'ft. "'1" b 'I t, '-'h ."

'lure WOf,!l;;: oIl· 'tile 'Imper1a pi ilLJJS:OP,i1T1!e-r. ., .:t seems, :uowe' I 't'!i!I't:

·Rom.·e' dld 'Dot. then 'iI')n,5IeS8 sulG.ciient ·strenC?1'h to P"llDU"B a '~~.

l~-~ ~.!II I , r'·l '!I;I"

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


Innged .poUcy In these reg~ons., All. that r'CleaUs the· anciani li:~$ ,Romanuslo. southern Slovakia, and. southern ·Moravia

~ .• D a- f-'JIj]j'tIHii' :rD.rniil'1l,;J,o-'1'1 nof: 'R·',mw·-·,!!'JjD: jI"i;'!:Iimps- sn d" fort it'!' a'· md , ;,J;, '-:O ..... '·'r·II';fI,'1n m;:--

A.I~'" : ~ "t.,¥~ ,:__: ~-~~~&_~_ ~ l!\;l\..: .:..,..:,._ u,_._" ~: __ ~. _' I " 1 ,~_. " __ .~"" .~' t .hJl~ [. _._: ";. ~ IPi J:'~.u~~,~~~~- ,--

s~:ripti.un. beneath tbe Castle ,of 'T,'lleflCID~ ,a,'t ,tiu~' 'out !of the Tal.'ttas, . m ,:no,rinem Slorvalda:, 'whi1ch 'i:nfi!'lrm~ the world that so metfnle·


about tJ~e year ,A",D., 11'9~ :Rom1U1, le.g~oD:S camped there, thus;

rea,chiJ)g, the' most D.orth~·rly pomt: in. ,th,e'iF' push towards the [~\a.r.: ... pathian ·Mo'U.ntalDs;.

801 it' happened fual the, Romans failed ~o e'slta.bUsb dwect con, .. tact Wit'll the Slavs, Inthe 'm,e~D-HIJle,! 'while: 'the RQnimS, were


hyi ng: to reach 'the 'Carpl.t~bians:, ~be Slavs; had been mt(~'V,in.,g, .in,!

the direetion lof the middle ,D:.oies,ter and ,Dniepet' long 'hef~fe the Seythian ,in:v,tlsion in 500 B".C,. I't 'was a, s~ow, .. movl'D;g pene"tra,-, 1

._ - - .' I

it-;"o' 'lii1i0 £ro,m-' '~~e-· "I-mi'nill'l,;;;;;r~ "V"'.: I"';:,/, " III 'II la and l;'II'P· :p- __e" Q'1Ii iii !Glt'. 'm-- -0' ·itl·;!I;I''liIIt'B~! bv :,,'11.;.,8 ~D'-' -

,-It·"·· . .i1U1 ,1-( . _, _ -, ~ .. Jl~,", U,r.rr-~ .. i.1Ill'y· dl ~l."" . !ibJl: J.,' ~.~. P.1:-I'1~~ ., ",' ." .,-¥.~ ·~U, ..: J" UIG, JJ.

crease In the popll1latio1llt wllj,ell W&.s: -now' g[\()!wlln.g: foO' 1000g,e .£0(1"; ,.

fhe original home .. But other' "mb60,S. were n01Ar 'Si,p'p'eari-n,g in the; region~ w'hie'h B't 'the: ,p,r.esent -day' is southern R:'!llss\i.a,~ preceding ~be' Slavs in 'their movement towards the .B lPllek Sea", TIlle' I B~t:arlla;Je~ a Germ,anl'c _' ,ahh.ou:g!h some scholars r,~g~rd them, as Celts ·=·Iecf:t thmr :pri,m~'t:ive home between the ,afth, and

~'IL'~~'d' c· entnries :n c,- -'- ;]I,'n-1i 'e;; ......... L'I;m .... "p .. ·'O'I"~ .. :./rndc o:r followed bv ...... "I'h· ~:--, I'G--'-A-F'

,.Ullr:-' '." _ ',y. _'!;iii:!! ,D.'-,~, 'R-UIUl,~, ~,,,-....:,.'!L!". ',:'~'lI..ili~" '\IV -'. "1 'Vii. .',~:r. ','.""',111.-

manic' trfbes, traversed the: 'territ-ory :inhabited, 'by -t_lle ,Sla:vs,~ ;a,p= pe~tring' about 2JO B!,.C:, 00 the lower Danube and t-lle Black Sea, The Cot'hs:~ whose or.~:,gi'n!a:1 hahita,ts 'were in southeastern SW1ed.,en, :Jj]()ved .f'rom. ther,c' to the 8,h_,~re,9' of the Baltic and the ,reg,i:o~n uf ,the loweilj"' Vbitula in the een turf' of lour' era, ,A,fte~ ,3) prolonged stay, th~ .f'oUowed. ,jn. the :footsteps' I~f' the' Slavs and . tbe Bastarnae and, reaehed the 'bord'ers of the Bom.a:n. Em.pite

at tb,e beg,:~nni'ng of' the third ce:o.tnry" The, -di-vis:io:n of tht~ migh'ty, 'tribe, :into, V'~,s.,igoths (Te', W'ts,~~ c~d~ed 1.110 'West G'ot 11\Sf) a;n.d Os:trogot'hs (' Gr!euti.ngi~. ,B'rnUa:n:t~ called also Elost

G·"--$'i·t,I.,~;\ -"IC;,"liil!i: -pI--~,b.·~I~~'l·v ~lael;o'O;"i"Iii--n..;l ,af,:,·t~~, '~:~'~'V' had 'I'I'\II3I"i!:II'c-'hl'bid .• ' iII"L#ljo '8."a'('1,11 ..

__ .. P. "'IW,' ~ __ ~, _ ,Y_ QdU -'J ~U~L!ILx;rtl ~;I. lI.JJi~J 1 ••• ". l~ ~~ • I'~ •• !lUli1~ I~. ~Al

Sea~ ,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


IIi.'U'\ BU

E,.;I;~'1I" ''!U'' ,~'I" _·1.'1:!'-I'.r> j''''i'FiU':FfI'' ·,IZ A ~-O- N' ..

~!LI.iIJ.11l "'-!J.i.ftl ~., ~ ~,T ~1 __ ::_. .11[,11.:.. ".

Th~'~ st ,Q'o-d]·!\1· H1iIi'a-r-Ii"II,~;f'!i;{Ti: n,f: p-';P'-UD"' --]":14'l1t.a iIh.o;ib··i!Ji'li!', ' •. owar . ...1,:..., &.'L,a IOI!li'l:rA'1i'"

-~. ~'~@. :J',I l~lhlLUO .IUfll..L~UIl_~ Ucl.. I :_ljLi .1,'U,'1!:~ ~:.1 .. ~-~ ILJ'Yf·Q" .. ~- ~i w~: _'.!'n~~

Danube and the BlsJ'!:k . .s~a, .l11a:y seem .a, s,ttatlg~ IOD,~, 'but: it can eas'~ly' be .eJ!C:pJained i H·~stor.iam.s were' fQt:merly .9)ccus;tom,ed, to look up~ln the evolution of. .Europe from the :point: Dr£ viie'w'~,f the: ,Rom:91DS, 'to, 'whnm the Car-p'atbiao5 appeared ·to form. an impene .. trahle 'barrleI' £0([ p:n:mitive peo,rples:,~ but ,they forgot 'to ·t~e into

,ji"iI,nAiFii.·II·tlni,·t· ""''''.it. ... ''''' (1lDflrara- 'po '1L ~;Aoj; 11 ,r-e· ',i'j; ·t·III·II'IiI:lIiit" ·1,.:;;'L.ll~ iA.1L 'W: .~!r.\B fa · ..'a':bllDj,' to

i~~'-'.v.Udh •. I IU:UIe~, b'Y'Y'ef'"' ··.\.Il.;I.I~.q.I, I'I._~, :J~~~~I n·.I,I._}~·.I.I, ._._:.~~~ [I '_:~~ ,1',. ,' __ " • .I¥ ,'.V

h.aJf-D.oma,d·lQ' and ha;lI"'18.griicnlbttaI mau~ :rr:[;I1V,e'nlenbj. These fea .. · tares were dH~! wate'nv'ays of the Ruman "lains, wldch not. on'ly ~,ad'Ef oommel'ici211 eX'Clulll,ges posslb~e:t In~t 'c:oD:S],dera·.bly develaped, 't'h~m between the! p~ples o~ 'the. interler ,of' ·wha~. is: D.OW :Russ,:i,R and those OD the shores of tbe .B,altici'~ G,roo:k colonists were t'he iD:termedi,mes. tn 'this tradmg l'llter;OOUfse ..

Co'~onlza:Uoll of 'the. shores ,of' tI},e; B~ao'k Sea by the G:roo'ks had. 'be'gun as ear']y ,SIS' 700 ,B-.,C~ 'The tradjn,g :POLstS:. set u:P hyCr-eek mefcnlant.s; de've'lo:p"ed mto 'busy tnwnships, Frorn ·tll,e. :mou.til. of the 'Dnl,e~tef 'to the Se:a. of Aliov i a senes 0'£ Souris bing ,Gr,cek ·ci:ty, .. s.tat~s came into be'iing,~; one ,of t,b.em", P:antiea,pa.e1l1m {th.'e mod,em 'lGer,~) ~ pro'flidil7.l,S' the nucleus around w"hicb the so-called BOlpora,nia:n kIngdom, sllr:ang up. So' migb'~' did this lcirJgdom becom ,~: t-'l .. ~I:~ u nd'A'if M' 'i,t-, ~, .... ~,.l eI"Io~~ 'I I: -v"ini1~~ Pontus (. ~ 't'i4_ 8<l' .B:; 'C-- _ ')1._

,~IIi.rU ~ _lln'~:~l' - J~ tI . ~IU~ ~Ugl~,d! [ ~ ~ ~ Ut l v_ ~, . L'&J .. OJ . ill .. l. : .. ,1

:tit beeame a center' of' fiefce resistance ,a.gains;t. Roman '11enetr,a-,

'HO,D iota. 'tbis part of' Europe and .&]11 :Mlnor. .-

The G'r·e.ek: colonists developed a· brisk commerce wUh the

l':n-;t18rl~r- n,f- w·,-·-'~~,t- ~~ 'i'iiAc'ii!i' 8' ":ilil~II!~'!!'1i_ and ,:a;'L,~i:r- 'h.'O.,;JI~Ii"\~ ,f:n'[-'l'ry'lu.I"'Il·P'· ~1'b:e'

, -'" _ ~ I;U.~ i u.:- . '~:lli~! i iII_~ llJl~ 'fY . l~~~~.~g). PL~~, _ I~~~&& u] QU~'-!l~). J; u, lu fl" ~,:UlI,

easy 'Russian waterways, penetrated as far as the B,al-tic~ 'They 'also 'bullt up and 'm,aintaine~l liv'B']Y' ,oomm~l'mal '~'la·tiol1s 'w,it:h .Asia .. M"inot and tb,e; ~1:id,dte: East, The people who beaeflted most by this intercourse were the Scy,thians wb()~ u,P 'to, about 200

I It,C, .. ~ d.omillatt,ed th,e 'wholl,e. nf whal is now' ,5uu'them, Ru:ssia~, land · i,'t :i~' more 'titan nr·6ba,ble' that thev were in 'touch 'w:itb the SlaV's.,

I ~ II

. :1:1 thetrihes w,e'l1oooed: by Ptolemy, ~ett red. :~n 'the modem Ukraine,

were ·Sma vs, 'th.ey' 'wer'e' the :Grst Slavic tr.i.bBI to cotri'e .into, cOlllta,ct 'witb Oreek ei vU:i!za:tion as it spread 'from the' Gredt c]:ty:-Sita:t,B'S

'~:FQr. " see :~t';, Rps,tD~e:.a:., Im:rf'wR$ ,rm.a 'G~€iel~· in 's:~mh. ,8~ .

. ( 'Cbfnrd~ 192,2,) I,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



. . . , '_... "_.


IAft th I D, shores 10'( the 'B,l .... ,4-~lL. S',',mq A,' ill!" 'a~ result 10'"[' J:.',t..~~ G" '::'r·~~'lI .. '~u:lIh'~"r~ 11 y",,~ '_ . lj ~ U. J~'il! . iI' lIl., ~ " . ip,1QJ.Il _'~'~~~I __ ,:~ [_~; ,.,i~.~~' :_.iL .. J~, 'U~ .: .. _ .I.~!QA !Iir.'.- I-JJ~)U itJL

lnluence the uP"'P- er: class of the, ,S::~c'ythi"-' ~aJ'15: 'b"e"'91me'." p. ar"'~y' h~'liliA'l'li ...

___ , __ _ "':!!"" " , , , N"." " __ ' '_ " , I, '_,' I _ i¥_,_, __ , , Ju/ _ ~"J!J,'!!;,o~~,

'_",.:: . ..

bed ~11,d tbe 'wM,le. ng:ti61l abando:ned i'h :nomadi.e 'e;tistence' and

;Il~¥ l:~d-: I 1.JI_.ou-n I !f1IetlLI?~ . , ·UI'U~JI!._.l

A'bout 'the' ~a:r ,200 ItC"jl a" l1ew 'D.a,'HOfn~ the 8-aruul,tiausJ.1 who were akin. ,to 'the ,Sc'ytbia,Bs~, made an ,appeara:noo 'irl sou:them Bussia tl'md defeat,ed the SC1thia'ns'~ wham 'they then p\roooed~d 'to absorb, 'The :SarmaOtU1SJ .founded ltOeir ,O\Vn. e:Jn..pjre~ wbii.lcb e'x:, .. , tended OVUF.' the- w''ho]e southern, 'Una.i'llIiSJ;n: 're'r,ri:'tDt<Y~, .f:rom the' river Don to th;@~ Danube. The relations lof 'the C,:~eeK: ool!on:is<fs w~,th,·· the Sarm 'Illi·t-~~~il"'i"iI!i'_ B't- 'II;il1iGl~"" '~D" the lea.,r--'liy,'-' 'd' ,a",veE' ·-W~:',oiI:i·..,.:o ':FfIi'i"'ii. ... ~, h--'Jiti,·-p.;n,y-':'

_!II. ,. ,u.~ !JIA. ,. ~ -IgL .... 1' R .JI~Q.,'L ,.. .. .~~t";; ,g, ,I... . ,.I a~, '. ~\II,"'"'" :L;LU!I,. ~~ , _0;" ,J[' _ '

as tbom 'maintaIned 'With,th.8' Scythlansi, bUf under th,e Roman :protector,a:te, Of' 'that of the Bosporanlan kin gd!om ", the C'r,eek mef'c;ha:nl's sunrj:v'~d. the d:illlcu'lt ,perilod and, c()\ntinued th.eir "trade W'ith. the .:LutErri:af (If :B.u~~:jia!.

~ .. :: ii lj ii t b ... '.... 'h "B' 1" d ,'Ii... '811' 'Ii = ,1, JHI..IS commer.CJJIl.l !n',e:r'C01]F,S~e'L.wi@~n. 'te , · aJltic' a:n" 11,18 .. ,I:OClil.

S-ea, 'broug',ht: to, the nOltice !of- 'the nati:arn:5: in the nortb t:he many advantases d," U.'Yi'n.g'·, in the warmer' and richer lands: I.vino' on,

l~l . - - -} 01

,i;,L~ :"""E'iiIi"i'Cn, :@ii!£'!:IO,t:".'L,AiJlilAmll;i!!iii;i '' -mpJr~' i":i;,!rn('I G'-.:. "";i;!!I;Q,11~. eivtl i''i!'',;;a;'t- iF;lllH. 7'L.~f~iU),U ~UJ&._J_I ~ ,ill: ~JJ!I~ n,lU'l ~ ~~d~ £:iiJ _ ~_ ~ " __ U . ~~~~a ~_ _ _~g _~'U\lt!~!_ ,]. JI~,lj"<~~

'm,m;t have 'been an important: tr,adi-Ilg post =e=e a Iorerunner 01

V~eiU iiI"rIin the ml"'d1d]a Dnieper 'IIJ'Jh'fn1L he 1_'1 O'li \'11 ,II.. P l'II'ri' 'l"n1",llg,,( O·,..._O'!ii;i"'i ,

I'!Ur: -.;' -..-. ~~-~ -: . ,~", , ,":: .. ~_,~, >·Ii~~,1····.-' -··~_-':'I ~.: ~~;JII, .. ·.~~~IU, !~~~ • :J~' -l .. ~'~I~,_ 1P!,~'~.r@~~

tions. ,I,or them" and n, is 'no 'wo;nd;er 'that the Slavs fir,s,t began to meve :~;)}owly' but, steadUy towards ,i:'t This eenter ~ulld 'f'be Don 'J and Donets r,egloDlJ ill,to w-n:i)c!b Ithe sm-~,V$I 'were ,moving", 'were ,,~gIl-l ~ lrfineil~ a'ft:er'the defeat of thel Scythians, by the Sarm.a,ti,lulS) and the S,lavic tribes ,,·!'me'n. ent,ered ,t,h:iis \terrlitory nafur,all.y eame 'under 'their' poU'Ucal !!mild, cn'],tur.a1. i:nlu.leflCft


The ,eas·t\¥u,d mevement of 'the, 'Sla:v,s; was: hastened by the acti:viti"es .0.£ the: Go,th.s~ As, we have seen, this, gl',erat tribe bad. oocu.pie,,.! .o:f the Baltic: ceast fOl; g,bout two centuries, and

~ Many inle:res:tm,g' detadl~' ron0endni~l the el\'Q:~utio:n of th~ SC:.YItlh;ian~ U!I:u:;)/~r 'the· :wDuenOO" ,of C·~~.; 'Cl],'UD:tc can be ,oibtained fram :M.. Rostol\'t!ie,g'I' $kJl~.ten, 'bM ~' BOIpMtll, I( :S,erlin,,! ,1:981.:) ·and .E,. .11'. :Min:mj ScydikfLS and' 'G'"eea ,( Camhdd,ge~ :19]3, )1.,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


E",a.n"fli: 'y" 'IIil'.T,"',,,"C', ~ !""'Ij'IH~ ~'ii""'ii~O'_."'IIi.'!I" ~ ,~~Y."'. ~~"'-ILL.i.L&.iA"IL,~1 ,iIIi--.

they,su.b_j[o,gat'ed, the greater :part: of the Sla,v8~, 'whose presence ~ ,'11 ·this: area was: ,B!'Hm,ted by PUny- the 'Elder'~ T::lm.tus and Ptol,em,y" ,-'The st~ead,y Bow' lof' the Slays toward$ 'the ,ep;;st 'was not slowed ~d :-'WD wh " 'th" ' 'G~~' I-h ~ :, 'b, ,.,":'11, , ' "'d· ;.1!.." ~,' L, -,', ~t. , 'B.' - '!I,...:jc .: - ad ~.:_~O' _-_" , W,,' en !, ,e ". _ alii. _:5 a _ Illuorne, ~JLJlmr ,nome, IQlltue ,,' a.~u,c a:fl_,

~fute~ m o-,vb~ f1'. towards to: he B. :l",,;I!"'i;'t;; (.:"odiS f~·rn·l:-I,~cw'~'~~n,1J' ':"iLD, 'D',cn,;jop- er

,~ ---- '_ -. u' _ '_ '_ '--'~a, . IYI' _'_ ~~ 1:1.. . ¥ ... , Ai~Jlt kJ!'Ij: ~I • y,. u ' .• liLl'b U!l~ . .IIJ._Jml~.~,"'~"

,--''''''''1'',:,,:'"':,,::,:. T', ,~,___:, ',I' ',,'-",'___:"":,I ,::1. ~'I;.. , ·G-:, ':-~, ,~ ,:-,!I;'J;._,~, __ :--- 'R"""~~- t..;--~,_

W~,I~e[Wtay,., ne presence Q'J:,Ule '.,. u'J,I~ 10 SO:UIUJ.ew~" .u:SS1a~ ,nOW

"-',iI"'" -'" "1,,(1' ." .- 'I Id ·~-"'b"l' ,,~,,--c,~:'h'I_,~~,11 _. •. -- .. \''' ..... ~~-,-,", -:- ~ ... Ostrc

e y e!":~ cause a ,CODSI'.·· era .e up . ,eava.l. m tnat I'e~.oD.. ,'_, ,UI:: ._ Su.O ...

, ",_t~,iL,:- 'I I"lb', '-d· -,,' '~"", ,t~h -_:. -d·' .'.,~ '. ~',:- _.1£ ·t~;'~'-, 'B,li, .... ,:~, 's': C-,' and ab ,iii.

g~u~ ,pus e on. :lO. . . e . - -IreC;u.OIl, Or .Ire,· .l:QC-l( '. ea ann ,a_,OUIL,

A,;D'., ,200 the: G:r.oolc ci"Hes on the: roast became a !alUterin g'.'~: 'nri:ze

Ci 1_: c·

1'-0'£ the new' ha'rblflfian inv,ad'ef,si and only the cti;Hes in t,he C-r.imea

were able to 'resist: s tlCCE;!ssf·uJly. The 'Vi.si_,gOlhi, spread '~ow2J.'rds the. lower Danebe, ;iu),d 1'0, the. m:idld le ,of: the, third cell,rury ,they'

_ ',C,' __ ',':' '~'-'d:' Dacia t. c ... ,i'h"""" R-:",,,,,,,,,,-·,, ," '-Th"'1I''iI'~ ~l" ·G,~,·.,:L, had " . tab~omqu~ut. .' ,DJCUIl, ,110m, !i.e , . omJans;~ , "uS, IJ"ue· ..... ,OltUS, , au es dJ.

1'·' 'bed ~ h" h ' .. - tI, h h '1 of" . h R" '!Ii.

~ - ,- " , '. - ,~ '''''' ' , " , ,-, ,- .' "w -, - "- , , , -- , - ,

,_.~s ': .. '" an, eJnp]rEl' W', 1,le " com,pn:S8 .. ' -t,; ,£!',:',.> ; rO e .. :~. soutl' e~m, . .uSSJia,

,;;;I'~ if~a(r' as t~,La.: sho res ,,,;;,(' the ~,.g;a. Olt;, 'A' ~Il' 'il'aIt'lIi,~ the !__S-~:'lg,v';;O"i ~bil'lio~;

H<J _, .-:J.l JI~.;:!! "."",k1' Vc~ ., _~ ~'l/,;;i-A- -_1 , ' .&o!V~ ~ ~;!,~'u' [1,,"!!O.i . - g .,I!!'!;" ~'!I, vol!!

'ib..!i' h L. d f'-' '[I ,- '-'.~~1 ii.1!.. ." d C:I f'h'·

'W.II:lUC.: Us)" peface' II, ~y pe:netrat-ru mese ,f.~g~O'ns~ ·:oow un· ter '" ',0, ~'·~_.lC~

- le iI"Ioi!}·m- ~;ei und a.... t- he nn~:.':"~ fi; .... '~ g,'od-I CI'IIi"'h'~r- 'all l"'-,tliUB'II'!I;Ri!li oif'i£ ,&:i...a 'n.B't111r

ru: [ . ~~J ~~l~ .. ". I~l '. ~ • ::. '~\I,' .. : !riiI1 I~:~\U.I~I~M ""_ . _, . !li~,I~u: ~ _.J . ;JtD I. '~~~~I~~ ~(~ ~jr'~ I~W'-"

masters o,f' the~ area,

It should, h.iQw,ev~r:, 'be e:m,p,tu.;sizedJ that :Sarmali,a:n, i~nl:u;e]]ce, was, eXle'rted on the: Slavs before 'l:h;at' of the !Go-ths;~ The ,f~c!t that

tJL - 'S-' ] - 'Ii;~'iP wb- n had ·p;a;IIi'I,~.;I:.pd *o'flI;ug'r;i ~ ,il:.1L;;,g 'D~" no and ' "D'" nn- Dito

_:;r.lC_ '. ;a;-Y~, '.; u ,« ".ir;;;,a:I!e;',II,a,!I,[Y_ i,,"'~;P; ,UOI!i iUJ1~' , i ~ ,_: ar ...•. .11)1_: ~. ~

:regi.oD 'had ,come' under ,th,~ domination of, 'the Sarmarti:afts before, the' 3'mvaJ. 10£ ,the Cot,hs is Icon'6jft1lea ~Y' the' 'ms;timony of two :Sixth--century 'write'F,s:,~ JOldaEle~ ,and P,fooopiu.s:., lord.a.nes., the: his,to.rian of 'the 'CO,thS1~ records tba't a" part:· o,t tbat -na,tlofn1 having' uFossed, the D'nieper'j p':n:jbablly in the :fi'i~_gj.on of K;leV'~ 3rttatik,ed the SplsJij, a tribe 'w:hi,c'h lived in the Fe,glan of ,the Donets river, ,Af.,tcr de£ea:H:Il,g them" the 'Got~hs: turned. t-owa:nls the Sea ,of hoy and, pene'tta't,ed [1;1.'tO ,th~. Crim,ea) this encounter taikiIlg pJace in the, :s,ecQ~d ,century' 0'£ our era, The Spall ~upposledl,· belonged, to 'I:h.e ,~4J~u:d,IC grou:p 0.£' Sa'rma'thills 'and Uill-S't be' id,enti6.ea wIfh, (b.e' ,SperQ~i or Speri ·mention"ed. by :PF(n:~op'il:l!Is,. Since :Prnco:pius; .say~· tha;,t: in the old days ;aU Slavs ,= me,ani[ll.,g:~ of eourse, ,only tJhe' Slavs 'known bl hi:m '.-:'were caJJ~d SPOII:'O], or S'pori" we are ennt'lled to ·eoncllld'e From th,is !,Iatement' that· 'the Sl~l"'s in tlds region, were, 'before tb.e :aniv,al of the Goth~, contfoUed. 'by the ,Ala-nl.c Spall ~

.... ,II'"

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


W'e find, a.dditional evidence ,for' this: in the EDict 'th.a~t' m, 't'h.le la.iu~ gU;),ge' of 'the ,'ioo,t S'lav:s;!, the word £0.£' !ll:giant'~' is: sp(ll"tn, I( B,'Usstan 'is,pol'~n:" Polish s,t,o:l'iu, or ,d'aUm) J a 'ward, obviously d,eriV,ed, ,(:rom, "0019 pillit ~ the' giaH't~ m~uftef' na:tio\tl"

The p' -O'lYel' OiE 'the S:'p- aU was brek '~D b:'tI'., '*i,L~ G,,_,~·,1;..'i1i,~ b:-,t, ,'!',~ ,;i.'iit'!j;.o ~- s

: '. _ _ .__ _. _ _ _ v _:!!.;o'___ , _ ;/U:;~.... . U'!!i.n!JI, U. ]I, It, ... ,,",,'bO,m;;],

llta,t, the ,sanna:tia:o,s dld '[U)t, en,til,ely relmq uish 'their' 'bfJ:~d on the Slavs", The :pJace of t'he: Spall a,ppemS! to ,ba:v6 been 'taken by' t'h~' ,An't,I!s:~, whose. iorlgin, ,is :nO't y,e,t quite elear, Pliny the Elder in .his lilatu ml' H'isti('-fY' (Book VI, c'h}),P!. ,35)1 :menuoned. the "j:A'll'tt~ amen g peopl,es Hving' 'bet\v'een. the' Sea iof Azov and the Ca~p',hrt'll.

'miiln 1:o'm' -'y- was ... .'1 .. '0-· ,oj], "I','!!'li ~£Ii 1!1J~ ,iL'IL·D.'I' r existe ill'll,onS in ,;LL-'~I!C area and G~ ra.a'll., ,£'[~I,~'.:t; l~·:.'· .... j">'iIl! i;EJUj .. I_:, __ ""'d£~i ~II' U:I"_~·L ~ ~~~P~:'~:~:~~;~_:~_ IJ:U~ I~~;. -l_~ ar ,:::-. . ... ~~-~·~'fi!

'i:iii'i;I(!'c--r-i'n'~'n'ifi;~' 'lnl~'~d them I'·'" .... 'Le 'I1!li!lig' ~nTil; n:f'- ;i.iLBJ -C"r~'miIDa' A-·' &;b- -o,t

,L~Ji;J.i ': 1i.~.~:JLV,';J!~ r;a~~ ',-::. I~' I~,' . !!loll. 'LlLi :_,' -:I"l~" ... ·ltl~!I:~ y~ I lll~, ,'" lI .. ,mL I .1Ibi._:_!! ,:',':L IL!: '~"~'

+-i: ....... - .lLb.,~... - - - - - - "D'-h"",'b- - ';1,_11 b s -- ~ - 'tT'" b -- - '1- 1:' p- ',11°, - ~ A- .:

nme, tms area was :~.',~ ~.,h,eu, ! If ,'u3n, ,:--~l ~e-s~ rr ,JjJny' s ~. ,~n!i;~,

could 'be id'entiBed 'with, 'the Ant&" ' S~a'v_i.o, o([ig11o, should .. 'be.

'I d elll ]'. ~L:lI .ILL. . 'h So: ., '~iliA' .. n '1,,]: '.

iex(:',.u ; e~'" . t IS ,pO$inu~,eU:13t: 'It, e ~.'. armatian ,." .' no, were ,seU:lI!e.1lJJ m

,the basin 'of' th,e Don and, Dl()!l,ets as: ,ea;r"ly as 'the ,SEfOOI:nd oon;mry oJ our' era and that ,th~ 'tn,en. rook ove{~' the Ie a,defsui:p, 'Of: the! Sla:vs in that ,re"i,all~


Som,e scholars, ,horwev'sr ~ rega:rd tn,e ,A;n:b~s as a Sm,avic tribe,

Their name=- altho,ugh regarded by some a's;' ]r-a]~lijarll~' oo!Jlld.~ in, reaJity" be -Sbl¥iC\~, and derived from, 'the. same common Indo .. Eu!;opean r'GOlf as th,e name of. -the V'en,eti, Venc·di. It is; q'Utt~' ad:oos;s:ib,:le' that' ,an Iraniau tribe and I. SIa;vi,c' tribe bore sJmHa;r

'il!'(1'I"l!!III'e-' -,~: f::"'III""'II1IfIi'fidC~'f;"r,-,t')iI,m- ii'iIl ~ft'm:-c ~ 'm- c .... '0·· reot,

,"'ljDi.J.lIl.~ .. · . .;:]1 , ,UII. Ji..1131~ " ,', U, .. , IdJ ~-u, '" ... . ,U .Ill ~ . J.

J' a:nd P,Too.opius,~ ,slxtb;~cen'tIJ~y' 'wriber,S b) 'whom w'e lOwe ,m,o.~t of our :imarmi.l;ti,on about tb6 A:n'.tisl~, are not' 'V'ery heIJ:"ful in sol:ving rhi,'S, pr.ob~em,. [ordanes dis'li:nguisnes ,tltF,ee gr.DUpS of. the .510.''1,5, - the: Vened:~" ,tbe Sclavini and the A:ntes:" In another' ,pass,ag,e ,he stresses tbat the ,Anb!!r. spoke the sa:me Miil;'n,gun,g,e as tile Slav,s;" 'This: .state:men,t is: c~J.n£lmu~d· by' Pr'~oapius who, however, sW.lctly them from O'~ker Slavs" Does 't'il:is mean ,that both writers W8Te a ware of a non -8 la:vic o(figin of the An.b~SiP It Is possible, but theh" statements fur.nish no eonelusfve ev-id,e:n(~e ,fOIl' either' opinio'D~

In ,any case, -a strc,ng Sarn1ra.'H,~rn ,P oU,t] eal and cul'wral lnftuenee on the o,rganiza:U-on of !the ,Al1l'u,Q state Icarn hardly 1be .• ex-

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


.... '




·lIli"iI".U''II' 'y ,iIi:!T Ai ":R.F!! #"!inl!"'l1'l' '1"17 ,IItTlO" 'ILT ~~_"" " 19~","''''';' '!!iJ..!a!T~l'~I._,~; ..


If cllll.ded,. The ShlV5 ,governed by the· ,An,tes' and tbe Sa.nnartiaD, I tribes were ,m:nnedia;b'~~ :nei'g;bbol',s',~ and it ts pG-ssible that some, I of them he-lped. 'the' An,tis to ~tablisb their ,politi.cml. ~uprema'C1

over other SJa;vic tnbes, At ]e:ast,) some of the: na~m~, of .prominent I, m~n'tiatle:d 'b:y the ByzB'D,tme writers Pfiocapius~ .)d:e:lls:nd,ef and ,A'~c'thiaJ seem, t,o be ,]r,ania:n~ In, ,IDV' case 'w'e ean ,OO]],c],ude

I~ rl

.from 'th,e ,sita,temeo.'bi ,o£~:~a:,~d :p!ocopius fha,t,t 'by the: sixth

(~en.mry,~ 'the. B:yzM.tine!f Fegudtd, fue: .htes ,IS .sJa:vs~ If 'there: was any admixture of' Iranian elements llmong' the Antes" they were, at that ,perjod~ already completely sla vicimd.

The ,fact. that 'the; GortmJ we;re o'C!c![IJ,p,iled, ,ehe:w'lle,re mast have g .. ea.tly'helped the Antes to cg,llSolid,iI:te 'their' ,position "in the area ,uf the D{u],~ Denets and middle Dnieper. As 'tht'- ,Antis are ,5,aio to have es:tabUshed a, dynHty,. s~p;ptllt,ed 'b,1' DUmel'1I'JUS bib,al em,efs:~ 'we, may snp'posl€' that their dj,om'i,n;l.tiu:n of '(fds, pm of a. region w]:d,Ch. is now' RW8ia must have bOOD of quire .mcl:ellt

d-a~;I;jD U' -, ... ~1 ,!kL::',;;;, ~'C ...... .,..... and th! C'IP'OO' Q''I''p. 'ii'iii;fi;l C,a.....;i,n,ll';ie ra'!]ll'co:-, n-"it'!' 'f,_... fa,..

____ ,~~~iII • .:........_: ilU. 'U~I ~ 'U,UJt;i~ .. ~_J;~ -_: _:~~~;" I ~,I~I .LiI,U ~~.I.V'lr.l!!!~ A~·~ . _ _:_~ .. ·.Vll] . '\.II'"

:jecting. 'these: !ta,t,ements, ,and S11l!P,POSi.tiOllS:; then ·the ,m;t attempt

at Oll",tJ,.m.m·"iiT'i''liliiC!' ,J;,:l;..",,", S--'il.-.'t:'e ]""T'Ii ,1I-'lL.a· 'p'li'<ne\£i~n~ "t, d- qy ':U~1'''''''''liIiJl·T1iI8 ~'II1I,;I;n ,It] 11,.''':!!-.d" D~-f~'

Q.~, " j ''';:DiQ1 . ~._~:~I I1r:&e :.':'.IiI~' ~ ·&.l U-II~ J '." ~,~~ .' I, .: 1;Ii~:.' ,,'-_"_ ~~'£_!l11Lr. ~;I!,Ji,l~~ ~, IilU ,_. _' I,' ~~. )

S:tn,te, ~w,a~ made by a. ,tribe which~ even "if Sla.'iJ{,h:~" w,as· 1lUu~er strong, Sarmsfti;an :inlnmlce~

The ,An'tf!SI also assumed the :l.eBderslupl ,of the oppns:itioD, tOI the Goths,.. It: "W,IIS because 'llf thi~ that ,E,nniiularlcb\j, IG.u,g: of. the Goths, ,from ,A,J)'., 300, to 370~, be'£ore sta'rtmg upon. his march bl' 'th,e' narth to 'win .1u's: sbart-lIv,eeI Oothic em:ph)~, first a'tmlCbd and dle:fe:at~d the, Ant~ and £:locced,them, to submit ,to 'bis rule. The Slavs who did, Do,t: b,eio'ncr tn tile A'o"ttls; ~,()UP and who W'tm'G called

. ,D It:;Ira

SC'I~'~uiii 'by Jo:rda:nres: ,sllJbmitit'ed only in part 'to the IGuthS,. Some

of 'UlC!'~ p'le'fe'lred. to :mig,a't,e towards the :o'(mthil Se:tffil1g in. th,e'· region of the futur-e' No'V,g,orud~ This su,gge"sts: tna:t IDe Slav,s were rather (I V,eilSe' '~O 'the idea of' be'im.g' ruled by th.e 'Gofhs,~ Er,mana, .. , rleh also forced the !Slav,s: M modern Poland _, the V,enedi. 101' Jordaoes, _, to accept 'Wm. u 'their overlord, ,He} ,founded. an iew,'" ,pJ:re' 'wbich embraced all the: Sla\dc "Dd German 'tri,bes: and ~olme ,of 'the ,Fi'nDi~b 'tri,bes, Uv,mg hetw~n 'th,e :Ba),Hc and 'tbfi Black Sea, Had 'this !e'mp~ survlv1ed, the. COthtl and, not' the! Sca:nctina,"

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


na:: ,iIlU!


,But' the G·()th~c lempir[e did: P,Qit 'last E:nna:llariichi's hopes 'were,

·_'11 hed h d b 'JL~' ' ~ t

uSS,Ceu, ,to t~,e groun'ly tne; n"rSt" A51aQ'C' illvl.sii,ran, lui" Eu:ro:pe ~

a.1b.nt.· I ..... f' ~ ... - H"", ,- ,-, ':-Th' c.',. '::' 'H: . .- ' ',.' . "_>", , ... ~' '.' " .. f.' N' i=,....ii.,1f. iC:~':h'~'" ",. he

LIla" U" [I,IIe-, ',.C uns~, ,',,' e, .. un~ we:r~ mM lLers (), , ,VI: UJl, ',' ',\ . lD3 w· .f!t)

they were attaltk:,ed, and defeated by 'the Avars:~, a kmdred tribe' es!ta'b'U~ihed. 'between, the Tarzum and the Korean P ·f!'ll!ill,s:ula .. TIle

e,- .

'H 8ed ," '. d' 1:,. d af' - -.' :i.:iL .... ~ h

__ uUS! '_ '~._ I'D. pamlc towarc s :tnt west ann, .' '_t.e!' cutting" 'Iuu;vw~n:

1 l._, ~

~L 'J ··,,l:··-E-':-:-' , " "c,'. c - ,:a....,,('IL. .. ".' .',' ,._. ':b-lI·:,.ih tbe _' -(c'~ ·',c· :i, _" 'C"1 ",j;h'" --'

UI,e. . DuO _,lmOpean ',.1'1, ees, es ~.a,·~lS_ ea _,' emserves 1 ill. ,sou ~ _!. em

R" "",,-" "L,. " ... the la ,. "':'h··~·'.lI .LL .. i, . tt', .·.:1- --, ., .. t-'h-'" n·~) I" ,-

__ !JlS,SUIl., wnenee .~~iey, a,UHC ' __ ~., u.lie,u" ia",(liClK upon ... ,6 \..,jU~. 5,. __ ,D. a

si.n-gle ba:tH~ in ,A'iD,. 370~ 'this' SOlS t 'GermaJde empire W'8Jj com-

,-, J .. -,"" -11. d': . '-" ed T:-'IIL,,!'·- f' '1"'''' ' .11 ... _ .... , 'b'" , "':II!..,.., 'to h" G'-"',- t' L_,~·, '~ .' . '-",'1 ' p_e~!;e.!Jy _,esu.():ye_.~ . !.Il:~ ,[a,e", aione ~L __ UW,S, UJ.a~ .' , e i, 0' me rum ov,e:r

bi ..';11:L::i L 'b b '11 ~ th ':1-...""" d .L'L

su . '.,J1ll,gaii,:eu. :Il:!luo.nsm.'IIlS'1l, nave ··cen ~DO.Sle :l:1l ' _._,e extreme, ane UlC

Go',:· ·th·.'·· ~l" . .".. 11 ,~'L· .', ·6' ",. - -hr ,...:' , d' E-' -',', . , . ~ .. L '. . _ ._." . '~'H"" d .. , ,~.-. '. d . . ."

-"'; S u1g, ~. me ,-'g_,_~dlJ~,., -m.lana,nC"I;.I, comm.L_,e,. smci __ e - rO,f

was murdered by 'bjs: own, subjeers, who were appalled 'at the di$a.s;t,er "whicih, luu:l, overtaken m,em-., The new kin" 'Villithmi.u·s;

( W· ,', ''',:i.,L. '" -,' , ".,..,it· , . c, ",L .. ," .- ,oi.. , "t'lh.· . ""';'. ", ..... ',' .,:1.-., . - .. ,1:" ,iI;;'Itr,..., .. "n...ho.

'. .'. " ,I t!r-l!lfr,ne:r 1:Ii ~-I'~I" ,gal",llll,1 !J.oge'· . er ul!e ,rem,uanILS, o.r Ilu~a u 0 ...

. ,!L.i,. _- 'i d .--: 'f" ~~l..:, 'c--: " . .--~ - I "_~'L-. c; , . L :!'!,;L had f;' .. ' '-U--- ~ ,- - ·~1 f,:ba"

gouc> an.-. 0_', ma ..!. errname uwes.. WlIUCU. .. ~au ,OIl OW'EN~~.,~~.m:t

tried! ,to retreat 'by wu.y of the D.n:i,epeT" to the old home of the Goth$" but" be ,found, the 'w,ay barred by -the instIl,gent' ,Ant'~. 'The

G.O,tI:L,~ W;-·~~D: d.~"iIiI~p'DT"-I!'i;"'IID' -b'iu'''' ·th,"~Diy: .. ",,'1'"0''''' the A'!i"I<'f'iU·l":D·CJ" battle 'i!lii'II'ji;.d~ . to

_ _ '].~Iaj . ~~ ~ ~~ _:__ ~,u. L~!, III. '~_ ',"e", I . III . ~ ~~I~!ilI I al ~. tLIC g~,~ .. -1l ILl

'teno,rlz,e h~s ,oppo-nen'ts:, V:i:Dlt'iu:a.lus: 'kJ:ned Bo.zl, the 'Kin.,g: 0'£ the A:::-,t"'s. tno'et.he-' ·-·~ ... ·"t]i1 all his sons aed iell'en'~' c,h:ie.fbd.'lls,", This

", 11. e)~ '-;0' ,. ..r '\VlI." I, :s,..... . . '''';J ., - - - - ---

m- Q'~'~,""A~ took p~'11!~,t;";Q In ,;IL~L,~ y~'-Da!r'- ~''''f'~I" Aets ,ii"llil: terrorizatton how-

~,il!'a'!L;;1l '!(:;; , . _' .. J:.6,I!;Oo'lj:;? ,u.U.l.~ ...:;;lR. ~f;(JI_ , ., .,,",I'~ !!..!I'\l I!j;/'!"r-_ ~ _;JI!;;;~ _ _ I' _

:' - - -

ever, could not save Vinifllarhms ai' his empire, 1'0, ,th:e foUowin.g

vear he 'was attacked and thO:f1lJua]llv beaten bv ,tbe Huns, oir

~ 11:1 s I

'more' p.~recile)y·. t hy·" 'the, Srarma'ti an Alanl,· 'who had J~lolned .£~)rces:

, I, _ ' , . , . l _ . I I., l", .' , _ . " ~~. _ .. _ _ ~I _ _ _ _ _ __... _

.. '; I.. •

," h . h- d~ 'f'c, d '" - __ . 't'· - - ·t· - 'f--' th II' . lsh

'~ _.":. '.... - '- I I I' --·--·t· '. . - ,-' -, ; -." r'- I' • I '.- , .. II . II' 1'1 -I '.. :' . I' I' " '1 ' I ,

W.!lt , t, . ,em ,il Iii . ,O,rme· ,au u.n.porta.nt con .llngen. 0:. . e . .1;;UU11;S,·

'ho(f.des~ ' the An"t~s' had the:h" revenge ,a,nd: bre;J::thed, a"gai;n" \Vhen ,the: Huns moved, into ,mttdern Hun gary ,', 'whic'n became the cell'~er of 'their 'empire under A'I'I:Ua. (4.45-453) I' the A.ntis were presented with a nee" 'Dp'portunU:y Oif aEJi.nning;' 'their htJ~d over

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


·tbB ·te:mltory of 'the :middle· Dnieper and 'the [Slavs: ,illlud:d.ting ·n', and 'when, the .1I:W1]}id empire dq[ure,~,a,ted, . aRm' the dea:tb of A:tti1la,~ the ,An,rh moved, the f'r-otdiCl' of' their own possessions nearer t,o, 'the, lower Dni,esbw and the lO'W'M Danube,

The Hl'vasi:on .of the Huns was ODe of t'he most: :bDportant' ,events at 'the lend, (J.f .'aD.c,j,~D.~ -his~O'ry., ;Y,he;y' o,v-erihr-ew ,th~, w'hole elist:n

I'·'nrr order tn' C·.·_ii:Ioiil"ii+. .... il F'.·iiI"'o"·p'~n. and c':e~ +t;.~ 'G·':·o···t'b···~ :m: n"Io-~[O:"D who

~I .. ~Ili. :.. f~' .I: I .' g_J:JII_U HIJ, JElU,;,l,;._:. .. r ~ I~~'''''': _ ~-._ .!~, U;t~1 ._:. ',I. ..~~ ~~.~ .&&£uU·" - . ,". _ u~

after being allowed to s,e,ttJje m ,tbe castel'll :parts of the 'B,lDman E~p,ir:e,; :ini.tia~td, ·the pr~_s which uon-frj,buted, ,rd gr..tlly to i:ts

Pii''i';;''inI B)'u· .. ~ ~'t..·e, . H~· .u·-.~'Dn;b;;'i!.. in tji.-\l\'!i~',n. .... 'b,: ad n,.L~DIIII" ~(D-'~U' DlD~~ '11._'.' ,t..::"'!'L

;I!~U.I ,'_ -li.l U1. ._'~_ _ _ .n. ~ 'Y~'U--U . P __ , yUI~·~ ~ ~~~-~ .. _'~ __ .~ "UleDI

wer,e~ 'bouDd~ d'l'lec,tI.y aDd, :inditectly':!, to. ,aiIect' the, Sla,vs: and 'tD

!:,..,..,,!Il:-1!J-AiD'~ ·thA':~'" ''I;.'~'iI!'~FU' W,·: ··e· have seen that ~& '~~''l'''rfta~''ti'gln AI"_ g'ne

llDl .. ~. ~?d' ',~ lU-~·I!.'U''''1 ill '.:'- .[1]" .. ~ a,~~· I UlJ,L [IJ[_l~ I~~.~.~:~.:._-= ~>!, .. a.: _ _;g.~o~~

Jar,g:ely' ·th"ew :1'D then- lot, with, the HUDs", It :s,~msll :ho:we,''f6t'~i tha't' the upheaval caused by this 'imvIB]i,O(D, 'had, forced tw1o' ather Sarmatian ,tribes ' ....... 'the, 'Cr{)a"u, and. the Ser~bs '_' I'D lOOk lot oow' places ll), wlUch 'to settle~ Creex' ins eri-pHanl. fro'ttl the second and 'third iCH! of our era, found at the mouth, 0,£ the Den, menti,~)n the! name ChmoathCliS or C~hnfo:natl1,os,. This region 'was settled ~f' Samlatians and was oomi'dered 'by 'OOrD'tempor,ary Greek: sources bJ belong, ,ttl As:iartic S ann ati a." 'This provides 'the ,sltr'l,nge:srt ugum~n,t f-or :rn;rdntamiD,g 'tba't the CIOQ'b;t 01' :B.t 'Jeas,t

.. ;iL, ~. h" • .r: 8,,·6 "'- ~ II ':I[~ ~d f

ilUCU' ct~~m'c' name, were 'OJ: I,: annatian OD:gJD i, .l.!l~e: '6V]'~ ence . ~or

Ong I nel no IT!


Arn,"ifc:,"",T'~ j;,~ ~"I)f'n,.Ii, "'II"!1Ir'O' :!lj;:"ii"S" U~. _ ~"Iii31 ,~",,~ ,J. ... _ .~.KU'II. o4,~ '_: \~;,'W.

iLt.. 'S': I! ,"I 'f-"'1:.. S' , :it.. ~ 'b' ,

'me iarm ali 3'n angln, 6~ UJJfJ ':eri(JS Hi, not ,5lO 'S.'troDg~, ,ut seems, ttl

be :r,eMonabl:y' ~\en ,lo'U:nded~]'

T~~,I- ,~, '-',' ,iL,~ -, ,\--, -" r"" " ,L'IL" I' ",,'11.- 'I ,'t,.;Ii., 4'.f' ,1;,1.." "H> , I " ,t'h',' ", C" :'",:""""

,ry:utg, eo es,oa;,pe trom me -ons~aug'!)Ji:". or me "uns,~ ,_, e ",,-ro~t .. ~

':rd'- ;L~" ,S··.· bs q,o"d"-, tc .', " 'd':' .Lt.,-, ,-,' -",~~." ,L 'b'-" -:"'; c, ad the "I~'d"'~"

,B.n . u~,e . ex [5, Il~ __ . ,owar _, S lUl1.iC EIJ~l\n':Il'leaS,I!,.~ _eyun, _ e, mlu ~.e

DIi'rio";',~-r where ,;L,L,rn, ,Ai'ri,il-:!l- ,,-.-: -; 'lilli;, if" -,ullad' H' '", ':c' the C"""" , ,t"" ',' '","', ,',

, I.u. .... .r .... , ':ii' "", ~r.,,",,' UI~' nIi.JlL~S w~r~ i!)fi.lIUlM,' ~ -' .ere c __ ,e~,roas, m'A.)'

'1.. Ii::Ji"VIDI b'",,~II!"I' ijnll"n"'e,,jl 'b',!Vi "ljj r» .... ,lI,'LI"' .... tribe and &'oc D'{oI!:l;Jio'h-' ".tiI11I" th ev oI!];,[i!"'n,'L'['I""j[!L.,md"

I:~~" _' .. ~~ ~ .~~ "U· _::. ~.U, ..:. j' ~ ~U~~· ·L' iL,: .,~. ·l2._"~;l ~lIJI,I. ~~JI_ ,~~.~_. ~;.I!~ ,-.! ,;,: 1~-~:~p..IIl{'_ ~'~I~j.~:.:

,...;'Ib--i-"I-. ,- bevo d'''' ;L~,' C""' " ,i1L..~, ,--;- M"" ,',,: ",.'''--"" "-d: .-,'.,.-\;- ·.,11 .;t.-, memserves [,-"eyoD_ r Ute: .... ·arpa.uuan '. ',' .ouatams ,an.··· g~ thered UJ,e,

S1~tIi''Ii,:hj-;_' ,"_:b",-~ 0'£' 'G' a''II~;ifilr::'i"ii 'S,,'-,~~,-,-,-~,II"I; and ,t,"h'-'·-, eastern nart ;"'1;'1-' ~",""~""",,jt'il ,J:a. YJi,C QoI!,eJ§~UI:--,, __ ,~l~~:" ·lJ}.esI!~, an u n eas ''!U ;.: ,Pili. . v" DQ,Ujem1..~.

'fL,-..l - bandeo 'd- 'b"" ,t"'h'-' .Q' .... ,-,..;.1,: ""I,JI, ',-,' ",-::,jo'-d··~ b" c· 1['1'-1'-- '.-

,_, !3Jreauy ananc ODe ~ I, '.'1 .'. ,eU3;,UI, ano oceupn,~ '._ Y 1liJI, avs -

,into a. kil:nd, ,of state W,e' have sulicl.errt. evidenee from the ,ByzI,n.,

- - _, b

tine im:perial writer: COfi,s;ta'lIl,'tiue P'Orpl1yrogienru~~t1liu), " ,A,:ra",jc

'IPIO' 1I''t'l''_a~ ;8' ':n' 'd,'~ S,'1ito.n f'~~Am' -Co .... II"'fi; A'~ no:1in·'S:-:~Vll'i;n P;''i'rii'iY A- l,t ..... ed fif' .. 14~ Av

~ ~ :~,~~l _ .11, •••• _' __ ti3ty :__:,;I u-._ 'Ullbi;· _: '['.' \t;JLu~ ·:,tAA~Ulllj:.1 ~!l1I1"b. ' . ·U:-llI .. t:;·:i;_ iU.~: 'L,n,l~, ~a.-l

0" I...,. - ,,'-, ,,~- ,,-, 'C" '-.-- - t~·'~ 'S'..., '. ' b '" ',' ,- d ,t'h-', ,", C· '\. ,--" l'h" '~,.", ," .. " '11"1 d '1'11,'~ ~t' "

.ilSl!;'t'nce Ul a", I"Q3 J~a.n,- • Ltrh;e' , e,yon". e ... ,'arp,a., ~aI;lS, ca lie '- ' ,,." ul, ;e

C - - ",,:, 'Thl'" " bs w - ~', , ,--, --, ~ , ,- '--, 'd ,'~t:t.. ,i-L .. , r"'iL ' ......

roaru3." 'c..' e ser '·,S 'w,ele :]D some 'Iegu~ns, mmxe·,, \V,i, •. 1).1 !I..nC u:rOal~'j

.'I!iUl'~;i!"fI,'l"lI'lIo']jJly-' o~ 't"h' ,A '11~p~-r V·"~eil;u1.1fii1 Th '-"0 'h"l1Il11i~ _ff. 'lb' 'dim however

~'hJr'--~--~-:P:: ~'~:'. ~·'\&~II. ,_-,' y ~. I"r:~c_:, "~.' JlQitl : .1.RIi!! :.' l~ _ .~.lll 'U'l ,.~, 1:_l~1 _ l': ",",~~'v'~JI';l

'fI1Us'hinJ1 more 'l:Q'w,a:rds: 'the: northwest and f:oUawi:o:C! 'in th,e foot =

,~' i!5. e

, ,- -- e, ''L. S.i"ri.~l.~' - ~'- , , d" -- , if' 'Ii.. , - - - ttt\t!li B C' ," ~', 'd'" ':h' , ~

steps 0-1: b,le~,t'u~"Ul;'D lflfva·'ers ,o[ about ~ - ·i'.~ nnpose. t',elf

rule ,on, th.e S,lavi,c ,tnbes between the E,lbe ana the S:aale- D:ver.s ~

_. .~. - ..

their sta.te 'heing called, \Vhite Serbhll The remnants ,of' 'the.

L" ",..:, ,- S' ,".; ,-be , l Ci',-;-'b·· li -_. ····'111 .,'L.,.' . ' ... , . do , . ' ,t" I..... ,.1.:,., " ... - . ,£iii ··t~· d " ',' IIl,SD.uflD ,e-r . s ~ i:JO,[, -S: J reca Jl rms Jl1i:lme, I.. own ,U me ,pr'M~:n. .. ,Q:y 0

Ad.di.,t3!QllaJ. evidence for' the. Sa:r.m,atian .ori:ain OlE the Cr-osth


and 'the Serhs 'ma,,,. be -found in Co:ostal1rti:ne J?nrplbyl~gen'[)iBtu5:~~ D,', - tL, ~ c···' ~""_8i,ft'Ii, ........ :,n.6:2 In d· i6f'"....i:b·,,~'I!",O' 1!..IA"'!lr ,~:'L;oDJ prlnees 0' Jt' ,L'r~, .C·._'g"II'~'.

Dav~ ""I .. ~,I' 1;ol'~'~V'!t~Eift!lJ'~ , '.. ..Vi::!I~1i ,Ii, .Ii~,~o JlJLII;,;!lP Ul""" ,, __ I1;;0'\,;o'~ . lU.~1Ii.ii ... ~!!L


Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


!liB ,.iia'

culm, :te;giOi1 should. he addressed in, ,Hymn'tine Idi,plomatic cor, .. respondeBee; the ~pmidJ 'writer speaks of th,e Prinoo or ,AlUboD

~c th-' ,~ 'V''''',~y'a~l~d.::,.BiEl' 'Oi~ ~H:', "do' 'UJlh'i!"'i' ,;:~ oi!'!!>~,',U',a;~ i(""'-Uii!I;"lI;ft,S'" Then he 'm- - 6-0--

U.l. ~ lAJ;'~ _ '_ .;~A .. '~~ II ~ rnr . IV iI~ !l.i!U J~t1 ,AIC.'t"·,lI;&u:I._ II' I.D .. Ii~ " .. _ ..... ~ •. '

tj,on, the ,Archon .. :Prince of' lthe S;ar'ba:n:~ ~\vElO' are located be'MeeD, A'll;mj'~ and 'Tsa;llarla~ ~ II 'WIS could id,en;tify the Krevatad,es' and S'arban M'th the: ICma,ts and, Serbs~,~ ,then we ,oo'll'ld, conclude ihat, S()IDG of the Croa,t,s, and Berbs Wiele drlv,en, by' the Huns

I' nw·O!'I"..3' - ,.,L -, 'c- ,:-c, '0'11'110'- o,;r;ii''i,C!- 'W' L_,_-rPa, ,tb' ,!Dv ,;oi'1i ..... cH,iIo·i_i''"'.~..J 110'0' I i''iI.~0i5 " -iII"i d ~,- a::'t.. - i',. 'u'IIiwi'Uli U,W, .• ·.AU'~~'!L:lt'-.iI! ",IJI~J&~ '. '~i ","U;LIIJUUU,t;U. Ili~, ,I,Y~ U'iIJIJC er 1!:lI1ICu:.

ftI~ pniiD~~' ~B~dn,[iil7;'n_ 0 kind nrl!! B··lv~\~·n,~lne· -pillii.~oiI:iiC~-ttJ.D

v w,y, , . ,. 1 '!i.;.~ ill '~!u:r,:.. ... w;.iII";iIj~ "" .' I.' .. " vi( . ;-,Jr~oIi:'<'"'I;I' .: : .1. U!L,~ '.:.uF,g",~;.

Th~ are pounds: for' bJ!.Jievi'D,g that the CroaJ,ts;, w'he:D .pushio,B' tow,Md,s the 'Barth!, had, acloo 'with the connivance (If t'be ,A'o.t;8s ...

Th ... "LL.~,f 1lTi'if:.-, H~·:"'" - -, .nI. "h, 10'- ","'- ,J.: ,;;'1.. Ji' .... , . -'L ..... _j .. e aumor -O.~ .I. ,n e, "" fifl"my' VI ~, __ ,B' ." 'n,gnu: VI 'l.,r"JC' .L!!Ung,aqu'~

,says 6'xiP.'licl,dy tha,t w:he'n. die: Lo:m'b_~ 'wer,~ :mDvim,g~! ,in, the

i:!:I'&\L iiI"IfD'Dh'lI'"U 'f-IN'WI'I; ,.;~ ifi, 'Clfb';D, ;:D~ ~ ... ~j~, A'.'IL"mg III.L'ev' fore .... ~ Ultgl, ~-.-~~J".,~ " ,~U'U~, m~ ,D.,_ ... ~ ~_·_,IM-U J!Jl~~..,~,iI!JIl, ,_,,_~I .. _: .• :J_~, Ull '~.I' I 'U~,~~'

'their,ge' 'du-ougb A~Qthaib ,_ tlvi:deutly the land, of 'the ,Antes;; A,coaroill,g to O~' source, the A,fttMib mn 'be' only the oolllf"Qtry

ftftm'li1i:i~r_""__..1 j"j;·t' .i.L.,,;,;'*' time bv Jt:il..s, ·c··,\..'O~ >il!Ii' ..... ' '~~~ '~d·a~n·~'l!;IIi'li;!ljj'~~·n-iFiii 0f~ ,I..Le-,

~",!I;;I!'rJ!-"U 'CI'_,PJ.!"._-_,-_ ~i Ul~, .- ';11,'_ .~" ,J;,I'IJ:~ ,.,~!!IO' .. ,u.u ... ~'U'!',,;!I\~. II!,!I., m~,

land of 'the~ Croa'b; 'wi,th, ,th2"t, of 'the .Antes cat) 'be exp:laJl\ed 'if' 'we' a,dm~Jt' diat: 'the, .AD'I~k 'Un,posed ,3 form 01' :pOl'i,Hcal ove:rlt:JrdsfRp over 'the 'Croa:ts~ '1.1 'thii$: is: ISO, we can :speak, of ;3.1 .loose ,ADtilQ em .. , pire: ,extendi'n,g from east'mi Bohero1a, 'to tbe :mi:d,dle' Dnieper, th,e Bla,ek Sea, aDd the DOll.

In ~ally' case, even if 'we' 'hesi:tate b) :go as far ,311' 'dia,tJ, I't: seems; estabUsJwd th~ll't' ,almost all 'the: SIs.vic' tribes recorded, ,in :the

,..:/I - . iifr.1.. n - iiliJ L '111100 ~~bJ-'!I. 11.. Id '~'11~_..J b

anu Cmats" ',IL ):.,~ . SeJ'V'otioi;., - 'WJ,tO' ';Jiil',e iCa_IL: _" . '_::_a-'i~ 'C~!li_ __ !ren~' wGal'~ I_::y

'Const,Qntine Porphyr0,gl,@I'Ul8t:'ul5, m.n the romGn~, iof A;rnli6~ia ('i'bId",,- p, 881)

-_, - - - !'.lI- -'"'~:t!,~.;1 '~:":.~ '-)'1' 'ld' li'lliifinr -ro,,,", (: oi!9ijfi,.,_,.,· ........"" -h~ ~--~' ..,....,_;r;Jt'"'.il.[ ... ~Il.;;JI C:";';IOli.!i'.j~ila;;JI 'wsre ,lU'OOutl,1IiltIi 1~1 ". ~,_ iai~"I1~n:. U-~~~.'lirwC: _it;; 'U~~ WHNiliH~l'\!~' ~'n I!:;i.'P~';:--b'r;.;'

:n~lill~~O:~'l!·Bauc~U:::!.:~~ ~~~~a~~~~t!:F:

,Anne~n,j by plplilar ,etyMG;loigy', 'm,w, Sevordikt which ,me_ ,j'1JJaclr ,chi,~ dlen,,;" H, GrlgQ~ ('~,L:~oiigiH6 ,et Ie. nam des Croates: 'et leur pMtend}ue PI'hie

1 __ lit_e~.iH'I'I'I'i!i~1!'I 1'''''1, Ni"i;(~~~Jn,n"':' ~~' ...... ! IV' ['ln~n;]' ~ ,"I. '~i2S~ 'V [-C'1Q5a11. 'ft~ 466 'I'~'\

'!irR~~I~~~~~ ~ !Il!'Y~~~~' ~ W. =.I "~l'~ r'~ Q_ -!'! ~ - - - ~ I!I K~ ~.- ~ ~'

id,el!litifi~ lhe1 Krevatftd'es wUh t'~e. Kah;rrdinci~ .. C2:,errl:es~: 'lr.:i1m, J;aiQ!W lim~g OD

d:a, 'u1ii~' T' ;OI!!~'I-,_ !!'Il'!'Il-~"" '''IIi~DTii~of!!Ai'iI'';:o''iIiffil """","",iif!i •• "" .'L.~_ ;jjj;~iiI-=_,,) Il-::_!l"'~_i t-'!-o:i' '1V;o'ii11:..i'iiiii"';';,

U-Iu 'r,r·~- 1 ~iIl~ •• ;. ,I. llilll-a lJh~f&~t;Ull""""U-VIl[l .!IiiiI~~~~', ut:: !IiiiIJ_"~.~',r-~t=U ~!lLr.m-~~ . lW~. [a!liil,U~_3.,

Idhld 'Mipted to, thu, [!egIOD only :~n tbe :'mld~1lit& or fift'&elait'b, 'oontmy,~ ;.eT le~pellmg: 'lhe 'Mongloi~,. Nieithel' CWl, tbe' IQ'r1J8iH '00' with 'the S:Uv8i~j iii, 5iU~UO:ITIIl fJe,lectem a'lread'y' 'by 'Behike!, ,the ·ooit,of. of; D'e Cer::e'mD"iU;~ _We' are not entitt'ied tm ~ wilmlJ" the Rading of th~ only man,n,'" ,script, ,of this wm-k.

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



So :f'lr,~ we have 'f'ono,wled the s]nw' p'Eugress 'Of' SIa,v p.enetra,t]on Into the part ,(if E,Ultlrpe which w,os la,:b~!)r bl be! called,a·;; B ut at the beginning of our era the' Sla vs s,t~[-t,C!d :milra'ting, throu"gb ,the '1\1'019 via" G,ate,s: and. the Ca;rpQ,thian ,M',oun,t!~'in:~l~ 'en~el"lDg: w'hat is now H:umga,ry in the direction of the :Dan-ll:be and tb,e Boman ,fr:Otntier;s~

It Is known tba,t' i:n modern Croa'tfa between the r.llVI8F,S, Drava and, Sa va ,and, In ,t.b,e so .. caned ,Barud btrh"~IBe:D thelo,w1er Tiszs ( Theiss) and the Danube. certain places (, Vuka, V'fhas~ 'V'ucic,fI,) have borne S:bocv~c: name~ from the second c~;ntury onwards. l1d~ :Sla:vi:c penebs'oou was 5,:plJradtc' and iSlola:tedj ~ more 1.Y~temati,c' movement started lo. the' third century ~ The map I called, Peultng:ei"s Tabula~ one of' the O.JdBS.t' m~a,ps of Eum!pe" desc:r'ibiJng' 'the Roman Empin~' of the third Ice'null'Y!, places "the "len.ICcU. Sarmetae inDta~~.a. snd the: V,enedi, JH"'o-per some,where'lD.

- . b ~ 'W" 11 t: 'I R" , . bil

Bessarill:iil" ·······e, learn, rrom severai ,', oman 'wt,]Jter,s; '_ n.ota,.:\IY

,AlumillDUS M,ar,ceUhlUS - that in about A .:D,. 334·~ the Sa.rtn8,:Uan :[,a~.'y,ge:s w'hn" as ,p[\trv~ous;ly· :m.e:ntions(l'l had dwelt j];n Hung;a'ry betwee.n the Danube and the TlSZQ rivers since 'the second, ba,H' of:

IL . ~ . ,t -. --' .... '''' - - .' - .-:no d ;rl;£' ;~.;'lj,,!j,~ ... '11 bv "", -p.&ilo·p· '~a who 'WD--~ c-·-'li~'~'D. .... t- to me urs,:, 'C~IIJI'!l.lli.d:y" were "iG: :~A:ifj,.~U j A ,.:~I,'\..'"·; owere ~i~JJUJ~'-' I' ..

'Ih.em - the sere Sarl.~tat,oru n~ ~ These cOlJJd hs we 'been '!In]y the :Vened:i: _, .s-l:a:v,g '_ whom P'eu'thlg!er"s 'Ma.p calls' Vened! Sarmatae, 'These 'V'en,'edi roix:e,a, with the ~Sa:rl1~l3!.tia;n la.zyge,s and Ier a ,00iO'" .side:r'a ble period, Ii ved 'peacefuUy 'wIi.'tb th.eir :nomadj:(; S!annatlan. 'l1la.;ste.rS:l! who were :g")ad 0:1 n~e p:roducts: of ,the' ~gl'icu'ltu:r,al uts whi,ch the V'en~edi PI[',Bctised.. Later, 'wh.en, the']F :num',ber.s 'bad. 'm:Lllti:'pli~d, and 'tile rule of' 'dlelr masters beeame ~nt,ole'ra,b]ie" the

''II =.l" 'II iI-.ll

venecn 'r-eVQ,!l'lieu.

The :5, '11"'J1~:J\'" "'i~Clfi seem ,iI,.fiI; h:"li,.:rm remain ...... d ,"n' H"· 'u- n"(TIlriI'FV Jd: liii'-r·I"·ng the

_ . I~ ,"J!~"~ ~1,;;!I"i.!" g<_.'!G ,'" Il.v , ... C!L"~ ,1,":;'CU,j,d.;I. ~,.' I ,'. ,dl'~"-J ,:._'!UI.".',', __ , Ii, ',", 11

Hunnish (lcell,pa,lion of' 'that' country., This: ap,peMJ 'to 'be 1000.-· ~

Ong I nel no IT!


;f]in ~

'E'j' ,M."ti 'II' W JJiJ'L-:j;.VI'.ro ,ron I' "~.'If '11'!7' .;11;, 'T-'l'lO-: :N' .

,~~~ . .:;)1_ ~ .. ~~ ~~~,~A,~~.':"_;'_

finned 'by 'the records of' Priseus, a member nf the lfyzallitine emr ...

'L , . '. , - ·t-· ,,1l..- H·, .. ~ A,Aie, H' ,. .. ........... th ... L ,- f' ,- . d 'L th -. ., ~ - ,

Uiassf O·S!Jl.I,e.~ .. uns In 'TiIO~ ., e r-cp" UiL ~ ';.;" a,~ ne roun ~ m, -,;~,e ,re:~lon

" • I ~~

between 1 - hd,'-I--' . S'" '.11" " de .. "dl '8-"" d '. t'- .-' ". ...'Ii.. .. ''Ib = . '.--

~!.I,W~u mu"!,e an ·'U la.pes, ,8 pe~p'jll,e W.1l10 werre

'~a":,..·1L~·-: lif""I'O" ;t','L,~ ... : '-', -8"",: "1'1 "1"·"'I!.r· 'L" -,~ '" .,1(..., '.,.", '. '_.', ,', ~ ~"--::-'d-:I ·R· ·1', , ,.~.'!' 'hi ' ..

nermer ~cl11e nor ' " unInS',n~ ulh. WuO r.eCrJ,gllllze , 'C',~ unms, ; po-

'1! ~..,;' . '1; " -." -- ,- .... -Th' I : . - . . ... ;:Il[·.li ,..,I..~. i', B'·", .,. -, i, ... -, ". 'b .- - - - - --- . ' -

11'lJ,Cal :s:u,p:rle'mq,~y ,." _,_ ,ey :UlJien~U, uu~l'r t ·YZ31,nnne ,g:u,e'lts: a " leverage

m,od· A 1f:iiI'IIi"'>l'-' 'h-- --;:'--" . ;L.:!I' h" ,&.'1.'" P .. , '1 .. , .. aha -~ , ." .u- 'liIl,, __ d - _,'(11'.

Q ... ~i rrorn , ,Q!J]i,ey, W,!l'.LlJC_c' me U'reeA, am, ,,\a$~auu,or CO,lUi, ,m,e· USI

and, whi,cb w,as evideDfl,y" a, Slav sp. 'echlU~- '.' in 'the way' 'oj' '1liq'- ['Ie' :-.

, .. , - - _.. _'. - - - - '" - -.': --- . _ , ",' . -. ",' "'. ", :' .'" ,_ 1;1, _ or.,

, " [ . l

J d 11- d til d -'~ 'h- h nBnm;' th

:;-, ~ ,',,'-.' .-:-' :-:.,1 ~ .';-: ~ "(._ .,._ - ,":.-,.". . .. -.- .• : '" '. I,III!'····I.. '-, ,', 1'"':--' '"1-:- c 1-'--,'

_ orQIliIe5, , ;as pres'erve .. _ 81U)1 _I . er. ' .. etal, wr n~, . ,co:·····.. . . .,

ptle5ence of' the Slavs in. ,Hun,SlrY under Hunnish 5up-r.mna,'cy dUE,i~nl,g ,AH:Ua is reig;n~ He describes IDe: burial. feast wbi,cb 'was 'held at the !PI,r,a,ve !Q11 ,Attila fn the vear 453 somewhere am the' m1lddle

- D' - _. - ~ -. -- - - ~ ---.- .. _- - - rI - - . - , ~ .. .. - .. . I .. ~ \ _. . . I .

':T-::- jle'~~I' '11I"D"]1 refers ,th '~'I' '~'(!i "stra 'I.'!Hlli~i!! =, ''!::II word W' 'bin'l!.. ,if;!If.\- ,- nd '.0::..'1

" J!~,;r;..Q", 'P. U t!,. """ i!g'll, ~ !. ,!!;,,!l' .... ~ ~~ ;;!II . !I. g;, y' ~ 'Q 'e- 'UliL'U . ;.' , ' i.!lj,'\;<I,I, QUU: ' .. W.

-ii--."'- ·t" 'L",!, - I&. r, '.' "'·d· .. - "iI:,'~, ',' IS'"··'l-" r'··· d 'f'···' . 'f" .. ··1 Jf ast

Siu. a:ng:e 0 mrn, _... IS eVJj,.i@flUY ,3; ", av WQr_ ,0'1 a "ur:U3ra.ll, I'ems '!'

-,iI-i;i II , .. ', 0," " ': ...,1' ,~, iLLa, .8' _'II .' ". j 111," :g' '. '. 0""" ' "'I'j:, 1;., . ,']ei" ", ,.,~:II.. ~"'. ··;~tu·.' '1

15,11.1 •. ', p:r~se:rveu, m U!l,~ :~laVIC Jj,an,,::ua;~,eSj PUUY ,3, ~Q Wb,u its [,11. a

,m,ea:olng., It.~ adoption by ,tbe Huns to desig;na:~:e the 'burial f,eas,t

, , "',0 ILL. ;1;,1.... C'li '.' b ,. . '. 'T.JT 'h ;;1' b -. _.£1

~esti.Qes; 'l.ul,t: me ;~~avl-C subjects m I:li.ungaty_:_au,egun tol mnu-

e'nce their masters and t'ha't a Id:n.d of' mixed HUR,o.-Sla,vi,c cul ..

.lb... .... ,._". b' , ': , i[iJ! £ . , '. d·

rure was :. em~ ,1;orrne, ,.,

'This s:i.tua,ti,om.d:id. not' last, because tn,e,. p~['esence' of the HUDS:

In Central E:urop€' was of' short dur;a:tlon~ 'W!€ know tha.t in the

'd £ .i:. L '. d .. ' .' =f' C' ." I • . l' d'!C' I.'L. . ..

e'ar.tY' .' _Ii ys 01' Ute-n'" "Olu.lil;[irti,on OJ!. .. 'cnua. "an_ . ILlouu~eastern.

Europe, the, Huns imitab;;d the V:isi:galtbs, 'in thelr a,ffitudle 'to'wa~s, ,the, R,owau 'lEmplre" 'Like the! V,islgnths!" they' becamel :Drs,t' tQe-d.e~r(lt~ and, then jnvndelr~", A'H:ila, excelled. ,m, oIga-nii;Ing and

• :t' d d .. ~ h I'll ., . ]'

carrying out, acts ot t, epre,: alj,()n ,in t~J~', " ytiBn :prov,m,oos;~ ,n,

A.,'Di' ,450, when 'the Emperor lvf,arcia;n refused, 'tiO pay trj,D1ll.t'e and, began i:nst-ea.-d ,to 'w,o:b:Wze' hils "()roes to dea'~, with. Ills una:Qcommo'"" dating nelg~bor, AttHa 'pr,eferr..ed ,to ,fa'now' ,the w'ay' ehosen by

iIi,'!L . -- tho , - , f- "lh-" - - - f' - d'l -- if·--II-lb..· 'V'·'· .. tL . - dl'· . - -. ~ 'd"

tnose on er ,311,' less, '.e' erates, 'ule . Jls":I,g;O"nl, ern", a,CC(lm,pl',"[u~"

b '.) 'h',·':" A' 1-,,-" ~., ,-'. rd ath ,". ' C'" '-. ~,. "-.~ .-:-.-,,1...,. ...... .,.. h···· ·;,,·,·,-,r·.'····d-- -de e». i r-I H'· ......

,y "lS! . " .. a:lu'C, ,an _.:' 0,: '.' leI .. _. erman .s,uu~ec:~~ e lDV31,· ,e '., uo:n., '" ~

".' l' "f·' , .. · t"'-, .I:,',L,', I'· h -. "- ... --: ... ~I, .. , . ..-J. ,--,',;f!. thou rh 'b," ,-,'.', ·d'if"" ,+, d

was ,'fi~,Sj .• o.~ unat e. rnan ne .e(X,pec .. ,~u,~, ye "_;" rOD gl" '1 e was '. ,eM!S rec

by A,etius :near Om'lpu~: M::3,uriacUrs in Ga:u,l ~ he was: still able 'to.

0; .r.; :e, ..... 11 d' R Th' , 'h .:i~, diAl ='!i)

lnv.a'oo' It,allY an~_ m,~nace _:",(}mlEL, . ' __ en, .,6 'we': .In ,~"

WUh A ttua/'s, dea-th came, the' end of the' ,HuD'nish, pnwer :i'n Ce'ntr.a~, :and Eas,tem, Europ:!,. The Ce'fm,a]l 'tribes in the: 'D,an ..

"c'b'·' . '·b-· '.' ,"'" ,:;hii···'b· L""d,'1 "b"""':-"~' '-,' 'b'''"-'-I' "-'''''''''d' 'b" ... :11., H'" .' ,;,.,1i+,_..l

UJ :,U1D, . as~.n~, w··· ,C " uJa:···, I.e.e:n :su~ug~,~: Y UJJe , " UB5~ ,rnVO:JlI~'eu,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 rro IT!


AlI!Ii!'IC·Q.J:fii &.~i'A M··: '1, · .... ,'Et·;I;·Ti. ,-,'niH·.' i:!i

!l..JI~c_il~',"~l ~ .. ~ ,,~~, J' '~" I~


'O!i,ti'id' ,-- n;l!o~ o!b- '1- --, rtf! -'II'1il'l~d:~' 'b-I, Y tb:-,· - E··,' _Im,- MMr M" ii!."ii\i"ri j!i,n ~ u.,..;., -':-, -, d·' ~-_a;,_:t pV'!ll'-i1Iil- J "'jlJ1Prr ..... \lrI .. ~-- i.i '_:~_e . =-- -r~ ""'~- _~_:,~""".~"II, U,~iLl~Fly . -~I'"'

£A9~=..J ~1!..""u" -, H' ''.'In'll'ii'I]J'''_L rlli~Jii,~"to,- i'i'\..l~ m'·'-- ·p.'ti"A'Ifi,n8'1~,j!i: .. ".l'~ ... th ii:'.i~""' .3-Jfo.tII,t I-~~ ~:._. . ',~~~H-I Vl"~,I. ~.Q. _:' __ ' :~,I~~U~J&, '-I5I~1 ~'L'V. fL.· J~q, U~'~,._l

,II.;Il...-,- H''-- -"n~ ... -.JI' ~'-,- , .. h---,:I:- .... :~, - -;- .... t ,~L, 8-.:11" 'k S'" ",-' .. ' ... ;11=" ',- -I" -. ','

U.e '-- ~1ltn5j l"~!f~,leg ,Jig I". 'e UJl!I~~CuOJ'.lJ QI:' UJ/e " B,Q '_- ea, one, sec-

,ibi:~n'" .... ~' ,Ji.L._, Jt!n-db11':-' a·· .. · l>h£'lIIg:"e-'- W'·-.·.'I·',L~m~·-, ".i;.:'Il..A E-"-D:1"'''P- :,~

uu, " m U-I~~I ,J4t " __ ,_. ' - _. t:~. '_', _:_. ._ ._. ;U~I . Uli~.. . _ 1 JI··.,U~lli,

'." . ," "." ,._

'I't'· m- 'rr:iI!. be S' d~ mi,""''''''.-l .ILL. "'!iI,iIo, the Ii."!'L~;;;;iiI:" 'l:uitlld H' ,. -·-'''''DJ'i,;::;;L em . pire

Il.' • -. U~IL ~''''' ",~ ,- -:"ILILJCIlJi, U;lat.: ,- - ,'IOl ~IW,n:'''''1 1.""'1;;0 ,', .'. :'UI:IL .. OlIilU ~:.' 'u~

rendered some &etvice '10 European clviliza,tion 'b,y :r,etBfdin:g, the dL~'meDlberment ,of~ 'the, Bom,an 'E,mnife by, ' the IGermans In p'oin-t

-_ - - •• • • • • _ .~."'.., I l ,F' _ - - ,_ l _ - _ l .. - • ll! J ••• If. l ._l

·,l' fact '~" 'H-" '~,,,' ,f:··-:c ,- .. " ,,' 'c', 1I~'·1'·fi.' " d~:· ,,-', trol tho C':-"-

'OI . ,a'e" " me ,:um ID,l mllny years, ,"'rep,,-, un aer ,CODy,O" L" al-e ',' 'elf'"'

'manic, tribes b elTon d the D,an,u':be, w'ha, constituted 'the: tlTD''I,es·t

, " , I., . '.' :/" _ .. , , ., ,.. ,.,.. , ... .,',' .. .. e"" ...

..J.olIi;:iil"i'gaii;ii' -Io __ .iLA B'-m'''',6n~ M:- l'n,""-;Dii!"i;!~Q~ the H- 'U'I"U!' nil"J""lV'I~~~~i ... :L;iCii Rom an

U'iCiIIJIi.JI,_:~ ILv 'UI~ ,_ ".)!u.' A.III,.~" '_" ,!U'&'~U '.' I!l;iill, •. ,(W . .I,A;~' .r.!..V- ,U,,;;;U,UUI!!iO< , ' .... '., ,p!~,

,Em,pm \Vi,tIl a eonsiderable number of OluxiliHies :for' Hie: in the ,S1~ggle ~alaj]:ns:t' 'the GermaM',., 1t W,U also 6vide:nt ,t'ba,t the victJorious Germanic na.tIons' were' less 'va~uable' ;8.'5 ,toeileral, 'thm Ih:- Huns had 'been 'a'lthOIuan the 'Emne,ror' bi,~d bar,d to 'maltl

, __ -_e. ·~~ __ 'U-" -,_ - ", .:",1.-1_ .-, l!bl_J' _f_, , [rr.- J" '.' .~' I" ., ". ,--J.

'&i~'ce,'~""'"'''',t 0--'1.' ,&;'L:.:;;;. "ii'A1iU '1:!';:+I~':i!!II~',ryn~ H- ,0. 'p-·g:rti· .~.I'iti'IIgl"llV' .il:'~V,A'~~ t".h' it,iIo '0" ~niid·', s

u;t, '~., ~ I UJ1'l;' ,iI,l,'-'~" ~ .. ,IIi.,UA,'UU_ !I!OO' , .,g;, _ ,~UI, A. ,.Ii:; I..". :U,~, Y'liI, .' "-~ . . !!;;i-.r~ ,!,

h b'l- 'L. d i.;L '11 n ............. '1 ,"',1:.:, ~ D ~ Th'

'W _ 0 esm,,'j!hue- ' 'uif'MS'e.lVes, :lu:uuy I:n, b~B 'iOl'lnCr 1:aC:I;',,·,I, e

O &:'L d ttl ~ '-N-' _.'!t. -p ~ E..l!

_ iltogouJis' :r:emi'¥e,- se _, -. eme:nb In, ,·· •. ormem I ,-',anno:n~a,. ,as Jl:'e"eI'-

;1i!i;.'II"D;i.'!' liil'!oll: .i:,1r"iiI!i, E-. 'm· '. 'p ••.• re, 'Th' 6:'. R·' ii'i'gJ' . "";~n~ '~-~'~'-d", oD, DQi'IIi!lir h om 'e op'" : . pas- '" i,"'~,

.QlL~ v.f. Ut~ I J _"~~~ _ ~,[_ I. U _ g ~! J:UUJJ!. A _._v"· -.Y__ _ _ ~~

. ".' ~

N'n .... ','. th " -rib 'b ,'k of.' 'ID - 'DI: - -b 'h"l' th' S '1',1'- : :

, '0 "cum, on ' -- ,e DO: - _ , .am:', I, ,e I,anu~,~ w~ _Le -,~._e.]Clna,D5

an .. ..:1 ":'1,.. . .0 H-" eru "llil!' Ji.'!i·e,tt· :1iAd·· ,i'ii"ii re![l~:nnifl ('-~,_'_1,.all"- east

D' _ a ml~ _.,' .:.. ~ ,I .... .I~ ~ ,:' _,' _J~ '-' . ,ILlIdl J'. [b..JiU~t~1 1ULU~lt~l '~~I. ~il

FO,I:" a ·~'no:rt ,perlod '~t 'IrnlKBd as j1 Central TE;Dr,ope,~ :a;na espe ..

- ;;,-'J]' ,-,- ,II,L,,_, D'" r . '. 'b;i .. ' '. ba Oi',. '. .' "·d·' b'" ":'., .',- ,c' ,'G"- -I --I .~., ]-, -, 1 d" '8-::· t

'Cla· - ,y u,u:=·9nu, uln .: asUl~, wOU,~" . ccoml3, a, ". e:rmanu! ,~an ,., r : U .

'the 'Dew state ,nf' ·ralm'rs eensequeat ()iD, the~ defe;at Blna disappear-

~,iili~ I,'!i;~ ,':1.. A 'R' u '0- 4!' 'w" 'ft'!!'" ""'il"liit, ~"iI!!!!iIi!,IIO!:"iI'lII;t;!Iid'" ~n la ,;j!t ':f'n'l!" '~IO::-'l!'lii6' !i"f'!"L,t,I; '(!:"r-If!'&; nJt

!.;:L~Lj"'~~ uf. tlJ~ I l .' I:.~ ". 19J~~ iliil!U.. U~~tL.I~~,~·' ~ ~}y il_ --..~ ~, .. ,u.~, '_ _ J;~J~'I!I I, IJIIi.# U. l~1 y~-

dle Ge,ft119Dic na'ti,o'h:S bJ' disappear' from the'it De\V-found 'bom,e

" " ':- ,";1-. '8'· .. " " -~, .', - 0" '\...iI., " ,_", " s::-:-·'·' .,'Ii':." I"·' ;,' ,8.", tD',iO, c', ,- ""''iIIID·-'·d< '!I"h-l';-' ,1i'iIi,-·;I!;., .. n,'l-

'Wet',eU.le' : ~,UgUIlDS~," .yo.~r~ ,I, -CIJ]U;il;ll, Of a Ualla:n~ '~""., il. , e ~C'lUo.,

'rui)er' ,nf' ltalu'. made an end of' the! R,ugi~cian kiftP"d,om and, st,op-~

'. "'.' - . 'IJ~:.l[ I... ,_. - - .. - .. ...: ----- '--"~I - -_.- - ,:....:-~

'the, freq,uent' :blConioos 'w'lDc'b this G'ennaniIc tribe 'had been mak-

II!'- . - ,~, ,"_ H·.·· .'.;1.,. "';Ii.. ....

:m,g;, mDit1u , '[o:miaBd~ln,i":or:r ~

~-, IO-·Q- ........ 'crm·1.,·- "W' - p,~ ;th· ~ second Af' +1.0 C"· ,·'~, ........ q,nl·'n, '!Iiii,ii"i,,w~'iI"lIil!' t- oIi"ii,

,1I IIiC .... ;i;ldLI Ue,. '. ·.!I~D '! '. ~A V ~ i~ ~~~V'_:-:. .. ' _' U'[ l ~ll,"~ ' -~,Il-~,~~~,1, _ ~ ~_~,u,IJLU',I_.l~ ,IlL}.

v;a:DiSh. from, 'Ine, ,Da:o,1J.d:dan ,Ie:~:'rln, Their' 'p,.r-esle·oce 'bll, IJlyricum 'be-,

~~ 1 '_

',','., - 'C'. 'c -.,;- 'I" - ',-' '."-.,'.,, .. > .t,··, .. ,-;:h" . ':"', - ~: ~~.:-,I' -"" '. ~ - , '_-d~i ."'" [ .... -·d'·'·i - - ;t'·, ··-:,<t··, fid

ICtlme VEtry ,me:nl"CIDg,O,._,_6: lmpe:rul;,Ii, power ,an" Ul or ,er 0 g;e., ,I,JJ ,

~~ ·th,· . -... ,iJL. -' ''C!', - . ~. - ", ~ ...;. .... ,. ',: , "j,., : ';"'_'d;- ;&':t.. ...... /", ,'1i"~n'or -Th·IJii:iIoIf'i;d· . '#:i!-n'"'c'" ~i ,n'!li~,iQ'i': ..

m ,e:m~. UJi8 £im,pe,r-or ,~J:O In,Vl'I!i,'I# . ' UJIl;:iJJ ,~,]_. ~II' .: ,~'!L!I,"~"" ~' l,y ~'r 11,

,1I,'Ii;..r~~·-- :-' '0'< a': ".,- .. '.' . - ,'1:,,-_,£ 1- ;1:..:-,11--." J '-d': ,.;1..--1 't- ". ,-,--,'1" ,~'IIr, : ,-IT, :,," I~' 'ch .. [Ii , '""

UH'uW oacer~ru,.I,er oll .. ally~ an· . u~eD ,0 mile 'uu;8,!J" ooun .. ~ }' _1m,

,1il!,o,'IIl' '1I1:iri,d' -r ",~~ '~'m- - n4'!l~n;11 B.'O' ""~""~n-~:ru. ~.~~_.l@~[ .... , 'l!II",~e·.d". ~i'1i 'th.e barpr'a:in

i3~JI" l~iltill .. ~~ -DrJ~· -!I.---'r·~~ .. g:ll, ~ __ ~J]ju , '~J'~J jlJ!.lL~~j',[IJ~ gc~~'-' _V - - - - It)- -

..;J~. t -..l ...... [' - - :a:..: '0' ··d'~- . - - (,: A" D" 14 00 ) . ;]I.. t··1J... 'II! ~'-h- ': .' - L,~-- - -

an'll ,artel' gQea~U'n,g-,.c -aBner .' .' i·", ... '" '''iOii'J'. ,IDa, e:ii .a,l!JWU_lng lul, peo-

Ong 11'1EJ:1 rro IT!


·'. in:!" V ifi!IT' ~ ,'"'C" ,"''I''II.i!"I'lI' 'II''' ,",,~nN ~~~~'!Lo 19j~ "T" &~ - blli- ." . .I:k-.L&.A" -ii, &,U " .. _

p'le as ,Boman -fed'l!ratl!s in I:taly~ he, 'ruled n as a. dleputy~gtove:mor of ,the 'Em,pewr. This Gothic power in I ta1y was DDt broken until the ,1Emp~'TOf' J wti:mian. ( ,5,21~S5, ) t'(}o<l: the, a"d'm:i:nistra:,noQ. hl'to hi~ own hands 'and, with the , JO( his fam,ou~ 'O'ener~ls; BeU-

. I~

,s,anus; and ,N',ar.sies:~ drove out: 'the :f;lJrei:,uners who 'had esta bU't4hed

II' ~!.

themselves in the: mtdst of the La,'th~ popftd,atio'n~

There were ~eft in t'be, Danubian basin: on:l)" the L'om bards aru:l 'the C,epids" The Lombards had come from the Elbe ,and .~eH'ted,~ as we' 'ba ve seen, :hl, up'per 'P,a:tll1,'Oillbl~ whi,c"b js 'DO'W' Austria, :~]] the ,seCOrnd baH of' the fifth. century, and the Cep~s bad, 'bec'D. ,esta,b,lisbed by :Em:pe'Eor 1\,1ai'cirnn :in. ,the fo,rm,er Dacia, 'The Slavs who had. s:u:nd1led fhe Hurmish oocu patio,n eontinued to live ~n 'the Danu b'ian 'basin tog~the,[ witb the' 'Germa,us,.

The Lo:mha:rds seem ,to have 'been ms'p-onsib]a tn ,snme waY'


.foF the',' .rni:gr:a,ti.'on of ,the 1\4.n.rc(),m.rnlni and the res:t of the' 'QuadiJ

('rom, what is 'DOW 1\1_oravin. and Bohemia to' thelands east ,af' the

L··", .- h "'"In" ·d·· .: "'0,","1" 'feh; C';- :'<GI,--d:~ t ..... .'i'iitf.~i ~-d·1 ,~,1!..,u 'iD,'FI.A'i"i'i'!li~:r ,".'h' ~ Fi 'i~u~' I :-n":~ and

._ee, r t ,p. . is."U,, W,~F '. ~ Un" ,Rr ... :s! "';~ii~~ j[J I, ~J I ~,~~~'" IIJ, v ;I, I, ''!I!!i:;i1" ,.'. ,1111 '';.11: II - ,

the upp~r Danube, The inha,bi'tan.t;s or the r~gbJns :now eceupled 'by the ~1laroom:aru:d and I:he' Qu:a(U r~l;el":Fie'd to the' D..J,:~'W~ comers ,as the men (va',i ~ 'OO':r~I~) oom:h1.g· i'rom the parts which, eenturies '9l,g'o~ had been. occupied by the Celtic :Boi:[.,_ thus ~ Bo]u;v~,r~, Bojuvares, :,and :in tbis way the new home ~of tbe '1\f areomannl received the name of Baj!ov,a;rbl:. It' 'is Cllri·Ol~:S to uote th at"- ,the: C'e'luc, B,oii have ,gi,\'en the':~t na,',:ne bJ' '~O ioo.unt,-ies hI

Ceil1traJ Europe, Bohemia and B',av~rla,.. ~

9(.'· ·1

, .

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


omO,IN,S, A'NIl M1GBA'l"1.0,NS ,33'

dently '~ So,rahs 'Or ,s.orbs: .( Serbs) '. Dlllring the sbth. centurY' the SIR'V:S ,crossed the Elbe: in lW",s;e numbers and, Yi~ile the 'G.ei'mans: cOllll')erntraJen 'their:' ,a~';"D,~nn' D, nen G,. sau 1- "II.'Il.. ~fi'iI; in ,li-h-L ~ h -r~ • "";I ~.

. -- - - -- --- - - - _I!i;,!i,,~ __ !,i;,I!y c..... Q.] UJiI!~L.1i.I l. Ifj,. ,'!4i! • anus

of the Gennanic ,Ff,aob: '"ino w'~J"e 'trying to conquer. all 'die, Cer,t1l8nilc tr.fbes" 'the 'Slavs pushed towards the :N onh Sea and also ,t-o tbe west ,and, the south, T.hey' o~l!Jjpjed, 'the territQry where th:e, cltiJes' DE H'ambu:rg~ :L'wlebu:rg', M:a,gd,eburgj Eri'ur.1t: and Goth,a now stand, adva;nclu,g: :a$ far as: the: riv~r Saale, From 'tbere ,they m,Qved,.ill the d:ir;ectio(l], olf modern Bamberg and, r~ached, ,the,

Dan ,~ . .:a., ria'l"i " R,I!'ri;,iI-ll,r;;'I!.,.o' '-0'"

. ME U ~ ,U'l;.O~]'" ,_ ~rua'V "\ __ i

The ISla vs es,ta'blllshed, be~twee:n tile Saale ( ,sola va ) mnd. the

Spree (,a,) _, the ;S:o.Fb(i,a~ns ( Sara"b'ians~ Ser'bbfn~ ) ~ the

"'·i'l nca~Jd (in, 'the -Yichdly' O'f' 'the ':modefn ,B.Q1Jl:tzen) and the, Lutici In Lo,w,. Lus:a;ga _ ,famed, the Germa'D~C 'Thu:ringj;~lllls to move f'urtbef'w,est. 'Th~ 'oortherly ne'~gh,bDr..s of the :Sorbians were the' ViIci (V'eletia:n$) ", 'whom, ,Pt£J~,em,Y in his :f:::lmous; 'rna p' :[IOC~·IJed. on, the 'lower' 'Vi:stul9., when!cel they 'had, t;r,a,veUed ·as f,ar as the :Elbe

to '''''''~O' 'P"'l}' ... he ~"",~".ft'i"'tI' b D:~;r,~,ii.'ii~n :-,·,'t...dt. n-:"'ie"e::r and ,i.L.o v",·':',m.;m. ~- rn'!i!i',i'il_

'U U!\..i"" _ . o;}' Ul. ;L~~\I,,&."t"')""' __ }1 'Il _ .. ~t.;'W~~JIU. :Ulct ,,'tf., d_,"_ U:i,1IIgI -e Q""c ' II~-d'ill

. . . ."."

These people :hQye' ,also 'been, called L~u,f.i,ci~, "b'6CJlUfe lof' the'i~ ex-

,ce;ed:ingly 'w,lild character _' ljut,'l meaning' Iii'wild,. ~.~ 'The' modern M:eeld,enhurg: was held by' th,e O'b(Jdrltes'~, .Ho]s;t!ei~ by 't\],e VaP'li's,o'St and Lijne'bl!lF;Gr b'V the' D,revj)a,n.e~ The .B~dUc C.OS,51t £rQm,

'!tit"'!·... " 'D .;

·'t'be: esmary of the 'Od(ur ,to' the m,ou.-th, of the 'Vi:S,ru]a waf;: settled, 'by'

the Porrne;f3ni:atll~, vino! tanned a.t the' sa,me 'lim,e a b,an~]jtion betureen aU 'the~' ,tribes"~ th,e :Pola'blansJ th,e Balti'c Sla,v$, and ,th~,

P-lo·": Ies


n ,', -," (II' 'to h 'I .f!:.I',&.L -:.: r ,"' . , "'fA.j 0.&' ,1I;:t.a bc.'CiJ;;(jf·": 'j" D' .'. f- ,iI.,'l.;ffi; "; '!' , ' th .~!i '. _ 1!.lf.m~, __ ie ,mgl, Ce1)rl.Ury dJU.u lUi,!;;, UI11:;; ..:."IU~~nn1!n~i 0.,-" UI:II;' srxtr if& I

- - I' ' S') - - - d £~ -- d-' - - b- - - 0-1 I f" t-h - - - ,-

.'_. \ I,' [," I '. ..' J .' • , _. " .' • \ .,'r ". \'. . . '.' ..... _.! , '_-_' .' '.' .... I

new wave ac.C' L avs ,presse _. :.OlVl,ar. ;" prO.:8.:. Y "rom ." ;"e up.per.

Oder and t'be V:i:stu~R~, 'W occupy til,e' rle,giuns~ 'wbich were bem,S: left em:pty 'by the Mm;rCnW}11iini and Qu:adi ,_ althDu,gh ml :i;;;., 'DOlt ' tmlikely: 'tha.t 5:porad:f,e, :penet.r$:biOD lof' tbat' terr.lbl.ry 'by Slavs had been a''Om,D'' on I'ar some the 'before the, w itbd-rawa'l of 'th-e Ger~\

~._:,-.~:.... e--' "~i -.:_ _" . _:. __ ':".:.' '. I "_. _- ".,_: ..•.. I' " .• '..:_:' . '[. " ."_ I.~ .11: I .' 1 '-'-_ ." .. ," "-

manic 'b",i.be8~:~ ThUB the Slav5: toot, .Rnal possession oE Bohe'm,ia I


Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



lIij'A: !I,n

I .and Morav,ia) while' .tith.oc SJ:avic' tribes closely din to them moved rub) ,w'ooem, S.Jovalcia, as £u as: the, ,Danube". S)a',vs' from '~:~'ora'Vla also pushOO t.ow,ards the, D,'be) crossed it and 'moved. ~into Hun8a'Y~ as f,ar B$ 'Lake, Balaton I( :Bla,tno) ~

I! The wiithdra,w,aj of 'the. Genrum&c P'Q'pul~tlOfD5 frotn CemtmJ, Europe 'was "the signal, f.'M' other SIa,v,ic peo,p"Jes to mo:'ve m,to! the ~elIT;i'llo,ries: which. they had, vacated, Ancien.t ,P,annonia. and, ,th~· , pea,ter p:a.rt oi' ancient BaeUa 'were gradually' Q'VtUTU1l, by SIa.v.ic 'b·ibe.s ~ :mostl,)J' fbe 'Slovenes ,of' today!,


I .... At the~eg~g~£ the51l1Ile ~~~' .. ~ther Sbvic ,P';P,~$

I Pushed, towards tbe lower course of. the Danube, It seems that,

1.' .

I i 'these were the ,Irst Slavs to eome ,mto OOD!tact with the eastern

part of the )l,oman. ,E'm:pire, and, it, :[5,· ,1&.,Ie11' ,tha;,t they ,fOnDled. S(IDl18, important settlm:nell,b in. modern 'W'allacbia OIl the Danube~ Acrord,illg to the Byz~DtiDe ,his;liorian;s' and chroniclers;, th.ey started to [cross ,die ri;v(fr ,~ter !;l'7' "\Vith .. tbe OihrjS.Qt' of: :r,aiding M,Bee.donia, Thessaly and, E'Il~lUs~ and, these By,zantine' wrilft'shav~ :pIBl:(~ed, OD, record many im,pr-es\S,:i.ons (If D,um,er.,OllS: SIa;vic ,[l1i,cunlons: ,into 't:he tm',perial "t,err,i' d, tbe ,rel,F' of the Em;pelo·r Jus,tm (5]1~ ,527) ,,'1 In v,l,ew o.f the £a.c,f: that Ju~stil1ts, successor Justmian (,521 ..... ,

:f~,. !hiS, f;eg·~oo, are :n'Ot: 'n1lll'arero\1S~ 'neb: e'xiste~oo' p~n"Ves'l 'bQweV'eif'~, ~t Sll;~io b]lB.ltr;a;Uo:n ,~~o these p~: ,~Uf!jt na.\!e' ,Sitiatt;ed, 1be,~'Ol'e '1n1$ 'Id(a,:f,e" Th15: i5~ to acooI,d 'wl'th the report ~f the Byzantine ,writei' ,~.~D!@~.~~ (D~, Bello Gat/dieD Il, ~l~ap~ 15~ ,B,gnn fil]t;t;inD; :p. 115) 'who sar~ that the: Gennanic' Hends~ ,uler' being defeated l~,)" 'the, ,Lo;m;!bards~ dledded tQ :retg;m 'to, their. pld, h()Bie in, De~a;r:k. ,~~d were Ijv~n, ·,f~'ee. ,pass;ag,e. ~b:y th! S;~,'Nj, thr,OQg~, :tb~~r ~em,~O'ry' ,:bl5Q&-,514,. Th0: H,~nds .m.igh,t ,f:ollo'W'oo tbe, 'OO~I5@ of 'Qle river T,~\m ,p.ll'd :refl;ch~, the river V~,tn'la, t:hI'OUlg~, 't~8 Dl!lJdQj, ,P,~,. 'They

ooult] aliso, harv,e' reached th~: V'i~tU:~a 'through tlJil~· :M'omna~, 'Cat~ :aitm ,switcl:i~ h11' .from the ~,pper' Tisq~ b.) the~ Danube- a'nd raf'~e[f: f.on~wmg the OO!l!if:Se of' Hle, :riverM:or.a:liI'a.. :3;!Wd .of ~its h:,S:h1L],'tary' tflj~. Bee va" n::iis im,pn.llia'b1e 't:ha:t they ,passed, tJm~gh ,B.tlbem~a,j as me 'pa~8age: thtiOFtJg'h :tb,e, fuliest'Sl ~o ,mach the

:EU~ wo!l,d:d, :h;ve 'been, mere ddB.~lt. '

J. S:~, the, ,~iew iOf.' J.i.8~~dam,~ :a,Pfl~~i;a:_~G\ns. 0,£ S,taviC. iiWvJ,\$wns 'Quring' 'the Rip Gf: J~jntt]Jn m ,.,. ,A_. v'a,d]ie'vi ti~£Un tM' ,"r..s~ I( CaJl'lbrridg~j Mas!:.:;. lS.50l~, p,p. aO~J1.2~

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


J- .IL"" .... _

- ~,~

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


i'"J'£Ii' i!IJ!I]l

,~,t!!i~, \ Q' ssum .~.Ji the ~.~·;1:;Q '0: ,i; ~·'A,~,·'n'tii·c·.1i'~·C:IL irj' ';:;i:.. seems 1.~I='e: ,11 V' ~Lla-·'t' '1!...~ m '~'ii~: ...

lJ·utJ l o'llol!U., t:illI t, "', IU,lU~ .. r , , . I &1. j,'J~iV . b.II.;,JI'IU,1 11:1,..;;; .. ,u.",1!l.

'b d some i til 8-)" ld .

. :'V'-~ 1 ( .-:- - .~- .·· .. c-:·, .. ,,' "":~';"'.J-"~I··-·I··"·"\~·---' ,::- .. ,.-. :.: :.J •... ' .. ,~.'~~ "1.1

', iilL e , 50mB Important vlcton'BS over . I . ·ese "., a.VllJC [,al l~g!

parties, We find ,tha.t in £iact: the ,Anb~s wem obUged. to foUGw' the

sam A co ... urse !!'!iJ'Ji;li the ·Gi' oths and p.1!ny::, ,~I 'p~'rt'> ,0,,-;:, ,t'-:"..l'O,,:"<iI, ,nf-' the ~A: _ ,v ~" .. IU !i]iv. U41! L [~ .. yit .iil!l U " ,_.:._.lIH._ .. : JIIlI _ ,,~, IU~ It:UlII!Ji~.~.II~.~gl V. tl_ '-.i!


At the b·' ;O.!I1;ii'riin~irI'O' .~ the li.'!'iIV;l;'h-, ..... ~t,1'I""'U' 'S··-'I,t:ii''tj:~,(:jo ''_i'L,,"",,~ h ~·j'jj·d·:·1 D'D' '~1B'rB·dl

,', '~ ~ ; .. ·~ID:iI!lIlit lillIe !lJl ",~, iil!u-'i..L.· ~~,II!=.!IiI~).. . !R," Jj~ "1I"I,ue~i ,: ~ ..... _. ~ ,~~._ ~.~ _'

1"Ilv'r'i)oi"!inm' .' and ...... art "s·d·! ,;IO.'t..Ai"r" "p7'u,~"b 'n·· th A ...Jl~'!i'<Bt'iI":'10· n n'f- D····;g 11m" ;g,,_',j'i71Ii

! . J~t . iIIJ'-rIU. ' .. , A I ,~!Il.jA· ,~ ... , LJjJI~,li .. ~ '. ,JiI!- _., ,_. J ~ III :&~L'LJ· .' y_~_ :__:·.·aJl_,. in,'=.!J!~'!I

,j1f'. A" "D· I ~!:'f'ln "I!"'If.. .. , ',;;' .~, ~d' ,,.,'Ib...-'t-,·-:r -:.[' ·t·~ ii ·c·: A··d' , ~C't-'>-: ", "d: the

In ',~, .. " tJi!.XJj li.,Uey r,s81Cne.UI,e SilUlres, Ol'.J'.te "Jr]ja.u~, an,. ._ e,

Iamoes Dabna,'tjan citY' oJ Salon.a:" the rulns of' 'whIch were d,~scovered and e~ea,a,tied, by the lat@' MgT" :F',. 'Buli:c~ tbe Cro~tiat~, Bl'Icba,eolo:g:i,st,] heam with t.erro.r' the war' cri:es !of the S~~'Vs:. 8\y the 'V.DiCif ~.A 0 ,.ii..'L A\J 'h ffl d·" 'm·· . ii"'II'lJ'-,-1i iIior'!ii D" vrrha ch ~ , ... - t D' , 01 '.- '-rO" ).,' Th" ~,

t.: Q J o,,;,g. !J!"I;Q'UI·"'""i .' I~" ,', v.".~, ".0 , .. .y".. u....,lum 1\ .. ' Ur.nZi.Z I.,"'~ ,', '!C,

· d h h - .

'. ". ,. _ J '. 'ill ... ,_ _ !II. .. '.' _ . .. III _. )' . . .. _ . _'. .. I.. _ _ .. _. ~ _ I . _ ., '

E,yzan,blle wnters P[,OOOPIUS an .. i T oop·. anes gIve mal1y d,etalls

.~i1= ~ ". ,.' '~""" ., of" 1·'~~'li .. ,. - 'lb., ... th ' 'S"ll,,- ," .. :i!:'.AIiQ' t::::1t:JO ,,',.Ji 15···=:nl

UIJ, .In.vaSUJllS ., "I.:tyr,l,eum uy ... e:' ,10. ViS ,Ill ~ ... ~ u~ .' anU. ,-' u:~,

In '''I.'it,:: :.:f' 't"· 'v,i>:m;~"'lt > ha ,,::,~·t·"-j· of ,F,o,'Il..'c:.: . ·S"~·v".,; .~:,: .. , .. :.,",,',;, :"1 t" . .', _ .. ~ S;p_B 0 ne _ ,IQien ,C:: arae e;r 0: mese .111,. ic meursions m n

Bymo'tine t~rritory, 't,nr€fi@, wer~ ~ome 5:igns ,to show' that t:ne. eonmCit, 01" the, 'wuh the :Emp,[re m ight' have become, in 'timej

'. " .. 'f- 111 'Th A"! ··tA f.'h· . b . t ...... , . '. d .' .. . _£. fio,'L, . 'S,·,cl· '" " .

me .. re ,pea,ool UJJ" .r e . ,Ill. es, I",' e ·e'.s:· ,org~.n.lze. c· g,roup U~f (,~ ~e :':. a VS!;

had become as we have seen, fed erates fl,f, the ,Bvz~n"llli"lil'Q; E~.I .... m:pl:i:r'e~··,

~ 1lJ"", _ li -.~ . iii.< ,n@ .. iiJ' ~'I!! ~~, - - - - ~. . ~ ,..... .. II;;, - ,I ~~~ IlL !!i~"""". . - . ,

C,iven tim,e~ 'the Byza;nthlels, ,mligh,t have' :pe·F.s:[~a'ded oft;her' Slavtc

~ ,..'4'b,·· ". '.'.' I fi ·'lll· .. ' ~'h"""~' ~ . 'r , ..... ,. ' "1 .', ,,',. 1.-11 ,'",,, .. , ". · .. ·,,';b· "'. 'lb"'1 .' ·t,,'b 'i,IL ,:',c.' !1.1j.. ·S~.'11, ....

tlt! res ro I, o ~.O'W , , eir eXjum'p J€~, 3nul '-\, lSj prOJ.a, · .. e c:. a.~:" u me ,··.a:vs

h d' bee .a:,' '.' 'D' ". " h ' 'iLl' 'i.,,' 'b

· a. .I~een. ,SJeb;;I;·eo. :U), . vzantine 'ten,i,t'OfriJ" ,t .·.iI!V Wt1i.I,Q, ~:~Ja v'e ' een

1/- "'11,'

guJietly assim:ilalOO, ~nd clv,fUzed. by th.e. sup~r~or' culture of tbes;e,


rep'~o,ns,", ~,


,AU 'these hopes were, 'how,e'ver ~ dashed to the gr-ound by 'th.e. appearanoe: In CC'rnbal ~ln.d, Eas,tem Euro!pe of f]lew Ada:ue invaders ,~ the: ,AUailc A,vars'~ 'yibn:" as we' heve seen, W'E!'re r,es,pJ.Il:!dble· ,foc 'the" onlv"1 of the Huns ,in EUfo:pe" The A var emlpire :in Asia, 'wa~ d~e~troyed in the :m:id.dle of 'the S;j':lth century by the. TU:r"k:s,! whose Ilf,im'i:th/e home W3,g: t,o 'Ihe, north, of MJJng,o'Ua. The Turks 'had ~a,ct!!lJaJly been ,s,llbjugatoo by the ,A'Va'rB~ but had rev'olt'ed and

· '--iL'lk ~ . - iLL _.-- ~ . -.f' t'h' s.: .. ,Ii'if::·· T·_h·· A·'va· b i" .. ~ b'

ove~u~rolVD me empfll:I''6 Of' , . ell' maste ('S" " - e z .1:..~I'S!il :e'~ng, P\f'OI:-'

,aibJ.y of the :M.anog,ol~jS:R :mce:~ 'weroe ,a'idn. ,to hath. ,th,e TurkS! ,it;nd ,th.e ,HullS;! A.ft·er 'th.e: ,overthrow of tb~, A,v,ar:power in, Asia, 'by 'them'


Ong 11'1EJ:1 rro IT!


0- iB'lIi'C-I'U~ 1.. ''I;;1iA M-" '11F!ift,iIo "iFf-O~ 'N' 'iii!' ~N:._ AL"'~' .~~.,.~' ,1:>_. 'uJIljA &.~rli '_' ~~':_,a

'Turkie ,su'bject,~;t same of the: Turklc tr,ibes,. naJ,'mel.y the Uigur8~, '~I,ohgoUan and :possibl,Y Ailallchu e"la'Rs~ mov~ westwards 'i'n the direction ,of Eur--o~~. It should 'be observed that -tb~,'Y' wet~ not ,9/,c'tuaUy A.vaF,s;-~ 'but that tbe'}" bad merely acquired the name ,01 th.eilr former masters ,throug'h ,ns'vin"g: lived ,for a lon.g :time under their dum.ina,tjoD~

A- be .. ·'h-'· . ''''dd' 'II 'f' 'l-h ' . ,. 'ith .- '-h'll, th-' -- " '~'A" , - .~~ . -- - . - d' _ "J;)U ... , ~: ,e, nu- _';'J.,e 0, ' : Ie ;~u.x~:_: cen, .. ,ury, 'I . e' .new-v,ars Crosse,

fh,e lower courses of the V'ol),ga, ,Illd d~;fea:ted, 'the' 'Tn-ride :Btdg,ars.", '\\':&0 'til'en ,c'9l1'~,o:Ued. the r,~g,j'oR Ian the east coast 0'£ the Sea QI£ Amv', 'belvteen tbe rivers Kuban ~n~ld Don. The 'grea.ter part of:

Ib,e defeated. Hulgan accepted tbe: ,r.uFe' of 'tbG 'I:!rJnqueF,(lrS~ but, the lema.:inder Red, 'WIBst\Vard:8, ,Inding a r-el:u,g~ itt 'the ·'ten,itllry' .of' the Lom'bards:.,

Altbough 'tb,e ,A',ys:rs came inte' contact with, the eastern, fringe IDE' t:be ,By.zB-n,tine" Empire~ tbey' did not ba']:t thedr ,adva;nce., The lo,w'lands beyond ·the· Ca;rp~;th]a,n. 'M euntams attracted theIr nomadtc j:nstin,ct~!, ,8S t'hey' bad, ,thme of the Hubs, In, due course

a OIR'i;::.l IA'P' ,iP"i'}~,;irn' "j,1I"u ,io,,,,,,: selse 'I~'i'~ d"IIi!;[i~ili"~lI'.b"'!I"",, '~g, ',i'n/li"li' wa ~ nr-"A~dirn"'.m_;] Q [~luiLK1 U" _: • ~.I t Ul '~'''j}i IV ~.~ ~ t~I,~=~ . ~~~11 g .Ie III ~I,_ "1IUJlJl n'. ii1I! ,r-.' ~·~.!I!~IJI t~Ll

to them by the' .Lomba.rds;~ the :i'ea1ou~, n:B':ig'bbo:rs ,of: the Ge,pid~:; who, by' this time, were settled in the f,orIn'er.' Dacia, The Gep'id_~;i assailed f:rom an sides _, by the Lem bards and, the Av,a:rs _' were overwhelmed ,and exterminated. The Lembards realized too late dU,l't, t:heir D'~' nejgb,borS sca.'roe~y represented 'a ,cha,ng~ f~lr' the 'beHe,r' and, ,shs:ldn,g ,th,e dust of' Pln-nonia from ,their' feet, they ,fgUo~w'enl the example 01 the iOstro,got'hs and, e s;ta,bl)lrs bed, themselves in I'taly.,

Oly the time they made ,this: move, the, ranks 'I'll. the Lombards had 'been ooD5~derably str:engtheined by ,t.he i:ncl.'lLJsion of 't:h,e remnaets of several other'' ,poop;]_les In Cen:b;al 'Eulfope~ inie'lud ill,g a iar,ge IClonUngent ,of Saxons, They 'moved, mto north.'em 'ImJy in the year 568,,- 'D;ot as: ,f.,ede.:rale:s~ but, '(}r' the B'rst time:~ as; ,An ;~nvadlng ,en etn,), " A's,:a result oE th,e',it, .speedy Y'jictod@s' the Lambard kingdom in Italy was fOIJ1.nded aod 'I'ta:ly ,i'hu~~lf: was' di:'viicJ.ed :mto an nnperiaJ. prorv:ince and ill GeFQlal1.i,c :Idng"oom., And 50 the Lom bards' wrete the, last: pa,ges ill 'the. his,l:ory lof the Roman ,Empire :in the We5t'~

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


E,Ii:1QT' "Y'- ~T "-.'Iii'!t'IfC'I CMLJZA···· --:-',' ,·'······-U, O:-'N'

n.D....I..iil· ii:!l~'y..l. "-'-I .... ,.... .-, .:'," ".':

_ _ ". ~ _ _ I • ~. _l ~

Il"!r1... A lrifl,. ~ D',tjl''it'i, nf-::- ,1I!,1..B A.,V--'· oilI1r';C w:'Ii,.'n~a ,"''!llYn'"'' ''II!m,g il'!' "8" t1i1'i'i!lll'ft .niii"!llli"ll- '-p ,;',ed, ' , ~ I. ,u,~ . .lrLJlilH'b~ v' I, w".. ,.no.~.!,"!!!, ',',Jl,lb!, .. ~~ ,y~UI~ "~, 1._iQ,;IJI,~ 'U!!i.i."""Y!:~ '.I!.'

the ,~eJ',r£tD~y vacated by 'the Lcmbards, IThe' wbnl'e of ':m.OOem, ,H.ung;ary became Av,. and fOm1.edl, th.e cen'be.r. of '~e :~W' emp:lre-j "ihn~e: ,iSWay in Central B~n'yo'pe was dBldinoo to 'be leg, 'bri:ef than t'ha:t of 'the. em,pile of 'the Huns, ]Qdeed,~ .it seemed 'that!: the' A.var

emmre was ~i!lii':iJ".t'l'1ia su,e'l' ~"~ar 'r-li.,n;t· and thus ~D.Ua"l'li9i;p~lI'iIIa ;iiHI • .n. g ~r 1 - :t'tLI.!W _. g~1 Il..AJ&iII,D ~;" ~., ,lIII-II.~··, r~,I~J.' g_g... . .. - ~I Q!I!.iIP,"'V· J,,-, -': ,Ur,&!O g_iII,-~V A

-v,ery JPve, dallier to thel ,easte:m part' of the, ,Bi(~;man :Em,p,ire, as well as: to 'the,.n,ew- Fr.,anlclsh kin.g' zdom :in Gaul 'whic~h was beiDa'

.... '. ,01

W· -elded 'Ioo'g' ,~JI;.1.._ un ..:!I·A .. , ... 1t..- ..;I1.j''II'- ..... ~'.n.D·:- fi£' 'the- ~ a ''1 . .1" a~oiniii·ii'm",_ 'g~'g 'll'il ,d' ')11= 'a-''''''ty

. "~l!li ~."_l Ill··. C:UJ,~~ .. _', iU'~.&. UIC ~JLUL,'~UV __ ' ~v-I' .~_I . .!~ Ji"'I~U·T'.-_:_:·-:~ _1 .. _,·.· .. _ '.:fI!_:'-:,

,"'-,' • • ...:.1 '.. '._

'es:peciall,)t under :King,. eta,Y,is"

!!"J!'!I!...Ji:j; est ah '1':"""'"t.I~~n'; 't', AJf '.i+-~'e, A"'!U6~ 'm"'-', ,';'(l-",ft, DI'~'fi'u'b"lian, b='ul~lii'm'·',-::- W,,'-':'3lo['! i"'-" [JJ..[D~ ~1i]I g, - 1160_1.1L~, _ ul- t:.U'_' - ,Y:,~~, . tI1~ .::._ ,!0i_u, _ _.1_ ... ~_,_ . _ ,___:-~~:_ ", '_ I~ vI

. 'the utmost hnporlalu~e E'Of the i'u-lure hist"Ory of tbe .slavs.. Instead of' beoo:m:ing federates ot the :Byzantln,e E'm,pi:re mod: of' 'the SlBv~. became subjects and federates of' the ,A,v8'r,s., Some, ,sJI.'Vle: tribes ,'_""'. 'esp~cially in Bo'hemia,~ on 'the, 'Elba'" ,and :m .. Poland ,- .mld;t

~, have: ,joined the A'vars volun.tar'uy when they 'balded with. the:

F:'r,BD'Ics o,n the.,. El'be ,[n, ,561--.562i and i.n ~17 ~ The' Slav-i.e ,tr,i:bes ,in 'Wialladhi'aand Pa;mJQnia~ N oricum . and IDyrliCUlll; :M;orrar'l,ia and,

e1In'liJiiTIii'k'l~"';' ''L., ad 'In i!'Jj, fil~'i"il!IHIHI'·lll~...1 ura:i.L';i:ii1 '''uP'II'!\iCi''i''ii''ii'''' nv Aj(i.' tha A' '11la'iii'''' '] ~I.u''i·~ ~'. ~~ IrIQJL" . o ,!RJ.I~II\.I~r~·n:JJetI,~~ me ~I~~: :".r~1~-,g}~J·· vI" I, ~ : .... ·¥·~.ii.--'

'The: onl"y. lopposition came ':rom, the: ,Amt&;'., 'We learn from con ... 'bt~m.parary Byzantine ,mmces: that ~tbe AnNs collaborated 'w:,ith tb,e ByzaD.tjnes: in, order to check the m,D'Wltled. 'W9LtT,ints :f'ro;m ,A_~iaJ' The Kha,gan Apsicb was: ,forced b) organiZE ,B, ,spee:i1\], ca:mpiaign ,a,g~fD5t tlletn, in, A,.D" 60.2: and he deiea.t~d, tbem in w'hat ls now' known M, Bessara biB.. This 'was the' end of 'the, ,Srst 'wD111d, .. be 'S]~V' ,~phle and the name 100i'the: Antis dis;appea'fs. co,m.:p),etely ,from :tds:tory'l; 'Wb,em. "we remember that the Ant~.s: wme a lmdj'ng' element in. a conled'e~atiOn. of. Sla'vic· tribes -and :oa;,tm,ally did 'moSft

:I, ,A."',a:··,[·..:;I,;n;m· . 'I·:'i'II/.,~~t'Itrn ~~'Ii:i; ~., h,Ui'Jd'a, i.:.; ... ,io. ....... d_~.;J: !~iiJ1ii'ii !;I;.:. ~'i'i~~ ~ft, ",D, 'i!i'nn.,. ... ~"'" - m,

, ,1f.'_ ., UJ!IJI l,. _1Il1-~/~.~iII~ ~~~.'Illrill IN.u . IliiJ·!p'~ ~~_I C'U 11~1~!!!~~, J;~ ~_~1!~I!L~--! ~ &":".~~ _ ~.~~., -_.~

~he 'oQ1tbeut Ovef modem, -SlQvlaktl,,, southern M,oq~ja \I'ud :pan _ ~l modem AiiliIsb'la., :U' ,~~hw!d:ll however:!, 'be stres·sed that recen,t: Rtci~aool()S~C-ll reseM,c'!les, IC:'arried, 'oU!~ :iD southern, Itt:Cf.a:wa, 'h;Iil've 'faiUe-d to, reveal levideft.oo !Of the :pro-, long;ed 'presen~ Q.f ,A.Y~ i~ 'tli31t oo~ntl'y in the! s~tb 8:'rld, s~v:anth ,cen'hldes", A ,few tombs: Yrit'b A'~r. Icbai:ra(1:~Br. 'oulli.d. 'in th:i5 001,llWby 'll~v,e~ tl!g; be daiN h,oml 'the' el:ghtn e-entu;ry'~ T,tiiU~~' are :lbcaled in ' gio.~nds O'f.' a masked Sma:vilc chamtt:e:r and seem 'to, rohl{'ain the' 'Dodies o.f S1avic ohieftains w:bol ha've, ad;Oipt,ed, A'W,aif' rus~(iPls ... The ~~Il.VJl: :bi Boh,eIm!i~ ,k'~d _J]Q.rtlu~m. :M'QTavi~,

. I. h iii- __ .::II if· .]. •. - !I!Ii~---1f>.D -- _.1.:1- .,..t... - A .... -

ap~~ eo ~.,!ll:V!e enr~e~ iI;Jiee ,)I :m.I';,U awuBlIIJw WIU:I"n@!: , :: V;R,.i'i:j; •.


Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!




Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



'~'.i. 'iaF[f:"i:.!i" ,~i";L. 'i·!i!TP ~:iI'1fi[". T!7 "'Til '~N' ,~.I!, ,i.;!!~"·A""" 1~~,ItI.~~_~,,_

10(' the' ,i:,ghtin;g', t'hmr :(lllsa,ppea'f3Doe ,is; easily 8Xplmmoo by ,thelr' ,8'1lDi:h,ila,tiOrfi in, 'ba,ttle~ Su'bsequeo'tly i'n south RUB\Sia we encount,er. onlY' SODU,:;~l Je'p1'fat:e' Sla,vi,c' tri:besi, whic'D:, 'as WIS' have seen" pmbil"b~y fono,ed, 'the :m,l{i:n ~bod.y of 'lids. 'ea,rlier' so-called CQ;D. ... ,,a,tj,(J(O,"

Th,e tribes, jm. 'm,od,em Rumania and. Y'1l.1go,slaV',ja) Ion the other hend, seem gene!Fally to ::ba've a,ete,pb;~d 'the 'Ie'adrershf,p ,~f: the 'D,ew masters quite gJad'Iy',. Th.eir p'F'essu:re ]n the: dj:re-ction of' the Adriat.i,c and 'their :incUl'rJ:ons ' ]l,om,an ten,i'~o.;ry by Ill) means

d i'iifn,'i'Fii~If!"~ ed , _,ltA'1!O ""'ha'rr": suh :']~'IFI e:rn,Ii,~'o:n ''I1',I1;;'';:e ~m-~'e' 'B'd" ! I~U:r1'\I"'Ii''''l"':n a' to

liLl!,Jlllllill~"&@~·~,1~, .. -, aJ;" .I~f.ll, "L_ ,~, __ ~I._" ....• Ull~I~~'! ~_ ;II~I:~I .I;~, ,~.cgJ" . Uf.'.·- ~"". I~! ~I. iftI [I"H!I!"~~'-'-:_-Ib I u

observe 'how'qu:h:~kly :t'hese Sla,v,s; ada:pt-ed. th,em5ehie~ 'to the mUi=, t,ary' tacU'es .of' the Avars, eJVle~ to the extent' of ,adopting' ,t:beir types of armament, During the later ha]f of the ;sj:xth, century ,a:nd the 'W:hO]lfJ 'Qf: the S6:v'enm, the S]a'v,~ yt~re constantly multip,lyiD.,g,their. attacks ~ga;in~t th,e imperi:aJ, ,pro,vfnces,~ a,etin,g both

on the j'-r own B:"')O'ir'~!l"~ir"ii'liJJO itlt"iri"·~:,a· t-; '.""p ,!f:i'YIi;d 6i'~. ,6I'il'~''iI!''fl-]~t'i'l\''l''',nlio ~n.:t. 'I!:h,' iM"'lI; .A··. "'iI"'Qiill"il'J_

"ILl. ,-", U'~lbl Al~~;~~!lrT~ .uU~1 I _J ~ H-JLII, I Q~ !QPWo.IcAJI jA~, ~~ '10./.1 Ii. '~'_ , __ "!f P'~l"~.

TbB Sla:v,s~ however, ,e'hanpd their tactics in, one' re's,pec:t~ When ,t:hey invaded a 't,e'rr,i:tOlJ"~ they did 'Dot Um:i:t tbemselves to dev,8stl',t,in"g, the couD'trysidfl and, withdro!'w'm,.gwi,tb lthejr' booty" as did ,the: AV3'fS ~ tbey e:x,eried themselves 'to establtsh ,Grm settle .. , ments, Two, Syrlac, wr,iter.s: provide' ie.vide:lloo of' tiu~ EiBel'.' that: the Slavs: :6rs:t' made a settlement Ion Creek, ,s)oil in the year' &all. The situaU'on worsened ra,pial" du:rlng 'the, Bnt Y€O,r:s of the ,l:\Eti,gn of. ~l..,CJ "?'m--";p:~1ri;">"" 1t,if,ojjj·U· rice l ~Cl9L ~~iU'! '\ ~I,f~~~r "i'--~ ,j'mno: . .',rt-i a .. 'II"IIrt' '~~:-p .• eria 1

:U:I,~ ~l ,[ J 1 ... ",v.1II UJ.. J\fJJ.R _ J ,II . ~ \ U'O~I~ I' n. ~"', 'IL.~.I'I(.r _>." 1;" . .. _ :IUll. J IU~I.I.:.~" .1_dJ,

citv of Sirm ··]'"--.'m (" now cl~' '~n mo dem C~!JI't"~O'Jii)' was forced 'I,.

~~ ';"'-1- !k.i~ ····\_,;·1· ,UI~ : .:,_.:' .. ~: .. ' ~~~¥~~~.! ~~:_:, !l':,i·.U:. <:__~. ····:,vM(..:..Il~ , .!,a I .. :·I.·~~.·,·J "to

ca:f1.ltnla.'te to the Ava rs and thfd'r' ,a;ux,U.ia.rj1es. Bv A, D" 5781

r . K-

the Slavs bad penetrated as far as "tbe' Peloponnese, and S.:lav ic

"1" ;I. br 'bed '. tL. ~ ~ "'d b'I - . '11-'

coiomes D~II.P 11,~I'il:'! -::, In. tms n\1i"D-YiiIlCel w'e,:£e ronti"le!I'3:, ': V il"t·r~''Fi'g··. ;~. .'

!tW. I V~'~~l~~ ~~~Q 'ii.lI . ..- -~ ~ It"!'· " _ . -~ ~ _ ~-. ,I ~ I~llllil .... ~ I

ened 'by' the a rnval of new tribes, a:f'te;r 587~ The :M:Ulin,gll_~es: and the Ez:erit,€:s. settled lao oofb, slopes: I()I the 1:",a,ygetu~ . M:ouD'taJns.

I'D, the ye'ats, 581 to 589' the' Slav,i(~' co'I),Dnlies in Gn;~~~ce were ,fur",; ther stren.gtbe_n@d,j and, ,famous af'th,e G,'i(, cla,s5ioa], period

Ttl. 'b '.:.' 'D . ~ A' . h ''t, d ,tt t., '

=' .. nel@SlI,,!emeUl:a:s ang, .. ' t: '"ens - na '.. '~O ,S:I!J.e-r bie· :p~l2i8n[ce:

o:f: 'barbaria.RS i:n 'their vi,cifri:'ty~ In J$97 eV1en 'Tb,85s'a'.lornica 'bad ia narrow ,(t5ca:pe 'w'hen. th~ c~,:ty W~lS' ,m,en,aced by' a co~,b.h]ed. '(nIce' of Avars and 513;,v8:; 'The G:me"k~ believed tha.t :it was only 'througb

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



Ai, ,.._,

the .in.tervention. j]f' :j:t:s, pa'tr()D ~ain;t Demetrfus that -tbe Icrty was


~IY' .•

- - - - --

The eastern 'p'art of the Boman E·mp.· ,ire was hard nressed to

J l ,r'

d 'J '. - 'I!... th ",.]1, A' 'It d 1!~ d 'L 'h G"'· "

ea:, \:V1J.tu, :'- e De'W mvaoers, ,Jlr,ea~~y weasene ' uy t ;lle' ,,::er.:tna:DU~

,m""'iJf -I' /":-: .-:-'" ~,t, 'll,., . d:' . '1 x- It ..... .iI'!. c'h'" '" I' .. ,,.' .,. ..', "', ", .1i,> ' .. c· .. ···· ", -- -I' .."., - ...... :~': " "

. "" a!nons~ ,];. nao a so JJ ug __ ,,, an even, mor-e yang,crous enemy In,

the East ~ the Persians The E:m,pe:ror J)1',a.uric~ could onl.y' send b;i';s: ,generals Prtsces and Peter ,a.g,a,:mst' the A' and, the Slavs :dter d,efe~' 'this :new' enem,y~ \Vhen the Slavs across the Dan-

'1,'111...,.:-. '~~~iiGi!rD' emshe d and I.JLe·:·, A' 'ir.r.,rm.!I"IC 'W' rere b,·~II.·C·.iD' round ~'Y ·J·J:J!ir~''''ad' b'i" u.l~ -yy~ ,~, ' . ..:. ~'.'.: '-'."_, !.' -, U rull, .. ,._"-Y~~.~ , . .:.~ ~ 1~:W,~I._:y rIl~'_' !cIJl!,.-JI./ IU~~I~g~~.,·· .... j~

the ,Roman ",annies~ the Av:ars show'ed ,31 ' tomake pearce~, a'ht~ ,fo,[ the: last timie' .~n :hj:stol1i' the ,fTonti,er behYeoo. the :Empire

~l/' I .

,;I'D' ."") ,lIh·· ':ffi, newcomers ,;;;,'ii*~.~ 'B·"-'VD.l 0'" 'i"i th ,;0. D" an -"0' be t"_ U """~ lIi~IL~:''tM PII.;.,V-J.-J..I~· IgJ On' Ui~ I. - A.~UJ .:_ ·J.Il. IL_ 1:U a - ·0, ._ .. _ . -':._ '-..I ~

H' O·iiii~'.t':ii'!li¥.B,r' th a 'E' m ,. -po i;~. ~W:-·~j"j;iIfi' unable ,Ion ~n-~n'us' ite ,,;n;~'mrp'a~nrn

: • b.' .I"·~·T~· ., .' ~ . _ .. ', .... 1I1J11IJ[j ", ·u~ . .I1J1B, .... J... '-~ ~" ,L,JI·, ii_I '~ J.; .:~ ~~":_.' '_~j~l!!IL!'!!!

"-",- .. ,, --. -;t' .. 'k. -. A"'" -, . ,; ;'" d' .... 'I!,.. 'S·· ''Ii -I .:' ,! .~ -··d'· .II;','Ik- . "Ih.,~-;lf' - ;-. 'L~, , ','. ~t-,,, .... ~

:aga,m;s,_, u~e. ~ vars an '_ tne '..:.liai,Vr!i ,an.c:, ~.ue is]j!I;,Uia.d,on oeeame ell ~cal

~ 'g' - ,",- c· '," ;" ,:"L",., ,,' .... ,.: - . ..if· the EI ,., , , ,-," . 'f'.', " '.' P·I'Ii..." ... ,.: - l t1!t'i!t1I __ 4;'], '0' \, 'M' :', , ... ,..-. '-',

,a" .• nn m Q~e reJJgJl or jne ,··;m,pe;ror nOCa.S '\ VV~~··.' } .' , ".' ore-

. &.1.:. S:'I h !! ] . , 'b1I" 'b d' "'0 ,.

over' 'ui,e.,,!to¥engB~ 'W _JO· were DOW' UITflL.y ,e,sta' ~'J!lS: e '. ~ m .1:" annoma

- nd N"" "" "I 't,.,,.;!. .,,-. ,IL. ,- , -'h , ....... ,:, .,' .... .lI .. +ll,. A" ",]1..,,". 't·'··, I '1', ~'L., 'I -

illIL ,. oraeum, ueg,an ",0 pUSe _' ~Uwan,J,S, me ~,:,mJa_lC," , .. n !j,:"~ yean

59,g_. '''.' 600""'::" .~. d m'·-:-'~··'·· ·tn'- d" j f de' 'f t" . iIld ii -

.' .' '". '.. ". _. I I' '," " .- '. -' t'" ' . - ", - ,', I'· I '" .... . i ,". "" '". ' .... .' '11 .. I j" . I .,,", -. I ,,~

-'"_"1' ..: .. e au. ~;."e'y a ser_es, ~._ ' ievas a_ln.g rai s ,:mt~f)

.baJa, Q,nd 'Venetia., making' t'heir' way as far. as ,the banks ,of' ,the TagHa'mellto in, mtaly and!,i:t:z'e", 'D'a, and 'HiaUmo, ;s1:a.d.'t In the A],ps" I'n the '8even:l:D, century th.e. 'whole 01' 'Dalmatia

,,,,: ,1.1L., ", ,." .. c~ ,- ,'. ·d· lir'iIIj-,' ,'1-..., ", ... -, "',1 .... ,,.;) b ,c· ,. . " '.' • el·. ""'"

1i0 t .. ne rrvers ~ava an __ . ,UUIlUlUe was, OCCUpl~ . Y numerous ~JavJ.c,

"'_~b T-:--::-'h' B .... ~. 'P ," ,", d L "'t ....... 'I o;-'h u-,:i. nes, . :.:' '. ne c ~.:yza;ll'dn€' :ci'mp(i]"'e~ -preoceU'IH.e~ .. '. oy j];:$ :~h,.1 u:g:g.!ie wrt:~.

the Pe[,Sia:fls~ could, 'k,eep' only the, most: important c,i:'ties (lIIi the

Ad" "',rt'i."'~:::) ~ -,,'~ 'T;' ng'~" ·5'n ~]' . , ..... I' J (i"':: "Ii""" ':) B·· u ,- ID' 'L, >, ", .... ~ ~

__ .:"FJ!CI!.uC -, .£,J.3r'3, . ,[!I<;,.!!: ~,[f" "-fi'~l:. H.ILO '\ ~p,l.lI[, :II .. a,,~,llsa ,~tI!un:rvnlll\ l:li

Ca'ttaro .(, ~'Dtar ); Dyuha,ooiuDl, (Dura~)1 ,_ and, som~ lof th,e il'"

·NI.,-", .. iI:'ct."h- . '~"""'-~' ''1.,..,:.;" ····'t·lIr-·· " . .'''',:,1:. c·"d~';:'·'ii'riJ.'- . .,-.-.,- ,; .. '!' ..... ..lI b :t·'L .. 'S:I, .. ~ .":,.wa.Dl,IiS On '.1 • ,18 eoase, uUL., orner IS.I!an. s WC;,I. e QCCUP]]'~ .'- Y I .ne .. I Q:VI.'C

,--;~.- " f~ ,t'h-c" 'N:": ~', "~ln""'-" ('o' N,'I' -; '''-''''''''0':- 'I :'~·h-I - ¢1cu'11.-.~, .. ·l·b:· .·,.,.c "t L..;;..~,

U-J]'1;,)e 0, ..... e . ,are,. 'La,os .' .';,ft . S j ~ w, 0 ~t:h.:ueu. on. .~. ,e coaLS~. IOe

- - :-- 'I.,. __ .li', N' 1--" . I N' '.. . .. -, -)" . d C····· -., - ~ "- I·Th:· '- ~ i ~b~" -

hY-een tne r'lv,e:r . < arenta \,~eretva". an" ... ·eb'oJe,.. , .. ,18 tribe was

",1.. ..... ,...." -_. rt- Ii; .£' - U-,.l... - . t",t-ll~~ ,. *"b '.' ~ - -- L~ 'D': .. ~

I;.ue 'mu,,"!L. lW,:PO·. ,alli[L~ 0' . a, lII.·n~\5'e se' . ,leY, IOU ",:ue rIven .... 1m'i' .. :T:tU-fI,j.

P~ T ':t;.'L M' d"l.. A'''']'' "'Ii.. .. til D k-

'. ,!, '_:am:~ Lour" ,o'r,a,v,a ,a:o:- me ,.-u:natu:: ,SnO:f'SS, ~ I .. e. 'i.',e' ,U>'_

'11"' - "11:- - T·~-· .~... "'h v.' ., '[., .. .. d iiI!... '7 .... '.1!..]--- - ""-

,1l13JIle, 11;,. e " r,aVQlllIRnQ,~' . ,e n,OIlI,V· la:ne a:n,··· '1II..~.le ~(:ll tlm'Ulne.,

T-::-·'h·· , '.--- ,'" ,' .. -, , ". ft· ... £ 'to 'IL... 'jD. mi_, .' .-.. .... 11 .. 11 , ........ --,

,c,l.e :oomiB; I,Dlng, .PH_' S !(}Jr uS DaW""ans w,ere oomple~leay u C)1,l1J;r_,

fii'"i"~'iiIl!d~'~ ~"V' ,t"h,·.o: ·S·.·1iif:i;"'~!f!:. Thi. '~' ::-U···.o,m:··a·:':n- 'p··,rov·.bl~'" Gi'f'· ~,:",tl>ii!JI~ia' " D' j)·'ci'a· '.-

UII·iIo-!l,J:1g· _' U I" . ~; J!~l'~iZI!ill I ~ ,II!.).! J. • [- I.. ---~~~ !lUI I l'¥,lI.v~;"]i~ .. J! . I l!t - 'I

"D' rd'" d M' .' ']1 ~ ". '.' 'I '. d- 'b -.'L .. _

.8:_- Al:nUl, an, ,. :8,t-erJOOla 'were, en't1r~',1.y OCCtl,p,:~e'~ ,~,Y tl:teM.,

.Epirus had, la,lge Sla:v settlemen.'bl .. , 'w'hil~' otbers' were establ:billJ!(l

Ong 11'1EJ:1 rro IT!


,B,ven ,in Thr,Qce, and Greece pr'ope:l'co :Duting the' .Sf!,t baH '0£ tbe

seventh ~hll"~' 'S~'['IfiI'V,'i!i ·:'v·A-n nenetrated ;I!,,'.~', ,c'-:;' ... -. '-, ... -.:£' .,1...-, ".'-1'-' ~.Ji.c ·.-'f-' iil!'!Q T &;liUIl """~:LII; ... , ...... ,.J;' ': \ Ai, ~ e, ~ .. r-' ~U'R ~!!W'._ LO :Sllme~ 0.. [JU!. lIS,~uS. o.

the Ae,=~n :in,ciudfn.:g; Cr1et.e arlld ,raid,ed lthe 'coasfs 'of. ,Asia, Mino,r" ,All these Sla.v,i(:' 'm.bes: 'whi,dh. 'had. ,e'sta:blisn,ed them.s,eh~,es in the whole: 01' the teni.tnrv stretcblin~ .£ i.h.e' AI PI ". s to f'he Addatic

-',J' I~] "

d t- _. th - - D" b' d'" - .- -- ,"'h' 'B'~bclc' ·s..· - - , - , - .' "1 ' :-T'-:-'h-' -" ,

, 1"1 . '..... . ... , .... I '.' , . '" '. . .. " . . .,". .'. I .•

,8D 1'0 .'.e' _ c) _ IUc' ]!a. on', 6: '_, "c;eQ; we:r~ very ~um;l_a.r,.-, ,_' ear

_' '_c

j,d'io:ms,j a;t· the 'sta:me stage io.f' ev,olu:Uon~, were, in .f::u:).tJ, dialects: DE'

!(~D,e ~Im;m,on la,ng[u3ll,e., If' th,ey' had been a bie to S;nd, a oomm~)tn .

. c,-'~[·~t .. "·,·:··;'iI' . ,- '~'.' th ,',-:. :-'-'-1,,··11,..]' 'h' :"""-'-. l?:. ... - nedone ,~'c. --I'~-'-' " .. ,,,~,,,, ,.Jf

po, 1,108 .. center, . "ey WOO.I.U ,'. ave Ionne.· .. one HIUD,en:se ,D1ihJOillDJ.~

which an 'branches wtCtuld, have. spoken the' same language .. Au'

i.'t.. . tr- - lh ,1111 ~,..J ,.;L.. . - .. . 11 . - 1eil· .... "1.. 'i,. I.. t' h L'i.!'· k;.,

tnese i." l 'es' eanea li.uealSm'Ji.VC!i a'IJOVl~~,"~tS;; W,U1CIU, tr ,e . ~a:~.lnS u an-

,-, '~;b~·..;'Ii , ·S······'~, .'i',~ C 1i. v~ 'ell,,': " . ...11 ·tb· 'G'··,> eks ,,,' .. , '~k1,':'11 .'. ii

sC'n,'~, aSI.Cil!aVUll~ IiJ!CJEL,]~, LuaVlj anu" e j, ree ,$ as !!:J',: avenoi

( Sithla;v~DO\t ), i' SJda'v'Oii'_ Owi'ng', however, to the d i&erent 'political.

d' t- ~ I '[ 't'" f the ~S'- tn"" "8'-) '1 t-h' ~S-'~

t" .. ," il .. , I··~· .. · ". (,'roO, ~ .i .~, ..•. - l .,. • .]- "I _., ," ~. ,-,'. '. '~.'. " . "," .". ,".,

an mlJlODa, eva, U, lJons '0:. . , ,e ': Ottl." ,em " aVS!ion ."Ie -, ov,@<nes

'l1£ '~,oda.y have preserved fbI! ancient name, "the ~J;t:hMS have ae-

q' '1"';I·''ii' tL';t:!i d i~~itm'!!ll;'i'"l~,"",n~ ;r.(' those tnbes und ';j!9i1jii" 'W' .. h ;(.'!j;C!/t!Io, lead 'Di'~!t'!h':p.·

•• ~~ ~J ~~,I~ lI;;.a.JjC~f.,·=Q!L, u'ldIL.i]!, ul~ 111.: _ !U':-~w ,'III'~i.:I - '¥-tl, _, _YiiJ~ Jl~~ .~~l~ i~ •

th.~y came =" such as the: Serbs] ,the Croa ts and :~lLJJl,g~.'dans.,


~'.B 'B~C"t· 0, -hi) .l!', ... :t.'~'~'i'fIi'" nt.' ;I!,.'l.e· Sll,.rn;'ilj~ in il!!'out·'l,. ern "E1';I1II,p-.nnfi wa ~ Ail· 'II-:h,~' ~,Q~ ~,~ .:p_l: 1UIJ;Q:I~I'~lL!J,~ '"",[ U;l.I_: '.~ JI_'~'~ '. ,'ri}.' ::; _. ,1<~,1~~.· - J:i,11UI,JjlUI.r~ __ ~_ :M.~ Vi I "i' i~

greatest lmportaru~~e f-or tbe evo~.utl:~D ,(}f' Europe a$, • who'lle~ and ,for that m31'tter:~ .fof' the history of all. ma~:md~ The .s:l'av,s:~ 'un;riks' the Gennfuls,! took :possess:i:on oj 'these parts of the Boman 'Empire "iI,ot as .('ed,e;r,a.te5:1 'hut as cO'llq.:u:ef,of,s:" The Av,ar hordes d:i rs,P 1 ay ed an. e'x'l:reme fer{Jci'ty~ d"estroyi:n,g: ~'verything wit'b w"h~eJJ. th.ey cam,e' ~'Rto contalct~ ,Au' the 'Lali:n c'iti\~s, ,in Pa'o:noni,a:~, N orJ:cmtm.). ,1'U.y;rj.cum ;a;nd, D~~i_a. dlsappeared a's; the ,A.val" and ,Slav waves, ~n,gulfed them and the same f:'81tE!' overtook th.e Gfeek, ~c"iUes ,in Da[\da.n:i:a~ Praevalis and Scythia. On the ,D',uJm,atian. coast, in E,pirus;, In .M'acedo:n:ia and, Thraee, only a few ,tmvns escaped. destruction and :ma:n.y 'pti:c,e'~es5 monuments o,f' dle c]ass:i,cal ,and ciarly Chr,lsnan p~::eriods 'w'e'F,e;r]y~·': d"eltro~ed". Chl'i5tillllj~":I' whi1ah had 'been.

11 'J . J~ ~'1

'B.o~1'ishb~g in those :parts of' ,the.; "E'm'p'ire 'eYei\ since 'the ,fourth.

,efn,turylJ wa.,s a.llm,mt c€l·mpl~b;~ly 111.p(rooted.;,~ It is, Indeed, oE the

~ The e¥Ol~tion, ,of' Cbr~tLln:ity in n~yri<rrunn, 'and in Pti'~Oioma :ii!: 'we~1 out"'h~ed

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


'~ S,l.AVlC SEnLCMtN'TS ,erJli JIJ.~ b~M'!i'd C!tn~

I l ilRiilim:i'r I '. :!!jijj!i IwJ.:...

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



grEfate~t ,illt:erest 'to fQUow the fate of the ~mally' e,p'Dcup~'l. sees In these :region.s: d:uring the- troubled yea,r.s of . the, S;lavi:c.' oocupa'rion,", One aftl8r another ~tb.ey disappea:req" 'ftJ,ost' ,of ,tbem forever',!, Thi's wbo:I!B immense 'tenitnfY suddenly 'became a" :paga.n 'Ian,d,

d"'!It '"., ',Ii'~,

Qi'nco' ~'n o!'Iiihil!Oll ii'iI'i, ~ ~~,- .h~i "ii'ii"ijj

I ~ . ',~ i;.:. '[ , oU;lIi, ~:~ ~;, ';~'& ~",g :~,uJl.;]<.,.;jLV:uluW.'iI,;o;

Th d t f~,t' C"" 1Il.., .. -., ". .. "h~ ,0 £ '-h

,:' _~ e',~_ es ~mc ~:IOn. at: ,'JllFlSltlal'nty 10, t us vasl :regulll 0.', t -:- e

ROOl~U}. :Em:pir,e- called IUyri,cum,~ whie,h iDJciuib!d all I'he- :provinoo:s

me'nt,~o"n,e~l, g;,'L.,=:'lii"I;C: 'f~·,""'-m 'I:b~ A., ' .. lps '~O_-, t~, he p:t;!!1i~p'~'n:iH;,i;!!;r;;.l;;!!: - 'fi'l;r~.'hl the 1;O':i;~ _

_ ~,. UI gjJ!JlUy"",,,~ .IV , IlL, ~ ' . .Ii, ,'~ IlL', , ,,,"" ,t:'~,~""" " .. U 1I,1~'l~ '""II. '. t. ~ ~

ce,pfioQ, of Thr.'acC,~ 'bad another :important consequence '\vlli,ch Qa5 '1u~'vlCr 'be.,en poin.too ou.t, before" This: tm,U~o;ry carne under 'tile .f ucj~d:i:cti,on of ,tbe~ DamR'n See, wlr.ich, had, established t'be :metropol~t;iD of 11les9'aJardca, as a s,peeial ,apos;tDlic V,tear foOr l11yr.icum. :It was, mon3o,ver:" in tb]:s re,g~'o\ll that L'atin and G:ree'k: p,opulat:hlDs were inte.m-dng:l;ed,I' livi-n,g peaoof'ul1y tugether and ,fl()tm:in,g a bridge betv.leen 'the UI'tin W'e~it: a:nd, 'the, G,r,rek East'~ If ,·he. Christian. civ,iliza:tioJ] in, lllyricum had not, been destroyed by the: A vars and, the Sla VB, 'the. 'W'es'tem and :Eas,tem C'hur.,che'S would" 'by v.irtue -of 'tni.s ''bridge,'~' presumably- have r:ema;hlled. 'j,n con-~a,cjt and 'du:~]jr evolution w,ouJ,d neV,B:r have ,proceed,ed. In tD)B: contrary directions, w'lU,ch 'they. actually' !:olJnwed" Because t'h~'s' bridge, 'between the, tvlo C'hurch,e.s· was wrecked 'by the new oe .. · eapants of ]]],ytlcum and because the A:r,abs' ,gained 'contrOl bji a" greal't: ext,ent over the ~1Iedft,en',anea;n Sea", C(Jmmluni:cat,l(lrn cbehYeem, 'E,ast ,and. W'est' became extremely (I,i:II"cul't'.l The Byzantin.e~r

by the ,FIer.r~(h s'peC~~'U$lt J. ZeU1er'm hls: 'wark,,: Les' at,igliner ,cl:1;re"i~n'r:re8' Ida,.. lD; pf();'Ubuie ',onudne. d6; ,'m;atl'e (P:an'5~ ,1'9(0) * L~ on:gt~' c.11.r,etli~ ,en~es dam' les p,r:ovji"'ot~, d:j]'~ub\te,tl.~. d'e !~E:t'flpi'r,e.' ,rom.a~~ ( P,~:r[Jll:i 19'18 ) . 'On, th@' des:t:mit;:li~lP, of.' Chlr,~,ti:a:nru~y in: 't-h.(."se re,glons~ see -the d~~:p.t~r ,,{D.(O

]'1 - -, k i" iii' ~ ~11; . .3,.". .- - . .J' M hod' ~'

I "yriCYi~ ~'Q, F, Dv>@/mL,. ,Les:. t;egeri:tie~' u~ G.;o~ttU1;t.i~n et yt? ,-_,e-t_,_:_:; ~_e: oue.r. ,u,e

IlYMfllc,e ,( P:Ii:@lg,~,e, 19.34 ),' 'pp, :M8, I.

:u J~L Pilj~fWf.ii~:~~ when :OOjriJ.iJj~la-u~,g: b~, fit!:\lc~ t'h,~\f)' O([f ~he ~[I!s.-eql!ruen.c~s

0-£ ~hB. I:s,'t~;mdc ~;i(pa,m;:i,gn on the' ,eaonam:i;e a:nd. !(.,,1mIlJJf,a,] evtlJ~Uon Dr :ni1Jed:ffi~v=d we,stem, E'loope,~ O'v~r.strE",s;sed the. i:mponaJ]J~~~ of' the Is'h:i;Rlire e'xpans~o:n. His: t'he(.u}", e"o;,;:pr~'ssed, ,es~ped~.'lly ,lo, h ~~ nu~niO!~,p'h ,QIt Atl'aJu:J!m,ef' It]:Qa' C,ha,rle:r,~;1iW'

1 '1'- d ';n . £iI') c~,.l •• ' " A~ 1~ . '~ . ,.

'!;, ,~n' (U'11 l~Gi!ll;Ji .:,~ ~:noo~nt~f~, nliaalY cntllcISlms;, /'n aUI.lost rompill~lte TJe';'lff\!V

of 'P~~~I1i!]ets '~de,a;s aOCM.d 0'£ d1~, D'hi~d'iom 'f,a'isioo by 'his ,cfiUes '" .. ~U be found in Arulile' :RUaing;::s ~,tud!,y, '!!The ,la,te, lo,f Hettri 'iP'keDDI~~'s Tbesi's on: the' CO~~ quenoo,s; of t'~e h;~am:ije 1"Hva_s;~oll~[!!" (' Clo.s',dea et iDl.e(1ia~v~liia;, Re:vue' ddMi&e de. pldlolQ·gl'e ,Eft' Q?i,~t,tioilfe' XIII [Ui~S2t pp, 8-7~'EaO) . M'(iji;t of ith~ eri'icism.


Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


om- : 'C' "~TC!i&,_'lfnI- ., 'M'" -16'" -.:Ii, ,". 'n- 1'0' '.'''''1118-

'. ' r ,U'~g A_~"'lU_ '.:_~lnl'"'' ,-,\1,1,


. .

were' forced by t,he P£fsis;DS and Ara,bs: 'tOI IO(l:k more. and more 'O'WaF,ds: the, E~tj, W'hen ·the vi,tld, d.anger threatened, HavED,g lost almost aU th.~ :Eurnpe~l1i, .provinces:;, th,ey W:8r,e: bound Wi fncrease their rehanee ~pO-l) 'the; eastern plrovjnces~ espeC'iIJI~' those of Asia. Mmor ,. .A [s:low' Oriente iza t:ion of 'the' Empire and [of the Churc-h 'was a ·natura·1 .-cnrJ,Sl8que:Dce~

On the· othe-,f hand, iCh~ristiamity i-ll the western .pa:rt of 'tb.·e ROffl[Q;n Em pile lost, mall!Y' [J:f its. eld R,oma;n, ·tr[ad·IUo,ns and customs

o.n ,a,~IIi'llIit·:. ,n.€. ,t-.'h,:~ ,G.··.·'4tntg:fti:'A .~:nv""'li:!'~',..,.~'i!'· '1l''I1'I, ord ,~,-- ~O'-' w.·.~~rn:· over the

_ _ _ ~"""'I!O-l!! _ _ vjl; . . ~ ....,., .. R UI,I!I'\.o I. . iClI~~,UJ!i·I!!~. '!;"U!. r .'!;;ir!!l . ~ ''NO' ~r _.' ~

IGenn.ans·~. ,t:hc Chulun had to. respeet [and ',a:(~teprt those ·of t:neir b:ad:it'ions w]:dch. were not dIrectly anti .. Chr.isti'o·n. The two Churches thus. follofw,ed, dUleren.t lines of de.v·~.Iopmen:t, 1:01" cen .. turies both ,of' dlenl had, to ·li.ght an diliermt :fllon-t'S· and 't:b;ey eould not e~udly co,mmugica'te~ 'to one another their expe'r,iences; aDd the new methods t'me" devised for d,ea'Un(J' wUh peonIes: S'i()i

,J I~I I ,r

'widely' diB·e,feut'.. 10nly mUyricum could lac;i.Uta.t:e ,s.ueb intercourse

aDa 'the de~Chris;tiani'zltion. of tlus p:rovinee rendered thlt impos,s:(bJe .. Then, ,ev~n:tuaUy, when th,e Churches' did recover some of 'their s:tre~;gt'h and ,e-ne:rgy a~na tri.u.wphed ("ver- the' nrew ,poopI,e~ in the nlinith. C,e»buy, th,ey .met 'in;n a,s :rival~ 'w.h,o~ 'br' 10f. theij'r: long se,para;tron'~1 had become ,aJm,(lst ,s,uang;ers to one' an,other .. '!

Thus lDyriicllm,~ Instead. of ·beJilI.,g· a, br.i.d,g·e behveen W;e~t .and ' E~'as~, OOD'm.buted 'most: to the e5'trang'Etme:nt oE. 'the two Churehes~ l-t 'finally became the baltlefi,eld on w blell. the 'two forces o.f: C:hris'tian:i'ty 'W11:ged ,th~' £its,t p,at $tmgg:~es; w·· to, that com.plD.(~te separation so fa~f'Ul ',or th~, w:hole iol' Cbrist,endloID ;3nd an ma'n~'i-fld"

ci." 'I_"""",'il'll .t,,-,~.'''''d' ed ':O~"'''''''n- ·n.,. ..... ""._.]i 't']~'" erities 'I!,- """"lIiii, 'L ""''iruA'l'"''V''''''''' ,.....-.mrn.p1efi:."",]'1U' riD!i,:m.:.""",,-_.JI

~_ ..... "~ ~Io~, !I;ulu~~ " . ...:!W. _.. ,~ ~~.... _ ill~","---:- n!li~lj llll .::!II ~~ .I. __ ",;~ ~_~EI"~ ~~ JlJu"n" ~ .. ~-~ ~ ·I!.r.!Ii~.l!ll;1 _" ·l- ·It''-i, I l' lII-!!!~~!iIJ!&.}"-::',~

... t.. '_, ;.- ..... imipo!iili"liiuenc-e:s: 'W·h .. ~:.'h-l the ·.J,·~-,t-.: '-.' I'''' .... (R ..-.;,£ lJ]Vf.t~i.m h,--,"'i,..:I f~T ~h, -"t-~ib, ~-;-:-~-

!!lU@ '-"Ll!'~~""", _ _ _ _ . t:. . e ue:.s ruc,,~U\_ 'I!.!' _ _ _ -,J __ ~"" _ _ ''''~ _ '-'" '!L _eo :II"ll, I!J,!I!.I .... I' e",

,t....-..-- '~-,' 1;. L._. - .. --' ,111,1. .. B' .' 'I" - p. ill· nd ... I-· E:"! ·1I··~·h ·W··_' , .... _~, n·~·., ,'t!' ,

''''d~l~e~lll;. oe;~.wee'D: u~e ~_Y-Zln,.lIlJe' ~~s~ ;1.11, UJ.'e r:,n1~,I!ilS_ ' ..... '~~..... ,frl!l'emne:~,

tlil' !th - g- b - - .- t" - - - ]] I -' d~'" th - -g ~ d - - tJt1 Iii .. ~ til

..._ • - 'c -' >, _. 'l .' .. c.. -,' I - . ',' 'i'" j": ,,' .• - f . -". _ .. ' '" .. " I ",... . ,. " : [" .

---,_eolJ!~ a. 1, Ott.,,. 1il0' W~,. iOun - ... ' _ ~n_, e a.r.,.lIimmj~, . [a· y,ai!DlC.~ . ·.f.~ 's, .:au, ar,:J!

. . . - - . '--- _;;', ·m'st··..- -·t- tru .--. ,~, . iLL - .- -- -- ,-.-- - -.- - .. - - .- fl '- m ,,- ."".:1' 'b -!bj TIL. .,-:

;a~ptl'an, UJi. ' __ '_0' .. r:espe'(;sru.e m 1Ii,~;Uli oouseq.lWIieTI~Jil .iaj_.a,~y:z:~ ry rum, ;lL~IIIf:,

d '- .. - . -. ,.' -'. - f- , .. '1. U 'ji'il 1. u ·L'·;aI-."JI ''1.. __ •. "",,,,,, -.' th '-' F' ·t-·· , d' iIio·~· '-W:' .'.- . .... (.

Hil~;ppe',Ml!null~ ~'. u:~e ,u. yne: 11:]([l;u:p,;.e .~,.",e,en._, ie .~~:S; .. i)JD__ me .... eS'1!;. :sup--

.. 1~'.. OI;:L.,. __ . ~""il'i:~ -,~ 1:!·_,.,-'1c.. ,r. .. - who'". IL.. h-''''- . .'·Ii'':· . . 'jii~ :- ,":1- L I. -,'1,. [Irf'" '!il-:

pu~ we mllil!~mb HU~ 1;0'1[_-_ ,~Cllll es crmes ~ee*" 'WJ;!i:U ~UC,n ,eaQe:m!e",s"

.1. Sft 1J.e'iaw,i pp~ ,E 18 I., .

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


P, ",iI! 'I' 1;,j:.:I",; ,", 'S":II,' "', "I, 'C'" ':iil'-:-:-:-"~I'~ zati ,",': '

rmnn ve n aVIC, .. 1Vl_:lZaL ton

TL - _, .... :_ e ....... ;II...,.,.Oil!i' .- S:~'"'!"'iI~i'- ,~'~~;I!~Ji'-~i .... ft C"", '~'''''''A>Fi I: '-"'iI\in,:\t:Iin,'""''''""'..JI' 's·:r .... '!it," ~ ;rf~~fli dtUU!-l.·~iJj q,flt ... \r.g~~, ~ .. ~J;liCI!iI'lii - ,'. ~ltjl.'"~f~l~·,r!p .. ·11~r.~~~' CA"~ .("",,~~,

,~,~;~L~' ~\t\in;l!'.afl';I~ii'il ~ ,M', ',',n-::ift ,f:!it"",i";""; ,..,Ji"~I"":;QiI'.' iiillll-.:-J .,.:L ...... ,_ l'r:,-'I!'Mll......." :"""~.jIfil1M'''',~~'''

~;~ I-~.~.~. ~~~'~~·r·1!i1tvY![~ _ Y,H'~ ~ICI~~, ~ .klilj·~. q~ .. H8'*-< _' l Uilll~rjlll ~v~~t.IF-,,~II'

pa' ~I-;\\'" '_' I ""'IJIM';, ......... " j,.,.."..~D.'4jfV!.r;). 0, >H ~1'-:-i~~'....~,· .... .!!'~'1 1-" ~~~. ,~, ,;('\'I!.i"ii_~,"".p~'~I' ,:- .. , -I'IN "i~iJI, .. ~f' :p,IlJI .. ~~~,'~ - .(II'" ~W;U~ UU', KB b.1~'oVf~I~~N· \.J.U'f.".l!il!"I!'~~l~'~~ iI!~I!'1i

:;""6 "'. -r;" -c ~ :;1;- J_Il.,~ ,~ . - ~,~ .,1... 'l"" ~ RI' .;I'iL..... - - i'" •• " " - ~ 1il:Ii"_" n'_.iI L ~ 1'_rcO'U~:H' ana '~~ 'JrI,"_Sn.ce em .T.~ 'll'e IY,~ i~'ftm:' :pr:nnitive a~VS ,_ 1~""I1;lCj

M B &ur~ "tm - h' -~ Wm P"

,n ' '''''tlni.ii''!ln, _ii<' <" '.. , ~-" '. ">~;ii'!I,\flI'O B' '.-ii'ii' -,' -'P],2';l!li1 .n .€l!: ,~,"" .iCild,U··· - ,tJlio'irl '.

~ .. ·,.J~iIlJI!·'~l:'~ !bf~,' r ....:.=,... H~ _:)§I;~'~9 _I :·:..'~Tt~:'-<f'~!!!. _ '~_-';. '> __ .. _~' [~~1.?~.' ·~~·._j~i!l!~·i ~

'Dtim4'ti;t1iA' .sil~ ..... :j oiI'W!"D-n"'1p:L.,n ~'ii"'Ii+'il' .i"ilt, "I.,..... ;(;I':r -"~J'" 'T:L"..., is'':,ii!lI'-'o!'!IIt;'n'<nc<G1' ,......- • .JI ,;i;,L,n;,

~; : __ ~~_I~~~~ _ .. ....:,.~~: "~·bU1ilf.~I!,~iIlll!l .Ut' ~~.. i:llQ!I.AiI!; =v • ,fJtf; _=I!' ~If!$. ,1W!!1Il~ .~~ ll}.nL~"

fWtil", "'!'~' ;' " €1J" ~he' 8'Zav:

' .' '. '.,' .-, _ ,'-: l \ . : •... ,.', " .

, .. "' em U,,"W'II, '> ,t,-,,- ~s,.

~. ,.' ~:J!._,l' . ILL S' 'I ~ "".JI ,. ] C· r k d rne ::r.ilflty Uf rererenees to 'mC,_·.a'V5 liD maHI£a ,: 'ree: ,an;,

'CR- '1: - ..... 'iI~ '-bll E. &,'iL. 11 ',L .... ,t:

· ,',oman .ute.f,a,hllre II ~O :[re,~pO'D;S'lJIJje ,I(lif u.~e :la~~ UI. :9, mOI'B' ']?Ilc)-'

if' - , 00' 'II~.. ,:11 ..l -, f ~ ,," "'U""- - 'S' I' - .. ~ - - ., - - ··1,:!!' ..... - &,i -, Th' -, -, 1'.:=' , ',.

:1.OU ... . JUJOiW,.IeU.g':e D,~' pnmt C' ve : av~c C'1Vl~P-.uOll,; ., .,e: earnest

".~-'~""'_ ·:··b'·'-,"'--~~, ~"IC"'-'~ ,,-,,'" :I!,"h·"·, '" ':b--~'·-·~ ·d>c,~- ·f-;- " .. th ' ',"", ~1l,., ",-"'_' "'_'''''-',,;

Wrh'L"'U 0 ,,!5e:rv,a,uons on ,~ JlS sU.Je~t ·c 8.l!.-e ' loom, , __ e SIX!,I,IlI, OODlLUry

'€I' ."" . - - ·11' ,[_ Pre ~ ~ md J' - rd- ... A- . - - iLL, ,j."'H"

StD", are ,m.QUJeIl1 "l"OOaplUS; lIn-, I :o_,_aIlCS,. ~', sevenm :oon"u:ry

'keatiseon. str~l~egy,. :a;,ttr,ibuted to 'the E'm,pe~o:~ M'a~~,ice.i gives'

i:'",li"IIim' - e val ,~'Il·1iD deta "11 ,- 0&'L_ - ,"ll'"t -, "g, ... :' - - '£ t' h' '£'1', 1I"f'i1!...

,~u, I .. ~' ·iP ,1ll:QDJ,~· '.~ ·.'~"I;,;i;iIJ1Jl:!i on"!'e mll)I._-ary '''''~ICU'CS 0'..:: ' e, r~'laVJ., .I..lIEl'

Rti.iII@Q~'n""1 Iln"\'H!1,"""'Y.'1 C.·· ., '~~ .. .m.-if"o r'iiDip'l"'nd'::'1"'~iL'!' ~~e-, g:.-:£!)il!'ilill'~'~'TljD docaments

, I~~ ~~ C" .~r~,,~.'r [ ,,"~ ,- [~'1~~~~ ~~; ·,.~IIl, ~'.' ~'~!IiJ! ~~~~. . .- ~.l.JI.~"~,,,IL.II~ . ~~_tli'V,~~, iai

, ,

~"f~' ,&;',l,.- ;11; ...... _ ··t"hl-, .. " "",,,,~ , ,iL;:e ' "., .... .£ . -,-,--; = '-1 'D"", \-" lG' ',,', -, -:'iI~, '-;:-""C' , ,. ""'1

o~ me ren _., oon~!lJlry - ~ ~ ~!,\'S, VI, severa'" ftUS80-, ·ree~ WDlmle:r.CUlr

"t-a','t'~'ReJ ,_, and p- m,'",,-V)':'·,lie·Q some 'irn'~'&'i".;t:'o¢"~"-iP! ';;'n'~f~'n.~"ffI;'~IO:-;·D~' .;n.n t'~'a, re \ii,

_,'~_, ' .:lI.~'~l ~":__'. IJ .... ' "':,' __ ~ .. ...: ~i ~,._, (~~_"~'''' ,;[~IIIIIk~J.IG~UUb ,iI~, _: :-rylJLW.W,I!I!J)~.J}:.__, . u.~,,_~, .. ;I,~!¥, ... (

,~ .. " - d - ~, 111 "1~[' f ILL 'E'" : ..... ' - 'S'I, ." 1:...."£.- &.'L. .. ~""" m ' I

11,g10U-1 ann :SOCJa~: ure '0,' '[jIl.'e.- a§"~em-,I:a,vs DeJ:QI'e 1:,u,6U' O:w,C.Ul

'" ",C ,- r','.- ,.- '" -:,' - ,io;" .. , 'C,' ··[l.-,·,,,,~,·t:",, ·'n'\!hll' ~~I,[!' ·-:t Nr·.i A,-, ,a,n"",""",.;jJ ·C' --, 't.,IiI!!I'i;ii!,'i/',;:-,:r: ..... .",' c '. ,"'" , ",

OOnV~-lSIOn ;".0 ' . iJu=l~,Ja ~,l""l ~ .1;, u~ nrst , . vV' ~~~_ ',n, l,;II'n.ilCw IS a~o

- this

_' , II _ _ _ _ _ _,_ !I _ . __ .. J!I _ _ .. _ .. .

of some 1m,p(Jrtanc:e m, . :,. i' .• respect,

.1i ,'.,. ... .:,-, - ',--' I I:, -',',: ' D,:;-'en''111'iO' ·m:- '.,1.,.. ~-h.ri' 'P"'o,',lI0'i0h· ~df'll"ii :t'I'id''''''~ B',aJ~c' 'Sl~'a'ii:r:-' Id::;-·-,t ' ~~, 8omce-s, _ .",o"W1'e- ·.·.·.011 'I.,. ~ .. ·· .. 10.,.101.-:,1, IlLU,u ... , . (.I.. .l;. ,,,5 . al~e ',

from ,the' ieleventh and, twre,Hth. centuries - the chronicles of

T-h' '·~ .. 'tm''''· ' ,~,r '''M'':-:''-1 eb 'd=t A'-' d ,o\!j;:-:- of D' "'n ~-A'i!"il, and nl· 'H"f ... J',~=I . ..3 .. Iei, , :ar IJl c' eoe i UFi6'" 0([ , u, ,U.m .', "r~mU,I,I~~ IQl, . , u '" _'Jl;:,II:[IOP.J"

Tbe details t'he;v.' :~]jve are supp,.-IemJ!llt·OO: bv Sax;ol GmlEiliTul:ti,cu:s: in,

"l ttl! _ . ~ rI-

his Hm',ory CJf the, D'QineS ;and, 'by the b:iog,r,ap"It~r.s 101 St. Otto of

'Dt'ii'~b- -'PlPg' a' pestle '0-'- f~' ,iI,iL.e, Po:"':·m~c."~""tliln·J~'''lli'ln'' il'" ,.QI!{Wi~"JI :"'~&[:::,[~ ,.~. ,-\Il~I, .. ,I~ <;, al[![J L: .1., ', ,l~'.IJ A_. ' g. .' ~'.

I'Th' -"" , -.C', , ,,' , ~ S' 11. ,- .. -, ,," ",j iIl.-, ,-- :- .. ' :c-J' '", - ;--,-:-:' ,",', '~~', ' .. a ":,.],, " """ , , '. l' ".' '·"1- ,~' ,.J, ", - &..,; ,,-; ", ,. "d'

, , e pa,gan ",I8V, •. C \ewp··as wer;e ,mOSL Y C9Dl,.p .et,e'y ,lU!S,~,vye '

d·' 'L. 'h-' iLL ,. a!L 1-' ,"'= .. ..11 s: ILL m,'ii '"

'an D,t was t.~llOU,l11I'f" t: 'giat ill, 'i(:J:l,e eo'r'tle5t 'P_',e:f,UJ'Y, tOl meir ,evoltutioDi,

"':11:... s'" 1 .... ·· 'h-' sd ,~~:J - - d'~1 " ,- I~" 11 - i<" ~'t..' - ' , , f' , - -' , - ~ ",",_"",,1....,:-

':Ulie~,~'Vs , . 'a' , pn.J!U,U,OO:' _ very utt.IJg :m, UJ,e 'w,ay 0: " ,a.rt or ,~;la(ltrOO'"

Ong 11'1EJ:1 rro IT!



·'t·e " '" 'R:····,····, .' u · .. t .' 1.,'''' "1' .': t ';' .. , .. , .- e' -'." ;j, .. n . ' ...... !I..., te ... - ·· ...... 1·· '. f"" t' h . 'D ·]t';'j···

ure, ..... ~ceQ,· exeavanons, espec,~a.t. Y U1 me I. eF,~h.v.\ry 0" !. I 1 e DQ .'. ~c

.~. d =p-, J,i.1!,.."" , !C;'!~ ... , ' .. d .... '~,. .. ,,··h··· .. ' ha , .... sh .', .. ' ,.,,1L,"t t-··hi• ''''~':'''' ".

,1iJ.H' .. , . :~o~,au13n ~,Iav·s, ani~. e.~:S6\\V. :,-e.-1'e~ ~,~av,e s OYID. ~:rJ!m. .. l~lS v~ew .lS,

o ., •

not ,."···.:,']j]··, .. f·,··~:···d': 1 r-M·:-·,··<; ";'," .: .. ::-]".,1,·- ,-"'.' ,1:;t·" ,.'" .,L ho .v .... :., ..... b

no. we ;~JUlmu.e_ .. ." ,.~r.e comp.ted:: ,liCSUtJl, mU$~.) __ owever., . e

~ltwa;ited. belore a. d.dnite j u.dlgmcn·t on 'lids s ubject can. be l(lmu~dOl lvl,ean,whHe w,e: must d,epend. an. :philill'],ogi,eal iR'¥estig'a-

... ~~,,~:.: ,:;- ,d_';- I~'- ,.;,::'iD,;.f":-'~] ".i:.",:~ll :t:!::-,d':,k'.:"'-- .1-,'-1' b .~,.'-~l! old ,<~~~ .1'-:'*" nons all on. arenaeo ,oall,C8:.!J, nn _ s In. torn .S! a,lflg. (L _ ~e:I!;"JJeme:n 1;5,


-w;-·-·h·~""'''' 1i'II"~fi, 1l...~ .......... m :[~'"""'Q1" m 1""'- and m -·O',,.,a 'IIiI;U'W-- erous 'I' "n, tt1"~ '['BE'p.a..-..oiL

...... I '1j~IJI '!I.~.l.t'lid ~'IJ.,.;y I £ IIM!:'D ,~·UJl~ .-" ",'. " ·.~lll~ .1.1-:· ",I. ' }IGi);' ..... _' -i3'il .. L&, .I.~ ~ ,,~\i:.l . j~~l'l

3 it.~ons\id,er:a'ble advanee .hi[~ ·beem ... mad·e 'm recent yea;r.s", ,aJ.U1ou:gb

-- . -- . -h- l' - . - iI'~IU-';-'" --- . "~to .. - -1" !b:' --

romny P[\o .•.. Jems Sd .. ;a'w,al a SOJIl'u'(]D.,.

~1~H'ked prog"css wa~ ma,d'e' recently in. the: study' of Sla'v,k~ reli:g]',ol1s: ideas, tha,n'ks :ma:inly to the com,pMn:Uve method used. 'by jSla.vio .p'b .. nologists;, I .. t has' been established tb~,t unitil ,the end, OJf the .fir5;t millennium ~ ·thel 1(1i&en3tU~e.s ·behYee:Q. the ·S:1a,vic: dia'lects WleTe· n.e,gligi:ble. A study' of the words: used by the different Sblllic gro!J],ps ,1D. pagan ·re;Ug.~ollS wo.rship also reveals a. 'oo,~~ider,a.b' ,e' U'D,ifOfntity ~ AD ·thiS! leads to the geni8f,ai coneluslon tna.'t the primi'ti've S:la.v·s had the sam-a Icult ,an.d, :r'e:U,~ous,e:£., ,A, com.:par,isoD of the :Sl~v,b~ :mHgilous vocabulary w,nh that o~ other I.ndn-,Europe.lul peoples further discloses a, ra.'th,€r· .str..ikmg :si'mna:r,i:'~Y 'with the Indo-Iranian nomenclature. This j'S the more remarks ble smce, in tbis: GJ81d~, the Indo ·E;u:ropeaD. lallgoog'l!s dis .. , play' in gene;r,al marked di£E;er~nces: Qf' .deve:l'o:pm~nt., It: is not

4t!J, . to ~o(]j"V ·W' h' ftH '*-1i...,~'- 'iI!'t;~;'I~.l·"m at. 'S-'11~u'i'" !:l'n- d '~"i!'g'Hoi~n ra1IiOl'l"t'iitii''iifl 1b00S.y ,I :',' ~~j "~.-.':[ ~JI~~, -uus ~D:I~iII:~lIi"J;· i~,l: .. '1- ... ·1~·":iI..w.l Ig~ .. ::", l~tIi grU1U.~ . ",,-~~I}lllt~ ~I~;~I

OOD.c,e.p,.tians 'was: achieved, 'but slnee .. some of ' vocabulary ls also :fotUild in 't:n.e Balttc .]a;rJgu~"g:es~lit seems thai this evolunon must have started ,m p.oobiStiori.c tnnes when the Blllb .E)lod, the Slavs formed lone linguistic .group,. Other 'wards and beUefs, however, appear III have been bOn"O:W'Bd by 'the Slavs from the. lr,an,bIRS] itt, a much later period.

It is 'buJwn that the Iraniaas did not .{o1Iorw 'the' .ot·h.lel" ]nd~lE uIo:pea'n. peoples; in 'the, use of the symbolic' .. name Dieu~ _,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!





E".Io.D'1' ''!U'" ili!'T .. ,.,.~ ~ll"lIT' 'I'i!7 '£"I"I!'IYO-.';'~'T ~~Ir. ~1~TIi~' ~J.~-~JI.-.a.·· .. ~·lII

In the na:m,e,s, of Shvic~ dei:ti:eS) many Iranian lnBuences can also

be d eteeted -p'-"iII"\o-~;;'Uc ib·".Jl1!co III"~ ,i;.1L.,n,;I!. ",iiJ1.,a ~'lI'~''i:j;<!' '''"i''"''~,afi';;;::Jii'a, '0-' D~ !I7· ..... ~JI

o ~ . ~_,...I .. 'Ii,i'''!,.~c,; ~I "';;:'~'r"" - i;I '''~U~ '1!,lI,<:I' U.~_!",U.III,'!Qi ~JI$II;'Y~ ,!I,.'II;:.I!o,.:,'II:.!IiO'LllJI~ .: . ~ ~,'!4IU;:!i

S' th "" - .- t, 'I,~O'L:"-,i';nO" th onlv .~C·B c·"'z:.;, - ..... :f!: the ',', -'-".ji,il'i::j;--IIl',o a-d' thev U!L or o[ Jl11e,J.Ui.1U _ ,~(" l. e _', y mu,S'lt'IU,r UJ: __ "'", utuverse, ~u '. '~:l

'b ~ b'· is . f 1 d di& bird "~' 'Er 1m Id I

: :f1H,g ':un, sa('r.:"'-,ce~ 0:, catt,e. ;an~ ',_ ' :': ',e:retll't •.. ': ,". _ is .,- . ,-' e, . :,.10 ' •. -, ·,;,:t;so

lays' ,that: the S~laJ,vs; 'beH,eV'ed in a kind t(~:E divine mon~,r.c'hy',~, one supreme g',ad rolliD;g jn heaven over the others. This ~'s a type~ 01£

,.,;L '. .....l .f' ., hoi b li ~ f

,pa,g~n :ro,OtDtQUlietSm a:utl ,som,e ,I,eo.lures: m t, - ~s neuer are common

\ n I d u. ,. . ~ n ,.

to '3 ,:0: e- ~[[r'O,!pean p:rjfiutlv,e re :r~.oDS,"

The- SUp" reme 1fJ!lrnd a,ad of: 1.i,p-hllling' and o " f' the 'storm was

'--- - · ~.' ~ __ . ~ . " e ~ ;~'" '_:_" H;;\l!"" "," '" , " . - ' ." "~ . .

....... '11··-·d "pc: .-. - b th E"" -" ;t'· .... S"'-l'I~"" H' "-, t..,,;-.~ ""'If. ~":'-:'-'I 'If~- net .. ·:' r

',' OO~., of: _' . - en~n . v ,-_._,e .' 1~.a5 em_, a,v,s,., . , .. 16 ,ujJIS .. lie ,slime, , ullC. lOll ,alS


th -V' .- .... ,.;;i ~ - p .... - -, -- - -,jI 'i!.. c· ~~ - •• t - , . . 0' ',!' -- I'h·' .' 'I' 'I!.. , ....

-,' ie ._ ~1.C' ,_. ,a~l'a:ny:a, aBlY, ms le:KI!S'ftOCE! ana 'wors " I,P call a.~~o De'

'b;a'QOO am,Qng otber ]ndo..,EtlIlopea;n peoples, The, Ltthnanians called. :him Perkunas and. the tUlle ' his sa .., tree, The, 'West:..,

..~ . - .. ~ . . -. . ..

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


'ii!jftJ,'ftI'll"T"'l"i:i"&i ~'i".i. 't,'n~1 ~ 'l"7A- "irI',n1li.:T' .~·.~·UJ..V,*"~.,~. ",~l ~~ '" ;&~I t~ JI~",~~- ,", jL ... Vi"

S"),, ,d al ' h-' 'k h: EO II h '1,. i:.,ll.., f'

,c'm '.,:, avs mU"."L: :_:_:50' ,_;;jVC: , ',DOwn, ,'~Im~ as IS S:, OWl11 o.y me name 0 ~.

a god, venerated 'by the Baltie Slavs in ,oa'k' :gl'CiiVes, ~ 'Plon, ,8 dut'(j,rt'oo name f:or :Pe:mD~ and th'!!, SloV',a}(' curse p,tu'om or Parom :MoreoV'er~ ThurSi¢(a,y 'w,as, called feronda'l1I; 'by the Prillah]g,n, :Slays~ white 'the Poles used :the 'word, pio~fj'm, as an i~,p'pellB!tiol1, for

thund er ~~~,...J~ '1;"l.i~.::''"'€T, '~Q,-ru-,-:, n's name is also reflected 'in, Jr'll....tJo ::r~lt-"U", :.0,:1 ~. J IUJljill. 1I1d.. AA1_JjU I Il'Orl~I'L_1UII'IJOI. ~'I~ _ ~ ~ IUlig. ~ I _a A _oi:l!U Jl ~U~~tL~ _ .1111 I ~JlI~ I ~ .. _ ~.I

of the, rain charm used ~Y' the Southern Slavs and in theu' t,opo_'" nvm,v',;

l!if ,J'

'. An.nth/tu" ,gnd.v,enerated by the :Sastem ,and Nerthwestem S~avs,

was Sv,a:ro,gii'J whos,e, name sUn survlve's Ill. C-ze.c,b, and ,s:lovak' as m:rolg'", :mratl". '_ the ,[1,fr\tjl, This Slavic dei.'ty has ma,ny :f'ea'tures

'''i''~b, ",~',i";'b· ~. I~o~,tr'in,~""'" 'L hn 'w,',~Ij-1!.. t" h" ~ '](-:;OI,n'I'\'~'n" V,-" '0l:'I0' -.ot:'Il...--,o, gJ1:-:' ,,' '''1iI, LI- ~.'7: c- .. 'Ib..~ -,

"' _ it....... "'"'. Ji,1 ~'\il!i., ,I,ll ., ,,!It.11 . , " ,~ ,r!li1i "" ~F ~ J],U: R, ~,. " :u;,.e U.hS

. .'~ .

.Ira,nian de,ity,~ Sivar0gU, was also credited, 'wi-til hei.n.g able to ;3:,p'.'

Pl%lt in d ile,rent' aO:Unal ,and, bird f.ofnn~ = as 8. fi.i,},oo[1t~ a golden. ]lom,ed, ,a,ur.ochs;. a, horse, a bear, or even a's: a wl1irlw·ind. The' S,lavs ,alsiO OOlonected Sva:ro,gU 'with. :Rr,e'!~ 0'1 the Irsnians did, wj,th Verethm"gna... S,v,arogii'l" like V~ret:h,r,ag:na" W,£IJ.5, a warrlor g',ad,. a gi,V,~t of vlirili:ty and stren gt:b. This 'virility' - SIa:wi.c J ~d~;, 'w'hi~h is ,refuiin,isc~,t 0:1 the Indian, Indra ,_ 'had various; 'm,anij'estatiioDS~, ~ f'arct 'w'bieb. the '·ol.a.bhl,n Slavs ~ym'boUzed 'bj{ prOrv.i.di:ng' the., idols with several beads" The names Sv:entovitfi,~, f91revi;hilt P01"{l:vitil and ,8 uevUii; g~,vell, t.o the' deity 'by 'th.e: Pola b:ian, Sllil\v,;s~, are :poiSsihly' best ex,p',)aJned, 'by th.l's:.

Like the Iranian 'V'eret'hragna, 'the 'sla:vl,c' SvR'f10gil: is rep'r~en.t'@d as: genera:ti:ng the beat' and li.ght, ,of' the SUD, called X'u:rsu D'a:B-· bogij by the. Slav,s;~ These words: have s:u.rvlved in some old P:oU~dl, ,B'nd Serbian, p\r~lper names, Xuni"u (' Chors ) :i 5; o',bviousJy bo-na-wed f'rom, 'the ,1r~u:diaQ. ,e?(pirei5siio~ X:uf,;]:d.~ decs:igna,tlf.J.g the pe~on:med sun; DalJbo,gii :m5 reminiseent of' ,the Old Perslan

_ :Saga, and the, 'Ved.ic B"haga, mJE%l:Ding giver of w·eo:l.'th"

'We, find tn the Kiev,an. pantheon. a g,ad, c~,ned. SimatgJ, whO' should ,ev.i.d.e:ntlv be :i:den'tUied with ,the Iranian ,8'] rd .. Dog·· '., S~e'n-

~. , l

mnrv, m,n, tbe Staulll,ali:ao :mytho],o'gy, 'this 'wi:nged :mil)lls:ter was be-

Uevoo, to be the' ,gu~rdiaJ], of the tr:'el8- 'w·hh:~h. supplied the seed .:Igr every' plant,

'n.,e· Eastern Slavs and the Czechs a1so knew a" god calJ.ed, V:elest.

Ong I nel no IT!


Z" ... 8'l1i' '" :~'r'" 'II: "C. ' l"ii"'nrIi' Y!'7'",.~\A,~T' l~~ ~~~"·I.·", ~ILTI~II&LU.~,,.

W'Lt'iI. !!;';Ci~ "be" O"! nt: lII.t"i;A~\~Hr!' A' ci"V'ii--c·.li'ner to lb" ~ 'D;lr,j)·..JIi , pnmn.nJ

lOy 'n'u~ 'L,:_ . 1 ,~lK.Il v[ D~~-_~,~ ,':, ·~.:·~:~~UfQ~&1I.i~ I_~IU ~.~ ,P;I~~" _:.·l!"-'!!'!!'~!'·~"-~-·

C L '~:I!_ -R' I" 'k th .II:.'t.. 'i' "h ~ 'Ib. ~ ~

,fd·on,JCm,~ " U5:s~.ems t~I:. I," -e. oam m '._ is :narne: W,uetl. pr-ommm:g;

to, oil1ser"Ve the: ,oondi'ti:on$ of the mm'mer,cial 'uea'ties oonrjlude-dl


;o;th tho '8 -, ,i,

Wl ~ - .•. ,S , ··y:zmn;tmes',"

IOnly one goddmiS appeals t-o bR've. been ,admitted ·to the pan .. , theon of the .Eadem, Sla''IS~ HeF. .D IBl e was MokoiJ wh'ich means

.!i'j, . -" t-:I'~ rrL. "- -d' " ~ ,'in.!' .... _. ~ - - 1"",. .. -. ,- - , .- '] ... - 'B-' .-- - _ ... ,-- ' ..... -

,mOJ;S" ;I.,nJI,,' .IV]Dl'~J seems re Sun'l.v·e ;10: ,popuar . ;_usstao. 1Y~,a· ...

d:i:ti,iQll as th,ep.eJ"sonitG,ed '~~Moth,er,;om();i_st· ... ea;rth,~' (Man. 'Y,.a I'mnlla);; Some scholars com;;itier. -that 'tbts goodl.ess, was a Russian ,eq_tdy,a,. ...

). . "t, .-of the - ",__: . ~:"",,'~A ~,l!..t-' . It-,'" r . ~ 1I.'l.." G'. ';:'-'-i , .. 11.... A·: .... . hrod i! . .,,_ i~ ''16, I it "'t

_ en m- _ e onBlJ'LW fl,5,U 8,1 e ,aou, Ullle.,r~f,;. .. p .1VUb.e~UtlL L

. seems .m,or.,s p\r()bable Ihat· we have here a fmtber ~xa'mple: of' bo~·O': from the Iranians, who venerated th.e O'odd,es5 Ana.",

J~ Ib

:bi!ta~ In the. lab:;F PerSitlD, tradition she :fonned" together with

Ah '!ii'~.~.JI d U· , '.,:'Il.~ "I1...2!=d 1£...;] !' .. ~ I ,.11

nra 1v'uUl. aft~·· c"iuUa.~ a ,JtijJJ,~ .. OX' wViDe· 'UlIU.ty ,ano. was

-- - II d Ai ,_..11 ~ S·· - J., .""'.- ''11-.! .. - Th-' - - - d'- . .:1, '" - -~. -. ,~"",,!O

rca_ile-:· ru:y.v.l.'~ roJa,..,Ul. ... ra, ,I. -~:~,e ·WO(f·'~" lQ;rt;c,'m means ',li,I,O(g~!;,.'

- - b 11- -

"- .• -: :-.I!l1H _. :-" I -1,1 <--"-,- '~-!1~' . -- -_ ~=-"- -;-.' " .. ,~ .. -;- ' ~, ' .' I' ' .. , - ,'-;. ,:" 1--;-"-1 _II .. ,:-'.'~ '. - '- .. -, ,

- whioh .m.Ices .ll. ~more pro, at ~le tb.:a,t .Moko.i u a S·mVlc eeunter ... ·

f-.&)t..]' I' A-' .: 1.., .

pm: 0 ~.lie ·ta1lU(n ·.~n~:ilta ..

Th··· -E~' . .Iii,. - . ¢"l! '.. , ·'i...,... ". .-; ..,...1:.'.1:..- d~ '"", ~ ,,"hi I' :'J]- ..... .::i 'S' ~ ~~m' '

e .-l\S'lj,em. I~Jja vs li!.JJiCW anomer .1V.mI~ ,ca __ ,~. 'IU .Iuu'b~'~! a

Dl;ml wbi,,~h also ,seems 'tOI 'be: ide_fi.ved from an Iranian FOOt aDd

W',1l..·,~.;.'·1!..· means ~,th- ~ t':I·';:lilldb.,.:i."'-:-.ut-,~..,., ,Alf '!II~~q,]-.LI.... n.1 '~'J'.'Q would ·b·'rm"--·g'· !t-;iIift

n~~, '. ~~"', ~'!!;;,i! U~~y~JlD .~U~. 'U'._:_ ft~~ :UI,.· I. ,u_'"" .. , . _' _. , ,.: .lIiI:~,!I"

,I t un I'th A'- - th'l - rtn 01'-; t'b V- ed - ~ 'B'h - Ii _, (;:

I I -, I '] : . . -, l 1 - . ...• - . .'. " . i .-' '.' . -". ..-' >'/ ' '.. , ,',~.' -' ••••• ". ._' ~'" ':_.' I', .' .',', '.' r,. :" .' - .

111,'0 ~ e W.il_ .. ".,._mD~!cc_e po .1 .. - er_ - Ie .. _-., .re --'C .• agal, Ig,l¥ef Q_.

'.' .. , ". ,'IIi;~L ifTI1.. .. " --.:.: -- ,:el..l1 winds ........ ;;i ... ~--~ , : _,II":i .cen;li. of· •. IL'LI:: .[. de-

W'U,I.UJi", Jtu!B permDJDeu. ._.l_,--·_S~lt;>tmli remw'--s-'-_-'-_'--.!. .. · UiLBl .,-D, ,.

lI[ ·'i ·V"·; "";.- - . ,.. .- -.- '1'1·~..l 'i. t:1J.. E!!, II- Be,. ,-,'" --,,- -. .~, - "'._. "'·h-'·, T 1, ,nI.;

ll,ra nl I,D, aIta ,____. are eauea In '-tnG· ~.r:s'" .. , ept-c:p ·",·__:C .I Dill PI

1 .. J ·C·:·O_' " - 'i' - -.. 'd" 'n _J:' S~·tri"b· -,' .... 1 '2

gar-' ,I' .:a.mpn.",'gn, 'gra'D' • sons '!.li' ~" r~1 ogu.·

M·-·:-·"-, '.' I'" . ~-d'" ble .,. -, 'Ib - , 'f-', '. d I '1'- 'th- '. 'O:-""Id S·c.)- -- . -~

I.' ', .. "",",~0I"'W't~~_ ,~ OO··.ftlf"l,- ~~ ,.~ 'D1'I'm .. ;I!]i;f #'!Ii .. W6,l', -,~! m. 1.!iI!i: .... i'· ..... ~.~:r.:n-n!l)c

, . !!aiL ~v" !W~, ~ ~ . _ '~~!lJ .... ,~ ~ .... ' _ ~ ""'! ,IV, "" _....iil! _ _ _ _ 'I;.; . _@.'!I"~ __ _, _


Ong I nel no IT!


nm.,"i\1i;iI'"[Ii!T-IVE"· ~'jf "'V··I'· ..... ' CIVILlZ'-'~"" C ~ ca. ·T.I·:·~N··

~'I~RJIL&, .: " -' ~.Lanl ",:"_ ~I .' _-, .,',: I. _.- . ".iIrIr. 'n .1J;;.

. - .


'terms; 'for ,exam.p:le' ~ to wrors'hi:p, -(' !f1dti )" '~rl wail (' 'oo,piti,}:~ to praetil'ce d.ivfns.uon ('" o'at;Qti)' to chastise I kn;~;ti )", to fear ('bOi4'ti S6)' ,

- " e'- - - "- ~'1 _. ~- _. \ - ~ ~-:r'~ ... _. L~j I .;-. - 1 '.', I" - - .. - .' ,:Ii

,11o\f'i; ~ 'n' ii.~,"",,'it, e l,"!i!' - .. ,~ .. --"" ~ ). ,0_ -. (: ~j'j~.n' '\ "'h' c ;li' . .( .J[ .... 1:'...., ). 1l... 1 1 . '~i~.'~ , ,-.l,

L,u II .ly'U,.,.. \, ;;ii;!:U'~~I"':J ,me ~,~"l'~ J'~I ena ice .... !l,.~U ~'" I!J'Mlm m,OtlDu.

( 'm· - oeila 'l to IPIII'iIi'Fa '!(J''''''i~'';'~' \ ,e ham 'liD! l '~J'i'~';ii'" J' (1U:~'lt-·· ,(. 'lcll:·n.D ):' Fur

. I' " :,v.'~."il4i II ji .. ~.' ~~l~' \ ibt:J'ilil;., /. ~ ~. '" p:_: "_V ~ ~,I'(~iP-i.·I;;~. r !e;,,' ~Jj_l}.. '. ~~!rI"lU!, '. ~ [.", IUJI.!III'

thenrUJ,re" the Sla;vic 'w'old, ·f'or patadue (mi.) ,~s directly borrowed from 'the lra,man. m;;J:~, 'whi,cb mea'n$ beatitude a'R,d, heavenly' :radi'~

I~ ~t

H'''''''''''iilP.' ''ii'B...u::i·P· "'Jl.'."~fi ;Il,.-La p",c"ri'l'Tiil"";' i~f["a~,'II:iOl[!' "W' ·~I·e-:-' m'" - ~L,.:!;,~ Ir"jEl"t:~ne"""'" ~"iI:! ·WiD1'.

UR 11.L1,. '~~,'. 1-, .IU,·'W-1~ 'w..~ ~., .A...l~JJ_. 'I-~~"': Ui" - ,"~' .... '~;;~",;. ,_',_, u_u~ ll.~!lfr-'.j.;~~ ~ . ' •. I~

iDustr,a'ted by ,the .f'o'lllow,m,g, I~'xample:;, The Eas.te:_m and 'the Balkan. Slav,s, ,mCCign:ized another ai,tme be;inl~ ea.'Oed. 'T:~oJap!~ The ad'missioD 10£ 'dU5i ,god. m,to, ,the ,Slavi.c ,pantheon is g;, :s:iF· of 'the' Sla'vic interooUfse 'w.i:,th the, Lwtm world, fur'th:is god Js none o,tl1er' than d.l,e Emperor' 'T:r,a,jan;, It, seems that T:ra,jan",s: -vic,tor.i,es' OVCI" th,@ :D a elan 5: so ,impressed the peoples whe weee .fn:volved in, the re,sults. 'of- his cooq.ue.sts tba't the Eom:petof.' became a ,~eg,en,d'ary

• 6,' ~ 'N' - '~ d "d: 1!.. E - S'11 1 h" iLL _:'"'

: :g.ue,>·"_ot onlY ',I ' ~tne, ' .. astern : c~a'Vs e. evate rum to 'uwD"

,pllery Idf mythological ,personali'ti-es, but Balkan :folklore also ,e,D~1brm.ed, 'him among i:'t;s most imp;~,r.ta'n't figu:res., Th:~'s C'volu'tion. Is understandable if we remember tha't, 'the Bemans d,eJied Tr3j;aD,

.~,U 'L." d :i:,'L

~ .. er rus .'~. earn,

Besides these main 'cUvini:ti'es~ the' Slavs venerated other be-'ings, of 8, lesser order W'DO w'C!.r:e credited wlth supe:mattl:ral pa~"e[;;"

P· .' d '"b ".1!.." '~ f '11] "I;;:O"d 'h" . :'h'

IOOOPIUSJ ., • esen • 'CS, b.~J~ CU,~t as ,'.O',Il OW'5i.: ,.veil' ~. ies t"~at: t ,ley

venerate rivers and 'n,ymp;hiS and some other demons .. They'br'.iin,g saai&!ces, to iaU £If. 'them, and when b-r,m.:gin,g them 'they ma'lce dJ:tvin a.tion (' In order 1:0' know the Iuture) ;,:I:i Becalilse OUIi' UUomla.DOll. OJ bou t the: r.elig,ion of' ,the :pr.lmnlve Slavs is so sc-anty ,an.d. m,m:m,p~,et;e,~ iit- is impossible: to reconstruct: th.e whole hiera:f'cihic ,system 'Df the! Slavi,c pantheon, but ' ;s,.tu,dies ,~I1 Sla;,v.i.'c , '-ifdo,l.~'lo· 'O'V will i"!t'l~~ftv manv p~'b·' 1IDm'~ espeeia 11]"1", ·W"~;iD.-"I'I; th e C'P':·8

1m,,' Ul~,yl It!;ii "'.-.- ':t' ~ '~~I;'UI,I" ",[., j" I jt Ii U _: ,,~,~ . '-~II ~L~I,.: .,~~g~-·i '; l·I~!II'" .. _. ", [~I ~.-~-

cia'lists foUow the :n,[~wmy d,iscov-e,red read of thiS: Sla vo- MJl'anb;n ,tlDlni:ty in religh,iUs be]ief,s:"

j; V',. e!llfbml~Yi~ (Oi 'frpS'k,~m tOnm;ovoom BGgr~: ,_. On tb~ :supr,eme' ;ttod, Q.f the' Serbs' - [B!I!dlgtad€·, 1941]1., ppo 58, fE,,), prfJe.nts T.rojan, :u: a ,g,od, witll,

t1uiee nea,dls\o .

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


t::Ai 'U:~

A' •

,P'ur.t'her mr,8Jnia;n inO.uences on th:e lHe of the E astern :Slavs can

b "~.;7'ofii:-'~ " .. t'h-~ L. .. ,·,'11 "'"-.,,i,'";" '.',.,''k'" ';-h' ,.,- -.-.- .. -,t' ,'th-"-"~:' h",~'~b," "

. e U',a!ioO·~ Ul. ," . -'e uur,UlJJ. p.I'QCd.m W.llU!.. som.e u:r. .. - .eJIl':_'"l ... es

d ~ . ...l A' ... 1.. '-b ,.. f' IioL ~ b'· 1Lt. 'S,,'II d

8J _ Jopt,eu.. , ,' . .tUJe '. e,g;fl'lnlng~ 'J. u~.eJrJ _lst,Q,ry' 'p.I,e';J!3'Vs. 'U:56··. 't:g

~I!"Dn'Ii,Gt: B .I;\" p;iil' d D~d-I Mn 111:o.nt il.;L,s ij]; shes Q,'nd· d 'Dp·fiL'l'~&. '."'sm·· 1"'1i'jII i:iP-'8,t'!1i~'~'1 ~~; ~"'-,!-.JJ~ ' .. i U_l'~:", . _.~~~." " lLiuJo"l~!~ _ P_:lv ~~t_1 _i~5t. _~ .... :_' _' !:... I~, I ,: "~.I;., UJI~._~ __ " I _lIdL '~ .. :_. ~'L;i,IIS, ,

, '.'" 'b-'i' "b· ,'1" - ,. th-··· .-. b-I'" " • .... d ·-'~d'· .'. ,-' .. - ,J,;!L .... "", the " .'- .... Ib·,·d··

\U"D8 w ~(t weTe, ._.en. .'_.u:ne " 3ID." o-ver Ule' , '. iey e.:r~CllUi~L

, : ., ,,;]1, ,t-·h,~ ... 'I_,~ . "d:- .... f' h" . ,':.n111 00-' .," ." 7 .:" r 'j1i, .. b" ,Ii':i'lr-, :t;' .'. f' ,'t'~h'·. L-I -" c . - l,ta: .

mounes, _ ,_1:8 ,!i.W. ,(l.:Ur.I,~J!. ,,-lUg ,S;OOlIU .,;'0 Pl3-c 0.. ne c...::. usa JJ~D.

,an,d, 'Velledlan, cwtures .. , The cin.e£ary 'J,n:~s: were sealed wi,fb an inverted, dish., 'but .in. aU early 'bmial~ a. 'hoOle 'was i(;arefU:Uy 'bored

~ - b '11 ,I. ,-L. d LL -e - . b- '1!.. ,. - f b '1"'-"

]R tne wa 's: or the urn, anr .trns s:eems to oe an.oti'JJif61" ,sIgn 0 ,,'6 l~

:io a, :fuft!l:re Uf:e; f.'Olf the hole was 'p.,ro'V',ided ,to 'p ... emdt the' g:'nost, to

11 . I, .:1

,',", ... -., ,'. '-'. '1"'" .11- .... , ,;. ',- '-;':c -. ..,..,If' th - L'-' I ' .c .. ;i;,": r' ........ ,~,'IIo1h,., .. "... ,;i.',L,.', , .. L.,." ,','" -J ."""J[' '{:h':"

e~cape. n l;..111.e ease g£ ,., ,e c c:::-US~ih]~U] eunure, tne ,s·.ua,pe UI ~.: J;:! .

. ~, . - .-. , " ' - .. ,Ii; - -" -.' ~"' L.'~, 11....'.... ,". - 1 S' -'. 'J .. ·t" .... . ba .-', , , ...

iCllil~r,arV urn wa~ ljnv,alut,u:t'\I" JUil~OOQ~,m ... ,; .... ome . mlteS, a'iln'OW was

.1 ,rJ,'

· d' h 1L. b '111] h [ .~

raise,. O"v'cr 't_:_ .. e tomu:;)ut :lJD ali, cases ,t" ~ p~ar'Ves rorm r.B,g:U ~,ar

• J. ~. .:"

: t '. ':-N"" b ,i. '1 "t rl ~ ;;; t ddt

'. . . . .' ,_ - _. ". , , .' .~.. • - I . ., I - ,. '.', • . ,"' ,".. _ ! '. - _. ", I • _ - . - ~ . _ ! _ ..

cem,e,!eI'J.c,s,.,_ umerous ..c:Ulla:c.. ,rl'-J~\S, ann ens oms In. ,en.· ec :0 pro~

tec;t. the Uving from the dea.d" or. to hell) them 0.0 th~ijr 'W~9.y t:Q the place ~f~ '~h .. @ dead 't,;ip!,~t.-'ifv ,t,~ 'lh.D! b:·'e'~,i,ef ,~£' the ,S]a' V~ '~"~i a f: ut ~,-,iilj';!j; '1:,If~.

,~""""lj u,[ !J.. _~ . ~ _~ .... '"" _._; _!6!1' __ ~ .. _ L __ v,1"' . _y _ _.a ,:l1li,1 iP- U [h~ ,U·!(~~

B· , t- , '. ,i. t-:h·J . , . .. ··t·· ..... '.' "'h, . "i . g - . .. ~£ 'S'" -- ..... toi ..

'u· even m .. ': 1S: res.pec.. w'e call see ~:: e mnuenee UlL, earmanan

'-p.' •• -,a'~ !', ..... iCi~· ,If.riir W'~' ll~'rri,~W' ~'h. r~·'t rh I';:;:': ~ arm " . atians observed t .'L. cL'O 'po - -~;r;.~

.. " r 1to:!J.1l,-~.", I,v, . '!.;;. "" __ v . . t ~ _ 'I;;\i ~""" .A-I!I.:II" o1!J 'U 11".., ...... ,11. '" '"'"' , _u,,,.. .. r ~!I!o.;o:=

,- ~ . f' ~ '11 - i 'J'~' '. .a . - h - ']- 'h h t hose East

. - "1' ," ,-', , I' -; .' I," I": . 'I .', r' i.-· " _- ,',' ',~. [ " ,',. I -' ,",.) .' " i :". I .. ,. J , •• - ••• -, -:[ •• .', ;...., :. r c.· ,

t]C"e o , In. uma,tlOQ .,t is eunous to note t .. at, ,;;1 ,to . (lug ,t, ose .' ast

Slavic tribes 'whilch were .I'M :fro:m the ce,ntef' of Sarmanan in8.1:l· enee ' ..... ' the :1; Thriei. and these i'D. 'the nelghbo,rhood, of N'ovgorod,

.~". :". ·-,,jl ,t. ,'.aflb.fO, ,''I .11;'" the .. 1Idl S·~'·'--.'i·; f-.'-' , " .. 'f' .. ',' . ·,-t'·' ,- f,b ...

~ remal!ueu .. 1~alILU ,UJI. d) '.' ae O'JJ,··.' :J!aVJtc ,.,onn 0'" cremJR,.I.OH, .'lIe

. .

'Vjajtic~" the ,Radtml~i~ th.e 'Dulehi~' ,tbe: Drevljane and the

'D-' ,. !if,., ~L ... L h ..If d j.., d Io-h S' f'·' till

T:e,g('Jv,~C'l~1 on, tne O~lier 'anu.~ Q. opt .. e . .:. 't.: .e~ armanan p'la:e.;' ree

.' .11:: i Ih'" ,.,iL,~·... ~. , , . ", .. , .'. '. ill,·.· ·b··· , ,.,' '1b-_ , d 1l... , t-:,h·" ''0( .. 11

or mnumanon .. , ~ ,ne' 5larne. seen:u lO . !av'e' _,een ~.@ne u'Y .:._';' e· ,If. 0.1"'"

1'''''111'1]' A ~in' d'. '~h',Q\ ,S·. ;~,y,;!JirJ,·;ane·" 'W'I:l,IO·.· ':r~tur, ned'. ,;I.'Oj ii!"ii"oi!Ji',m·',· a'~,Ii'1iiD. ':0'" 'tL,e·. 'itq'D, ,t-· h' , .

I~_ .... Q. I!!; .. !I;;i- . !Ii..' iV'_ _ _. ~, .. _. . _ 'Ii.;! _ _ _.. 1~,,'IiJ ..... ..... _ _lUll v ~_ ,u. 1Il.!1I,;;- _ ,

, ..

•.... . '!!G, ' T'h;"', ",'" 't·· .'. L. ,_c d· :6'" (,'Ot-'c" .'~'.' , ~ 'I .,.,.... :b.,·,,··, ',,-,-, . - i.", "', ,"', -

ren.,lJJ:ry·. _. ,IS SeEmS . 0 ue UJl . ,e~ . e nllpo~ ~an!Ce, _. ree'a,use 1~, (~():n-,

.m - . ,,'t"' 'h, '. £;',,,.., ",,'L. t- ''if,.,.,.'''', " , .... 1], I' '.. , ',,' '. t- ,'L,.., .. ", . .f..~ I '" C"ll., ' ' .... '

nrms,. e. !:,ItL.'I;;i'!;" t<na, .,d';JIlJall ,]HnU.e.noes on-.rtf; prlmh . ..ilV,e {Uavs were

t- _... :r ,·n. .ni, ,·,1', .') ~. ,iL'I!...... ':,', '!h'" ,ii;..-" -~" , ...... - .. "', "d', ';b··· 'I .,'1 ,;", ,:'h' .... - '"t·,l.··

srong ,",v!!,;, ,~ny :tp. l;I~e ,pre ,1!h;,OT1LC ,per~o-,. UI_. ,aJJlSO W, e._1Q,11@.

Sa:rmatian.s: had, fepllaced 'the ,Scythians as, ,the dom.l.rulnJt !.rare :i:n the· sb~plpes of southern Russia~

Ong I n.a:1 rro IT!


~~: !iJ\.J


Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


I!!' AI ,~:

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


l~ftA ftn 'iLiL.- .. S.·'li.-I,.:·· s.; ,~, .. ,j," ~·-···:·bl'·1 'I .. ~, .. ·t··h.···,(!!· ,lid' :~t: .'C'.:', ',+0' .--c" .. ] eul!a:ll,~~ UII& Ule Ie .. a¥s .IS no "l'Ce'a, ',d~ IOlhY m .' e D,eJL , 'W ,m;a.d~t'la, Cu-

';"--1 .' '. -~ , .1·U,,·;Ii, .• ' d . . .,'.'~ 11 , b' .. ,- .... co'l· 'I ,"' . . rd h"='1!... h ".

~Ufie ann lS, 1 ·.·u;s,tf,a,l!i"fl··, m,a1Jr;U,Y .. y 1:l13"V'llC war's 'W.laJ ,a,va

\:' .. ",-- b "1 .. , ....• ·····d~- ,a;,.,~, . the ",~,th,:'" 1!'lrI!1 .. ~I, .•. " ''''. ,·':1 ,,J. ", -.- b· .-- ·'·f':- . ":l,'i

IllBeU .~ o:nOWIe" ,l:rom, e......-u, ·c.·le" .ill ,I1ey Inc une a num ·er ,Q, mm-

~ary""'~' terr .', " eh ,: helmet " .. ,_ .... ,.',' __ ""',',' -d ,. em "', .'. ,.' .. , .... , .. ·""'.'1 ".',-

t '., "en:ns~, Slue as ne mel '" armor - S,Y/O'l;'", sen 'B, colmmereult· '1llK~'

_ _ . -- _ ---~ -;I' -- . ~ -;- • - - . {..~ .". - ~.... I. - ~' .. .. t_. ".

nife:s;S:i'on~ - 81a.,s.~ 'kettle" P' la'~e~, 'V,i'Rea'41:r l! earrio.l"1ji 1htIJISlCj. debt,

r-1' ~ l " 0' .- [~r, -

tuuty" 'buy - and a, .few words concerned with. ag-ricultu:rc =;,.,

piouS"" vineyard.,. d:fJnkey~, ,i,g~1 bread, Some of these words had

be "e'C~"- b -; .. -., :.- d'~ bv ,:1;':1.., n"'i'""'l...-,; 'f' ""' ,',' ;'&,1,.. '. L" ,,":; .... A'U J,}l'L," .•. , 'r,···, .. ,'t . ",~,~ ..

" n _ouowe.c: __ ''1 me 'uuuglO:I:n me anns, ,._._ '~,rt15, DO~, omy

'-' c-,.-, _''', .1,= ,":~ -. ' . ""iI; , , .. ' " ··f·, ,~'l,. ,.11..£1" . '. .', . rted bv t' 'h" .' C········· .. ~,- " .. " c· '~h··(

reveaCii Q:lI!e nature o· me ,WIlU€IliCe exe,lI. ~'!1i=i' .. ',ry .... e .... oms on ~:_:e

Slavs, 'biU,t ,a~o :sllows that this in:9.ue:n~Ct1 W,;;';! stiU wbeg.

('1:.;,. G":'" 1,..= ,'-- ::C'. - ,~', _- .cl_' .'~ .. '. ,t.,,, 1.. ". ~iI;'L ,iLL.' '8' ',', ",.' '. E' ,,". ,

ue,:ou~ we~r.e m.,,_we 1.00,c'u wtrn I!UU.e ,,{lman-.:.w,prre,.

A.''"''' .... :L~I.!i; .... ·IhOi'LI ..... n'lI "c··."~='I'" -:'1" -. , .. 1····, ,'4,> ..... +t..~,;I;. R' : .... -,-- .. ~:-pi" ---.'''j5

l1.C'I;,;:U.a.'LCU V&,",,".Il eV],u.en,oo, '{I.·ear· y SUOWS,ILI.I3.IL, . , mnuenee

be.,gan to reach. the Sbl'.VS only ·w'h.en the Romans: I,~c'hed th,e

Danu be 'tlI'D·.,l If!'t- ~Irt- .'_ .... ,..lI to p·"·"e··nlm;l!.;woll"llll-a '-bD!V1Il'1liifili...] ,,.,.:'I,..~I'" '-r-'~''IIJ\D-r and that ,I;;~~:!f!' t' .', ~., , . , .,.~ l~' . (Jt ~'. '" '., 't1Q .Iy .' .e :. ,~'LI, Q;t,1w .a ~;·~U.IJI[U rUla~ ~ ~~ ~l ~ .' 'L '_Q' IU1.a.i.!1

~_.,nlu'li'Jijn· -. W' •.. ii'lii;Cjo.llU' ,0 '11-0 '''"'he-'' Hnman merchants who £"~o'~l-u~~~ ,~;1I..,,o mIlD!. - t~1 ~~ .. ' ,a~1 UI"~ ILJ ' l:··.· .' , y. I!R· .. }~.l, ~·!I.':IMI;I'lra ,,"',," . \1· U'H' t:tJI U\I,~

"-, ,". 'R" 'I· lb' I d' d h' d' ,.' .,.

.:I··~·I-·'~···-I··-· ~,., .....•.. , .. -r'-:-._ ··-r-······ '.' 1.,-.,' l ",' '-:'-"'-'~I"-':' "1 ",-:'

VlctOI',!lOUS . 110m an. "egUJ[DS~ r·.e :s000]).- an t m" centuries 0; our

_~I 'bli:i'~Dg' esneeiall 'Y" 'ii--p·r.;rt; ~<!ri;'n''"' '~"rn this respect 'DftT"i"f'3iI'1!'I; I;tJ.YfnO'lII't"'"

~;I .~, '. ~Il_:.~ ~ r~~~AI . _':'.: B!IUIi,~. u. ... ~&IIIL ,iLl.l, Ut. a, '~, .. ·W·_' . !Il ~lit~\I&.L~~1 ''-?{Ait'· '. ~II _~,

nDW also be-gan to reach the ,tfibe~ bey O':n d the: 'CiaIparthi~n M"oum~ta:hlS- and, at "that p,t~fiod and "or a time: .afh'nv,H,d~,. tbe

!III., •• _. _ • J!" ::II -, I, _ ._ " '_," .• - . r._. - __ 1 _~ . 1 --- ----, . .._--

'S" '~'i!:IInlfli ~t!n~d' themselves .\Ii"i, 'allf'[~pt';:nu 'l~tg],~,'!JI·""', merchandise ;:'li1'.]l, • ....:t..

c :)~~ ... y,~ ~U.;tUlyll~ ' .. ·Ul~~;-~i.1!f~' ~:~~, (JV M'~~'~,: ·I.·~_~~"~i I' ,~~_~L~~~ ,J I. ~~~~~~~. ': ~J:~~ ·,w. }Ul:--

out. att em p,.ti n g, to peoduee .£01' themselves any of 'the gQods wlri.cb tb.e,,, thus :a,cqu, ired,. It 'was o:n1yio tIt'e ma'kmg of' pOHery thillt:

B"'-""[ """ ..... _,,., " ,'",' ,·,'.._·:....lI·'i'.·J! "I'iid" .c~:,,·'h.'~-liIfj,/ became 'IP''--~'

, oman pal.,t.cms, were ,IHuuy.OOOu an" eveD,I!.lu~y C 'UlC.;l.LJ .... ""' -l ~,r~r

d·'··· . ~ -" . -it A- - ..... f -. . .i::L,~ - - .... s. t- ,-" , ... ,Ii:'jI", ,'!JI, ,--' -, - _,!Ii; " t·,· ... 1 ·t'h .,malJl.,pa,n, rrom uJ)1JS paJJ."JlCUJJar a~I~~ llll,; was, nOlL nntn .... e

Sla'YI were ::Iundy ea;ta'.bJj'shed" ,in theil' new homes, that R'oma'h,

d n :. - - ... .:-_ - "·,,0 . ~- _..- - - th -,' .'- -"'1- .'!'._ 11-'.' '1b -- . , . ~.'I'~

aQ , uy,zaUlLUlle, mnuenees 'upon '.' .e'U' IC:IVl izanon oecame re~!ty




If. we (,auld ,de£in.i'tely es,ta,'bUs'b, that ,m:t was a Slav' people w"ho oon,:struct~d, the, .• fomSed .sen:llsm,ent on, the lake of Bish,p,in in :P'olis-n P!Omera;wn,!, the rtnns 0," which were unearthed 'by :Polish, ar,chaeo'lo,g&t~ ,ai'ler 1930" w'a s'}},ould 'be' able to pi'eioo '~og:et'her ;8, muc'b c,lea:JJel[' p,ictuire' OlE' :primU:iv,B: Slavic c:t.vil iJZ8.'Don. The, settle ... 'ment: 'W,D constructed bet\veen the year,s; '100 ,and 4.-00 B,,'C,,~ and, was aband.i()ned. when the 'level :of' the bIke, :ro:se and, 'the wa,te'Q

Ong 11'1EJ:1 rro IT!



JE'I'.;I, DL' ''U'' QT'·.iI; 'U-lFil. f'O'i?IIIt!'J:LIZ AT,I"O·· ··N-··--: ~~.~ ifi.1tL1Aj·, ~ ~"' ... _. ·-.n;-,' '-~'" .,.,._

£I,~ed the 5ne~ Thanks 1;0 a, fhi,eK d_,epo:dt: of sand and, mud, the f'a-nuda,doD,s ,of' the forUica:ti:ol1;s and the- dw,e,Umlgs" 'togetbe'f.' with man.y obje~:t~ of' 'the' ,greatest a;rchaooIQJ~c~ interest;, have 'been; preserved, m'met

The s.eHi,emeo't must have: been, mha,'bited, by a p-ea,ceable people, seekm;g;' '~O 11rotect' themselves -fmm, 'the raids of theft Ileij],ghbo:n~ 'who were pr.o,b~!d)ly of' B3Jlult stock, Th'6 con5!tm,cUon of 'the: waJ1s and. Indeed the '\vho]e 'p·,lannC~ntr' ~f. the ·~,-,Hii::'-

. .. .. -- - - - ,I . -- - . ..j! . - . - . - .,' . - li '0' 0:, . e se e

ment 'lJes;tify to . a well-developed a.~c'hi:,t)eclur,al technique, 'which,~

if not Invented by 't.he, Sla VS~ was at least ado-p,tted by' them, 'halo. ca ~se: ,it' is the 'l,echnlque wh'ich was used in Pc),la'rnd d uri-n;g the, !,.500 yeaJr.s:' ,tbe buHdittg o:f' ,tid's forl~ rigbt down, bJI the p,:res.e:o,'t d:ay,.,

The plan, o£ the .settlem,lent: and, ~,ts oonstrlil,ct~iom sU,,ggest ,that the in'lul'bitants we'r'e' ';0, well-disciplined body' -of. men, 'who sub-

.,- - d -'h th '. f· 'lj d 'Ii' -hi~ £,1...." ':-1 d' ,

m,lttee to· t"fl. aut ant,)"· or OD,e' ,wG~l, - er, m nis turn, ;UJilS ,e 'ea.,ljer'

have Di'V'O!'II,jI'Iiiii!'l~d· h~""" ~,t:'i,t"h"'r·~'.- - m" - n .lit,;..i::. 'i!ri;;rn ~n;i!;'j, -(rA .. i. .... a--·..JI "ntellll~ae:'nt

~,:'!Wl: ~'~' -~'--~~ "~ au . n 1;"',1 "~,Ultl!U an ,~' '-,~:r.e~u!lj"o: , :no. 1:' 1. 1iU,:!;,;:, nr

W,RY., The archiaoolo,gieaJ. Snd1i made ,on the site also thr.(J'w eondae:r,a,hlie: lig:bt upon dle ,civilization of the 'people ~:iving th~,e. 'Th.e: pottery shows that tbe:y were not 'ytithout ,a:mstic' tenden ... ~'ie.s~, as some of the ~pe:eime:ns found, are enerusted 'w,i:th. ,S, whtte S,U bstanee or are palnted w,ith. red (u:~;:h.r:e:!, aud two of them are deeorated 'w,;lb :£i,gW'6:S' oJ horsemen cfla!dug ,stags. 'Lux.-ury objeets are represented by numerous Idns]J, a .few' b:r~",~e;l,ets) some

~-ma'llI r~nll'e' L ''''''''III d·' e' gln;:ll 'b'III'IIi'"fiD~ Th-' '-I·' o:Jit ,.,t.ID ~ nh - t'ii ~b~oI!-,ll!ii 'h-!l;"" 'W' lDII'IS, Q'n

~~_: __ JlJJa ',,~~ I '~I~j ~~ :_' g; ~I~U, ~_.;'~.'.! ~I!I .. , 'PI' U~I.~ ,i1;(I.,. Ld ... IJ,~.HiL",U, _. _'.:~!L I~ ~,LII

,a"grlcu'ltu'ral. .peop,l~ Is, ~baw:~, by Hnds ,of' ,ce'I'1j 'with, sorike'b,; ,sl'ck.les, h3!lll!w,e,rs,!. a 'P'rlmi.ti:ve wood,ep. :p:I,!(}!IlI"gh~ a, w,o0 d,BD, wa.gon 'w'hee,_l, made of a sing'.l~' bl,ock, IIlI wood, :fossiUz.ed ,grams 10£: corn, wheat barley, :lniUet ,and pea "and :Bber:s 0.£ :8a.~, There was; SO'1"Jlle ,raisin.g of domestie ananals, while 'hull:Ung: and ,I,s,bjng W,~" also p!"ad],oed,., ,A, SDd ,of blue ,gJas~s: beads :jl1d.ilcat-~s - :~s mentioned a,brJve' _, 'that some. kind lof oommen:d.a.1 exchange 'W,'h]lst have :g~.e on" the: lbeads: 'ha,ving most probab~,Y or,ig;~n.3ted lU ,Eigy[lt Some form of p,riroitive industry ,exbrted,J because 'molds .far :m,al;ing :p:ins'!! ]l~c~Ialces and other IOJbJI~C,ts h~lve' been £OU nd " Their llnus cniDS:~8ted ,of bows and, arrows, ,ffll811,rs, and broase swords,

Ong I nel no IT!



,U:my of the features of tile c,i,VWZlttiOB, lcd' tbe people w"}l,gl li,v,eiI at B',[!il( are s:imila,l' to· those 'M the pnmitive S]s',vs" T-his e],v·.!LIIl.n_i'?a_~'tion, Is, ,in. f:a,'ct.) a, g',ood iIlusba,ti:oo, loE the late ,Llusatiian ,eultul''e, but, 'we have ,already ,seen that a:flcbaeo:[og;ist:s are still dou.b,tf~JJ. about ,Q,ttributfn"g: this culture to the prhnitfv:e; SJ_I:YS~ It j's, bowev'er, not: .impo~;i,ble' 'that ,m, the yeal'S between 700 and

JilI', -8' - C" " ;Ii.','i;,.a. S: 1I"i1i'.':f.Cl' 'h-ro'J;l..l i!JI'lll~t:II'illIJ'v ''It:ilI!:Don'h;bd,' the na,;ilvh- b .. ro .¥'Ln"""~' ,nf--

~ I ··.·I!· _:_' II!) ~~Jt~ .. J.JQ:~ ~ :_._.:QU, @1.J.'gp;t1,/" ·~·~w~ I '~.':_. '·ll~ .' '-'~'~'D -, _ .. 1. '~-IJ.uUU y}

B,",even ,if' 'they had, ,Orot been. se-Hled, there :from 'tbn'6 lm ... memorial. I.n :thD:s ease, we may 5U,p,pose 'that th,ey' adopted the:

U]~in :EI~atW'e~ of 'the! ~us3tian, euil,t~e'~: es,peciaUy the socketed

.-,'lit" W·-h-:-'l·,....'IL. '-W'-'-'Q,'~ -"'_1L"II!Ii'~'a-""B'r~iI1:'~':::""" 1;I'1jjil" ':t' ,mi;'n..::!l Tniloai'f,lll",ec'd' ... P'l"'Pll,t ,g,.Jl'll.r,g:'ii"liIiif'!!P

~~.Il";t '~':.'" " .'L'IJ. ' .. ~:~~ c.p~~-'d,~IL.~~·,.lI~~.ti .y.i;, ,J!..: .!L~JU .!!!.!!!!.!~~,~I .. :..._..:. I~ t:)"::. ~~ . .:., @,~'''.I~,~~

n.PO,[l, the' common. cA)rntempo,r,8IY ,fIQm[. of ,De:" ,BuJt:a" definite solutjon of thig and sim.ilar' pUJblems ,a,waits: 'the :6ndmg of ,f'~h,er' atChtU!o:togical eviden,ce"


The baSIS of' ,the' social o,rga:niza.til(m of the prim.i'ttve Slavs was

dl th - l~' -,~ • h nd 1 TIl

-=- I--::'-'- -, "," ", (- .-- ",. ,1- . 1 .:- .-" -I J -'--j ,- '. -. -f-'- ~,--, ,.-., _,._ ._ .. " .. - ." -:-. ' .

_ e sam,e as ,a,t of the ot " fer In - o-:,Euzo,'pea:o poo'p ies~ " Ie

fnnDldatirln, illf' :society was 'th,e l,am fly~, :in w'ld,ell the, fa,th~J" was

~L~ -- 'r[i,d:::,~ _-p .... ::t,- .:~I m I ast ,~~' 'R·,)::;,,1!6'iI-,ii::'i!.,J1 ('eo'-ml';]:'a.!il!' lived ~n' ;i!'1I;O"!i;, :U' '~~:i'lll';iaJ

EU'~ HUL"S II ~ ,. ,A.;ll! """11... ,i!;i;;ili~I!I!;.1U, ,I~o. ~ ~~~ JjJ, Y' V ... '!!.,o!!U' ,~U .... w

, ' .

:--~:u.iI',.-- _.,+~ "'-d,', ... 1l..., -,~, ,~,,:~:--,·t- ,~lIt.. '.', ",-;-_, ,d~iI;I;······,-,t-'~"';'lI 1!...'., ".' .... ; '1 •• :11 ""f'

,$e'IIL,Uemen"s all , U lieD' JOIn . aD', Wlelje, ." 1 ... '8~ .. ~, uy :8, ,conneu 0

'the .f:aml1y chi:eE's presided over by the oldest or otherwise most

.- , '" " ,~'----,: '-, tOo, "-- ',',,,- .' 'th': ",--' Th---, 'l,{,"dl ,- e , .. ,1[,. .. :--' ,"'.' 'I "errl,,£'

prOfl},men amon,g .JB,m, ,,' e "an. W,U me common pr-op_:.~,~" DE'

th hol .- 1'[ b D' ~ - - d" ;o't' 'lt~

_. . _. .' . _.' ···t· .. ' . '. -.' _ -- -: . '.' '-. '.~, c···· _ " .' _! .', { '. -.' '. ,- --, .'. '. '., I. _ . I' , I

e wr 0 IS commUlllty~, a,. ,me.m,el,s,-em"g ell;g~ge.c_ In ~ _S cui _-1-

'.!qi?~ -~, ,01 -D'. d '~~h ~ 'p ...•. ~~,..;li -. I~~, W' .".~\@ '~_hli;il'"r co " lleet ,JVle·. m'f'u·~~'~e:ino:· '~'\..':i~

'I!' 3l unn iA. .hi.:5" ,[U!U U,!;..ii!l.,jJI ",-,"I, v I!l., ~. "",'. .... . _. . rv.'i:!li:!! ..... Oi!!~_v-. ,U'l :Qi

,-' :_"., -- "'-I , li"'r -'I 'L" ,.:1.., -, 'i:' - -,- f- 'ad:·--·, - -., 'u...j--" t '~FO"ed ,,-

,regune was ,Known uYI,.u8 name n ,/:_ .. nlga~ ,I:'JrV3Le pl_:, _:p .. y

i, • d 't.. ~ 1! '. ~";'1' '1 . IL'IL. h ~ . 'h ~ 'L ;Ii"L. " .,~' .'..J ---1

~erute~1 u:ut 'was ~l!rnJb;~~u on y to mose t_· m.,g;s wtncn me Woo,viuua,

member of tb~ community :r-equl1r.ed. in, his day-'to.-da]t life, _. the

'1- - - f' - I" -, 'b - - '. - 'h- - ' "'---II-' ,"'- - '-h" .. - -- ,_ - - _ - - ., , ,_ , ,

~ ',' -_. "_.. • < " • • _ _. " • • '-" ',.,,' • • ., ' • 1 '. , _., I·'·( . _ . j'. .

100_ -5 Dlecesmry ror ,:119 5, ._are: In, t:,I,e U ."~flg,,, .' ll5j wen,pons" some

je\vehy and, ,sbnila:r ObljflCt8. Only ,a't 'Ute end, of 'I'he .:paga-n period d:id the individual ,a,cqufsj,tioll. ofwba,t :b,a,d been, common p:m'perty 'beg;in~ This 'I?'[OreS8 ad,v.anced 'but slil)wl:y~, and echoes of the' primi.tiV6 loaD.c-eption of collecnve possession aria: to be ,en,corull.."

. -"-_ .... ..Ji - ",1. - 'S-'- ;1.'1..- - -- . d "I:j'I! t- :b,.- '51:. - . . . . ,~ . _ .... ..3.. . "t~ a'moo.g·~·· me eoutnem aOI. ,~a:S.·~m 1·,la.VS: eVE?D rn moaem



In addition, ,to the, ,£rei! mBlllbers lof 'the: clan, primitlve~ g,iavic,

Ong I nel no IT!


sociero alC"~ rul~ I·'~"'" sl ,gIV·.q~_ .... L'i·.t!I,ilv '-m' ~'b._=~~-- .o"i,~ -li"ii-r~ A .,~_filif'ijq·"'i _~:--n..)i - - '''1 -- ~ -- - _!Wi. . G ~""', ~rl.'!!~ Uh"..,U, J' ' . !IW',U:,II.Il,Ie.£S 01 Rvm!!bO CV.I::I.., :.u:er:~u.

popws.'tion. or 'Pr.isoner:s of 'W,B!f.',. Hbtorical records sbow that the :slav'6S' 'were genef,aUy well1",trmdea ,and, 'we.r,e :r,egar,d~ as 'hem',1 m,embm of the ,family albei.t: '\Vi:-th eertaln :r.esbi'en,ons: -UPO'D their rights,.,

Amo~g the ~o:la.bia:n Slavs and the .Ellst~m, Slavsj, the free tiUer.s of the son were' caned ame;rdi~. The Polabian Sla:v,s; ,0:1;501 had. a ,thud. Iclass of' t}U3' popuIa.tion called vitwzi,. 'w'ho ,aJ.ppea-r in, h~s-·

"" .. ,: Ib:,..,..,. ·ll·:· .... ,dl t. ttu ,~}I :'. ., .. A_......... rf' - ~.

"or,lea.1 nmes as ;a IU.IlJ'-,_ o~ ,pel~~J :mw:t:ary a:r,ls,,,,~acy* pe~;. 'onDlng

their m~Utrury 5.ervj,ce on. herseback,

The -hntn -1- ._r. th - - - - - II ·:11 ;J~I._ - t,~,~ Ib' 'f th - £- et ,c ' .•.. ~. e';'i~..:~j) ogy OiL' tnese names :LS: stu uap'Ll~OO.~- U :' te tact

Lt.a"t &;',\; • .0 ;i!"1i 'nI.iiJi ~'C _It _«ii.ftl,o.r...J,: 'a' np\S·~r.c n .... 1!v g.'mo' m (7' th·- - a S' !'11 a'i,t!' c' W' ',1l... n' ,!llIi,iE'! 'UI ._ 'U_IL~; '~~.~~I ~~ ~-"·~'~~,-Ull . -i.'. ::.~~-~ yiJJIl.I~.· ~~~-:. ~~.~~ .-:_y .":. J' .. ,,,.~! '! .-_··~IV~l ~

'we: hav'c ,seeD" 'we_re organizedl ptliD'i:ti,CaDy by 'the AJ'Jit&S and Serb.!)" is aite'D 'm'lken. as an ar,g,uwefl't f'or' the: the:ory tba;t. 'this sOt'Jal,or," g,anizat.i!~. WSJi a£' foreign, Le, ,Sa:nuatm.D, '!JligiQ)~ 'The same ,8'O.g'-' gestion has' 'been :fDad~e aboo·t 'the' origin. of 'di.e 'wo,rd :!Upa'I1:,'w,:bi:ch ;am,IGng the Polabian ,and Southern :Se.rb.s and, 'Croats; desianated a gave'mol' of' a 'up-, of tribes oir' of a. (lL;uict: lor d~ts ..

.I~I~~ 0,

tricts. Moreo~er"1 the ruler of the: Croll,bfP. later :re.pre8entm it the

king~, is. called ,b~nw~ l't is true tha:t WI!: enoou'Il:ter this mfO\rma~ t~i'ln cOQ'Cemip;g t'h~ Cr.oa:b, ,only ,m, the tenth centlrry wriitfn,g;s of'

e 10.,. 11;,:' '-po '~h . """ ..... ,'., -h "'~1I' 1........ d "L ~

onstannne .' oip~~yrol;enn~!i.ut8j 'W oOi~ as 'WIg, W seen .. esermes

their ,mi:wation to the south; but we are f~y ·6u,]'ed 'to .s:u,ppose 'that tbe' Croats had a simiiar Dfg,anllz.a:tion. WOOD "they' 'w1cr>e livmg zlOiri_beas:t of' the IOal]?8J,tnian M,ountaineh

,However, the Samul.tieul, origin O~i 'these' 'words' cannot 'be 8srcer't:dned. TIle wora vitwz is shown to! have 'been .de.riv.ed (['om fbe Oermame 'word 'V'i.ldng~2: The w.,org, sme:m,j' seems fo be. fQ,~,d frum an lotd Indo-European :rtH;Jt:i!. The same can be ·said about the' 'words :it.:,pan, and Ib~,n:." The Cmchs :3t'Eld ·t'h.e, Poles di.d not·

1. '~n-",,' ~""",,"'i7"Cprt=_ :8- , 'D: " .G~"'W1~4v l :~r;p~"'iHiR ~,~ B'~"....f ,II' driR'f~Sic-B ~.

l~' IUiIj ~~_@I-l~~.. ~I!!l ~ !!I. _ ~J'_U _ \ B:" ~!I!IIY~'~' '!!I.~ - !!f~~ - -..... ~-~' •. ~,I!l _ _ ._. __

~'"" XVll' Qet:a [Russ~a:n, peasa:nUy' from 'tile' eradiest: pe:ri.ed 'l,o 'thitJ: X:V:Ilth, Cen~· b:nyID S .. S.'S~R. Aca.d~m.y I[M'MOOW'j, 1'946], Pill, I~r:r) re'vje~ws, 'U~e d~le;mn.t; ftu~'mp'u 8,1'. the 'e~:~i)llogy of ~thm wm'll. He "de:dves ~be word ,from t:be: :banian mtJi'd" ('man,)1 ;IDd tllifiks ,t;hat, in the :la.itet evo~utianT po:p~!:d\a;r ,elt.ymu)]og;y' associated the WQ\td, w:ith. UUl~' Slavi,e ln1m"<dehl (' '00' lSl:tin:~:). - .

I: S~: the. sftu,dy '~Y' 0., .H:'~ift in L.£f.t..y ~;lo~o'g,,(cke' [:PIlUo']oiteo;] :B~ll\etml XXXI (][ '9lM ) a pp. 104 :I'~,~:X,L (l911) ~ :p.. S·04~

~. ~

Ong I nel no IT!


~'n d~'


A s we have seen, the, Slavs had a 'very loose sQcia. _ and P:QU'Ucal

'~"_'~'~I'·"~' n'-u"C'd'- w-- -;9 lea'me f'oo"'m' nIV-!7Qln,,Il,'~'n'e' ""0' urces t,1!..,o:..t Qjltit.,1!.,.O'ug- .'h-

~'uru~t,IkU;~., R "'.!IGi JL_-U; __ l', ,[[,_".-'_," ", ,J).l.£~.,~--JjJi~- ~~J.:._~,:,L~ ~J:I~:.~) ~W,y:~~:_:I.~II: "_'"

,t:h,eir' ·w:iU,ta.ry··," ,q::'ualitics \V'ere :hip'h~ th6lr an:nament WilS '~,OU}C land.

" I~ • C"· .

crlln~:isteq, ,m}ost~y 101' bows, arrows and 5h~eld!i~ 'ThErm' m:iti,tary

o.r.g,tUl,izatioll1; based upon, the seeial s;trucwre~ of f:amIly' and elan, was, also poorly developed, These Facts, togI8,th~M" wuh the prlmi'UV'B' Sla"vs;~ predtlectlon f,'or ea ttle-ra bdn.g and ;ag.r['CUlb]:re~ e.xplain, why j,t: was, "dw,aysl sal e:asy' ,for uomadic mvadees :~n dle 'fo(m1 of.: a, :sei;sonsd b~.y ,o;f well-armed ea:v,alry = tbe Sa'rmat~aDS, 'were ,espeeiaJly 'DQ,t:o'rmollls in this respect = ,to galD CfJ;ntro~ iDY'!!]" the Slavic trfbes, These were u~uaJly Gn'~y too ha,pp,Y to! he :~;eft to, 'Uleir I peaceful pnr-suns and 'Oft.en. welcomed p,r-ub;~ct,i:on, again.s't other

"'L:l' _..ll

:poss~,u e mvaaers,

The Iaet ,tha't the- Slav',s' had, a vlelj' .lOOS;f} seeial and po~n',i,lca'l.

.rw,--'Ct'!l,'IID i' ..... ',a'.~'nJl"lii ,!j"" ;jl'Iioi"ii,Y'Ii :6·'Fji'!i'!i~,d.'· 'b,:' ,'V' 't-, he BT'v~',:,,"""'~~n'- ~ 'W'".· n'i"\DIri~ ,n" i':hl l!:!i 'I!"m~'''h

ur,ti"~ .. ~, ,IN.,I'V~-I ~.~ ~u~~~:______tI.I.!!!!~>~ '_: ."';~ ". ,~~I.- '-~J tf:.i~~.,~1 ~ ' .. " ~~\,~ ~~ lL <' ~ !~,~~ ,..'_'

and s~,ven.'th, centnrles, The Byzantfn,e historian p,[OOOP,lu:s describes the~r po~,iti,c~1 o:rga;nizaJ.tiQ(p, as f.'onows,~ "The Slavs dOl DOt,, under the r:~gime '01' one' man, hut lin, democracy and that from old times., 'Tbe1j',e!FoJ'e .-001 P[rD£U:,ab~,e or d'ami3!"g;rog, tbjn~~ are common bjl them, .. ,,,j

1::0 those eireumstances it IS 'DOl wonder theft the' SaFlluitians were 'the ,fir;5:t t:OI ,g:hte the .slsrv,s' ,it Brmer poli,t1~aJ strueture. The ,state, lof' 'the Antes: was monarchic, with a :kil1,g: at the head. sur .. founded, by 3, nU.mer-ous re/Unue, And, we '[earn", .a"gain. f'rom B,)l'" ::z;aDtin,e 'writeiq,~ that the Slavs qUi,dkly gleaned ,~'n)m 'tlic,i:r ,fr,UtsteJS the se:crel$ of military- taetics a'ud, hnUalted, the S,allna,tians ,ano, the ,A''lars, so well. tha't ,the: Boman armies loou1d not resist 'the' ,sl~ln and fury of. 'th,eir ,I ttacks, It seems th~t the ,Antes constitu t'ed OiDl.y the rnU~g, c'lo-55 and were ~(fga~i.zed on Jl_ rn n~t'a;r.y h,a,s:i~., A, "S":un i,~

1 'f1! - - .. - - "":'''''''0 w-,~ oi:'!' "! n ......... d' uced bv .!I,i..'LiI; C' 'l",t"!'LIi!ij,'1lo1i!I' amAn a th iIi':ii Slavs

iDf O'f_e"anJZ3,tJl,v, '. , .... ~~ :~:II/,II u, v·. . 1li..00000'll . 'i' ILU.~ ." ,:,,~~,,"il!< ',', v' .~ 'It) ",'~ ,.'" : -" ~

Wh.ilJi came' under thei'r,Ho'n.,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


Tift- .... F···:- ':" c· '1_, .... 'B-' '. ,-;- .. , O'··t·_·I~. - '~'.~.

ne o_- ranks, c_: •.• ·yzan ·l,Um,

d- the,. "F" ~ "S-"'I- ,~ S·· :."

, .. , . ,'- .- '1-:-"-'-': ,'"-. " - -'. '", ,.,', . ".'- .' - ,.,.'.

an .. ~-_:,_,e: .J~.,I,rst ·.".·.,-_.aVlC -.·.ta.tes

At ,the end ofE the' ,d:xth ,centuryl th~ A,var E:mp'ire~ com,posed

t ~ n iLL. '1l,., 111 f: C" - '~E d - - ~,[ &,1!,.,

p,rU,C',i:ca,', Y 'Ul€ wnore or ·,e.nt:l,a,1l , . uro:pe ane a great part lUI: we'

Iii B,a1kaFlfs:~ Theil poU:t,i.[ia:1 ,inDuen.ce' €Itwd,ed. fr-om 'the 'm,f-ddJle coarse of ttu~: Elba and the: Oder 1:0 the, ,Alps of Sty ria, and Carin~ 'tb'ia.~ ,f:rom the Car,pathi-an M'oun:t'aiDs, 'bj, the A·driatic and south . .., eastwards as far as 'th,e Sea. .of' AZQV ~

The poS:[tJOl1 q~ ,tbe ,A,vars, in. the 'h,eaJ'rt of 'Europe' made 'them Q, terrible menace 'not onll)" 'to -the iB!yzairn.Une E'm,:plre~ but: also to ,aU the ShhV,i,€ and Gemtal1lic ,tr,ibes Siu:rroun.iHng: them" w'hUe 'they dir-ect],y ,threa.tened the 'new FTa:nlki~'h Empire in their aHmnpit to penetrate .furth,ler- west, 'the, ,A.varst with their Slavic alljies;~, n,t:tacked the Franks in 562., Althvugb ,King Siegebert;, who met 'thfdr' second a.'ltacl('~ 'W,8S d!e{e,a,tJld and captured. in. A.,D .. 5B'7'~, he was able to c:Ofm~e' to a fri~d]y ag~Bemenrt 'w~t'h tIl,em ~ In, sp:i.te .of that, ,the: ,A.V;i.lI8; perhaps called In, by 'tb~if Slavic alltes - f'a:r help ,aga:inst· 'th.e F:r,aniks .. i~nv~uied 'Tburhlgia :Jin 895:,

How ri!;liijlrar ,;;"i,n i'll¥ll'p'; ort - an I!t' A·" .'. "UI',OI:'i" IW'Jii'V," erse 1L~:d·:· an 'i!m"-m~.d·· '~!I":I;,t--:Q, .i:i~'~~

~y .' ~ -~ 'L? _ 'I d iI!,'" ,D . .LJl, ~ . U . ,Q . , I 1P' A~ II!.!" e- ~ .~ JLIH. !fl. ~ J_ ,~.. ~~ J~ ~u:~-,

u'p'on the s:imloti.o::n,. 'We learn: Irom the c'hr-onicle Orf Buraundian

~ I~I

origin ,attributled, 'to F'r,ede~ar' '1 fha:~!, about file, yea;r 52:3~, the Slavs

~ The p,ffiIl1e:rl1s' OOr:iic:cm ~:nlg' th,e 'O'lig,in ,and, ,the '3:1ld~~n't'iicily of th~ !'Jhf-on,lcl(!; a'rei d:i'sc~§ed, 'by 'G .. Labuda :~n Ids P,o~£~b 'Wlo'r'~ Pi;erW6J~e' .P~M!rwO gla~nskl'e} Pdm:~\W~1 Sbnwna [[''f:h;e ,Irs~: S,[la,':vic' S~a;,t:e'j' the g:tate ,uf' S~IlI11] (F'G;ma'~~ 1.948 ),' ,P.p.' 52---00, ,~~20~ 11l,e aud:ulf meJ to, the OOtllJcW,lJ;5wn Wat ,th~: W(J(I'\c: Wa$



Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



.Ui the nei:,g:hbDthood, nf. t:h,e F:ra;nkish Bnl!p:tre ,revalt,cd. t',g:ainst ·thei .Aval.s) and that the rebelhen 'was, led by a, Fri;Rk named Samo., Thi.s revolt, wbicb, seems tOI have started :i:n :Mklr;a:v.fa~ ,8·.p'-' :p;arent1y enjoyed, the support of the; Franks, :3D,d, Samo~ a Frank,.b,h nobleman, whose name to be IC'e'ltic rather thaa Get,_

marne was i:'!~D.'1I- +':0' th ~ ~~ e,-'w:,a.~Jn·~· Sll!~,V"~ :I';O"j; 'i'II(6"'h,~~,i.:~: i;'i~ ~;I.;~, ;I,.'Ib. em ,~''ii'iiJ~

,. _ .. ~ ,",II!;;!' _ ,t. t}t,u~ u.:J.:ilI! Oill r:;,'J;j... !L ,liQ. ~ 'tv .1II.1,""-':t:I,"'-JI UA,'l!~" lUI! 1.11,1, __ . o~,Ul

·'·'O--:J.g·~:ii:':Ii,1i '~ ~'t.~ ,,~,.,.f:' F"i'r,aln'k::::I"""'~ ~. 'p""p_ ort, H'., :~ ... " p., obab •. l'~,'~ ~fiW,:-.~ ~I..(fio'il'. 'iL~~

" , ~,.;!I!!!.IIl~ 'io."l' UJi'¥.IJU u,( ",' _ oiJ'[) iOllU .. ,,' .iU:',. '''"', ',: r. . g, Y Su, OID'L m~

·1.1,o~t b:n'p~ortaIlt asset w'hich t-he '--eb:els lacked was J;t-::od ~e~ule;,--

__ " • - __ ti •• 1_ - l. . . •• I I • I., I.. -, _. '_J-' _ • - ~ aO _ . " r _ F

,s'hip~ He t.heref:o:re: took over' the d irectiorn. .01' operation.s: ,and, after. th p. :6na:II \!,,~,-'i'ory"'~".' W .. '- ;\i?~ ree rygn,- .I'~?'~d. ': as ri :-'1. ',4'" ,0 .: t: ,JI.'L~. .~ ~b~ . erated I

_ _ _ _ ..... = _ .~~!J.. _ '. ~;~ ,I,~_V .II~ . .;]! !11 'Viii, ,I, U:I,,,," .ill!. _ ~];. ILJI!O:<.

[:} ~..

ol,nll"1l'll'" .ft'r~;..fJ;a 1"'I;.~,I, ,I!,.v ~~!l:!i"

. .

.A U:v,e'ly discoS's:i,Oll :~s ~till. g·wn,g '011 a'mallg specimUs,t;s ,a.bon,'!:

th t t f- S;-c·, '. ]D "b" b"~ .. -, ".l' 'M' . i.

me ex,~ell:~: 0" ,~, amo s em P'll' e, ,JIr~f'o'a" '_y It oomprls:eo ,::, oravia,

Bohemia, Lower A'Ill~tr.ia. a!.D.d .. ~ f['om 631 oowalds~ 'Wh:"t,e Se,rbi~ also" It is ,most unlikely ,that: ,Sa'mo',~,s: po-we'F' extended ,a.~· far as C'arin.thia,~ as is; often. supposed,

'Th~ 'p'ranl<s ~'hti!rned 5Uprem,i),cy over the Ubera;t,~d, Sla va be ...

,,",I.., ". f d' h ~. d '·t"h 'F" '11~" "h

cause meir .new~won .: Jl':(fe,; om WB,S 3G; nevec _ 'W.~' _: ,'Ja:n,l!i;;.IS is'u:p",

'port·" Sa'm,o,~ al'Oio1J],gh him51~']:£' a F'r.aD'k~. refused to! su'bm'it 'to KiD;g Da"gobert' and. m the conlict 'which ensued, 'W]jth the Franks (in .63.1), he was, ·able· ttO upho:hi, his: ,cbdm ,to cIJffl.plet,e fnd[epen.,[l .. enoe ..

[T'ois ,s-ecnnd. SIa,vi-c state - the fb:'st 'being' that ,of' I·he .Ant,es: ,_

d,td nat, Sa~mo ld.i-ed. ,a:1bOIUt' the yes:r 859 and 'hjs €m.p:iEe seems 1'0 have di8mteg.rated.~i ·thall1l,g)1. remna,nts oE '.0. poU'Hlcal organization among h.1's: .s:u bjecb~ may have survi-ved~ Th.i's seems to 'be OOuB1"l.ned. by Ule f,act 'that: the :r:u~~'xt 3rHem.p,t to buil.d a soUd, OiF""

'l~.:pose-d 'a.bout '8BO alt St, Ieii!li.n.-d~-Losfle' (' Lat,on~.) D.ea~ Cha;]ol[l"~U:lr-",SaOD,@.~, 'the a n,dent: ca,pita~ lOf B:ur,Gundy~ The who'~e, <JQIQlptbrtiODl; t.og,@f:lurr.· ·w.itb dime'

.-,. :' -. I .-'Ii.... " • Ie .Ji. "'L' .• 'l!., '" t ,~'.. C'05' ,. i:i'AII"ii, ,)m,.. ·il.ll 'ilL I' '-.' , . '. _11,._~1I

'OOg;IIUi3ii 'cull·Of!UC_' ~.escJ'llJ)m:,g !!;.pel' even. ,S ,I:W. ,~ , ILO 1U"tp,;}:!! SU.1aUILU 1UJ!l, mga~

as, UU~ wOr'rk. of ~e ,s~~e: aJ.u.thCIJ"". :Labuda~~: stl!ld.y],whj~h ab:o 'giv,e,s: :a'bundant

it.;11L1i! '1b···I· ... ·L '·_ . ..l·iL I·d 'L_ .], -d' 'iL, 'IlL" "j; - ~-,

1U~IU\IlI.O.~JPU1CA,- ~m$ on rne ~1'~~~ S~lO!)Jl.~· Joe o:;n1J:5il1 ~.e:. uf .lIlllStofla;M· :ll~-'

i,elfesbNi .in ithe, .iI"e,la;Uon~ beh""'een rb,6 A'V',a,'[S!, Frmnks;. S']3J,V,S, land. BYDlIt:li:];fJ.Si l1Jt: this, tim~" A ]b~S: summ;a;fJt of hljS) w·(}t'~ .~~ Fl'.ernc'i)~ w.rutb. ,cdU(.~al :f~ma.r'b:,l may

'L_ I;'..JI "'- 'tt ~b-']" --.-', .. ·kJ' !II'1f""--,'''-ca! L c~~ ., - " !fo;i .. c '11. _., 'c'· .' ., .... .1.- __

~: l'O,!)J'I}Y. In .~. 1"""'1' :iil, OQ·peC'·'·ii~' """oJ']~~t:Jl,e£,il'!i,lon!;, stir "~J:n()]: ,f!' llr.e:M~r .!Wl iUi,@S

,c'II' :,;ii' n, ~ .... ~. -r~· '" -- VT l 'In'~'Q ). ,. - ,nO!ll! a!'llo

,~ ~Ne.sI,I' ,Qy.z'hH":OO~I"rt)lC'g A_.I, ~ ,,:;:I!'d~ c'. ~ pp, ,""iiIii!~-,~,it1,.

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!



Most IJroba,bly abpu'~: the same time; a;. Slecti.c.U:l o£ the Serbs :m:~gr,a,t:ed from White~ Serbia = ,a~() ~o C'Ol)stantins; P'Ol"_' phyrogen:ne,tus' --' and a.S:llb~d, Heracltus 101' penn,isslom to .fu~tt]e nn i'ftlo'p,oipill',t'''lfi'l soil, This "rc~'-no',-rt'-' h aLit:!; been ~Ji;f!i;ct-'\illI~ll b",y- - m n~Ii-, histortans

'U __ , ~~~'i . ~11,~~ -~. ~,~ -. ,iii). !I!..?~r·· ,'[ - I Pl=i.1! .Y'~ .. I:l!J~:.~ ~~~Jt - .... r I ~~~', _~~ ._ .• IL !I;I!Illtil_iI1!

as legend arv. 'b' ,iil'iiI'li' F:· red ~"(J'~i'i,,,,; ,~t- !!'Iii:~~m~lifR'rre; about ,1i':L~ nz;.(j''fi:ti~'t-l'':,ii1'nli."!'

-.~ - .... _, ---'- ~~ J ;!I-U'I!J. .iI.~ --~,C'!!;I!i.-, ,;;]! ~_Q!,!J.I!!.', ,'I!;"i_,_!J.!lJ 1'Ij. V'''-lt,. UI.,..;;. ..... O.'IU' _g __ v, ."

'b': e :'h'IE':~n ,.,'I!.. A F'-~'-:,il1l;\'nIk· ~ a: - n d H: 'era .f'i;'~ ~'.-I- ,.... ,n.g,'If"l, 'L;@!';O- .::r\Pi;'1 red t'- IIf'j; It'! - ,- 'pnA -r~·t-

,_. ·,!Ijp·W¥'~:...'· ·,-Jl:I~ . !f~~I- _.~I _._ •... , I, ··.r .·!lrjLilU.~, ~""'Ij-I! IJ~, ·Jr· '¥U~~" ,"U kllUl1 ~"117'u, ,'1

'Cl'Jn5-t~n:t~il1c:t~ evidence, Like Wbite Croa,ticl~ W1dte Serbia escaped OOll1,in,g; 'under the a:u:thorj_~' of' du~ Ava;rs~ but afb~:-l' the Franks' oonq.ues;~ o£ Th:llrlng~al;' w hitch bordered on _Wbi't~ S·el"-bja,~, the' Serbs: ( Sorb~) OOiukJl, not Free themselves frllm F:ran.kish so've~l'e',i'g;n'ty.. :F'ran,kj'sh pressule~. dj;ss;en~do:ns amo:~g' 'ftbeir h~ader,s'~1 and the knowle~,g'e t'ha;t Herachus was ~ookin.,g f'or ,alUes '~,g~i'Rs:t -tbe Avars 'wQui~d, ha ve been e:nlDugh. to ju~Uf:y UJse, ,m:i,gration lO,lpart of the Serbs ,to Byzantium. 'B'I!:~t H:eratiUus seems ~lso to have sen,it :an em;bas5,y to the Croab;~, ofEerj:ng' them a new borne in. 11.., ly'ricum aI't,e:r ,they ,had expelmed the ,A' lr'Olll tha:t prDv~noe". ~'iOo Croa ts il'Ii .... com 'pa- '!Il'!i";~e'd' bv so ~,£!i; nt'-h- aep' 'S'tav- ie i"-r~·b-.t:ii~ AS'UP'f

.lJl,~~ ...... ~'U'i"_:"~ = ~JlirUII" Ii "~,~,~.'.~ .. '~ ',j: ~I:...>~~.~~ ~I ..... ~';'Jj, 1~,1 " ... )~ !L"lll .. ~i.]! '_I ~~ 'I~"~_

to settle lheiu' own account wI'tit th.e ,A'virs" welcomed the Em,' .. ,

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


litlillli, 'U!il

nerer's i!i~'iili'~n nail:!' '!":Ii nd 'ir'Aftt", '" ·b·· ... dv of 'i'i~ -111_.:'i.i:i.ti!i soned ."-,,·cc· -,t; . e.·:- ,I, -. r''""'' "II!.iI" ~, Q.Y."'·~!I!.'~~ P;": . Q'.~\I~ ,iQ. _ UUl,} '1iA ."'!leJLII,'-'aI!Uft~,U\u.v.· ILltoopIQI ·on ,,0

Byzantine ,sJD,i,Ll :TheJ;e,., 'IrJ'getbe!' Ylith 'the sm,a'JI ,army Jlf the .Serbs:~ and. 'vri~h, the su.Ppurt 'C,f the Byzantine 'nary' and ~of the rclo:g~s: from the'destroyed c:i,nel: who had settled .. in. id:l(~ .su:ni.V1ing ,cities on the UHoraJ. and on the isla_ndsi ·th~y commenced the,lr ·,ope!rQ;-' ti:OllS: the ,A'va'fs 'from the .S',. The,y Iiberated Irs.t DaIma.tia" then. tbe rest of IUy,ricuml and Rnally the t,er.rit·ary· bemoon the Drava and. 'Ihe Sil\'va rivers.i:2

The A,va~SJ oontinued to control H'ulllg,.Rl1;. 'but tlley (1,01 net seem to have' ,rfgahled Bohemia and Moravia ,I.\fter the'. death. of·S.amiO" 'Ihe Cro3'U: and, S(!fWf 'W1e;r.8 settJed '~iy' the. gra:tmu'l Emlper~or 'in the liberated lands, where they ·tr.ulk;: IOViB;F. &om the ,A~a:rs ·t·he· leader,shi.p m' the S:Iav,i>(:' tribe,S) which had been ien oecu.pat-ion of' p([eslel1t~dl.y Y'ugosJa,v,ia, .fra,m, the end of the sixth ce:n,tury" The

I The S~bs'lWd. ,t'h,el Cro~b mr~st hav.e' ta'~n the o<kJ. ro'"~rte 'bey1oo,d. the' ~rpadtw;n MouiWtaillt; fCIl'tcY;iDg' 'lh~ mmltse ·,O;f· :riV'eD the,r 'knew well. Th~:

Ser'L_j 'Wi!iiii\\6 ~~,t· .·Sifi~~]ed bv' ~H:' eii"oa. ,~'lbiiS oil.... ·tJIi.~,IIb~: 4;'ifrdi'i'!i"l~ "",:l.. '!T'1.'~snl]O'ii'iiI!Aoi'!i; 1111' 'i'T'"'b.'Ii!irii"~ _____ La e- e- ~~' ,W:~., ~~!I!. __ '._ _ J.j I'~ ~li ~_!l'~. ~ ~~I~ ~II~~~,~ YI I, II~-~_-R! .. ~~I;'Iir.Q~1! ", ll;IIl~~,~,

tbte'f :S:~M ttl ha,ve' ,~O'l1inded .8) e"o~OJl,J' ,,,!t' Sel;b~te~ :l'n C:ree~·" a;t dlH2'. foot of ,U'DlBlt Olympus,. -It: ,is ,dimc~]A' 'bJ ;~magj;M bow they' lootdd tra,~ened t~b!fo'Up the ceBter ,M J\'V,Blf' te'mw,ry" Co~s~anURe·ts B.eCount: o[ dl.~: l'~bei'a' of·lUy:dmm. .f~",Pl. n~e A,\ra;rs :~:,. frr:Gm the miUlt8r:r iSJtandlpo,ln,t;jl pedecUy ~OUJ!rnd; and l'ngk;Ll-

·It··~~lns.-,t;hiait the Cr-09Jt~ Who, ·migrll,t.@d flO th~. South o~ the! of

H-:· .·bir:""",,1,1'~;·f~\ 'iI.~, ith· ,i!ii .~,...'L~c !!il~b.~ ",:''1. -i!"£I~P ~iil'i;~iI1"]""d .~;n, w",!,eiIT'",-m- ;i"""I, .. ',;..,..;,.,.. ·iji,ft .. ~ft;.1

"".I!I.YI ..... u~~~~.... .' }Il;ji Y:J;!UC!;!!_,Ln~I!u",,,,,~,.,;: ~I!OI!I., !!;,i" .• !!!JI ._, """Qi~ " "".ailil.'!'."I;a.! '&'U'!I.U,"U

C'ra~w ,Bind: th~ lllpper: V:ishda~ ~ome' Sl~ys\~ s.UU 'bearin"g ~'ffile:lr 'HSimB',! ma,y ha'lll''@' :stB,yed .m, ·~:h.~ir o]d bp;ttl.e ,a)ud .S'eenl t:o '00 men't~~!I'Iled. :tl!lJ the fOtf~du..UOD e'hB;rtef of ·the b&:hopdc iM .. Pra.,gue in dUll: 'b~nth. ~'tur:y. Tb~' ICJ!,O'8,J~: 'M Bo.h:~ia a'nd.,of.' ea:51te'ro. 'Ga.l1c~a did DiOt· (0'11 ow' ,th~t confr.4r~ ~I thlt': V:istu.1a, 'Mca.ld'e th8'll IBiire m8ntionea in Id-~~,"m6nrlli<,;, ,i"iII~' ;Ii.'b. a : 1o.iI!i;ii'Ii~t., :,'--;I;,.~'~. _, ~:_ ,.,tJ.. ,

_. _ . l" - . ~ - -. ~ '>,;!! .... 'I!,il!_ - - ~"Y 1131. !ll,I!ili!lll!l'LU il!!@llLury :hI t;flrl:

:wundatlioll, ie'ha:rt~I"' nt~nUoned a oo'\I@ ,ai:n~, 'in th,e .ft,~n PN~'Y" C,"11~ime,I'r. ~t\3n'Une :p!o.rp,h:YfOgen~elrus. sa,)~ thillJlt: ~h@' 18.'lIDoos:t<l[· of' '~he. p'ri~ce' 'I)f' tbe Zlcb~u~i'ans, carne 001 the' SGut:h dUrlril ·tht C~a,t'j. "&om t:1l.e· 'riv'4t Vlsw]a,. 111is seems ·~o indi.c8:te 'awai some o~'~,eF S':"l,~Vl;~ 't~t.~·~ h,' d .~-:-~.ft(:".11 the

"". ,_ ._. _. .... _ 1~.I_!i .iii ....... " '!!.!!IL~ ilL ,l!Oil,~!~ . ne

CtEul,m OH 1'~€,Lr 'WiI'Y' towards t'h@, south,. Ths imJ,:pe'l'ifji'~ 'wn!'{;n:' preseirruts the

w~n"" In a B\!zan.Hfli!e· WiI!..., ~~tr.eS.linP IIoh· "·!'i't·. th - "-'~!iT"';; ;I;~~'V,a: f·:, - JIi,'Il,..,;, '-··'ft ••.. I~

- ,,-" __ I!l;f;!i. _ _.!' _ __ _._ !P.;l ~ "'- - - - - - 'Ci' ""R. .. ~ e WhJiiillilLI. ~ "",. ,'Or UJ~ D:I.I.~ 8'I1.]OH

'CJJme from the ICm-ats W:hiO 'h:8ld :s~li.citoo .... L e F!m.f"IP.'~ii¥'!'i;i!, -~'- ..... j.,"'~:." '; !T!b "-

__ - _. _. - - _, I~ -- ... - - - - - _U~ _ ~_ _ r ~!J.Y'~ rOI! p;rU")rJ;l~'U}QU, .II, ,11H113

p~Ujtil:UfiH, of ·tbJ~ £,e .... ::l;s. ,~~Sl te·ndenHQu~t 'haYin:~ tn'e ahw oJ .:stre~gthenrIlS Bpa~tme' clad:n. D\:'ef d\iC' teulbny'oc:wp[edj by th.e C'm:~lts' and, tlu~ ,S,e;rm,.

'I 'The :revD:lt ,o:f G:ree·k prisoners'l~ed by ~'m,.e ,A.van; in tihi€ shi:p fQf .!Iand. bel'we~n ,th@ :D~l'flU'be ..• ltd tlu!: riv,en S9.\!3 and :Dra'~., rn,e:lli~io:ned, m' tn,e ,M~kI af' .St·, Demetriw~ .~ee.s· ·,to ]utv@ ·bettn. ,'ed. ~1)tb d1,6 yj,C'" 'lorim.iS ~.dv,pce' of ~h~' Croats ~,owHds the Sa,~a, rl~el,

Ong I nel no IT!


Em,peror natnrally still claimed to be the 1)V'er:iord. of this 't'eHil, ... , tory and, aJooo:rding: t,C) Con stantine: P.arph,yrogeDuews, ask,ed the

Pope 'He ·I,"I;'D. ·n'r·~;'I.'~'1'! t',\i"i;; send 'm';~Ii.'!'l~;n-1i'[i;~'ii'l·\iii'i'~ ,,. ..... ;Io,L,;O ·C::'~'Otil'."" a- T1;dl Car'-b, ~ e'l!l',;]-

~_ 'IiJ' .,,",::~ , ...... ~:~ 'Y< '~.'YI:<J . III a'l/;,i<· '" ,Ii.:::!iill!l UI,U;U'· ~~ IJ!LJlI 1Il.,IU..... .'_ J:,U,'!!,o '; ~~.Ji ... ~, 01 ...... , .1_~,:!!, :;.,T',,!!!,

de ',iI:~,. ,~. .. ~ ,"" . - R:" . ,... "'. - _!\-,~.!' . t ,'!' -. ~ - , .... , .... ~. -;Ii; '111' , ,.,.

,.~nuy ,rec.ogJuzIDg . ()ml1J:D Jt1rl~lC 'fC10 over sue'lent; '~,' :~yrl'CIQIl1~

The Slovenes of: Carinthia were: also set free 'b)l 'tIl,e. Croa;,b:t

l.··, cd' ,t:h', . .. . :". ·d: , ..... ~ , . : ~'t.."'t, .. 1,.... , 1 'I'i.'illi ' 1,;0;0'"" . -f~ ,iI,]it" A" .. ,; " froi -'

an- . ere are me icanoas ma _, me e .... 'CUCii1l0n, 0:, u~e ~,\ a:r:s . rom

C· -,.' t~'hi. ,._ h~' 'd': 1 bv Lib. . f,-'D' -, -_.. 'f- v ~ ........ - . -,it'

ar.Ul. . sa was ac seve '.' I, 1 :.1:)" tne O. owen 0: "'Of-e~ues, -one VI

the! men 'who" aeeordmg to the' :im,pe::dal Miter·, had lea, 'tn,6'

C··:· ·c.-,.i. .. ·;· .. ··t '. 'D,,<lI,-,,~ ~ 1. Ir .. 'I!:.:,- M'" Jd d'~"! . A,'· '" ,:a.'IL .. ' .• ' ,II;, ,11: t' .'

.roats II}! JO .,:tI:.IIma.u,a;", ,n Il.Ji,le,· l'" .re ":ge.5, tne existence o~ rree

neu'ant ,f:'am11i~s !caUed, KManz'. (~f Ed,olin:ue (~;aris;~ocr,ats )'. CIJl be'

c·-= I~: I " .

....... aced ~"n'" '~m" ','.,~,tji: .~, p" art - ' .. E. .iI,iI,.. ~ 1:' '·,C.,·:-; ,~.,~ Th' ,- . '~'I.'.' " ..... t..,., 'b\·:11 "" 'f:'" i' ... ~..:l

U U!!i.,ie,. ,];.1. "," G.I!.Ly " , •. ,LSi Ol[' mat mUI},~~ .1' ;. ... ~, ·ey FlouR, .. .Iy ,! ORil'1;;U,

nn,'I'g-,c'I':n,n 1111vOOi'-n~' n"'i':~"'''''''if!.'pQt~'c·_' r!!~''''''''Cl' ·d·' erivin "pi iit~;,;t, ~i'D'l·"n from the libera

• Y'. ,'. uH,U:I' ~'., p.JI,.JII~LI!;,I~.."u. I.' :., !lL.iQ:I,.;;!!,;'Ij ."""' •.... 11-'-6 1L~ V~,'l!Io -.iI, .1. . ... ~_ lUll·' . I_.~~-·

to.'51 'yibO seH·led. ,amano' the S~, as: their :new masters.

. =1



The liberation, of the :r~st' ,of' the Slavs from the ,A,vs'rs was

HC· "b~~!u,od: 'b .. iJ" ,a.1!..':Oi '8',"1:"11 'g,O]jI~ Qif1i'~ ·t' he 'It:'h'!'Iil''7.!!iI'ii''\t'!'. ~.t:i, .B.· )'11 1'a:ar~,j?!'~ 'w, :·h,··,ii'fii

!II.. .II~~,,~. . ,I 'UJ,~ I 'Y .: ~!IIIf!il! MY]U ,~I. I "~y._I.~,_ lJi,lJIJ~ "'",IO''!'""''" _ ~~ [U

'I1'n~I,~_d' nort 'h' .ryIrl; t :h,'A 1i.nfW~~~ D·.· .. an -:. be, 'W.' ere ',tn,-t-" nat .i::i ~n eseanm g' ~ a~!J"I!J,. ,..,. "u.. !lUI "~ ,l~ .. 'V:r A, u ..... ~. .. i!;;. ....... lu.lI"!"U, "'" _........ "'"'~'''-l-:'~.''

A.var domi·rJ.:aUnn when th~:i~r' ch.ieffidn :Kovr.a,t: drove the A vars a'way in ,3, northeasterly direction between the }I'ears 635, and 841 ~ It seems 't'hat this €:tlfo(frea 'w'i"tbdrawa]. ,of' a race whf'ch 'had.

h":IL~~"""\ii'!'i;, ~~''fI'Iii,~~,,,,1i p.:':ot',al,;At-,l~'ii'"'~']·I)'···.·· ,;DNJ!'£I;f. ~y'" ·th- :j~n.g~ he£o.n~: .i:'" W'~~ In I,Stct th : a

Ul]~i1. 'v !Iioo~_ill ,I~ [,I;'~!I;;; ..... g" Y:"''!;.<' ,~_ __~. _ ~,_ _ _ II!. ,~~ ~ ~ _ ~ .....

, " ",: " ,"

be,g:in.nt:og ,of: die end [of ,Avar dOlTlillat&olD over. the south, of:

nndem R,':'iI'iI~'''''~ia' ~ '\'V.~ have no evidence of: Avar a: :n~'ii'fUl"tio',n i"\'v~e:r

fill;) vI" . uaa~ ~ ',!!O;i- _ '\;0 __ ~ _u~ !Il,,> _ ~ _ ~__ ~""~:!I,~ ~ __ V __ ~

these 'r~,gions !(iu'ring ,the, se!il'enfb a:nd 'ci',g'!hth. centurfes. Their d,om,inant :poSli'tion was :probably d,estroy,edl 'by a, :re.vott of' the S:~la,vic: tr,Ebes: settled 'th.ere" who w'ere aided by 'the: Khazprs, a new'

'~~n.sta:nth:u~ ll:.lmeS .G,ve' 'ur,others.~, 'Kltl,ka;s\~ La l)e'~os~ K,OE~r2;f',S'! 'M:uc'h ~o~.

CIlmbatos - a,nd tiN,1) sis~e'.rs '= Tuga :!lnd .B,:ug'~,;;= as ,the leadtJil'S. of ,~

·Cro3~S whobad 1:en. \VhU:e Croa:ti3,. "The 'Il.m~'5. :may '~l~o, d~s~~a,t~' ;diJf·@~GID.t 'tr~bts., ,~\~i~Jl.f sc'ffiulI]ats tldllk: tha.~: .Komn-t~ :is, I JC~l~1i11[:.aTIi~ :nanu;~", .:Il this 'ko 00\, it \\!,Qulk], 'd..ow tlull one ICoth~c tri:be "billa i:o,:Lneil. the Cro:a.ts when, they fl·ed, '~~Oir,'@ th~ Ilt~!rd~~ o:ncs;ru~~sllt.

_~I ,n: is_ :I!lol: ~~~lrpri~ffi~: tha~. ~t:h.ifJ Eltlper,OI' :n:e:rad.b,l~:~, 'l,ih.Q w~s IOQ1dn]g '~'Very'" 'yihe:re: .for' a]]j~ ~pmst '~~ Av.,arSl' 'm~'~~~med .Mend.'~1 m];a:tio..ll~:" with die

,Kh.agll'll, X-O'vfld',.

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

!!'I'i"1Uj'E'! ~YDil!t'T'!! ii:H':L 'Il:"i\l!"'l iO-T- ,""]fE'S

1i.IL(~iLEii!, ~£Ii~~ lliJ.~'W·,~"--' ~I, ·,A .. ,.__::__:____l

.t!I1~ otl'

'Turkiic race, a'kin to the :BU];glfS, 'wiu] :foDow'oo ,j'n the foo'bt~ps of the ,A,V~IS,;

The! Kha~u$~ 'who 'thus, eJme.I',ge' on, 'IDe .s;oe'lle in 5 o uthea stem, Ew-ope:)l)ha-d 'fom,ed), with other TurkiQ ha~deS,i an lmmease T'mlnc emphc €T(b:~Dl~UDg' in the sixth gem'tury , th,e ,s,teppes, 'of' C,en'tral Asia. 'to the boundJaries, of IClDma. After the dism.emb:er--, meo,t -of 'thh;: emFJn,~~lb.e Khazars :FoUo\Ved, 'the Awrs: along 'the ,bisto['ic 'way trodden by r.JM the nomadic invade'r-:s: of' 'the 'W'esit., They- -first ,~ta,bUs\11ed, ibeir center at: ,BalandJar in 'the Ca,uca;su;s: 're,gion, bJ' the north '101.' 'the ,f.amOItlS, ,P'b~· 01' Derbent, From theJ"e:; in, 'tb.c' years 683 and 600* ithek khag,£Uls stllbjIUP.,te(I, Geor.Kia~, Ql:u.oosiaiJ Albania. and ,Annema~, and the oona:p~,ei of d:u~~ red 0'£ the: A,var POW'faf.' between 'the' Oupa:thl:a:n, :MorUhtains and the_ ,Se~, of Azov must :p-ro'~ably be So'scribed to "tbfdr :In;terlebtioll,.

Tbe' empire ,0£' 'dl,e Khaaars was in, 'DO w,ay ep:~em,eral~ and aft'er' 720 'they transferred 'their poo'ti,cal center' 'to ['tn, on U1B' Cllspian Sea, near the, V'ol,ga d:e1ta" Th,ey bad, allrea.dy 'exmnd,ed. their domiI1~fion, as far as the' CrUn:eavj where' ·their' lands: bordered ..

-- h- . £: heB _~ '. dl: "d-

on t __ e remnants 01\' t-_ e - -_yzantln.e- :pns;se,S's~omsji ,am. -., ,10.);' a eonsic e_f:",

ill,blc' period !ev-e-D. ,Ki,ev' was under Khazu' dominatiou., The Sla,vie: b:'.ioos which, ."o.Qlxedl the nucleus ~of the ,A'nth ,conf:edera,tio,n, had to a,walt 'the arriv;a] of the! SIC3[.fldinavian, Russians: 'before ,tiler were f.'rreed. f.rom 'the, ,iK.hazar,s: and, were ,able to :£onu the £ir,8;t exteDs:hrc' ,8 us siam, Stare,.

T.b,e, Khazm-s: were, also partially rcsp(lnrible foJ' 'tb,e a'-rriv~, of the: B,'ml,grn~,s: :in" :m,odem, Bulgaria,; f:or" in o~,d,er t:t)i !ew,de, 'their ,pl'es~1lF,e, Aspanu~h, (Ispedkh),~ son ,of 'the' ,Khag,an, ,KQvrl'~'~ :mov,ed 'weshvards' :flam the C:a,U,!casuJ ';lreg~on in, Bessara'bil and later turned toward;s the SOig,tb: an,d ,a,p.peo:red, Oi.l1l the Danube aJlou.t the year' 879~ Firightmlled by the ,a,pipr.oac-n of yet: another barbaJriao 'moo: whi,c'h threatened "vital p:r:ovinc€!s of the ByzantUne Empire'~1 the B'Dlperor Constantine ]V (OOS=68S) sent an. 'a.nny il"gaiIlS;t- the Bu'lga:rs B'ul: Aspamc'h":s forces evaded a denis:ive 'kul'tne: by tak .. ingto '~e~arsbes 'Of the Danube delta, ''I'h~~,uter oegtJtj.. ,.'tin:S' the croo~in:lg: t)f tile rj,V'er~ be: was :aJile to' march a,g~]jnst Vamai

Ong 11'1EJ:1 no IT!


,H,e wa~ welcomed 'by some 'S1~vic 'tr,ibes w:ldch d,w'elt In 'these, .r,e;gif}m;~ 'B~lZtUl tine sources m,en'ti,Ol1: es,pecial~f the Srev,c;qa:oe. Other 'hi,has 'were ~o,roed to s'Ubml',t: ,and tOI :pay -tribute'oil 1" any ease, in, tbn~,~ a kmd of mlderst:md:~mg ,f,oUowed 'oohVeen, 'the: BuT~ ,g,ars ana, the ,Sbllvi,c~ tnbes on tbe~ right bank of the D:a;nu,be',., Th,e ,Hulgan;; under ,As,pan),ch 'were 'Dot :n.u:me:rOllJli, but 'they ,fanned. a ·w,e'~o~gar.dzed stfB'ndin,g; anny and a" sense '01 disci,plille,

, ,L~'cb 't- he 'S'II ,. 11· _l~~ . ..J Th' .-, _,~,_J', .. I.. ''6. ~- 1i.._.-. - ..:. A'-' ~ ... "-h- ,-- ,_

WU,1'.~_ _ I I e - JJlt VS .ItU:;~~ I :" U5, WJ:UJl, _us l1U1,Qr5 ,,:spa1\lV ';, W31I,

nut ·',Ak·:i,v ,g,~,:~.@ ~ 'f:-o.··'tI'iI"iI'Ii' the IB·.m··· .. brvo •. O,-if' ~ -.t'i;lj"d:- 'p:~'-o:··lr~tI:~t~I-' ~ g' - ~~,~"i!!:ll',;'!i;"''";t'I;il1-'

"'J, - -""" ,Ji,1 ~ tU~ I!i.U ,,&.11.11.11 . ~ . . '--, '- ,[ "" 8'1lJ1\b , i c' u'Ll,...,R _' uI .a:nI~'I._.'!L,I! ,

among 'the ,Slav,s and in this w,ay the 'f.ouD,ds;tiJon;s: 01' £'~tur,e :Bul.gada, were laid,

The· on'ly pO'\\'rer 'which could oppns~ the ·i,·o:n:tla'ti:OD of: tbe first new empire in, the' Balkans 'was ,Byzantium,., U':nlortuna.t;ely~, at' the 'ti:me 'when Aspuucb was diS\cipllimns' and, ~)fganhz;ing: 'the, ,Slavs~ :S,ymJlfium was g',olll.,g: thmu,g'b ,9, period of ,gr,ave in't8m,td, bou'ble~. Thus it' na:plleneO 1ibat TeJ-beI ( Tervel ,) , Aspa.ruC'h~ s successor (701~ 718) " was even g.iven 'the opportu'ni'ty 01' ,inter'" v-ening in the ,in.te!mal ,aHa.i'rs; of the :Byza.ntiin;e~ :!E,ml:pirc'. The :he')p! which he ,gave' tn the 'E',m'ptflO;r Justinia'n 11 (I~~. i7~7',I:m:) m his cam p'a i,go, 'to' :fega\1n hb, "thmlDe was reward,ed by 'the con ... , ,c\O - - - ent .t'"ioD T-~- -b~11 0''1:: the t .. , ... 'II'B o· t: '0" 'g,.BIi:!,!]I' - and LV t-'IL. Ai, eesslon ",ii"iio I~nn,: 111.11''':;' i(i" .. v,f I:~' or ',. e ', .,'1 "- A~.r .' ... '-. OJ ',n~ ~~~i<II\iL I ' ,"U

,him 'O_If a pr,O'V]DCe called by 'the Slavs Za.,go,rj'e (:OeY!o'Dd tbe~ M~ou'n:taJn!i )., Thisl pertod of' weakness in, Bymn:timm, enabled the' Bulgar.s to s;trengt.h.,en 'their' plsii:tiO'Jl and u~t.ima!b~jly to survlve the dili(!ult, years which fGU~wed"

After the (;xtincb,on ,of 'the, ,As~paruch dyn.asty~, the- beyars

,~;,-ih",~,""'I'i: . .:.. '.-,'~'\t)II- :1i"'.i:i!!d"', ,i\t'i, moi,; I n~,~'~@, th-.:· ,~:i'II',' in ,IiaIU' enee ,1J'in:' p.ll'Iii,b'~'~',,,,,," ,""~i\'!Ii'1l.'I"\~-

na,:I"UiJ!.itUY Wul",K,... I!i.IV _ ""':I.~~~"'" 'IiO"U, ~I,~U ~~" ..... ~ ,,~,iL~.... ~@_,!I,~ ..

tWOI part:iBSw,ere 'Iorm,~d, in Bulg:a-rj'a; the one P'lo",",Gfeek, and. anxious 'to ,remain. on. ,gpod: 'terms 'wi't'h, :J3yzan.tium, 'by tol,er.ating~ ,ii,.", [frii"jiiW:-' i,D,g! ';n:(i,- tence m oII"h,: oiD~"" ;n;'W. I n c O.:i'lrii,bv·' th~ .ntnef' 'na:Uo- 'Il'''' I

lI,lII.~ ,e,-' v ' ,II e .II., nU~ V!IWl !J. ~u '!OJ . ~ __ ,/,~ _~.~ ...... _ __ " _ _ _ __ill

and ad'v{'Jca;tin,lthe nec-essity of Opp05i'n.,g: Byzantimn ,in" al1,ma,tters. The na;Uai1udi'sts' 'wo;n the day, tow'a'rds' the en,d ,of Khagan,

l'It 'was, ,B,ener,al1~ ~~l'e~ed, that '~e, Bu]gra:n1 ,oonc'ludoo', ,~. pact 'w1itfIM thlB S:~~nts, JQ"f ,t'OMmQn dt:feme 'agJin;u: the B:YD;nti'oes., This does; :r.iot, leet:n Ij,uf-,

:GcientJ;y 'wD;tt;Bllte<'L. :I,t ap,pe1U'1 (hIt the' B'J .. dla~ had to f.@(l''Ci;!' so~e of ,the,' .sb.v.~c tri:bes 't{J i~Jjbm~t; to, theirr nde.. G£ i, I:. ,DuJce--!~/ s s.'mdy t OliPtotnbu]g~~

et 's,]a,vesj'" Sel1dMfh~m l(Q,nd6l'o~n~'u'rD X: (l95B')~, :PP'm 145--l54~ -

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

~. l;H

'V' - -, -.~, . :b'~, '---- ~-- ' 11""3-:0 "'1~'nl) ~,-,"". , "'1'-''''''-:,' - '. .- .-,,", c .• -·-:·'>i '-:- --~:t'h" ]D, ,':'-

,a.OImESUc__ I:S f'~I"gn, \,' ,,~,,~, '. Ji neir VllhO:ry m.,eaQ.~, war WI· '_, ,uy-

zaD,tbnfl~ThltS in, '755" the ,gT-e:at and gJoriQu;s :E'm:per,or Constat)Jtin,lc V (741-775) began, a series of successful (;ampailgDs in

B·,~''t - .. A- ",.l! '. f- l··b - ,£ 11 d ", , - 'i"'.~..:1 ",wp,a;r]]a~ ,c:_ ra n,' ']jo, ,SUCC6SS:!(l1l 10: xn a,~'ru Jl.i(l_!towe_c~ some :msta!Uttu

OJ lr 1!tJ1~'~

b, II<h" , ;' iL -. :' .. I "D ... , - ..... ~; ... il',h···· ·;tb· b' .," .. - ,'11- .--- .- .. t-

y I .. te V!C!l.unou~ ,Dymn!l.lne!, (: e. '0 .. ners .' eJllg ,r-e,pJJacemeus

b· II"'O·'I'lg'h·,t ,;g"1i..-O-!l11it 'b-~ y th' 1_. lIDo constan ,t, 'iI!'D'I!",n:'IIt\~ ~~ .,'Ii,. a 'I"Ill'il'~'iI'~n,n g.'II~~i'!,t11'

" !i ..... " ~-,~.~ -, g.ll}. .... J~,'~. _'/" ", Y. ~v~~~ '@!~~_'J i&~YV~.JJ,:~ VI '~~ll<~ llli.!g,t~1IY.~&!~ll~I.~'i!

," '_- ....

,A.tJast ,th~c' :Kha,g;a'D T,e,],erig: (' 169lj~'177) was able 'to a'rres,t: 'the!

B', +. - m" - ri,- thre - - - ell - 'h") '-, - '00- Ii' '.-

, , . I ~. r' .. _ I . I ' . ", _ . • I , . _ '. • _ . , . . _ .' '.', I '. .. _ c _. I . ,-' _ J _ • [ I

.. yzmttme, po: _' JUst as ,It t,dlltenc: to annrm ate t .... 'rst De'N

'. ~'&,I.. B--' Ik O' .- - ri V'" d·' d d ., h·' '" -hi

CJnp:~le' In LUC , 'a'· . ans, . ..•. ]],nstantnlIB v .' ·ite-· I: .':u:rl:ng n is ntnt I" eam-

',. '", -, I I !J!!!f!I"1~:), '" d t..,-" d' - .~t., .' ··d'il B--' '.-- ·':t'"· '.' ,~" it· -',' ·,t"'·.." I ,~ •.

p,aJ~~ ~,' H.;J';j' an, 1l .. IIS '. earn ene i€'uymn -lD,e ]:0 ,e:rve:D,]Jon ,10

:Sulg,a,riraD as'idr,r;: for ,som,a 'tfm,e'~ The ,Kh8:ga:n )[arda:m, ( 111P'-- 803) ,a,t' Iir,s,t concluded ;9;0, arm'i:dioe 'wi:th the ,B:mpue and then in

,""n~ '~n' ,OI~I~·"':..:J ,di, terr -~'b"',.:'.1\ Id·· ~.f~""'t--' .nft t, "h: rB B-:I_yza'.~- ",.' ': ;n ... ~-nl.:i!;i.'!i

ii IflIM ,II. Jlrlill;;l"~ Pi, 'L. . ,,111~ .. ~Jl~A U,ill.Il, ',., I,~ '. - _. liLllrwiilll"


The Bu]g~:rs were, thus :irmly l~st'9,blis~bed in t;he land, 'which

still bears their ml:me· a:nd '0,01 otbe'r ,ll<)rw,er' CO!'lllid wipe' 'them, ,out~ The ~most tett.ible Inf. the 'pag;a:n Bulgar,ian k'bal.g'an~" K~ru.m, (,803--,

'~ . -' ' .. _

) - d ed h f -- d d

. .... . . _. .' .1. _. : _ '_ . .". ." . - '_. ~ ._. . _l. . __ . _ _ t,,'" . _ _ . . . . _ •

814 " ,mn~o,b"a;~", -" t" e g,a:ms' or .hIS pre'. eeessor, To :P1Jl,!' sn ell·,_

11>, ,1I,'iI"., :·'--("-rf-'" '-'-. '" .' " 1 " f t,1-, L .... ,-,":c--- h 1 '.' ,··t· 1,..'1"' ·:'h" "d-' th 'h' "-·'d'::·'

I!.iO time ~nL':e ,eren,ce Ill). ,U.e, DOyen" "e, re..,es a,~, u;:. , ,16, _. ' __ ' e '; .ere· 1,3

";"i'.~' suecess I' -- tn 'iI.~, A 'BI,-u~ a~'r-~',g'n' th '.0" 'noO"ti 'Cio'ili':II..1I' l;"ii'Iii'~""~"'u:t 'n~~IIi' leeis-

lliJiIiI.~ .1.1 I~.-· .~.~.;]!.. 1 U\I.[I JV UlJ~, , ,I, - '~'~~~ .~~. I" .1..'.' IJ.~ gil~I'U : .I..II_;iJ!'L!I.I/·· I, 't:tJI, ~-'¥¥ . ~~ ·iiJr-'

1;~' - .. -".1!.. iLL·· - Ii- d- ,.11-" "'~. .. _'Ii . .- .'~ ~' - 'N ··t- . 11,

lau,OD ·W:hJ,. me mO-fh: I •. rasnc sancnons an~, pena mes, ,J[., .. Or i, OllJ:)'

W--"':';II.'" 'l..D ab·'ll .... '1'0' '.'a,'l1~ adva fI"i;llI-ofIIlge-,1: ~1!...'e d l"~;Ci'1i'l,nn;oIi"r·'Ci;~"".:i' o'-'f- ·t-'~rCio' A- ·v·,g.r

a~ ,I;JL~ A ,1'~ Il .. ·· .. II} _.~~,,~ : -y, r, ·~IjJj[L!Qilbl-:.r.- Ul tJ,I. ." a~"rr~~ Ja~iII,~,") ·llw. 'J '. Ai I

em:pite, and threaten the 've'ryt e;.(is!teru:~e' of B:ym'nti:urll~ but, 'be: was '8']510 able 'to ~t.op the advsnce into 't'be~ Balkans of a n~w and, jjn,.""

''f\--I,- ,II- f>i"--- ,', 'E-' ,-' .... ,', .. ,.,liJ;" ,'j" th - 'F-',e' ,,- ~- .

,rO'. ,.3. nr a,c.,!.,or ,ID 'nro.'p€9l,n, luall,S,'~ . ie ",ranK-iS,.

The Frankish 'K.'ID.gdlom w,ade imm,e.nse' ,pT.ogres~ s:frt,e:F' th,e DieOOSS~O:D, [Qf Clo'vjs 'to the throne, and h'b;. ,conv,er,s,i,on to C:hristtani,ty ~n, ,496, :grea-rly :f91:cilitarted the ,COD (dh:is m'le S:D}(3. the iO.f d:U3' conque:rors, 'wi:'th. the ancient GaUo .. ,RO'man, '~pula'tJon., Ch)-v',i~, 'DOlt: ,O' erased the remnants 10'1 t,h.e Boman ,E'In,pfte ,in. IGaull?'1Jt also destroyed the power of the V':i'~igol'h~ 'and, df'ss.;I:", psted forever 'th,eir' dream nf. a. Vi's[gothi,c: mn'pire e":len,diD,g' :f.r(~:m ,Bel,gimn to Gibraltar ~ :fl]s ,IODS 'Cl,otbar and Cbilde'bertrf af:'te:r looruJ,ue'r,In,ll Burgnndy in 53~~ attacked GeDI:Ul.ny' :prope,r,

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

''I:'' j;_'gT' -;y-:' lOT • "I:RJ"!i' ~1!'1'if ''f'!'7A-' '1II"II"ON' ,~!:~ ~,~"",~ ~,,",-,-~~-·i.IL:)···,

'whi~h, :m, 'ih,e ,ibdh ooD,mry was seri,oltJs],y emha .. rrassed by ''tIle ad'".a.'l·U2~g Sl:l'vs who bad pushed far to the, west 'bey'~md. the :Elbre

an' .~ ~'t..D, B: 'n.t..~ifiII!ooIWi"il'ild:'

, .U![Jl,b::ii _c: 'Ii.;I".UllJI"""~tIr·~~ I .~

In, ad d····.l~'o·'·'n '''jf'i ,~t...;i!!II' '~"';~Im,,' :'a;:'~'W: w: . :~,'I!...... 'b' ad been su '-b"~rIiIi<i!"Y"Dd" tif'i, '~!L@.,

_ g.. _ _ u _ lu 'Ul~ i1J/Al _ ~1..~IlJl_Il~, ._ ... "I~u _.0 . ~·~:LI,.:II! _ . J,L~'~,U _' . U iU_l~

F,'r,Q:nl,:s fj"ln.ce ·496~, the,ns~ An,:g'~,e;s~, Saxiolls, F'rbll;3:DS ,mnd Ba,v!a,rlan~ had. 'to ',3!icknow led,ge F:ra:nkil:h, 8U1ptema,cy,. It: seems

~t'ha:t' ev' II ~'L .... 'T' ...... ·1.,..1"'. 'd' , wh .. ,."" p,:.,.: ;, .. : ... --.,.', .. h ad 'iI.-,., ,''C'- -,",&' F-~'- .. 1, •. _""_.".:: .,,"~" e- U,J;e LN.mL!af.~" w en m an.IIl.onI9:11"'"~ IL'O I:tOOOJ;hL .~.' ran.t'l;,"""

jl!l!'h., o verlords L :~n 'U'~fr:11 ,~':fl~(J 'E·",. !'-D'I' coura O'"ei;d .. ~ ''L.,-y:~ '3..''"]'11 ,~"l::.. 65~ no, successes the ~<i;!I .'''P;''lj; _'VI .-u!jl,I_,,[" . "II.IUJ, ~,. ., 1!;.o"I"Lj~/fte~U~, . Ji, I(U~,_"'!i;O ,"'" u ......... .;!!!l:!<~.;;r., .. _,_.iI;,;.'

Franks began, to cner.:is'h ideas 0" .pusnin,g be:youd ,the A'lpsinhto Im,IYJI but the, rea'iZa,tioD of: 't}lj$ ,a'[lean), waSi ,fmsk~;t,ed, .H.rst. by t:he Byza'D:ti~llesJ under JUStin.lan, .1 and :th,en ~, the Lombards, 'who, moved. ISI!)!llthward~ and £o1LllDd,ed 'their own ]ItJngda·m. on ,the banks of the River' Pb .. ,

The decline, 0·£ the· Men)v.ingla:Q power 'which foF1uw,ed. th,e grea,t SU:C'C~SlSes: of the dynasty checked any :~' FrankiS'b advenmres ffir. I, Q11!oslid,e'l'able t,ime:~ 'Da,gptiert bei:ng: the: last ,peat :n:de,r' 10f' tDis d.;yn a s:ty ~ The ,A,v,a-r,S) wef~ now ,a'b[e to consolidate their power :iu, Central ,Europe" ·Th.e 'W~U',S oj tbe' :F':rafolt:s VIi'th file Lom bards and a 'va:d:ety' of difficulties ensuing 01), ,tbe: o'V'erih:row of the 'Me,rovin,gian. dY11as;ty by P,e'pl.m, ('752:) J founder of the Cam,)ingia'D house, gave' the A'va.'rs a further 'bre:,Jthin.,g spa!ce~ but 'their f:ate was: a·F~eady' sealed,

Charlema,goe (111· ... ,En,4,) and h:j~s son Pepin d isposled, oftbe .A,vars f,otev,e;r~ After 5"ev,eml expeditions the ,Jas;t and d'~ieisive bltfw WI,S) dle'Uvered a"gafDst ttbem 'by P~p,in .bl '198., 'Their ,ch:ief'

f'·' ,"",.,.j.."£n nOl''''~_(D" ;m;1 ..... ~ ;o']i,iI.m;.l som ewh D,"'a, in ,trh';Q ~'n'lt£lill' ~o" r nf Hun 'li!T<lIifv 'W" . \If.l?1t1 iu\lIi, .. ,IllJJ~~,tJ~ It j ii]I JLll!le~~~U Iii'-"'" .l_:~ ¥'If. ... '-:'.I~I!Wi " .' I IlL I~ .!Il_ '~ e » I "," I [u_ ,:.__ _.,_ .. ~[~-:__ j' 1 _ ._. a~!.:I!

,stonn~d and, razed '~O the ground?, ,and an. the: Avar treasure, the loot of countless :piUa,g.j'ng expedi'fj:oml~ 'W Jdch had, boon lama~$~d there, was c,a'p"rul,ed by' the v':ctO'l'jou~ Franks, It 'wa~ 'com,p'lete' disaster "or the A',vars;, 'ThiEdE' broken, anntes :8.ed 'hl all dJlieeUon~~~ while remnaats of them professed ,thelr wiU~ngne's~ '00 em brace Christianity' ,and settle' where 'the '1rtcto:r would penn n ,them ~ Tbey

.~ ,-:" o=iI' -~ .. Ilott '" gd~! 'iJ.,':ir:-oi"'\t"i;(- -~~iil' [~n' . ,j.'!,i"'!jjIli'IIi'':'L~~ p.l. :3nn"D'h![, 'L_,·"t th,e::'1I" d',Ji!li·'t-

w~:r~ W u '"". lMJ~rr~"!IL!!:r..&~ ,"V'Ul.U,h.,~~,!!I'1!! _" .v"" l! Ui!jJI _ _ q . !!WIJ.'QQ,

'wa;~ so ,de{!is:ble' tba't tbey 'D.ever' rose 3Lgaiu., Th.ey have disap'peared OOIll,pl'eteJy Efllm 'hidQry and 'w'e' do Dot eV'fU know how

;I:,:l...., ·-,--"j~ii'n!"- '-"f ..:'lLA'n1'i!;' .-,- a~.i:Ii; ab sorbed bv nt'h""' 'lifiil"" 'p~np-II;'11"'J1,tiinn~ il,Uie ,femD~i~S1 11l_ m~~w~rd ~~' O1!;u.fot;:: • _" "J v.', _ ''''""'_: ":,,..,I,~ I~ _@I_~~' • .,j,.

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N



- '_',

The destruetion [of the: A,va;rSJ must :have mao'e: a, p- ~lofou,nd, ,Un, ...

. ,

P--D'-'i!!,~'#iti--:- n~, .:t..-.rn ('ii'I"""" 'W'C:::-:_ ,[!:_J' , ,- ,:[-- - -, to --'- '-'"'t .' - ,~t.,., R-"-· 'I' i' -,. -

, r~cS.:l,ilun vH UJl,~ [~, ~ V!i., __ , e ,gnU, a r-e(lcrenae' ~' .. _ 1- m U~e -' ,':u8~n

,Prbna'!I Ch,onic,le'~, which was 'wri'H,en in, ib, ,final fm'Ol about

1111 C---· ---- --- -- t" - _ - ·thL - - d- fA" - - _ - th" 'lm- - "cI

I '. . . • .• '. • .' • '.. '. t '. .. . . j ~,[ '. " '". ~ " • • • [ • • I - . -, .

. ,~ ""_C o-mm,eo~Jng on. ~ _ 6' e:o.,_ 0< I ,: ,var power :t __ ._-e c_ I -ODI, .. ,e,f

~r ~,lLo,'!', -. ----: i, ;i'G" .. = d- . .JI - ',-il- ... I' .... .l' ,LL - .--' Tl,." ' ·'11 .'. ". 'h-' - ~ . ..l -, d . t-' - -.'

!i:<XfCJl~Un!h -' Q _ u.eSu'O,f~ UI,~ i, ,J, ,u.e,)' ,aL _- ,per,IS, _Y'U anc DiO' , one,

AV,Qr .sucviv,ed,~ Theee is, to tn:i8 da,Y' ;3,. proverb ,in RuS' 'w'h.i:cb runs,

~ ... '\. ~ . - - ,; '-h-' ,~.:l l:;11-.,.. ,th-'- _-, A- "-" - i!! ·Ji!.'Il"',":L _- . . .. -'." - he '. - ~,f ,:i,L . .. - .

"Dey pe,ns.,~ UIle '_'_ e .' . vars", l;~1 e!~.,u,er ra'C8 EIlor, {nil Ul Ulem. re~

., ,!j!jo


Th· -.: a 'Ci":-IQv-·~';i"I;, 'trl'·1i...· .... C!' 'b- etweea :i,'iL,;O. Danube and ,LL'J!!Ii 'C:'i'lIi'i:lg ·If"I"-V.D'f"iIil'

'_" l ~ ,~~ ~"':,~~, .. ' __ - __ ,~i.1!1 :.~i""·I ... ~¥~~, UI[¥ '~'" '_:' : l> ~ ~ __ >' U~~· ~q"~'~. A-L..: _:~Ii!l~

we,e delighted tiD escape the Ava'f ,da.ngel' forever" They had. ,akea.dy devel,pped a kind of' poHtrcal,org,aniza;utl'rl. and 'W1e'f1C ruled 'by ,a. prin;oe nam,edVoj' who :joioed 'tile: p'ran.liS wilh.

,0''I'lI 'n'!II,~ v' 'b-, il)J' t '·W'· g,e:'! o,'IL'rI'!'g-,~d to '~Dol"i"'""an I·~'~I Fe ,gTn·I1I ... ~'it'!h- '!t'ln""\CI"'~';:P'nh;r' and

~U"JII; P"~J;~.I 'J. _: .. , . ~~l -,.lUlU: ... 1'I!r ' .. rY ~~~b~,~:_~!Ir;;I' ~!tfiJl.j~ __ l~-U!Y.~&~~t:tf~"~~J~~' g~ ... '-"

hi~~ t-en'i.tcul' was caUed, Panaonian Croati'a.; The 'Franks: also ex ... , t-ebded their s,way ever tD@l Slavs of anci,e:n.t :NO'!icum ....... , modern 'C'ariu,t'w:a, ,and, StyrJ'a. in thre A'Ips~

'Thus !Charlerna',gtt,e:J' wJ~o in '7:88 had rlestor-ed :FI;;:u:I];ds'h. ·su .. · even 'OVlef' :the' Bavarfan duke, W,DS co:mplete: master !of u. rmme.n,se "t,efti'to:rY' compI'J:sm"g 'the ,Alps: a·nd, the '\~i'bQile 01' 1]1," ci·m.t: Pannoma 'to the rivers Danube and Sava, The eosseeuenee

- . _..~

01' his, eonquests WaJ;S; disastrous ,for the. r-est of the :Byzautine :po~"

~ · 1- '" 'E ,11.. -- 'I.. = '-F- '11_: 'l. d B

S6SS),ODS, In Itrla,. = ven b:ii5, tem'tory neeame ,=,laD.ruSJ]Il, anc ,_"y'"

mn:tj'ttm ,could, 'pn;~iServ~ onl,Y Venice, which acquired ,a, v,ery :par..,tieulaf' q u~sl~,ind,epende'l.'t pusJti:on I' In 'this, 'wa,.,.' t'be 'found~;Uofts; were 'laid, for tho la:rer ~[ario(l)s ,and, as,~toDilShi'Dig rise of Ventee in the, Mid·dle· A.g'e·s"

All these' n,e\V'ly a.cquired. tmTit'orl~s were aIb'tted. t,n 'fbe ,,n 'March" It was th.!! tradition,al policy of Cha.'F.'lemagne to, lerect "marches", or . "marks" in. the conquered COUD'trJes: and to h'anHfor~ru them, into springboards for fmsh eonquests, The F~ri'U;"" )]an 1\.1: arab. was desi:gned to be a s'p earhead for the conques:t fiE the Btdk~lns, but· the :i1rst, att€mpt· to. suhjugal~ 'the [Crda'ts of' Dalm;a,~1ia. fa ned. ,9j,nd 'the 'M,81:rgr,a,v~ Ericb was killed w'hile b~sf.~~,iDg:

T' .. ~il. t-'h - ~ .. .3 "R' i,' k (: 'F'- ~ )

_',,-ma, ._,e~ m'ooem '.·IDe a·.·,.!' lru;m~ .. ' •

'~'a Fr -a-'1i~·!':"L. push '-t,nw· rards the Balkans and: the A-,d' 'ri:o't- i'n 'W' :.9,1i!:'!

~,,~lL~ .. , I ._·_.IW~JJI, :', ~ . iV' _ ·R· ;-Uil' :1:1 ," D",,"' -~g... ~ 1 __ = • ~ .", _,~ :' •.•.. ~ !~g, .. j~ _'. '!~i:II

a rurf!lct threat to the in.tBTes:ts, of Byza.ntllum, 'The sword had to

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

11!."" .t-BiIi' 'W' ,iii'..,',6, ~J'TC' ii!"'!n::irI' ~'''''TI' 'AU' ~,~ ~ g~'" & : IIIi.i~T··&~ .. 1 :u.~£:-

decide '~hi~L~t. the ... ,"II',~ ""~"!(5;1, nnw,B'~ "'''-'',8 - .,~ d "0". mr : m" ,Ii!ii.,ion 1"':~ ~"'~: - ~ _. - ¥ ~---~ 01;- _ ~ ,ilWU tljl~''''g, r-'·!I. ~a,1i} nruS III.).! _" _ ~~ i[U~

'---,-, ·,t ','7-' A' ''''-&,_1 - k· -. , , -. - 'i - - ... , .... , -'- - 'dl "-'--" . ,.1.:1,.., r'!. -",,., - ,Jr' -D" "'lm- ,- ,;,..:,:"

CQ'UH,fle8", c_, ,;",~a;C . 5 we,~~, NIl,e,we', Upon ILJUie LirGa ,,8 Or ,_. -·a ana

untU the Peace ,of K;~niglShofen settled -the dis,put,e" By its tem:1S

Ji.l:.. F-':-- ·'k- .d ,L!!! - ...... '" '1-' - .... ,.. - d' . ]. ~. - - _JI Ji.',L. . vh 'Ii . =1r. 'D='~~ ,....

UJi8 .1,. ran ts c e.u.n,hl,V'€Y :OOOOlVil!. S'I!,Ii,~_a ,anu 'UJ,e w: '. o,~,e Q.II '__ aimana

W>if.~ the exeep .tliO,~ Of\':f~ v· .JYi'ii~',~ and :th- n; c ""00:"",....,.,.·-1 ;o!"!I,~t'.I'·Ai'l' "o..Tii,dc; '~Jl'!i:!:'lil'lil-n. 'd- s,

_ __ "" '\;,;"'". __ 1 - - '!o.!IIlldl. !u,. ';;:IIU~ """'!II. , ,._ ~ !!;..u~"iiL __ , """.II, !w':,~ ~;, _ ~,_ ~_ .. ;;II~

A ,show" of ferce by the ByH;ntlln~! llll.'Vr in fll,e A,dr.ia,tie in 812

£'1Il'1 'ii ",~:iIoa .ll ·&:'L·e-·, O'HA<m" p,,_r.' "':'Ib.,i9; F- ,)- -8'D'1'~- - ... ,n ;i"i;'~'i!"ii ~!Fii\'fii th-·' -'e c-""·'i'~,-.f the

1!~"I"JI,~,~a! Ul}· lA.I':~':': .. '_::: .. 'LIl 101' m~ ,_,[;gl,'_KS Il~ ~~u.:lillil .-_~,' '~·I~lG~ OI ~~ '_.


~_~ .. !tl


Thus the F:r,~n'ks became 'mM,ters. o,f ;aU the t,err.i:'totm,es;· Of(!l!llp:~ed by tbe~ S;lov~n,es, H.nd. the C,roa:ts and \V'ere loo!kio,g fonvard, ·to co:n,queri:'l1.g, even ,me' :IOll,ds whete the Serbs ,and: oth,er SI,p.Vic tribes ba,d settled. But· them, the'iF pl00l8 'we~ up~et 'by the ,mst a'ttem,pt' bJ .£0'1111 ,R, 'Yugoslav' empire". This a·t:tempt was: made by ,LJudaviit'i prince of ,the, lPanrU.)D·ian Craa,uJ, wbo ro, 819 re,y.,o'llted, 2i,gaills,t 'the: Franks". At fi'f5t 'he :m,et' wi,th great success and W,BS able ,to :r,aU.y to 1m, sid,e the IS I ovenes: .from Carinthia and Styrla and ISIO'Dzojl ,and even the IS]avi,c:tr£be Oil tbe r,iver 'T:hnok in. the a'ncien~ 'B,(lnlan prorvw,ce; of M:-oesia 'jo(med him~' In, addiUon;~ Lju.d.o'vi:t f-~d. the Cra.ats of ,D,aJma.t]IQ 'to throw' 'in tht~iil' lot 'Yri.~th, ldm after he had def.eiated 'th.eJ:r p:r,iuoe" ~.oma" 'M'nreorve:r!;, the Byzllntil1,es etlcoura,g:ed. IUs r,evolt 'to 'the, utmost' of' 'tb.eir l')Qiwer'", Fi;nally; LJud.Orvi't: established 'llis ea.'pi,t_al 3;1: .sJJSa'k'" near 'the :m,od,em, :Zag~-eb,~ 'The' empero:r." Loui~ 'the, P10US~ h:ims:elf:' had '~O ,lnterve-n,e:

fn o:'II"\~~r 't·,o- r.·'f'i'IIlJ:li '~W'-_:I~':L'1l- ;il'~hl]'i~ d': :~'cn-~u'e:rn'1'1:'~' develo :pm-- ent, "~'e-.,-r- several [iLLll _: . .a,fdV~,_ ." "---U,JF~ .. _ Uil, IL,· ,~ ._. a . ,Dr .llV·Ui7. U,g·~ ... _' ~'" .. ~Jldl I~ nJ~~, : i:I!~:'~ ~~ _.

exped.l'tiODS 'had, been :Ied ag~i'D;St him" L,jru..iQvlt, i;D 822 .found

L'l~m- C C\m'1.[' In . a. d muflop'- ~1",Ql;nl 'E'i+ ",~,~,.i"iL'ii'rio, H' -', :.ffi, iI"o ..... 'k. 'li'6~1".g)~: a.' ;i'lffi ..... H,(!t' ~'L~,

Jl]. . ._,~~u. , " Q. . ~ }U~! ~. ~Jl; ~1L~1 ~':Ii,t,UU[L£U.~I.JIJ~' ':. ~ "L, .. "U .: _. ~II!JII.'. ;' ~ I.I.~YJIr-I.c; 'U~I,~

- -

;Seroia:n. Slav's and, 'itJu~~n in, Dnlmattan Cooatia,i 'but 'be' was :mur,..,

dered at the :m;st'jga,tlon of hls enemies, Thus the :6rst attempt to unite ,the yiug~l~da'Vs: in,to, one 'Bm:pi're, was thwarted. The C:roab sa.VI' their Fra:nkim o¥!!ilord restored, bu:t the Croats 0.£ Dalmatia 'w,ere: ,:at lea'st :pemdtted ,to eleet ,tlu::dr own pr,i'n,c~j

Then an,otber .Q,ew ,und: unexp~ct~d. facl:D:l' emerged ........ ' the :8,u1- gma:ns,. They made, iaD ;;ttre'mpt' not: only' to arrest the :Fral1kis:ll,

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


:pus:Ji. 'bi,to 'the: ,BalkaR$~ 'but also to g:rCl'll!P' as :m,any nf the Sla",,",ic 'tribes; as 'pOlsible: around their new' ,em,pire~ 'Their kha,ga.n~1 Xmm, (~,14;)rl' had ahead),' extended his' a,uth,o~,i~' over :tho, Slav.ic

Ih.i;b "1!"frI. d- M-' -. - .~ ~ ~ - d" ... t.. ;Io'L A--' h d b- --

!Y~J···e~s: :l'g 1& lir,a.J.lC~ alg'.- [':i:'l ·acooon~a, a,~/.-:~ im~l~ier lu~e ·'l~··~Vlall5J ~ ~·a: .. ·· . :e.en

d'i!iposed, of 'bY' Cha:rlemagne~ he inoorpomtoo in his terr.i,tmi,w;: '3 large ,part' of' modern HUDgar.y~, ~rom the C'a:rpa;.t'bians to 'the:

river 'T-' -'l~~"'J!'g 'v'-'"'m" 'P'U~h~.l1 even '!]illl! ,(--g'l 91 II:!' m .- . ..lai- Serbia f:nf"l'!ll';O'R;"

,: .... ~ ,~~~j!l! ~-u 'I"J I: . ~ l~ ~y.~ I g~. ,A;; ~ ···'1U"U~~-~ ~ .. ~ JUi!li~11 ~U.·I~-·'"

,." I I

the, 'tribes of im.cieD,t 'M~si;l, 'bl l,eoo,g.nizll! hils: 5uiie:rainty~ 'He

secured h,ii"" I~:'pi~o :n,g-91.ii·'l"II;liI1':I" '3·ny'"',-' t- 'L"=.t;!iIOi,:t-, ,f~r, em Bi -'),," "J!\gn't' l~I'~iI'WI and 'Il.. ,til,""',

~~ ".~ . I __ 1111! ~iI,1 .. _&'~ ~. ~ ~·~J!li.1I~L . ~_ :[l£'~. I I ~ ~~_ 11.Ul.JI11 ~~.~. Uga

:..' [-,- ,-.

'tb,e e;rim sa,tilfactio(D o. drinking: the hea'ltb o,f his boy,als on

spec.ia~1 occasions; from, the ~'kuU of the umormna-l:e' Emper-or 'N ieephorus ......... mounted on sfllver 'tiD form 1;1 ICUP ' ....... ' w'ho had fallen in ba'tUe: ag,a:ind him, im 811 ~

His 5,1ll,lC:OCsso.r, Oinorta,g, (814:-83ll) 'W,IlS able Drot ,anly to ,mllKin ... 'tam what Kmm 'bald ,gainled,~ but also to i'ut,en·ene 'with autJb.or,i'ty m fhe a;H,ell1l.'pt' of: the Pranks bJI ~~pllcdt: theh- ,iUC.tW! over.' 'LjtJ), ... , . dory,it,., He' ,first m' ,mil restored, Bulgarian. O,u.'thar.i:ty over il,e trioo on 'the: 'Timok and asked 'the 'EmpeloF' to ,g,h;c him baek some other' te.rritory· occupied by ~i'mother' 'tribe' w'hicb had O[,j::g:,ioaDy' been, uDder :B·uJ.gaJia.n. d,owina:ti,OD, but 'had su'bleq'Q,eD,t~y .i.oined the rebels, N'ot 'feceiv])n.g: :fut ,satisf'acti'oD" he 'i,i'mply oceup,:ied the: ioon.t~sted 'teu,i'tory and 'Ill,en. :in,va-ded :Pa'n;nonian. eroa,t,ia.

r'I"'1l.a, .... 1i:ru~~I~Ii"'iin 0' --f-' t~:t.b 'F: -'rl"iI'II~'a: 'n, 'M··--c·,g""~-h- ]]"'"n'iLo::-' £"~ill'I'" sIoCIiP--q..,..q·to, 'm-·ql~'t.o.c 1" Ji,I~ 'U__J."_' ~..:!!'---u . .,'. ,1:1.....'" ,'!I.I!!,~, . "~~ ._'. ,'iPi--~."",,_ ' ,'---__ !l.'" J!IU'"",,~, ",..." -~,,g. ~'"", , "~~, ~J.IIJi.;I.-o;!I

,and 1b!0 triJubl,c ,wh'ic.h arose OlUt 0.'£ t'be· partitf.on ,of the CaroImgjaJl 'EDl!pir-e enabled tne Bulga:r.iians, ttl (lbfain, la, £inn .foothold.

lilR th- ;iI!!I! 'p-JQ'l'n'- iIr' Af: 'S'-,J1Iifil'i:~'h'n- I"a-' p- rop~ ~'S:r,o ,!jjj:ti},d'- 'm"-- the re 'g'io-'- 'no -n,;'l.' an ...... I.~Ifi--;Ii;·

,UlI" "._:' ~ ~ lp _ ~ v.'" '", .JjQli· ... ·I!Yr. _ , ' '._ \ -. _:. .. ·V~- ~~~ _.. _ ' _, ,, __ ~ 1~ " _ .1 ~ . ~ .r..;~ v~l- -.l '_ ~. ~~~I~,

. I I I· 1

Siimdum (now" Srhm.),., Fer same yea'fs e",en. 'the 'wbQle of' Pan-

-nonian Croa:ti:a ,bad, to :a,el:n~lwt.ed:g,e 'the' suprem.a;cy of the: BulD'U'jaDs;~ 'The :P,B.ct of Pa de room, .(.:. 845 i). ~av'e, 'ba.'ok to the F'ra.n'1di

1!t7 . ~I

,40 Ofr,e;o'ii"""_ P'i"3 -rt" n;f-· ,,.,,i~cl"c' '~B'rn- - "~.rPIo'I'V ''Lut, "0-'---:' m· ort J!Ii',W:'I:!· il'!IU;i"!iI'!i<ti;CcC'O- ' .. ' C'M' -q'l}g

~I~I~ Itt~ .. ~l(1t~JI; . :.D'I " Y:'_" U·I._-~I ~,~ ,'. ~~'~.j:, I)I .. L_, : ... , 'lUll .. ~" ~I ~ ~~~..;II~ '.Jl." :._:,', ·,gl~!!1

'mir (83.1 or 836f!~2,), retained hlS :n~'18' iOVie~ the :r.tmlain,'~ [0:clud:ing: :Sinnium,., Th,e ,Bu:[g~r,iams tbus: :f'm.sba'ted t'ne ·Frankis':h. hopes ,oaf' 'brin;gi'o:g: the ,m~Jor 'portiioo of the Balkans under du~~h~ loontrol.,

In. the mid.d.~e· of the ninth ,c.e11tury ~ therefore, tbre.e powers were

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

L~'~' .' J:iI


The collapse of tbe ,i\.V'a;r' domin a,liDD, and tbe :reorg,an~z9rUon o,l the Franli;s.n. Kin'gd}om. led tOI changes in other p\3rb, of Ceo'trml and 'E,Bs;t'B'r,Q 'E;ut'o'pe also. Tile S'Jofvl,c tribes, 'which were. settled under A'vaf d,om.ina,tion ill ,a.nejen't upper :Pan.'non:ia. around Lake Balaton ( Hi,]a:mo) ~ ana. ftMt,ending 'to the Danube, had to accep't 'the: l~"'r,allkSJ as o'v~T'Ia:f\dS!~ Here t"he ,Frl:n,k~' seem to have ruled in. :ruu,g'ber fashion nUI.n 'diU!'Y did i,D Pannonian CroR'tiai, but ~tiU ,thrO!Jl,g'b the medium (tf Dative princes,

IiT'"l.. '[1"1-' ,. B- 'IL. .' '-M'-' · d .:J 8-1 '~_,~~.f' -1!..,

.!L,Ue' ciI_av,s: m lo.u,emu(,.,. -,-I.or,I.'VUt, ano modem .. ' OVRU3l[jl ,w-b:!I' t:n,;e

death of' Same, cl'voidied the danger of rene we d. su bjectioB ,to the Avars than'JtsI to the 'victories: of Clla;rlem,a,gne" whem they I,ided a.,gH'i'nst their f:o[',me:r masters, 'blll.l.t P'ra:nk:isb. 5luzera'lu,ty over t:bo~~ tem'to:ries seems to have 'been less 'eHeQth~~! than it ' between the Danube and Sava fiv:e(n~ Wbatt was known .as the O,s,huark"

. ~

created by ICha:rlemagnie: i'n 800 and des:tj:nea 'man.y y.ea;f;S later to

g,Mw into' 'the Due'hy' :of Austria, :f,a,ced, the M''!:n·,av..ia:n S avs

'F - 'h --1l-.h i,'L,'F 'I"" h' ,- d a:'L, ,i

, 'urtl;; er to me .nort_:_ east, tne ,:m'nKS~~ _:_a vmng, reassertec ulfur

,su:prema~Y' over th~ B,a,v;aria:ns ('7,88) and crushed the .s:'axons ,in a series of' fie':rm' and bloody battles: (' '71Z=804: )- ~ came 'up' aga,ins:t the Polabian S}la,v:,s~ 'Towa.rd;s these people, oommanly caned 'W'ends by the CeRIums, 'ChaJ:de;ma,:gpe 'bad ,3] 'poUcy 0'£ ids own,

II, -' .. t - C - f ...... JL.. 'S' 'I ""- "'_ -'h

. e was aOXIOl1lS .10 :p~e8erve, rrom ·:UJ-rl.U,eJ; (",_Iav .lIlCUf!iUOl15, t'_~e

t,erri~o;rjes, w"h:ic,b the "1'3:ok5, hacloonso'lilda'ted, O'F' bad. new'l), ,con: qnered, He therefore founded several ma'r~he5; ,on, the borders

:r h" 'E-' .' ,i ,,,,,,..ll ;I:. - t t '~t A - ~ t f'h - s: - - b~ -

01- ms ",:'m,p,ue In omer :t,O prO'ec. L;o __ ,gr31ns'~:"~,le ,_:@f3,_ ]a:n~~

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

settled, betvl~fl, the Saale tl'll:d the E:l'be ,m modern SlaxoDy~ he: ,erea,ted the Th,min,g1ia:u M,ancb, caUed, a~~o the L'fm,C'$ S,~abicus" F'"p.rthe,!l'" 'fo,w,uds the :fJ.or·th. the' small Marches of M'a,gd,eburg', ,F'e'Us, ':a;nd, Bard;e'NYk had t;o, 'keep w~l't,,~h on the' Dotorii()uSliy ''lind Vi},ei:, ,3'fJ,Q 'the L'i:"u~;$ S'fttmicus~. 10,[ the Ma:reh. 01 Sa'I;o:Dy~ faced 'the Obodrl,tes.

But Ch3lJ:lempgne was oonlt,en1t to' :lies,pect, the :natural ,frontlets in ,tbcu;e pam. G~nera;ny he, ,CUd, Dot: ifJJtend, to extend! :11]]$ ia'omima.., 110m, beyond 'tb,e El'be or 'to, ,ifi.'Coqwra:te the Sla',vs of t:h.o$e~ lands m,ta his Em:pire. He treated as 'hi.s subjects a'll 'the ,Sla,vs: seattered on 'the, left: 'bank: o.f 'tIt,e' Elbe, 'but did, 'Hot' even 3.'tt1em,'p't to

CL-:.d- '!' .... ~ .i.L.· ~ f'- 11)- - - ...... :fb·· - - - "L - iLh' - b - 11_ if' ,,'1L

u£mda:n~eU:l,etif' . ',8'.11 Qw: ... 'q:ll,~ eSInen 0'11 'LHe 0'( .leI .'. aU.1( alt'na

riVeri,Na:mraJly some !ex'ce,pDO,:nS were' necessary 'beca,use of t''he &equ,ent :iDCUI,'siiollS of the Sla'v5 ·:into Fran.kisb 'ten:itory,~ 'but 'th,at 'was the ch:l,ef fenet af' Ch~~demagnfts 'pc)~]ey ,i].nd, i,t: wt~Ji ,foUowed., ,generally spa'Dlcing, by aU :memJfle:rs' of t'he C,r1oUng,lan dynasty.

'~',t, ''i<.<tlia~ .iII"II}n lv in ill;\,rn,I;~,~'l,. eentu 'n.; 'W' ·'"Cl"."t'o-- ,.;t..a 8,.,.,j'!llr.I!fj,'11 ........ 'p., 0' '''lira;f,'!' nf- ,iLLa, II 'WH~I y\ILII· "J' .:: ,"_I:~,~ !L,~, .. [L_I:' ~"WiI,Jl _: __ ~)".:' _',,',' ':_'_ U.I,~ ~""I.~,T __ JJ, l",-, ~' .... y~~t~I~' ~": ~I:II~

-Saxon, IdYlllIJ,s,ty'J' 'dlSl a. .dr,asfle cha:ng,ei occnrr,ed, .in 'those la:n.ds:.,

Nevertheles,s,j' the oensolidation of. 'th.e 'Frankish 'pow'er 'on the '~,eft bank of tbe Elbe 'by the ICo'rolingi'an dyna!dy had consider, .. able ,nnparta:nce 'or fu.t~tre develepments, Ev,e,' sin.'ce~ the ,fifth cen'hl~'] 'tJI,e; :Franlrs had arrested ,the west\va;I'id, push ,of ,tbe otber' Ge:mliulf,c' ,tribes. By ,con,q_uerin.g: these marches o.n the E,lbe't'h.ey 'had also consolidated the iGe'nlUlnilc forr,ce-s ,B,nd stlo"l?ped. ,a.oy f'u,t,-, dt,er :SlQVlC'lldv9;m:ce to' 'the wes:t' of'. that n'ver., The :iDiU~tiv,e: of' the F:r{ulk,s: :fof,ced, the Gen~uans: 'Dot' ,oo1.y ,to ~b81t th,lei:r i01ND we~:hV~n1. ~expa,llsi.(J'n. 'but b) 'rum round and seek r(KJID :£01[ ,exp1anslian. :in t'he least'"

'The Fra:n'ks' also paved ,the W',ay.fDrt tbe success of ,t.h:b~' expa;O-'m'

~' 'I.. C"C'"b '!';I!"i ,.' '.'" d" ''I! ~ 11;;:' l~ i,,;i, th

s~,on. uf': 'nsUa,tillzlng: ian", 'fH:'Cl,eSlaS:I~,(~auy :reo1rgaru:z:nlg' :e'

De i, ,i' d 'h'" 1 ~ ~ 'I d "".,- rrt..

". ~·t'ln.a.'n t,e1Tl'IQfles: ,an~. ,t'" elr ecc ,esUlshCaJ_, ,a~~~ .m.l~nls:tmUO'D., .rne

Cbri'tdi.anily' of .sax:ony~ ~for exa;mp,le~ was rude a.nd. p:dm,i:U,v,e' and, teoovered (July 'V'Effy' ,slowly IrIDin the w,ounds: ~uH:h'Jted 'U,POifl

'~:i:t, during' the bloody str-lggie. whtch ra.g'M, 1benveen, the Franks and the' .saxoDS fn the 'last decades of the e'~ghth. century:' but i't'S so1i,d fou,nda,ti'on rtmlai:nloo, and was stren gtllened ,duf,j"ng the

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

'7' '.AI



n:int.h. century;. 'The episcopal sees 0:1 'Ois,na,briick~ Verden, B:mm,eDI~ Paderbom, Mjnd€n~ Halberstadt, Hildesheim and. Miinster in SllJxony and .0£ 'Ratis,h-Iln .( 8,egen;s'burg: ) ; PIa$.S,Btl" 'Frm,dng and Salzbu 'f--g" -, j"~, 'D' •.•. ~v,!!]j'n-"~ W"'--I@;F.i:O to .. , beeom ~ ~'-m~" p, .,ii"'Ii'i4\O-n' 'll- bulwarks :~g~~'~~;"

~_~ __ ._ •• J' ~~;~ .A!_ A I ~ _~'iIIl~ •.. ~'_Ut ~ !I_~I U"Q I .U ~v:"r i.1! Q AIJI.liIll'L

-_'._-, " - - 1·-:

~thle pta'g;an Slavs as ,\yeE! as ,spr,mg'bo~;rd.s' £6r' Ce rm an, political and

cultural i'Il:iIJuen.ce over the SJa'vs oo'~ond the, Elb~~1 and beyond

.J; II

li. the ,Biih:m erw ald. and th,@; Dann be,


The: ,mB,uence~ which the CaJ'o~~n_gi'an E'mp:ire was tD' exeroise over the f~'I,t' .1Il'1Ii'~.tliOa.'V-O~1I'li'l''''·:.&f'iJl'''' 0- Jf: th.-~· ,,_@' n -3;. ',"'~O-:D,~~'n, d.' 'Hb· : ;~!L'!: 'W··. I ,~~'iI-'L, wb!l'" ch· :j:'t

~ 'Y .~~.Il~ ~ _ Il~"".:JUIU!J~&.1 I ~ .. ~I, . ,£) A .. , ~~Il,IJ.~ ~ ~"'l~_~ __ <. _ I __

- '. - t ·t t h ed b tvl- '. ft- t- £ ct- D·:

.. _: I' .-,", " r I' ",." '1'-" r" .' ,.... I. -, ,"' .. , " : ,"j" _"," ," _ .. I ,_.' .!.,"' ,.:- ..... , -. _", ':1- ' ... ' '1"- . '.," .. :- I· ,...'_.

came 10._0 ,mnaCI was en. sancea -]I -0 Jm.poan .. 3,·_- OIS.. '. ur-

in'~ Ch ,a:~']e.tyj'~~UI1:~!I~ 'Ire- ·.i~L ·t- he v;m, p,:':U'" ,:-9 '!II'U\~"'" 'D'r'lt- enlv eonsolid .: ated

- 0. -_.- ~I- - ~"'-':~~i~-¥ ~ 'J -- -b'~~J .. Q ~ - I ',' ¥ '¥T~~ I Y. V.I .11 _v.}Ii~~fV.'~f_. -~- - ~ --

and reorga'u:i:z'ed,; it: also became :3! universal empire, ,the hc:w to

L 'n 'E" '. h W'" , Tb'" '"a Eo '., t ; ,

the ,, . ~'In,plre ~D t! ~ 'e: ._ "e!St:.,··;I~S ioea Q~' a tn~u:veJfa~, emp'Q"e

0'_-.--',-' -I,,'·,]i,, ·'l't· '·lI·d· ,""d·":C"-I' .. ,[ _,'-,'-.-:,,--, ,t -'--'-(1"- .-If-"ib--- -: , b-·"u'jI,':··,- of'-

Dece~SSa,r_IJJy en )~U,I,e,~, I,,, eas UJ:. oonques .. an ',_, or me su 'JIl:J,~:fl~.d)n. ' .. 1

.. 1111 ,-- -- •. ,i, ,- • ,It, ",11,-, '0: C" '_. ". --- -,,- t· had iIl- be d -·."..j.··d ""0':' ' •. ·t

,au nU.uOllS ~o rrs 'SW~.Y.' .' onques," 1 .. 0 e neerec a,~,~,uns"

those nations ao,d :sfab~,s 'which could offer fh,e 'least, re,Si~5btnee

d th ,", "'n L,_ S-::-11 " "h' "1

arn tnese were, :pr,'pal·JY J tlU;;: ..•. ,~a vs m nort I, eastern, central

and :sou'I'hea~fe':ll'n E'u-rope".

'~I]j~ e n ilftiiW'- iiDll"m"P-: ]J'"FO' ii'=T;1I'r'!Io'I~inn,;[rj;;] th - B '~Dir;t\1'jJ, 1iD"-.DIi .... t. an niB-n't "8,' em iB b·'n::t

.& Ill· ~ .. u J~'. -." ~~'.;"~,:~, ~ -~ I~, ~~a· !,IlI~~~Q ~~ .,,_~ J;]L~JII"I,~~dle'f;! V,JJ., ~.' ,;', ,~' "~:";' -~'~~l ;·LIi'.~,

1"1:' 'W"'ib,Cl' 'n'" n'1L, 'n;q iD'3"n' ·C· '. rt.']'-1~.c·~1~ .;'i'n· ,iiih; D':~ 'iilr.D ,i;t, ''FIi £liill. '0" ·n,1:y ,QI'rall':!ll't stren - r~-~ .. l~

-_ _' '~~I ,!U, ,r·L;].O~L- ~ .~ Ii ',~,'"',ll" ,aIL '~ I. :~'~l; ~~~ '¥ ~ '~'" !I<-~lU~, "".' I:', ," e,1 '~"'" ~ ~ ,,'~ .. SI ..... '1I!

:-d" I 'I' - ," ,:- ,b-;' t .'. '1' c" :.- i '-,'-. - -"~'-Il -~' .·-,:'h-·-"t, ~~, ;----; ~,,;- 'I -'.''''_ -Th,--l_.i"i; 1-·' -, .-c, .... - f -l~

an; UI.D Ion " tr a, s;o a, ~,pecla,J. n,g, , tlJ conq ues I.,. c' _ ~e:mp ernrs,

. I.'-'~ -. i ,":1 ~'I" ,iI;,l"l-;:-i~ , "",:,-, '_'1- r t -, .,:,,:,., ,01- ... ~ " E:'-, :.I!;, ,.-;, ~- ;,_1 _.,-,,," ed .',L.i, ':t, ;I!;','lhl "'. :

eX!l.:enUln.,~ me ~:r. power _ ow arns U:I,e , asr; Pl\OCH'U.tne .Ln~, ·1,;,11 ey

- ,.

, ., "h .. ':-]'- t: h C" 'b"" f.' ." 'IL., d'

w'er,e: 9l.'ctlng' as t ~ e s-pec:ta, protectors Or' t,.- e .-: ~ rl sban, :Itu'tn 1:0: I.

"bChr I 11 Hi h

"- ,'- - -- - - -., .' -- .... -. --w ... .'!' .. , .. -.'. ..... '---. _'-,'" -'"- .. _ -:1 __

III the eves of ot L,eT.,,'_sba'D. 'Ir'l.eop' ", es 't ev w'@:reo-.erl'D,p-t.os:e

,.1 r.l. ~

n a.t,ion~ the -g,r'B~\'t,efjt gift O'f a Il, diu;' Christian -f.'a.i:'tll, and Chr1sttn,n

-," . ":U" ~ ,-- ... ".- . ... Thl' - c·' '.16 - a a - ch ',",:- 'I d: . I '.' ··t- '-"'1' - ".-. . 11_~_"1 ,t on'I'· 'b,. '1'1,-' . -,.',' t-h:-" - .;~ --

Cl.Vl. _ IZa.dOn., ,,' e ,uurc, oo~u, no,. a,ppose u u,~, ,"- _ '- y ~-' _,ass _ ,fur

h t rd t'n "E:'- 't

. . - f I' ,--, ': "'f' ." --.' ',' , '., .' I" -.-

pus, .own", ,S e s as , .

U- f--:' ·d, '. -·,t-'ll ' ,th--- C'·l'..-,- - . -"h a. , i-h ".'. F" ' -'. '11 ... ' 'L 'E'-:" -'-- -'," . ,'. " 11.d]" , . 't-

. n -Q,:n.(.una ;€!',IY:; i,'·. Ie' '. - 'uurc, Ul " .. IS "ra[lI!\,],S',1):I <-' Mlj ,me' COlh·· _ nol!l.,

eS(."ft'p. "e' ,th,e enta'n glemen:t of seeula'f' with eC'cle!,~I£asl~:!ca.1 a'lIa'irs

_ • It ' 1 , , . _, ,I .. _ _ _ _ _ -.. _. _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ '. _ • _ • _ _ ,_ J.!I!

, , .' . .

T· '-h- c' d- ~ "- .•. -, ",-".--,,:,'II'~ ! 'C' '- . "'''1-'';'''' !ii_ ,f:· ... ,'t~··,,',,·, ,", 1-" - .. ·l'·, d'

_ ' "e. ,a,i, sy.I!j"em,; «I, s,pecntuy '." ermanu:!, l,nS,~dJ" l'on.~ W,!;Ui ,a"pdIB ..

-'ven to l'18,Ug-- 'l'o-'-s ·es;ta'bU~hmen:ls. ,3,no; ,dudllu ,the' ':ru'ie 'of ,'tbe

e . ,,_ . '_ (U,. ,., - - - . - - - ~;-- - - - - - l:"Ii - - -, - - . , ,

'I.,_", -,- ---.-,' .,~:- m.- .. ·d'I, ," 'ty- ',' ..,' - ·d,'·' t-I'h' ,t ,'·"-'f' )Ill:. -. ", ,,' ,., -',d- iCiJL!-, :1,., ·-0-,:" ~,Io, b" \ .. '

.l,,;·,~erovlIi"I5,.)an. ., ynas, a,n,_".='L Oc_ I:epu:l, an. , ." .uan,em,a,gne~ h, ,e

ca:m,e 'Vlery die6p'~y rooted '"in ,the ereles;~,astie,BJ life of ,the W:est


Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~iN

'¥'UI'il'i 'IIE'!TD~ iil!i'ii1' ",'!I:~!FR ~,i;,~

l.iOn ~ . .IJna II, albuft¥.:Ib1ll....! ~ Jl.:n .• ,~

- bb d- -11 h- '-b £"uJ J d ~ d d' d

_ .. ,' --:- . 'I .' ' . ."-, .. :1 ,.'II!!.: - . ·II~·I- .. _." "'. ,-,.- ,","," .'1 .", .. ,',,11 . ';'ft. \' .. '1'-""'; .. : .,'_', - _', .~. " 1.· .• _'.·

A, .. ots I.n.c: cl,S", __ Op:s .: eearne ,pow'ct".,:,. san ·,J';~f. Jh, .··,.epen, .. lent U,POD

'lhe wiD, of dle .1ldmg~, 'They became ,the str'(~Il.,g·e;s't supporter.s 10£' 'the

.--.',,-- i, '-I ,~.- . .;:I .".,:- '.- - ~ ·11 ·':d·.-·· b :t, --, '-. " ,-~ ·t· th = c. - ::.. ,.:i ':C' -. ;, -,.,: '. -) ' .... ·-1) .,

,roy, a , aDu .lm,pena.w. JJ., ,ea~ ",u., we'lle ,a,~. !Ll ie same ~Jl,me~ oomp_,e,Je,_Y

Ifllitangl-ed in 'th,e ,sec'uJar ala'b:s of the 'Em'pi~e',. A,t Srst' oon.tFOllecl D.V the $,'tate', die Flra:nllrish C:bur.,ch ·ra·p",\l.{U,y (ia'i'ned. ;1111. 'rrmnense

~ . . ~ ~~

i:riauenfJe'~1 until" 'by' the -end ,nf' 'the''b iOeD,mry ~ i.t 'W,IlS :i,tsel£ eon .. ,

'ufiUlng state' ,aia'its~,

~,=: .,' •. ,. hril ti·,'·", ., ,',". ,-, "~·d··- ", .-·,t'-I:, ''"'I ....... , b ,~~, '.,' t' . ill C·" "':L,_ ', .• ".: "1":-'"

I, ms SII,lW; ua .. Ol1. COUlIL' 0,0 ,1.1· ,I,U J~ reaee eu, ,ID me MllSSitorUlry

a~tj:vities: oj· the Fltuddsb ChW',Ch~, S~)i at tbe be,gmnitnJj; 01 the C,amUn,gmn :peri.od. the Iconver..s~i:o.D ()~ :pa,ga;D~s; ana, f'~unda;tiotm, .01.'

. "h: '-.- , J~ -: 'b" ·d· b ,'" .',,-.-.-' .. " :h~.l!.JI,: 1,-.:- ' ,' ."" [ ih-" ,t·· 'f~"" -- ~l._, IG·~I.- .. ,

c, urenes na aeeome ,9, ,1gulI.y ilucra.d,ve .lIlVllSuueB" .I,o:ru~e '. 8'1'

man 'la;Dd,()wmin,g ,aristocr,a,cy ~ w'hich thus acquired. an economic s,tra'Dg~eho~d. over the new']y oonq.uemd. ,ands;~ .According 'to 'th~ primiti,ve Christian, u:sa,ge, churches 'buU,t 'by 'bo,t'h rulers and

i'!',~'~'ii.,'I!...£·ul eame I iii'" d' j!:!I'II'" .i:.',L.a in rtsd ~'iF!i"":'nn nf' .l.l"'a bl~iI:,L,~,p'~. who <!!iIi'p

1 ~,U:IJ; . l . I~M-.. ~ I~~~~ .: !~:~, :UI,~' IJI ~-~ ,~!il.1 . i ,~~-y,,~~, I~ U-I"~ ." H~~UJ . ~.:~ w' '. J-Jr. H'~: ~

' .. ~" ~":11 .L'i.._ . ," .' "',,;d.' ~,., - '. ,11. ,', 'h,,'·lI. the "...' - '.' .,.,11: the

pOI.D,~~, tU,~~ D)ml~t.'e:rm,g 'CJftU!~gf" W ',)JJ{!: I ~ . 'e~ r'eiVenUeS Io,l , ..•. ~

'Ib'-'" .,IL . '.' "'d" ,'. '. .', ·t·,--:· ~.-., ', ... ' .... ..1 ,LL" -, iertv ·f; tbe cl '. ~'

enurenes aD. menaseenes remamen rne p,ro,pe: ,',.y 0., ~ e_'ICI,O,f'

'.' f,,'IJ,. .. , "I 11~,.' T' 'b"" "'. '.:'. ,'., .,- .. - ,- .-. -, -.' t"·· ~',iI;,'~ 'G' -','" 'I.,.. , ,,- ,..::!I ·R •.. ' .- ",' ,:' , ".',,- .. ,',

,or !!.Jl.I,e m,O'UK;S'., , . lIS was oo.Qsonan e Wlul . ',rOOK ,anu, ,__:, _tDm,an ,nOI~lons

of' p(fiVa;t;epl~pe:ri,y" ,But, :Roma'D miss,iODar,i:es never succeeded fn

m 'a'~·';"n pi" .,'lj-i;!r' ;dle',;']j aceeotable ~'o,- th PI C." a'P'J:iA,tfij:if'ij ,j~n, n-' o·iI;~nni e' 'w'~Ifii,'m th 1&\1"

'. . ·K"~~'I 0 .Jl,,!i.1I ,II·' - . --~. 1R!·1I!ir.~!l!Pilr;~Q,·· J.~ IJ.· .~,11~.· .. ·~i&,,'.,._lLldl:'~ I ,.~.I~ "~l '~'i' ,I~l~ ~ - - _' .. _- ~".r

';1 '. d !ii'J'i!L C' . 'h d ., 1: ,.'

e1Vanp'e:llm' ,., -,",il~le 'ennans -,B, a noban 01 p,~(rJ,'lat,e, p:'[[J!nprhJi

'". -a - -~" - .. ~ .'.. ~ - - - ~ ~ - ~ . .; . f '. - r'~'~J/'

'w'hich. 'w',as ddl,el"fl\nt' (['Qrn. 'that of ,the ROrfJISi,DS a,D~d, much :m.ore ill .. '

d:· "d' ,..-..·U'-lI;i'.:-. 'T1t.. ~- ,"". '.ill, ·t:"h -..,.:1L "-hi- . ,]I;'tr." -,'.,,*. ' .. -- - ''i"'h1'~

:_.I.Vl,U~.SU!C~ J. .. lill~ mace ;', e C.I,U:r.Q,·ru; Lu6 pnvad~: .pm:pe ..... J' OJ;

iLL. e 'f- - ""']1,, - ..:b· 'L.~,~ ~.'- a": - <1'1; --, II; -_ .. '"'d . th - .--~ -'" , .. d ' ....... ,

'Ulcrr' :"oun~ets, 'WU~e UUSJll'P\iJ$ 'b.' WaS to pro,v])· e ."', e ~pll~S'L: an., ~.u

',' .. J' 'hiO .,- - ,".-,' -- .-: ;'1 sid --', - I:t.-· 'c' . , '. f<- -'h,'·"L. it' 1...:',.' (. '1~' ,"', ._ . ...J '~ ... ' .:0;'. ~/ - i···,I!' .:,'I'~

,pa,) _' tm, ,:In. COfun .era:;!.\,~OD o " W ,CJ]. Liley C, a.lmea posses;!uo.n OE au

,con.'tr,lbutiioDS :made, by 'the "aJt;hf.ut

In the Ia ter ,pedoo 'when "the Ch:urc'h became mare, powerful ;and 'beg1an to 'take the bus;ine~s of g~in:in.g converts in till ,its own

lL.:., 'd'-'- th - r'i..- - ".- . 1l .. ~, -_- ,','1.... ',' ',. '. ft, . ·h·"" fo 'Ii , . ...11

,uaD,~ S:!! .. ' e vflFDlB,n, cJler;gr~ W,uO WGre 0 ,~e[J as . ungry ror JJanU,

as 'the ]a'~' ~£~ud,allordl~ eould not' overlook 'I:he 1uc.ra!tJv'e aspect of

,~ 1

,cvangeUzi'ng t'b.e ,pag',9,n :llat~(Jns. 'w'h,ich, could pay I,ood ,tltbes and.

provtde ,good worker,s, to, till the Church lands,. ThuS! ,it, !Ca,'D be expJarined. w'hy; the mi's~daruu·y I!ctf.v.ity 'Of the ,Fran'k:isDt" ,tlnd. ']ab~(f'

f' a,L .. l~"""'_·. " I'C-I;,·· .. ,'i!.., "., . ..._.ii.t~, .. ' 'J;,. .... ld·' ,C",:- _.- '.'-'~'.\ ,'i·'>·-]. .. , .. = 11-',d~-'11

0-, ~:'U,e~\I~Ulii;l:n~1 .. u[l]r'C,IJ;~es, so 1G:l!lLen IJYd." an e.:x:ce.s,S,lve.Y wor ' .. JJ:Y

aspect: 'and why missionaries so of'h~t~. ca'Ued anlled. fCli:,ceti and oo~onisfs to the:it ,ilSiistance to bo:]d, ,tiu~ b!rri"tQry' w'D:ic,h they 'W,tlI"C'

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N



~ '&'Dr'l',:V ~1"""','1~.!l?iW: c.:,"'rrr;T·,~,AlIIO-'N.'·.

,~~I;S; ~,.Ii.AA-Y"JIL~ IiLJ-"'I~_~B_l _ ..

oije~van,gelizm,g;.D The: exmn.p,~,e of Charlrema.gne~r who comp]eted the. !clll1lver,sion of' the Saxons by ferce H:Dd terror, was a .fr8'.tal 11(fe,oodent~

'The. 'W'en,d$ Olit. tbe 'BaJltic and on. the, El'b!l3' 'w,e'f~~ to r~l',ien,~e

,~ these same mm:bods ,a~' eVWl,gel:i%atifjrD .m. a, later pe!r,ioo~. 'bet\!V'eeo the. ten,tIl ,cellituty and the 'thlrtoon,tbro 'The. Sla'v.s Df M"al"a:yj~.~ Bo:hemia" rdle .. A·I.p~. ,PDct PS:'D:n.ollla were e)'vafng,~Uzed bY' :F' mi:!;sJ'onarie,s; d,min,g ', the .Brst pericd, .from, tbtl ead of tbe eighth century' to the middle of the njntb, Cba.r]e:magne devoted him~eU: espoc'ially bJ erjJ~oruJi.a,g,m,g th.e Clu'istimfzati'oD Orf the SlQvienes; in, ·a;D,cie,nt NoriCum (S-ryr,ia, and Carinthia.) and in upper Pan,1l0nhl ;as fat, as: the 'Danube and to promoting Cbris;tiardty ~·PI.'Dn.g the. Croa.ts .IIl,. PannonJa" a:n:d D,ahna'tia .. , The: g·ent1e Al(!uw:" Charlema:gpe.~s~ ~lwl]'Dfste;r' of C'u],tm,e:;;~~ who had a nobler Ic,oncep" tion 10E 'ev:a:ng;elizatitm than :m:ony' 9£: his, oontempo'F.arieS1.) was par.,. ,tfcularly' mteres,ted. :m ,tld:s: 'w();rk., Chaf.lemagne.~ ,8Jcting: I;S ,always 0(0 his own :inltio:tivI8" elevated the See of: s:a:lz'~bur.g· to an. archbisho ~.'-,-i-: mtended IOi :rep:liiu;e aU the r~r:iscnnal sees of' Pt\n.noni~

I.S, .. P,r. c l. . .. _.. '_". _._ .. . ;=r' '=~r"'- - - . .....--

and ·N.oricum~ wJ~:ich. 'had disa,p'peru:oo d'.ur~ng; 'the. 'barbar:ic 1:0.·'On:s,~ R.egfl'Ds'bur.g) F'r:tdsin,g' and Passau had to 'Wl()rk further

·t,,n, ,IL]L,.D no rthea st 'l,;I!' LU,'L!' .11.1 ... U.II.I""'iI;! .• ,

'V'my little info(ful:a.ti,QD Js avaUable on tb.e PI(J'gre"S; (1£ Clillsi"" H'Dnity ;amon,.g; "the. Croats, A,calrrdin'g to ICon.stantine Porph)TQ-g:enn,etw:" "the ,Em'peror' He:r-aclli,us sent ·to Rome to B'nd pr~i:est~ (fl€ll' them )".' .Fr,am them he chose an a r ckl::d shep, bishops, prrlests and, deaeon s ·throu.gll 'whom. he' ba,pt.i'zed. the Croats, A·nd. the IO-oats bad. :u:t. that· ·time P'org:a. as, :tbeiIr·~~~ 'Cons:tanti:ne:~,s: words' caunot. 'be. mterp(Fete~. as if 'the Croats had their own hierarchy bi the seveoth Ce!ntwy, al.t]lough there must be! some truth j'n his st,aJame~ot;,; M100t :J[lf9Dab1y CowuuHu.e· had ,fn 'mind, the eeeleslastkal :reol";garn.iza.ti,on ·of f'he! ,ooulstal 'resJ9fl,., wb~icb had escaped 'the Av.aT and Slav up',nea,va] ·and. had. remained in B),zan .. , tine possession, Th.~~ 'had to ·be.. done In aeoord. w.iJth 'thtl P,ope because the 'w.bol.{t of IUyricum. was: .st.ill under the jurisd'i',ct,ioR of the Patriarch of.' B,(lm,le';

11' we ctlftlld 'take the; Elfl.:pefrollI5· statement litera'ny" 'we s:bould

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N



conclude 'fha,1: H .. ~. '~~~):i,'",~ 'li-g.!..l p::'ro' .. ,m·····,ii"riiIlo,iOd" I ~'p. :a .. late 'lb4[~~r---' . ....-t' .,L"", .orii'n.:, _

__ .. . __ _ iI!;;i,_~ !III!!~" _ ~'"' lJjg.U •. . Y!L~,!:J... , "".!U';!! .,u~ u.[II; .. u.e ~ .. _

cien:t Salona; b) an, arebbisbo,prilc ,and had created ·b"is;h.0p1ri,e:s :m.

'iIi'.lI!"i;m' --:;- othe c'·o·-'-"l.c,'II, ':;Iic;,-- " ... 11:, "'1 Z:""" c" 118" 'C' :'",N·,··C"-- .", lif· .... · .-,~111

","", e y. ,ef eoas ~al, 'CJ; .nam,tl.tY 18 Ira alii," '. a L!La.TQ. ~c:aJ\

.._... .. .,l ·'10:: ttr·lk t ... '1... 1 --. ~' S' I Iai I.!

'U.,rJl.UJ:U;on, a; rr -J.u,1ll.e8, 'U,Le. e ,BVatJD'n o[ 'pa, a to! to ,8( meb"orpOrita:Q

,.....,.~tu·,-:- 't,· ..;1.,:"", .", ,~,nd' T,I. sd 1~'''~',·"'1ili,, ·t'lh··· ,q--··;t .. 1,':-- :hb-~--:-'':h--'"'' '-. ---:-e. --, J"~'--

~!!.~ tus V. LUIS, ,pe.flv.~ , .rac u . .lI,o:naJLI_Y .. ' e -, Drs, arcnntsr op was: _ IOUO

cd: ,Ra-veOD3J", But, :muloy seholars t:Mllk. ,that 'there: is $om,e sb .. · -'-t ,.L:_. '.' ··d f.,:t.. ... J 'l... f.' R" .', . '-,' ~- ........ ,~ '0-- -- &:h' P", -- J'1l~ a sou UWii." anc '.;u,a;~,-. onn 0:: .. avenna .l!i actua Y l' I,e '--' ope , __ . OJ.lU,

IV~ '3" D,a,tive of .Dalms:tfa, or :Pop .•.. e J. 'olln X~ 'wh.o ~eorg,a'nized th,e

, I. D

'I!.. ..... : --""_-h='" " 'fe, 'D' .:I~ .. ··t'-~ -, -- d' I 'C"" . 'C. -.,.,'.-. -'---'d.' '. ·b·",-,,' it; "'d' th -, ,-- --.--'16., .. -- ')--.-

.lJd.era-fC y 0. ,.,Iuna, ra 8n.',:_',rosil,]a ,a:u,: .sU'." ec",e':- I,,'"i.e WUUt e

S '] (''16 Qlf'i'i!!!")

cdHn,tty to: :pa.: ;a,to, ,;iUOlll.t ~I : co,

In a:my case the: 'ChdstlQ.n:iza,tj,om of the,. Croats must have started

,L=·- iIi.,'Lm .... ~ ..... ·, ....... '11 .r;.~&-i: -- , n;--~_jl ''''p~'la&--.i''t --- ...... '1l..ii'i>'ii"A p~' '110,,- '~d' I a, oi"ii.m ........ t;; ~iFi. l:rum 'U.I,;P !L."Ui'd!h .. aJi, emes :ulDO. 1i:l' ic,U must ,Uo.~~, , •• '~,~.', ,Ul, '~~Il.'HJ,{:II

'I' !" ~'"·t !T!1...-"- G',' ,..... . ~ . '11,'_ ,t,~ .'. --- -- 'f 'IL· -L, -, --. -- --. . -

~tubie m ,]':.'." .L lJ~j;5i r rs,~,',UD non :m'Uli' nave :SUOlm SOme SUoce,5S.

'I;;... ,,g'A,'I' Li!:AO n·r···.' J' oh ----, I"V' !,- -- ,~ ·th,·· .. - A'· 'L.L ..... ,~ 'M" -rt'--',"', ,'',,'.' Dalm ~ij . 1Ir .. '

,J..U U1,.~ ,J;op6. ~,o D . . sen~". ,6 " . .DUU~, , . .1. U], ,,(] . a.u:n:a:u:R ,ItO

.- ..... _-,_-.',:. t~-h-- ,-t!!'~·"·,,r. ,-,' ...... ,. It ..,...,'.' ';'I!=-'e d' estroved churches ~A

,moovef' .e! reuCJi 0'.1 saln~'S ,I,[um 1.,.1.11,.,' . ,~.,u,"U'y,,",' ''!Or'. I[Ir',,-,Uil!Ji!i!!~ ;[1[,0""

A.bbot: nav-eUed freely in, the counlry and £ullSU,ed 'his, :mlssinn

.:. ---; ,·£~,.'lf'l!" ] ,- ~,on: 'p,'- ,>-:- A:·" ,\~.,iI,,'l.. -;-, c· . " " --:-_-- ~ --. _--'. _-··d,~·' _"'--" ''II.. ';',---:, "1 ·tt'· '.' '.--, 't·--,

Sl]j, . n. ~ ~,ope ,c_,g,3tIH!an menll.dJBe· __ J ,00 .I .. us JJe'"Ie_r D·

the ~'Em:pem(r' CDn:wtotine. PogO:U3't. that 'there: were' Boman :m,iS!-, s-iooar.,'ies 'working.": amoriJg"" Sla:vs':~1 wru:ch ean DuIY'i-- mean among". 't he

~. . ~ .

, . ,

C::rOQ,ts", It, stems, tbat~, than'a to ll'is Christi,aniz:ing :acti.v],ty';,

e: __ ' 'fI 'b ,a,il..- f 'D '1m '" d

~fJ.cerui .r;el'alj~lm;s "elw"~ell ~le new mastets, '0' . "I..' .~, a:t1a, ,alit,


.. ,'1.,_ 'Ii ~-- " . 'b'I" 'h OJ-I 'I '.' d'·m 'I 'Ii.. ,

me eoas,t:a~ ICI't~:e--l w:m"e estaJ. 1.IJ~S~.",e,,, .• , ,t ,is' '~m.CU.t t:Ol say' ,u.OW sue-

I . ..,_£~,,_.'I' 'h -- ~ ~ ~ -- 'W'-" L '

eessrur f,is 'mlSS,]'onary jil,cbvlty was, . '.H.e can " u.owever'~ IUp,pOS"B

--'h' 'Ire cr' d" 'h " --h' h --" --'h" 'h- -. . . . b --":-1'--' "

! -. . ,'. . -",. 'I' ~ . - - " . . - ," f • I . ",.. '_. • '. ,. '.' ," .•.• -' . ", .' - I.

·t· al: a: ... tI.":.Y ,_-urmg t. e ,e,lgi __ , t", Iceufury e ~ H[1C. es were 1.'Ul.t In

C· . .' ,ill" . iT· -- "',h" - . .. .'" .,' ,""""" C" fL, '.~ Ibi'.", '· ... 'orii if;.~"",,;n m· -. 'Ii~t· ''L.~'u-a p' iii".ii"i.

,:rOP',:l8, 110'£ ,,', e new converrs, 1",uns~nJ~II,.LV,iliL,. :Ui3'., ,IJo,,,"",,,,,, ,:,il:v'"

gt'Cs.sOO. quicld.y· d,ut,ing' the :period, when. DIJm~tlan Crog,tis. W,R:S

. "~" -' '~'--~n-'1'-.l!-h, ,~.-" 'f,1.,ii!".iI:m'- a,fi\1' V' ',v,:Mal:'!)'Q''';' Pr'" . ,1Ffii,n,Bl nf' Dajl'm'ltIi,II;';:,nl l m' ".' ~.'ii'i-_

unu:~r ,)I'!' ,[',u}g5" .' '"" n,r~ """ .. '1QI),!''',i ~, l ::Il'li;;i\;;' ,~"" .-- '- ... iIIiL""' .... ' v', ,~,~, . u:,!lu.C\- \., II , ~I;.

,-- •. " ....... ..l ab ,,~,iL ',o~ ~, -----,:, 'C"" ,--''1.." 'ft,.lL, c '~, _", ·ti:' ." L"'-'f-·'·,~· I '1 C"h' .. '. " . ' .. ; .. -_- -- ,-. ~'.-----: ·d--··

tron~. ,a. au" ,0'V\1 I" w,a.!i' ,pro'UaUJY · .• ·:u.'fu[i,lla:n ~,,!OF'e ". ,e r-eCOtg-nme .. ,

F---- ., ki--IC. "h . , -- .:.',.- '.: R· --. -. -'.' '- howe ~.' £'_--'I ha- '''''''':;:;---it'''_-,,' ,~d"

ran. . .l"Sl I ,supferna,cy~ , .. om,~ seems,? , .ow eve r :Ii '1;;O ',' ,~,V~ coo' _]HU~.··· ,

. 1.. -- --"- '," '1; '.' --, - . _.L, _'ii'_ 1"'1.-- . ii' ., d ;ll.h"· -- ,'" __ ·:ill·· . .'. - f-' t'--hc '.

to SuOW a parbcuJiar luter·est m ~ro9i;t]a ann '1" -6 innuenee 0:. ",: e

.. : ..... ', ··:ta' 11 .' ",j,;,':, . ,", . lIi.'iL .. , 'C': ,~'.~ 'It· __ 'd' C" 'j'd" 'n" lii"Irt--'· 'd;'m~'n' ]',,,,,'Il,., A, '. ['-i ... ,'E..,;',I'! IDY',i'"

.coa$ I· • ,I, Ch,les Olll, U;l,e· .•.. roo . s ::_ 1. ,,'U' .1" . ~ .. :..OJIJ", . l !,i,.n,~0;!1 ~'i,.:,t"".Ih~.I' i!3!

'b.' ']~. '.' 't,. h- .~ .. .l.E' iI :'. . I' d"'"d' " - '11_ --. . ,. ""---

WuY' F:ranA]~ll 'm,et~: oos lOll: e'V~ll.,g:e!uZiltl()D .• 'lie. n-O'~ 'ta.Ilj;;le, rool' '10

DWm--'-- ·t- "' ... ·C· .. t~

. I -' I' - t,- I '. . ' ...

·.1,. 3.'_I.8D ... --,r.ilB Ja ..

"Tl-. . -. - - f'~ "h--.L - .. " .. 1\- 'b' .... 'lI"r·-· -.- 'IL. '. F··l. ·'1'~= '8" --'.

;I.;Il!l!e ,COD,S eq,ue n,cesr 0" I( IS: 'n,vilJJry' . e"w,een.lU,e ., FaD_u~,nme

,and. 'the La:tin. ,coa:stal. suhjrect -tu. '1I3Iymntium, we;re~ 'm,od £D(J~ 'bmate far ,the C'roats of' :Da.tma'tla,., They obtaj-n.'ed, ,aD in,rn"e'per(d,-

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

, ..


ent hfshQprlc at Nin~ 'the: resi,demce ,of thel!' 'fu.Un,g prmees, 'The, [orUn:dati:o:n. was ,perhaps accelerated by Rums when the ,Franikg; 'g: ~nt' control e,~ D' 1-,alm~'H~n Croatia The ' .... :i'l~ 1!:-'-:'P:': ,n- i'C"';~~1 menfioned

, _, _ 'll: __ _ _g. Pi _ _ " _ 'U'~u _ j I, ,u~ U'!!I~,U,lJ, " l.iiI! , ,IlL,II.1I !l.1,ULlIlj

~... ~I~

already In 8&'2~ 'but: :muBt. have 'existed, ,ffir some tim.e· 'bel:ore: 'that

1.,lI ti,I-e" because Ri::' fi'i':n;j!:li "','I;II''''~' net ''1111f.':U :i"in.g' ;' ,~ lose ;i:,'JL,~ ~~- ~ '~,,,,!il" -0,:Mi: l~'t' Ii."!' -W,' -"'0' - -]c"

(.):AII.. ~ ..... -~ _:'iI7~' .. _'?Y!'~~-~~ L~'rlg!~1 ·_:.'vlL, ~U!l1!!l1~h!!!! !II.!U 1IJU'>i.]I , tII~· ilJlj~U!l~1 ... (E . ~ ".' .,r.o

:in, C;roa:ti:a, a.D,d, thetelore 'th.e bi,sho,pl',ilc~ was; made direcHy dependent upon the ,Bom:Qn See~ The! Franks had, to ,a,ct:ept this, a]tn€.HJl.,g';h they would. have liked, to :att~c:b. "the C'r9ab more e:losely to t'he:ir own e.ccl.esfa,s,U.caJ. p,rovin,ces of ,Aqu.ilc'ja. Of' Sa~zb1lll:rg;, It is not ,known 'whether' :I:hes~: firs,t altem,pb' art Chr,istiauiz'au£lif!l, reached

'n '" C" . tl-'" h fh &-:: '"':: f F" k" h 'i' ", '.,

.£latDIU)man I. ',roB,: a, w, ::ere'~._-,e~ 'a:C:!i;.JJ.Vllu.e,s 0_ ~··:ran __ ISI_··. rmssmnanes

must 'ha,ve' ooen :m,Qre SY8temaJ.'tie. Th,e'i1r' :6.~t success was: the

converston nf~' ''l:J'i!'i.'-J·'nnlm··~r-' P · .... iin,na n'f: 't'll,..,e, P"'QJ'DIFIi,iii"'i;D']"g"n' Croats

~U~l, v- ~~ Ij;I'I ... :: .1.1j._1 y,. !' ~,_ 'I.I,Y . . ·,1· "~' :_: .. 1. JLJl.l~,", u_:. . ·.~~I,~ :', .~._ -IJ,Jy:...:..... _~__.: _ ~,~, UQJ . ~~

,Franki$'h me·tiho"d!i ,of ,erv',ang~']IHti.on. were also ,app.l:iled,. in full Eotw .ill. anci.efd~ ,N·o.ri,cum, and In 'u~p'per Pannonia, round Lake 'Balston (,B:13:1:00' ,)" muntr,i:es m. which. F'r,an'k.ish ooI(~n.ization . s;tart,ed 'V~ry early'" ,AUoi:Illents ,of bl:nd were made 'to bis'hops~

a.bbots; and grea,t: 'lay '~,obLes" w"hol :imp.orted. ,settlers: "flam Bavar,j;a:, the ~o.Wiet M'tl11ft and the' middle Rhine·~ though many ,0£ these· immigrants were 01' servjle status, 'The feudala:nd ecclesi, .. as:tical ,aristocr.acy w'hich. directed the c:o:loniza:UoD. soon had. eom,p,m,ete1 centrel over 'l.he 'whole terr,i,tory',. E!v,en. ,the .slavic 'noblUty :LD dlese la,nds quite read:ily accepted th,e. 'lamgul1lt,e' ,a.nd customs of' the new master.s and adapted ,itseU~ to the' "feu.dsI system., w:bi:ch, 'w,as ,in, :many W,a.ys, ,r'a,'M)rab~e 'to their 'rtJ,Bl'mrial interests,

,~ Mleanw'hib:~:" 'the ,A'r,chbish.opi 1M' Sa]z,bnrg 'W,B-S extend I,ng 'his Jn .. , Bnenee even to "tbe" left bank of' the Danube, '\V"e 'know tbat· about 833 'be consecrated a ic.hurc~h at N itra in modern 'S,I,o:y,a:kia." 'whic:h was: 'Very :p'F.'obably bunt :fOlf 8 ,F:r,allldsh oolony there, as ,the,10C8,1 prince~ Pribfntij, was still a p'aga·n,.at 'th.e ·'time~ :Eh~lre,:hl the shadow !~'f ,tb~' Ca -:' ~:a:thj;an peaks, Fnank'is.h eXI)a.nsion reached 'Its, north-

0.:, __ ",e ,rp , , __ ' .. _ <_,~ . _, _._ 1iI." "

eas,tedy limi.t:.,

Fr:.t'fikiiS'fi mi'~~'don,a:rie;s also acl:devle.d some success In Hahenda.

' __ ' , -i. _'. _ _'."_ _ .,. •• •. • ~- - -.~ _._ - - - •• - - - - _.. ~ J I .. _, _' "_; ._ .. '_

,and M:nr,s'v:ia,. ond a:bout' 84'5, f:ourtee:fl ~eeb .no'b~e\~l JI,creprtied.

b ," '. 'R-' b Th' p"! - - - - f 1'111 - M':: - - " - 'M·'"

., ~1f.II,ftiLi sm ':R'1f.:. ~ .QiflA-1tii ~', '-il'll"WiD _ ' to! >'r-~'D~ 10."' i _' r '10 " I ~lralvl ~ ml@ r." .~- A1m- '11~

,I' '!I;iII,!I:.I~I..;!!' ,,' ',lib" '~,t',i;l! ".,U.I,O" ~ .. '! ,iI. ,,,"-,,Li , ' •. !Ii:ii ',', ,Y,,', ,',' U1~~~) , v.,,' _,1,1; 1,

who succeeded, fq, 'unU:ing. a:n the SIavj'e tribes: lin Morsvia under

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


'-T' "h , 'M'·' "'" :'-:-'~':~"""I 'E, ~-I '. ""~'-:__

_.' " ,_'.'e__c,_o:,raVlan, '. ·m,p_lre

, ,

d I C··'· :. k' A-" l'

,an, -t8 ,'.·.~ree "',,p: .. ostles

-.~. --- - - . - ~ - -- .. -

SS. Constantine-Cyril and Methodius

A t the begbloin.g of: H16 second haH of the ninth; eentury a very e(in~"rQ'eti.e :rea,ctinn arose ill :M-nra.,v,i;a, aal;liDs;t tb.e Fr.ank"isfl, br,And,

1tJ. . ID

of 'Ch:ristian.ity and Ft,anki~, 'p' oliti.c,~.d, inluen(~eJ.t ,a:nd ,this: reac-

. ,

'HOD w;a~ :SO' sH.dden.,t ,SiO violent and so well. ,o,r~glU}j2ed that .:l"t' UpJ"HM:

all "'th,e Frankish plans, of' ,pe;netba'tli~olil and. :co[il'quest ill, tbo5e:

re-"g-;'o' "'0"" Th a eo T'Ii'~bquD''Ifi,c:.aiI''= t .L'Il..1"'ifi ,_ .... n:a-.:'o:- u 'W-·' nir-,fi' n ""'I oronu- .D,·o- .... ...l' ,t'\flj;

. ._:_'. II .. , o~11i .. , .. j~ 'Il,; :..: .. !l~~ I, - ~~ll~~~' UJ[ U.I· 1.:lIi .IIl1 ~a}~IU :) . "'. ," ", ~,:II.!Lf. ,:.1 ul l ~vJTII.: ~, .!y

thepvUti.C.3... s;idle~ they 'were even. HJ;tlre revolutionary' in the

'~I • ,.,,~ d 11 11 l',!! '1!d ..1 h-' f-' .

eccJll:e:na~hc~n, ana cuJjtunl~ nems anunere 'hYo ne:w' "',8,,etOJ:Si came

". '1 -S· " d.iLl!.. p" 'L. L~ e L..:!!:-h 'b. ~ ...l

Into' pc a.y ~ ~y.zatdjum anc . ~Je __ a:pa:cy, uoiw 01:' 'W,[IU;~, l~U

scare,,,),}!, 'been heard o.E 'befor,e '~n thoselands,

lr.""! -., ;II;',L, ~ :( .. - ",_ . ..J ~. . .. iI:' li,L.. '\. J' - ,- , . ~,' IS' ' ..... ;. '.' '1I~'L.., .-" . ,'b 'h ·..l'~'d·· ,~Y',iQlJ:mU' ,l.U.e' .J)UBu,~r ,0'[ tne '~"',il,oQ.r;a,Vlalll '_.'yj,!Le; ,9.JLUIOU,g, , . e Ul~·.

d- "' iI,lI ILL 'L!I I ... .: h _. " h" 'b'~-

,:n.ot, ,-oprpOiSe,· '(fl,e iCr,!lDIUSi! :penetr!fltion am'on,g 'IS SU 'Jects,.

.. - . "t· .. '-]]-' , ..... - f:- 'th-- d' _.. _.. '~h'l ~ 'h ~"t -".. t- 'd' for th ....

'W,3;'51' :ye.~ 'we _'. ,Q,W3E.'e ·OL me .~. !ang~r w I. ie 'r ~ repre~H~n-1e ror : ne

:independ,en,cc' of his realm. He parl],],y d]islik.ed the Fran'km'h

, . , .. -h ~ "t .. ' If'L , ·t·· . "; ,';1;,., - ·1:' , ... [ 'p. -~'b-,:'~, •. ,"'-., ,"r" " .... ~ , - i"ii-" .;-:!f' .i!Ii;'j .iJ,'- :-_~, ,.-.11.;::" .-,D"

pus ' _ . m ...:o!!;Ue, ~e]'Th;:ory!lw; ru Ina, ·,s,U1C"e ,h. W as PdJ.\ L, Or an !IU[lcu'C:un,~

, '.'. 1'''1 -'- .. t -"f' A' ."";::,.; _c ,. ., .':,["':1' he '. 'M :,.:,1;~". d ,Li1!.... '-.'. 'F' -. , .... 1,....!' ~'h:, I

mevemenr, ", .. ,cullg very SWl,iH .. y,~, .' e a,".~jaC,l;,e::: Ole, pr'o- .··,:r.,~I~~S '_'

n. "b"" ..3,_. " 'IL., ..... ,', r-' " 'f'; N~'i-· '.', d "'- '-','. ed h· ~.- 1;, '~",,- .. ' jo,,- 1,...,1-

:E'n: ana, orove [um out 0:.' _' helm 9lD, annexeu ... is l!.elfI.ll,ury ~U ms

" :-:c, M" ',' "<, '. r. .,-' ,-- ". '1m> - I t,." .... """~,~.. - l:ii\ii')-i? .. , ,- d i)''ltl, )'. p:-·!,.,.tb';", ;'. -, ........ """'Ri ...

(Jrwn .. ' .. O(faV1H 11 rea. '" \ U~" ween pUUi an·· . ,~u ~ ·'A,~.ul!~ ~A,

, -f-,'- ",.~,,;'L, th:-·· p··,. ",.:.,1~!. Ih' 'M' '-" i . ",,-.,c .. -, R,J dhod h"'" -' ":"rib:'b~""";- ""1 ·d,·1 Te.ugr~ Mw, ~ ,e " ,rallJIYJk,~, ,'., ~gra ve '.' II . ,uD·, ,,]l.S De~,~" '.' OF !I' an ,

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


,dter a·coepHfig: h9:p'tism, and bem,g' 'Ja',t'~f' rewarded with the: gH't '0.£

,3 h.n)~'~"ng ..... ,~n 11.....,w:,D.·f' Pannon .. '~'g. became a zealeus suppoeter n~' ,~I'T,c~: -- - _v UJl~, ;!Ii._ Ji.Yl' _ '''? ~~ __ V I,~ii' _""""',," 1111, ,~),~;I llbillill "'0:-, e, IIU , ~.I. u\( U:llie

Fr,anlds'b :m:issic,tDuies:, ,Fra:n.kis'b colonists 'wetie en,comag~(l and. made ,e.specially welcome in, rhe :re,gioD around Lake Bala:t-on (Pl:a,tteIlSlOOl Bla:tn;(~)I" and 'here, ,P:rlb[na, 'll-uilt 'himse'lf a '[s:tn)Dghold, called Mosa,bug'~ ]0 (jlrd],er .. £1!l!rtber' to rewaJid his zeal and tbe services which. be 'had rOO.defled, to 'the Franks, Louis the: Gernul;n~ 'JUng of the E,ast ,Flamm, [( 84l3-S761:) '; g)B ve .him thiis 'tc:nlfiOty In .. ,84'7 as: tus hered~buy' property!

.In, chasing Prib]ua Hi,tnt, MOJlmH arrested f'or eennmes the 'Frankish 'push. ''On. the '~.e.f't: 'be'Dk: of the: ,Da:nu'be tow,.lb, the: [C'arpatbfa:n. :M:o,uD,tains,. ,Y'is s,u.coosslor Ras:Usla;v' ( 846-869i ') 'wa~ ab~[e to elf,end. his: 'pow'eJ' ,as' ,f:ar ,as: tlUi Tisza,) w'llere 'his :r-e'aJm ~ became oon:ti,guous, '00 the Bul,g~an Empire His growing power ~ aroused 'the ,jealousy 0" both 'the F,l"(u:iks' and tho Bulg,u$,~. and, in order 't'-a crush 'hkn. fO'f!e:V'er~ Ltn!.ds· t,1i.e,· Gennan oIfered, a '~pad: tu 'the Bul,g;ari'an, :p,fi[ttoo: :B'Qri'!;'" The Ia MeT:, a-fra(,d 'both O'f B,astis~l31v Ina' lof' B,y.zantitl'm~ [gIl/diy' aeeepted t'h,e~ (dJer [9Jnd, e'v~n ,pr1lm i led,

'to receive Chri;stia'nll'ty f:ram the hands o£ the F:rIEI:D1d:sl1, mis;!d6n~ I ,g:ri:es), who seemed [to :hfm. (,ess dangeIious, than. tIl.eir By:zan.ti'nt? ,!-

-.rii;=.~l._iI!_!I' "

'CuJiH.-CC..:,'!!G.iJ. "

But[~a.v' 'v-,8S :not unawa;r[el of', 'tlU5 -new' :de¥e'lop~'emt,. lJe

~'~m'c- i;": 'I'"Ji"Io 'I!..~,t"a :Q~iin.v~d. u~' cj''''"'o-d" I PAfi;fi"':'.t'i;,'ifi,ifi' 'i!llti,t,li-, the B""""lg, -:gn,g"m,it'1'

~~' .. ,~ ILu In(jJ.,'~·~ ~~~JUJ' '"G._, I ''V '~,J' bU -e , ...... , J!.-511U1UU:IUlj3 ,.~,", .. O -U] .' t' .: ~';' ••. • .• ~IlIP;,Il~k,J

,at 'the be,giDn~i'n,g o.f- hlS~ reigp, when the ]ch:agans were in ,conflict

"'!II!ri-'&''L ,II.'" B, F-'r-II1i, ...... l";fO,' ';b-' ,··u,·t'- h-:' D .... !lpc: ']J,.;;iI1V· [nh-' OifiOi .... el ''L.!';t' 'n~.,;'It!!n-v DDd- - react 'ad "",-~·UI. U-!l1Y! .; ~'- ... ~~l.QC3jl ' ~ .. ~, - ,~. ~.~ J. ~,~ ~ . .oJ,;." .~ I iI;ILI":e~P.U, m~ r·~I,Ill~~ ... r "~._I .. I . I ~A~'.,~ _

flO ,tlle move of ,Lou~'s': 'th,e Gefiu;;ilD wuh ,8\ ~urpd, eeuntera'fif3;ck~ R.e~ 'was, 'bj,rrUi)ellf looldng, :fo-t an ally;; ,and U!l)W he n£fe~ed, an, alU:anCle' to tthe ,BYZ:StlitJ:ne: ,Et.npeJor M icnae-I III., C,u"seq-o,c.ntly,;It

. ,. ,"' ,c'.t!2 '1. I . I' __ If r.,..._ " . ~ 11 'b d -',t..

sOmeti:rne III Qv.~_::, t',.;jje 'pOpuJJti,on, Ul ,. wllsb:n.'tUlf)p,l~ , :1" tue

''II E_' I' ~th I' h ']'11 f h ~ 1!iI' ded b

pleasure 0'[ greeting: W1 L~ un the wa J]S -o~; ,t I e CIty '- 'g-uar,.eG ,'. Y'

God:"' :8, str,a:n.g~: embassy !coming fi"'mn, the farr N'orih'wat where none hut a f:~w' 'Bymntine" traders and m'iS5,i:onaries had .ever penetrawd .'

'8astis'Eavs c,ollllub&r=:move' 'has! seemed so ~~n!Jrpri~ln,g and im.", ,pro'ba,b,lc ttl, m,ID:)" 'hi~b:ni,a'lls' ,tha},t, until 'v~ry :recID],tly snMe of tJu~m

L~"'~ia ~kr~crlv dft,["j'll.,I0: .... .l' wh [~~'LJ~¥' a ,fZ'!.D·mc~ti .. :t... ... 'Ib-·a:"g'r'l, p:DIlit'ii\D \Va_._: S_':

na,,,·!~, !1!U,v.~~iII,~I:J' lyl~D",e~ . ~U:l~.IlJ ~. Ql¥ .. '---- ~'-' - ... ~~~, J '-'---'-~~ •

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


,ear,pab]c 'llf so brlUhl'nt' a ~ltroke ,af diplom~oy~ I hJlve 'boon able to, mtnb:Ulh~, hnwe,ver,'i' in, a ,specla], !$tady:~ 1 'that 'the' Moraviam, ruler did, aUltuaUy mmj(re' such, ,8 move" Kno.wled,ge' 01' BY2'lntitun aD.!d, of .i.ts! g' cIUfi,e'~ 'was, M,~mlgi r ,1'1,PJfelo9' d,: :AV,;t3'D' ~'D' sue ,t.., d .. :"'~iI'fi'Iiji'iiio, ,-"n,gm.'·,::in"'~ b:~y'~'

_'_' __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _U~, ..;!! l~" !!U _ ~ 1_" ~Il III ,10l''I..Q,;,Ii.llIL, ,r""" ,011 I Ii;]! _

'.' '_ , 1 :_'. (:

tr~idiB['fl, 'who, 'n,iCl1V'@'IW';i!'!l4::!irOI'I'!@.d:, ""-, '-m,,""~m· ,r+\fIi;:m·_ " AA'D~~l'i*" ojj .. rl:tb' .I!.'it.,..:i;. -on! I_-~ ~,¥,

_ ~ _ .... _ ~ _ ~~.... ~ ""'y~'!!Oi, u..!" /Q .. !;,g, " .... UI l,iC<II!;,;iL, ,",:I, -', 'Ul~' t'!'!Y UD!U:,il~~

,,'c,-,' :"'h"" D","'" '., I' b ': "", d '~ ..... ,"'_;"b" I~."t-" ,,----:~, ':: • 'Th' ,""-', A""'~"· ,-;:: :-- c, --:-,,~,.1I'1i,~:, ~:,-::- th -',

on '," .. , e annr e ann hili U lin HnJ8S,., '" ,,~, "variS,,! es'pemaJLI,.y In 11 e

ll, .. ,,," oeriod .(' t':lh"';~'-'---'!!-'--"'--'-- ,-.--.- ,-,- b:-,''IIc'~l- j;.- h'-;::'-c- ,-.--,

,.!las~, ,pe ... &0 '. 01 I .. ' elf e:x] $ lie 11 ee, seem ,parucu..:ar . .y ,11.,0 " ave en-

countered the: fnfi!.uen,ce of Byzan,ti:ne, 'cjJriha,tion,.

The ,~4,iclla,e'l Ill: WQuld .ha ve 'p.: ,refe,lred b:) reeeive an

- ,

embass 11'€J:m 'the BliJ,iarians:-., w"bo were tben in 'the' ceo't1e'f' of

'the i_Dlems,'t of' Byza'nilJ.Q,e T1olicvi, but he and his' lo~unseUars wer~

.. lr' J

'-.'0-011-. ~ ~'---·_]"'I.'I" ,jI., .... ,-, ',',' .. :1!.." ,.'"""~",,, .... :(, M""'"",·",', '\'-,'~B":"""';"'-'iIo:'",-,!

B, .. JJe ,tmmenla~t'ty VJ p'a5p~ue lmpa,i!, ranee 'VI, a . . ,t:Jra.vO'-,., y.zaflune,

alliance pos:si.bJ.y d.evelopb,~,g :iuto an. !encircUng mave'ment: direct,ed_

< "-,' "."" ,I. the 8',:""'1"-,,,, :.", v'h', ,'I'" B"c, ",'" , ',' h""1 ,t-'h' ", ,,'h' ;t""~ ':- '~"i' ',:-

agaJns!~ tne ' .. u.~:,ga;rman. A~,-a,g:an ,--,OI"U.,~ W, __ j].~,.,_~ou.,I~_ Slu a. pa"gallj!

00 f,' h" ,i d" ,'" f' - - he

, , ' . ,', " ',' , ",' , , ',', ',','. '.' I' ' ,,' " , " " ," ',,' ',',,' .' " ','" ,," ,_ , " '

.. up'peaJ1 to' 'pfiel :Cf to' accept " l~ lmpen.ii_ln~g convmSlon,_.rum, t e

Fr,aus 1,2'lthe.[ than from, 'the, 'Byza'Dtin~. "Thus ,a,_ Mora'vo .. ,Byza.ntine .' u rdUan,ee. W1U concluded'JI the ,adm of 'Wh,1,cb 'w,as' 'to :f:acdi,tate, 'the

cultural ,e'~paDs~Jon of' :By,za:rttinm,. 'Rasti:sla~t", 'who dreaded the :I'D-

d"'~'i- ,it ·t:h,'" F'·'",-'ll··~,-'-b':-' .",,~:~~,,;,,-t, ,~'-:,- besc ,;c·11..·,t,· "tb,:-", 'E"":'--;-'-"'~ ""t-- to

lil:uepce O:l _", ",e, " :nlnK:,~(5... ,mlSS1on3rl~'i' ,.Bson,g,Jj,I, . .'.' e ': m,peroF .0

send, :hIm G:reek misS;llon,u,ies who could .speak the,vic: .la,ng~~ge~

I -''L 1~'D!i]; R - .. 'Ii .. 'Ik. 'g,1f "'d' b'l~ 1.- :H.! -h

n :t'1'ie yei:lT. ~\;, " 'au;,ti.8Jla v ,m nis · is) .' ,~e'j'" as: t,.' 'e

P,ranldsh ,annalis,ts called his res:idence" pm1ba'b]y sJibJa,ted some ...

-, 11---·---- ..:'Ib.- I-.n;---- .t1!Iii"ii.'-~- Alf~' th"- --~.--g-- ''i.,.Anrn''lliflii'ili 'FiiI::i;t"iii:iI=y.o...JI '~I d""'-p'll~ W,' ,elF,e' unUI,e "vwe:r ~~;uJl:~e' V", ' ,e' n, v,~[' lll('v' ',~ 'Ii'!CiI." ,I, '!!Ui'~~dI, ~U ,g, 'll '"I'u-

m a- &;ifi ... n..ll "c ul .... ,~'P\IifII1i!!i.!' 'm'- ]""~;f'.!!l\o"n'" ,~,Difi't· '''0- him '1L..y- ~ 'O''U'l7Bn' "':'ll"m'-'" A' " ~ the

'_ IU~ ,~~.,U, .. ~~ .. ~ JL~.!I,l~_1 .. ·q!3: -'_ .:: Q.~IJI.:· l}I_ ... ,~. _. } 111' .. ·. .. "I'j' ,6.'.- !l:.ii.-: . ,ill .. - .'t 1·.0··

,h~.a,d ,of 'the :wiss:iOll were two. bn:'Sth~rs, frotm Thessalenlca (Slavic SCdUD,j, '), CODs.t,anHn€.,ICY'rn ,and M e:tbodius~ !worthy' flepre.s-erfta:thies

I 'f: ·t:"h'"" ',' 1-' .... , .. , .. :,-) ~,I!"" ,I ': 1 ,'_ 'b,~ ,.16 ,:-,-;:: t1 .... '~--:Lld' 'p",'16n-A :~n' I the ~v"'~n,~,'iF'i.a,

U '., Ie eQI"y,dl ~ ~ l.' Iva _ Wld.elil. WB:S iLHA:!IU!~ ,," ~~ 1 ' '. ,UIIV' ,.oJ .iLoQ~.iIi'l"iI&.I.~

E·," tb' ~ tIl

mp' ~.iFa .;:~, 'I' . @: m'.~:"·· eentury r "', "

. Ill, ~ 1j,1i.l ... ~" JII·I!! ~.~_ _ _ . _

" '

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


D"'lII ~,

(~:he,ma, ) oE's~\tdo:nic~,~ ~vIIetb.od.ius, W8,S, 'born, about the y1ear 81,S and COI:n~tall.ti:I]l,e: ,in 8.216 (If 827', '~I ethodh:_ls ch{J:S,~ an ad .. , minis Ira tive eat.e~i.r .and·~ aJ;:oordimg to his l:dI~)gr,ap'ber - 'was ap~' ,po~:nt~d h;)t "the E'm,p:eFor to "the gl~V'el'n.m~rrt oil' a S:l~vi:c, ,ptallty,~~~, C!l):Ilsta;otine was Interested In scholarship and his biolgraphtEfc relates tha ti invited. in a dream, to select the mosit .bf'3utiful girl ill a COil tes t, he chose Sophia ,_, W'JjJSdom~ ,Aft.c~f' 'L,~ f' 'h Ji' d -h ''L., p-'.' 'L,(,.'." ~ ., -, b~ ']jf 1_ ms ",at_:~e:r s_,eat.~ bl@ '. nme l"';~,lDlst,er' -~.-,I[lj.eoctist.os: CjjDlSiEt,. tOOK:

chug,e ,0,1 'CjO.Dltan:t]:n·e~s. edu,ca:tiO(D, ,at the U ni:v,er,si;ty 0.£ 'Go!Dsta:n,ti,,oopie,,,, 'w'hi.cb had trained thousands 0,£ o&iJ==ia15, Ior the, im,pe>rjaJ: serviee, At: 'that time, also 'he became the' disciple of :Pboti,1l1s,~ ,the ,g'ni~atelt· humlnis't o£ the ;a,ge~ and eventually' sue .. · eeeded htm at thiS unt versify ~'. when pno'll.ns took over the: din;~ction. of the ,imperial chancery, rand, he also seems '00 have iacoompQD:~~d Pho.ti'1l5 when the la:tt,e:r was sent as ambassador t:o the A'rab Khalil' 'Mlrl.'ta,\va'}ddl, It was Phottus. who, seems ,to have ,re,conc;iled the brothers wi:th th,e. 'n,ew ,oo,oime' after TheocHs;t()~s had been


m,W'd'ered by' ,B:ardas~. "I;lncle of the Em,pe:ror M.ic:haellII .. Fe,aring

'tha:t this; upheaval ,and the" chang~5 w bi~'h. f[J,U.(n~ved :m],g'ht 'have' unf~olrtunate ~nnse\qu.enc~s .for him as: a i:a'V,arile of' tb,e murdered

P ~ ''LA! ~ • - C' ·'1 £- h ., '1 d-I·'· d 'L .. ~

.- rJJ1l.e i):,d,1l1Sler~,_:~ormtanti.ll,e, re : t ,t ·:'e ca:p1Jta, ,a,n:, J,otll,e; !nd

'brothei!' in his monas'lery ~t M-o;un:t, Olympus: in ,A.s:ia, Minor,

~ t.'etbod:iu;s seems to, have ,chosienthe, monastic 'life OD. his own :in:i t:b~'ti ve, ]0. th,e '11l,cp;n.on ~" o:r li,gyric' in honor of' Sf,.

il·1 "hi '"'"' ..:1 ,. t t'L. ~ ~ I- t- .' 1:.. ,'L... . .

,,~,--,!e~._ . WJ.US,~,.nere JS an mteres :mg: :pa:ss.a,g.e 'yt~:dcJi g;i.ves: U-~, some

nieW and '~u.rp'dsiog details oo:noorrdng b~m. Th.e S:~Jnt is spos", ,tr'Q_pb'lzed.: ~~:Ho]y aI'ud. most g~,orious: 'te.a:ic'bet', wllen you bad. de .. eided to :leave ),Oll:f' :f~fldly and flOur na:t, eoul1.try~ you'I' spouse and yo:nr ch,i~d.r,e~l~, you chose to ,go ,a.way :hlto ,th.e wild~rness in ar.d!er to U¥te· there 'wi,[h the lio'~y Fathers .. U [f this, in£,'or-malion is :reliabl,e~~ the:n it must 'be eoncluded that Methodtus was ,married. ;anQ, had d,ec,~ded to become a monk, probably' 'by mutual agtee~ment ,:~,.~.~ hl'iE'!, '~:~j1:~'f',@ '~. an arrsneem en I tt w:~':'j('j;'h," was Dat' uncommon

" e.HI., Wllli.n iii -.;J'I!l,[~ Q," ,!I;.IIi. o~ IIU.' __ ~,g~ .. !If!!"'" - -- " .

in. .BYZ3n-ti'u:m ,. The "canon" £;osists upo:n the 'f..reei dee:hiio,n of the

'~ !I) 'b~'"-~Ih· ~.~ 'b- .'Ii.!" 10, '0· '.-, 11. ,,,,,~ l,"rii "" :'1ji'oi'O""'"',~~I\f~ n.o"i, ,'''''t~'I!';l:~: ~~·",~..,._.ii::I'·~~~,;DitlU'~ I~~f~n.

,,r'U .. illiIlS ~ -,I j[" '. ~, J!,.id,'!{J'I!.II""·'!!' ;!;"'~,IIO.!!;j.""rHi!l . ., ,F'I!.I" 1;;]0: ~U' ,! ~ '!i;i'u,.o;; ... !~I,I!Ij;"""",,,~._ "--J'- U'.""'I!;I' -

~'lav~ pU:,m.ePi~J, I( Lell~n.grad:i I·9il10 ,t, p'PI. 12.2, .fF"

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

C'A' 10.

' ... >Ii,'D~L_'V' S,T" ,.iL '!tn'c-' ili""!!n.l'T!" '1"7 A' "TlO-i~T' ,~A.Pi_c,~, _:~,T,&" ~,,",~' ,I, :,\!!"

S'aJint~ a. eireums tan ce. 'which eseledes a,oy kind 'elf ponti,cal 'p;ress1lt1c'.

l:t: was' ,i'n, this; mOlla~feJY that the new E,m,pe:ror M'l,ehael and the new P'a,'triar,ch P!hotius found the 't\V{J1 b:r,otbe':r.~: and P-Et[,s:ua,ded, them to ,accep!t' a:n im,porblnt rengious and :di.ploma'li,c, mission 'to the :1C_bs.'IUS ill B60O) A 'long -report O~l 'this: mU;S,jo,D, :i$ ,to be! found in Co'nstBf1-tin.e'~'S, bilogr..a',p',hy., M'te~: t:heir' rel~lllm, fro~ the Cr,im,ea~, , 'became ahbot: of 'the monastery of FoJ_y clrr on" 'w:hUJ8' Censtantme ,fiicce:pled the ,POlS't of pFof'essor of philosophy at the, 'fa trl:a.rchtal school which '\V'as 'being ,r'eorg,anllzed by ,Pb.olius, i:n ,the c:h.urch of' tbe ,8:,o1y' ,Apos'tles~ 1

Sueh were tile .me'D, w"ham 'the ,Byzantine .,g:ov€!:r.mmeo'l' 'W,8JS, p,reparing to lend as ambassadors to Morav.ia. Ih,tb accepted tb,e~

C,(lllsta:n.tine--Cyril 'was one of' the B:nest polygl,o'b and gram ... , madam;: O(f'tbe Mtd,cHe A,ges:" 'PosSles,s:i,D.,g: aperfect 'know'ledge 'of ,dIe Slav dIalect of' ,M,9o.e.donia - ,8 fact' whic'b in no way- reflects lllpo:n bis Cil\eek ,ori:,gin _, he set to 'work- to invent a 5~cjjaJ alpha'bet' t~) ,exp':re'sS, aJl the signi;GclI'D:t ,f,eatmres, ;of the Slll'vic: lan,gH,9"le", and, lie 'brought tbj~!r alpha,bet _, k:n~wn. '8,S, ,gta,gnJJ.t:ie'~ to the

M' : t'liif,Q vians q[l' '1'iI, 1i!"P- h .... I~'n 111 00'£-;' 'f-;m'C m -, the I:"i m- - nfiii"ffii;P Th' " An 'iil'iri;.iio'I,.., L ~;'"

_ .. ~ _ty,_:p'". '!!a~:~ tP~ A iJ!;I ,.: V~..IlldJ i~-" "~ :. >.~" ~ ~_II~~:, 'r:'~I.UtJJ.l~l ... _' ~llUljj · ... iI:UI, IJ.~

'brother' 'l\4:e.tbodius:, and Ws: dj~ci:ple5:~, 'he started 'to translate the, Holy S;cripturc~s and the Htur;gieal books il}}to SI_a.vofl,io.~2,

The ,BV.Z3:l1tiriC m:iss,iomari,6.Sl were warmly 'w,;d, ,m. M:or{livi;a

, ~

and W-:-~--iA ""',-eiI:~l:'~ll:-, able re ~',"'Iii''''''':m"I,~,~,O:'~U' ~ the :~:rank~ 'who~ 'W:i55j,OD:-'

~ , . ~l!',~ ~n;;J. :Ly lPI.iU ~ , vu.~ ~~,~, ~ T!!!,~ __ !Ii.' .1" _ __ _ _~, _ _ _ _ __

, " " ...:Ii - .IIII~ , ,C " ' 'iII~ ,111', 'J. '~I" - '. - ., d 'li"A - .],~ -"

!IJ Fot yJet~;l~i see F.: D~~mi~;j' P,1;O'tiU:S: cl.t ~a, r'OOl'gJlnlSa!tiO,D,:~, ,i, - ,ca,U;'t:jmile:

:~.'tri;n"~.le~ II' ,Al~ect~. ,86Iffloo.Moo: LXVIII (:U~50)- ~I 'PP'~ ,l08-125~

- ~'T$u~ d~3i~!ect -D~ '~'h~ M:aoodlonis;n, .s:'lii,~~ ~ _ ~hu~,;~ ''t-e,rit, bl' ~ a Utlera:F.Y 3l.fid WUi ,,ed ~o th.~ :n~ ~;f' 'ffi,e. S1a'Vs Grslt 'in G:rea~t Mo~avia 'a;O'd, ~~a;t;er :~m1i other 'regiO:I1i~:. It is cu_s'tOlm,~ry 'bJ ,ct),n the ,OOmm,on litera'ry lla'n'~

ID'1I1 . ii:fIa ~!'C" - .. ~!!ijo . - ~i,if""tl.." --t.. C"'I'-" ""'-- '. - "" n,~dll !_, ,!iiI< .. ii!'iIli1~iIl,t voilll'li"ill;i~n f'l'li"iim ;IIi.L;6 :e"","a,~..... iiOJ'liiIIViO([l,U: Qr ~uliJl"€n 11!i, B'lfurnlC ,o:l!i-u, U-J ,I!!Q ~',_J_:.''I;,o~o1!~_:_ '=,~;,,,,,,, __ :__ 't:u ...

n:i,llIt-b m t'lbf!: ,ele,,·~pth centuries=-« 'I~Old C;h!ur'eh ,S]a\~orruiC'..'" :H',entef'Qnv~:rd, m

,L,t .. ,;.,. L_,_,lt_ ,~:L, .... '"'~"A"'.l' o!i41~]a'uAl""']· ;f'<~~' 'w..,~] 'ilL ... , ·""m-'T:l]rn'!ll'''_..J] 'f, ....... , o[]j iii] 'W- ,-iifliii'1i..... ~U_Ti, ~w- - - tCt,.-

u~~ ~~ Ulll;i" "YrValU, ,iIli'_ "~~Illl ~ ", ".Ill·, ~~G 1~ll c/ U";,~' u~ 01, . :7411-1U:1i ·'FJil.d~tlli!~-,u.III:111 I. J . ~:m

'!luf,. '-- ,.1= ". ", -.lI L 'j nlI:- .. L... h;i" -. - - , I - - - '~1- u.c: Ail: 1i"i'I] tr]"50'\i'r ~~H, the ... -J.d' -......... Miiri=,.ll

DJI;a:l.~flJJan U~R f!!Yl~ It:ne· U;I,eIBIY' I~U~; .... Q,ti'l!.! ~1Ii, D.c., I~'_A - ~ '_, . . ; .... ' IV .. 'gJ" .r",,--,.~

of lliGk 1C'UI~Dl eV(j,luUon,.,

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

o~ 'Di}

.ar.y methods the Slavs 'had, grown 'to fear and hate, 'l1l.1lu the fuoodil'ti,ODS 'of a new' Sma.vduie Church were biid" Its eharaeter .. , isHe sig~, was ,at mix,mr8 01' the ,Byzantineam,d, Ro:ma:n,llturgi.'es'i ,At ,Br8~t: tbe newcomers :pro'ba'b'ly' Hied the G,reek ri.te~ 'but dlseo,v1ering 'that the l_!oma'R :r,i:bs' £o:r' the M,3SS: 'was more 'widely' knOWfl, in )'1l:ora:via., tn,6Y ',adoptedJ j,t} ,alter 'uaf,tda;,ting ,i't i,fltu 'the. Slsvonic t,OD.,g:ue,.,]!' In 'n:u~!n'y 'Ilthe,r' 're's,pects" nowe'Ve'r): tbe')" f~)lIow,ed easeern Iiimrg~ca]: practices'; and translations: lof' boly books' were abO' made from 'both G,ree1k and Latm,

TIll's, happened at a 'Hm,e: wh,erll the o:thef' European na:tions fmm the :sh:orr-es 0,£ Ireland t'o tbe' ,E,lbe;, the A'Ip~s. and the Ad:riatiJc were already Christians: and ma,dl 'been" QE,ten for oontmi,@iS~ in.., eorporated In the La,tin I;nd, :8"o018u cultural W'Oi~d." ]:0 those OOllJlmbiies~~ only' one: langua,ge ,_ Latin ...... 'w:bicn, 'had nOfhing; in OOmm(l'H 'with, ,their ve,m~~I;cu1ar,~ 'w,a~ ollnsidJeted suilta:ble' :fOf trans-

'"iIT'ioiLN.:.i"-n- g till' d ,d: 'oItiil''''b']np,iiD'g ii-iL.B, nultura ] iIi--,Dt.fIo .,u' 'P'£I''; :1' nhe 'r'Il"tDd' I 'f' 'roo'"~ m

RurL'LJI·',·:_:· 'lL I "_' ." ,1~J'lfti U, ;-:tiJ . ~'.. 1Jl-;I'~ I~' .. ILJlll I_' , IU~~I. ~,~'~ ~r __ .:'_' ._ .. Iy ... , I ~ .. .'.: "_' J

anclenit 'and Cbtistblll' Bome,

When 'tbe ,8]a.v.s first came intu COfl,tact: w,iifh C,hri~ttan culture

.' :i:.:L, '. th- - - h,rrv '11 th - A -'1! 's-' , b _1 - d d ~

10, me nm r:_ ceH~,i~i ,:Ii n,nJ!Y n e ',~ngdl"', ".' axons ,lto sueceec '8 , ,ID

seeming :fur their 'Darti,vIB ,tof[i,g~e: a 'place second to the Latin, ,But'tn,ey were si,tua;~ed far &w'ay from the' Yaney's' 01. 'tnfe' M:01'8'Va and the Danube, where a SI,a,viJ(~ pc)liti:,cd 'Q,e'I1fte;r was coming iO,'f:o heln,g,,, :Kin:g Alfred knew about the 'M'[j·Jj,a;via,ns and, indeed;~ knowled,g'e ,O,f thls 'plltr1· (li' Europe, seems f20 hs:,ve been more ex'lensi;ve' I'll ,Alfred,~~' ,Engloll(J, than 'it was in. later days,. ,But the ,An,glo~S'~a'man e:i:~a:m,ple' could, not ,l[ls,p,ire the Slavs '3:ny 111ulre than j:t tm,p,tessed 'th,e reoeotl", converted Franks, '5; 0 ons a,nd, Ge.f-n:ulJlS1 ,;:d'iliou.g.h. 'the last nam,edt woce converted by A,n.g"lo~.saxoH, m;]'s::Slion,a'ries~ So overwmelmilng was the impa,ct lo,f' R,oma;n ~:ultunJ and memodes u:pou, the Franl(s 'tba,t 'w.hen Cbar:1!eR'U),gn,le decided, '1'0 revive' 'the', gliory t'ha,t was 'R,am,e and a,dopt the' i':m,pe:rlal ,trde,!! 'he deem,ed "11.01 la'f.iiguagB but 'Latin 'worthy of ,his, :roo,Ov,aled

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


:E,mlpire:. ,Pe.r,s~)DaUy" IChar:I'ema,gn'(!: was not averse' 'to the 'Use of' 'the F~r,anlds'h la;n,gua,g~; bu.t his, Ylbo']m;oJe introd:uctioD of' 'the· B,(jrma;n Utut;gy a.od. customs and his 'int:a,h;l8',tiO:n, 'wi,th, R,omalll, tr~ ... diHoDS ~o;ntr,i.bU'ted, mostto 'the: Bnal v1!ctory' oif 'the :LarH:n.langua,ge:" ',at the e~pens'e lof 'the nation al la;n:gua;ges and :ntera trur-el~'i

In the :mean,time'; 'while 'the ,new Slavonic Church was be'in,g establ •. shed in, Mara via, the mUfta,ry and PQUUcal elauses '0£_ th,le' M'ara,vo-,Byzantio.e' alliance. came' :~n'bo Qlpera,tio'I}', :Lold;s the 'Cerman w;as p'~paripg a: la,J1ge~-seaJ,e campaign I,gai:n:st RasHs,ltlV' and ~: 'dUs, 'n1e,W adventure a,:pp ea roo, t'Q be' ~of' tha :Bts,t 'bn:portance, he asked 'the: lbles,si:ng, ,Q,f the Pope Nlc'ho1 as m", HiB: new aUy" Boris' D,f B,ul,8a;ri11~ was requested to rome to TuUn to dis'cuss ,th'e d~tQU\Si of 'the proposed ca:mpaign :and of' ,the aJUance ,~n ,geDer~l ,But I.D s,pite of' aU these imposin,g' :p'repara'liOIlB", Louis ,had to eOlbark, up-on hts ca,mptdp i'D 8M alon,'e~, and 'he w,ai,ted in V~alll, for Boris to launch his e~,pected attack 'D:pon M:,or,avl:2i f'rom th,e (JI,ther side~

A'D. exp:la,ru~l/tion of 'this Is to be ,f'ound in. 'the' works 0,£ some

'·B··· vzantine '~·~~-ar-·e· "w"hnj ~niiDiQ:l~- somewha .. t· n~'""I~·~-,.J:l:y--·' a-:-:·:f- an 'ftf~I~-3 '.:.:_,r~D JUJ,II,""""",II. ... IIi,.~ 4I~, __ ,"-_,~ ~,:t"""'g.~ 3""",_. ,''1;.0 _'.,_,_ c_,_ ,..,.~I.Ii:U!I;,JI~~-':_ _c', _.' ,A41JiiLJi",,"U

,B,yz-$II'tio.c i:n.t,ervie,nti,oli, in ,~,u.l~,arj;a, ,in" 864~ w'mcb, a,p:pucntly '00',1{ Bons o(}m:p,let,elly' b, s'UrpriSJe., 'While prep"aring: his; O'WIt ca~:paJgn,

iLl·· ,gi:g,.n:=:n"i1't" ·M:···· ~o., t~~'Vl·:~,- 'h'·~ J~' had "r~, ~,g:p;I'~~-li']j\t,;il,3i: 'r:oif'i; t· _1I.r~ B:'::"I.,..-;p'~frn"':'n;o, ..

A !A~!i!J. . .[I,~. A, I J ~ [D.. ~~ ~g, A'Ii,U ~ ~ '~U .-g~ .. , ~~. __ .;u __ ~ I.~_~ -:. __

. . . " ','

,A£fEf~' ,this: 'be ,prtlm's'sed to. abanden the F'ranki;s'h ~dH'aDoo: and

:recei:ved ba:pd'~m ;ort the hands of Byzantine 'Priests,~ ,and, his' 'COlUl.b"y was 'placed under the, jud,sd,ictiOll of the 'PartTiarcb Phodus, It 'WlIS a. ,g·rea.t trhnnph for 'bath 'the 'ByzR'U:tine Empi~e' ,andJ the Churoh The ,Byzantines, were. 10 anxious to deta:c'h, the' ,B,uD;gari,ans: from the ,F:ra;n:b~ tha"t the, 'Em;peror ,g,ave 'his g~d,,"chUd,~

'Bit,XJl!'~'~_ -u·.··.·· ich;::.,"" a ,r!m~ -'fol)- ~)~~'.'---n··~"1 [i"i.ii"iLji':i;,rii:!i~!L'l,;',ii"llin'! a 'b.iffiljp"::I'l,m,'~~~ p. resent

Y'\!!!!"~-~ _ _ ,~" _ . ,~1;1, l_.-, ~ __ ~ • IL~,.&-,I,ILU oJl .... -'U',~-il~.:w.~ IJ~ __ J a~ Q, g,: "-~-~J ~ g 1 . ~ ~~~ . J

~ ea~

U1. O~.

! The' only :~tilDce: in w:hi~h the A~IIo .. Saxon, eX:lm,ple~ n1'i:,g.h'1 b3'V'~ 'h~J! !St;\~e~ :hlB~en~i dml th~ OOfUj~ine:nt was; the !cQm,pos~~ian o-f ,the' ,Saxon 'fe U.g ram; ~cm o!~',flreli8'nd,. ~" :B:nf' '~~ ,WtOu!d m~ver ha;ve IO~'H1~ toO, :A,__lWv'bldy In 't'tH;~ 'W',, no,t @\lien '00' an An.a]@·,SBX,O,fi- to 'have hii, h~;~'V nt~[~-v [11.'. the' ,nnt:~~'e. t'Oll~:Uif', T~e' 'F'rQfiI.:b~ who :f:n~ied the:fWlSle']"!;'e,s; a~ the h.'e~rs, o',f',t':u~ Romil:n~; e;s"pee~,n)'r

t .. ., ·C-:!L. '~-, .. ! _'~L 'Ii" --.- -" -, ,- -'":'- ,...,.I~, , .:;, - -:-' '1- .'b. '!II - - "j. tole - - nt in t-h~s -1 - • -- ~ ~

fmml'I,a:iI'!It;'!nl~gne s ,. me ,oitwau:us~ We~ ne iteM!!. ,:0, __ J.a '_,_., _,_,-'_ fe~,~C~;"

r"!"f' 'C! 11"'\.... - - - ,,'1'- - "",,~r . . H'- ..t'~,.. '~pL 1- 1. . ,.' . ,~...J ;,L .... F" L.- .. L T'" .' - _.- -.. ·l ('- L ' d-' '." ,

'''''':. '.' __ ~'_" 1.JI~·QmlK~ ii, ,,~e ,,' .. Q iii, ,·0 M !Il, ""'J1Q.l'Cn~~ ~,rn:I ,Lnt:; "'" fiI,'urtC-,.:1. IfU':fiU t\'~d': " ,__;__C Oill::_ QRt

In, ... ~\ -'l'~l!13

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


'~iS' Byzan.ti:ne :intcfViention agains.t the BuJg,iit1ia;ns probably s~n'edl 't:be MOira vian Emplire from cDmplete des,'ttllc'tion" Rast·isla,V' was able 'bJ 'ht)~d out: ag:a:illst Lows' the' German on ly with, the ~r·~'a-··t.Q~""'~ d "~~'~U' 1:~ ;ffiI,'''"l"d· 1'0 ,;L'L,D' end h· la, h: ad to 'a' .... kne .. 'w·:l.c.d·g''"''', 'F' " rankish

o ,~ . _,~~l _·.IP1~._:.· J;J~J' ~~.:II. - ~:: iUlt~, ~~~'. ,,'.~ ., g ..... -u . '. '_'" ··_t~· ", .. I~. "< .. ,W. I lo. ,,·:J,i.l!~~Jl

sup:relDacy :iu Jus lands, Had the Bulgarian threat ·mlter,~.aJjz'ed,! Ras:tisla.v 'could sc.m-ce~y have avoided o,Her 'e·xrrincti.OtOlO Later In Ig~~ 'W' ·:,bl~.n th ~ ~0'F'i1, if">:~ .LI 'f"IU· rls ,li-h' 6, C." erma no U' r~k~~ sccessfu l'gIli.V ''P~h;rl> 11]- a..l

~J . , ~ I!j; 'Wo u:I' U ~,. ,..... .,"'" iIiIIll~;I,iI ,U'~liU.,",!!...~,"" . JUI" ;Ii.","," ,,",.II ."'""t,JI,

il,g.alns:t ruSI father,,tis:la,y 5T!J],Ppo~d hiim~

The ,6«ht een .. tin.ll1ed in 'th.e ·c.ccI:esias:ti.lcaJ Held, and 'was', i:ndeed,~

!~ •

no, less Gerce" The E,as:t FraIlllsh bisbcIP"S did. not like the 'W,ork

'w:hi!ch the' C,reek m'~s;Sj.(lnatii:es were so·sfUlUy IC3nybl,g out:

,', '\'1-' ,. d"':L B;O; h f D 'b d PI I

m .~lil .,Of'a'Vla., :W'l!. _' tne . .~~~.!~pS! 0:' '.L',e.g,e:D~ •. urg: ,an.·, " . assa U;, In "J;lIU-'

tic:ul,ar'l! (!GHlsJde:red. 'that -th.eirr interests w~t.e ·be.~ng inj DI,ed because,

, ... ..,_ .. ~ .. " >, .', ", 'th',-.. ·h··,'· ... ·If." - ,I., ,,' .. - .. ,,; . c', .' . '-1 -,.: ,. ·d·:··- ," .. , 'M- ,-., -',: -.~ -'1 ..... , c' ·d·

U.I!el( sees were . _" ,e c'. Ilta cerh .. ers Q': p,['op,a,;gan·,. a. :.II] n -, oraV1B au,·

Boh ,,"." ~,'., ·C'M····-··,· ..... , - ::, Ih:'" 1:_ - ,,- 'd- " bee ;;1. ....... """'..;;1 ""-h'" .. , ' ...... ".

:..::~o, emla.., _' ,; ;oroov,er ~ as, ,,-,-as all,ca;.y ! coon. S ~ LCU,t . "e. Ulu 0-'

d" u ...... :hn;n" 10"'£- ~iL.'D G., erm ·,"lI;'lI'1IoiA A~'!I;'l!!"~'O:-: m rliIf' 'P'''~rtP: IlI!'l·:.cJIiI-.:iIIj" chnrehes 'l;"n"DC"

'". ~,tbL,v' . .' .' '/ 1JJ~1b. . _", ~, '," ·U.IJI.Il~ LUa.!IJJ a- _" ., U', I I ~.\II, 1LS _ ,Ill, ·~lIii[Ji . : ' b. _ 'b.I~I.~i;], , ..... 1. ..

" .. , "

fil,e' 'Dewl:\.' oooouered lands :mad.e the' tOQllvers,jOD. of ·p:;a:c:-:aru;.,

II -''It .. ~I

a, 'Vel)' lucra;ti;vle enterprise. :folt ,the· btsbo'plS ,and abbots 'wbo

:ha.d be{:u,m,e; :p.owle'r.fu~. '] a,ndlord~" A :pa,rHcuJarly busy ,e,van'gelizing and oolo(nizi"ng .fl¢:ti,'yj;ly was; 1bei~g directed 'in ancient Pannonia In the n:blth century by F'rankis'h bisbops and 'b.aff)ll:S.. it was: ,''-,.' "'I~'""':' 1 that the Franklsh hie -D- 'h' "ft .. -1Idl " " ',," I' -_ ... t> d '," ',' ., .. -. na",UJ, ai" ,"" aiL !;; I e ,Ii',ra~,_ :Ji. ' .. 1 :_:1"~,,_,C_,_.y :S_,_OU,I;·' _, ~ee a grea, . ,s:nger

"to the' e~a'[lS],Oin 0:£ Uti iDB,u,enoe: in. the new' :m'iss:~ona.ry methods introd ",,: ... _'Ii:!!' ,,·t-,· '\.,)Ij'····,vi bv B",···"·'·nttii'··:·~ I,·i· ,,i'··n·,,r_j,,, ,

mrro . ucec.~, ~n 0 l:~f.l ora, . ,_a. 'Y]I,za _. , __ De m:...ss_ o. ...... a,,_ ,=6SI,.

On dl.e other hand, however, Pope Nlc'hQlas I had lon:g: watched

,. ,li;L, ..' t'll-.; • 'b' ... ·~·r C'-" 1: 'b' . . d Ii..L iLL,

'WlUI, 1IiU,sPl[Cil'OD ',~:Ie ,g1.Q'w.l.n,~g aml'.·lu:OnS: 0'.1; ~a'J!z :u:r.g anc 'u:~e O'tner

B·-; . . ... - _-. . ',;n.' '8" . , " -, '" th - ,iI. ' ~ - -t' 'F-~' ... -,'C'k" -"h' ., 'G'-" - .'" .

'.~Jlv·,an,3!.n, sees, . if! was aware; t:' ~~ an ~a8 ,~.r.a';IL·IS_~, or ',_"ermalll.

I·C···:-'i:..·, '-"-h' .' \.' ',"" C','" -. ";,L,· .",-,;,iI;.,.,- ''''n';,,;;Io ,·clf the 'C:"': -,l!,!!'-,c·":,.,.,;, ·E" .. ···,·,~"··,

, . ".1.,1 ure ' w,as ,l"l:!ilUg In. tHe ,e~5'ller.D ,PdII, ". 0 I .. Ie'. :, 0 . m.1~ure

., ... ~~], ''''~'' t- '-'f· ';t~' .,;" 'J .... ,11·11,·1" "-;d' to '. ,'" '··Ii - 1oI'Q, ,',-.' "", ~ _. :,'''_'.,:- -t':I' .. ,: '-"t "'i·'ni·Ji

ana \I,I,~ ~'a., l~ .1" were ,iU.IOW~ ,0 assume graa.. lJm,por ence, ,ii, WO lJ,l~llJ,

. - d h

.' Iii ~,' .a. .'. . . • "

,pre]U(h.cle the I~:gh"ts of t.he, Boman See, as: he concerve •.. , t;, em,

~N"ib'hDlas' I ( ,858-86,1:) 'h,ad a 'V,ery hi gh conceptlon of papal

. - ) £

_ ..... "f ... '_ -, _- .. ' - .. , 'I'" i 1-' I ]111 -I' ,~. '"" ',." '3- : J~:'~", ," ",' ,:'~:-" ~ ... ,'": .... '~ .~:..... ~.' in, "bl!fl' '" .. -."-, ,'!II, .. , '-': .. -.: .• -]

SIlJ.premJJlicY,1 Under him the ,medIeval ,Papa,cy erncrge( !, . JO(f It was

L,,::: I....._ -- i3' d d ,.. hich I-·'·~ ~ ,tLL- --.' d'·· " ,. 11 ." - -,,-_./, - ...... ,1I!;:h " ms ~e.~,l;;.-elr.s: a.ll~. ..:.: ecrees w'- UJ' . gave UI,;e· me c 1 G'V;a.l c,anOmS,IliiJ. II I: e

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~iN


,mate_.rial up'. an, 'which th~v W"'tlit".B ~I b·, ·tI~'td··· ~!1!..,e· d,'" ~c,,~'nn:-, I:; f. ~u.,-:

- c:- - -- - - -- - - - - - -¥.}' - ~,~ I!j,I!U 1 _ .u. - w _ ,u .'U"iL:L~S; c),,_g),e

supremacy inall respects of the spiritua], aver. the ,secular 'power ..

This: 'thesi:i" 'Int: ~develo'psd by G,regQty VII and :hi!; ICa.J]onists

'in the eleventh, C'eD'bIlY';, was brought to J:mj,tion by' Inn,ooo'ot ,III ( ll9B=-1~16,)" It 'W11S deGned :m, the most cab3godca-1 terms by Bo.Wfa,03, 'y',III ( 1294=1300,) in ,hi~ struggle w,ith, Philip the 'F,aiF'~ ,K];n,g: 01' France, The yiho'!~.e ev,olu;tio'D, of the :re')a;ti«.tRS be'hve~n the Church 'and 'the' St:a:te; ill the Middle Ages: was, ];0,-

,(I: u en .n;o1l' b v iLt._a i"'L'O~\81C .... s: .. 'lb..a JI!"IIQ_n'n1"',,,,,k, ·wL,.!nj-h- 'W'.' oI!"i;' .... e 0_ ,£!'iIf!lI,:r .... ,~j;1iv :0" ~. L~UJ .:I.[j' Ul~~ UJ.~-4'I~Q! l;.JI. u.~ [(;~Jl_l;y, .~,-~ "" .IUIL :__, ".~ -: ~ I~~.'~" ~y .u~. 1.:~Jl;i·

·o"'ii;P"'P'· '0" ~'£'i-d-' bv secular 1I .... ,'\lh7\DiJ!!i!i:" "lIo,I;, -;l,!',me· ren t nBln'""~·..I·, ...

!~~~.J ... ~: ... ~~U .. _. '_:i ~.~-~md.l. m.~~·j. ~"1jl~ '~!L ItuIID_·I.:.___:...I~_:..I~_, .t-'~ __ ~'il

[t must 'be saJd that ,N'i,oholas I Viery g.rea;Uy ,enhanoed the asce.[td;,mq of the :Pa:pa,cy :i~n the ieyes of hi! ,co:rl;'tem,pO' He was" w1:tbau:t donbt~ ali :noble figur'e:., Not: G'oly did. he: defend~ the ,1ndissol:u.bUity' ,of Chri~tia:n, :w'ania,ge, ,al,ams! Kiln,' Lothait !af' Lorraine M'th. the peatest ceurage and perseverance, bu,t be' also tded to m a'illta in, ~mpl.el-e !cooitro'l over aJ.~, 'Christian Churehes:~ He did, :oot' succeed .lD 'the East; 'where his a,tt:empts· :t.o ,'wle~e' uofottilmab~:ly 'Wned, (twin,g. ,t~' ,his :la,ek of

k'l"li'ow"~d' i,pi'ii!!Ii ~,i£ ,lb, a, ae b.,~ al C'l"'b. ~ a-,...:inn~ A'D..JI '1' he· essf ul A'P- 'P' nli!'ii~·o-: 'no Jll;ir.~,·- :tv :~. 1b:~ UJl, .. ~'. ~ I:,' [;Ui~-2 I~~ 1l;!U£ ,~jLu( I a_, ,Y. "LJ a, v. .. ~/aai ,_,_.J], y / ,:.v..:..JlU! .: ..

of 'the: P,auiuc'b 'Ph,otius~N,icl1ohlS\~ howerver:t 'F\eig,ist~t,ed, 'oom,I,lete IueCe\S-5' in the West; as, the we~'kenblg ,of th,e: Ca;r.-o!hl"gian. Empire, ,a;ft,er its parHti:an :[0, 8171 grea,t]y he'~ped, ,h{s emio:rts~ ,and, the ,Emp81'OF. Louis II (, 855--815')~, 'third SUCCe8S0([ of Charlem,ag~t;

P' -:m' .. -:- :'1°;1 t' '_ b ~ ,J!ij weak partner .

'C" V~Q !!WI' ,- .. !!!"O "" ··.·~""A .. ~,'L,U,II,,!. !!

Thus N ieholas,'ng strengthened his aut.h()'ri~ty over' 'th.e [tallan, 'bishops" crushed ~'very a.ttempt: 0'1' 'the W:est Fra:ukish Church 'to, obt3;FD ,8" d,eg~,ee: of leoole~ias,tilcatl 'autonomy,. ThiI, is, the real meaning oE' his: iSlrugg'te: 'wi:th Hincmar, ,Archbishop, of B'heil'lilS., Ni,e,bolas onee m(J,~e' claimed, dlr~rit: Beman jurhim,lction, over 'th,e 'who,t,e area, of 'the: former :p,ro'vinc~ of Illyrteum, 'wbi'eh, 'Wll81 In ~Te;lt: 'peart' oocu:p.,fe:d 'by S]a.v,s:~ Sl!ov~ne~~ Croats, Serbs and,

~"l '_' ,~-

,Bulgar],ans!~ He. bad 't,o 'let 'toe:, ·:Fr.a:nll:s send tllei'f' 'miss:iaDaries to

tneir plag~n Dei,gJtbor-:s~, 'but) while 'b~essln,g ,tbtllr Chr:is:tiaD'i~blg ;aetivi'ty,~ he was detennmed 'to ,seize the firs,1: t)'ppolbJ'mty ,to secure the dir-ect, .su,bmbsioll of 'the: :[tu!~wly C€H1VerlOO peoples 'm

,ILL.a;, R' ''''~ma' " .. 'D' I ~D05 m~ _' .. ~'U, _ _ ,~-~~iIi

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

· iH\

,IS., ~ awn' .MSTHonmS O~

.As wiU be: shown, in 'more: Ide:ta'ilj 1.;:bolasr succeeded ',in SUp .. , ,plantln,g :F:rankish ... missi:o:ll)a"i~s .in B'u]:garia p,:ries.b sellt .£:OO'Ul. R(Jme: and in ,5u:bo:rdina;titl,g B'lllllga:ria~, at .. lea~t fOrI' 'the 'time be]llg~ d,h~9C'tly to Boman j'm.isdicti,OD.. 'Ylben iaD this .is 'bome in mind, .i"t can be understood that it was impossible f"or ,N:i,ichola.5· bJ' remain [D.dilllerent t,O, the activities; of F'r31:llljds'h and. B'yzan:tlRe mi-isi,on. .. · ariJ~SiD Moravia and. P,I;lnn,pmi;a. m.t .i~;' therefore not ,sttrp'F;'isin:.g to learn from the: b.i-ographe:r.s: of' Co-n~;taEJitine.-.lCf·rU: and :Me1tDodius mia·t the :P1ooe 'h1vited the. G.reel brothers to' eome to ·Rome.,

~~. .

It is 'o.ot ~kno,wn .m w'b;a;t circumstmnoos; 'this, tian 'was

made) bnt Methodius!~s bi-opap'hfil'l' (C:ha:p~. 'VI) iil,Hri'bu'tes. the initiative to N leholas L Constantine's biograp:ber (C,hap'.. ~XV):~ however, seems to .indlcate that fhe papal :~,nvj,tation reached -thiS: twn brothers in. V'emoe:i :a£tef tbey had left :Mo·r.a:vla, ,jill order to have their disij~:ip'le:s ordained, ~~ .2;

There Is 'D,O'thing, .s:urprising: in, 'the 'bIr.othe~s'~ ,8(Ccep1tanoe of the PO'p,ls, illiVi.ts;ti'~n 'to ' Rome as a:t. 'that time' tht{l':e W'aS DO ,tnil.nos'ity tow)ards, ,Rome. in th,e' East, ,Mor,eov·er;. the hVobrother.s: 'WleJne wen. a:wue tha.'t· the 19rods wh,ere tbey had. wo£ked were a :p;a:rt of the patr.iarc'ha.te of Rom_;e and it would have been on]y :narural if tihey :h:a.d. :in:ref:l.!ded. to stop fhere ,_ even :if' t:b.ey were on their wa.'y bJ C,ons:blnti.-n,op,le"

IOn their way te Ven:h:~e'~ the 'brother,s: :~egb.tered. an 0 iheJ"' suecess, ~ .Kncel~ th.e ,sou o:f' 'the Slavic P'rin,ce Ptibj;D,3", who 'ruled in Panna-nta under]d~·b. ;~:l\i.prnm:aey.~ had DO!t only Jrooe:iJ.ved the G'ree,ks, ·w·eU as 'they passed 'through. 'his 'oo~lntry ~ but" p,r,efer-rillg

~ Se;e 'bellOW., Ch~p. 'VI,!, p. 11:9 .

. 1' .It: seems pi:-o'lmhle t'hat the !lw~, 'b.oot'helJ'S int~ru~ed t-:o [!et~m. f~mm V@nioo by s:e,31, ·to' 'CC~llstaJntbj()iple in order to 'report to' 'rJilc' E:'M'pemr and to, t':h'e P'p;,tn.a~rib ',on ~h~~ res~];i 'Q["'~heh:' WtO\rk 31mld to have' ·thetr dii~dp~ !ord,a]ned. M~~t wce·,g -th~ lovita;tmOIl frQI11 Nic'~olas I, ~'h,ey c.h8J:1l,goo their mj'nds and ·W'e' to lli,offle', It :lsi" :ho:weveJ.~ also q uri te' :~;il~;le that tlID,€: Gl\I;~:ek. bl"m:hen iin~~\Ilded to re~,(::h. C~blinthlOfI1e' by w,ny 0'- :8,'Om'(!i 'fh.~ .£aiC~ ~'!iud t;h,ey' ha,d m:th them s.o:me· of. the 'E"~lilCS: '~-t~eved to' ''be t· c~f P"Ope ClewmleJ'nt I, fhe thi[l;d ~'U'CD~' o,f St. F'et~:r'~ 'w'h~d~ tbey h.~d. diSOOlfe~. d'~r.wng th'eir stay .in. K:hersop in tbe Cftm~i,lJ, aruBrdng; ·t!b~~i:·r miss1i:~n 'to tk~ Xiulza,:n], s.u,g'" .g~I:$' t1::oJ.iSc. They migtlt· havlc m.t!e:niled to 'Ie-a've the :re'~ics in Home~ W,e 'bow · 'lhty 'left some 10'1' them ,in Kher5l@D and 'Qilhen :m Cons~an:~ap·,re·,;


Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N


~,1,l,-'" ·,,'· ... hod b;,;., :.r:L,jI., ,,"f- ,iLL" F'--' ,'"';'",1_ •• had '~':-." -,' ;&.1L. .. -.:-" abc ,t, ,j!!'hr' u~€Ir memo IoU! UJi:l1. 0,: Ule, ranss, aao g,lveo,l.ue,m ,3. ,OU -' ,IiU,I"J

~n'u'n'g-' mea '.0 be '1'~'II'ri;,Il'~'~ ... ted tn C!')- _ ~jnTl.~· - ']i' ," --- -

'V, ,II~ '" " ...... iLc'.l, I!I.i 1_ ,0 iL~'''' III'"" I .... u 1 ;" ~, ,3, ""'Y.II.II1C' ,Jj,ell !l.:ers, "

". '. ~ .

'It N" ~.~ 'Ii... ''Ii 'I' , U.l......! 'I] lL. • d iLL

"I was ,_:', l:uuOJJUS :SilCOOSlsor" Ji-:-.dl,mia;[I, '_',~ w;~~o :rece.tye~~. mem

., 'h k- f d' '. 'lI-· ·QiaQ, ',,"'iL ~, . ,

Wl,t,', ,e'very mar,_,~, 0_' gOO:' ,Wi'" In: g~" a:pp[\ovJ:ng' uj'fUlf in.llU'lV,~diO'ns

and, '(h,e Sla'\"ou].c 'liturgy :aud, .himself.' ordaining, theb:' diseip]es",

I II-; W' 0;,111:' ",Le, P ope's pn;ll"nv wh i n'il.,. evp:1i,o ~Dc" 'h~'~ cm,'M~'·tll'il;d' ti3 tIil"llWgi''II''.lII~ .i;.'[L'£II

, ,It ' ... ·U.J!IiI! UI· .. :._ '~:,'~ ~ ~ .. u. _ _. I~,;,' ';. .... r. " . ~~~:1 ! :...-'~! Jg.~.' '~ ~·_II,~ ~1~lLiI .. ~f.· ~ ",v.'~" 'IPfI!-~1 tUI~\

Cr-:a· ... :11.,.. 'm--'-'1'iIt"II:1'~'~n'Qi'i"i"IIfIiC' for ·""",f.'t-'iiDll"' '3'· ,,'b- 0 peri .... .JIr-(' ''I:r\!<!i;,n'l~lllgl'trl''nIn 9,'11. oi;'II.r'\C,

_ .. ~~ ._;_ .~,;i~~~t~iIj·.,Q_~'~~~tI' ~_v.'~, ~,_~, I.' ~c_. ,',.ll,,," ":'~ ,UU ll.l ·~"'~·_.:__g.~. __ Vy, Ip-.~ ·U~I1r.'

'-b"'uf""''''Di' "'If' 1!,.~'", i"a·· H;c" .,l .... ~,'" f' -,'11, ,-, . .11 .. ..11 .... ll" the -._1'~'._.·,_~ e.O",nnma o J)1I~ ,rel,~:n, . - law,lan 0 iowec very ,c.ljose~,y .. ae P0JgtCY

Ii!: hi -:' :rn-rn'ffi' a\iD"~ .. ' e -, • d ~~. "",""'n - A' ",' , h .. " ,'1", ... ,-: " ,- "-1'- d" ... iI;.,' .. '" _ .... ,..1 ' ........ d . ,f·· '. 'd'

OF., ,1,1) ~";lI~rt;.,'!UU.I(J, p,re: ~es,sJ~r.::Si _' e ~.ilJ)O wa_'S~'el[ler.m~mll;;iU ,,"v:.: ,ee'Q~_

'the lights of the Ro:ma'o See among 'the, newly converted peoples,

, . ~ ~ ha .',t.._. G :'1 ... , 'b ILL. t: M-'·' ...... ..::1 ]l"t: lSi :u:ot ,surprISIng: t 'atu~e •. ' ,:re~. ""rO~1I,ets ,~:rom, L._' at(lil;1sciu

'suoh great ,in:b:me~t. on bb; part,


The' concessions be made to the 'new SJa,tooi,c Chmdl.. iln.

M'ora,V',ia ~,es,pec,i~ny the 'Solem:n coOO:nna,ti.on In a speclld, 'buU"

. lof· ,the use o:~ ,~~ S].tl''{fJnlIC Hb;u:gy _, were jnt,endled 'I!I] we;w<cn the inl:['.uence of t'he ,Fran'lid;s''h Churic.h" ;Clo,nsto,nti'J:1.,8' d~ed~ u:n.e.xpect,e.dly '~n ROlne .on F'ebruary 14~ '[8;6·9 (be becaro,e ,91 :mnnk. ,O"D l1,i9: death. .. 'bed ,and, assumed ,tbe name ,of Cyril) and this: ,s~ee'med ,8, se!ri'ou;s se'tba,ck to' th1e :PgPEt~ plans:;· bu,t 'Wh,~D Koceil sent a speCial mes.s:enger 'Dj; Rome :reques:lin.,g the Pope to join his 'ter,ritory- '1'.0 the ,new diocese' plamned;' for ,P,,1 oravia, Hadrian "~HlW' that the moment had: eome :f.,o:r speedy 8cD,O'f.1,. ,M,ethodius 'was there~fom sent forthwith t-o Pannonia so that he; ,might cantle'f' '\rith. the,

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

ell:! ,~'TT .Ii ''iii.'ii''A 'iii.'Ei~'i'O· :,"'D'o"", ~I~ L ,I] ~ ftd2,! U ,~,,~,& ,0, :_",_:_ ~'~~'


:in'tt'!res:ted. partiles iO:O. the :s;pot. 'When he returned ·to Rome 'to report, Hadrian deelded 'to restore the' anci"ent 'Metropolitan See lof S.if1:U1: um (' Srlm. ) for :M',etnadlus cnl!c.l to artach to. his diocese· DOlt o.n]yr. Pannoma, ~\UI' ,ill- ;'I;l~i"i, ·t~~':h,~ 'll~l1·-·d'l\I ,,,,,,::1" ;th··~ ,M·.· o ravtan ,e:itli:ii'~~

_ ~_ '. • _:, _ ~~. ~ -~ .. tJ; !lJ .. " A,J,;;jj'!U! ~ ,JI!:~., ~ u , ~., '.. _ .'11'" ,II! '" Ii.). g,IILx.;;,.

'1-'· . '!O-7'n th -. -. .- - . '.' .,' - - . .. ..' ~,..;l ,~, . H' ,- -'. . ,..,1:... t~ 'FoJL,·· B" - 1· ~. ~ ·'L ..

11 O~ U i";, e news was' recelV~, Ul . ·ome~ rna !I;;uJ€ .·ul.ganan s, 'WHO

had accepted ,th~ ]'il".r.~''''d,.I~cFJ;~~,O·· n of Born .. J~' in [l',~~~ h a; d ·n .. ,o,~~, return ·,li!iid.' 1

_ ',_ .. '1;,;0'11;;,-'_. _¥ ~ __ ..... I'!!.I!I- J!I~, .!!l""'U, 11.1 V ,'Ii!J! ..... , DmiJ'~~, "\ _ ,","ILl;, , ,,,", ,

~, ,th~,t'--f 0" '. -~ .. - - Th--' - .•.. ·f·' -f. .".- h'-"" '., R' .-' ~ ·H·· _~iI-~·_ .~.

~v . _. ';I~. OL lOyzafl:U.Wlm". _ . ,IS : . SiC}!;;. may .' 'I,V"e' In Uenceu ,I, ·t~,'uJf,lall 5

.JI ..'


In any ease It W,8,S a 'v-e:ry 'bold steeke and. from 'the o~.b;et invited

OO .... ·til.~l~i"Ij;l!o ·i;!Ilri'·J;;LI:~ , .. 'l.,,;jjJ; 'n"Ii:"~nD' Fra nklsh G': "e'II!"I"n;Q'D C'h-·UFn·h· iT'L. 1· "". ne wI" ·.10

, 1m ,[~'~, Tr.ll Qil. lJUl~' ,1_', ~~'IJLIJI~1 . _J '_ l_, _ •. ~_Jt .. ~- _: ._ L. _ a , iIl;,~.~JJIa. " ._< _,_,,:. _l_~ '~_'._~ ,I. IJ:__~! [:. I ': . ',._.," Illl~"B'

've]opme-nt caused the Bavarian bi'5ho:p~l 'to abandon the:i'f am.'" btttcus and caf"ef'uUy hud plans, and when 'Ut,~)', learned ,of dIe. P~pei~s intli!nti.Oi1:S,~ ,they protest'ed by send i'ng I, memorandum "to Leuis the Cerma'D~ t'be:h:' Kin,g: 0=; and perb apt; . also to the Em,per-or Louis '1'1.. ]'[1. spH~ of some .disb'J,rtj,on ~1 hi:storlc~l faets, 'th·i~

d -,' 'I d "Th - ·c'~· ,.' f.'h c·:-·' -h" d'

... '.~" • _ . ., ".,_._. . - ., '-- '!.. "- .. -"11' "'-' " ..

.. ocument, en b I. e . ,e' .. eon vers lUll] D: ; t, e '." a.1"a~:, t .. amsns anc

Ba varians," ':is Vlt.ry fmpo'rt8_n:t for the' study of the Chr,b;tiaroiza.t;i.on

, . ,

d- "1· - .. f-'th- f p" . d Nori

;::-:- ··t.~·· ··i-"_-:-:-,:;:·.·.'(·. 'r" -. :. -'J '··I"·:-.-~:·-'·- r ,'1" .;- ..... , .:-, ,-.1 ".', ••• - '·'1'····

an. CO.ODrzatlOr:i, n. ., ,e .'. ormer .' a,DllonUI, ,an·.· ,." on/cum",

~fiii"i iiin~\ii"'W'" ;;;.~ ~'''\61' V' l~'~u'~ ~t~' 'a~ ·tb, -. e Pooe wa i'1' ~,o."'; .;J1~nig- ~ ou It~ M, 'A-

.I, 1[1~"'[, u; I:u-Jj, '-jlLlil"g,t~ i- j! ~ la !'~ . .' ,r', .. r·~' ' .. - .. _'.:~I!l' ~!~)lI~UI.iI· '.:'.~. 'U'., .:_', ~i:-

.,:L.,d· ~ s as Areh "b'~-'Il:-" ~ .. "~ S':::·'~-··~·I···' --:-'. '.': ·t-"'i!-, ,.'h· ...... ' .~,-- .' I~'·',~· >;l:. 'I'l!

UI,O. .lillS as n.rc". JiSlllillp Ollnn nun WI·,n ", JB· coanrmanon Or an

these unpreeedented pri'vH~:g·.e!5~ the po~itfca] .situation. in ')"1 oravia sudd,enly ,cha:ng[~d and Louis the Gl~fUlan became 't,empof;ari~y

'.,~ C.i-,j.,-~ -£ t·h-··~ -."''1;- '1-, - f."tFiJ ,,_". ·-·h·''Ii- Rastislav's .,' .. _11..1 .• '

master 01 ." e wno e Cn!lJlR"'.,i" .J,\1I.eanw," he ,as;".~s·_ a. _, s nep,uew

S~·· .1' ~ 't·,-· '. :11- -:k-'l ,~~ .~ .;I-.! .... 1"1;" if·. beco .'''','' .~ ~ .~·lL '-~ ~ ,'. l:.' .- .. 111 ,j.'L." ., . 11 •. ~, d· . ....... d'

. '\ 3lupnl . '1' .~m.pftiUlelll" , .. 0 ecome ruter o.~; a Jj mese ,YiJan·· S::; man ,e.

. . . '1I}" - " .. ~~h fhe "E""' ~.iI; F' ~ 11 ... :- ·Ih· . 1"iIo< '. ~ de '. · - .'. 'u,.·,...;' 1'"

an ,all 'I,anee Wl'," _:_. '1; : e .". a.s!J: ramcs ~ W:; 0 a, rer '. epQ~nn,g; nJ:l .. sns av

J- _ .•

'L. ~.,::' . "d· d·', " d 0'."".. "'. " r'~ d 'h~ '". : .', ,~. ~ h Fe: ~~n- ktsh m;lf't!j'jj,ili; ~'~'A~ -S" 'V' ''i!!il't~ nn'1:, C k

[J'dn_l!'. an '. '.lm In u, :" ,rtQ " .. ''''' . 'U"iI'IIA"~~~f 0, "~. ,,~,It'".IU ,

had to .",'1-. " .','1 '''d' :-- .~. 1"'- -';f;. P'i; -.' '-"k-~" h sum . '[,,,' .'-'--'.' ·d·· 11 .. _. 'L,.: .. - ".

'~" i 0 aleKnow,le~ge ,-:,a~h; .' ,[,9;0 .. IS, :supr@ma"c,Y ann aiso necame,

1: .. , . -' ',' Ii'';; -. '.' ..:: ,", .',~. "1 -', - .. ',e: f; LI' - ,,- ~i .. th ~, r». l~~- ').' .,

1;.o.,J a nme, a p,.n~Qne:r 0: .' ·Otns· , , e ~erma!l"

A 'd' ., .",&, 'I::. - ~,,~ ~- .- 'd' 't'h" t-- .. ~ -' :h~'~ '. ·'l·f··· ,..,L ':d',~, , ...., to' .. ' ,'., .... ,!I-, .

.'ft··, so 1,1;: .uappefl6." I'.:: ,a· r W 118 HI e!' JItS was, Fe: I!1m.l,ng: 1,,0

-~ o'

'ta,lcJe. U:P msl', be wa~ ane's;tBd by B,9\r,aris,'D 'troops ,and ·tri.ied

~y ,(I. local synod. ;0.1' .soi"h~ 'Pfe~dded ,OVM 'b¥' 'the~ Al'"(~;h.b:isllop, ~)f S',aJ z'bur get un. chu.~g,es· 0,£ 'bebJ g: ,an'r a'Dd a U,s,UIpe1f of epis~pal ,ri,_gib_ts!~ H,e was tmeatened 'by ller'ma:n'ricb~, .S,h;'ho'p Df

P " ... 'fL. '~b·· 'h- 'h" .. Ji d ",]1 - d'- h ~'k d , assau:p Wl[-.!ll.e~ng . ~nrse-w.ll,p'p.ey,,. 9!n-~. -' 'to _,e ._.oc ... _.e:~.

~ -

l'Tbe: old S]a,¥(1Jn~c :61Jil'm ,oE bis :G!Mn_e was .s,d~~o:p,l1t\ German !!:,'b;ron~e]e~

·adIed .him S'ventmbJld.,

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

n,p-:: in a, Bl varian mOI'.uts:tCf'lV :1 Niic'bolas,~,s: {tt,lr ,of the g' ~m~: ,~:-- pi :~ ". '." <; ,"

- -- ,- -" ,- --,- ,_.- __I ~l" '. ' " -,,' ", "'" ' '\'Vll1,D.power

jr,' th ' B:' ',- .' -', '-b':" ho ' , " , ,11 "')1' ,t ",' fo ',did s,,, .-;' ,', --'.'1-' 1L

f.h~, .e '.' .r a,v;a:nan, ,'~~~ ops was ,p..liaul UU.fJrlllQ· e ,,_ v,at9p' .. u.,

a·ppear.s to, have heen present art the: synod, powerless tQI undo 'whsl.'t his O\VD. 'mucbief had ereafed,

lVhile Methodius was trylng: t,g send news of ,b]~ 'pUghJt: t-o Rome, tlu~:r.e was 3J'u.::iero there about the c-esult: of hh;, misston

, ., - - ~ -- - - ,-, .. , - -, ,- --, - , ,., J' ,-,- ,..,,', :r, , , , , " , -, -, - !ii.

and. 'wbell Bishopl Anno ,of' F,~-ejsilJg. paid 'a 'v'bdt to th.e Pope, 'be:

I ... , .... d £.....c A .... _'1L,b'" h M" iIi..L, d" '8' 'iL A

.,as ;J.S'~ •• , roC ,UtfWS' or ,,~,,:JtJlj, .... 'l!L ·np '::' ',eu.10~_ lms, .: lS;~!tOp .. ' .'. ,Dno

're -Ii . ·d ,tllt,.., 'h"'" "b' d' m-'v" he '. do' of 1..,,::: , .. .JI "'t, ' ... 'n II- ·till ,.L.,"; ....

. _:_.p~_e~, ',c__JI,!,!" . e '. la·, ,_e, er e;ar, or mm, .1'_' was _~O'!L un iLiUJ-OO

',.-, ',", 'II-:.&c ' ,th ·t'" 'P',,-, '" J- ·~.'l..I"" 'v·: '1'[']' 1·· ' .... d,·i.," t, h' ad ha ,,--,,,' - "'d'~ '11..",;, :years, Jla",ef.' ,_,--a.~.. ope _'UlIlD",·.· earnea wnar nae ... _._apipene:_ ~ ne

" d' , '11 d' Ji..Jl''O '11 "D ~ L. £ .. A

unme:la:t~i.IJy !,·'esplt'lc.1I1eu ,t-aUJ:j .61:iJS;~,il.Op 0',' .'~ 'D,oona, as; ,9. ,J[U~~5~nger

to tile Bavarian bidl.ops and 'to ,King: LoMis ·the IGennan:~ demand,·,

.", c'o" .I:.'fL·· ,-1[. r '. ..1: C'M" eth odl ".' T- Iii... 'I - t··iI;,··, '. J!,.,':, 'IL. ,"'h·· . '11 'w' ,II. .., '. '!,.ll

lil1.l';; me .rc'J],ea:se 01 I .. ,!!G'l. I o:_ lUS". rne se trers W:,uICn IL.e J!e:~,a. ... e ,CHIT]eu

'" ,',' " .,c"'I,,~"~"d," '"'" Io :"""1,1 :ii" .. --' .... )~ :~-' ,,Ii;'b'i" p::"'" ,;"".""',,, ,',," ,,,~,,-"·i'"'' ,iL:L""

were cunene_" ~D rorcei U ,te'fmS'i ,Ill tne " ope 5 OplDlon!! Ute.

,a,llda·ci'~' shown by the Bavarian bisho:(lIS out-topped the clouds,

, 't.. 'V' ... , ....... '11,11 I-if' .'" '-'.' ,f.. '" eJ '. ' v "" h h" ll'-'" al

:nay~1 neaven ~.~e.)('" .:' one were ~,Ol we ~ Pi over sue _ ,.)Ian~jl;C,',-,

d;epravlty~ t'be :Pope 'Ynote to ,Qf' Passau ~ all Je;re .. mtah's tears ·w-· o~,~,1id n ..... t ~- ,.m~ -..tJj;' A'I'I the r.::i"~p'onl'!'~bl;O;i 1!...1J,l"h'oplt'!' were

1~,.16_:I,J~ ·':',~._JI-~ !:.: .. , .. ~J"'~; I.U":, a-UIUC.'I£Ij'!Ij .'.-'. I, 'i~, :'!~;:" ... ·-:,.,.'i."J\iJ~· .. JJJI~! ~ltil~!, .. :-·.,· .•. iJ! ·.·.' .. ~·~IN

t.em:m)orarUv· susp~· ended and severelv lectured on. eanon law, KtDf1

. _. . ,I[ .. ',/.. , ,.. .',' -, .... - \ . Y , ... .. _.. . . - - .. ,-, _. , . -,0

L' ~'- th G'" "-~ ". . ' d'i 'it..'J_ c:-"· -'Ii. - .,. . ,~-. , ... i!o .... " . d eit-b

. OU1S, tr ~,e.-:-ennall, an" 1u:I:5 ,·-a.I:IlOm,a:n, were ,DOlt, :spar--e ,':::_, .'. er ..

It was stated Ihat' the rights of' dl~ Holy See were inaUen;a,DI:te'

II' _

and that !{)in'ly the barbarian invuioDI had prevented .. R,tlwe! from

clai:Dllin,g direct ]uri.stCI.i:ctlon over Pannenia,


, "

J ohn VIII stood £:as't He. bled 'b~ contact 'Koool directly- and

add ressed an ]iO'H''l'-'l'"t- "'l,t-·;'.t'iII'II'Ii' t-·1&I"i1 t-''Lie, 'S', erbian Prinee ''I..I·[','til!'iftil';'.· ·w·-,-'·'I!..·.n

!gt j.'-' '~J t~~iI1!~' .. M I J~lll T' , Q ..:..!IllU-I~, , 'U ,,01, •. ,,_ I, _: _' ,'_ '_ '" .. ~~,d.JI, ,,",IIj..__l~IJ.!b ... ~ ,r~rl" ' .• , JULI.lJdlj~ i ',' ,0,'-11

·rul1Hd. over wha t 'had been '~1'oes]a. Inf'er]or'~ to ,ru~know:tedg,e: Ule' new h4etropalitan 'See 01:' g,i:mld,urn: as reorg~n,i;~ed ,for the new'

], H, W. ZileJg~el" :ili h;~, stUld.,' '~iI:Der. S·~a;'w~!rI.apo~,t@~, l\t'~lt'hooh,~ lm ·~~k~hjwa'be,n,· ~aw.ide~' (Jabl',tt~Ch du: ,R isIQt,. V:etel"1lS ,1"i,l'I~'"gl~!1 (f,.~!.,li :LI I [l"Dl , pp. 169=,'1,891) ,o~Jl,dud,~ th8i!t '~h~! ,U'omvia;n a,~chbis~QPi '~~s :tmprisonOO. iIn ,E'U .. · w,a .. ;~g'en in the· B:la,,·'k ··FOf-eS~:. The ~y.ruod W,~S prcibalM,y' l~eld ':~n :F.'l'eisin~., ,See F\ ,Gri\'!~t;"1 nQtja~dlones Cy.ri:no.-,M!~Lh\~ u 10 Onien:t" r CI~J',ls1~'. "~T.i.('jd~ ,XV,IIF. (.195,2 ),' :pp. 1.13~11 B~ and 8., Sia,.;a.,(?'s· ~jBem!~~kM,gcn/~ .r.btd;, XX (' 1954 ) ~

P,P" 11·fi....HiOI" -I

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~IN

,~iIi!" e 'V'D1i'L' A" 'lil.n"'Ii ''Iii'~~Dr''m''~' a~~ I. &.·u, '", 1 ',I;'tI~! ~~ .• ,.I:-~U,' ,. ", "ii1f.

'Hbll'8:r:t 'the G,:r.'k: Methodms. Only:in '~oD,e parH'culM' dId, tbe Pope make' 3; cc{lIDce.$sloD 'to one of the "maio' ,grle:v,ance-.l of the :Fr,anki~b bis;bop~: '_ be f;or'bad,e, ,the use 0:1 Sljl:vornic' m, the: litur,gy~, 'It'may be dla't a CfJ,'PY' of the memora,ndum ',addressed "b) :Louis the Ger,m,nn bf 'the, Ba'va:ria'8, ep!isoopate ,in 870 had found, ,its w,ay to ,Rome., There this acousatien :m1ly 'be, r,eIR,d, 8:gains,t :M:,~tbo(lit1s ~ ~Wlth hiS' ,new'-fan.gled, philos~phy and' ~his recently 'iJJivented, Slavonic' l'eft,e'F:s be' undemU'lles: the Latin 1 acm guage,. the Rom .. an, doctr.ine and UI:e oJlieiaJ LatH.n. wrlIting; ,he vililies :be,loife tbewho],c people (in Shl vic countries] the 'M'as;s~, the: Gl~pel and the eccleslastieal ,alice of the p,rie:stl v~dd'ch I SiD far] they have eelebrated in. La;ti~n. N'

The words wen. e'~p'r'es;s .the Fr~,Dlt~sb, cler,gy"s; ,s:hooked, be!wjlder-, ment a:t' thisnew method rOf :rmssionruy ,~aotivity and, ,iUustr,8;,te the Latin complex tha:t had developed, Si'llce: C:harl,ema,gne and Wtu:

, - t., -, 't- _. ii4 .f' - st - - - dl - '" - '~, - .. ":1L - ,II!:' 'Ii) - --

mere cnaraceansnc 0'1: wes tern ,a.u~ _' eastern .t~r.anGla,lu=lUl 0.1: nume

i'tl e If,. :~ja'kiDg the, ,co,ncess:ion did. r.Ult, gt,eatl,y- 'b"ou.b~e the,_ Pope SlO! lon,g as he couJd ,p~acat,e! the' :B,avan:ans;l but i't 'was ,8 ma;Her in, 'wbic,h M,ethocHus: cO'l,lmd sQ,~rce]y have been, expected f-'O co:neur',. A.U ,hls: ,s:ucces:s' 'the, Slavs was:' :w,aimy due bJ 'tb,e' uS,e oJ a Sbl:vg,uie: litu:rg)"., SOl he :paid :nQ heed ,to the pa,pa') in:]UnCUOD, and, 'bl,g,ellier \Vi,th, 'his (U~u=iples, carried 0:0. as beI'ore in the hl,tereJi;t: of 'the~ C'h.ur en, " 1O,e le~t,e himsellf may have seen the diSi:culty of actin,g otherwise, and '~I"~tbodius: ho,ped. to e,xplaln 'the: m1lHer :personaUy to 'lbe Pope before a d,efimiite de,cis,ioQ: 'W~:~ reaehed; :f:tJf' be was as'ked, to lie'purl io. ,person. to Bome after t\v,o, :yean~, when the Pop.e proposed ,to m:akc a :6nal d,ecis;i.aft OIn th.e. w'h~',le affair",

M' th - .';11,;:i f 11-, I'll th' -I - '.' 'b -. ,- t, ,'I!.. ]1"' '., '11

er ,,?th:us I,e'~.t aJ~, .' ne easier at ·ou:t :It eecause t;u,e :po, ltlc'a ...

s,i:ma:ti,on hl Mo~r,a,via had altered ,9"ga:hl in his, :£;a,V(Jrl'" The :~'IO\fi,rvhln:5;. revolted, :ag,at'i.nst the 'F:rali.']dsll nobles who 'W€.fi13: admin ''":~tl-,~w:'n'g:"-, ,L1!-.,g, '~~l·:''':o;'<n1' d:ur-~,t"jiog,._~, S.-_··V'i'5;'t"i"lIIfl'lIU: ;l",',:Ii'il! ~-yj~~1'9! in E= i!liiit'l,'''' 'FI-~'~''''':!'D_

,1 , ]I i.l!' ,!;:;oJ! Ii, _ l,UIY- IN.-'C'iI. Ii" I!.,'U~ t li1.i!I~".. ~ ""',i['".L .. :Ii.:!iiIi ~ '!!lIi ClI<i.'J t, JI, a,!J,:I!~ilA"

and Svatopluk vu'luu:teet'ed to placate the popuJ3;tion~ Instead, he! joilne'd, hands with the rebels and under :hi:.s: Ieadership ,th~y ,3.liInihJ:l,a;ted 'the Bavarlsn army'" He defea'ted. eve(ry Frankis,h, cllElitingeut: sent ,aJ,g,aJDlt: 'him and f,e'mained undts;pu:te~, master of:

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

'P . .t'mi]lf 'V' s~ 1'" Ai". '!I:J9I'7'!! iif'!in~lLlZAi!"Ii"'''''n:lii.'r' l~-~~ '·~Ta~~ ~~"'-~~I··".aI& .. Un

the M·ora·v.ia:n. Sbt'b-:t The Fr.a'nks: accepted the i'Oen.table and. s.jg.D.ed. a peace b:·-ea'ty' In ,874il

~·all"a .ftO··1111;ii'\'wBd' a. pAM _,..J '0(' w-'· de DFnO' -.- ;t;;"'O- ~ - B'" -1.. - . '! - .. - .

. I"u~.-"" iI..l1·v_.'~" L.~.&UU,.Jf ·,·· .. t~,~ I""':'':i. _':n~!Ii_!I;I'i' . .I .. ne. ·o,!fICDllan

D'IU!k~ Bori'V'oj ,and. 'tAe Sorb~ 0'£ .mpdem. Sbony joined the ne~ S'lavi:c f,sd.entia,n .. 'They were followed. 'by- the ,Sia;v9 on th,6 ·Vis.tula:J1 whose eapJ:ta] 'was CJf"')OW~ 'The: Vita M:ethod·i·j i·ta·.les· (Cbap~ Xl:)

.. 11... ~t ~'h - A-· .... ehb !!' -1!.. on ~ - 11' '"- - -- ,,- iIic ---- - ........... R';'L - "-"'Ik tu I,

UI,a! "L~ -e .... -.-cJJI. '(1l1ifJ'';';'lIi 'U' m 'VaID 'vO oonv~' "m,e ;ml,gn',~ i }"l1D,Ce

;i'"iID .i.,L,~ V::·~'iI1!:tu· 'lOi~!' ft;'i!"ild' i 'pCiiP\t'i;ip·-·:h·n.dsd' 1 "'on. ''L~,....-- ·tb,o.jI" 'ha 'w' •. fi·I~,ld- be d~ e-·.fa,"lIj.l---..;iid- .

'lUI " _. I;..U'!i;;;; . .Ii>l:!i .• g, Qi.JlJL ". : ,II/,U c I ~JI."'._- !Lv 1.l.Ql1l . .~ .c' ~ ·_-_vlLU.< . ''Ii,;I' 1 __ '_:I1.~~.~""", ... it

~1i"i:n+-~'''',;illId: ""10-'- 'd- 1b.··a- n~-''''''d-'-I m"-~ q f:.n.ltPiie:n ''il,i!lii'",d'~ Tb:·· he pro- :;:-nl!..;Atfr;v ;iI"Ii!'i;'i!'na;,

~=-=Ur'Il.,U1I,~·~· IlL. ~~, U1 -'r)~~'~'- .:_' . [~ .. · .. v-~·~b.I~-~· ,J~.'1!j "-~' ... i ",IJtJJ~J' ~,~~,

true.! This pas.;$,age: may j··ustiS.;;lbly be intmp:retoo ~5 a .ref'efen.w to Siva; 'CODg),Uest lof the f'anner Whi,te' C;r:oatia .. ,so j't eame abo-n,t. that S,v~to,lll~ukj's; ·~p.ilfe ·9t-ellded £:[-IJm. tb.e .Eloo, and. die· ,sade t:o 'the. upper Bug and ,tbe S~'~ and. in. the east ,and south to the T:is·za and. 'the Danube ~ wj,th fa'it .prospects: of: ,annexing :P,HnrRoma..

A, ~·ea.t SlavIc em.p,ue·~ COIlS,tmltiOO P'O.rphyrolil,enns'rus: ,ea·Ued. it '~G·rea:t M·nr.a,vi·a:N ........ was: th,ul in process of' forma:tion in the heart of Catral E:UJ-0,pe tma't seemed likely to' 8 bseeb the: othet Siavi.c tribes to the north and, and tn, .SitDP :fC'Fe.ver the pro,gJ",ess: ,0,( the FraJ;iJ~k'~l and. the' CermallS. ·tOYl!ar-ds the e SiS t, Its -Slav.,e eulture, r'Oot·~ In By~n·tfmn and com'bbled, ·with. 'West~m and Latln el,emei:nts, gav-e u: tbe ,css:eruual cf)oditi.o(D o.f· permanence and mspbtye.d in .its. Slavonic :U't~gy a mix.tore of ,Byzantine .. and,

Rlii"jl;-m";~'n'- n-A.loi"'ioi'!'. _ _ ~ . '_ ,Q , ~~iIi

'My tb.eil1ldid Sv;a,tD'p·~'lJk 'support M:e'thodA:usoln!y ka]f,-heartedly and show' great-ell f.avoll· to! ,the .Frankish. clergy'pl When .Metiuli'l" dius was !i'CC1,Uied of' idIsobed~em.ce and 'h,er-etica1 t.ea,ehing~ he went tiD ROIme~ accom.pani,ed by ,8, La.tin priest named 'Wlc'b'i'n"g" ·w'·ho 'wm:ked jto Momv.ia and was a fliV~l)rite 01 Srvato:pluk" Th~re he cleared lils' cha:r.;actel' and. the Pope prneeoo!ed with the ar,g~'n·i"2'.a'DOll. of' :Mctbodi.U1ls: 'me'tr,opolitan diocese;, 'but at this point an, un",· :(:armuQ't,c oonoossio.n bad to be .m,ade l,o S·v,a,m,plnl(;~ 'who req,ue,s:ted t'hat 'Wiching 'btl 'made -theB;ishopl ·of 'felt tha.t: ·this. a,ppointmen.t w,()uJd 'handica:p 'his 'work;, but: fn .givi.D;g 'wily he hoped bl find. ,3;. compeu-sa:tion :i'O; the £,ae:t. tba't 'heoeefomu,d

Original from UNIVERSITY OF MI(H1{j~,N

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