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The first dental school was in Baltimore, Maryland created in 1840.

But of course people were

fixing their teeth before that. In Indus Valley Civilization evidence was found of dentistry that dated back

to 7000 BCE! All fifty states require their dentists to have a DDS (Doctorate of Dental Surgery) or a DDM

(Doctorate of Dental Medicine). Both of these occupations take around eight years to gain but if you

have great dedication then it could be possible to graduate from pre dental school in only two years. If

accomplished you still need four years of dental school and there is no way to speed that time up and

still graduate. Dentist specialize in many different jobs including treat tooth decay, fill cavities, study x-

rays of the teeth and jaws, and put sealants on teeth to protect them. Some people are afraid of the

dentists because of their sharp objects and shots, but without dentistry our teeth would be coated with

very thick layers of plaque (paste that creates teeth to rot) and we would have discolouring in our teeth.

We owe our beautiful smiles all to the work dentists and what knowledge they pass on to us to keep our

teeth clean in the 6 months where we are on leave from the dentist’s office.

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