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11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: START DATE TIME: 11/25/2010 22:37:14

11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600

Service Pack 3
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: CLR VERSION: 2.0.50727.42
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: MACHINE NAME: D5-8ADCA377549D
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: USER NAME: dr
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: CURRENT DIRECTORY: 'D:\Program Files\Draycir\Cr
edit Hound'
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: SYSTEM DIRECTORY: 'C:\WINDOWS\system32'
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Credit Hound Version (
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.dll in s
eparate thread.
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Loading the configuration file...
11/25/2010 22:37:14 PATH OUTPUT - VALUE: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Ap
plication Data\Draycir\Credit Hound\Configuration.xml' - Path to the configurati
on file.
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Extracting the shared path...
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: The path to the shared data: C:\Documents and S
ettings\All Users\Application Data\Draycir\Credit Hound Data\
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Validating the shared path...
11/25/2010 22:37:14 PATH OUTPUT - VALUE: 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Ap
plication Data\Draycir\Credit Hound Data\' - The path to validate.
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Shared Path: C:\Documents and Settings\All User
s\Application Data\Draycir\Credit Hound Data\
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Company Template: C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Draycir\Credit Hound Data\COMPANY TEMPLATE
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Signatures Directory: C:\Documents and Settings
\All Users\Application Data\Draycir\Credit Hound Data\Signatures
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Configuration Database Path: C:\Documents and S
ettings\All Users\Application Data\Draycir\Credit Hound Data\
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Attempting to load the assembly 'Draycir.Credit
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Attempting to get the type 'Draycir.CreditHound
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: Attempting to create an instance of the type 'D
11/25/2010 22:37:14 INFORMATION: No timeout value found in the registry.
11/25/2010 22:37:15 INFORMATION: The configuration database has previously been
11/25/2010 22:37:15 INFORMATION: Checking for updates...
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.Chart.dl
l in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.Design2.
dll in separate thread.
11/25/2010 22:37:16 INFORMATION: Licence Key: <Not Registered><KYP4ZRFYQY3AK7RUJ
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.HtmlExpo
rt.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.Interop.
dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.PdfExpor
t.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.RtfExpor
t.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.TextExpo
rt.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.TiffExpo
rt.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.Viewer.d
ll in separate thread.
11/25/2010 22:37:16 INFORMATION: Loading global configuration settings...
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.Wizards.
Addin.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ActiveReports.XlsExpor
t.dll in separate thread.
11/25/2010 22:37:16 INFORMATION: Prompting user for login details...
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\ChartFX.WinForms.Data.
dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.Xpo.v8.2.dl
l in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraBars.v8
.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraCharts.
v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraGrid.v8
.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraNavBar.
v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraPrintin
g.v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraReports
.v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraRichTex
tEdit.v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraSpellCh
ecker.v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraTreeLis
t.v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\DevExpress.XtraVertica
lGrid.v8.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Draycir.CreditHound.Ac
tions.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Draycir.CreditHound.Ca
lendar.Outlook.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Draycir.CreditHound.Cr
editGuardian.Controls.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Draycir.CreditHound.Cr
iteria.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Draycir.CreditHound.Le
gacyReporting.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Draycir.CreditHound.Re
porting.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Draycir.CreditHound.Ru
les.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Infragistics2.Excel.v9
.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Infragistics2.Win.Ultr
aWinDataSource.v9.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Infragistics2.Win.Ultr
aWinDock.v9.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Infragistics2.Win.Ultr
aWinGrid.ExcelExport.v9.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Infragistics2.Win.Ultr
aWinMaskedEdit.v9.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Infragistics2.Win.Ultr
aWinPrintPreviewDialog.v9.2.dll in separate thread.
Successfully loaded D:\Program Files\Draycir\Credit Hound\Infragistics2.Win.Ultr
aWinSchedule.v9.2.dll in separate thread.
11/25/2010 22:37:23 INFORMATION: User clicked cancel...
11/25/2010 22:37:23 INFORMATION: Closing connection to the host system...
Log Ended 11/25/2010 22:37:23

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