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When we create an object to a class then it allocates memory for data members of that

class. When program end memory locations will be destroy before that loosing that data
to store them we go for store the object of that class into a file/disk called serialization
and exactly in reverse getting object data from file/disk is called De-Serialization. But
here in this process we have separate Java API
Applet life cycle:

An Applet is a small java program, which is executed in the special browser(like

appletviewer) the lifecycle of an applet is as follows:


The init(),and destroy() methods called only once. but stop (),and start() methods called
many times.
Abstract class: Abstract class can contain abstract methods and concreat methods
(implementation methods).

Interface: An Interface contains only abstract methods(not concreate methods).

JVM means Java Virtual Machine.. Java was an object oriented language, JVM it contains
both compiler and interpreter other languages having only compiler or interpreter..

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